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Quicktime плагин для chrome. Добавление плагина QuickTime в браузер Chrome

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Table of Contents

Testing QuickTime

To see if QuickTime is installed and working, To see if the QuickTime browser plugin is working, visit this page:

  • Embedded QuickTime Movie Test Page at mac.sillydog.org

If the QuickTime video plays, the QuickTime plugin is installed and enabled.

Note : To complete the test on a Windows system, you may need to enable some features of Firefox to communicate through your Windows Firewall. To enable these features, click Unblock when prompted by Firefox.

Installing or updating QuickTime

To install QuickTime or to update to the latest version:

Note: The latest version of QuickTime is for Windows 7 or Vista. If installed on other Windows operating systems, it may not offer full functionality. For more information about current and previous QuickTime versions, visit this Apple downloads page .

  1. Download the QuickTime installer file to your computer.
  2. When the download completes, close Firefox.
  3. Find the file you downloaded and double-click it to start the QuickTime installation.

Starting with QuickTime version 7.7.9, the browser plugin is no longer installed by default and will be removed if you have a previous version of QuickTime on your computer.

If you are installing QuickTime 7.7.9 or above you should select the "Custom" install option instead of a "Typical" install, so that you can include the optional QuickTime Web Plug-in . If you have already installed or updated QuickTime, you can add the browser plugin using these steps:

The QuickTime installation will complete and the browser plugin will be installed. If you see an installation error, close Firefox (if open) and try again. When you next open Firefox you should see the QuickTime plugin listed in the Add-ons Manager.

Enabling or disabling the browser plugin

You can disable or enable the browser plugin in the Firefox Add-ons Manager when QuickTime is installed .

If the browser plugin is disabled, the QuickTime tests linked above and other embedded QuickTime media will not play, even though QuickTime is installed .

Changing how media is handled

Links to media files

When you click on a link to download a media file and the QuickTime plugin can handle that type of file, it will open automatically in Firefox with the QuickTime plugin. You can change this behavior by selecting a different download action in your Firefox Application settings. For more information, see Change what Firefox does when you click on or download a file .

Embedded media

You can only change the file types that are associated with QuickTime Player. The Internet media types that are handled by the browser plugin are enabled by default for all supported media types and cannot be reconfigured.

The QuickTime plugin enables certain media types by default. If you are having problems with embedded content in a webpage, you can reconfigure the QuickTime browser plugin.

The chrome is one of the browsers which have been built diligently so that the user gets the top outcome when it comes to browsing the internet and also getting the finest out of the experience faced. The user should also download the QuickTime player extension or the plug-in and it is also to be installed to the browser to make it work for which it has been developed. The tutorial has been written to guide the user along the process which would also reveal the relationship of this Plug-in and the browser. The details presented herein are the ones that would also let the user guide others if the issue is faced by them.

Part 1. How to install QuickTime plug-in for chrome

The steps are easy to follow. The following is the complete process that is to be followed to get the outcome that is in line with the requirements:

Part 2. How to remove the QuickTime plug-in from Google chrome?

In order to ensure that the user gets the paramount result the steps that are mentioned in this part are to be followed as they have not only been explained in great detail but the user will also allow the user to get the same level of effectiveness if there is a next time:

Part 3. QuickTime X not working on Chrome says download plug-in, but on Mac already in

This question has been frequently posted at the Google Product Forums and the following process is to be followed to get the results that are fast and reliable. Like the former one this process is also easy and effective to get the issue fixed.

Part 4. How to update QuickTime plug-in for chrome

The process below is one of a kind in itself that would allow the user to get over the issue without any issue and problem. The process and the related steps are really easy and therefore they can be applied without the worry of any failure. Effectiveness and issue resolution lies at the core of the process mentioned below:

Part 5. QuickTime plug-in missing from Google Chrome 64 bit

QuickTime has been trashed by Google and the plug-in is blocked by default and the user is not able to use the sites that are QuickTime based when it comes to Google Chrome. The Chrome development team has also marked the issue as “Won’t solve” which shows that the 32 bit QuickTime plug-in is no longer compatible with the browser. It is one of the problems which a lot of users are facing but unfortunately till now there is no way out and the effected users are to live with the fact that the Apple is not taking any practical steps to resolve the issue.

The way out of this issue

As far as the this problem is concerned there is no way out till the Apple does not launch 64 bit QuickTime plug-in and the user should follow the practical resolution and it is the one that asks the user to change the browser to get the work done with quality and class. The browser change will not only make the life of the user easy but will also provide him with a chance to explore the functionalities of other programs which might be better than that of Chrome. In this scenario change is advent and it cannot be avoided under any circumstance if the issue is to be resolved. In simple words the users will continue facing the issue.


Chrome is being used all over the world by satisfied users and therefore it has a user base that is growing with every passing day. The QuickTime player development team i.e. Apple Inc. should therefore keep in view the fact that the issues are also increasing and new questions are arising with every passing day. A dedicated support to overcome all these problems is required that would deal the issue singlehandedly without any problem. It will not only restore the user trust but will also result in long term collaboration with the Google which is definitely fruitful for both the organizations as they are the tech giants of the industry and practically own the internet.

QuickTime Player – популярный бесплатный плеер для воспроизведения аудио и видео файлов различных форматов. Программу разработала компания Apple в далеком 1991 году, адаптировав ее не только для операционных систем iOS и OS X, но и для Microsoft Windows 7, 8, 10 и XP. Основные форматы, с которыми работает плеер, – QT и MOV. Кроме этого, он используется для воспроизведения анимаций (GIF, Flash).

Последняя версия Apple quicktime player для windows 7

  • Воспроизводит все форматы Apple;
  • Функция кадрирования в форматах QT/MOV;
  • Real Time стримминг видео из Сети;
  • Поддержка H.264, что позволит воспроизводить - MPEG-4, Blu-ray, 3GPP, HD-DVD, avi;
  • Приятный интерфейс на русском языке;
  • Не нагружает систему.
В QuickTime для Windows XP широкий инструментарий для настройки воспроизведения аудио и видео контента. Эквалайзер поможет настроить качество звучания под свой вкус. Для качественного объемного звука есть поддержка 24-канального аудио. В видео можно подкорректировать не только яркость и контраст, но и цвет с оттенками. Также можно работать с замедлением или ускорением скорости воспроизведения видео файлов. Плеер поддерживает стандарт сжатия видео AVC (H.264), это кодек, который сжимает видео не теряя качества. Этот кодек хорошо знаком пользователям, которые любят смотреть фильмы в формате Blu-ray. Скачайте бесплатно QuickTime Player с нашего портала для Windows и установить его. Программа поддерживается на всех версиях операционной системах от XP до 10. Разработчики создали две версии программы, бесплатная и PRO. В платной версии есть возможность редактирования видео, добавления аудио дорожки и расширенная работа с раскадровкой. Но тем пользователям, которым необходим только надёжный плеер, будет достаточно и последней бесплатной версии QuickTime.

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