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Моды на майнкрафт 1.11 toomanyitems.

Скачать TooManyItems 1.12.2, 1.11.2, 1.10.2 и 1.7.10 - Just Enough Items

Мод TooManyItems делает доступ к блокам удобным, меняй день/ночь, управляй погодой, мод помогает игроку быстро находить блоки через удобное GUI и есть функция сохранения инвентаря.

TooManyItems горячие клавиши (управление):

  • Как Включить/Выключить - Нажмите кнопку O (русская Щ )
  • Добавление предметов: Левый клик по предмету в правом меню добавит полный стак (64,16,8), правый клик добавит один предмет.
  • Спавнеры: Вы сможете создать спаунер и изменить тип моба который он будет создавать. Важно: если вы переименуете имя создаваемого моба на, например на "лодку", то игра вылетит.
  • Бесконечные стаки/предметы (только в одиночной игре): Shif +левый клик по предмету в правом меню что бы добавить бесконечные стаки или не ломающиеся инструменты, зажигалку и т.д.
  • Табы: Используйте иконку сундука, звезды и книги.
  • Избранное: добавляет предметы, которые вы обычно используете. ДОБАВИТЬ в избранное можно: (1) кликнуть на предмет в панели избранного, (2) alt +клик по предмету в панели предметов или (3) нажать на кнопку избранное в панели зачарования. УДАЛИТЬ предмет из избранного можно нажав alt +клик в панели.
  • Зачарование: (в одиночной игре, может работать на некоторых Bukkit серверах) Нажмите на предмет в панели зачарования. Используйте кнопки + и - что бы выбрать уровень зачарования. Нажмите на кнопку создать что бы выполнить зачарование, или на кнопку Избранное что бы добавить в панель избранного
  • Game mode(ГМ): Нажмите на кнопки S , C , и A в панели в режиме выживание, креатив, и adventure mode.
  • Время: Нажмите на иконку луны или солнца что бы поменять время в режиме выживание, креатив, и adventure mode.
  • Уровень сложности: Нажмите на иконку крипера что бы выбрать уровень сложности.
  • Здоровье/Голод: Нажмите на иконку сердца что бы пополнить запас здоровья и голода по максимуму.
  • Vanilla server команды: /give {0} {1} {2} {3}
  • Bukkit с Essentials mod команды: /item {1}:{3} {2}
  • The Too Many Items Mod 1.13 and 1.12.2 is one of the oldest inventory mods for Minecraft today. It’s also one of the most appealing in terms of inventory control and the features the mod offers, as compared to other inventory mods like Not Enough Items. Anyone who has ever tried Too Many Items can tell you it’s just like having access to the full list of Minecraft items, like what you get when you’re playing on Creative mode and you open up your inventory. You also get to pull spawn eggs and mob spawners from this specialized inventory, even if you’re playing on Hardcore mode.

    TooManyItems Mod 1.13

    The TooManyItems Mod is good for more than just editing your inventory and pulling items out of thin air in circumstances where you normally could not. You can also use this mod to create your own items as well as customize them with images, icons, colors and more. You can even access items you would never normally see, even if you were playing in Creative mode, and you might be surprised to see a handful of items the Minecraft team removed from the game but left in all of the data which makes Minecraft work.

    While you can create, save, load and destroy inventories with a series of clicks, Too Many Items goes beyond your inventory window to do even more for you. With this mod, you can easily switch game modes with a click rather than inputting any commands in-game. You can also control time, setting it to any point throughout the day that you like, even freezing time, so the world stays bright or dark as you prefer. Too Many Items even lets you control the weather, allowing you to create rain and snow storms on a whim. While some of these features aren’t exactly useful, they’re still nice to have.

    The latest release of the Too Many Items mod features a few upgrades over older versions, as might be expected. The best of the bunch is probably the “fuzzy search” as the mod’s author calls it. Now you don’t need to put in the exact name of an item to look it up – instead you just need to use an assortment of letters which appear in the item name. For instance, you can quickly pull up Redstone comparators in the Too Many Items inventory by searching for RCMP. This works for every block, item and tool in Minecraft.

    New Features

    • The new 1.13 and 1.12.2 items
    • Enhanced enchantment, potion, and firework panels
    • All-new custom items: colored leather, player heads, signs with text, filled flower pots, preselected note blocks
    • New fuzzy search! You don’t have to type all the letters (e.g. RCMP for Redstone comparator)
    • Press enter in the search box to spawn the top item! Get items quicker than ever
    • Everything now fits in a sidebar; no more overlap with potion effects etc.
    • Easier My Items (favorites) editing with helpful tooltips
    • Rename save states
    • Unlimited stacks is now a global setting, along with keep items on death, prevent rain and more
    • Unlimited stacks refresh without ModLoader/Forge as long as you’ve opened the inventory
    • Switch to spectator mode
    • Improved multiplayer custom item spawning (still only if within chat length limit)
    • Fixed some bugs, possibly added new ones
    • Removed Herobrine spawner

    Installing Guide for Too Many Items Mod

    1. Make sure you have installed a version of .
    2. Download the mod and put the .jar file in the following location:
      • %appdata%\.minecraft\mods for Windows users
      • ~/.minecraft/mods for Linux users
      • ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/mods for Mac OS X users
    3. Run the game and have fun!

    Download Too Many Items Mod

    The download links that are below are protected and safe to download. We be sure that there isn"t any viruses or malwares within the links we offer. We additionally know that Minecraft gamers usually search for the newest updates of Minecraft downloads. If a version of Too Many Items Mod that you want isn"t listed below, leave us a comment to let us know about it.

    The TooManyItems Mod 1.13.1, 1.12.2 and 1.11.2 is one of the oldest inventory . It is also one of the most attractive in terms of inventory control and modern features compared to other inventory mods like . Anyone who has tried TooManyItems may say it’s just like having access to the complete list of Minecraft items like what you get when you’re playing in a creative way and you open your inventory. You can also use spawning eggs and mob spawners this specialized inventory, even if you’re playing in Hardcore mode.

    The TooManyItems Mod is good for more than just editing your inventory and use items in circumstances where you normally could not. You can also use this mod to create their own items and customize them with images, icons, colors and more. You can even use access items you never normally see, even if you were playing in a creative way, and you might be surprised to see a handful of items that the Minecraft team removed the game.

    While you can create, save, load and destroy stocks with a series of clicks, Toomanyitems goes beyond its inventory window to do even more for you. With this change, you can easily switch between game modes with one click instead of entering any commands in the game. You can also control the time, defining it as any point throughout the day you like, while freezing, so that the world may become lighter or darker as you prefer. TooManyItems even allows you to track time, allowing you to create rain and snow storms on a whim. While some of these features are not just useful, they are still nice to have.

    The latest version of the TooManyItems Mod features some improvements over the older versions, as expected. Now you do not need to put the exact name of an item to search for it – instead you just need to use a variety of letters that appear on the item’s name. This works for each block, and item tool in Minecraft.

    TMI 1.11.2 Features

    • Added new 1.10.2 items
    • Enhanced enchantment, potion, and firework panels
    • All-new custom items: colored leather, player heads, signs with text, filled flower pots, preselected note blocks
    • New fuzzy search! You don’t have to type all the letters (e.g. RCMP for Redstone comparator)
    • Press enter in the search box to spawn the top item! Get items quicker than ever
    • Everything now fits in a sidebar; no more overlap with potion effects etc.
    • Easier My Items (favorites) editing with helpful tooltips
    • Rename save states
    • Unlimited stacks is now a global setting, along with keep items on death, prevent rain and more
    • Unlimited stacks refresh without as long as you’ve opened the inventory
    • Switch to spectator mode
    • Improved multiplayer custom item spawning (still only if within chat length limit)
    • Fixed some bugs, possibly added new ones
    • Removed Herobrine spawner

    TooManyItems Mod Installation

    This guide will explain how to install TooManyItems Mod for Minecraft , and older versions. All download links can be find below.

    1. Make sure you properly installed according to the version of the Mod.
    2. Download the mod and put the .jar file in the following folder:
      • % AppData% \. Minecraft \ mods for WINDOWS users.
      • ~ / .minecraft / Mods for LINUX users.
      • ~ / Library / Application Support / minecraft / mods For users of Mac OS X.
    3. Open the .
    4. Select the profile forge api with the same version of the mod.
    5. Good fun!

    Note: If you are still having problems to download or install the file, do not hesitate to ask for help in the comments below, we will respond in less than 24 hours.

    Download TooManyItems Mod

    All Mods on this site are posted on third party sites, or were not hosted by us, we keep the original download link created by the creator of mods, follow the download link below. If the version that you want to download is not listed in the download links below, visit the official TooManyItems Mod Minecraft Thread . If you were still not able to find the right version for you, please leave us a comment and we will be providing the download link.

    There’s only one problem with Minecraft. There are too many items. Too Many Items Mod for Minecraft 1.12 helps players to keep track of which items are in the game, as well as how to craft them, by creating an extra menu in the HUD. By bringing up the Too Many Items menu, players can search for items, find the names and icons for items, learn how to craft items, and even place an item from the menu in their inventory. While this may come across as a way to exploit the game, Too Many Items can serve as a tool for map designing with items that would otherwise be inaccessible to the player. For example, players can now set up custom spawners for use in a creative map. This is wonderful for those who are interested in creating a game mode that requires the use of certain mobs being in a particular area.

    The features don’t stop there. The Too Many Items menu also allows for non-item aspects about the game to be manipulated. For example, players can adjust the time of day within this menu. This is great for creating maps or game modes in creative mode without having to find a nearby bed and skip to daytime, or if a player simply wants to keep working in the daylight or fighting in the nighttime. Game mode can also be changed within this menu. The menu allows for survival, creative, and adventure modes to be accessed at the press of a button. Want to test out a game mode you’ve made? Simply switch from creative mode to adventure mode and see the progress you’ve made? Difficulty can also be changed in this menu. While this is a feature implemented in vanilla, it is notably quicker and simpler to use the Too Many Items menu than having to go to game preferences.

    The 1.8 version also adds new features to Too Many Items Mod, such as adding the new items added in Minecraft 1.8, the ability to go into spectator mode, unlimited stack options, enhanced panels, sidebar, and descriptions, new custom items, and much more. There have also been many bug fixes, creating a smoother experience when using Too Many Items. The multiplayer aspect of Too Many Items has been improved as well.

    It should also be noted that Too Many Items mod is Forge compatible, but does not require Forge to work. This is an excellent feature because it allows players to throw it into a custom mod pack, but players do not have to install additional programs if they wish to use Too Many Items. Of course, there are older versions of Too Many Items, and non-Forge versions are provided as well. In fact, there are versions of Too Many Items that date back to the beta days of Minecraft. Too Many Items proves itself as one of those few Minecraft mods that are a staple mod to install while continuing to get better and better as time marches on.

    Too Many Items Mod Features

    • The new 1.8 items
    • Enhanced enchantment, potion, and firework panels
    • All-new custom items: colored leather, player heads, signs with text, filled flower pots, preselected note blocks
    • New fuzzy search! You don’t have to type all the letters (e.g. ramp for Redstone Comparator)
    • Press enter in the search box to spawn the top item! Get items quicker than ever
    • Everything now fits in a sidebar; no more overlap with potion effects etc.
    • Easier My Items (favorites) editing with helpful tooltips
    • Rename save states
    • Unlimited stacks is now a global setting, along with keep items on death, prevent rain and more
    • Unlimited stacks refresh without ModLoader/Forge as long as you’ve opened the inventory
    • Switch to spectator mode
    • Improved multiplayer custom item spawning (still only if within chat length limit)
    • Fixed some bugs, possibly added new ones
    • Removed Herobrine Spawner

    With TooManyItems Mod 1.13.2 and 1.12.2 you can create and enchant items in-game, including mod items. Save and load entire inventories. Create unlimited stacks and tools. Switch game modes, test mods, create huge survival worlds, and more. Updated quickly!

    TooManyItems Mod Usage

    • Turn On/Off: Press the “o” key while in the inventory screen. You can change this key by editing the configuration file.
    • Add items: Left-click on items in the right sidebar to add full stacks, or right-click to add one at a time.
    • Configuration file: Find the directory in which your minecraft saves folder and options.txt are, and once you have used TMI at least once you will also find TooManyItems.txt there. This contains options that you can change, not all of which are documented yet.
    • Spawners: Right now the way to create different kinds of spawners is to edit the “spawner” line in the configuration file. Important: only set spawner to the name of a mob, like Skeleton, Sheep, etc. If you set it to another entity like a boat, your game will crash.
    • Unlimited stacks/tools (single-player only): Shift-left-click on items in the right sidebar to add unlimited stacks OR unlimited-use tools or flint and steel. is required for “true” unlimited stacks. Without ModLoader the quantity of >64 stacks will refresh when you open your inventory.
    • Tabs: Use the chest, star, and book icons to change between the item, favorites, and enchant tabs.
    • Favorites: This allows you to save commonly used items. ADD to the favorites panel by: (1) clicking an item on the favorites panel, (2) alt-clicking an item in the items panel, or (3) clicking the Favorite button in the enchant panel. REMOVE an item from the favorites panel by alt-clicking it.
    • Enchanting: (in SP, or may work on some Bukkit servers) Click an item on the enchanting panel to switch to that type of item. Use the + and – buttons to change the levels of individual enchantments. Click the Create button to make the enchanted item once, or the Favorite button to add it to the favorites panel.
    • Trash (single-player only): Drop an item stack on the item sidebar or the trash icon to delete it. Click the trash icon to turn “delete mode” on and off (in “delete mode” you will delete any item you click on - useful for selectively deleting a lot of items). Shift-click thee trash icon to wipe out your inventory.
    • Game mode: Click the “S”, “C”, and “A” icons on the toolbar for survival, creative, and adventure mode, respectively.
    • Time: Click the sun and moon icons to set the time to sunrise, noon, sunset, or midnight.
    • Difficulty: Click the creeper icon to toggle the difficulty without having to go into game preferences.
    • Health/hunger: Click the heart icon to set health and hunger to max.
    • Save states (single-player only): Several slots are available for you to save your entire inventory and restore it later. (The “x” button next to a saved state will remove it.) This can be used to save your “real” inventory before editing, save a blank inventory to clear out everything you’re holding, save a full inventory of materials, share inventories between characters, etc.
    • Multiplayer: You need to be a server op. Also, every non-vanilla server works a little differently. The command issued to the server to give you items is configured in TooManyItems.txt as “give-command”. In this command, you should put {0} for the player’s username, {1} for the item ID, {2} for the quantity, and {3} for the damage value. If {3} isn’t in the command, items with damage values other than 0 won’t show up.
    • Vanilla server command: /give {0} {1} {2} {3}
    • * Since the vanilla server used to not support item damage with the give command, TMI may still have /give {0} {1} {2} by default. You can now add {3} to the end. The default will be updated in a future TMI version.
    • Bukkit with the Essentials mod command: /item {1}:{3} {2}
    • Fast crafting : Right-click on the output square when crafting to craft the maximum possible amount. (Works while the inventory overlay is disabled).

    TooManyItems Screenshot:

    How to Install TooManyItems Mod

    Non Forge version:

    1. Open the new launcher and make sure the version of Minecraft the mod requires is already installed.
    2. Click “Edit Profile” in the launcher, then open the game directory.
    3. Go into the subfolder “versions”.
    4. Rename the folder for the version you require to something else. In this example, rename “1.7.4″ to “1.7.4_TMI”.
    5. Open the 1.7.4_TMI folder.
    6. Rename “1.7.4.jar” to “1.7.4_TMI.jar”.
    7. Rename “1.7.4.json” to “1.7.4_TMI.json”.
    8. Open “1.7.4_TMI.json” with a text editor and replace “id”:”1.7.4″ with “id”:”1.7.4_TMI”, save the file and close it.
    9. Open the class files from the mod with an archiver such as WinRAR or 7-Zip and copy-paste the files into 1.7.4_TMI.jar. Do not close the archiver yet.
    10. Delete META-INF and close the archiver.
    11. Start the new launcher.
    12. Click “Edit Profile”
    13. In “Use Version”, select “1.7.4_TMI”.
    14. Click Save Profile.
    15. Login and play as normal.