Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Part 2 of soft paws between the stars. Oleg Danilchenko's soft paws between the stars

Chapter 1

Moli looked at the Earthman gloomily. But at the same time it was clear that he was confused.

How is this guy? Why are you leaving? What don't you like?

Well, how to answer? After all, you can’t explain to a person that in fact you work for a completely different organization. That the old miner's shipyard was essentially just a springboard to achieve a certain goal. And that today a real employer got in touch. Who gave the order to curtail local activities and move to the “small arc” area. There, in the Li-Ezi system at the trading station, Greg will be waiting for Ilya. Former naval security officer on the Invincible ship, and now an imperial security officer and head of the special investigations department. Apparently something happened.

The guy had cats scratching his soul. He understood how Moly was feeling now. This year, which the guy spent in the company of the old miner, was very fruitful. Today, Ilyukha has his own ship, which is already an achievement considering how much it cost him. Along the way, he raised some more money and repaid the debt to the SB officers. True, after paying off the debt, there is only a little more than a million local rustlers left, but this is nonsense. There is a ship, there is money, so to speak, for a divorce. What else is needed? But I was ashamed in front of Moly. At least fall through the deck.

Boss, I need it so bad.

What? What do you need? What, you don't earn enough?

It's not about making money.

What then? - Moli gloomily continued to glare at Ilya.

I received a message that my girlfriend was missing. - He gave out a half-truth.

What's happened?

Don't know. - The Earthman shrugged. - It is only known that the ship on which she worked was destroyed. Not found among the corpses.

And what? You understand that looking for a person in the Commonwealth is like looking for a specific grain of sand on the surface of a planetoid! But you don’t even know whether she’s alive or not, and if she’s alive, who took her and where. Do you even know who carried out the attack?

Then how are you going to find her?

Ilya shrugged again.

OK. - Moli sighed. - I understand you and respect your decision. I probably would have done the same thing myself at your age. You still can’t be dissuaded, can you?

Ilyukha shook his head.

I thought so. But you are leaving me at the wrong time. What do you want me to do? I can't handle it on my own anymore. It would be fine if, as before, we just cut scrap metal. But now I’ll have to disappear in the landfill myself for weeks. And who will look after Chudey and his idiots? What do you want me to do? I can't break up. Stay at least a month so I can find a replacement. Only a month won’t be enough. In our swamp, will you find a normal worker? Suppose I can buy a truck, now I have enough money. But it is necessary that the employee not only be a good pilot, but also, at a minimum, have a specialization as a technician. Where can I get this? And you can’t take just anyone, either. If he spills the beans and that’s it, he’ll have to close the shop. Well, what do you want me to do?

I think we need to change the scheme a little. - The earthling answered.

What do you mean?

Talk to Eiri Boshu. He is a merchant, he has extensive connections, I am sure that such a person will easily find a decent and quiet specialist. And the truck will most likely be found too. An old, BUSH ship will suffice. It's not that expensive, and maybe he already has such a ship. And so that no one feels deprived, I’ll just have to divide my share into three parts. Offer one third to Airy for vanity. Another for the new employee, for keeping his mouth shut, and the third part will go to you personally. You have nothing to lose. You will even increase your earnings. Everyone is happy. We only delivered the cargo three days ago. Until the next deal is a month and a half, two months. It's quite possible to make it in time.

Oh, there's something you're not telling me, guy. It seems like you've already thought of everything for a long time. It's like scratching a pee. When are you going to leave?

So, are you still working today?

Yes, boss. I'm still working today. I will fill the shipyard with as much iron as possible, so that you have a week and a half to build up. Or maybe even two. And tomorrow I'll leave.

Fine. - Moli smiled sadly. - It’s a pity to let you go, boy. That's fair. Very sorry. I've gotten used to you this year. But what now? Fly, look for your girl. But know that if you suddenly need work, you can count on me for it.

I'm very grateful to you too for everything, boss. And I’m very embarrassed to leave you when everything has just gotten better, but I really really need it. One thing I can say for sure is that if I need modernization or repairs, I will remember you and pay well for the work. And if there are friends who need the same thing, I advise you to contact you. This should be beneficial for you, because all spare parts and components can be found in the landfill deposits.

Good. True, I haven’t done this for a long time, but if something happens, I’ll find good guys for such work. I'll bring up my old connections, but I'll find them. But then you should warn us in advance.

Agreed. - Ilya smiled.

Then why are you standing? Go to work. I will now prepare a file with characteristics and recommendations and send it to you on the network. From tomorrow you can be free.

Thanks boss.

Pray, boy. For you now you can just pray.

Thank you, Moli.

Get out of sight already. Nobody has canceled the working day yet.

The next day Ilyukha left. Moli disappeared somewhere along with Buksey. So there was no one to say goodbye to. The two-week transition went smoothly. Everyone was minding their own business. Dee, as usual, was in charge. Said, as usual, cast magic in the galley, and if he was not there, then it was worth looking for him in the arsenal or an impromptu gym. After a short battle with a mercenary battle cruiser and subsequent looting, Ilyukha got a good deal of small arms and spacesuits. And not only pilots and combat infantry, there were even several engineering ones protruding, sharpened in case of manual repairs. With a propulsion system built into them. Then you were really lucky. The captain of the mercenary cruiser was so confident of his victory that he did not even announce a combat alert for the ship. No one even bothered to put on spacesuits, as required by safety regulations. There were no survivors at all. Whoever was not killed by the shot from the main caliber of the Nakhodka was destroyed by a powerful explosion. For three whole days, engineer Medv, hired on the eve of that battle, with the help of a brand new repair complex, stripped the skeleton of the cruiser and would have stripped it even more if Ilyukha had not stopped this by a strong-willed decision. He subsequently had to listen to so much whining from his new engineer. Regarding the abandoned goods. Woohoo. By the way, about Medve. The acquisition was successful. The man turned out to be simply with golden hands. The same cannot be said about character. And he had enough energy for several people. He simply beamed with contentment. During the time spent on board the Nakhodka, he did not eat so much. He chewed such a pack that it would now be difficult to recognize him as the emaciated cripple he was when the Earthman found him. But he was a really cool specialist. The guy could only dream of an experience like his. Educational bases are educational bases, but the acquired personal experience is completely different. When the guy was just thinking about how best to do this and that, the guy simply did it, because he already knew in advance how to do it. In general, he praised the guy for the quality and volume of work that was carried out by Ilya with the help of Said. However, I also rejected a lot. What do you think he is doing at this moment? That's right, he exploits his captain. Ilyukha is probably the first captain in this and this world in general, who is forced to work hard by his own subordinate. But on the other hand, it is also necessary. There is no one to work.

Hold it here. - Medv showed where to attach the valve distribution box, which he assembled himself. This box was already the third, final version. It was needed for remote control of the hydraulics of the retractable pylons and an additional pair of engines. All that remained was to secure it to the bulkhead and then connect the tubes.

How are you holding it? Here! Hold it like this. Where do they teach you such things?

The earthling was already taken aback by such a statement. He was about to answer the engineer, but did not have time.

That's it, freeze. Now I'll grab the brackets and we can assemble them.

The plasma cutter, switched to welding mode, quickly got the job done. When Medv finished, and the valve box was already hanging without outside help, he stared at Ilya in surprise.

So why are you up? Get the tubes here. We'll bet. Wow, they're lying by the bulkhead.

The earthling could not stand it.

Have you mixed up anything, Medv? Actually, you're talking to the captain.

Command on the bridge. - The harmful engineer shaved off. - And here I am the commander, understand? You invited me to the ship yourself, now don’t cry. You have an engineering certificate, after all. But forgive me, captain, you're not much of an engineer yet, to be honest.

Are you out of your mind, Medv? I assembled the ship myself. And without your “qualified” help, by the way. - Ilya was offended.

What he collected himself, well done. I'm not saying that you are hopeless. But for some of your decisions I would tear your hands off. If something happens, it will be impossible to get to some important nodes. Until you can make out the floor of the ship. Even the repair complex cannot reach some places. What were you thinking? Now everything has to be redone on the go.

There was nothing to cover it with. Indeed, Ilyukha made a number of serious mistakes, and Medv was right now.

So Tadpole calculated. - The guy tried to excuse himself.

That's it, Tadpole. Why do you have a head on your shoulders? Is he a tadpole, a machine? A smart car, I don’t argue, but it’s a car. He will always work along the path of least resistance. Understand? He's a machine. And YOU, man. You have to take these things into account. Learn while I'm alive.

Why bother with this box at all? I would send a drone and that’s it.

That's all you young people should do to fly drones. This is a mechanism that is also expensive. Why spoil the car if you have to do five minutes of work yourself?

Why are you counting other people's money? - The earthling was indignant. - These are my drones.

So I'm saving your money. - The engineer snapped. - Yes, you fool, I’m teaching you sense.

You should at least choose your expressions, after all, you’re talking to the captain!

If you command from the bridge, I’ll break into pieces, but I’ll do it. I won't say a word. You are the commander there. If I don’t do it, feel free to throw it away. In the meantime, we’re working here, do what they say, and remember as you should. Who else will teach you? Well, why did you get up? Give me the pipes already!

Ugh. - The earthling spat and went to get the pipes.

Another hour later the work was completed, the hydraulic fluid was filled.

Well, shall we try? - Medv asked.

Wait, now I’ll find out what’s going on outside. - Ilya held him. - Bridge captain!

The second assistant is in touch. - Dee’s perky voice was heard over the ship’s communication system.

How is our horizon?

The horizon is clear, captain. Not a soul.

How long until the portal?

Another four hours and twenty-two minutes and...

Enough. Now we will try remote control of an additional pair from the car. Look around there.


Well, let's go, generalissimo of gears. We'll check what you collected there. - The guy smiled.

Everything worked great.

Like this. - Taking off his everyday neural interface helmet, Medv said, pleased with his work. All that remains is to dig deeper into the left engine.

Do you need help?

No, captain, you can’t turn around there in a spacesuit together. The niches are cramped, the gondola is just entering. So I'm on my own.

So let's go drones and stop fussing. Why are you so stubborn?

Go ahead with your drones. If you sat in the market waiting for me to die from hunger, you would also enjoy normal work. Get out of here, boy, don't make any fuss.

Look, you'll be on the ropes soon.

  • 25.

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© Oleg Danilchenko, 2017

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2017

Chapter 1

Moli looked gloomily at the earthling. But at the same time it was clear that he was confused.

- How so, guy? Why are you leaving? What don't you like?

Well, how to answer? After all, you can’t explain to a person that in fact you work for a completely different organization. That the old miner's shipyard was essentially just a springboard to achieve a certain goal. And that today a real employer got in touch. Who gave the order to curtail local activities and move to the “small arc” area. There, in the Li-Ezi system, at the trading station, Greg will be waiting for Ilya. Former naval security officer on the Invincible ship, and now an imperial security officer and head of the special investigations department. Apparently something happened.

The guy had cats scratching his soul. He understood how Moly was feeling now. This year, which the guy spent in the company of the old miner, was very fruitful. Today, Ilyukha has his own ship, which is already an achievement considering how much it cost him. Along the way, he raised some more money and repaid the debt to the SB officers. True, after paying off the debt, there is only a little more than a million local rustlers left, but this is nonsense. There is a ship, there is money, so to speak, for a divorce. What else is needed? But I was ashamed in front of Moly. At least fall through the deck.

- Why?

- Boss, I need it so much.

- What? What do you need? What, you don't earn enough?

- It's not about making money.

- What then? – Moli gloomily continued to glare at Ilya.

“I received a message that my girlfriend has disappeared,” he told a half-truth.

- What's happened?

- Don't know. – The Earthman shrugged. “We only know that the ship she worked on was destroyed.” Not found among the corpses.

- And what? You understand that looking for a person in the Commonwealth is like looking for a specific grain of sand on the surface of a planetoid! But you don’t even know whether she’s alive or not, and if she’s alive, who took her and where. Do you even know who carried out the attack?

“Then how are you going to find her?”

Ilya shrugged again.

- Do not know yet. But I also can’t sit here when she might need my help.

- OK. – Moli sighed. – I understand you and respect your decision. I probably would have done the same thing myself at your age. You still can't be dissuaded, can you?

Ilyukha shook his head.

- I thought so. But you're leaving me at the wrong time. What do you want me to do? I can't handle it on my own anymore. It would be fine if, as before, we just cut scrap metal. But now I’ll have to disappear in the landfill myself for weeks. And who will look after Chudey and his idiots? What do i do? I can't break up. Stay at least a month so I can find a replacement. Only a month won’t be enough. Can you really find a normal worker in our swamp? Suppose I can buy a truck, now I have enough money. But it is necessary that the employee not only be a good pilot, but also at least have a specialization as a technician. Where can I get this? And you can’t take just anyone either. If he spills the beans and that’s it, he’ll have to close the shop. What do you say?

“I think we need to change the scheme a little,” the earthling answered.

- What do you mean?

– Talk to Eiri Boshu. He is a merchant, he has extensive connections, and I am sure that such a person will easily find a decent and quiet specialist. And the truck will most likely be found too. An old, used ship will be enough. It's not that expensive, and maybe he already has such a ship. And so that no one feels deprived, I’ll just have to divide my share into three parts. Offer one third to Airy for vanity. Another for the new employee, for keeping his mouth shut, and the third part will go to you personally. You have nothing to lose. You will even increase your earnings. Everyone is happy. We only delivered the cargo three days ago. The next deal is about a month and a half to two months away. It's quite possible to make it in time.

- Oh, there’s something you’re not telling me, guy. It feels like I’ve already thought of everything for a long time. It's like you're scratching it like it's written. When are you going to leave?

- Tomorrow.

– So you’re still working today?

- Yes, boss. I'm still working today. I will fill the shipyard with as much iron as possible, so that you have a week and a half to build up. Or maybe even two. And tomorrow I'll leave.

- Fine. – Moli smiled sadly. “It’s a pity to let you go, boy.” That's fair. Very sorry. I've gotten used to you this year. But what now? Fly, look for your loss. But know that if you suddenly need work, you can count on me for it.

“I’m also very grateful to you for everything, boss.” And I’m very embarrassed to leave you when everything has just gotten better, but I really really need it. One thing I can say for sure, if I need modernization or repair, I will remember you and pay well for the work. And if there are friends who need the same thing, I advise you to contact you. This should be beneficial for you, because all spare parts and components can be found in the landfill deposits.

- Welcome. True, I haven’t done this for a long time, but if something happens, I’ll find good guys for such work. I'll bring up my old connections, but I'll find them. But then you should warn us in advance.

“We agreed,” Ilya smiled.

- Then why are you standing there? Go to work. I will now prepare a file with characteristics and recommendations and send it to you on the network. From tomorrow you can be free.

- Thank you, boss.

- Pray, boy. For you now you can just pray.

- Thank you, Moly.

- Get out of sight already. Nobody has canceled the working day yet.

And the next day Ilyukha left. Moli disappeared somewhere along with Buksey. So there was no one to say goodbye to.

The two-week transition went smoothly. Everyone was minding their own business. Dee, as usual, was in charge. Said, as usual, cast magic in the galley, and if he was not there, then it was worth looking for him in the arsenal or an impromptu gym. After a short battle with a mercenary battle cruiser and the subsequent looting, Ilyukha got a good deal of small arms and spacesuits. And not only pilots and combat infantry, there were even several engineering ones protruding, sharpened in case of manual repairs. With a propulsion system built into them. Then you were really lucky. The captain of the mercenary cruiser was so confident of his victory that he did not even announce a combat alert for the ship. No one even bothered to put on spacesuits, as required by safety regulations. There were no survivors at all. Whoever was not killed by the shot from the main caliber of the Nakhodka was destroyed by a powerful explosion. For three whole days, engineer Medv, hired on the eve of that battle, with the help of a brand new repair complex, stripped the skeleton of the cruiser and would have stripped it even more if Ilyukha had not stopped it by a strong-willed decision.

He subsequently had to listen to so much whining from his new engineer. Regarding the abandoned goods. Woohoo. By the way, about Medve. The acquisition was successful. The man turned out to be simply with golden hands. The same cannot be said about character. And he had enough energy for several people. He simply beamed with contentment. During the time spent on board the Nakhodka, he had become quite overfed. He chewed such a pack that it would now be difficult to recognize him as the emaciated cripple he was when the earthling found him. But he turned out to be a really cool specialist. The guy could only dream of an experience like his. Training bases are training bases, but the acquired personal experience is completely different. When the guy was just thinking about how best to do this and that, the guy simply did it, because he already knew in advance how to do it. In general, he praised the guy for the quality and volume of work that was carried out by Ilyukha with the help of Said. However, I also rejected a lot. What do you think he is doing at this moment? That's right, he exploits his captain. The earthling is probably the first captain in this and this world in general, who is forced to plow by his own subordinate. But on the other hand, it is also necessary. There is no one to work.

Oleg Danilchenko

On soft paws between the stars

© Oleg Danilchenko, 2017

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2017

Moli looked gloomily at the earthling. But at the same time it was clear that he was confused.

- How so, guy? Why are you leaving? What don't you like?

Well, how to answer? After all, you can’t explain to a person that in fact you work for a completely different organization. That the old miner's shipyard was essentially just a springboard to achieve a certain goal. And that today a real employer got in touch. Who gave the order to curtail local activities and move to the “small arc” area. There, in the Li-Ezi system, at the trading station, Greg will be waiting for Ilya. Former naval security officer on the Invincible ship, and now an imperial security officer and head of the special investigations department. Apparently something happened.

The guy had cats scratching his soul. He understood how Moly was feeling now. This year, which the guy spent in the company of the old miner, was very fruitful. Today, Ilyukha has his own ship, which is already an achievement considering how much it cost him. Along the way, he raised some more money and repaid the debt to the SB officers. True, after paying off the debt, there is only a little more than a million local rustlers left, but this is nonsense. There is a ship, there is money, so to speak, for a divorce. What else is needed? But I was ashamed in front of Moly. At least fall through the deck.

- Why?

- Boss, I need it so much.

- What? What do you need? What, you don't earn enough?

- It's not about making money.

- What then? – Moli gloomily continued to glare at Ilya.

“I received a message that my girlfriend has disappeared,” he told a half-truth.

- What's happened?

- Don't know. – The Earthman shrugged. “We only know that the ship she worked on was destroyed.” Not found among the corpses.

- And what? You understand that looking for a person in the Commonwealth is like looking for a specific grain of sand on the surface of a planetoid! But you don’t even know whether she’s alive or not, and if she’s alive, who took her and where. Do you even know who carried out the attack?

“Then how are you going to find her?”

Ilya shrugged again.

- Do not know yet. But I also can’t sit here when she might need my help.

- OK. – Moli sighed. – I understand you and respect your decision. I probably would have done the same thing myself at your age. You still can't be dissuaded, can you?

Ilyukha shook his head.

- I thought so. But you're leaving me at the wrong time. What do you want me to do? I can't handle it on my own anymore. It would be fine if, as before, we just cut scrap metal. But now I’ll have to disappear in the landfill myself for weeks. And who will look after Chudey and his idiots? What do i do? I can't break up. Stay at least a month so I can find a replacement. Only a month won’t be enough. Can you really find a normal worker in our swamp? Suppose I can buy a truck, now I have enough money. But it is necessary that the employee not only be a good pilot, but also at least have a specialization as a technician. Where can I get this? And you can’t take just anyone either. If he spills the beans and that’s it, he’ll have to close the shop. What do you say?

“I think we need to change the scheme a little,” the earthling answered.

- What do you mean?

– Talk to Eiri Boshu. He is a merchant, he has extensive connections, and I am sure that such a person will easily find a decent and quiet specialist. And the truck will most likely be found too. An old, used ship will be enough. It's not that expensive, and maybe he already has such a ship. And so that no one feels deprived, I’ll just have to divide my share into three parts. Offer one third to Airy for vanity. Another for the new employee, for keeping his mouth shut, and the third part will go to you personally. You have nothing to lose. You will even increase your earnings. Everyone is happy. We only delivered the cargo three days ago. The next deal is about a month and a half to two months away. It's quite possible to make it in time.

- Oh, there’s something you’re not telling me, guy. It feels like I’ve already thought of everything for a long time. It's like you're scratching it like it's written. When are you going to leave?

- Tomorrow.

– So you’re still working today?

- Yes, boss. I'm still working today. I will fill the shipyard with as much iron as possible, so that you have a week and a half to build up. Or maybe even two. And tomorrow I'll leave.

- Fine. – Moli smiled sadly. “It’s a pity to let you go, boy.” That's fair. Very sorry. I've gotten used to you this year. But what now? Fly, look for your loss. But know that if you suddenly need work, you can count on me for it.

“I’m also very grateful to you for everything, boss.” And I’m very embarrassed to leave you when everything has just gotten better, but I really really need it. One thing I can say for sure, if I need modernization or repair, I will remember you and pay well for the work. And if there are friends who need the same thing, I advise you to contact you. This should be beneficial for you, because all spare parts and components can be found in the landfill deposits.

- Welcome. True, I haven’t done this for a long time, but if something happens, I’ll find good guys for such work. I'll bring up my old connections, but I'll find them. But then you should warn us in advance.

“We agreed,” Ilya smiled.

- Then why are you standing there? Go to work. I will now prepare a file with characteristics and recommendations and send it to you on the network. From tomorrow you can be free.

- Thank you, boss.

- Pray, boy. For you now you can just pray.

- Thank you, Moly.

- Get out of sight already. Nobody has canceled the working day yet.

And the next day Ilyukha left. Moli disappeared somewhere along with Buksey. So there was no one to say goodbye to.

The two-week transition went smoothly. Everyone was minding their own business. Dee, as usual, was in charge. Said, as usual, cast magic in the galley, and if he was not there, then it was worth looking for him in the arsenal or an impromptu gym. After a short battle with a mercenary battle cruiser and the subsequent looting, Ilyukha got a good deal of small arms and spacesuits. And not only pilots and combat infantry, there were even several engineering ones protruding, sharpened in case of manual repairs. With a propulsion system built into them. Then you were really lucky. The captain of the mercenary cruiser was so confident of his victory that he did not even announce a combat alert for the ship. No one even bothered to put on spacesuits, as required by safety regulations. There were no survivors at all. Whoever was not killed by the shot from the main caliber of the Nakhodka was destroyed by a powerful explosion. For three whole days, engineer Medv, hired on the eve of that battle, with the help of a brand new repair complex, stripped the skeleton of the cruiser and would have stripped it even more if Ilyukha had not stopped it by a strong-willed decision.

He subsequently had to listen to so much whining from his new engineer. Regarding the abandoned goods. Woohoo. By the way, about Medve. The acquisition was successful. The man turned out to be simply with golden hands. The same cannot be said about character. And he had enough energy for several people. He simply beamed with contentment. During the time spent on board the Nakhodka, he had become quite overfed. He chewed such a pack that it would now be difficult to recognize him as the emaciated cripple he was when the earthling found him. But he turned out to be a really cool specialist. The guy could only dream of an experience like his. Training bases are training bases, but the acquired personal experience is completely different. When the guy was just thinking about how best to do this and that, the guy simply did it, because he already knew in advance how to do it. In general, he praised the guy for the quality and volume of work that was carried out by Ilyukha with the help of Said. However, I also rejected a lot. What do you think he is doing at this moment? That's right, he exploits his captain. The earthling is probably the first captain in this and this world in general, who is forced to plow by his own subordinate. But on the other hand, it is also necessary. There is no one to work.

© Oleg Danilchenko, 2017

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2017

Chapter 1

Moli looked gloomily at the earthling. But at the same time it was clear that he was confused.

- How so, guy? Why are you leaving? What don't you like?

Well, how to answer? After all, you can’t explain to a person that in fact you work for a completely different organization. That the old miner's shipyard was essentially just a springboard to achieve a certain goal. And that today a real employer got in touch. Who gave the order to curtail local activities and move to the “small arc” area. There, in the Li-Ezi system, at the trading station, Greg will be waiting for Ilya. Former naval security officer on the Invincible ship, and now an imperial security officer and head of the special investigations department. Apparently something happened.

The guy had cats scratching his soul. He understood how Moly was feeling now. This year, which the guy spent in the company of the old miner, was very fruitful. Today, Ilyukha has his own ship, which is already an achievement considering how much it cost him. Along the way, he raised some more money and repaid the debt to the SB officers. True, after paying off the debt, there is only a little more than a million local rustlers left, but this is nonsense. There is a ship, there is money, so to speak, for a divorce. What else is needed? But I was ashamed in front of Moly. At least fall through the deck.

- Why?

- Boss, I need it so much.

- What? What do you need? What, you don't earn enough?

- It's not about making money.

- What then? – Moli gloomily continued to glare at Ilya.

“I received a message that my girlfriend has disappeared,” he told a half-truth.

- What's happened?

- Don't know. – The Earthman shrugged. “We only know that the ship she worked on was destroyed.” Not found among the corpses.

- And what? You understand that looking for a person in the Commonwealth is like looking for a specific grain of sand on the surface of a planetoid! But you don’t even know whether she’s alive or not, and if she’s alive, who took her and where. Do you even know who carried out the attack?

“Then how are you going to find her?”

Ilya shrugged again.

- Do not know yet. But I also can’t sit here when she might need my help.

- OK. – Moli sighed. – I understand you and respect your decision. I probably would have done the same thing myself at your age. You still can't be dissuaded, can you?

Ilyukha shook his head.

- I thought so. But you're leaving me at the wrong time. What do you want me to do? I can't handle it on my own anymore. It would be fine if, as before, we just cut scrap metal. But now I’ll have to disappear in the landfill myself for weeks. And who will look after Chudey and his idiots? What do i do? I can't break up. Stay at least a month so I can find a replacement. Only a month won’t be enough. Can you really find a normal worker in our swamp? Suppose I can buy a truck, now I have enough money. But it is necessary that the employee not only be a good pilot, but also at least have a specialization as a technician. Where can I get this? And you can’t take just anyone either. If he spills the beans and that’s it, he’ll have to close the shop. What do you say?

“I think we need to change the scheme a little,” the earthling answered.

- What do you mean?

– Talk to Eiri Boshu. He is a merchant, he has extensive connections, and I am sure that such a person will easily find a decent and quiet specialist. And the truck will most likely be found too. An old, used ship will be enough. It's not that expensive, and maybe he already has such a ship. And so that no one feels deprived, I’ll just have to divide my share into three parts. Offer one third to Airy for vanity. Another for the new employee, for keeping his mouth shut, and the third part will go to you personally. You have nothing to lose. You will even increase your earnings. Everyone is happy. We only delivered the cargo three days ago. The next deal is about a month and a half to two months away. It's quite possible to make it in time.

- Oh, there’s something you’re not telling me, guy. It feels like I’ve already thought of everything for a long time. It's like you're scratching it like it's written. When are you going to leave?

- Tomorrow.

– So you’re still working today?

- Yes, boss. I'm still working today. I will fill the shipyard with as much iron as possible, so that you have a week and a half to build up. Or maybe even two. And tomorrow I'll leave.

- Fine. – Moli smiled sadly. “It’s a pity to let you go, boy.” That's fair. Very sorry. I've gotten used to you this year. But what now? Fly, look for your loss. But know that if you suddenly need work, you can count on me for it.

“I’m also very grateful to you for everything, boss.” And I’m very embarrassed to leave you when everything has just gotten better, but I really really need it. One thing I can say for sure, if I need modernization or repair, I will remember you and pay well for the work. And if there are friends who need the same thing, I advise you to contact you. This should be beneficial for you, because all spare parts and components can be found in the landfill deposits.

- Welcome. True, I haven’t done this for a long time, but if something happens, I’ll find good guys for such work. I'll bring up my old connections, but I'll find them. But then you should warn us in advance.

“We agreed,” Ilya smiled.

- Then why are you standing there? Go to work. I will now prepare a file with characteristics and recommendations and send it to you on the network. From tomorrow you can be free.

- Thank you, boss.

- Pray, boy. For you now you can just pray.

- Thank you, Moly.

- Get out of sight already. Nobody has canceled the working day yet.

And the next day Ilyukha left. Moli disappeared somewhere along with Buksey. So there was no one to say goodbye to.

The two-week transition went smoothly. Everyone was minding their own business. Dee, as usual, was in charge. Said, as usual, cast magic in the galley, and if he was not there, then it was worth looking for him in the arsenal or an impromptu gym. After a short battle with a mercenary battle cruiser and the subsequent looting, Ilyukha got a good deal of small arms and spacesuits. And not only pilots and combat infantry, there were even several engineering ones protruding, sharpened in case of manual repairs. With a propulsion system built into them. Then you were really lucky. The captain of the mercenary cruiser was so confident of his victory that he did not even announce a combat alert for the ship. No one even bothered to put on spacesuits, as required by safety regulations. There were no survivors at all. Whoever was not killed by the shot from the main caliber of the Nakhodka was destroyed by a powerful explosion. For three whole days, engineer Medv, hired on the eve of that battle, with the help of a brand new repair complex, stripped the skeleton of the cruiser and would have stripped it even more if Ilyukha had not stopped it by a strong-willed decision.

He subsequently had to listen to so much whining from his new engineer. Regarding the abandoned goods. Woohoo. By the way, about Medve. The acquisition was successful. The man turned out to be simply with golden hands. The same cannot be said about character. And he had enough energy for several people. He simply beamed with contentment. During the time spent on board the Nakhodka, he had become quite overfed. He chewed such a pack that it would now be difficult to recognize him as the emaciated cripple he was when the earthling found him. But he turned out to be a really cool specialist. The guy could only dream of an experience like his. Training bases are training bases, but the acquired personal experience is completely different. When the guy was just thinking about how best to do this and that, the guy simply did it, because he already knew in advance how to do it. In general, he praised the guy for the quality and volume of work that was carried out by Ilyukha with the help of Said. However, I also rejected a lot. What do you think he is doing at this moment? That's right, he exploits his captain. The earthling is probably the first captain in this and this world in general, who is forced to plow by his own subordinate. But on the other hand, it is also necessary. There is no one to work.

- Hold it here. – Medv showed where to attach the valve distribution box, which he assembled himself. This box was already the third, final version. It was needed for remote control of the hydraulics of the retractable pylons and an additional pair of engines. All that remained was to secure it to the bulkhead and then connect the tubes.

- How are you holding it? Here! Hold it like this. Where do they teach you such things?

The earthling was already taken aback by such a statement. He was about to answer the engineer, but did not have time.

- That's it, freeze. Now I'll grab the brackets and we can assemble them.

The plasma cutter, switched to welding mode, quickly got the job done. When Medv finished, and the valve box was already hanging without outside help, he stared at Ilya in surprise.

- Well, why are you up? Get the tubes here. We'll bet. Look, they're lying by the bulkhead.

The earthling could not stand it.

– Have you mixed up anything, Medv? Actually, you're talking to the captain.

“Take command on the bridge,” said the mischievous engineer. - And here I am the commander, understand? You invited me to the ship yourself, now don’t cry. You have an engineering certificate, after all. But forgive me, captain, you're not much of an engineer yet, to be honest.

-Are you out of your mind, Medv? I assembled the ship myself. And without your “qualified” help, by the way,” Ilya was offended.

– What he collected himself, well done. I'm not saying that you are hopeless. But for some decisions I would tear your hands off. If something happens, it will be impossible to get to some important nodes. Until you take apart half the ship. And there are places where, apparently solely out of innate “genius,” you placed equipment that even a repair complex cannot reach. What were you thinking? Now everything has to be redone on the go.

There was nothing to cover it with. Indeed, Ilyukha made a number of serious mistakes, and Medv was now absolutely right.

“That’s how Tadpole calculated,” the guy tried to excuse himself.

- That’s it, Tadpole. Why do you have a head on your shoulders? Is he a tadpole, a machine? A smart car, I don’t argue, but it’s a car. He will always work along the path of least resistance. Understand? He's a machine. AND YOU are a person. You have to take these things into account. Learn while I'm alive.

- Why bother with this box at all? I would send a droid and that’s it.

– That’s all you young people should do to drive droids. This is a mechanism that is also expensive. Why spoil the car if you have to do five minutes of work yourself?

- Why are you counting other people’s money? – the earthling was indignant. - These are my droids.

“That’s why I’m saving your money,” the engineer snapped. “Yes, I’m teaching you sense, you fool.”

- You should at least choose your expressions, after all, you’re talking to the captain!

“If you give orders from the bridge, I’ll break into pieces, but I’ll do it.” I won't say a word. You are the commander there. If I don’t do it, feel free to throw me away. In the meantime, we’re working here, do what they say, and remember how to do it. Who else will teach you? Well, why did you get up? Give me the pipes already!

“Ugh,” the earthling spat and went to get what he wanted.

Another hour later, the work was completed, hydraulic fluid was pumped into the system.

- Well, shall we try? – Medv asked.

“Wait, now I’ll find out what’s going on outside,” Ilya held him back. - Bridge captain!

“The second officer is in touch,” Dee’s perky voice was heard over the ship’s communication system.

– How is our “horizon” there?

- The horizon is clear, captain. Not a soul.

– How long until the portal?

- Another four hours and twenty-two minutes and...

- Enough. Now we will try remote control of an additional pair from the car. Look around there.

- Accepted.

- Well, let's go, Generalissimo of gears. We’ll check what you collected there,” the guy smiled.

Everything worked great.

“That’s it,” Medv said, pleased with his work, taking off the headset of the neural interface for controlling the repair complex. “We still have to dig deeper into the left engine.”

- Do you need help?

- No, captain, you can’t turn around there in a spacesuit together. The niches are cramped, the gondola is just entering. So I'm on my own.

– So start the repair complex and don’t struggle. Stay warm and work remotely. Why are you so stubborn?

- Go with your complex. If you sat in the market with me, waiting for death from hunger, then normal work would be a joy for you. Get out of here, boy, don't make any fuss.

- Look, it’s time to get up to speed.

Chapter 2

They stayed in the Li-Ezi system for a short time. Ilya thought that he would have to dock, then Greg would call him for a private conversation. However, before Dee had time to occupy the point in the raid orbit allocated by the local dispatcher, a passenger boat jumped up to the Nakhodka, and the former medic of the battle cruiser Invincible climbed aboard in person.

- Well, hello, Ilio. Long time no see. Glad, very glad to see you.

“Hello... uh-uh,” Ilyukha hesitated a little. “I don’t even know how to address you now.”

- And just continue to address me as before. What changed? Besides the fact that I am now your immediate superior. We're not at the parade. Officially, if necessary, then Mr. Major.

- Already a major?

- Yes, Ilio, Major. But like this, in an informal setting, let’s do it the old way. I'm not ambitious.

- Congratulations, Doc. Please come to my cabin. Are you hungry?

- Thank you. To be honest, I would eat something. But later. Now we need to talk. It is very important.

- Let's go.

In the cabin, Ilyukha invited the major to sit down in a comfortable chair by the coffee table. Inviting someone to your desktop as a visitor was incorrect and not very convenient. Firstly, the bosses, after all, and secondly, the guy still felt some gratitude towards this man. He was the first person in the Commonwealth with whom I had to talk meaningfully. Yes, and he also helped significantly, it is clear that it was not free, but he helped, suggested how and what to do at first. But he could have cheated him like a sucker. It's clear that Greg made a bet on him. What will he use as a tool to achieve his goals? But at least he’s doing it delicately for now, without really substituting anything. How things will go further will be seen, but for now the cooperation is mutually beneficial.

Having prepared the gez and placed a small vase of cookies on the table, Ilya pointed to the treat with a broad gesture.

- Help yourself, Doc. It was Said who baked the cookies. Surprisingly delicious.

- Thank you, Ilio. Tell me, how are things going with the ship?

“Nakhodka” is almost ready. By the end of the day, the engineer will have finished tuning the engines, and it will be possible to say that the ship is completely ready.

- By the way, about your engineer. We have verified the information you provided. Everything was confirmed. Now a criminal case has been opened against members of the top management of the LinDo corporation and the president in particular. Accounts are blocked, property and rolling stock are confiscated. However, a leak occurred, and the president and his entourage managed to hide in the Gray Zone. We won't get them there. We are now identifying the informant, but this will not help. You, Ilio, have another enemy.

“This enemy appeared before you missed him.”

– How is the engineer himself? Was he worth the fuss?

- Yes, Doc. It was worth it. The specialist is simply gold. But stubborn and harmful, like a hundred Chinese.

- Like who?

– The character is harmful, I say, just terrible.

- Wonderful. Now about the matter. What's your fuel plan?

- I drove here as best I could. I had to spend money on long overclocking. Fuel won't hurt. I wanted to take some more fresh food. Well, buy more ammunition. Ammunition and food are not critical.

- Fine. The gas station attendant will come soon. I've already paid for everything. But the rest will have to wait. Time is running out. We have to...

- Yes, to us, Ilio. I'll go with you as a passenger. Well, or, if you don’t mind, I can take up the medical section again for now. You don’t have a doctor, do you?

“Yes, yes,” the guy sighed.

-What kind of passenger?

“It’s better for you not to know yet.”

– Are the guards armed?

- Naturally.

“Then you must understand that I cannot accept armed people unknown to me on board.”

– These are all proven employees of the empire’s security service who carried out an important operation. Now you and I have to extract the group and the protected person. I vouch for everyone.

– How many people will there be in total?

- Eleven.

- Okay, Doc. Any problems expected?

– I would like to hope not. But anything is possible.

– What kind of problems? How many? How are they armed?

– From light countermeasures to massive attacks. I won’t say how much. The group worked autonomously. You wouldn't have to be involved if everything went according to plan. But recently an encrypted signal was received via the emergency channel. Something went wrong. Help is needed. The operation is top-secret; involving SB forces is dangerous due to a possible leak. At most four people know that I’m here, but the information won’t escape them. Nobody knows about you except Gro Zek, and he is also a trusted person and in the know. You are a field agent embedded, so to speak, in an environment of loners. Sounds funny, doesn't it? An agent embedded in nowhere. But it’s necessary. By the way, here it is.

Greg opened his travel case.

– This is a device for generating a false ship identifier. A gift from me for uncovering illegal actions by the Lindo corporation. I'm sorry, I can't do it with money. By the way, have you noticed that you have stopped receiving money from the office?

– There won’t be any more. You are out of state. Moreover, I erased all the information about you. You obey only me. Any other person who addresses you on my behalf, other than Gro Zek, is naturally an enemy. And you can treat him like an enemy. After this operation I will disappear again. Communication only through Gro. For information and small things in the form of databases, also contact him. He will help in any way he can.

-What's going on, Doc? Why such multi-layered secrecy and where are you dragging me into?

“If I tell you, I’ll have to kill you, Ilio,” the doc said with a sigh. – And as for pulling in... that’s exactly what I try not to do. You are my instrument for delicate operations. No one should know about your involvement. To be honest, I was stupid by assigning you to the staff right away. But I did not imagine that serious difficulties would begin. In principle, only a few people had information about you, but you can rely on them. I cleaned up the rest.

- Okay, then let's get down to business, Mr. Major. I need the coordinates of the meeting point and delivery location.

– There is a Yurla system three hypertransitions from here. They are waiting for us at the trading station. Ideally, you need to stand at the pier, take people on board and calmly leave. They must be delivered to Kadar. But they will do it without us. A couple of passages before the metropolis, a ship will approach, onto which you will need to transfer passengers. Next, we calmly go to the familiar Geo-3 station. By the way, a surprise awaits you there.

“I completely forgot to ask, Doc.” How are the guys, Mr. Balakh, Zevran? I miss you terribly.

- So you can ask them yourself. That's what I was talking about when I mentioned the surprise. But you took it and ruined everything,” Greg smiled. - The guys are waiting for you. I informed them that you would appear soon.

“Di is encrypted. Smart little thing,” thought Ilya.

- Welcome to docking. Let Medv supervise. Tell him.

“Accepted,” replied AI. “You’re a little one,” whispered through the thought connection.

“Dee, tell Medv that we now have a GLIHA (false ID generator). Let him connect, and you check the stray, you never know,” Ilyukha answered in the same mental way.

"Already said. He’s already licking his lips.”

“Get ready for the start, take the bunker and leave,” this is already out loud.

- Please go to the wardroom, Doc. Said should have already set the table for two. Try his cooking. I assure you, you will not find this in any restaurant.

- Said? Wait wait. You mean that big Manty guy?

- Why Said? His name is different, as far as I remember. There is such a name that it is difficult to pronounce.

- That's why Said. And also because he always appears on time.

- It's clear. You could have guessed on your own that he wouldn’t leave you alone and wouldn’t go home.

- Yes, he stayed and is not eager to go home yet. He called me brother. Now both he and I have family and responsibilities again.

- Here. I told you and I was right. “But you didn’t believe it,” Greg smiled. – Obligations bind us hand and foot. Freedom is a myth. But you're lucky. If a Manti called you brother, he would die for you. This only happened twice in my memory.

“I would prefer that my enemies die.” You don't have to die for me.

- Good rule. But how does his warrior profession combine with the art of cooking?

“I’m shocked myself, Doc.” But he clearly chose the wrong profession. He is the best warrior, he is convinced of this himself, but the cook is simply inimitable, in my opinion.

- Hm. Marvelous. But then what are we waiting for? Lead me quickly to the table. Otherwise I'll choke on my saliva.

Said did not disappoint. The dinner was beyond all praise. Greg just clicked his tongue and chewed both cheeks. Ilyukha didn’t lag behind either. After finishing his meal, the doc asked to see his cabin and medical unit. It was difficult to call this small room a medical bay. And the equipment is no match for what was on the Invincible, but even such simple equipment without a specialist was just a load. Now there will be an opportunity, while there is a dock, to use it. To tighten up some bases and drive people through the egg. Of course, it won’t be possible to get Medva’s legs back using such old stuff, but at least the usual preventive measures will pass. And while we were working at Molya’s, we weren’t able to roll it up in a bubble at the station. Stubborn, infectious, no strength. He will always find a reason so as not to feel like a debtor. In a good way, if you judge, he has long since worked off the debt for the dentures, and in general he plows for three people. And the earthling told him about this more than once. Deaf. Reinforced concrete mixed with liquid glass. You'll get the hell out of it. And now he can’t get away with it.

“Captain, the bunker has been taken,” Dee’s voice sounded in his head.

- Wonderful. Tomorrow is a medical day as planned. First Said goes into the capsule, then Medv. If the stubborn old man starts to fence the garden, let Said force him there. That's an order. Notify... um... crew.

- I'll do it.

– Heading for Yurla, I’m on the bridge. We are facing problems.

Liquid glass is a special composition, liquid. It is added to cement to create a so-called “cement box” to temporarily seal the hole. For example, on a sea vessel. Once the mixture hardens, it becomes very difficult to break. So much so that sometimes it’s easier to cut it off along with the metal.

Moli looked gloomily at the earthling. But at the same time it was clear that he was confused.

- How so, guy? Why are you leaving? What don't you like?

Well, how to answer? After all, you can’t explain to a person that in fact you work for a completely different organization. That the old miner's shipyard was essentially just a springboard to achieve a certain goal. And that today a real employer got in touch. Who gave the order to curtail local activities and move to the “small arc” area. There, in the Li-Ezi system, at the trading station, Greg will be waiting for Ilya. Former naval security officer on the Invincible ship, and now an imperial security officer and head of the special investigations department. Apparently something happened.

The guy had cats scratching his soul. He understood how Moly was feeling now. This year, which the guy spent in the company of the old miner, was very fruitful. Today, Ilyukha has his own ship, which is already an achievement considering how much it cost him. Along the way, he raised some more money and repaid the debt to the SB officers. True, after paying off the debt, there is only a little more than a million local rustlers left, but this is nonsense. There is a ship, there is money, so to speak, for a divorce. What else is needed? But I was ashamed in front of Moly. At least fall through the deck.

- Why?

- Boss, I need it so much.

- What? What do you need? What, you don't earn enough?

- It's not about making money.

- What then? – Moli gloomily continued to glare at Ilya.

“I received a message that my girlfriend has disappeared,” he told a half-truth.

- What's happened?

- Don't know. – The Earthman shrugged. “We only know that the ship she worked on was destroyed.” Not found among the corpses.

- And what? You understand that looking for a person in the Commonwealth is like looking for a specific grain of sand on the surface of a planetoid! But you don’t even know whether she’s alive or not, and if she’s alive, who took her and where. Do you even know who carried out the attack?

“Then how are you going to find her?”

Ilya shrugged again.

- Do not know yet. But I also can’t sit here when she might need my help.

- OK. – Moli sighed. – I understand you and respect your decision. I probably would have done the same thing myself at your age. You still can't be dissuaded, can you?

Ilyukha shook his head.

- I thought so. But you're leaving me at the wrong time. What do you want me to do? I can't handle it on my own anymore. It would be fine if, as before, we just cut scrap metal. But now I’ll have to disappear in the landfill myself for weeks. And who will look after Chudey and his idiots? What do i do? I can't break up. Stay at least a month so I can find a replacement. Only a month won’t be enough. Can you really find a normal worker in our swamp? Suppose I can buy a truck, now I have enough money. But it is necessary that the employee not only be a good pilot, but also at least have a specialization as a technician. Where can I get this? And you can’t take just anyone either. If he spills the beans and that’s it, he’ll have to close the shop. What do you say?

“I think we need to change the scheme a little,” the earthling answered.

- What do you mean?

– Talk to Eiri Boshu. He is a merchant, he has extensive connections, and I am sure that such a person will easily find a decent and quiet specialist. And the truck will most likely be found too. An old, used ship will be enough. It's not that expensive, and maybe he already has such a ship. And so that no one feels deprived, I’ll just have to divide my share into three parts. Offer one third to Airy for vanity. Another for the new employee, for keeping his mouth shut, and the third part will go to you personally. You have nothing to lose. You will even increase your earnings. Everyone is happy. We only delivered the cargo three days ago. The next deal is about a month and a half to two months away. It's quite possible to make it in time.

- Oh, there’s something you’re not telling me, guy. It feels like I’ve already thought of everything for a long time. It's like you're scratching it like it's written. When are you going to leave?

- Tomorrow.

– So you’re still working today?

- Yes, boss. I'm still working today. I will fill the shipyard with as much iron as possible, so that you have a week and a half to build up. Or maybe even two. And tomorrow I'll leave.

- Fine. – Moli smiled sadly. “It’s a pity to let you go, boy.” That's fair. Very sorry. I've gotten used to you this year. But what now? Fly, look for your loss. But know that if you suddenly need work, you can count on me for it.

“I’m also very grateful to you for everything, boss.” And I’m very embarrassed to leave you when everything has just gotten better, but I really really need it. One thing I can say for sure, if I need modernization or repair, I will remember you and pay well for the work. And if there are friends who need the same thing, I advise you to contact you. This should be beneficial for you, because all spare parts and components can be found in the landfill deposits.

- Welcome. True, I haven’t done this for a long time, but if something happens, I’ll find good guys for such work. I'll bring up my old connections, but I'll find them. But then you should warn us in advance.

“We agreed,” Ilya smiled.

- Then why are you standing there? Go to work. I will now prepare a file with characteristics and recommendations and send it to you on the network. From tomorrow you can be free.

- Thank you, boss.

- Pray, boy. For you now you can just pray.

- Thank you, Moly.

- Get out of sight already. Nobody has canceled the working day yet.

And the next day Ilyukha left. Moli disappeared somewhere along with Buksey. So there was no one to say goodbye to.

The two-week transition went smoothly. Everyone was minding their own business. Dee, as usual, was in charge. Said, as usual, cast magic in the galley, and if he was not there, then it was worth looking for him in the arsenal or an impromptu gym. After a short battle with a mercenary battle cruiser and the subsequent looting, Ilyukha got a good deal of small arms and spacesuits. And not only pilots and combat infantry, there were even several engineering ones protruding, sharpened in case of manual repairs. With a propulsion system built into them. Then you were really lucky. The captain of the mercenary cruiser was so confident of his victory that he did not even announce a combat alert for the ship. No one even bothered to put on spacesuits, as required by safety regulations. There were no survivors at all. Whoever was not killed by the shot from the main caliber of the Nakhodka was destroyed by a powerful explosion. For three whole days, engineer Medv, hired on the eve of that battle, with the help of a brand new repair complex, stripped the skeleton of the cruiser and would have stripped it even more if Ilyukha had not stopped it by a strong-willed decision.

He subsequently had to listen to so much whining from his new engineer. Regarding the abandoned goods. Woohoo. By the way, about Medve. The acquisition was successful. The man turned out to be simply with golden hands. The same cannot be said about character. And he had enough energy for several people. He simply beamed with contentment. During the time spent on board the Nakhodka, he had become quite overfed. He chewed such a pack that it would now be difficult to recognize him as the emaciated cripple he was when the earthling found him. But he turned out to be a really cool specialist. The guy could only dream of an experience like his. Training bases are training bases, but the acquired personal experience is completely different. When the guy was just thinking about how best to do this and that, the guy simply did it, because he already knew in advance how to do it. In general, he praised the guy for the quality and volume of work that was carried out by Ilyukha with the help of Said. However, I also rejected a lot. What do you think he is doing at this moment? That's right, he exploits his captain. The earthling is probably the first captain in this and this world in general, who is forced to plow by his own subordinate. But on the other hand, it is also necessary. There is no one to work.