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English numbers in coloring pages, videos and cards. English numbers with transcription and Russian pronunciation, education, examples Counting in English from 1 to 10

Your children have probably already mastered counting to ten in English: 1. We have already watched the cartoon about Gogo “How old are you?”, where he learns to count from 1 to 10. 2. Songs – counting rhymes we sing and teach: Ten Little Indians, Once I caught a fish alive. Now, to reinforce the material, it’s time for board games...

I think it’s simply impossible to study counting in English to ten with children and not learn this funny classic song for children “One, Two, Three, Four, Five – Once I caught a fish alive.” And although my students and I completed this topic a long time ago, very often at the end of the lesson, when we usually sing something, they...

A good addition to cartoons about Muzzy are online games. Today we present to you a wonderful selection of 13 online games based on the first series of the cartoon “Muzzy in Gondoland”. There are many tasks in the game about Muzzy and they are all quite varied. Press the green “Play” button, select British English as the learning language and English as the hint language and make sure...

Have you ever wondered how often you come across numbers in everyday life? Without them, it is impossible to name the price of the item, the exact time, or the required quantity. And these everyday moments arise several times a day! Therefore, it is important to know and be able to use ordinal numbers in English. Today we will study their spelling and pronunciation, and also figure out how to easily explain counting to 10 in English for children. For successful study, we will divide the material into several parts.

English counting is based on a system similar to the Russian language: first, English numbers are studied, which make up single-digit numbers, and then, based on them, multi-digit numbers are formed. Let's get acquainted with the transcription of these numbers and practice the pronunciation of numbers in English.


This is the basic basis of all numbers. The section is quite difficult, since all the numbers listed must be memorized, and there are no generalizations here. That is why there are many tips on how to easily learn counting from 1 to 10 in English for children.

Number Designation Transcription Pronunciation Sound
Zero/ Oh /ziərəu/, /ou/ /zerou/, /ou/
1 One /wʌn/ /uan/
2 Two /tu:/ /that/
3 Three /θri:/ /sri/
4 Four /fo:/ /foo/
5 Five /faiv/ /five/
6 Six /six/ /syks/
7 Seven /sevn/ /sevn/
8 Eight /eit/ /ate/
9 Nine /nain/ /nain/

Grammar notes: at the number 0 there are two names. In most cases, including when counting in English, we use Zero. Oh used when you need to name a single digit of a combination, for example, a telephone number.

Numbers of the first ten: counting from 10 to 20

Counting from 10 to 20 in English has one peculiarity. The first 3 digits differ in individual spelling, and the rest have a common suffix - teen . Thus, the first ten is quite easy to learn with children, the main thing is to carefully practice the pronunciation of these English numbers in Russian.

Number Designation Transcription Pronunciation Sound
10 Ten /ten/ /ten/
11 Eleven /ilevn/ /ilevn/
12 Twelve /twelv/ /twelv/
13 Thirteen /θə:ti:n/ /shoyochiin/
14 Fourteen /fɔ:ti:n/ /footiin/
15 Fifteen /fifti:n/ /fiftiin/
16 Sixteen /sixti:n/ /syktiin/
17 Seventeen /sevnti:n/ /sevntiin/
18 Eighteen /eiti:n/ /eitiin/
19 Nineteen /nainti:n/ /nineteen/

Grammar notes : changing the root in numbers 13 and 15 (three⟶third and five⟶fif); the absence of a double t at the junction of the root and the suffix in the number 18 (eight+teen=eighteen).


We studied counting to 20, but we will attribute the number twenty itself to this section, since it has a suffix - ty . Thirty, forty and all other numbers have this ending, so learning them will be even easier than the previous ones. Thanks to consonance ty , you can come up with an English poem for children on the topic of counting in tens.

Number Designation Transcription Pronunciation Sound
20 Twenty /twenty/ /twenty/
30 Thirty /θə:ti/ /shoyoti/
40 Forty /fɔ:ti/ /footi/
50 Fifty /fifti/ /fifty/
60 Sixty /siksti/ /syksti/
70 Seventy /sevnti/ /sevnti/
80 Eighty /eiti/ /hey/
90 Ninety /nainti/ /ninety/

Grammarcomments: the numbers 20, 30, 40, 50 change their root letter (tw o ⟶tw e nty,thr ee⟶th i rty,f ou r⟶f o rty, fi v e⟶fi f ty); upon merger eigh t And t y letter t does not double(eigh t y)!

Composite numbers

We have practically learned to count in English in order from one to one hundred. Now the learned numbers will help us create the numbers 36, 89, etc. This is done simply: first pronounce the name of the ten, then the units. In writing, a hyphen is placed between them, for example. thirty thirty-three. Let's look at a few examples with pronunciation and transcription.

Number Designation Transcription Pronunciation
94 Ninety-four /nainti fo:/ /ninety fo/
72 Seventy-two /sevntitu:/ /sevnti tuu/
59 Fifty-nine /fifti nain/ /fifty nine/
81 Eighty-one /eiti wan/ /aty one/
48 Forty-eight /fɔ:ti eit/ /footy ate/

Now our score starts from 0 up to 100 there are no spaces.

We study hundreds and thousands

How to use numbers for amounts over 100? Easily! When listing hundreds in order, they are preceded by the corresponding units, for example. twohundred (200) . The same principle applies to thousands, for example. eightthousand (8000). Even a child can remember this simple rule.

Number Designation Transcription Pronunciation
100 One(a) hundred /wʌn (ə) hʌndrɪd/ /uan(e) handrid/
1000 One (a) thousand /wʌn (ə) θaʊzənd/ /one (uh) southend/
300 Three hundred /θri: hʌndrɪd/ /sri handrid/
5000 Five thousand / faiv θaʊzənd/ /five southend/

Grammatical features: one hundred/thousand/million, etc. can be designated by the number 1 ( one ) or the indefinite article a . Both options are correct.

Composite numbers from 100

Making a numerical construction like 139 or 1509 seems much more difficult, but in fact it also has an easy and understandable principle - you just need to add the short word and. So, hundreds are pronounced first, then and is added and the combination is completed with tens and ones. For example, 139 looks like this onehundredandthirty thirty-nine. Accordingly, in designs with thousands, thousands come to the fore, then hundreds, etc.

Number Designation Transcription Pronunciation
467 Four hundred and sixty-seven /fo: hʌndrɪd ænd siksti sevn/ /foo handrid and sixty sevenn/
2578 Two thousand five hundred and seventy-eight /tu: θaʊzənd faiv hʌndrɪd ænd sevnti eit/ /too South Fife Handrid & Seventh Eight/
305 Three hundred and five /θri: hʌndrɪd ænd faiv/ /Sri Handrid and Fife/
3007 Three thousand and seven /θri: θaʊzənd ænd sevn/ /Sri South and South/

Grammar notes : all English numbers are never declined according to cases and genders, so they endings are always the same .

Counting to 10 in English for children: a quick memorization technique

How to easily and understandably explain numbers up to ten in English for children? Practice the material in an entertaining and playful way.

One of the simplest and most popular methods is cards with numbers and numbers. Work with your child by saying a number and showing a card, so he will learn to count, perceiving information visually and auditorily. It would be great if a verbal designation with transcription is added to the cardboard. When memorizing an inscription, children automatically practice the correct spelling of the word.

Counting to 10 in English for children: cards

You can come up with various competitive games based on the cards: who will get more correct answers, who will answer faster, who will explain better clearly etc. You can use this method in outdoor games with a ball: The host asks a question, the player catches the ball and answers.

Adding English words to everyday situations works well. For example, while walking with your child you saw cats. Ask him to count them and say the number in English. If your child likes to draw, then invite him to draw numbers and sign them. Another effective method is to study counting to the beat of music, or simply in poetic form or in the form of counting rhymes in English. This method will not get your child bored and will help you quickly remember new words.

In other words, all means are good in learning - if they are interesting and effective. Add variety to your foreign language classes, and you will definitely succeed. Good luck!

What can’t a person starting to learn English do without? What should your child learn for school? Without which you can't even tell what time it is? Of course, without numbers. Learning numbers in English is quite easy. You can learn them with the help of interesting color pictures, you can sing them like a song, you can memorize them like a tongue twister - there is room for imagination and creativity!

How to say numbers in English

Let's list the main numbers in English:

  • 0 – zero – zero;
  • 1 – one – one;
  • 2 – two – two;
  • 3 – three – three;
  • 4 – four – four;
  • 5 – five – five;
  • 6 – six – six;
  • 7 – seven – seven;
  • 8 – eight – eight;
  • 9 – nine – nine.

The following numbers do not lend themselves to general rules of formation:

  • 10 – ten – ten;
  • 11 – eleven – eleven;
  • 12 – twelve – twelve;
  • 100 – hundred – one hundred;
  • 1000 – thousand – thousand.

How to pronounce them correctly in English?

You can pronounce numbers correctly, and all other words of the English language, only by knowing the transcription. Transcription is a special recording of a word as it is pronounced (for example, the Russian word “to draw” can be transcribed as [risavatsa]). And learning English numbers with transcription is much easier than without it.

Here's how the English numbers are read:

  • 0 – 🔊 Listen zero – [‘ziərəu];
  • 1 – 🔊 Listen one – ;
  • 2 – 🔊 Listen two – ;
  • 3 – 🔊 Listen three – [θri:];
  • 4 – 🔊 Listen four – ;
  • 5 – 🔊 Listen to five – ;
  • 6 – 🔊 Listen to six. – ;
  • 7 – 🔊 Listen seven – [‘sev(ə)n];
  • 8 – 🔊 Listen eight – ;
  • 9 – 🔊 Listen to nine –;
  • 10 – 🔊 Listen ten – ;
  • 11 – 🔊 Listen eleven – ;
  • 12 – 🔊 Listen to twelve – ;
  • 100 – 🔊 Listen hundred – ;
  • 1000 – 🔊 Listen to thousand – [θʌuzend].

But what if you don’t know how the transcription is read? For those who are just about to learn English from scratch, numbers with Russian transcription will be very useful:

  • 0 – zero – [zero];
  • 1 – one – [one];
  • 2 – two – [that];
  • 3 – three – [sri];
  • 4 – four – [fo];
  • 5 – five – [five];
  • 6 – six – [six];
  • 7 – seven – [seven];
  • 8 – eight – [ate];
  • 9 – nine – [nine];
  • 10 – ten – [ten];
  • 11 – eleven – [ileven];
  • 12 – twelve – [tvelv];
  • 100 – hundred – [handred];
  • 1000 – thousand – [southend].

All possible numbers, the largest numbers imaginable, are just combinations of nine digits, from zero to nine. Numbers are formed according to special rules.

Rules for forming numbers in English

In general, numbers in English can be divided into:

Understanding which number is which is very simple. Simple consist of one word (for example: five, nine, thousand). Derivatives consist of one word, but at the same time have the suffixes –teen (from 13 to 19) or –ty (tens from 20 to 90). Composite but, as their name suggests, they consist of several numerals.

How to form derivative numerals?

To form derivatives of the numbers 13 to 19, take a number from 3 to 9 and add the suffix –teen. Some letters may change! Be careful!

13 – three + teen = thirteen;
14 – four + teen = fourteen;
15 – five + teen = fifteen;
16 – six + teen = sixteen;
17 – seven + teen = seventeen;
18 – eight + teen = eighteen;
19 – nine + teen = nineteen.

The stress in these numerals will fall on the suffix. The numerals are read in accordance with the transcription of the first parts (for example: fifteen - [fiftin], eighteen - [eitin]).

To form derivatives of numbers from 20 to 90, take the number from 2 to 9 and add the suffix –ty.

20 – two + ty = twenty;
30 – three + ty = thirty;
40 – four + ty = forty;
50 – five + ty = fifty;
60 – six + ty = sixty;
70 – seven + ty = seventy;
80 – eight + ty = eighty;
90 –nine + ty = ninety.

The stress in these numerals will fall on the root. They are read in the same way as the first parts: (for example: sixty - [sixty], forty - [foti]).

How to form compound numbers?

Compound numerals are formed using tens + ones (if the number is less than a hundred), hundreds + tens + ones (if the number is less than a thousand), etc.

For example, let's say you want to form the number "twenty-one". You need to write two words: “twenty” and “one”. Thus, twenty-one is twenty-one! In this case, two-digit numbers are written with a hyphen.
Similarly, you can form any numbers up to a hundred:

Fifty-three – fifty + three = fifty-three.
Forty-nine – forty + nine = forty-nine.
Seventy two – seventy + two = seventy-two.
Thirty-six – thirty + six = thirty-six.
Ninety-nine – ninety + nine = ninety-nine.

To form any number up to a thousand, you must indicate the number of hundreds + tens + units, and after the number of hundreds you write and (British English), followed by a two-digit number separated by a hyphen:

One hundred and twenty-one – one hundred and twenty-one.
Five hundred and forty-three – five hundred and forty-three.
Two hundred and two – two hundred and two.
Three hundred and fifty-eight – three hundred and fifty-eight.
Four hundred - four hundred.

Same with large numbers. They are pronounced the same way as their parts.

That's all - now you know English numbers, you can read them correctly and make numbers from them. Although it is quite difficult to remember all the numbers and the rules for their formation at once, this should not put you off. Look for different tongue twisters, rhymes, songs, watch training videos - in general, in training, as in war, all means are good! Good luck in learning English!

Numbers are all around us. Every day we count objects, tell time, dates, add, divide, multiply. Therefore, numerals in English are the main topic to study for beginners. All numbers can be divided into two large groups - quantitative and ordinal. Let's look at how these and other English numbers are written and read in the form of tables with rules, transcription, explanations and examples.

But let's start with the very first number - 0 (zero – zero). In conversation, we often pronounce zero as “oh.”

Cardinal numbers

These are the most commonly used numbers that answer the question “How much?” They are easier to remember if divided into groups. The table shows how numbers are pronounced in Russian.

Numbers in English from 1 to 10

English numeral in words Translation Transcription
one 1 wʌn one
two 2 tuː that
three 3 θriː sri
four 4 fɔːr fo
five 5 faɪv five
six 6 sɪks six
seven 7 ˈsev.ən seven
eight 8 eɪt eith
nine 9 naɪn nain
ten 10 ten ten

Numbers from 11 to 20

Numbers from 13 to 19 end in -teen and are stressed on that syllable.

Number in words Translation Transcription Approximate Russian pronunciation
eleven 11 ɪˈlev.ən ilevan
twelve 12 twelv fuel rods
thirteen 13 θɜːˈtiːn Shochin
fourteen 14 ˌfɔːˈtiːn photin
fifteen 15 ˌfɪfˈtiːn fiftin
sixteen 16 ˌsɪkˈstiːn Sistine
seventeen 17 ˌsev.ənˈtiːn seventin
eighteen 18 ˌeɪˈtiːn atin
nineteen 19 ˌnaɪnˈtiːn Nineteen

Numbers from 20 to 100 + thousand

The tens from 30 to 90 are similar to the numbers from 13 to 19, with the only difference being that the ending changes to -ty and the stress falls on the first syllable. The numbers 100 and 1000 are given separately. Now you can compose and read large numbers - two-digit, three-digit and more.

Number in words Translation Transcription Approximate Russian pronunciation
twenty 20 ˈtwen.ti twenty
thirty thirty 30 ˈθɜː.ti networks
forty 40 ˈfɔː.ti foti
fifty 50 ˈfɪf.ti fifty
sixty 60 ˈsɪk.sti sixty
seventy 70 ˈsev.ən.ti seventy
eighty 80 ˈeɪ.ti atey
ninety 90 ˈnaɪn.ti ninety
hundred 100 ˈhʌn.drəd moping
thousand 1000 ˈθaʊ.zənd Southend


  • twenty five – 25
  • one hundred twelve – 112
  • two thousand three hundred fifty – 2350

Ordinal numbers

Ordinal numbers in English answer the question “Which?” Only four of them need to be remembered - 1, 2, 3, 5. The rest are formed according to the rule - add the ending -th. One use is to indicate dates.

Number in words Quantitative Ordinal Translation
1 one first first
2 two second second
3 three third third
4 four fourth fourth
5 five fifth fifth
6 six sixth sixth
7 seven seventh seventh
8 eight eighth eighth
9 nine ninth ninth
10 ten tenth tenth
14 fourteen fourteenth fourteenth
20 twenty twentieth twentieth
21 twenty one twenty first twenty-first
100 hundred hundredth hundredth


  • on the tenth of May – May 10

Fractional numbers

Fractional numbers are numbers less than one. Fractions are simple and decimal.

Simple fractions

Simple fractions are formed from two parts. The numerator is a cardinal number, and the denominator is an ordinal number. The denominator can be plural. There are two exceptions: 1/4 is usually called a quarter, and 1/2 is usually called a half.

1/4 a fourth (a quarter) 3/16 three sixteenths
1/2 a half 1/32 one thirty-second
3/4 three quarters 7/9 seven-ninths
1/3 a third 1/100 a hundredth or one hundredth
2/3 two thirds 12/100 twelve hundredths
3/8 three eighths 21/1000 twenty-one thousandths


How to learn numbers in English - songs for children

We count from 1 to 20 and from 1 to 100.