Biographies Characteristics Analysis

The atmosphere is a layer of the earth. Atmosphere

There is no reason to think about the question: What will happen on Earth if the atmosphere disappears. And yet, if the planet gradually loses its atmosphere, liter by liter, venting air into space, what will happen next?

Mars was once full of atmosphere

And if the atmosphere instantly disappears, will everything die? Will the planet be able to recover after this? Yes, we have no apparent reason to worry, but the question is interesting.

Sound requires a medium to transmit waves - in airless space there will be silence. We will still be able to feel vibrations along the ground, but we will not hear anything. Birds and planes will no longer be able to fly into the sky.

Although we cannot directly see air (except in clouds), it has a certain mass that supports flying objects. Without the atmosphere, the sky will become cosmically black. It is the atmosphere that gives the sky its blue color. You've probably seen photographs of the celestial sphere taken from the Moon - the sky on Earth will become the same gloomy black.

Earth without an atmosphere.

All unprotected plant and animal life on the surface of the Earth will die. We will not be able to survive in the vacuum that would reign on the planet if the atmosphere suddenly disappeared.

Temperature and pressure will change. Even wearing an oxygen mask, you will not be able to breathe. After all, the diaphragm uses the pressure difference between the air inside the lungs and outside the body to inhale.

Let's say you have a suit (a spacesuit is hard to find) pressurized and air. Well, you can live for a short and painful time, but you will get a massive sunburn on your skin, since the Earth’s atmosphere filters solar radiation.

It's hard to say how much trouble there will be on the dark side of the planet, but being in direct sunlight is extremely bad.

Rivers, lakes and oceans will boil. Boiling occurs when the vapor pressure of a liquid exceeds the external pressure. In a vacuum, water boils easily, even if the temperature is low. And although the water boils, the water vapor will not replenish the atmospheric pressure. An equilibrium point will be reached where there is enough water vapor to prevent the oceans from being devastated. The remaining water will most likely freeze sooner.

Eventually (long after surface life has died), solar radiation will break apart atmospheric water into oxygen, which will react with the planet's carbon to form carbon dioxide. The atmosphere will be too thin to breathe.

The absence of an atmosphere will cool the Earth's surface.

We're not talking about absolute cold, but temperatures will drop below zero. Water vapor from the oceans will act as a greenhouse gas, raising temperatures.

Unfortunately, increased temperatures will squeeze more water from the sea into the air - this will likely curb the greenhouse effect and make the planet more like Venus than Mars. By the way, in its past, Mars had an atmosphere, and then, due to extremely bad reasons, it lost it.

Plants and land animals will die. Fish and birds will die. Most aquatic organisms will die. In general, all organisms that require air to breathe will die.

However, some bacteria can be expected to survive, so the loss of the atmosphere will not kill all life on Earth. For example, chemosynthetic bacteria do not even notice the loss of the atmosphere, and a number of extremophiles can survive.

Volcanoes and geothermal vents will continue to pump out carbon dioxide and other gases to add to the water. The biggest difference between the original and new atmosphere will be the much lower nitrogen content. The Earth could replenish nitrogen from meteor impacts, but most of it would be lost forever.

Will people be able to survive the loss of the atmosphere?

Very interesting question, isn't it? Let's consider two options that may give people a chance to survive on Earth, which has lost its atmosphere. It is possible to build radiation-shielded domes on the surface of the Earth (we are preparing for the apocalypse in advance). As you know, a living skeptic (paranoid) is better than a dead optimist.

Domes need an atmosphere under pressure, there will be air, and the ability to support plant life. It's true that it takes time to build a biodome, but the end result won't be much different from trying to survive on another planet in an alien environment. - In any case, it is better to prepare in advance to survive.

A simpler solution would be to build . In this way, water can provide pressure and can also filter solar radiation.

It's probably not worth filtering all the radiation since we'll be growing plants. By the way, survivors of the “end of the world” will learn delicious ways to prepare bacteria as food, as science fiction writers of the post-apocalyptic genre write about.

Can the Earth lose its atmosphere?

The Earth's magnetic field protects the atmosphere from loss of plasma clouds and solar radiation. Possibly could burn the atmosphere. Another likely scenario is atmospheric losses due to massive meteor impacts.

Large impacts have occurred several times on the inner planets of the system, including Earth. The gas molecules gain enough energy to escape gravity, but only part of the atmosphere is lost. Or the atmosphere might even ignite under the influence of a man-made chemical reaction, completely burning out.

But in general, there is no cause for concern; we considered only a hypothetical apocalypse scenario.

Blue planet...

This topic should have been one of the first to appear on the site. After all, helicopters are atmospheric aircraft. Earth's atmosphere– their habitat, so to speak:-). A physical properties of air This is precisely what determines the quality of this habitat :-). That is, this is one of the basics. And they always write about the basis first. But I realized this only now. However, as you know, it’s better late than never... Let’s touch on this issue, without getting into the weeds and unnecessary complications :-).

So… Earth's atmosphere. This is the gaseous shell of our blue planet. Everyone knows this name. Why blue? Simply because the “blue” (as well as blue and violet) component of sunlight (spectrum) is most well scattered in the atmosphere, thereby coloring it bluish-bluish, sometimes with a hint of violet (on a sunny day, of course :-)) .

Composition of the Earth's atmosphere.

The composition of the atmosphere is quite broad. I will not list all the components in the text; there is a good illustration for this. The composition of all these gases is almost constant, with the exception of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ). In addition, the atmosphere necessarily contains water in the form of vapor, suspended droplets or ice crystals. The amount of water is not constant and depends on temperature and, to a lesser extent, air pressure. In addition, the Earth’s atmosphere (especially the current one) contains a certain amount of, I would say, “all sorts of nasty things” :-). These are SO 2, NH 3, CO, HCl, NO, in addition there are mercury vapors Hg. True, all this is there in small quantities, thank God :-).

Earth's atmosphere It is customary to divide it into several successive zones in height above the surface.

The first, closest to the earth, is the troposphere. This is the lowest and, so to speak, main layer for life activities of various types. It contains 80% of the mass of all atmospheric air (although by volume it is only about 1% of the entire atmosphere) and about 90% of all atmospheric water. The bulk of all the winds, clouds, rain and snow 🙂 come from there. The troposphere extends to altitudes of about 18 km in tropical latitudes and up to 10 km in polar latitudes. The air temperature in it decreases with an increase in height by approximately 0.65º for every 100 m.

Atmospheric zones.

Zone two - stratosphere. It must be said that between the troposphere and the stratosphere there is another narrow zone - the tropopause. It stops the temperature falling with height. The tropopause has an average thickness of 1.5-2 km, but its boundaries are unclear and the troposphere often overlaps the stratosphere.

So the stratosphere has an average height of 12 km to 50 km. The temperature in it remains unchanged up to 25 km (about -57ºС), then somewhere up to 40 km it rises to approximately 0ºС and then remains unchanged up to 50 km. The stratosphere is a relatively calm part of the earth's atmosphere. There are practically no adverse weather conditions in it. It is in the stratosphere that the famous ozone layer is located at altitudes from 15-20 km to 55-60 km.

This is followed by a small boundary layer, the stratopause, in which the temperature remains around 0ºC, and then the next zone is the mesosphere. It extends to altitudes of 80-90 km, and in it the temperature drops to about 80ºC. In the mesosphere, small meteors usually become visible, begin to glow in it and burn up there.

The next narrow interval is the mesopause and beyond it the thermosphere zone. Its height is up to 700-800 km. Here the temperature begins to rise again and at altitudes of about 300 km can reach values ​​of the order of 1200ºС. Then it remains constant. Inside the thermosphere, up to an altitude of about 400 km, is the ionosphere. Here the air is highly ionized due to exposure to solar radiation and has high electrical conductivity.

The next and, in general, the last zone is the exosphere. This is the so-called scattering zone. Here, there is mainly very rarefied hydrogen and helium (with a predominance of hydrogen). At altitudes of about 3000 km, the exosphere passes into the near-space vacuum.

Something like this. Why approximately? Because these layers are quite conventional. Various changes in altitude, composition of gases, water, temperature, ionization, and so on are possible. In addition, there are many more terms that define the structure and state of the earth’s atmosphere.

For example, homosphere and heterosphere. In the first, atmospheric gases are well mixed and their composition is quite homogeneous. The second is located above the first and there is practically no such mixing there. The gases in it are separated by gravity. The boundary between these layers is located at an altitude of 120 km, and it is called turbopause.

Let’s finish with the terms, but I’ll definitely add that it is conventionally accepted that the boundary of the atmosphere is located at an altitude of 100 km above sea level. This border is called the Karman Line.

I will add two more pictures to illustrate the structure of the atmosphere. The first one, however, is in German, but it is complete and quite easy to understand :-). It can be enlarged and seen clearly. The second shows the change in atmospheric temperature with altitude.

The structure of the Earth's atmosphere.

Air temperature changes with altitude.

Modern manned orbital spacecraft fly at altitudes of about 300-400 km. However, this is no longer aviation, although the area, of course, is closely related in a certain sense, and we will certainly talk about it later :-).

The aviation zone is the troposphere. Modern atmospheric aircraft can also fly in the lower layers of the stratosphere. For example, the practical ceiling of the MIG-25RB is 23,000 m.

Flight in the stratosphere.

And exactly physical properties of air The troposphere determines what the flight will be like, how effective the aircraft’s control system will be, how turbulence in the atmosphere will affect it, and how the engines will operate.

The first main property is air temperature. In gas dynamics, it can be determined on the Celsius scale or on the Kelvin scale.

Temperature t 1 at a given height N on the Celsius scale is determined by:

t 1 = t - 6.5N, Where t– air temperature near the ground.

Temperature on the Kelvin scale is called absolute temperature, zero on this scale is absolute zero. At absolute zero, the thermal motion of molecules stops. Absolute zero on the Kelvin scale corresponds to -273º on the Celsius scale.

Accordingly the temperature T on high N on the Kelvin scale is determined by:

T = 273K + t - 6.5H

Air pressure. Atmospheric pressure is measured in Pascals (N/m2), in the old system of measurement in atmospheres (atm.). There is also such a thing as barometric pressure. This is the pressure measured in millimeters of mercury using a mercury barometer. Barometric pressure (pressure at sea level) equal to 760 mmHg. Art.

called standard. In physics 1 atm. exactly equal to 760 mm Hg. Air density

. In aerodynamics, the concept most often used is the mass density of air. This is the mass of air in 1 m3 of volume. The density of air changes with altitude, the air becomes more rarefied. Air humidity . Shows the amount of water in the air. There is a concept " relative humidity

" This is the ratio of the mass of water vapor to the maximum possible at a given temperature. The concept of 0%, that is, when the air is completely dry, can only exist in the laboratory. On the other hand, 100% humidity is quite possible. This means that the air has absorbed all the water it could absorb. Something like an absolutely “full sponge”. High relative humidity reduces air density, while low relative humidity increases it. Due to the fact that aircraft flights occur under different atmospheric conditions, their flight and aerodynamic parameters in the same flight mode may be different. Therefore, to correctly estimate these parameters, we introduced International Standard Atmosphere (ISA)

. It shows the change in the state of air with increasing altitude.

The basic parameters of the air condition at zero humidity are taken as follows:

pressure P = 760 mm Hg. Art. (101.3 kPa);

temperature t = +15°C (288 K);

mass density ρ = 1.225 kg/m 3 ;

For the ISA it is accepted (as mentioned above :-)) that the temperature drops in the troposphere by 0.65º for every 100 meters of altitude.

Standard atmosphere (example up to 10,000 m).

MSA tables are used for calibrating instruments, as well as for navigational and engineering calculations. Physical properties of air

also include such concepts as inertia, viscosity and compressibility. . Inertia is a property of air that characterizes its ability to resist changes in its state of rest or uniform linear motion.

A measure of inertia is the mass density of air. The higher it is, the higher the inertia and resistance force of the medium when the aircraft moves in it.

Compressibility determines the change in air density with changes in pressure. At low speeds of the aircraft (up to 450 km/h), there is no change in pressure when the air flow flows around it, but at high speeds the compressibility effect begins to appear. Its influence is especially noticeable at supersonic speeds. This is a separate area of ​​aerodynamics and a topic for a separate article :-).

Well, that seems to be all for now... It's time to finish this slightly tedious enumeration, which, however, cannot be avoided :-). Earth's atmosphere, its parameters, physical properties of air are as important for the aircraft as the parameters of the device itself, and they could not be ignored.

Bye, until next meetings and more interesting topics :) ...


For dessert, I suggest watching a video filmed from the cockpit of a MIG-25PU twin during its flight into the stratosphere. Apparently it was filmed by a tourist who has money for such flights :-). Mostly everything was filmed through the windshield. Pay attention to the color of the sky...

The role of the atmosphere in the life of the Earth

The atmosphere is the source of oxygen that people breathe. However, as you rise to altitude, the total atmospheric pressure drops, which leads to a decrease in partial oxygen pressure.

The human lungs contain approximately three liters of alveolar air. If atmospheric pressure is normal, then the partial oxygen pressure in the alveolar air will be 11 mm Hg. Art., carbon dioxide pressure - 40 mm Hg. Art., and water vapor - 47 mm Hg. Art. As altitude increases, oxygen pressure decreases, and the total pressure of water vapor and carbon dioxide in the lungs will remain constant - approximately 87 mm Hg. Art. When the air pressure equals this value, oxygen will stop flowing into the lungs.

Due to the decrease in atmospheric pressure at an altitude of 20 km, water and interstitial fluid in the human body will boil here. If you do not use a pressurized cabin, at such a height a person will die almost instantly. Therefore, from the point of view of the physiological characteristics of the human body, “space” originates from a height of 20 km above sea level.

When rising above the Earth's surface to a height of over 90-100 km, a gradual weakening and then complete disappearance of phenomena familiar to humans observed in the lower atmospheric layer will be observed:

No sound travels.

There is no aerodynamic force or drag.

Heat is not transferred by convection, etc.

The atmospheric layer protects the Earth and all living organisms from cosmic radiation, from meteorites, and is responsible for regulating seasonal temperature fluctuations, balancing and leveling daily cycles. In the absence of an atmosphere on Earth, daily temperatures would fluctuate within +/-200C˚. The atmospheric layer is a life-giving “buffer” between the earth’s surface and space, a carrier of moisture and heat; the processes of photosynthesis and energy exchange take place in the atmosphere - the most important biosphere processes.

Layers of the atmosphere in order from the Earth's surface

The atmosphere is a layered structure consisting of the following layers of the atmosphere in order from the Earth's surface:






Each layer does not have sharp boundaries between each other, and their height is affected by latitude and seasons. This layered structure was formed as a result of temperature changes at different altitudes. It is thanks to the atmosphere that we see twinkling stars.

Structure of the Earth's atmosphere by layers:

What does the Earth's atmosphere consist of?

Each atmospheric layer differs in temperature, density and composition. The total thickness of the atmosphere is 1.5-2.0 thousand km. What does the Earth's atmosphere consist of? Currently, it is a mixture of gases with various impurities.


The structure of the Earth's atmosphere begins with the troposphere, which is the lower part of the atmosphere with an altitude of approximately 10-15 km. The bulk of atmospheric air is concentrated here. A characteristic feature of the troposphere is a temperature drop of 0.6 ˚C as it rises every 100 meters. The troposphere concentrates almost all atmospheric water vapor, and this is where clouds form.

The height of the troposphere changes daily. In addition, its average value varies depending on the latitude and season of the year. The average height of the troposphere above the poles is 9 km, above the equator - about 17 km. The average annual air temperature above the equator is close to +26 ˚C, and above the North Pole -23 ˚C. The upper line of the tropospheric boundary above the equator is an average annual temperature of about -70 ˚C, and above the North Pole in summer -45 ˚C and in winter -65 ˚C. Thus, the higher the altitude, the lower the temperature. The sun's rays pass unhindered through the troposphere, heating the Earth's surface. The heat emitted by the sun is retained by carbon dioxide, methane and water vapor.


Above the troposphere layer is the stratosphere, which is 50-55 km in height. The peculiarity of this layer is that the temperature increases with height. Between the troposphere and the stratosphere lies a transition layer called the tropopause.

From approximately an altitude of 25 kilometers, the temperature of the stratospheric layer begins to increase and, upon reaching a maximum altitude of 50 km, acquires values ​​from +10 to +30 ˚C.

There is very little water vapor in the stratosphere. Sometimes at an altitude of about 25 km you can find rather thin clouds, which are called “pearl clouds”. In the daytime they are not noticeable, but at night they glow due to the illumination of the sun, which is below the horizon. The composition of nacreous clouds consists of supercooled water droplets. The stratosphere consists mainly of ozone.


The height of the mesosphere layer is approximately 80 km. Here, as it rises upward, the temperature decreases and at the very top reaches values ​​of several tens of C˚ below zero. In the mesosphere, clouds can also be observed, which are presumably formed from ice crystals. These clouds are called "noctilucent." The mesosphere is characterized by the coldest temperature in the atmosphere: from -2 to -138 ˚C.


This atmospheric layer acquired its name due to its high temperatures. The thermosphere consists of:



The ionosphere is characterized by rarefied air, each centimeter of which at an altitude of 300 km consists of 1 billion atoms and molecules, and at an altitude of 600 km - more than 100 million.

The ionosphere is also characterized by high air ionization. These ions are made up of charged oxygen atoms, charged nitrogen atom molecules, and free electrons.


The exospheric layer begins at an altitude of 800-1000 km. Gas particles, especially light ones, move here at tremendous speed, overcoming the force of gravity. Such particles, due to their rapid movement, fly out of the atmosphere into outer space and dissipate. Therefore, the exosphere is called the sphere of dispersion. Mostly hydrogen atoms, which make up the highest layers of the exosphere, fly into space. Thanks to particles in the upper atmosphere and particles from the solar wind, we can see the northern lights.

Satellites and geophysical rockets have made it possible to establish the presence in the upper layers of the atmosphere of the planet’s radiation belt, consisting of electrically charged particles - electrons and protons.

The atmosphere has clearly defined layers of air. The layers of air differ from each other in temperature, difference in gases and their density and pressure. It should be noted that the layers of the stratosphere and troposphere protect the Earth from solar radiation. In the higher layers, a living organism can receive a lethal dose of ultraviolet solar spectrum. To quickly jump to the desired atmosphere layer, click on the corresponding layer:

Troposphere and tropopause

Troposphere - temperature, pressure, altitude

The upper limit is approximately 8 - 10 km. In temperate latitudes it is 16 - 18 km, and in polar latitudes it is 10 - 12 km. Troposphere- This is the lower main layer of the atmosphere. This layer contains more than 80% of the total mass of atmospheric air and close to 90% of all water vapor. It is in the troposphere that convection and turbulence arise, clouds form, and cyclones occur. Temperature decreases with increasing altitude. Gradient: 0.65°/100 m. Heated earth and water heat the surrounding air. The heated air rises, cools and forms clouds. The temperature in the upper boundaries of the layer can reach - 50/70 °C.

It is in this layer that changes in climatic weather conditions occur. The lower boundary of the troposphere is called ground level, since it has a lot of volatile microorganisms and dust. Wind speed increases with increasing height in this layer.


This is the transition layer of the troposphere to the stratosphere. Here the dependence of temperature decrease with increasing altitude stops. Tropopause is the minimum altitude where the vertical temperature gradient drops to 0.2°C/100 m. The height of the tropopause depends on strong climatic events such as cyclones. The height of the tropopause decreases above cyclones, and increases above anticyclones.

Stratosphere and Stratopause

The height of the stratosphere layer is approximately 11 to 50 km. There is a slight change in temperature at an altitude of 11 - 25 km. At an altitude of 25 - 40 km it is observed inversion temperatures, from 56.5 rises to 0.8°C. From 40 km to 55 km the temperature stays at 0°C. This area is called - Stratopause.

In the Stratosphere, the effect of solar radiation on gas molecules is observed; they dissociate into atoms. There is almost no water vapor in this layer. Modern supersonic commercial aircraft fly at altitudes of up to 20 km due to stable flight conditions. High-altitude weather balloons rise to a height of 40 km. There are stable air currents here, their speed reaches 300 km/h. Also concentrated in this layer ozone, a layer that absorbs ultraviolet rays.

Mesosphere and Mesopause - composition, reactions, temperature

The mesosphere layer begins at approximately 50 km altitude and ends at 80 - 90 km. Temperatures decrease with increasing altitude by approximately 0.25-0.3°C/100 m. The main energetic effect here is radiant heat exchange. Complex photochemical processes involving free radicals (has 1 or 2 unpaired electrons) because they implement glow atmosphere.

Almost all meteors burn up in the mesosphere. Scientists named this zone - Ignorosphere. This zone is difficult to explore, since aerodynamic aviation here is very poor due to the air density, which is 1000 times less than on Earth. And for launching artificial satellites, the density is still very high. Research is carried out using weather rockets, but this is a perversion. Mesopause transition layer between the mesosphere and thermosphere. Has a temperature of at least -90°C.

Karman Line

Pocket line called the boundary between the Earth's atmosphere and space. According to the International Aviation Federation (FAI), the height of this border is 100 km. This definition was given in honor of the American scientist Theodore Von Karman. He determined that at approximately this altitude the density of the atmosphere is so low that aerodynamic aviation becomes impossible here, since the speed of the aircraft must be greater escape velocity. At such a height, the concept of a sound barrier loses its meaning. Here, the aircraft can be controlled only using reactive forces.

Thermosphere and Thermopause

The upper boundary of this layer is approximately 800 km. The temperature rises to approximately an altitude of 300 km where it reaches about 1500 K. Above the temperature remains unchanged. What happens in this layer Polar Lights- Occurs as a result of the effect of solar radiation on the air. This process is also called the ionization of atmospheric oxygen.

Due to low air rarefaction, flights above the Karman line are only possible along ballistic trajectories. All manned orbital flights (except flights to the Moon) take place in this layer of the atmosphere.

Exosphere - density, temperature, height

The height of the exosphere is above 700 km. Here the gas is very rarefied, and the process takes place dissipation— leakage of particles into interplanetary space. The speed of such particles can reach 11.2 km/sec. An increase in solar activity leads to an expansion of the thickness of this layer.

  • The gas shell does not fly into space due to gravity. Air consists of particles that have their own mass. From the law of gravity we can conclude that every object with mass is attracted to the Earth.
  • Buys-Ballot's law states that if you are in the Northern Hemisphere and stand with your back to the wind, then there will be an area of ​​high pressure on the right and low pressure on the left. In the Southern Hemisphere, everything will be the other way around.

- the air shell of the globe, rotating together with the Earth. The upper boundary of the atmosphere is conventionally drawn at altitudes of 150-200 km. The lower boundary is the surface of the Earth.

Atmospheric air is a mixture of gases. Most of its volume in the surface layer of air accounts for nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (21%). In addition, the air contains inert gases (argon, helium, neon, etc.), carbon dioxide (0.03), water vapor and various solid particles (dust, soot, salt crystals).

The air is colorless, and the color of the sky is explained by the characteristics of the scattering of light waves.

The atmosphere consists of several layers: the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere and thermosphere.

The lower ground layer of air is called troposphere. At different latitudes its power is not the same. The troposphere follows the shape of the planet and participates together with the Earth in axial rotation. At the equator, the thickness of the atmosphere varies from 10 to 20 km. At the equator it is greater, and at the poles it is less. The troposphere is characterized by maximum air density; 4/5 of the mass of the entire atmosphere is concentrated in it. The troposphere determines weather conditions: various air masses form here, clouds and precipitation form, and intense horizontal and vertical air movement occurs.

Above the troposphere, up to an altitude of 50 km, is located stratosphere. It is characterized by lower air density and lacks water vapor. In the lower part of the stratosphere at altitudes of about 25 km. there is an “ozone screen” - a layer of the atmosphere with a high concentration of ozone, which absorbs ultraviolet radiation, which is fatal to organisms.

At an altitude of 50 to 80-90 km it extends mesosphere. With increasing altitude, the temperature decreases with an average vertical gradient of (0.25-0.3)°/100 m, and the air density decreases. The main energy process is radiant heat transfer. The atmospheric glow is caused by complex photochemical processes involving radicals and vibrationally excited molecules.

Thermosphere located at an altitude of 80-90 to 800 km. The air density here is minimal, and the degree of air ionization is very high. Temperature changes depending on the activity of the Sun. Due to the large number of charged particles, auroras and magnetic storms are observed here.

The atmosphere is of great importance for the nature of the Earth. Without oxygen, living organisms cannot breathe. Its ozone layer protects all living things from harmful ultraviolet rays. The atmosphere smoothes out temperature fluctuations: the Earth's surface does not get supercooled at night and does not overheat during the day. In dense layers of atmospheric air, before reaching the surface of the planet, meteorites burn from thorns.

The atmosphere interacts with all layers of the earth. With its help, heat and moisture are exchanged between the ocean and land. Without the atmosphere there would be no clouds, precipitation, or winds.

Human economic activities have a significant adverse impact on the atmosphere. Atmospheric air pollution occurs, which leads to an increase in the concentration of carbon monoxide (CO 2). And this contributes to global warming and increases the “greenhouse effect”. The Earth's ozone layer is destroyed due to industrial waste and transport.

The atmosphere needs protection. In developed countries, a set of measures is being implemented to protect atmospheric air from pollution.

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