Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Adyghe proverbs and sayings. Folk sayings and proverbs of the Circassians (Adygs) Adyghe proverbs

The word of an old saying is a decoration for a new speech.

Bitter words Sweet words are more beneficial - bitter grass cures diseases.

And the experienced sage will understand little from the speech,
When he only heard the end and missed the beginning.

Listen to everything yourself, but be stingy when pronouncing the words. It’s not for nothing that we have one mouth and two ears.

The stupid husband is a noisy debater: he shouts, but the smart one waits. A smart person would say something smart, but a stupid person doesn’t give it away.

From the same lips will flow one day poison, one day honey.

The anger of the silent is in his hand, the anger of the grumpy is on his tongue.

The rope is good when it is long. Speech is good when it is short

Even if you are a fool among fools, there is no fool for whom a wise man cannot find a word.

The wound from the saber is too late or the wound will heal.
The resulting wound will not heal from the tongue.

If you don’t bring good news with you, don’t go to a stranger’s village, sit still.

They say that you can even lure a cobra out with a kind word.

If it gets into the cauldron, it will be bad for the Rooster, who loves to tear his throat.

Once you find out, don’t spread the bad news, give up this honor to someone else.

The envious tongue creeps towards the neighbor through the chimney.

We must bow to the joker. The joke is the messenger of truth.

Even if you say it as a joke, think for a minute before.

Everyone found out about what the two had in secret when the third intervened.

The liar's house burned down, and everyone in the house, he called people - they didn't believe him

A liar's Rope is especially long.

Let a word you say accidentally not be a disaster for anyone else.

The released word will never be returned to us either by a cry or by a lasso.

It's a disaster, brother, if your tongue is big compared to your head.

Bad news is different from good news: usually the news is faster than the bad news.

Talkativeness is considered a shortcoming. Let the thought be long and the word short.

Who will be the first to ask: “Is there any news?” -He carries the news behind his cheek.

The hero is silent until the enemies are visible,
And the coward screams while the enemies are not visible.

As long as there is no dispute, you are wise men.
When war is not imminent, everyone is brave.

Blood cannot be saved from people whose path to negotiations has been cut off by anger.

It is better to be the widow of an unhappy hero than the wife of a successful one.

Caution can come in handy even for a daredevil forever.

And the little mouse is brave when there is a hole nearby.

For a sparrow, down is a catch during a fight between two eagles.

One day the frightened bird is afraid of its own tail.

If the dispute reaches a dead end and the sabers begin to shine, blood will be shed not only by those who are to blame for the dispute.

Those who strive to fight with us have a stick at hand.

When the seasoned wolf howled near the village, the dogs forgot their strife in an instant.

The lame dog doesn't limp for long until he notices the wolf.

Manage to find an approach to a stupid person, and a smart person will find a path to you.

The old man may be weak and gray, but he will give you advice.

He who cannot do the work himself judges the matter more strictly.

Even if you exalt an evil person, even if you respect him, you won’t give him your mind.

We are not free to buy intelligence, and there is no price for it.

If you don’t have a friend nearby, at least keep your advice in mind.

Even if you beat him, even if you stake him, your donkey will not become a horse.

The older one makes a mistake - trouble: the younger one always takes the rap.

What lies close is seen by the eye, and the mind sees everything that is near and far.

A husband who is right is stronger than a hundred who are wrong.
Rightness gives strength to those who are right.

Who will take flight after the raven, what will he find in the field besides carrion?

The mare was caught near a donkey and began to cry like a donkey.

Do not exalt or honor either your husband or your horse,
If you weren't on the road with them for at least a day.

For a fool, silence is a shield; a fool is smart as long as he remains silent.

Praising yourself is a waste of time if you are good, and they will understand that.

Whether a person is nice or not, don’t say a word until you share roads or shelter with him.

He who does not forgive a friend for his shortcomings is lonely and his life is not sweet.

For a friend you will regret the ripe fruit -
Your garden will not produce fruit next year

It is more likely that our sad neighbor, our close one, will come to our aid in an hour, and not a distant relative.

Two poor people who work together as laborers, two rich people at war are richer.

A scoundrel will unite with a scoundrel,
But the day will pass - and their friendship will end

The needle is bare, but not poor: it has a job - it sews.

The stonemason is not marked by immortality, but he amuses the stone, and the stone is eternal

One is bored and dances, the other is bored and plows.

While the loud one will shout to his heart's content, the silent one will return from the field

And the stone, mined by labor, is sometimes dearer to us than the churek that came into our house with all kinds of labor.

The fact that your forehead and hands are covered in ink does not mean that you have comprehended science.

The blacksmith died - Everything that he forged remains.
The sage died - Everything he said remains.

Everything burned: the porridge, the rooster. What's the matter? Lots of cooks.

When hiring farmhands, the owner promised a lot; when releasing the farmhands, the owner forgot a lot.

Don’t entrust sheep herding to a wolf; such a shepherd is of little use.

Sometimes poison is medicine, they say; Sometimes too much medicine is poison.

One is lying: no strength - he hasn’t eaten for three days, he is a beggar, the other is lying: no strength - he is heavy from food.

The ax that cut down the house is forgotten.
He lies near the house in the rain.

The fact that a trapper has hit the trail of a deer does not mean that he has caught the deer.

A quitter always thinks: they have put a burden on him that is greater than what he is strong enough to bear.

Just praise the tailor in advance, and he will sew you pants from the scrap

The good one will lose everything - his name will remain.
The bad one will lose everything - there will be nothing left.

Travel companions usually have one path - their fate is different.

Is it great luck to become a human? To remain human is the task.

It will seem like we can reach the bottom of the river with our hands, where we are destined to drown.

The storm only bends the young oak, the storm breaks the oak with a rotten core.

For everything, brother, except good deeds, you need to know the measure and limit.

In the garden, where bees extract honey and poisonous grass grows.

Go boldly to an evil person when he has a good intention in mind.

Although evil leaves an indelible mark on the world, a person only remembers goodness for many years.

The well-fed fellow forgot the oath he took when he was hungry

The stomach is made of inelastic skin: the more you put into it, the larger it will become.

The poor will not get rich by counting other people's coins.

A hungry person thinks: “No, I won’t be full!” And the well-fed one thinks: “I’m not in danger of hunger!”

Both the cost and the taste of halva from sugar are not from rumor.

If you eat only honey for a long time, then it will set your teeth on edge.

If there is a leg of ram on the table, then the mullah has no time for the Koran.

Hunger knows how to cook skillfully, only the hungry can taste everything delicious

The best piece - part of the leg of lamb is not given to the shepherd during the division.

A guest needs your kind look and bright face more than a barbecue.

When to come to you depends on the guests; When guests leave is up to you.

There is no need to vilify the one asking: fulfilling a request is easier than asking!

The taking hand is always sacred. The hand that gives is Blessed.

When you're unlucky, you'll break a tooth on barley soup.

And a small bird was the cause of a big collapse.

If only the Fish fed on water,
Then the Fish would not have been hooked.

He who ran fast got tired quickly.

And a quiet river sometimes washes away its banks in the spring.

And the wolf, caught in trouble, will call the lamb uncle.

If your boot is too small, what does it matter if the world is wide!

The light does not go out because the cloud covered it.

He who does his work honorably during the day can sleep peacefully at night.

Anyone who does not strive to win games does not sit in the circle of players.

The duck is not worried about fear,
That there might be a flood.

Even if the rooster doesn't crow, the dawn will come.
Even though the shepherd does not blow the whistle, the dawn will come.

Zein's poison promises trouble for all of us. Only snakes are not harmed by snake venom.

To extinguish the fire that threatens us with disaster, not necessarily with clear water.

The thieves did not know the owner's vigilance until they stole his herd.

You stole a bull, you are a thief, you stole a heifer, you are a thief.

You will hit a domestic bull lightly, but the horns of a wild bull will twitch.

A strong thief makes a lock on his gate

If someone else's horse is tired, there is no great sadness; if the horse is not your own, then you don't feel sorry for yourself.

Sometimes the neighbor with whom we live thinks of us as we think of him!

No, it was not fate, but only force that reconciled the slave with bondage.

One bad neighbor puts everyone to shame; a crooked wheel makes the trail more noticeable.

It was the duck who was to blame for the fox getting hungry.

Both the ax and the ax handle are to blame for the broken bottom of the barrel.

And the snow cannot be so white that the dog cannot dirty it.

Of the fox's enemies, the most dangerous of all is its own fluffy fur.

A drowning man hugged a snake - he thought he was saving his life

Wherever the ax prowls, the ax handle follows.

No matter what you do to the black mare, even with a brush three times, she will not turn white

Debt takes away our peace for a long time: until we repay the debt.

The highlander was flattered by a large plot of land and lost the little he owned.

Be neither compassionate nor simple, catcher, in the forest; mourn the fox, holding her by the tail.

Don’t lose your temper, brother, it’s been this way since time immemorial: the one who loses his temper does not remain himself.

The wound on the heart is hidden from people, the sore on the cheek is much more visible.

Never lose hope for the best,
Neither the one who pulls the cart, nor the one who drives

“The crooked one is unhappy” - that’s what we say, but the blind man dreams of being crooked.

When nettle blooms, it is also beautiful.

Hit yourself first, and hit yourself harder. Did you endure it? Now hit the other one.

Being too soft? The soft is bent! Being too hard? They break the hard!

The slave is silent not at all because it is given to him to know less than the bey.

The land where you fed is good, but no better than the one where you were born.

It is better to sleep on straw, but in your own home, than on a feather bed, but in a foreign land.

Young man, you don’t value your father, wait, you’ll understand everything when your young man makes you sick!

An infant son is a child for a mother,
The gray-haired son is a child for a mother.

Why do grandfather's legs hurt? Because my granddaughter is a restless person.

Give honor to your parents - Your son will return it to you.

What the father did not have to learn, the son will learn. What the mother has not seen, the daughter will see.

In that family where there is harmony and prosperity and happiness.

The mind of a man, the wings of a bird are given to strive upward

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Iof weublam ble hes.
A snake sits in an unstarted task

Iushyr meupchIezhy.
Wise - advises

Zhy degyu zydeshymyIem nybzhykIe degyu shchiIep.
Where there are no good old people, there are no good young people.

Zhyr kyzdikIyrem oshchkhri kyekIy.
Where the wind comes from, where the rain comes from

Zhem kydekIyg'e psala'ere shkhonchym q'ikI'yg'e sh'ere.
A spoken word is like a bullet fired from a gun.

And zy nebgyrem sche uigyaptsIeme is udel, and zy mashem sche uifeme is uneshu.
If one person deceives you three times, you are stupid; if you fall into the same hole three times, you are blind.

Adyge hakIe torturepIe is.
The Adyghe guest sits [as if] in a fortress.

Akyl ziIem scheIag'e iI.
He who has intelligence has endurance.

Akylyr bygone, bymyr oseps.
Reason is wealth, wealth is dew.

Akylyr uase iIep, gesenygem gune iIep.
Reason has no price, knowledge has no boundaries.

Akylyr tsyfymkie yatIonoreps.
Reason is the second soul of man.

AkylyshIom delemi bze kyfegoty.
The wise man finds the key to the fool.

Amygyotyre atyzhyyrep.
What is not found is not given.

Amyphyg'e lIy zemyg'epkh.
To a man who has not been tied up himself, do not let yourself be tied up.

Ape lIerer ape dahy.
Whoever dies first is buried first.

Bzegur gum itelmash.
Language for the heart is a guide.

Bzegur se ihyig.
The tongue is like a drawn dagger.

Bzem dunair eIety.
Language rules the world.

BlackIyg'er zymyshIerem neperem uase fishIyshtep.
He who does not know the past will not understand the value of the present.

The former nahyi akyil.
Mind over wealth.

Be zyIorem nahyi be zyshI.
Better than the one who talks a lot is the one who does a lot.

Be zygyeshIagye nahyi be zylyegug.
It is better to see a lot rather than live long.

Gum ikIaser nem shIodah.
What pleases the heart is good for the eyes.

Gupshysi psalae, ziplyhyi thousand.
After thinking, speak, look around and sit down.

Gure gure lagyo zefyrya.
Heart to heart finds a way.

GushchyIe dahem tame kybguegakIe, thicklyIe Iayem uzekhegafe.
A kind word will make you fly as if on wings; an evil word will make you fall.

The thick of winter's torture Iem shypkaag'e iIep.
He who does not have a firm word does not have the truth.

The thickets of the thickets of keelfa.
A word gives birth to a word.

GogurykIo gyogu tenerep.
The traveler does not get stuck on the road.

Guuse deire, shhonch deire.
A bad travel companion is like a bad weapon.

GuchI kaale ziIeri guchI maste shekIe.
The owner of an iron fortress needs an iron needle.

Gemafem umygairer, kIymafem bgyotyzhyshtep.
What you didn’t collect in the summer you won’t find in the winter.

Delem ebguukIu, Iushyr ezh kyobguukIosht.
Treat a fool, and a smart person will treat you.

Delem uemyupchIeu ik'ebar kyueIo.
He is a fool and when they don’t ask him, he talks about himself.

Deler utsogyu pshIeme fede ohyu.
If you make a fool your friend, you will become like him.

Derem - Iudan, bzerem bzykhaf.
The tailor has the threads, the cutter has the flap.

E zykhel'ym shIu khel.
Every cloud has a silver lining.

E stulIen, e stulIyn.
Be a man or die.

Emyjag'em shIenyg'er and I'ezeg'u.
For the illiterate, knowledge is medicine.

Er zymyshIerem shiur ishIerep.
He who has not known good does not understand evil.

Ekhyrekhyshale yate yl ishIezhyyrep.
He who hesitates does not avenge his father's blood.

Zy akyil nahyi akylitIu.
One head it's good, but two better.

Zyshkhye muzygem wishkhueuz femyIuat.
Don’t tell anyone who hasn’t had a headache about your headache.

ZeguuneguitIume yachemyschikIe zetekIy.
Two neighbors milk their cows [in different ways].

Zedashhe Ieshu, zedelazhye thaagyo.
Eating together tastes better, working together is a pleasure.

Zemyzeg zaryl unagyor thyamykIagyu.
Woe to a family where there is no agreement

Zekhamyhyre aIotezhyrep.
What is not heard is not retold.

Kuokhaur zyschybem akylyr schymakI.
Where there is a lot of noise, there is little intelligence.

Koshyr zyschybem benyr schybykhyu.
Where there are many relatives, the grave is more spacious.

Kypfaem zyfemygein.
With someone who needs you, don't be arrogant.

Lezhyegum sikhye tsIyfy hyugyagot aIo.
During the harvest they say - if only my dog ​​could become a man.

McIeu Io, beu shIe.
Talk little, do a lot.

Mysh'em tiguzh'yr shIopyrats.
For a bear, a wolf is shaggy.

Mezre shIunkIyre uischef aschymyIuat
In the forest and in the dark, do not tell your secret.

Mezyr kezygekIyrem mazyr riupkIyzhyyrep.
Whoever grows a forest does not destroy it.

Malehuabe zydeschiIem melher schelIeh.
When there are many shepherds, the sheep die.

Mehuonyg'er kIymafe khotyr zyschymygupschezh.
During haymaking, do not forget about winter storms.

Nafe myhuzhyyn sh'ef shchiIep.
There is nothing secret that will not come true

Nakhyzhyhem sh'hyakIafe afezymyshIyrem sh'hyakIafe teferep.
He who does not respect his elders does not deserve respect.

Dogs ikIygyom unemyseu pleekIape demyshchay.
Before reaching the ford, do not raise your hem.

Nybdzhegu dele uIen nahyi pyy Iush uIeme nahyshIu.
It is better to have a smart enemy than to have a stupid friend.

Nebgyrischi ashIerer sh'efep.
The secret known to the three is no longer a secret.

Nepkym tetyr koshIofykIe Iaz.
The one standing on the shore is the most skilled rower.

Oredym gogur kIekIy eshIy.
The song shortens the road.

OshIum umygotyrer uaem bgotyzhyshtep.
What you couldn't find in good weather, you won't find in bad weather.

Pser ashche, naper ashchefi.
Honor is bought at the price of life.

Saby zeremysym embankment il'ep.
Where there is no child, there is no happiness.

Siqame tio kishyrep, sigushchyIe tio sIorep.
I don’t take out my dagger twice, I don’t say my word twice.

Sikhye tsak'erep, sish orep minds.
Don't say - my dog ​​doesn't bite, my horse doesn't kick.

Thylyyr shIenygem iIunkIybz.
The book is the key to knowledge.

Tyde shchiIemi shIenyg'em lykIu.
Wherever you are, go to knowledge.

Uape djerdyrem udemyhaschkh.
Don't laugh at the one who stumbled ahead of you.

UzymyIetysht kuutamem utemyutsu.
Don’t stand on a branch that can’t support you.

We hear our ears.
Whoever doesn’t like you, you are fat for him.

UzeupchIyzhyn umygyotyme, uipaIo eupchIyzhy.
If you don’t find anyone to consult with, consult your hat.

Ui nebdzhegyu ui gunj.
Your friend is your mirror.

Uiguse uschygugugeu mysh'em uyemyben.
If you're hoping for a travel companion, don't mess with a bear.

Iekhyogu zedezyshtemkIe tyguzhyri shynagop.
A wolf is not scary for a friendly herd

Uinibdzheguzh ish'ef nybdzhegukIem emyIuat.
Don't tell the secret of an old friend to a new friend.

Ulazhyeme ski pshkhyn, washeme lazhye plyegun.
If you work, you will eat meat, if you are lazy, you will see grief.

Uyanere uyatere uyamynegui.
Don't doubt your parents.

Hyadegum nemykI Iezegyu winterIe shchiIep.
Besides death, there is a cure for everything.

KhyakIem kekIonyr - iIof, kIozhyynyr - bysym iIof.
When a guest comes is the guest’s business, when a guest leaves is the host’s business.

Het anakh dah aIo zekhum, hyadepchemyIum yshkhye kyrigeschyg.
When they asked who was more beautiful, the turtle stuck out its head.

Tsiyf l'epk'ym ypser ybzeg'u.
The soul of a people is its language.

TSIyfme Iorem shypke khel.
There is always some truth in what people say.

Tsiyfim ymyshIemi, yesIome delap.
A person who does not know but knows how to listen is not stupid.

Tsiyfyr zygyedaherer schygenep, akylyr ary nakh.
It's not the clothes that make a person, it's the mind.

TsiyfyshIu hyakIe shymykI.
A good person does not leave guests.

Tsu winterIem shkIe kIeshIe.
He who does not have an ox harnesses a calf.

Tsu khushtyr shkIeze keoshie.
A bull can be seen over the calf.

Chygyzhyr schytze chygykIer ebedzhy.
The old tree stands, the young tree falls.

Chyle dele huurep - deleme Iush kehekIy.
There is no such thing as a stupid village - and among the fools there will be a smart one.

Chir tsyneze keuf.
Bend the young vine.

Chetyu zydeschysym sh'ef shaIuaterep.
There are no secret speeches in front of a cat.

Chetyu zyrymysym tsygyo schejegu.
Where there is no cat there is a mouse frolicking.

Shiu shIeri psym hadz.
Do good and throw it into the water.

Sh'hum ukhame, sh'u kyopkIy.
If you go into a burdock, you will pick up burrs.

Sh'kh'em akyil imyl'yme, l'er meuleu.
When there is no mind in the head, the legs do not rest.

Shyne Iatsor melitIu yashyo.
A tender lamb sucks two queens.

Shym kefekhyrem leryg'em tyrelkhye.
The one who fell from the horse blames the girth.

Shyum ygu kIodyme, syr chezhyyrep.
Under a rider who loses heart, even the horse does not run.

Shyshkhyer bleptIupshchyme, shykIem ukIelymybenezh.
If you miss the horse's mane (head), don't grab the tail.

Shchem ystyg'er schyum epshche.
The one who has been burned by milk blows on the curdled milk.

Dear guys, dear guests, today we have gathered on the occasion of the “Birthday of the Republic of Adygea” holiday. She turns 20 years old. Congratulations to all of you on this holiday!

The anthem of the Republic of Adygea is played.

After which, 4th grade students recite the words of the anthem in Adyghe and Russian.

The Adygean land is a dear country to the heart,
Let our soul live,
May there always be agreement
In a single family of nations.

Adygea is my homeland!
A corner of our free country.
Look, your land is all in bloom,
It seems that there is nothing more beautiful in the world.

The Republic of Adygea is located on the picturesque northern slopes of the Caucasus Range. The Adygs, who gave the name to the republic, are the most ancient inhabitants of the Northwestern Caucasus. Adygea became the Republic in 1991 on October 5.


The flag of the Republic of Adygea depicts 12 stars and 3 crossed arrows. The stars represent the 12 Adyghe tribes inhabiting the republic, and the 3 arrows represent the three most ancient princely families, their strength and unity. Green is the color of Islam, it means eternity, as well as one of the features of the republic, in which almost 40% of the territory is occupied by forests. Picture 1.

The coat of arms is a circle, framed on top by a ribbon with the inscription “Republic of Adygea” in Russian and Adyghe languages. There is a large star in the middle of the ribbon. On the sides there are leaves of oak, maple, and golden ears of wheat. Corn cobs indicate the inextricable connection between man and nature. The circle ends with the abbreviation RF (Russian Federation). Below is an image of the national table - ane with bread and salt. In the middle of the circle is the main character of the national epic Sausryko on a fiery flying horse. The rider holds a flaming torch in his hand. According to legend, the hero kidnapped him from the gods for the benefit of people. The five-pointed star at the top means the friendship of all the multinational people inhabiting the republic. Figure 2.

2 reader. Poem “Invitation” by I. Mashbash

I know Adygea is so small,
On a motley map, near the Caucasus mountains,
Here it is all under the tip of the pointer -
The land that was my whole world:
Clouds climbed the slopes,
The grass in the mountain pastures swayed,
A stormy river crashed against the rocks,
It flowed from afar and did not end.

Then the big became small -
There was a new pass after another pass.
Oh, little ancient land!
The sun will warm her with one ray -
And the houses turning white sleepily,
And blue peaks and fields.
The dashing horseman, who spurred his horse,
Will go around it all by the end of the day,
But you will come with a good soul -
It will seem big to you.

In a big country, on a small land,
My people live, wise and brave.
And teaches his sons to sit in the saddle,
So that they become horsemen one day.
Ask the sun and dawn about us,
Better yet, look for yourself one day -
It’s better to look once than to hear a hundred times,
Come and be a good guest!

Each nation has its own customs and traditions that are passed on from generation to generation. The Adyghe people also have a lot of them. One of the best traditions of the Circassians is respect for elders. This tradition is instilled in children from early childhood. The custom of hospitality dates back to ancient times. The guest is a sacred person and is believed to bring happiness and prosperity with him.

The song “The Circassians have this custom” is performed, lyrics by K. Zhane, music. G. Samogova.

If somewhere among young people
The gray-haired Adyghe is speaking,
Don't you dare interrupt him,
Respect his gray-haired age,
The Circassians have this custom.
Yes Yes Yes! Yes Yes Yes!
The Circassians have this custom.
If a guest knocks at the door,
Open your heart to the guest.
And give half the house away for a while,
And treat him to chitlibzh,
And give me spring water to drink -
This is the custom of the Circassians!
Yes Yes Yes! Yes Yes Yes!
This is the custom of the Circassians!

Adyghe folk game “Put on a hat.”

A horseman boy sits on a chair. The driver is taken eight steps away from him and turned to face the horseman so that the driver can orient himself where he is sitting. The driver is blindfolded, turned around, and given a hat in his hand. He must take eight steps and put the hat on the horseman. The rest of the game participants count the driver's steps out loud and cheer for him. When the game is repeated, other children are assigned to the role of driver and horseman. The driver should not spy, the players should not give him hints.

5 reader. The poem “My dear Adygea!” author K. Zhanet

My song is the sister of blue mountains and fields
Lands dear to the heart since childhood,
I was born and raised in your cradle,
My dear Adygea!
There is an unfading light of Russia above you,
The gentle dawns are streaming in the sky.
There are no more beautiful rivers of yours,
My dear Adygea!
Let the golden steppe roar like the sea -
Heroic glory is yours.
You are forever faithful to the red-winged star
My dear Adygea!
I love high mountains, sky-high rise,
Lands dear to the heart since childhood.
I love the Adyghe people like my sons
My dear Adygea!

We talk a lot about love for our homeland. But before we learn to love our homeland, we must learn to love and respect our own mother. Mom, there is a lot in this word for every person. Mom is the most sacred thing for all people. Respect your mothers, take care of them.

A song about grandmother is sung in the Adyghe language “Sinan”, author. U. Thabisimov

Our republic is very beautiful. Over 3,000 plant species grow on its territory. Many medicinal herbs grow: plantain, lily of the valley, coltsfoot, celandine, St. John's wort... The main wealth of Adygea is the forest. These are hornbeam, oak, chestnut, beech, dogwood, hazel, spruce, fir, maple. On the territory of Adygea there are many species of fish, insects, birds, animals: foxes, wolves, bears, lynxes, moles... We have the Caucasian Nature Reserve in Adygea. There are many plants growing there, most of it is forest, rare species of animals and birds: eagle, bison, chamois, deer, weasel, marten, wild forest cat.

And now we will find out how well you know the plants and animals of Adygea. Guess puzzles:

All covered in dust
At least a little strength,
He sticks out by the road
His legs are bent
He is inconspicuous in appearance. ( plantain)

It will go out, then it will light up,
At night there is a light in the grove.
Guess what his name is?
Well, of course, … ( Firefly)

The scythe has no dens
He doesn't need a hole
Legs save you from enemies,
And from hunger - bark. ( hare)

Small stature
A long tail,
Gray fur coat,
Sharp teeth. ( mouse)

These wild animals
Like domestic pigs
They love acorns
They pick stumps with their noses. ( wild boars)

Poem “Zafak” author. I. Mashbash

It’s not without reason that this slow dance is called
This means: “To meet each other halfway.”
A light cloud and a hidden fire
Swim towards me, fly heart to heart!
In this dance, only the guy’s restraint will decorate him.
So give me a quiet smile -
You realized a long time ago that no one will repay
This quiet fire that lurks inside.
Five steps between us are both eternity and smallness;
Five short steps - or life ahead?
The dance will end soon - half a circle remains,
So swim towards me, come towards me!
Let the accordion not get tired, and we will not get tired,
We dance zafak in full view of the rumors.
How great is its meaning, this joyful dance:
“I’m coming towards you! I’m coming towards you!”

The Adyghe dance “Zafak” is performed.

Our holiday has come to an end. Thank you all for your attention. Happy holiday again! Goodbye!

A snake sits in an unstarted task
Iof weublam ble hes.

Wise - advises
Iushyr meupchIezhy.

A wolf is not scary for a friendly herd
Iekhyogu zedezyshtemkIe tyguzhyri shynagop.

If one person deceives you three times, you are stupid; if you fall into the same hole three times, you are blind.
And zy nebgyrem sche uigyaptsIeme is udel, and zy mashem sche uifeme is uneshhu.

The Adyghe guest sits [as if] in a fortress.
Adyge hakIe torturepIe is.

He who has intelligence has endurance.
Akyl ziIem scheIag'e iI.

Reason is wealth, wealth is dew.
Akylyr bygone, bymyr oseps.

Reason has no price, knowledge has no boundaries.
Akylyr uase iIep, gesenygem gune iIep.

Reason is the second soul of man.
Akylyr tsyfymkie yatIonoreps.

The wise man finds the key to the fool.
AkylyshIom delemi bze kyfegoty.

What is not found is not given.
Amygyotyre atyzhyyrep.

To a man who has not been tied up himself, do not let yourself be tied up.
Amyphyg'e lIy zemyg'epkh.

Whoever dies first is buried first.
Ape lIerer ape dahy.

Language for the heart is a guide.
Bzegur gum itelmash.

The tongue is like a drawn dagger.
Bzegur se ihyig.

Language rules the world.
Bzem dunair eIety.

He who does not know the past will not understand the value of the present.
BlackIyg'er zymyshIerem neperem uase fishIyshtep.

Mind over wealth.
The former nahyi akyil.

The one who talks a lot is better than the one who does a lot.
Be zyIorem nahyi be zyshI.

If you live long, it is better to see a lot.
Be zygyeshIagye nahyi be zylyegug.

What pleases the heart is good for the eyes.
Gum ikIaser nem shIodah.

After thinking, speak, look around and sit down.
Gupshysi psalae, ziplyhyi thousand.

Heart to heart finds a way.
Gure gure lagyo zefyrya.

A kind word will make you fly as if on wings; an evil word will make you fall.
GushchyIe dahem tame kybguegakIe, thicklyIe Iayem uzekhegafe.

He who does not have a firm word does not have the truth.
The thick of winter's torture Iem shypkaag'e iIep.

A word gives birth to a word.
The thickets of the thickets of keelfa.

The traveler does not get stuck on the road.
GogurykIo gyogu tenerep.

A bad travel companion is like a bad weapon.
Guuse deire, shhonch deire.

The owner of an iron fortress needs an iron needle.
GuchI kaale ziIeri guchI maste shekIe.

What you didn’t collect in the summer you won’t find in the winter.
Gemafem umygairer, kIymafem bgyotyzhyshtep.

Treat a fool, and a smart person will treat you.
Delem ebguukIu, Iushyr ezh kyobguukIosht.

He is a fool and when they don’t ask him, he talks about himself.
Delem uemyupchIeu ik'ebar kyueIo.

If you make a fool your friend, you will become like him.
Deler utsogyu pshIeme fede ohyu.

The tailor has the threads, the cutter has the flap.
Derem - Iudan, bzerem bzykhaf.

Every cloud has a silver lining.
E zykhel'ym shIu khel.

Be a man or die.
E stulIen, e stulIyn.

For the illiterate, knowledge is medicine.
Emyjag'em shIenyg'er and I'ezeg'u.

He who has not known good does not understand evil.
Er zymyshIerem shiur ishIerep.

He who hesitates does not avenge his father's blood.
Ekhyrekhyshale yate yl ishIezhyyrep.

Where there are no good old people, there are no good young people.
Zhy degyu zydeshymyIem nybzhykIe degyu shchiIep.

Where the wind comes from, where the rain comes from
Zhyr kyzdikIyrem oshchkhri kyekIy.

A spoken word is like a bullet fired from a gun.
Zhem kydekIyg'e psala'ere shkhonchym q'ikI'yg'e sh'ere.

One head it's good, but two better.
Zy akyil nahyi akylitIu.

Don’t tell anyone who hasn’t had a headache about your headache.
Zyshkhye muzygem wishkhueuz femyIuat.

Two neighbors milk their cows [in different ways].
ZeguuneguitIume yachemyschikIe zetekIy.

Eating together tastes better, working together is a pleasure.
Zedashhe Ieshu, zedelazhye thaagyo.

Woe to a family where there is no agreement
Zemyzeg zaryl unagyor thyamykIagyu.

What is not heard is not retold.
Zekhamyhyre aIotezhyrep.

Where there is a lot of noise, there is little intelligence.
Kuokhaur zyschybem akylyr schymakI.

Where there are many relatives, the grave is more spacious.
Koshyr zyschybem benyr schybykhyu.

With someone who needs you, don't be arrogant.
Kypfaem zyfemygein.

During the harvest they say - if only my dog ​​could become a man.
Lezhyegum sikhye tsIyfy hyugyagot aIo.

Talk little, do a lot.
McIeu Io, beu shIe.

For a bear, a wolf is shaggy.
Mysh'em tiguzh'yr shIopyrats.

In the forest and in the dark, do not tell your secret.
Mezre shIunkIyre uischef aschymyIuat

Whoever grows a forest does not destroy it.
Mezyr kezygekIyrem mazyr riupkIyzhyyrep.

When there are many shepherds, the sheep die.
Malehuabe zydeschiIem melher schelIeh.

During haymaking, do not forget about winter storms.
Mehuonyg'er kIymafe khotyr zyschymygupschezh.

There is nothing secret that will not come true.
Nafe myhuzhyyn sh'ef shchiIep.

He who does not respect his elders does not deserve respect.
Nakhyzhyhem sh'hyakIafe afezymyshIyrem sh'hyakIafe teferep.

Before reaching the ford, do not raise your hem.
Dogs ikIygyom unemyseu pleekIape demyshchay.

Rather than have a stupid friend, it is better to have a smart enemy.
Nybdzhegu dele uIen nahyi pyy Iush uIeme nahyshIu.

The secret known to the three is no longer a secret.
Nebgyrischi ashIerer sh'efep.

The one standing on the shore is the most skilled rower.
Nepkym tetyr koshIofykIe Iaz.

The song shortens the road.
Oredym gogur kIekIy eshIy.

What you couldn't find in good weather, you won't find in bad weather.
OshIum umygotyrer uaem bgotyzhyshtep.

Honor is bought at the price of life.
Pser ashche, naper ashchefi.

Where there is no child, there is no happiness.
Saby zeremysym embankment il'ep.

I don’t take out my dagger twice, I don’t say my word twice.
Siqame tio kishyrep, sigushchyIe tio sIorep.

Don't say - my dog ​​doesn't bite, my horse doesn't kick.
Sikhye tsak'erep, sish orep minds.

The book is the key to knowledge.
Thylyyr shIenygem iIunkIybz.

Wherever you are, go to knowledge.
Tyde shchiIemi shIenyg'em lykIu.

Don't laugh at the one who stumbled ahead of you.
Uape djerdyrem udemyhaschkh.

Don’t stand on a branch that can’t support you.
UzymyIetysht kuutamem utemyutsu.

Whoever doesn’t like you, you are fat for him.
We hear our ears.

If you don’t find anyone to consult with, consult your hat.
UzeupchIyzhyn umygyotyme, uipaIo eupchIyzhy.

Your friend is your mirror.
Ui nebdzhegyu ui gunj.

If you're hoping for a travel companion, don't mess with a bear.
Uiguse uschygugugeu mysh'em uyemyben.

Don't tell the secret of an old friend to a new friend.
Uinibdzheguzh ish'ef nybdzhegukIem emyIuat.

If you work, you will eat meat, if you are lazy, you will see grief.
Ulazhyeme ski pshkhyn, washeme lazhye plyegun.

Don't doubt your parents.
Uyanere uyatere uyamynegui.

Besides death, there is a cure for everything.
Hyadegum nemykI Iezegyu winterIe shchiIep.

When a guest comes is the guest’s business, when a guest leaves is the host’s business.
KhyakIem kekIonyr - iIof, kIozhyynyr - bysym iIof.

When they asked who was more beautiful, the turtle took out its head.
Het anakh dah aIo zekhum, hyadepchemyIum yshkhye kyrigeschyg.

The soul of a people is its language.
Tsiyf l'epk'ym ypser ybzeg'u.

There is always some truth in what people say.
TSIyfme Iorem shypke khel.

A person who does not know but knows how to listen is not stupid.
Tsiyfim ymyshIemi, yesIome delap.

It's not the clothes that make a person, it's the mind.
Tsiyfyr zygyedaherer schygenep, akylyr ary nakh.

A good person does not leave guests.
TsiyfyshIu hyakIe shymykI.

He who does not have an ox harnesses a calf.
Tsu winterIem shkIe kIeshIe.

A bull can be seen over the calf.
Tsu khushtyr shkIeze keoshie.

The old tree stands, the young tree falls.
Chygyzhyr schytze chygykIer ebedzhy.

There is no such thing as a stupid village - and among the fools there will be a smart one.
Chyle dele khurep - deleme Iush kehekIy.

Bend the young vine.
Chir tsyneze keuf.
There are no secret speeches in front of a cat.
Chetyu zydeschysym sh'ef shaIuaterep.

Where there is no cat there is a mouse frolicking.
Chetyu zyrymysym tsygyo schejegu.

Do good and throw it into the water.
Shiu shIeri psym hadz.

If you go into a burdock, you will pick up burrs.
Sh'hum ukhame, sh'u kyopkIy.

When there is no mind in the head, the legs do not rest.
Sh'kh'em akyil imyl'yme, l'er meuleu.

A tender lamb sucks two queens.
Shyne Iatsor melitIu yashyo.

The one who fell from the horse blames the girth.
Shym kefekhyrem leryg'em tyrelkhye.

Under a rider who loses heart, even the horse does not run.
Shyum ygu kIodyme, syr chezhyyrep.

If you miss the horse's mane (head), don't grab the tail.
Shyshkhyer bleptIupshchyme, shykIem ukIelymybenezh.

The one who has been burned by milk blows on the curdled milk.
Shchem ystyg'er schyum epshche.