Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Administrative division of Komi. What is the federal district of the Komi Republic and what are the features of this region? Cities, urban districts and municipal districts of the Komi Republic

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Table N 1 was compiled by the author according to: Administrative zoning of the RSFSR. Collection of resolutions...; Arseniev K. Statistical essays of Russia. SPb., 1848. S. 53 - 156; Volosts and gminas 1890. Issue. 1, 7; Volosts of Russia. Full list...; Geographical Dictionary of the Russian State. M., 1801. Part 1 - 7; Zyablovsky E. Land description of the Russian Empire for all states. SPb., 1810. Part 3; Nevolin K. A. Research on various subjects of jurisprudence. SPb., 1859. S. 36-189; New and complete geographical dictionary of the Russian state. M., 1788. Part 1 - 7; Complete collection of laws on provinces in chronological order from 1775 to 1817 June. SPb., 1818; Lists of populated places. 1; Statistical Time... Ser. III. Issue. 19.
Komi ASSR. Administrative-territorial division on January 1, 1956, p. 36.
There. P. 8. TsGA Komi ASSR, f. R-605, op. 1, d. 1510, l. 119; f. R-642, op. 16, d. 947, l. 22; house 1044, l. 1 - 16; d. 883, l. 22; house 1038, ll. 9, 1.
Komi ASSR. Administrative-territorial division on January 1, 1968 - Syktyvkar, 1968. S. 138 - 139.
Komi ASSR. Administrative-territorial division on January 1, 1986 - Syktyvkar, 1986, S. 104, 115 - 116, 93, 109, 118 - 119, 95, 111, 113, 92, 96.
There. pp. 104, 95, 108 - 110, 115, 111, 98, 99, 103, 116.

NORTH-WESTERN Federal District. Komi Republic. The area is 416.8 thousand square kilometers. Formed on August 22, 1921.
The administrative center of the Komi Republic - Syktyvkar

Komi Republic- a subject of the Russian Federation, part of the Northwestern Federal District, located west of the Ural Mountains, in the extreme northeast of the European part of the Russian Federation. Forests occupy more than 70% of the territory, swamps - about 15%.
Komi Republic part of the Northern economic region. The main place in the economy of the region is occupied by industry, in which the fuel and energy complex plays a leading role. The Komi economy is associated with the extraction and primary processing of combustible minerals (oil, gas, coal) and timber. The industrial use of forests includes a wide range of industries, from timber harvesting to the production of pulp, paper and cardboard. Due to the harsh natural and climatic conditions, Komi agriculture is focused on the domestic consumer market and specializes in dairy and beef cattle breeding, growing potatoes and vegetables.

The Komi Republic was formed on August 22, 1921 as the Autonomous Region of Komi (Zyryan).
December 5, 1936 was transformed into an autonomous republic within the RSFSR - Komi ASSR;
November 23, 1990 was transformed into an autonomous republic - the Komi SSR;
May 26, 1992 was transformed into a republic within Russia - the Komi Republic.
January 22, 1966 - The Komi ASSR was awarded the Order of Lenin.
August 20, 1971 - The Komi ASSR was awarded the Order of the October Revolution - in connection with the 50th anniversary of the formation of the Komi (Zyryan) JSC.
December 29, 1972 - The Komi ASSR was awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples - in connection with the 50th anniversary of the formation of the USSR.

Cities, urban districts and municipal districts of the Komi Republic

Cities of the Komi Republic: Syktyvkar, Vorkuta, Vuktyl, Emva, Inta, Mikun, Pechora, Sosnogorsk, Usinsk, Ukhta.

Urban districts of the Komi Republic:
City district "Syktyvkar"
City district "Vorkuta"
City district "Inta"
City district "Usinsk"
City district "Ukhta"

Municipal districts of the Komi Republic:
Vuktyl, Izhemsky, Knyazhpogostsky, Koygorodsky, Kortkerossky, Pechora, Priluzsky, Sosnogorsk, Syktyvdinsky, Sysolsky, Trinity-Pechora, Udorsky, Ust-Vymsky, Ust-Kulomsky, Ust-Tsilemsky.

Ylyn-ylyn Voyvylyn
Jujid parma sulalö.
Parma shöryn varysh poses
Kypyd gorön shyalö.

Lebzyoy, repeat varyshyas,
Vyna bordyas shenyshtley,
Veskyd tuyöd nuödöy,
Komi musö yugdödöy!

North, our native land,
Your snows are deep
Your winds are cold
High is your taiga!

We are carried through the centuries
Falcon Wings.
Komi region, your destiny
Blessed and bright!


The main value of any region will always be people. Thousands of people work every minute for the benefit of the republic and the country. And whoever it is - a minister, a banker, a miner, an oil worker, a teacher, a cook or an athlete - they are all people of the Komi Republic, those whom the Komi land is proud of and about whom the magazine "Know Ours!"

Of particular note are individuals such as:

Pitirim Aleksandrovich Sorokin(1889-1968) - world famous sociologist, philosopher.

Ivan Alekseevich Kuratov(1839-1875) - founder of Komi literature, linguist, translator, Komi poet.

Kallistrat Falaleevich Zhakov(1866-1926) - Komi-Zyryan ethnographer, philosopher, writer.

Ivan Ivanovich Avramov(1915-1985) - actor, theater director, People's Artist of the USSR.

Glafira Petrovna Sidorova theater actress, People's Artist of the USSR).

Valery Leontiev- Soviet and Russian pop singer.

Raisa Petrovna Smetanina- Honored Master of Sports.

Sergei Alekseevich Kapustin- Honored Master of Sports.

Yuri Alekseevich Spiridonov(1938-2010) - Soviet and Russian statesman, first secretary of the Komi Regional Committee of the CPSU in 1989-1990, chairman of the Supreme Council of the Komi SSR and the Komi Republic in 1990-1994, head of the Komi Republic in 1992-2002, deputy of the State Duma fourth convocation.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Balin(1930-1998), organizer of the timber industry complex of the Komi Republic.

Geography, population

The republic is located to the west of the Ural Mountains, in the extreme northeast of the European part of the Russian Federation. Its area is 416.8 thousand km2, which is comparable to the area of ​​such European states as France, Germany, Poland. It borders on the Nenets, Yamalo-Nenets, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrugs, Arkhangelsk, Sverdlovsk, Kirov regions, Perm Territory. As of January 1, 2012, the population of the republic was about 890 thousand people. 77% of this number are city dwellers.

Administrative division

The administrative center of the Komi Republic is the city Syktyvkar with a population of about 250 thousand people.

Other largest cities in Komi: Vorkuta, Vuktyl, Inta, Pechora, Sosnogorsk, Usinsk, Ukhta.

The Komi Republic includes: 5 city districts: City of Syktyvkar, City of Vorkuta, City of Inta, City of Usinsk, City of Ukhta. 15 municipal districts: Vuktyl District, Izhemsky District, Knyazhpogostsky Municipal District, Koygorodsky District, Kortkerossky District, Pechora Municipal District, Priluzsky District, Sosnogorsk Municipal District, Syktyvdinsky District, Sysolsky District, Troitsko-Pechorsky District, Udorsky District , Ust-Vymsky district, Ust-Kulomsky district, Ust-Tsilemsky district.

Oil reserves are accounted for in more than 130 fields. More than 60% of recoverable oil reserves are concentrated in three large fields - Yaregsky and Usinsky oil and Vozeysky oil and gas condensate fields. The main oil producing enterprises of the region are Yenisei LLC , OOO RN-Severnaya Neft, OOO Lukoil-Komi

The Komi Republic has reserves of combustible gas, oil shale, peat, ores of ferrous metals (titanium, manganese, chromium), non-ferrous metals (aluminum, copper, lead, zinc), rare (niobium, tantalum, tungsten, molybdenum), scattered (gallium, scandium) and rare earth metals (cerium, yttrium), gold, silver, platinum, diamonds, bauxite ores, titanium ores (the largest base in Russia), manganese ores, chromite ores.

Non-metallic minerals are widespread in the republic, which can be used as mining chemical (barite, rock and potassium salts, phosphorites, carbonates for the chemical industry), mining (gypsum, glass raw materials, zeolites, bentonite), piezo-optical and quartz (vein quartz, piezo quartz, rock crystal) raw materials.

There are raw materials for metallurgy (refractory clays, flux dolomites and limestones, molding materials), jewelry and semi-precious stones (amethyst, jadeite, jade), mineral construction (limestones, dolomites, marbles, quartzites, sands, gravel). Barite, quartz raw materials, glass sands, rock and potassium-magnesium salts are of the most important industrial importance.

The mineral resource base of the construction industry is represented by numerous deposits of carbonate raw materials, building and facing stone, building, silicate, glass sands, clays for brick and expanded clay production, flasks and mudstones for cement production, and gypsum.

The region has significant resources of fresh, mineral and industrial groundwater.

The Komi Republic is one of the leading timber industry regions in Russia. The total forest area of ​​the forest fund is 38.9 million hectares, of which 30 million hectares are covered with forests, or 3.5% of the area of ​​all forests in Russia, and about 50% of the forest area of ​​the European North of Russia.

The center of oil production in the republic is the Usinsk region.

Oil refining industry

The main enterprise of the oil refining industry is OOO LUKOIL-Ukhtaneftepererabotka. The company specializes in the production of motor gasoline, diesel fuel, aviation kerosene, fuel oil, bitumen, vacuum gas oil and other types of products. The depth of oil refining is 80.6%.

Gas industry

The Vuktyl gas condensate field accounts for 84.1% of the total volume of gas produced in the republic. Sosnogorsk Gas Processing Plant is the only enterprise in the Northwestern Federal District for the integrated processing of natural gas and unstable condensate. Main products: carbon black, motor gasoline, liquefied gas, stable gas condensate, stabilization gas, dry gas.

coal industry

Coal mining in the Pechora coal basin is carried out at 6 mines. Underground coal mining is carried out in the mines that are part of JSC "Vorkutaugol" Intinskaya Coal Company Mine Administration OJSC, Vorgashorskaya-2 Mine CJSC, open pit mining at the Yunyaginsky coal mine.

Almost all coal mined in the basin is processed (enriched) at concentration plants and installations.

Mining complex

The mining industry of the republic is represented by mining enterprises: OJSC "Boksit Timan" - extraction of bauxite ore in the Knyazhpogost district; CJSC "Khoilinsky GOK" - mining of barite ore and production of barite concentrate in the Vorkuta industrial region; Inta branch of OJSC "Marganets Komi" - extraction of manganese ore in the Inta industrial region (the deposit is temporarily mothballed); CJSC Kozhim Exploration and Mining Enterprise - mining of vein quartz and production of concentrate in the Inta industrial region. All consumers of mining products are located outside the republic. Barite concentrates are sold in small quantities in the Komi Republic (Usinsk, Inta, Pechora, Ukhta)

Timber industry complex

The timber industry complex of the republic is represented by organizations of the logging, woodworking and pulp and paper industries.

The main logging companies are OOO Finlescom (a subsidiary of OAO Mondi SLPK, which accounts for about 70% of the total harvesting), OOO Luzales.

Woodworking production

The woodworking industry of the republic is represented by sawmilling, production of plywood, fibreboard, chipboard and medium-density MDF, production of wooden building structures, including joinery, and wooden containers.

Main enterprises: Syktyvkar Plywood Plant LLC (Syktyvkar), Zheshart Plywood Mill CJSC (Ust-Vymsky District), DVP Plant LLC (Knyazhpogostsky District), JSC LPK Syktyvkar LDK (Syktyvkar) .

Pulp and paper production

Leading Pulp and Paper Company – OAO Mondi Syktyvkar LPK, which is one of the largest producers of pulp and paper products in Russia.

mechanical engineering

The market for engineering products in the Republic of Komi is determined by a limited group of consumers: the coal mining and oil and gas industries, timber and construction complexes.

JSC "Vorkutaugol" ("Vorkuta Mechanical Plant"), JSC "Company Intaugol" ("Inta Mechanical Repair Plant") produce equipment for the coal mining industry.

The needs of the timber industry complex in the production and repair of logging equipment, technological equipment are satisfied by CJSC Zheshartsky Experimental Mechanical Plant, LLC NPP Lespromservis, LLC IK Lesocomplex, LLC Format Leasing, LLC Repair and Mechanical Plant OJSC " Mondi Syktyvkar TPC".


The energy system of the Komi Republic is a single, practically closed territorial complex.

More than 90% of the generated energy is accounted for by the main generating companies: Pechorskaya GRES, a branch of OAO OGK-3; Branch of JSC "TGC-9" "Komi"; CHPP JSC "Mondi Syktyvkarsky LPK". More than 70% of electricity is generated from natural gas. Coal, fuel oil, diesel fuel, woodworking waste are also used as fuel.


There are three poultry farms in the republic: Zelenetskaya Poultry Farm OJSC, LLC "Syktyvkar poultry farm"- located in the municipal district "Syktyvdinsky", OJSC "Poultry Farm" Intinskaya "- in the city district "Inta".

But dairy production is occupied by LLC Plemkhoz Ukhta-97, LLC Plemkhoz Izvailsky-97 (Ukhta), OAO Yuzhnoye (Priluzsky district), OAO Prigorodny (Syktyvkar), SEC Palevitsy (Syktyvdinsky district). They account for 37% of the milk produced by agricultural organizations.

About 96% of greenhouse vegetables produced by agricultural organizations are produced by the greenhouse complex of Prigorodny OJSC (Syktyvkar).

Reindeer herding farms are a territorial feature of the region's agro-complex. They are located near the cities of Vorkuta, Inta and Usinsk. Agrocomplex "Inta Pripolyarnaya" stands out in particular.

Food production

In addition to bread and bakery products, confectionery and pasta, mayonnaise, mineral water, soft and alcoholic drinks are produced in the republic, milk and meat are processed.

The main food production organizations are located in Syktyvkar, Vorkuta and Ukhta.

Bakery production includes 14 large and medium-sized bakeries in cities and regional centers of the republic, a network of bakeries of the consumer cooperation system and private mini-bakeries. The largest producers of bread - JSC "Syktyvkarkhleb" , Municipal unitary enterprise "Vorkuta bakery" and MUP "Ukhta bakery". More than a third of the bread baked in the republic falls on the city of Syktyvkar.

Macaroni production is represented by shops of bakeries. The main producer is OJSC "Pechora Bread and Macaroni Plant".

Confectionery production is represented by Yubileinaya Confectionery OJSC in Syktyvkar, as well as confectionery shops in food industry organizations.

The main producers of meat products are JSC "Zelenetskaya Poultry Farm" (Syktyvdinsky District), LLC "Syktyvkar Meat Processing Plant" (Syktyvkar) and LLC "Ukhta Meat Processing Plant".

More than half of the milk produced by agricultural organizations is processed by them in their own workshops. The largest organizations in the dairy industry: JSC "Dairy plant" Syktyvkar "(Syktyvkar) and JSC "Vorkuta Dairy Plant" (Vorkuta). The main volume of whole milk products is produced by organizations in Syktyvkar - 60% and Ukhta - 22%.

The largest producer of alcoholic beverages in the Komi Republic (up to 30 items) is Syktyvkar Distillery OJSC. The main producers of beer - JSC "Syktyvkarpivo"(Syktyvkar) and OAO Khlebokombinat (Usinsk).

In addition, in the territory of the Republic of Komi there is a subsidiary of the Air Navigation Branch of the Northern Urals, FSUE State Corporation for Air Traffic Management, an enterprise for the use of airspace, air traffic control and radio engineering.

Automobile transport

On the territory of the Republic of Komi, 62 enterprises of automobile passenger transport of various forms of ownership carry out economic activities, on the balance sheet of which 1014 vehicles are accounted. In addition, 358 individual entrepreneurs, who own 866 cars, transport passengers in the field of motor transport services. One of the oldest companies in the industry OJSC "Komiavtotrans" .

River transport

Activities to provide river transport services on the territory of the Komi Republic are carried out by the Pechora State Basin Administration of Waterways and Shipping - a branch of the North Dvina State Basin Administration of Waterways and Shipping.

The main enterprises of public river transport in the Komi Republic, which carry out the transportation of passengers, cargo and loading and unloading operations, are OJSC Shipping Company Pechora River Shipping Company, OJSC Pechora River Port, LLC Shipping Company Pechora.

Main transport

Oil is transported through the Republic of Komi by OOO LUKOIL-Komi and OAO Northern Trunk Oil Pipelines.

Gas is transported through the territory of the Komi Republic by OOO Gazprom transgaz Ukhta (a structural subdivision of OAO Gazprom). Main gas pipelines provide uninterrupted delivery of more than 100 million tons of natural gas through the territory of the republic.

In 1972 Syktyvkar State University was opened. One of the initiators of its creation and its first rector for 15 years was Doctor of Geographical Sciences Valentina Vityazeva, the only female rector at the universities of the USSR.

At present, a branch of the St. Petersburg Mining Academy (Vorkuta), the Syktykar Forestry Institute, the Academy of Civil Service (Syktyvkar), the Syktyvkar branch of the Kirov Medical Academy also operate in the Komi Republic.

There are five professional theaters in the republic. The oldest of them is the State Academic Drama Theater named after Viktor Savin. It has been leading its history since October 1930. The Drama Theater opened its first season on the stationary stage during the celebration of the 15th anniversary of Komi autonomy. The drama theater team at all stages of many years of creative activity, along with the national repertoire, constantly refers to Russian and world classics.

A special page in the history of the theatrical life of the republic is the formation in 1943 in the Vorkutlag system of a musical and drama theater with the participation of prominent cultural figures of the former USSR, who were destined to fall into the millstones of Stalinist repressions. In 1951, on the basis of the camp troupe, the Polar Drama Theater (now the Vorkuta State Drama Theater) arose.

The Komi Republican Philharmonic conducts a multifaceted concert activity, the State Song and Dance Ensemble “Asya kya” (“Morning Dawn”) enjoys well-deserved success with the audience not only in Russia, but also abroad.


The most popular sports in Komi are cross-country skiing, mini-football, basketball, swimming, and wrestling.

Among the athletes of the republic who have achieved the most outstanding success in sports, one should note Olympic champions in cross-country skiing Raisa Smetanina, Nikolai Bazhukov and Vasily Rochev Sr. from Syktyvkar. Skier Vasily Rochev Jr. became the world champion and medalist of the 2006 Olympic Games. Also known in the country and abroad is Marina Pylaeva, a participant in the Olympic Games (short track), multiple world champion in powerlifting Viktor Furazhkin, European champion in swimming Arkady Vyatchanin and other athletes. The men's futsal team adequately represents the region in the Russian Superleague Championship. The Syktyvkar women's basketball team "Zyryanochka-Luzales" plays in the Russian Super League.

Every season, the futsal team from the capital of Komi acquires more and more confidence in its abilities. "New Generation". In the 2012-2013 season, for the first time in its history, the team reached the playoffs of the Russian Super League futsal championship.


The Komi Republic is an amazingly beautiful region. Huge areas of untouched forests, swamps, rivers and small streams, where hundreds of animal species live and hundreds of plant species grow.

The territories adjacent to the Ural Mountains are unique. There are many specially protected natural objects, each of which is unique. And among them, the Pechoro-Ilychsky Reserve occupies a special place. Its territory organically combines mountain and flat landscapes, unique old-growth low-level forests, rich flora and fauna.

But the main thing that attracts people from all over the world to the Komi Republic is one of the 7 wonders of Russia - Weathering Pillars (Mansi blockheads). The pillars rise on the western slope of Mount Manpupuner in the territory of the Pechoro-Ilychsky Reserve. Seven bizarrely shaped stone idols are stretched almost perfectly in a row. The height of the pillars is from 30 to 42 meters.

About 200 million years ago, there were high mountains in the place of stone pillars. Millennia passed. Rain, snow, wind, frost and heat gradually destroyed the mountains, and first of all the weak rocks. The hard sericite-quartzite shales that make up the Weathering Pillars were less destroyed and have survived to this day.

Travelers who were lucky enough to visit the stone giants unanimously assert that when they meet, the soul freezes, stunned by the magical power and antiquity of this natural monument.

Tourist routes on the Manpupuner plateau are offered by the leading travel agencies of the republic.

But by itself it does not form a federal district. For the same reason, the following wording of the question would not be entirely correct: "Which federal district is the Komi Republic?" However, it is included in the composition. But it is still more correct to ask the question in this way: "Which does the Komi Republic belong to?". Although, in principle, any of these formulations is correct. But the first two belong to the category of "vernacular".

Komi Republic - which federal district?

The Komi Republic is one of the regions. It is located in the north of the European territory of Russia. However, according to the territorial division, the Komi Republic is the North-Western Federal District. The date of formation of the republic is August 22, 1921. At first, it was listed as the status of the republic, which was assigned to Komi in 1936.

The administrative center is the city of Syktyvkar.

Komi Republic - Northwestern Federal District

The republic is located in the northeastern part of the European territory of Russia. The eastern border runs along the western spurs of the Ural Mountains. In the northeast it borders on the Yamalo-Nenets region, in the southeast - on the Khanty-Mansiysk region, in the south - on the Sverdlovsk region, in the southwest and west - on the Kirov region. The republic also has a common border with the Arkhangelsk region. The northernmost city of Komi is Vorkuta.

The climate is cold, continental and temperate continental. A long frosty winter is typical with an average January temperature of -17 to -20 degrees. Summers are short and mostly cool. In the northern part it is 5 degrees colder than in the south. The annual rainfall is about 700 mm, which, with such low temperatures and evaporation, determines humid conditions.

Most of the area of ​​the republic is covered with forests of the taiga type, dominated by spruce and pine. Larch, cedar, and fir are found in smaller quantities. In the northern part of Komi, forest-tundra and tundra are widespread, in which spruce-birch woodlands, sedge, grasses, mosses and other plants grow. There are also areas completely untouched by man, which is a rarity for the modern world. A large number of various wild animals, including the Red Book. In general, reserves cover 15% of the territory of Komi.

In the republic, in addition to the forest, a large number of different minerals have been discovered, including gold and diamonds. Among the fossil fuels there are reserves of various types of coal, oil shale, oil, peat, and asphalt-like masses. Inorganic minerals - sulfur, barite, phosphorites, potassium and sodium salts, crystal, limestone, gypsum, quartz, sandstone, ornamental stones, diamonds.

There are also deposits of titanium, aluminum, gold.

The population density is small - about 2 people. per square kilometer.

Economy Komi

The main role in the economy belongs to the extraction and processing of various minerals. First of all, it is wood, coal, gas, oil and bauxite. A large number of enterprises have been built. The region has established production of paper, cardboard and pulp.

In the economy of the republic, reindeer breeding, which is a historically established type of activity, has a certain importance. It is developed in the north and its role is gradually decreasing. The main directions in agriculture are dairy and beef cattle breeding, growing vegetables and potatoes. In the north of the republic - the extraction of furs. Products are supplied mainly to the domestic market.

Transport system

There are 4 types of transport in Komi: road, rail, water and air. The longest railway line is the Kotlas-Vorkuta railway. It is planned to build another large railway. highways (Belkomur). Its estimated length will be 1252 km.

The road network is unusually sparse and its density is comparable to that in other least populated regions of Russia. However, the existing routes are of poor quality. A significant part of the settlements remain without high-quality transport links with the main routes.

Air transport is represented by airports (Vorkuta, Syktyvkar, Pechora, Ukhta, etc.).

Water transport is dominated by transportation along the rivers of the Pechora River Basin.

Attractions Komi

Among the sights, architectural objects are important: churches and monasteries. Also known is the ethnographic museum in the village of Ust-Vym.

So, to the question of which federal district the Komi Republic is, the answer was given at the beginning of the article.