Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Alexey Pleshcheev - Children and the bird: Verse. Presentation on the topic "Children and the Bird" by A.N.

Technological map of the lesson Class: 4 Teacher: Samsonkina N.V. Topic: “A.N. Pleshcheev. “Children and the Bird” Purpose: To create conditions for students to get acquainted with the poet A.N. Pleshcheev and with the work of A.N. Pleshcheev “Children and the Bird”; Learning task: who is A.N. Pleshcheev? Lesson type: discovery of new knowledge; Planned results: Subject: introduce students to the work of A.N. Pleshcheev, to achieve an understanding of the meaning of the poem; develop the ability to express your feelings in relation to what you read, to see the mood of a lyrical work; help remember the definition and find figurative language means, epithets, personifications in the text; Meta-subject UUD: Cognitive UUD: To develop the ability to analyze the content of the text, compare the characters of the work, determine the features of the drama. Regulatory UUD: To develop the ability to control oneself in the educational process; The ability to understand and accept a learning task. Communicative UUD: Develop the ability to hear and understand the interlocutor and interact with the other “I”; To develop the ability to construct speech statements in accordance with the assigned tasks; Personal: to form a respectful attitude towards the author’s word, to learn to observe the “external” detachment of the author and his presence in the work;

to cultivate moral qualities through the child’s attitude towards the character Materials and equipment: 1. L.F. Klimanov, V.G. Goretsky “Literary reading”, 4th grade, book 2. Power Point presentation. 3. handout ORGANIZATIONAL POINT (3 MIN) SETTING A LEARNING PROBLEM (4 MIN) SOLUTION OF LEADING (10 MIN) PRACTICAL APPLICATION (15 MIN) REFLECTION (3 MIN) No. Stages Teacher's activities 1. Organizational moment Hello guys! Lesson progress Student activities Hello! Good How are you in the mood! To cheer you up a little and lift your spirits, let's start the lesson with a speech warm-up: 2. Speech warm-up a) Learn to pronounce sounds clearly. ra - ra - ra - It's time for Katya to sleep; ro - ro - ro - there is a bucket on the floor; ry - ry - ry - mosquitoes fly; or - or - or - we swept the yard; ar - ar - ar - there is a lantern hanging on the wall. b) Read the rhyme clearly and clearly. Containers - bars Methods, techniques. Results Method: motivating, Reception: poems by everyone in Involving students in activities. Readiness of the class to learn new material. (cid:216) (cid:216) (cid:216) (cid:216) (cid:216)

2. Statement of the educational task Rastabars! Varvara's chickens are old! Well done! Let's open the notebooks and write down the date. What is today's date? Success situation: Read the proverbs and guess who they are talking about:  Everyone is afraid of the network.  Every one of them flaunts with a feather.  Wherever she flies, she knows her nest.  She was given wings, and man was given reason. Right! Problem situation: Today in class we will again go to the wonderful world of poetry, where you will definitely discover a new, interesting page for yourself. The task you will complete will help you find out the name of the poet whose work we will get acquainted with today. Take strips of paper and cross out only the same syllables. Fourteenth of November About the birds of Pleshchey. Method: discussions; dialogue, situations of success, problematic situation; Reception: presentations, questions, Ability to come out, accept and understand the learning task

MAPMALMAEMASHMAEMAEMAV What name did you read? Collaborative formulation of KM. Who guessed who we'll be talking about today? Well done, guys! Today we will get acquainted with the work of Alexei Nikolaevich Pleshcheev (showing a portrait). 3. Finding a solution to a learning problem Look at the portrait. What can you say about this man? What look? Alexey Nikolaevich Pleshcheev was born in Kostroma on November 22, 1825. Alyosha Pleshcheev spent his childhood in Nizhny Novgorod. Elena Alexandrovna was involved in his upbringing, who gave her son a good education at home. Since 1839, Alexey Nikolaevich Pleshcheev studied at the school of guards ensigns and cavalry cadets. mother, About Pleshcheev Kind, attentive Children take notes, listen, Method: dialogue, reasoning, explanation, work with a book Technique: Presentation, physical exercise, answer, question Ability to find information from the presentation of illustrations Ability to engage in dialogue Cognitive UUD: information search Ability to find information from illustrations and understand it;

Pleshcheev Pleshcheev's military career was not attractive, and in 1842. he left the school, and in the fall of 1843. entered St. Petersburg University, the eastern department of the historical and philological university. In 1846, the very first collection of poems made Pleshcheev famous among revolutionary youth. He was arrested in 1849 and some time later sent into exile, where he spent almost ten years in military service. Upon returning from exile, he continued his literary activity; Having gone through years of poverty and hardship, he became an authoritative writer, critic, publisher, and at the end of his life, a philanthropist. The favorite poet of Russian youth of the 1840s, after exile he turns into an excellent children's poet. Children's poems will be collected by the poet in Moscow in his collection “Snowdrop”. Many of the poet’s works (especially poems for children) have become textbooks and are considered classics. More than a hundred famous Russian composers have written on Pleshcheev’s poems Ability to formulate rules in conjunction with a teacher Ability to listen and hear others Lida reads a poem

romances. OPEN THE TEXTBOOK ON PAGE 155 Let's get acquainted with the work of Alexei Nikolaevich Pleshcheev “Children and the Bird”. Guys, let's read the poem. Anyone interested in reading? Lida read CHILDREN AND THE BIRD “Bird! We feel sorry for your sonorous songs! Don’t fly away from us... Wait!” - “Dear little ones! From your side The cold and rain drive me away. Over there in the trees, on the roof of the gazebo, so many friends are waiting for me! Tomorrow you will still sleep, children, and we will all rush south. There is neither cold nor rain there now, The wind does not tear leaves from the branches, The sun does not hide in the clouds there...” - “Will you come back to us soon, birdie?” Perception, comprehension of text

“I will return to you with a supply of new songs when the snow melts from the fields, when a sparkling stream gurgles in the ravine - And all nature begins to come to life under the spring sun... I will return when, little ones, you will be reading!” STROPHE 1 1) What does the author call the children? 2) What do the “cute little ones” regret? 3) How does the author explain the departure of the birds? 5) Choose a synonym for the word children? ) How early do birds fly away? Prove with text. Dear little children Bird, friends That the birds fly away to the south The cold and rain drive the birds away This is when it is very cold and the birds cannot stand the cold Child, little baby,

2) What verb indicates the swiftness of the birds’ action? At night Let's rush There is no cold there now, no rain, the wind does not tear off the branches Will the bird soon return to them? The bird will return with a reserve of songs. The snow will melt when in the ravine The stream will gurgle, shining, 3) How the south is described. Tell me. 4) What question still worries children? 5) What will birds bring in spring to their native lands? 6) Name the signs of spring in the bird’s answer. 7) Read the description of the stream. Physical exercise. Are you probably tired? Well, then everyone stood up together. They stamped their feet and clapped their hands. They spun and spun and all sat down at their desks. We close our eyes tightly and count to five. We open it, blink and continue charging. Exercise for the eyes.

4. Practical application Now guys, let's read the poem by role. We need to distribute roles children bird author Children distribute roles (optional) Practical method Ability to apply new knowledge in practice; The ability to regulate and understand when performing exercises 5. Result (reflection) Who will be the bird? Who will read for the children? Who will read for the author? Well done! Now draw a bird as you imagine it. DEMONSTRATION OF DRAWINGS Did you like the work we read? What new things have you learned about Alexey Nikolaevich Pleshcheev? Homework to prepare for expressive reading of the work “Children and the Bird” p.145 Well done! - The lesson is over. Thanks everyone! Children draw birds Yes Children's answers Method: discussions; Reception: questions, answers Ability to summarize the topic covered; Ability to evaluate your understanding Thank you!

Mamaeva Elena Nikolaevna
Job title: primary school teacher
Educational institution: KOGOBU SSH village Arbazh
Locality: urban-type settlement Arbazh, Kirov region
Name of material: Technological map of a literary reading lesson in 4th grade
Subject:"Pleshcheev A.A. "Children and the Bird"
Publication date: 15.03.2018
Chapter: primary education

Technological map of the 4th grade literary reading lesson “Pleshcheev A.A. "Children and the Bird."

2.Didactic purpose– promote the assimilation of a block of new educational information in the “Poetry Notebook” section

A.N. Pleshcheev "Children and the Bird"

Content goals:

3.1. subject: know biography of the poet Pleshcheev, the content of the poem “Children and the Bird”, perceive by ear

a poetic work that conveys the mood and feelings in a poem.

3.2 a. educational: analyze a literary text, highlight the main idea in it.






studying the topic of the lesson.

3.2.c. communicative: answer questions based on a literary text, be able to fully and accurately express your

thoughts in accordance with the objectives and conditions of the lesson.

3.2.g.personal: nurturing love for

nature, developing interest in reading and studying the works of A.N.

Pleshcheev, development of the ability to feel beauty.

Lesson type: learning new material

Methods: problem presentation, partial search, verbal, visual

Teaching materials: textbook, handouts, multimedia equipment

Lesson steps

Teacher activities

Student activities

Formation of UUD


th moment


I hear - I forget.

I see - I remember

I do - I understand.

Without understanding, reading is empty entertainment.

Getting ready for the lesson.

The teachers are listening.

Regulatory Be able to concentrate

attention, organize your workplace


text and determine its genre.


"Take care of these waters..."

Asks questions about the poem.

call to save nature.

Children read the text to themselves,

define the genre

justify their choice.

Children read with

encouraging intonation

Communicative: be able to formulate your

thoughts in oral form, be able to

formulate and argue

own judgments, be able to listen

teachers and other students

Cognitive: be able to navigate


already known with the help of a teacher,

Raises questions.

What section are we studying?

Reading a poem

Answer questions.

About nature, create different

lyrical images, oh


set goals and find solutions

Communication skills: be able to accurately and competently

express one's thoughts orally



And who else, but with colors and music, depicts

nature in your works?

Shows slide with paintings by I. Levitan.

Asks questions

Offers to listen to a fragment of the work

“Seasons” by P.I. Tchaikovsky and determine

the mood of each of them

Thanks and marks.

Children answer questions



Children read poems

Regulatory: setting an educational task

based on the correlation of what is already

known and learned by students, and that

still unknown

Cognitive: be able to set goals and

find solutions

Communicative: answer questions.



Asks to tell the biography of a trained poet

Asks a question.

Asks to determine the theme of the poem

Asks questions.

Offers to create a book based on the work

Children answer questions.

Prepared student

tells briefly

biography of the poet

Children answer

Children listen

Communication: answering questions

based on a literary text.


find solutions

Regulatory: be able to set new goals,

transform practical problems into

educational, talk

sequence of actions in the lesson,

be able to work on time



A.N. Pleshcheeva.

Organizes the completion of tasks according to content

2nd page Find lines that match


3rd page Prove using words from the text that children

small. Asks questions.

4th page. Asks to draw up a quotation plan.

5th page Gives the task to correct errors in the text.

Reading by role

Children sign their

Children read selectively.

The children answer.

Children make up a quotation

Children find and manage

Children determine.

Read on their own

One student reads.

Clap your hands if

I liked it

Children read in chorus

children, and one student for

find answers to questions.

Communicative: express your thoughts

in oral and written speech.



Control and



acquired knowledge. Asks questions

The guys answer

teacher questions

Personal: self-determination.

Regulatory: be able to evaluate results

its activities

Summing up


Asks a question.

What kind of work did you do while compiling the book?

The guys call

completed tasks.



Organizes reflection. Asks a question.

The guys answer

Communication: skill with sufficient

completeness and

express your thoughts accurately.

Information about


Assigns homework: fill in the blank


Record homework

Lesson progress

1 The topic of the lesson according to the standard “Pleshcheev A.A. "Children and the Bird."

2 .Didactic purpose

– promote the assimilation of a block of new educational

information on




skin damage using problem-based learning using ICT.C ate


know biography





work, convey the mood and feelings in the poem????.

educational: analyze literary text, highlight

it contains the main idea.

3.2 b. regulatory: formulating the learning objectives of the lesson, planning

together with the teacher of activities to study the topic of the lesson.

3.2.c. communicative: answer questions based on artistic

text, be able to fully and accurately express your thoughts in accordance with the tasks

and terms of communication

3.2.g.personal: nurturing love for nature, developing interest in

reading and studying the works of A. N. Pleshcheev

Lesson steps

Teacher activities

Student activities


th moment


I hear - I forget.

I see - I remember

I do - I understand.

We will listen, remember and reason. After all

reading without reflection is empty entertainment.

Getting ready for the lesson.

The teachers are listening.


The teacher asks to look at the board and read

text and determine its genre.


"Take care of these waters..."

Prove that you have read the poem.

What is a poem?

save nature

Raises questions.

What section are we studying?

What do they write about in their poems?

Children read the text to themselves,

define the genre

justify their choice.

Define what it is


Reading a poem

Answer questions.

About nature, create different

lyrical images, oh




Why did many poets write and write about nature?

And who else, but with colors and music, depicts nature in

your works?

You need to be able to see and hear nature, only then

you can create a work that touches the soul,

will cause a response in the soul: we will be sad, we will feel pain

heart from sadness or vice versa we will smile, we will

enjoy life.

Children answer questions

Artists, composers...



Shows slide with paintings by I. Levitan.

What do we see in all the paintings of I. Levitan? Looking at

What pictures make you feel happy?

Offers to listen to a fragment of the work “Times”

year" by P.I. Tchaikovsky and determine the mood

each of them.

Poems also evoke different moods in us.

Offers to read your favorite poems about nature.

Thanks and marks.

What new will we learn in class?

What will we continue to learn?

Where do we start analyzing a work?

The poet whose work we will meet today is

loved nature, knew how to feel it subtly.

Pleshcheev and his work. SLIDE

Think about what the poem will be about.

Reading a poem by the teacher.

What pictures did you imagine while listening to the poem?

What mood did the poem make you feel?

Pleshcheev wrote many poems for children. They entered

The book is the result of the poet’s great creative work.

(Shows books with his poems.) one of........ Author,

creating a poem, fills it with various secrets

and riddles. Today we have to reveal secrets

poem "Children and the Bird".

Let's try to penetrate into the content of the poem,

understand it not only with the mind, but also with the heart, and for this we

we will also create a book that will help us

feel the poem and will be the result of our

creative work.

To do this we need to complete a number of tasks.

Children look, compare,

give answers

Reading poetry

Children answer questions

Prepared student

tells briefly

biography of the poet

Children answer

The children listen and then

answer questions.

Children look at

cover, sign their

Where does any book begin?

Asks to open the first page. ?????

Read the poem yourself and mark

words and expressions that paint a picture of late

Checks the completion of independent work.

What words and expressions did you note?

What else can you add to the illustration?

Asks to open the second page.

Look at the illustration.

Gives tasks. Prove based on the text that children

small. Read the names of the birds and circle the one

(or those) with whom the children could talk.

Explain your choice.

Conducts a physical education session.

Asks to open the third page.

Solve the crossword puzzle and add your own definition of who

Organizes mutual inspection of completed work

4th page “Find errors.”

Asks to compare the text in the textbook and on the page,

find the words that are replaced.

5th page

Drawing up a plan for a poem based on

slide show. Gives the task to find signatures for them from

What's your mood? Maybe you're already tired?

Asks to determine the pace of reading, intonation of children and

Children read and mark

words, expressions.

Children answer

The edge of the sun, the rain.

The children answer and then

finishing drawing TIME

Open, examine


Complete tasks.

Children perform movements

Solve the crossword puzzle 4min

Work in pairs

Children find and correct

Children write down the quotation

making a plan


Children answer in chorus

Children answer

Read on their own

One student reads.

Clap your hands if

I liked it

Reading by role

Children read in chorus for the children,

and one student for a bird

Control and



Organizes activities to control absorption

acquired knowledge.

Working with the compiled

Summing up


Asks questions.

What goal did you and I set?

Have you achieved your goals?

Answer questions



Organizes reflection. Asks to underline in the table

Emphasize what is needed

Information about


We have opened the last page. What do you see on

her? It is left for your creativity. Sets and

Literary reading lesson

in 4th grade

Topic: Pleshcheev A.N.

"Children and the Bird"


primary school teacher

Kulik Natalya Nikolaevna

Speech warm-up Breathing exercises. "Candle-1": take a deep breath through your nose, hold your breath; exhale through your mouth, blowing out an imaginary candle flame. “The autumn wind rustles”: take a deep breath through your nose, hold your breath; as you exhale, pronounce [w] protractedly, then strengthening and then weakening the sound.

Articulation warm-up

"Lips"- Pursing your lips tightly, pull them forward; Without opening your lips, stretch them into a smile; repeat the exercise 2-3 times.

Exercise for diction.

The falcon sat on the naked trunk.

  • On December 4, 1825, a boy was born in Kostroma - the future famous Russian poet Alexei Nikolaevich Pleshcheev.
  • Alyosha Pleshcheev spent his childhood in Nizhny Novgorod. His family was not rich. His father died when Pleshcheev was still a child. His mother, Elena Alexandrovna, was involved in his upbringing, who gave her son a good education at home.
  • At the age of 13, at the request of his mother, Alexey Pleshcheev moved to St. Petersburg and entered the school of guards ensigns. Pleshcheyev’s military career was not attractive, and he left the school. In the fall of 1843 he entered St. Petersburg University, the eastern department of the historical and philological university. During his student years, he tried his hand at poetry. A. N. Pleshcheev’s first poem was published in the Sovremennik magazine when he was 19 years old.
  • Pleshcheev occupies one of the most prominent places in children's literature. Children's poems were collected by the poet in Moscow in his collection “Snowdrop”.
  • With special love, Pleshcheev wrote about the beauty of Russian nature.
  • Not all of Pleshcheev’s poems are imbued with a joyful mood. Some are especially sad. These are poems about autumn.
  • Autumn has come
  • The flowers have dried up,
  • And they look sad
  • Bare bushes.
  • Although Alexey Nikolaevich Pleshcheev lived and wrote many years ago, his poems are read today, and they will always live in the soul of the people.

Vocabulary work

let's go - follow Very


cold - severe cold, frost

more vernal - spring





a technique in which inanimate objects are endowed with human qualities

a figurative definition that gives an artistic description of an object or phenomenon

Reading by role:



  • With. 145, learn the poem by heart; draw an illustration for a poem

Literary reading

Teacher: Petrenko L.P. Class: 4-A

Topic: “A.N. Pleshcheev. Children and the bird"


Introduce students to the work of A.N. Pleshcheev, to achieve an understanding of the meaning


Develop the ability to express your feelings in relation to what you read, to see

the mood of a lyrical work;

Develop expressive reading skills and creative abilities of children;

Help you remember the definition and find figurative language means in the text -

epithets, personifications;

Develop verbal drawing skills.


Correction of speech, visual and auditory attention;

Development and enrichment of vocabulary;

Develop memory, speech, imagination and creative thinking;

Develop students' creative imagination;


Cultivate artistic taste, instill a love of poetry;

Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

equipment: portrait of the poet, modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, books, textbook, application “Autumn”, tape recording of P.I. Tchaikovsky “Seasons”, handouts.



1. Creating an emotional mood for the lesson.

State your names. (Children say their names out loud)

I will ask the one whose name contains the syllable KI, I, VA, TYA, VE, DA, YA to sit down.

Well done!

What can you say about today's weather?

Despite the autumn weather, our mood should always be good, then the day will be successful.

Smile at each other and give your smiles to our guests.


During the lesson we will monitor our speech.

Let's repeat the rules of speech (written on the stand).


    Pronounce all sounds clearly.

    Speak expressively and slowly.

    Don't break the words.

    Before speaking, take a breath and speak while exhaling evenly.

    Setting individual lesson goals:

Nikita, Veronica - watch the pronunciation of sounds

Igor, Ilya - watch your breathing.


Today we will work on improving reading techniques, get acquainted with the poet’s work, read his poems and analyze them.

What time of year are we looking at?

Name the autumn months.

What month is it now?

Which one of you loves autumn and why?

What mood does autumn bring you?

- What folk signs about autumn do you know?

1. Autumn is the time for fruit ripening and harvesting.

2. In autumn, the leaves on the trees change color and fall. This phenomenon is called leaf fall.

3. The grass turns yellow, the flowers fade.

4. Migratory birds (swallows, swans, ducks, geese, starlings, rooks, etc.) gather in flocks and fly south.

5. Animals in the fall prepare for winter: they make supplies (squirrels, chipmunks), search

place for hibernation (bears, hedgehogs), molt - “change fur coats”

(hares, wolves, foxes).

6. The days are getting shorter and it rains often.

- Look carefully at the photographs.

What colors predominate on them?

What mood do they create?

Title the landscapes in these photographs.

Is it possible to write captions for photographs using phrases from “People’s Signs”?


Let's start with gymnastics for the eyes.

Draw a cloud on the classroom ceiling with your eyes and trace the path of the snowflake to the ground.

- Let's do a speech warm-up. Buzzing reading.

Read the poem by Vladislav Bakhrevsky slowly, and then as a tongue twister.

The lapwing has miracles:

Whose forests? Whose fox?

Whose are you?

Whose are you?

With foxes

Happy spring,

With forests?

With lapwings

With miracles?

(After self-preparation, students read individually, if desired).



Riddle in proverbs.

- Read the proverbs and guess what or who they are talking about.

Each one flaunts its feathers.

Wherever she flies, she knows her nest.


- Restore the proverbs and explain their meaning.

Today in the lesson we will again go to the wonderful world of poetry, where you will definitely discover a new, interesting page for yourself.

The task you will complete will help you find out the name of the poet whose work we will get acquainted with today.

Take strips of paper and cross out only the same syllables.


What name did you read?

- Pleshcheev.

Well done guys! Today we will get acquainted with creativity

Alexey Nikolaevich Pleshcheev ( showing a portrait).

Boring picture!

The clouds are endless.

The rain is still pouring down.

Puddles by the porch.

We least of all think about who wrote these lines and whether they even belonged to anyone else - they have become our property, we already think with them. Happy is the fate of the poet whose poems are passed down from generation to generation! His name is immortal.

Who is he who gave us unfading lines, imbued with love for Russia, for its people, for our native Russian nature and faith in the bright future of our Fatherland?

A trained student talks about life and creativity

A.N. Pleshcheeva.

Pleshcheev began writing poetry and publishing while still a student. In the middle of the 19th century. The first book of his poems was published.

It contained the poem “Forward.”

Forward without fear and doubt

A valiant feat, friends!

Dawn of Holy Redemption

I saw it in the sky.

Be brave! Let's give each other hands

And together we will move forward,

And let under the banner of science

Our union is strengthening and growing.

This poem was regarded by Pleshcheev's contemporaries as a call for a revolutionary struggle against serfdom.

The poet was arrested for participating in a secret political circle and imprisoned

Peter and Paul Fortress. He was threatened with hard labor. However, the court decided to deprive him of all rights to the estate and exile him to Siberia.

Pleshcheev served in Uralsk for more than 9 years. Only 10 years later the poet received permission to live in the capital and was placed under strict police supervision.

Returning to Moscow, the poet devoted himself entirely to literary work. He writes poems, poems, stories. He was known as a translator and critic.

- Guys, what poems by A.N. Pleshcheev have we already read before?

The snow is already melting, the streams are flowing,

There was a breath of spring through the window...

The nightingales will soon whistle,

And the forest will be dressed in leaves!


Autumn has come

The flowers have dried up,

And they look sad

Bare bushes.

Withers and turns yellow

Grass in the meadows.

It's just turning green

Winter in the fields.

Autumn has come"

The grass is turning green

The sun is shining.

Swallow with spring

It flies towards us in the canopy.

What are these poems about? (About the beauty of Russian nature, about love for it).



The teacher reads a poem (the tape recorder turns on).

- Think and answer the questions written on the board.

Students read the questions and answer them.

Guys, what is unusual about this work?

Written in the form of a dialogue.

Name the interlocutors.

Children and a bird.


Before you read the poem yourself, let’s find out the meaning of the unclear words.

Children find out the meaning of words using a dictionary .

Cold - severe cold, frost

Spring – spring

Let's rush - follow very quickly, rapidly one after another

- Now you will read the poem yourself.

Independent reading of the poem. (P.I.’s music is turned on.



- How did you feel while reading the poem?

Can we judge the author’s character from this poem?

At what time of year does the conversation between children and birds take place?

What do the children ask the bird for?

Don't fly away from them.

Why do they ask the bird not to fly away?

It's a pity for the sonorous songs.

What does she answer them?

It is driven away by cold, rain, no food, no insects.

What question do children ask the bird?

Will you come back to us soon, little bird?

How did she explain to them the time of her arrival back?

The snow will melt from the fields and the stream will gurgle.

What time of year will it be?

Guys, so that we can vividly imagine autumn, images of birds, children, what techniques did the poet use? (personification, epithets)

Definition of terms on the board - PERSONALIZATION

Find in the text the words that the author chooses to convey his attitude towards the little one.

- "Bird, song" - diminutive suffixes to show that this is a tiny creature.


Determine what, when reading a poem, is important to convey to the listeners in order to show your attitude towards the little bird?

With a sad mood, with pain and sadness.

This means the pace is fast. Read the first part.

Children complete the task.

Does the mood change in the second part of the poem??

The second part is excited, with a feeling of slight sadness.

The pace is smooth, unhurried.

Read part two.

Children complete the task.

1. Let's put logical stresses and pauses in the poem.

( the text of the poem is printed on a separate sheet for each student)

Use a pencil to underline important words.

- Let's arrange pauses that must be observed when reading the poem. Let's use the notation shown on the board:

The work is done with the teacher.

| – short pause

/ – long pause

// – very long pause

Read it so that the poet likes it.

2. Expressive reading of a poem by children.

- What was the mood at the beginning of the poem?

What did it end up like? (slightly sad because the bird promised to return).

3. Reading the poem by role.

If there was a task - draw a picture.

What can you depict?

What colors will help you imagine this?

What kind of children do you imagine? Where do they live? How are you dressed?

Describe what kind of bird you imagine?

Describe how you imagine a conversation between children and a bird? (place, time).

According to your stories, we now have a small corner of the forest where this meeting could have taken place. There is a tree in this corner, but the bird we talked about today is missing. We made the application “Falling Leaves”. Attach your birds that you prepared in the labor lesson to the tree.

(Children come to the stand and attach birds to their work).

How do you evaluate your work in class? Tell me according to the diagram:

learned, discovered...

Today in class I: learned, was able...

praise yourself and your classmates for...

. Activating students' reading interest.

If you are interested in learning about the poet’s life, about his works, please check them out in the library, read them, and then tell us in the next lesson.


- Guys, in our textbook there is no illustration for A.N. Pleshcheev’s poem.

Let's put this poem in the form of a homemade book.

  1. 1. Evgeny Abramovich Baratynsky “Spring, spring!” “Where is the sweet whisper of my forests?”
  2. 2. Everyone is afraid of the network. Each one flaunts its feathers. Wherever she flies, she knows her nest. She was given wings, and man was given reason.
  3. 3. Alexey Nikolaevich Pleshcheev was born into the family of a poor provincial official, a representative of an old noble family, in the city of Kostroma. The poet spent his childhood in Nizhny Novgorod, where his father served since 1827, who died when Pleshcheev was still a child. His mother, Elena Alexandrovna, was involved in his upbringing, who gave her son a good education at home, which he continued in St. Petersburg (where he moved with his mother in 1839) at the school of guards ensigns and cavalry cadets.
  4. 4. However, the atmosphere that reigned there was depressing, a military career did not attract him, and in 1842 he left the school (dismissed due to illness), and in the fall of 1843 he entered St. Petersburg University, the eastern department of the Faculty of History and Philology. During his student years, Pleshcheev's circle of acquaintances expanded significantly and his sphere of interests was determined: literary and theatrical hobbies were combined with an appeal to history and political economy. He wrote poetry, and in the second half of the 40s, Pleshcheev also performed quite successfully as a prose writer. His work as a translator covered his entire creative career. He translated prose and poetry.
  5. 5. Contemporaries remembered Pleshcheev as an exceptionally delicate, gentle and friendly person, always ready to help a writer, especially a beginner. However, life was not easy for Pleshcheev himself: after his exile, he was under police surveillance for many years. All his life he struggled with poverty and, in order to support his family (his wife died in 1864, he later married again, and had children from both marriages), he was forced to decide to serve, without leaving his literary pursuits.
  6. 6. In the literary world he was generally respected as an elder and honest writer. Pleshcheev spent only the last years of his life relatively calmly: he received a large inheritance and, free from exhausting work, traveled abroad; however, his health was already undermined, and he was not able to implement his accumulated creative plans.
  7. 7. p. 145  Choose synonyms for the words: CHILDREN - GIRLFRIEND - GUYS GIRLFRIEND, GIRLFRIEND  Choose an antonym for the word: VOICED - DEAF