Biographies Characteristics Analysis

The relevance of the topic is psychology. The relevance of practical psychology and the algorithm of the professional psychologist’s professional profile

One of the main requirements for the problem of any research is, first of all, its relevance and compliance with modern requirements of society. The relevance of the work is one of the main requirements for scientific work. In justifying its relevance, the level of study in psychology and pedagogy of the chosen problem is determined, the degree of its novelty for modern science is indicated, and a brief overview of the history of research in line with this problem is given. Here we highlight precisely that part of the problem that has not yet received proper coverage in science, but is of great importance for revealing the psychological, pedagogical mechanisms and patterns of the problem as a whole. Determine the relevance of the topic- also means emphasizing its connection with important aspects of certain social problems of our time, the solution of which its research can contribute to.

Research can be considered relevant only if not only this scientific direction is relevant, but also the topic itself is relevant in two respects: its scientific solution, firstly, answers urgent needs of practice, and secondly, fills a gap in science, which currently does not have the scientific means to solve this urgent scientific problem.

The criterion of relevance is dynamic, flexible, depends on time, taking into account specific and specific circumstances. In the most general terms relevance characterizes the degree of discrepancy between the demand for scientific ideas and practical recommendations (to satisfy a particular need) and the proposals that science and practice can provide at the present time. The most convincing basis determining the relevance of the study is the social order, reflecting the most pressing socially significant problems that require urgent solutions.

At the same time, an analysis of diploma/bachelor's and coursework shows that in many cases, research justifies the relevance of a scientific direction, but the relevance of the research topic remains, as it were, behind the scenes, i.e. is substantiated insufficiently or unconvincingly. Often there is no indication of practical relevance, or it is indicated only in the most general form.

Therefore, when describing the relevance of the study, it is advisable to adhere to the following logic:

1) show the relevance of the research area;

2) highlight the specifics, show the need to study the topic;

3) characterize the relevance for both science and practice;

4) show what tasks the practice of training, education, development, counseling, etc. faces. and before psychological and pedagogical science in the aspect of the chosen direction in the specific socio-economic conditions of the development of society;

5) consider regulatory documents (laws, decrees, regulations, programs of priority areas, etc.), which contain references to the need for this scientific research according to the specifics of the specialty, area of ​​training;

6) in the degree of development of the problem, formulate what was done by predecessors and by whom (in the most general, summary position, indicate the full name of scientists and practitioners);

7) indicate what remains undisclosed, what remains to be done;

8) formulate a research topic;

9) highlight the research problem. Research problem– a theoretical or factual question that requires resolution. This question must meet two criteria:

a) objectivity. The occurrence of a problem must be dictated by objective factors;

b) significance. The problem must have theoretical or applied significance for science.

To pose a problem is to answer a question“What needs to be studied that has not been studied before?” Most often, the problem is formulated in the form of a question. For example: “What are the conditions necessary and sufficient for...?” The problem is the basis of all work. The formulation of the problem of scientific research is a kind of boundary between knowledge and ignorance. It arises when previous knowledge becomes insufficient, and new knowledge has not yet taken on a developed form;

10) formulate a research topic.

Let us give an example of justification for the relevance scientific research on the topic " Psychological and pedagogical work on the formation of empathy in children with disabilities».

In the context of an accelerating pace of life, people are increasingly faced with the problem of a lack of warmth in relationships and their own loneliness. The question naturally arises about the origins of such alienation and indifference. In this regard, the process of developing sympathy and empathy for others as for oneself is of particular relevance for our time.

Empathy is a leading social emotion and acts as an individual’s ability to respond emotionally to the experiences of other people. It involves the subjective perception of another person, penetration into his inner world, understanding of his experiences, thoughts and feelings.

Increasing importance is being attached to the study of social emotions in the works of domestic psychologists (A. A. Bodalev, A. V. Zaporozhets, V. V. Zenkovsky, A. D. Kosheleva, N. Leontyev, M. I. Lisina, V. S. Mukhina, Ya. Z. Neverovich, S. L. Rubinshtein, P. V. Simonov, L. P. Strelkova, D. B. Elkonin). Social emotions contribute to “the process of human socialization, the formation of relationships in the world in adult and child communities” [..., p. 23].

The experience of psychologists and teachers shows that most people with disabilities suffer from a lack of communication culture, which manifests itself both in the nature of their own actions and in inadequate perception of the emotional manifestations of other people, lack of sympathy and empathy. It should be noted that this problem concerns not only adults, but also preschool children, especially children with disabilities.

Relationships with other people begin and develop most intensively in childhood. The experience of these first relationships is “the foundation for the further development of the child’s personality and largely determines the characteristics of a person’s self-awareness, his attitude to the world, his behavior and well-being among people” [..., p. 8].

We believe that preschool age is the most favorable for positive and effective changes in the development of the personality of a child with disabilities. And as studies by psychologists show, the result of a positively directed emotional childhood experience is trust in the world, openness, readiness to interact with people around, which provides the basis for positive self-realization of a growing personality [..., ...].

Thus, it can be noted that it is in preschool age that the foundations of an individual’s emotional and moral culture are laid. One of the most important components of the emotional and moral culture of children is the development of empathy as a person’s ability to sympathize and empathize with other people and understand their conditions.

In the fundamental state document - “The National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation, one of the main tasks is to provide a developing society with modernly educated, moral, enterprising people...” […].

This research problem is also reflected in a number of regulatory documents such as: The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, which states that “the content of education should ensure ...... the formation of a spiritual and moral personality.” “The content of education should promote mutual understanding and cooperation between people...” […]. The National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation for the period until 2025 notes that: “The state in the field of education is obliged to ensure the upbringing of the younger generation in the spirit of high morality...” […].

The Federal State Educational Standard of General Education states that primary general education is intended to become one of the tools for the civil, moral and intellectual-cultural development of Russian society of the 21st century, “one of the means is ..... nurturing openness, tolerance, harmonious relationships in children and adolescents with people and nature." The main educational program is aimed at “... the development of the child as a subject of relationships with people, the world and himself...” […]. Achieving this program goal involves developing communication and collaboration skills.

Also, the requirements for the results of mastering this basic educational program of primary general education talk about the formation of the ability to sympathize and empathize, look at oneself from the outside, abilities related to life in society, the ability to help another who needs help, to notice this need, to respond to request.

In modern psychological and pedagogical literature, the problem of the emergence and formation of empathy in adults and school-age children has been studied. Much less research has been devoted to studying this problem in preschool age. At the same time, it is in preschool childhood, when the foundations of an individual’s emotional and moral culture are laid, that it is important to determine effective ways to develop empathy, responsiveness, and humanity in children.

In the system of basic general education of the Russian Federation, psychological and pedagogical support is being formed - a special culture of support and assistance to the child’s personality in the educational process.

Currently, the term “psychological and pedagogical support” is used in relation to the problems of organizing training and education in the context of modernization of education.

The idea of ​​psychological and pedagogical support as a system of professional activity of a psychologist, aimed at organizing the socio-psychological conditions for successful learning and psychological development of a child in various situations of school interaction in the process of focusing on the child’s zone of proximal development, begins to play a major role.

Psychological and pedagogical support is a special type of assistance to a child in the educational process, a technology aimed at providing assistance at one or another stage of development in solving or preventing emerging problems.

Experts bring the concept of “accompaniment” closer to the concept of support and note that support technologies make it possible to analyze the social situation of a child’s development, his immediate environment, diagnose the level of his mental development, apply active group work methods, methods of active socio-psychological training, as well as individual work with students, parents, teachers. The support system grew out of practice and is practice-oriented.

L.M. Shipitsyna interprets support as a method that ensures the creation of conditions for the subject of development to make optimal decisions in various situations of life choice. The subject of development is understood as both a developing person and a developing psychological and pedagogical system. From the author’s point of view, support is a complex method, which is based on the unity of interaction between the specialist and the person being accompanied. And the support process is the interaction of a psychologist, teacher, physician and students, the result of which is assistance in resolving problems of personal development. In addition, psychological support is a kind of model for organizing psychological services in education and is a reflection in practice of a system of theoretical ideas about the activities of a school psychologist.

The goal of psychological and pedagogical support for a child’s personality is related to the state order for the results of the educational process at school in the context of the implementation of federal state educational standards and the needs of subjects of the educational process. The needs of the individual in the process of psychological and pedagogical support are studied using methods of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics. Based on the obtained psychodiagnostic data, the purpose and objectives of psychological and pedagogical support of the child’s personality are clarified.

The main principle of psychological and pedagogical support is the value of a person’s personal choice and self-determination in significant life situations.

In psychological and pedagogical science and practice, the following main tasks of psychological and pedagogical support are named:

  • Monitoring the dynamics of psychological development and psychological and pedagogical status of the student.
  • Development of an individual educational trajectory based on the formation of a child’s sustainable educational motivation in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.
  • Formation of students' ability to self-knowledge, self-development, and self-determination.
  • Creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of children with special educational needs.
  • Providing psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents of students.
  • Providing psychological and pedagogical support to teachers.

Support functions are systematized into three groups:

  • The information function is to inform the subjects of the educational process about the forms and methods of support.
  • The directing function ensures the coordination of the activities of all those interested in supporting the subjects of the educational process to coordinate their actions.
  • The development function sets the direction for all services participating in the support system. It is ensured by the activities of teachers, educational psychologists, defectologists, while teaching staff use developmental technologies of teaching and upbringing in their practice, and educational psychologists use developmental classes with students.

Scientists call the leading idea of ​​psychological and pedagogical support for the individual the awareness by specialists of the importance of a child’s independence in solving the problems of his own development.

Conceptual components of psychological and pedagogical support:

  • systematic monitoring of the dynamics of the child’s mental development and his psychological and pedagogical status;
  • socio-psychological conditions for the development of students’ personality and their successful learning;
  • special socio-psychological conditions for providing assistance to children with special educational needs.

Psychological and pedagogical support of the child’s personality in the educational process is implemented in accordance with the following principles:

  • The basic principle is to respect the interests of the child. The support system specialist needs to solve each problematic situation for the benefit of the child. The success of helping a child often depends on a number of specialists or on how the specialist and parent interact. This also means the interaction of specialists, the use of scientific methods of research, correction and development, which allows obtaining optimal results.
  • The principle of continuity, which guarantees the child continuous support both at all levels of education and at all stages of assistance in solving the problem. In addition, this principle means that children at risk will also be provided with continuous support.
  • The principle of systematic support. System design support is carried out in a number of areas: the development and implementation of programs for the development of educational systems, the design of new types of educational institutions, the creation of preventive and correctional development programs. This principle is implemented through the unity of diagnosis, correction and development.

At different levels of education, the corresponding tasks of psychological and pedagogical support of the individual are solved (Table 1).

Table 1

The level of education

Primary School

Diagnosis of readiness for learning at school.

Ensuring adaptation to school.

Formation of cognitive and educational motivation.

Development of creative abilities.

Development of independence and self-organization.

Basic school

Assistance in adapting to new learning conditions in primary school.

Help in solving problems of personal development, socialization, self-determination and self-development.

Help in building constructive relationships with parents and peers.

Prevention of deviant behavior, drug addiction, prevention of neuroses

High school

Support in vocational guidance and self-determination.

Support in solving value and semantic problems.

Development of social competencies.

Developing the ability to set goals.

Prevention of deviant behavior

In accordance with the psychological characteristics of the child’s development, the structure of the educational system and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, the directions of psychological and pedagogical support for the child’s personality have been determined, implemented at all levels of education:

  • Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of students.
  • Psychological and pedagogical support for the adaptation process of students.
  • Psychological and pedagogical support for students at risk.
  • Psychological education of participants in the educational process.
  • Identification and support of children with special educational needs.
  • Preservation and strengthening of mental health.
  • Identification of gifted children and their support.
  • Ensuring an informed choice of future profession.

In addition, the levels of psychological and pedagogical support (individual, group; at the class level, at the school level) and forms of support (diagnosis, counseling, prevention, education, correctional and developmental work) have been identified.

Psychological and pedagogical support includes special components in its content (Table 2).

table 2


Psychological and pedagogical conditions

Identifying and taking into account the individual characteristics of the child.

Corrective and developmental orientation of the entire educational process.

Application of modern educational technologies.

Creating a comfortable socio-psychological climate.

Differentiated conditions

Optimal training loads.

Health-saving conditions

Maintaining physical and mental health.

Compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules and regulations. Prevention of physical, intellectual and psychological overload of students.

Specialized conditions

Taking into account the special educational needs of children with disabilities.

Differentiation and individualization of learning.

Complex correctional and developmental intervention carried out in individual and group lessons.

The analysis made it possible to identify the field of problems of psychological and pedagogical support of the child’s personality in the educational process in modern conditions of the implementation of federal state educational standards.

The first problem is related to the difficulties that arise in the process of psychological and pedagogical support during the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, including: reduced motivation among teachers; insufficient use of data from psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of children in work; low level of relevant competencies; etc.

Resolution of difficulties is more successful in the context of the implementation in educational organizations that are mastering the Federal State Educational Standard, such measures as:

  • information support (formation of a bank of diagnostic materials, creation of projects, organization of scientific activities).
  • advanced training (methodological seminars, psychological trainings, methodological support of the educational process, conferences at various levels).

The second problem arose due to the fact that the Federal State Educational Standard involves taking into account the individual characteristics of each student (age, psychological, physiological) with the development of individual development trajectories. The consequence of this is the joint activity of specialists in the education system (teacher, psychologist, speech pathologist, physician, social worker) and parents, which should lead to the emergence of coordination centers that carry out this interaction. Such activities can be carried out by a tutor. If the school has children with special educational needs, its role is particularly important.

The third problem is created by the peculiarities of the educational process of children with disabilities; school specialists must have a high level of relevant competencies.

Thus, the essence of psychological and pedagogical support for the child’s personality in the educational process is to create socio-psychological conditions for the child’s personal development and his successful education, including the formation of personality characteristics that meet the requirements of new educational standards, based on building an individual educational trajectory of the child’s development and formation of sustainable educational motivation, as well as for psychological and pedagogical support of all participants in the educational process.

Introduction - the beginning of coursework, diploma or master's work in psychology. Relevance is the beginning of the introduction and the calling card of the work.

In the topical section of the introduction, in one or two paragraphs you need to argue why it is necessary to conduct psychological research on the stated topic. And here the logic of presentation should be from the general to the particular and from practical life to psychology.

You need to start presenting the relevance of the topic of a diploma in psychology with a real, practical problem. Next, justify the importance of psychological analysis of the problem. And finally, indicate how the stated topic can help solve a real practical problem.

For example, there is a real problem of increasing the efficiency of workers’ professional activities. The problem of increasing labor efficiency in the hotel industry is especially pressing. Professional success is influenced by various factors: social, organizational and psychological. Among psychological factors, the personal characteristics of employees occupy an important place. Thus, the relevance of the topic is logically justified “ Study of personal factors of professional effectiveness of employees of hotel organizations».

Another example of describing the relevance of a topic in psychology. We have a thesis or master’s thesis topic in psychology: “ Peculiarities of ideas about happiness in women of different ages" Here is what the relevance of this topic might look like in the form of abstracts:

  • The comfortable psychological well-being of women is important from the point of view of their fulfilling the role of mother, wife, and professional.
  • Psychological comfort largely depends on ideas about happiness. This is especially true for women, given gender and cultural-historical backgrounds.
  • At each age stage, certain changes occur that confront women with the need to somehow adapt to these changes.
  • To adequately help women adapt to age-related changes, it is important to have reliable psychological data on the characteristics of ideas about happiness in women of different ages.

Sometimes indications of the significance of some practical issues or problems can be supported by statistical data or references to empirical research data. For example, when justifying the relevance of research into psychological methods of preventing divorce, one can indicate statistical data on the number of divorces in Russia and in the world.

Another example. In justifying the relevance of the thesis on the topic: “Psychological characteristics of unmarried middle-aged women,” it is important to provide not only statistical data on the number of single women, but also refer to the results of psychological studies that reveal negative manifestations in the lives of unmarried women.

The relevance of the topic of coursework in psychology is always determined by the needs of practical life. But you shouldn't start too far away. For example, substantiating the relevance of the problem of loneliness among unmarried women should not begin with a description of a person’s initial abandonment in the world and his essential existential loneliness. It is more appropriate to start with the social context and the importance of communication for a person's psychological well-being.

So, the relevance of the thesis or master's research topic should clearly indicate a practical problem. This problem should be clear to anyone, even a non-specialist. This is followed by a clear and well-argued justification that the stated topic of the thesis will help to get closer to solving a practical problem.

I hope this article will help you write your own psychology thesis. If the need arises, please contact us (all types of work in psychology; statistical calculations).Order

Supporting the development of students' motivational needs

Guketlova Dakhanago Magomedovna

Researcher at AMI

The article is devoted to research in the field of pedagogy and psychology, as well as the development of problems in the need-motivational sphere of domestic pedagogy and psychology. Innovative processes in this area are widely used mainly in the practice of Russian universities. A special place in the article is given to issues of the motivational sphere of education, since it is motivation that is an integral part of issues of pedagogy and education in general.

Keywords: education, psychology, pedagogy, scientific developments.

Article is devoted to researches in the field of pedagogics and psychology. And as to working out of problems potrebnostno-motivatsionnoj spheres to domestic pedagogics and psychology. Innovative processes in the given sphere are widely put mainly into practice high schools of Russia. The special place in article is given to questions of a motivational education sphere as the motivation is the integral component of questions of pedagogics and formation as a whole.

Keywords: education, psychology, pedagogics, science development.
An analysis of the modern sociocultural situation shows that in recent years, the practical development of problems of increasing the efficiency of activity and problems of motivational regulation of individual behavior has acquired particular importance, in connection with the increasing demands of society for a person’s success in various types of activities.

In psychology, “motivation” is defined as the motives that cause the activity of an individual and determine its direction. The term “motivation” is used in a broad sense in psychological and pedagogical science in the study of the causes and mechanisms of purposeful behavior of an individual. In a narrower sense, motivation is considered as a process of motive formation, as a set of motives.

An analysis of scientific research shows that many scientists have been involved in the development of problems of motivation and the need-motivational sphere in domestic pedagogy and psychology. So, S.L. Rubinstein proposed a need-based approach to considering motives; V.N. Myasishchev analyzed motives as personal relationships; A.N. Leontyev created a theory of the activity origin of the human motivational sphere; P.M. Jacobson connected the motivational sphere with activity and basic personality traits; V.L. Shadrikov studied the activity aspect of motivation; D.N. Uznadze considered motives in connection with attitude theory; B.C. Merlin paid great attention to the study of motivation in personal terms; IN AND. Kovalev approached the definition of the essence of motive and proposed assessing the motivational sphere of an individual based on all its parameters.

In our opinion, the main results of scientific research can be briefly summarized as follows. The motivational sphere of the individual is a fairly stable psychological formation, since motivation usually exists for a long time, at least this applies to most of its constituent motives. At the same time, motives do not disappear without a trace as they are implemented in activity: depending on the nature of the activity itself and the specifics of its organization, motives undergo some changes, strengthening or weakening. Thus, with the receipt of new gratitude, a person’s desire to receive encouragement does not disappear.

Psychological and pedagogical research shows that a number of important psychological and pedagogical factors contribute to increasing the stability of the motivational sphere of the individual and its development, among which the following can be noted: 1) established relationships in the social environment; 2) purposeful education of the individual; 3) positive successes of a person in activity; 4) favorable influence of the team.

Thus, the motivational sphere is not something frozen and unchanging; on the contrary, it is formed and develops in a certain direction, and can weaken or strengthen. This phenomenon manifests itself in a person’s different attitude towards activity: for example, some weak motives may become stronger, while a strong desire to engage in a certain type of activity, on the contrary, may fade away.

It seems important to note the fact that the dynamism of the motivational sphere of an individual is manifested not only in a change in the strength of motives: their totality in a given type of activity changes, the subordination of groups of motives in connection with changes in the motivational sphere under the influence of the environment and education. The structure of motivation itself is changing. As an example, we can cite the fact that a certain type of activity can be stimulated by several groups of motivation (social, collectivistic, activity-based) or just one of the groups of motives (stimulating motives).

All the psychological features of the motivational-need sphere of the individual described in modern literature must be taken into account when organizing various types of human activity, including educational and non-educational activities of university students.

In domestic child psychology and preschool pedagogy, the need for systematic monitoring of the progress of children’s mental development has long been recognized, because During the period of early and preschool childhood, the child’s personality is actively formed, which directly depends on his social conditions.
Monitoring the mental development of a child in order to timely detect disorders in ontogenesis makes it possible to organize work on correction, compensation and prevention of secondary developmental deviations. In this regard, it is necessary to comprehensively study the developmental features of children of early and preschool age, the main types of normal and abnormal development in their diversity.
Undoubtedly, foreign experience deserves the most careful attention and study. However, in our country, for many reasons, it cannot be used as the basis for diagnosing the mental development of children. The fundamental point that does not allow direct borrowing in this area is the deep discrepancy in understanding the nature of the child’s mental development, its driving forces and mechanisms. Currently, domestic researchers use a comprehensive age-related study of the child, taking into account his social development situation.
Modern examination methods using diagnostic training options make it possible to identify disorders in children already at early preschool age. These diagnostics are personality-oriented and involve a socio-psychological analysis of the child’s living conditions and development, which, in turn, allows the child to be included in corrective education in a timely manner to prevent secondary deviations.
The specificity of a psychological and pedagogical examination lies in the systematic analysis of the phenomena of child development. This is a study of the social situation of the child’s development, consideration of the hierarchy of activity and psychological developments in the sphere of consciousness and personality of the child. The solution to any problems relating to the development, training and upbringing of a child cannot be successful without carefully considering them from the point of view of the content and conditions of a particular age stage, without taking into account the patterns of ontogenesis as a whole.
The process of a child’s mental development is considered in the system of concepts of L.S. Vygotsky: Source, Driving Forces of Development and Conditions of Education. This approach to considering the features of the development process of a human individual reflects the specifics of the entire mental development of a person as an individual by its nature, social, active and active. Individual forms of mental activity are formed on the basis of the process of assimilation and appropriation by the child of the experience of human generations, on the basis of mastering a variety of means and methods of orientation in the sphere of human relations and objective practice. The assimilation of social experience is not limited to the child’s acquisition of knowledge, skills or a set of cultural skills. This is a much deeper process, which includes the formation of the needs and abilities of the child as an integral person.
It is well known that the mental development of a child is a unity of biological and social factors. At each age stage, the assimilation of human experience occurs differently, which is to a certain extent determined by the degree of biological maturation. At each age stage, the combination of biological and social changes and enters into new relationships, which is reflected in the combination of levels of physical and mental development.
The assimilation of social experience occurs in the process of active activity of the child himself - communication, objective activity, play, learning. The true driving forces of his development lie in the contradictions generated by a child’s own activity in the world. At the same time, for the analysis of the processes of individual development, it is especially important that the structure of a child’s activity can be qualitatively different, while this or that organization does not develop spontaneously and spontaneously, but depending on certain social conditions. Among such conditions necessary for mental development and therefore requiring primary attention in individual psychological analysis, as is known, is communication. Starting from the earliest stages of ontogenesis, it acquires a personal character and presupposes the possibility of close practical interaction between a child and an adult.