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Biologically active points on the face for rejuvenation. Shiatsu acupressure facial massage for rejuvenation: technique and video instruction


Who among us women does not dream of eternal youth and beauty? We are ready to give any money for the most expensive salon procedures - just to look fresher and younger as a result, to have blooming view. But who said that beauty and youth ALWAYS require sacrifice (in this case Is it time and finances?

Japanese women, for example, have long known about this remedy, and use it to prolong youth and preserve beauty, starting each new day with it.

Shia-tsu massage (shiatsu, shiatsu) - the famous acupressure (in translation - shi-finger, atsu - pressing - “finger pressure”). Its analogues are in Chinese (finger zhen), Korean practice (su-jok), in Indian Ayurveda(it is called marma therapy (marma - point). The main difference from the classics, you guessed it, is a point effect on biologically active points body (tsubo), which gives an amazing result. There are about 700 of them on the human body, each responsible for a specific organ, and the combination of such points makes up the “meridians” through which the life-giving energy Qi circulates (according to Eastern healers). The points are usually located between the muscle bundles, on the tendons, in the joints, in the depressions of the bones, in those places on the arteries where the pulse is felt. Eight meridians pass through the face and they form a very dense energy network.

The meaning of the method is to press the soft tissues located under it to the bones without displacing or stretching the skin. We squeeze nerve endings and improve muscle condition. By acting on the tsubo point, we give the muscles a certain load, bringing them into tone - and thus control the formation of wrinkles: nasolabial, above the upper lip, around the eyes, form an oval of the face, improve skin color. In addition, large channels responsible for the functioning of vital organs pass through the face and head.

Why Shia Tsu?

Point self-massage of the face improves blood circulation, helps smooth wrinkles and prevents their formation, relieves puffiness, keeps the skin healthy and radiant, improves skin color and makes it more dense and elastic. And all this naturally(including the processes of self-healing of the body), without much time (maximum 15 minutes a day!) And finances, provided it REGULAR use for at least a month. In addition, due to the effect on biologically active points, shiatsu stimulates the work of all organs and systems and has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system.

Efficiency is time-tested! Results will be noticeable after 3-4 weeks!

So let's find our magical beauty points and get down to business.

How to find points

Highly important point, as this is the key to the effectiveness of the procedure. Usually, points are located in small depressions under the skin and are slightly painful when pressed.

Consider a few nuances:

Press on each point for only 3-6 to 10 seconds.

At the same time, a slight pain or warmth should be felt at the place of touch, but painful and unpleasant sensations should not arise!

You can press with one (index or thumb) or two or three fingers (index-middle-ring).

If the points are paired, they need to be massaged simultaneously with both hands.

It is advisable to do the procedure in the morning, after you have cleansed your face and applied a moisturizer to the skin: the effect will be stronger, plus you will feel pleasant warmth and cheerfulness.

You can apply a little grape seed oil or wheat germ oil to the skin instead of a cream to enhance the effect.

After the procedure, it is desirable to make a nourishing and softening mask.

Keep in mind that acupressure strictly contraindicated in areas of damaged or inflamed skin!

Dots for the eyes

The eyes are our most problematic, why hide, area. Regularly acting on the points listed below, you will make the delicate skin of the eyelids elastic, smooth, and the eyes - shiny, bright and attractive. Don't believe? Check it out!

The first important point is "third Eye" - located 1 cm up from the bridge of the nose (between the inner ends of the eyebrows). You need to press hard enough on it. It is also massaged when blood comes from the nose, with flu, runny nose, headache.

The following points relieve swelling and swelling, add shine to the eyes, relieve eye strain, improve vision - they are in hollows on the inner corners of the eyes. If you carefully massage them for 3 seconds in three sets, you will immediately feel their beneficial effect.

A very important point is in the middle of the eyebrow just above the pupil (it is located, as it were, in a hollow between two tubercles). It takes the pressure off your eyes. Exposure to it helps a lot if you during the day read a lot or work at a computer, as well as myopia.

Stimulation of a point located at a distance effectively helps from "crow's feet" 1 cmfrom outer corner eyes to the temple

Other important points are in the middle under the cheekbones at the level of the middle of the pupil

It is very useful at the end to walk with light pressure movements along upper and lower margins of the orbit (It is especially worth paying attention to the point under the eye, one transverse finger below the lower edge of the orbit, on the pupil line - it also helps with dizziness).

You need to massage all the points for about 10 seconds each, you can do it in three approaches.

Dots on the lips

To have a charming smile and forget about nasolabial folds and wrinkles around the mouth, regularly massage the following points:

in the center under lower lip. It can also be used to relieve swelling of the face, toothache (in mandible), a massage of this zone is also used for paralysis of the facial nerve.

For creases near the mouth: Use the tips of your middle and index fingers to massage the corners of your mouth for 30 seconds.

With three fingers (index, middle and ring) of both hands, placed in a row on the upper lip, we do 4-5 pressures. This exercise prevents the appearance of vertical wrinkles on the lip. By the way, the point under the nose - if it is intensively massaged - is able to "bring back to life" after fainting.

Anti-wrinkle points on the forehead

To avoid premature mimic wrinkles on the forehead and smooth out already acquired ones, it is enough not to frown, not to grimace and apply the following exercises:

Pressing with the middle and index fingers of both hands, smooth the forehead from the middle to the temples for 30 seconds.

An important point is one transverse finger above the eyebrow at the pupil line. By massaging it, you will help yourself with dizziness, pain in the frontal part of the head, night blindness and trinity neuralgia.

Point at the temple at the end of the eyebrow - its stimulation also relieves fatigue.

Point 3 cm up from the outer corner of the eye

It also helps to simply massage the forehead from the middle to the hairline.

Points from wrinkles on the neck

The neck immediately gives out the age of a woman, so she should be given Special attention massaging daily certain points:

Point 2 cm down from the angle of the lower jaw (also helps with bronchitis, coughs, cramps glottis, laryngitis, glossitis).

The point between the collarbones (jugular notch).

A point located at the bottom of the back of the head in a notch.

Neck massage: reverse side with the left palm, massage (reception - stroking) the right side of the neck for 1 minute, then right palm- left side.

Tips and contraindications for Shia Tsu

And more useful points for maintaining overall health:

In the center of the inner part of the chin is an "anti-stress" point. In an unexpected stressful situation press thumb to this point.

To increase immunity, it is necessary to press periodically on the area around the kneecaps.


It is worth refusing facial massage:

If the integrity of the skin is violated (dermatitis, allergies, acne, pustules, etc.);

If there are viral diseases (for example, herpes rashes);

If intracranial pressure drops sharply;

If there is rosacea (dilated blood vessels);

For any acute conditions organism as a whole;

With individual intolerance to cosmetic massage

P.S. Here is a comment fromarunash:

Works great, I've been using this method for 20 years, the result is amazing. One clarification, you need to do a massage before going to bed.

So, dear ladies, do not be lazy, do yourself a massage on active points and get younger, younger, younger!!!))

Improve blood flow and remove toxins and make you more attractive.

Your skin shines with health, transforms and becomes younger, you feel more confident with each massage session.

This is a procedure that has been known since ancient East. It consists in point impact with fingertips on certain active points in the face and neck.

The main goal pursued by a person who decides to visit the sessions is to relieve tension and relax the facial muscles.

After two or three treatments, you will begin to hear compliments about your appearance. Literally the first few trips to the massage therapist will give a stunning result.

The full course usually lasts one month. During this time, a woman does two or three procedures a week.

Massage works only when performed regularly. Relaxation during the procedure is also important. Muscles should be as relaxed as possible.

If you prefer to do it yourself, we recommend that you first create an intimate room in the room. warm atmosphere. To do this, turn on a relaxing melody and light a few scented candles.

What is shiatsu acupressure

History reference: The Shiatsu system was developed by the Japanese physician Tokujiro Namikoshi at the beginning of the twentieth century. From the Japanese "shiatsu" is translated as finger pressing. This is the principle of the massage therapist. During a shiatsu session, pressure occurs. The main elements of the procedure are exclusively pressure. Rubbing, stroking, tingling are prohibited.

There are three types of shiatsu:

  • Zen. Based on intuition and bioenergetics.
  • Classical. followers of Namikoshi.
  • West. A modernized form of shiatsu based on modern science.

The force with which the specialist acts, as well as the duration of pressing in each case, is determined individually. The reason why the patient asked for a massage plays a big role. No discomfort or pain is felt.

Another one important detail: with shiatsu, the active points of the tsubo are affected. These movements trigger the processes of self-healing and self-rejuvenation in the body.

In this way, Shiatsu activates the internal reserves of a person and eliminates the cause of poor health. To date, the world knows various, both for getting rid of the first signs of aging, and.

During a Shiatsu session, an experienced massage therapist can diagnose various diseases with an accuracy of almost 95%.

Indications and contraindications

An indication for acupressure of the face may be an imbalance in the human energy field, the need to activate defensive forces organism. The procedure is also applied to preventive purposes when there is no direct evidence for it.

achieve good results with the help of acupressure sessions for rejuvenation, it is possible in the following cases:

  • Occasionally, mild headaches occur due to overexertion and fatigue.
  • There was lethargy and flabbiness of the skin, decreased muscle tone.
  • The complexion became dull.
  • The smoothness of the skin disappeared, irregularities, enlarged pores and rashes appeared.
  • The frequency of edema and bags under the eyes has become more frequent.
  • The woman noticed the first mimic wrinkles on the face or neck.
  • There is a desire to conduct a course of prevention of aging.
  • The age of the woman crossed the border of 25 years.

However, acupressure for rejuvenation is still a therapeutic procedure. Some contraindications apply to it, among which are the following:

  • The skin on the face is damaged. The nature of the damage can be mechanical, infectious, allergic or any other.
  • There are fresh injuries on the face (burns, cuts, bites).
  • The body is affected by a virus or infection, the body temperature is elevated, the state of health is poor. Acupressure in this case only harms and contributes to the deterioration of health.
  • Malignant tumors appeared in the body. There is a risk of provoking the appearance of metastases in healthy organs.
  • The woman suffers from blood diseases (hemophilia).
  • Constant torment for unknown reasons.
  • Functional disruption internal organs(heart muscle, kidneys, liver, bronchi).
  • Individual features of hair growth and the structure of the skull. It's about about increased hairiness of the head, in which the scalp can be damaged and become covered with red spots. Such cases are very rare, but they do happen.

Shiatsu points

There are sixteen magic points of shiatsu, the stimulation of which starts the process of healing and rejuvenation.

No. 1. Forehead
With two fingers placed one above the other, walk along the entire forehead from the middle to the temples and back to both sides.

No. 2, 3, 4. Eyebrows and forehead
Place three fingers on the eyebrow so that one is in its middle, the second is at the beginning, the third is at the outer corner. Press for 7 seconds. Then work with one finger on point 3, located at the outer corner of the eye. Point 4 is the place at the inner corner of the eye. You need to press on it for six seconds.

No. 5. Bridge of the nose
Press on the point between the eyebrows for a few seconds.

No. 6. Fixed eyelid
Work on the brow area, do not touch the eyeball.

No. 7. The area under the eyes
For seven seconds, press on the area under the eyes with the pads of the index, middle and ring fingers.

No. 8. Cheeks
Influence the sub-cheekbone zone with three fingers of each hand. Five seconds is enough.

No. 9. Nose wings
Press on the wings of the nose with your middle fingers for five seconds.

No. 10. Nasolabial fold
With your finger, work on the recess where the teeth are not felt for seven seconds.

No. 11. Corners of the lips
Press with the pads of your middle fingers for 5-6 seconds.

No. 12. Dimple under the lower lip
With your finger, work on the recess where the teeth are not felt. Press for 7 seconds.

No. 13. Lower jaw
Place three fingers on the sides of the chin. With your thumb, lightly pinch the bone and press for seven seconds. Move towards yourself high place on cheekbones.

No. 14. Lateral points on the neck
The index finger should be lower and the ring finger higher. Press for three seconds.

No. 15. Jugular cavity
Pressure with the pad of the middle finger for three seconds on the cavity.

No. 16. Jaw joint
The index fingers are in the hole in front of the lobe. Middle - behind the ear. Give it five seconds.

How to work with dots on the face

    • For work, use the index, middle and ring fingers of the hand.
    • The impact is made at an angle of 90 degrees to the skin.
    • The movements are not rubbing, but pressing. The skin should not move.
    • The force of pressure should be quite noticeable.
    • The duration of pressure on one point varies from five to seven seconds. The neck area is affected for 3 seconds.
    • All paired points are massaged simultaneously.
    • Work with points better in the morning or before bed.

Face preparation

Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to properly prepare the face. To do this, carefully treat your face with a cleansing lotion or gel.

You can use a homemade soothing infusion:

Make an infusion of herbs purchased at the pharmacy. Dilute with quality white wine. First dilute the wine with boiled water in a ratio of 3 to 1, respectively.

After that, steam the skin well, while the pores will open and tension will go away. This can be done with a hot towel or a special facial sauna device.

Create a pleasant atmosphere (light scented candles, turn on a slow composition in the background) and just lie down like this for a few minutes. Three minutes before the start of the massage, lubricate the face and neck with a moisturizer.

How to do facial massage for wrinkles

After preparation, proceed to acupressure:

      • Massage your forehead in a spiral. At the same time, make sure that the skin does not move.
      • Under the cheekbones, find a small indentation and press on it. If there is a slight pain, the point is found correctly. Press it three to five times within seven seconds.
      • With your thumbs, work out the lower edge of the chin, making light pressure. Press on the chin area where the root of the tongue is located.
      • Slightly tilt your head back, the skin on the neck should tighten. Then lean forward. Repeat 10 times.
      • Rub your ears with your palms.
      • Massage the skin around the eyes. Start from the inner corner and gradually move to the outer.
      • Work out a point between the eyebrows and on the wings of the nose.
      • Stick your tongue out as far as possible. At the same time, say a drawn out sound "a".

And one more video about facial acupressure for rejuvenation - face massage become 10 years younger!


Acupressure for rejuvenation can be done in a beauty salon by contacting a professional, and you can learn to work with your face on your own at home, so as not to depend on anyone.

In any case, you will get unearthly pleasure and great benefits for the skin. The procedure is described in more detail in the video instructions.

Acupressure for facial rejuvenation is a great way to maintain skin tone and well-groomed. Of course, in modern conditions, women can always use the services of cosmetology (from biorevitalization and mesotherapy to more serious surgical interventions). Also exists great amount popular skin care products.

However, apply various methods best of all through the correct complex impact and knowledge of ancient oriental techniques, which will bring undoubted benefits.

Acupressure facial massage for rejuvenation has its own principles of execution, and if you master simple techniques, you can successfully deal with wrinkles, swelling, and skin fatigue. In addition, there will be a great opportunity for a significant improvement in overall health.

The essence of such techniques is the use of a clear system of impact with the fingers at certain points. Similar ways have significant differences from traditional massage - primarily in that the achievement of the effect is not determined by warming up the muscles and strong impacts. The main thing is the stimulation of a number of points that will work themselves.

Where are bioactive points located on the face?

The duration of each pressure is five to ten seconds, with a feeling of pleasant warmth and slight tingling. Unpleasant and painful sensations should not arise. You need to act with the help of two fingers: thumb and forefinger, while simultaneously activating the points located in pairs.

Facial points for rejuvenation are located as follows:

  • bridge of the nose, in the center: when exposed to this point, the vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows become smaller, and the person receives a significant surge of vitality;
  • the beginning of eyebrow growth: there are paired points here. If they are activated, eye fatigue disappears and lymph flow normalizes. Stimulation of this area helps to reduce swelling and fight sagging eyelids;
  • inner corner of the eye (near the nasal wings): there are also two paired points here. Impact on them helps to restore blood flow, strengthens sensitive muscles lower eyelids, relieves eye fatigue and prevents the appearance of "bruises";
  • the place where the eyebrow ends its growth: stimulation of these points tightens the corners of the eyes, eliminates crow's feet wrinkles, and also helps relieve headaches and general fatigue;
  • places near the temporal lobes of the skull (to find them, you need to count about 1 cm, starting from the outer corner of the eye): when they are stimulated, small wrinkles - “mesh” are eliminated;
  • the center of the cheekbone, under the eye pupils: if you act on points in these places, the complexion will become even and healthy, skin turgor will be restored;
  • auditory meatus: there are paired points where the upper jaw connects to the lower (the so-called fossa). Stimulation helps to return the cheekbones to their former relief outlines;
  • corners of the lower jaw: impact on a couple of points corrects the bottom of the facial oval and effectively tightens the muscles. Cheeks are reduced, and the second chin gradually disappears;
  • center of the chin: light pressure normalizes the lymph flow and starts the stimulation of metabolic processes;
  • corners of the mouth: if they are regularly worked out, this will help to raise them in case of omission;
  • the area under the nose is vital: when it is stimulated, you can bring a person out of a faint, remove nervous tension and manifestations of hysteria;
  • points at the nostrils: the study smoothes wrinkles in the nasolabial region, restoring its elasticity;
  • the area above the nasal wings: the action on it helps to get rid of pronounced nasolabial folds, as well as tighten the oval of the face from below;
  • the chin fossa near the cheekbone bone: when pressed correctly, blood circulation and lymph flow are activated, the second chin decreases, and the oval of the face becomes clearer.

Massage technique

Wrinkle massage at home can be performed independently if you master a simple technique called Shiatsu. It was created in Japan based on acupuncture techniques. If you purposefully act with your fingers on the skin of the face in the right places, a positive response will be received from the whole organism.

There are several simple rules, observance of which will allow to achieve the correct effect and maximum efficiency from the massage. First of all, the thumbs should be involved, and the pressure itself should be done perpendicular to one or another zone.

It is not required to press on the point for too long: it will take no more than three to six seconds to activate it. The neck area is worked out even less (due to the proximity to the points of the carotid arteries) - no more than three to four seconds. In general, if we consider the duration of the entire session, the exposure time for each area will be about seven, a maximum of eleven minutes.


Before starting a massage session, hands and face are thoroughly washed. Then they need to be thoroughly dried, followed by processing (any tonic or lotion will do). If you follow the advice of oriental masters, you can prepare the preparatory composition yourself by mixing dry white wine with purified water in a ratio of 3: 1. The skin is well warmed up with the help of a warm compress.

The massage procedure should be carried out in a well-ventilated area, choosing a comfortable position for yourself. Quiet calm music and the presence of aromatic candles will well contribute to preliminary relaxation.

Acupressure for rejuvenation

The biologically active points on the face for rejuvenation are stimulated different ways. There are several varieties beneficial species massage, each of which has its own specifics and features.


Shiatsu is perhaps the most famous acupressure facial for rejuvenation. To carry it out, you need to use three fingers (ring, middle and index), while working with both hands at the same time.

Targeted impact stimulates the processes of restoration of the skin of the face. The main thing is not to overdo it, but you need to press so that it is noticeable. The time of exposure to each point is no more than three to five seconds, and the procedure looks like this:

  • working out the points between the eyebrows with the help of the thumbs;
  • smooth massaging of paired points near the nasal wings;
  • massage of the area located above the upper lip (in the center);
  • zone of the cheekbones, under the eyes: press on the zygomatic bone with three fingers;
  • the final stage: put both index fingers on the hands in the pits located in front of the earlobe, place the middle fingers behind the ears, press on the points.

Video of Japanese Shiatsu massage for rejuvenation:


This rejuvenating Chinese facial massage has an effective anti-aging effect. The same three fingers should be involved in it, as in the previous version of the massage. The technique helps to smooth wrinkles, restore skin elasticity, and varieties of Zhong technique can be both tonic and relaxing.

The tonic technique consists in applying the pulsation technique. First, you need to significantly press on the point, and then sharply remove your finger from it, with activation in half a minute or a minute. If the massage is performed correctly, no painful or unpleasant sensations should arise.

The relaxing technique provides for the nature of a continuous action on the zones, while its intensity increases gradually. The number of approaches is three to four, with gentle pressure “on the rise”.

This type of massage is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • fixation of the thumbs in the cavities of the temporal bones of the skull, with smoothing upwards and in parallel - from the bridge of the nose to the temples and eyebrows;
  • leave the thumbs in the same place, while using the index fingers to massage the eyebrows, from beginning to end, with a slight pull of the skin;
  • with your thumbs also press on the temples. Close your eyes and start activating the points first at the outer, then at the inner corners of the eyes;
  • after working out this area, move towards the tips of the eyebrows, with the study of the lower and upper eyelids;
  • using your thumbs, massage the area from the cheekbones towards the temples;
  • stimulate the base of the nose, then go to the steam area, near its wings;
  • press on an important point, which is located above the upper lip;
  • stimulate the temples with circular movements of the fingers (use the middle and index ones);
  • activate blood circulation in the cheek area by moving from the meridians to the bones of the cheekbones, in the direction of the neck;
  • in conclusion, it remains to tap on the face, using the pads of the fingers and rub the skin.

Su jock

It heals the entire body, starts the processes of skin regeneration, and the effect is also carried out at certain points and meridians. Briefly, the technique is to apply special schemes created by certain system. Without special training, such a massage cannot be carried out; moreover, for its effective implementation, it is better to invite a professional massage therapist.

Usually, important points are stimulated, which are located in the area of ​​​​the feet and hands, each of which corresponds to any organ, naturally stimulating its vital activity and helping to start rejuvenation processes.

About the Su Jok facial massage technique, see the video:

Indian Marma Therapy

You can prolong the youthfulness of the skin through the use of Ayurvedic practices. This will require knowledge about active points or marmas, which are the focus of circulation. vital energy. Movement must be done in a circle. If you move clockwise, this increases the energy potential of a person, contributing to the rejuvenation of the body, and if against - massage removes the consequences negative impacts, relaxes the body and gradually removes wrinkles. It should be done like this:

  • simultaneously massage both halves of the face with your hands, starting circular movements with a minimum amplitude and gradually increasing it;
  • in general, it should be done five circles in ascending and the same number in descending order, repeating each circle 3 to 4 times;
  • note: you should start the movement by working out the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe arches above the eyebrows, then smoothly move to the forehead, cheekbones, nasolabial fold and chin.

Video of Indian Ayurvedic facial massage:

How often do you need a massage

Contraindications for cosmetic facial massage

Any oval face has its contraindications. These include any infectious diseases, oncology, injuries with fractures of limbs, pathologies of the heart, lungs, kidneys, disease hematopoietic system, serious mental disorders. Also, you can not massage with intestinal obstruction, high temperature, pregnancy, severe skin damage and old age.

If there are no serious contraindications, the acupressure technique of facial massage will certainly bring the expected effect and undoubted benefits for the whole body.

Shiatsu acupressure is one of the types of Japanese massage that has long been practiced in oriental medicine. Pressing on certain points on the face causes muscle relaxation, improves blood circulation and increases lymph outflow.

Regular acupressure of the face in the morning and evening relieves fatigue and swelling, tightens the skin and eliminates noticeable signs of age. At the same time, it is enough to stimulate only 5 special points of beauty on the face. The whole procedure will take no more than 3 minutes.

You need to press on the points strictly perpendicular to the surface of the skin without rubbing or twisting movements. The pressure intensity is moderate, up to slight discomfort at the point of impact.

Excessive pressure can lead to the opposite effect - the muscle will not relax, but, on the contrary, will become more tense.

Before you start working with your face, you need to cleanse the skin of makeup and impurities. You can additionally make a steam bath - heated muscles are more susceptible to exposure.

A point of healthy complexion and high cheekbones

Place your middle or ring finger on the notch located on your cheekbone. If you can't find it, put three fingers - ring, middle and index - on the cheekbone from the wing of the nose. The hole will be exactly under the index finger. Press and hold for 7 seconds.

cheek elasticity point

Find three points located along the lower edge of the cheekbones. The first of them is a centimeter from the base of the nose. The other two follow right behind her. Your fingers will stand up on their own, as they should, and you will feel it. Press the index, middle and ring fingers of both hands on 6 of these points at the same time. Work for 7 seconds. Stimulation of these points tones, strengthens and tightens the cheeks, makes the cheekbones contoured and high.

Point against nasolabial folds

Place your fingers in the depression above the upper lip and make an arcing motion towards the wings of the nose. The fingers themselves will stop in the right recesses at the wings of the nose. Work on both points at the same time for 7 seconds. Stimulating these points will help smooth out the nasolabial folds.

Point of beautiful lips

Place the index fingers of both hands on the active points in the corners of the mouth and press on them for 7 seconds. Then, with your index finger, press for the same time on the so-called "Cupid's Bow" - the hollow above the upper lip. Then move your index or middle finger into the hole under the lower lip and press for the same 7 seconds. Regular stimulation of these points will lift the corners of the mouth and make the lips plumper.

Point of a clear oval of the face

Press the thumbs of both hands under the jawbone. Simultaneously place the index, middle and ring fingers of both hands on the lower jaw. Stimulate these groups of points for 7 seconds. Then move your fingers a little higher towards the temples and stimulate following groups points. For 4-5 receptions, you need to work out the entire lower jaw.

For a lifting effect, direct the pressure movement of the index, middle and ring fingers slightly up. Thumb while always remaining fixed. Such a massage strengthens and tightens the oval of the face, eliminating sagging contours.

Acupressure facial massage promotes powerful muscle relaxation whole body, relieves tension and spasms, improves microcirculation, smoothes fine wrinkles. One of the methods of acupressure is the impact on the point by pressure with the index or thumb. It can be used in combination with harmonizing rotational movements in the area from the selected point.

First you need to make a light pressure on the selected point for 30 seconds - this improves local blood circulation. After that, perform nine rotations clockwise, and vice versa, the same number of rotations. The duration of the massage of one point should not exceed 3-4 minutes.

1. A very important point: located on the top of the head in the parietal fossa in the center of the line connecting the upper points of the auricles. It is indispensable if you have insomnia, neurosis, headache, vegetative-vascular dystonia, migraine. No wonder the ancient doctors called this point - "the point of a thousand meetings."

2. Do inner corner eye, approximately at a distance of 0.3 cm, is the point of "clear light". The name itself speaks for itself. Massaging this point improves visual acuity, exposure to it also helps with nasal congestion.

3. At the beginning of the eyebrows, above point 2 (clear light), point 3 is located, this point is very effective for dizziness, for pain in the front of the head of vascular origin.

4. C outer side eyebrows is point 4, called the "thread of bamboo" - this point helps with poor eyesight, relieves headaches of vascular origin.

5. A very commonly used point: it is located in the center of the bridge of the nose, on a vertical line extending from the tip of the nose. This point has a poetic name "meeting with the temple". Helps with insomnia, headaches, dizziness, point massage significantly improves the general condition.

6. With migraine, relief comes from massage of point 6, located approximately 0.6 cm from the outer corner of the eye.

7. This point is called the "sun": it is located in the temporal cavity between the top of the ear and the outer end of the eyebrows. Effective for emotional instability, eye disease, migraine or headache.

8. This point is located 1 cm below the level of the pupil. Point massage will be invaluable if you have tics of the upper eyelid, headache, speech disorder, dizziness. Soreness at this point may indicate sinusitis or problems in the stomach. Try to help yourself by massaging this point.

9. The ninth point is called the "axis of the cheek" and it is located to the top and in front of the angle of the lower jaw; a small depression is felt in place of the point. It is used in acupuncture for goiter, speech disorder. Impact on given point helps with cervical myositis - difficulty with turning the neck, forced tense position.

10. With fainting, shock, hysterical fit, point 10 will help, the point is located under the tip of the nose in the upper third of the vertical furrow upper lip. The Chinese called this point the "middle of man" point. Point massage is recommended for swelling of the face and nervous tics in the eyes and mouth.

11. Similar indications at point 11. Simultaneous action on both points, relieves swelling of the face. The massage of these points also activates the functions of the internal organs and the brain. Point 11 is effective for loss of voice.

12. Point 12 is called "anti-stress" and it is located in the center of the inner part of the chin. With fear, high emotional intensity, negative unexpected news, you need to massage this point with pressure with the thumb of your right hand.