Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Elchin Safarli quotes about women. Elchin Safarli quotes

Everyone chooses their own color in life. Some are sunny yellow, some are cloudy gray, and some are depressingly black. Each of us is responsible for his own choice, and each of us lives in his own color-light.
Interesting all the same creatures people. We are raised by mothers and fathers, we play in the yard with boys and girls, we are friends with brothers and sisters, and then suddenly one complete stranger becomes the closest. So close that it takes your breath away.(5)
Jealousy in a man should be. But it should not be visible, like salt in delicious food.
When you miss a person, the first impulse is to replace him with other people. An endless string of novels. At worst - books, chocolate, whiskey. But this is not a replacement, as we think, but an insignificant self-deception.
People pass by us different destinies, views, problems. The fog of other people's thoughts envelops us.
Women recognize the character of a man silently. We do not ask questions, we do not climb into the soul. We look, we listen, we feel. We act without words.
Every woman meets a man only once, who divides her life into two parts: before meeting him and after.
Silence wants to speak, but silence does not need it.
When a person behaves like a pig, this is normal. It happens to everyone, no one is immune from it. Therefore, it is pointless to be offended. But when someone behaves like an intellectual, aristocratic and high-ranking last pig - it will infuriate the dead!

***** The fact that we must go further - in spite of and in spite of everything. That there is no such grief that cannot be experienced, stubbornly and severely. That women are much stronger than men precisely because they are able to sacrifice and give, sometimes receiving very little in return.
The life of two is much happier when the desire to understand is more important than to be understood.
Rain is not just heavenly water. I think rain is always some kind of sign...
Fear of love arises after you learn from your own experience that there is still more languishing anxiety and piercing sadness in love than joy. And now it seems that allowing yourself to be loved is much more profitable than loving yourself ...
The doors swing open in front of us only once, the rest of the time we have to open them ourselves ...

There is nothing more eloquent than silent touches.
"She didn't talk the way she thought. She wasn't the way most people thought."
My love for him bordered on gratitude. In non-stop mode, I wanted to say “thank you”. For the fact that he taught me to laugh again, started my mental mechanisms, revived the will to live, pulled me to the surface of the ocean, where, as it turned out, eternal summer, tenderness is poured in the air, and the dawn blooms with caramel gems.
"A yearning woman is unpredictable. A yearning woman is like a Rubik's cube that only one person can solve"

- Son, remember, a man should not force a woman to live in uncertainty.
When you do everything the way even the dearest person wants, it’s not that uninteresting, but it’s simply not your life, and sooner or later it will turn into disappointment.
Maybe you were not an ideal man (which, in principle, you did not pretend to be). Maybe you didn’t become my faithful life partner (which, in principle, you didn’t aspire to). Maybe you won’t wait for me anymore at the crossroads of trolleybus tracks (which, in principle, you don’t fight for). Be that as it may, in the madhouse of my memory you were and remain the only man whom I, like a full-fledged woman, imitated and will imitate. It's not funny, it's not nonsense at all. A loving woman is often imbued with the interests, the whole psyche of her beloved man, wanting to create the effect of a “true soul mate”.
Our guarantee was love. Even the simplest of its types ...
There is so much I want to tell her about the dream. That it cannot be put off until later, that giving up a dream because of “something important” is actually giving up because of your own cowardice. Do not believe in yourself, prefer the familiar warm swamp. I'm holding back. She must come to her own decision. Any
we make the choice ourselves. Yes, it depends on circumstances, knowledge, opportunities. But no matter what we rely on when making this choice, then we will live with the results.

Being ashamed of your own tears means not acknowledging your feelings.
But even in these ordinary, not the best and most useful features, I saw an unusually sweet and attractive naturalness. The negative tends to attract more than the positive.
Without love, it's dark even with the most powerful lamps...
The expectation of personal happiness is like waiting for an electric train on the platform of a provincial station. Contrary to the exact schedule, the train will definitely arrive. It is not known exactly when. Maybe half an hour late. Maybe with an emergency delay due to extraordinary circumstances. So is love. Breaks into the fate of a person contrary to the life schedule. One visits early. The other is a little later. Someone is too late. Love will surely reach each of us. An indisputable fact disputed by people without faith in themselves ...

Letting go doesn't mean forgetting.
So it is in life most often: first you want it, you want it, then you get it - and in the end you think: what to do with it?
Books give people happiness, become a shelter from reality. Books - best friends most women, not diamonds. When we lack love, we take on love story. When we want to forget, we plunge into a fascinating detective story ...
I haven't seen you for a long time. Changed my phone number, deleted all your contacts. I learned to hold back when unbidden tears betray melancholy, and to hide my hands in my pockets when they themselves clench into fists with rage. I cheerfully answer questions, communicate with people and sometimes dance when the music is cheerful and does not resemble our songs. And I also work a lot. Everything seems to be fine, but all this is ... a game.

If the past does not let go, then it has not yet passed.
Love relationships are like airy cottage cheese, the already familiar taste of which can be modified with the help of various dried fruits. This time raisins, and the next - dried apricots ... Such an attractive fantasy. We rush into it, knowing where everything will lead. All the uncertainty of love lies only in the timing ... Either you eat cottage cheese, and it ends, or you hesitate, and it just expires.
Everyone makes mistakes, because pencils have erasers for a reason.
Love is carried in oneself, not with oneself.
"Unhappy love is like ... a sore throat. Quite compatible with life, it's just unpleasant, but it's impossible not to think about it. Tea with lemon and honey helps for a while, and also time and silence. When you speak, it only becomes more painful "It even takes your breath away. Therefore, it's better to sit down and write it down. With each letter, the sore becomes sore. True, you don't feel it right away - the effect comes a little later."
"We are often expected exactly where we do not want to return."
Don't you know that everything is done for the best? Just very slowly. We must move on and not carry suitcases full of the past. Hands are not enough, and you will run out of steam halfway.
Time is the way the Universe tests our desires for truth. This is probably why we almost never get everything at once.

Afraid there is nothing. Change the leaves, but keep the roots.
Live others- this is true madness. This is the biggest love error...
Women able live moments, but none of them is able to be satisfied with them. Women always claim more, although they rarely talk about it.
Love makes a woman weak. the wise women are those who pass off weakness as loyalty...
I'm afraid of the word hate". It is too weighty, destructive. "I hate" easily shatters thousands of human hearts. Forever.
My advice to you is nothing. don't plan. Just go with the flow and smile.
Can't wake up strong in the morning human I wish I could, but it's impossible. But you can stop banging your head against the same wall and change direction. If there is no road to the west, then it is better to go to the east. Earth anyway round Sooner or later, everyone will come to what they should come to.
The longer you waiting the more likely you are waiting not there.
autumn memories rise to the surface of the mind. With a mental movie projector you look through frames from the past. Far from a pleasant film, and often painful. There is a good thing in this: looking at the past, you look into the future differently. Vain illusions are dispelled, mental immunity is strengthened. A kind of soul-searching... Autumn is the only time year that teaches. Heal from the past, do not fold your hands sadly, look for love and wait. Autumn is gifted healing...
It's just that I was finally and irrevocably convinced that love has no fixed time arrival. No need to stand on the platform, trying to get into any train that has arrived. Follow your schedule hearts...
Be strong. Don't drop arms even if you cut them off...

I didn't want anything from you but love. So ordinary, human. No touching notes in bouquets of flowers, no beautiful words from the other end of the wire, no plush "hare" and "sun" dozens of times a day. I just wanted to be near you.

"Girls love read Marina Tsvetaev, and I say - beware of her poems. She is not at all like earthly women, all out of pain. It is as if she is standing naked in the cold, turned inside out, and her words are also all turned inside out, like pockets. It's shameful to watch, but it hurts to live like this..."
Those who are happy have no time to write diaries, they are too busy life Yu.
at dreams no expiration date."

Can you imagine I jealous you to the rain. He can touch you.
AT German there is the word "hasslibe." According to the dictionary, it translates as " feeling vacillating between love and hatred." That's how I feel about each of my "today."
Love- it's not a situation. Love is reward.
"Your" people stay with you, as if you he didn’t whine, no matter how yelled, no matter how he disappeared. They are simply there is, they are happy to open the door for you, stretch out your hands, share a sandwich.

They say it's the people you're protecting who get stabbed in the back. breast.

We are afraid to admit to ourselves how sometimes we want to hug someone and bury our nose on the cheek. Life because it is beautiful when someone's cheek needs your nose.
I actually I love you with an impossible love.

Lack of wealth is not poverty. Poverty is the thirst for wealth.

It happens that you can’t understand yourself, but you stumble upon some book - and it puts everything in its place, breaks the seals from souls.
The male truly loving woman won't delve into her past

One of the most popular writers of our time can definitely be called Elchin Safarli. It is to his pen that such piercing and touching works as "There without back", "You were promised to me", "Tell me about the sea" and others belong. Today we have prepared for you short biography writer, collected the most interesting and statements of Elchin Safarli. Happy reading!

Biography Safarli

The Azerbaijani writer was born in March 1984 in Baku. As soon as he was 12 years old, he began to publish in newspapers. At the age of sixteen, Elchin entered International University Azerbaijan, choosing for himself the specialization "Journalism". He collaborated with Turkish TV channels, wrote for print media. It is worth noting that Safarli lived in Istanbul for many years. This, of course, affected his early work. In 2011, a short film about the writer, “Alone with Everyone,” was released.

This book came out in 2010. In it, Safarli delightfully subtly reveals all the facets of the East, showing both its light and dark sides. In the reviews, readers say: it's hard to believe that it is a man who writes so touchingly and tenderly. This is not surprising, just read this quote by Elchin Safarli from the book "Sweet Salt of the Bosphorus":

The moon is a reflection of the eyes. When two people look at her from different parts of the world, their eyes will certainly meet.

Both critics and fans of this amazing writer note: Elchin uses amazing metaphors, writes plain language- amazingly accurate and bright. For example, speaking about the emotions and feelings of a person in a state of despair, he compares poplar fluff with dust, the sun with a simple disk. Safarli says: despair is dirty shoes. But it is not eternal, it is at the moment of the strongest sorrow that happiness and love come to a person.

The expectation of personal happiness is like waiting for an electric train on the platform of a provincial station. Contrary to the exact schedule, the train will definitely arrive. It is not known exactly when. Maybe half an hour late. Maybe with an emergency delay due to extraordinary circumstances. So is love. Breaks into the fate of a person contrary to the life schedule. One visits early. The other is a little later. Someone is too late. Love will surely reach each of us. An indisputable fact disputed by people without faith in themselves ...

it Safarli's work calls on every person to find their happiness, to be able to comprehend it. And of course, to give up life in the everyday flow. Proof of this is the following Elchin Safarli:

Life is subject to change. Making changes is easy. Worth wanting. Of course, there are no casualties. Have to. Victims are sediment at the bottom of a mug of chic coffee... Of course, it's easier to give up on a dream. Live in a meaningless stream. Wait for the green traffic light, standing on the sidewalk. How long will it take to wait? It is not known... Life is like fluff from an open pillow. A thousand opportunities to catch. 999 of them are empty.

What else does the Azerbaijani writer talk about? Like many others, he addresses the theme of love. And he does it incredibly gently:

Our hearts are intertwined with vanilla-ginger threads, covered with a ruddy crust. Our kisses give off a refreshing taste of cumin, making the feelings hot. Our touches are gentle, like burgundy saffron fibers.

Why should you read this book? We guarantee you a complete immersion in the atmosphere of the East, or rather, in Istanbul - spicy aromas, hot wind, coolness of the night Bosphorus are waiting for you:

I love this city when it is dressed in the lemon-sunny fabrics of summer, in the pale brown silks of autumn. During these seasons, the magic of Istanbul intensifies - it smells of candied fruit, vanilla biscuit, fish kebab...

Critics call this novel by Azerbaijani writer Elchin Safarli shocking. This is not surprising, because he describes the life of a Russian prostitute, full of loneliness and pain, who, by the will of fate, ended up in Istanbul. There is so much despair, faith, love and horror in this work:

I'm like an animal in a zoo, dreaming of freedom - it will never, never be...

This book no longer has that warm melodramatic style that one could see in the previous book. The proof of this is the following quote from Elchin Safarli's book:

I'm alive. I let go of the past and did not notice how. Protective reaction of the psyche? If she had not let go, she would have died under its rubble. Now I'm empty. Feelings dried up, emotions crumbled, resentment cracked.

Despite the type of activity main character, the reader sees not a downtrodden woman, but a person who knows what she wants. She dreams of getting out of the life she lives, to find her happiness:

No matter how a person lives, he still needs a family - I realize over the years. You can't replace a family with money, a career, or friends. The family is like an element of a puzzle: you find the missing piece, and the picture of life will take shape.

Let's say right away: there will be no happy ending. Elchin Safarli in this work relieves readers of illusions, presents the truth of life - cruel and emotional. Through the mouth of the main character, he says:

Only after living below, you will learn how dangerous it is to climb up. Only after being in the dark, you will know how bright the sunlight is ...

Like the book "Sweet Salt of the Bosporus", this work is literally saturated with the atmosphere of Istanbul. This is proved by the following quote from Elchin Safarli's book:

“Megapolises grow coarser and expand over the years, become soulless with progress. But this is not the case in Istanbul: its appearance is changing, but the atmosphere is the same, have you noticed?” - and he touches his cheek with his palm, as if checking if it's time to shave. “I noticed. The rhythm of time does not change this city, but the old contrasts are preserved.”

Another delightfully tender love story awaits readers under the cover of this book. Do you believe in love at first sight? This writer believes. This is confirmed by numerous quotes from “I will return” by Elchin Safarli:

Don't be afraid to love! Love wins and will win! The main thing in the struggle for each other is to believe in each other.

A Russian woman and an Eastern man met in line, looked at each other and fell in love. She is a resident of Moscow, who does not believe in tears, he lives in Istanbul, where there is a Bosphorus that can heal the soul. Both Mirumir and Lightlight have their own past. Together they are only in the present. And it is not at all clear whether the beloved will have a future.

Love has two barriers - circumstances and fears. We often lack the courage to step over the stones of the past, the doubts of the present.

The difference in mentality, the onslaught of circumstances, despair and distance ... "I'll be back" is a delightful novel in which Safarli shows the path of Russian girls who are able to go to the East in search of their happiness. And a lot (incredibly a lot) says about love:

To be happy, you don't need to buy uggs, wrap your hair in a funny pyramid, or live in decadence with the hope of a happy ending. It is enough to know the taste of the kisses of a loved one and meet the blue evenings on the balcony, in an embrace. All philosophies of life rest on love. There is no dispute...

Some writer - I forgot who exactly - said that in life there is only one great love, all previous loves are just a test of the pen, and all subsequent ones are catching up ...

Readers note: Safarli describes those life moments that people so rarely pay attention to because of the hustle and bustle. This book is perfect suitable for those who is tired, morally crushed. She wraps up like a cozy blanket. And, of course, healing.

Do not pick up this book if you have not experienced the pain of loss. Because in best case you just won't understand it. And at worst, you will be disappointed in the writer. Elchin Safarli writes very frankly about his condition:

In life, people periodically crumble into pieces, and then gather, and it turns out new picture. I don’t know what kind of picture I am, I’m all the time in pieces. Sometimes they are larger, and then I feel better, and it seems that some kind of harmonious prudence is about to come. And sometimes they are so small that I don’t understand at all what to do with these crumbs. Exhausting.

From Elchin Safarli's book, even inveterate skeptics are forced to believe in this feeling: the author describes places, smells, sounds that remind him that he was once the happiest person in the world:

I still continue to talk to you all the time. Mentally. So we are closer to each other.

It is worth noting that Safarli not only reminisces, but also tries to figure out what is the reason that he lost his love:

I know only one reason for the collapsed relationship, it is not at all connected with the stamp in the passport. Understatement. Everything starts with her.

This is only part of the problem. Elchin adds:

Love, sometimes, can not stand even a short separation. Too fragile feeling, for which neglect is often fatal.

And he says absolutely amazing words:

Letting go doesn't mean forgetting.

We are afraid to admit to ourselves how sometimes we want to hug someone and bury our nose on the cheek. Life is beautiful when someone's cheek needs your nose.

This book is personal diary girls. On its pages, the reader will find so much love that he can hardly contain his emotions.

Before he appeared, hearing a knock on the door, I was tempted to close it with additional locks and never open it. Few people there. And I'm afraid of change: it's especially scary when it's for the better. You quickly get used to it, involuntarily. And then, as a rule, you have to wean - sooner or later, painfully. “I’d better not wait at all and get used to something ...” - I decided just when I heard the creak of the opening door. No pre-knock. He had the keys to my heart.

Love in this work is completely different - joyful and sad, desperate and inspiring, bitter and incredibly happy:

If circumstances separated us for a while, he always briefly reported: “You are not enough.” To which I invariably replied: “I am in you. And I'll be there as long as you say."

The author himself asks readers who love to this moment, read this book, trying not to get a grasp of the content. Elchin Safarli advises those who are lonely to remember that love may be invisible, but it is still everywhere. And the writer asks not to stop believing in love.

My love for him bordered on gratitude. In non-stop mode, I wanted to say “thank you”. For the fact that he taught me to laugh again, started my mental mechanisms, revived the will to live, pulled me to the surface of the ocean, where, as it turned out, eternal summer, tenderness is poured in the air, and the dawn blooms with caramel gems.

Are you going through a difficult period? Be sure to start reading this book by Safarli - it will capture you from the first pages (and this despite the fact that it does not have any twisted plot, non-standard and unexpected turns). She is like a conversation with a good psychologist: will help to endure all the pain that was in the past, let it go, heal ...

Unrequited love is like... a sore throat. Quite compatible with life, just unpleasant, but it is impossible not to think about it. Tea with lemon and honey helps for a while, and also time and silence. When you speak, it only becomes more painful - even your breath catches. So it's best to sit down and write. With each letter, the sore becomes sick. True, you don’t feel it right away - the effect comes a little later.

When you scream “I hate” in tears, it means that inside you shout “I love” even louder.

Safarli somehow knows very well how exactly a woman experiences parting with a loved one. He says:

I haven't seen you for a long time. Changed my phone number, deleted all your contacts. I learned to hold back when unbidden tears betray melancholy, and to hide my hands in my pockets when they themselves clench into fists with rage. I cheerfully answer questions, communicate with people and sometimes dance when the music is cheerful and does not resemble our songs. And I also work a lot. Everything seems to be fine, but all this is ... a game.

And then honestly adds:

When you miss a person, the first impulse is to replace him with other people. An endless string of novels. At worst - books, chocolate, whiskey. But this is not a replacement, as we think, but an insignificant self-deception.

Let's be honest - this whole little book can be safely disassembled into quotes. It is simply impossible to choose the best! Judge for yourself what these words are worth:

I tried to negotiate with my heart, to explain to him: they say, stop torturing me - well, it didn’t work out, well, it didn’t agree, with whom it doesn’t happen. Let him go! Don't torment me, stop reminding me of him. It hurts. Understand, finally, that because he is always inside, it doesn’t make me feel better - I need him next to me. Make up your mind at last: now you want to forget him, then always remember him. Long requests, almost praying on my knees, but this is a competition of mine own life life went on without him.

There is no point in true love. You can break up, quarrel, be disappointed - absolutely everything is possible. But whatever the reason, real love still lives on in my heart.

You can name all the quotes from Elchin's book Safarli the best. And the book itself can be called a cure for pain. After it, there is a desire to live, rejoice and believe - of course, in love!

Anyone who has ever opened books written by Elchin Safarli knows how simple they are. The author talks about feelings, the main of which can be called a feeling of loss. Someone (beloved or beloved, dear person) will certainly leave, leave, die. What is the hero to do? Get lost in pain, suffer, make futile attempts to fix something, learn to accept reality. The novel “When I return, be at home” is a collection of more than 50 heartfelt letters that a man named Hans writes to his daughter, Dost. the main problem lies in the fact that Dostu will never read these letters, because she died. Hans cannot come to terms with this loss, and therefore continues to speak with a loved one:

Dostu, you must have deja vu. Jean explains these flashes by reincarnation: the immortal soul in a new incarnation remembers what it felt in the previous body. “So the universe suggests that one should not be afraid of earthly death, life is eternal.”

This story is slow and measured, it is about how important it is to be able to enjoy every day of your own life. And of course, stop depending on the pain of loss, because the past cannot be changed.

Remain silent when everyone is talking, speak when your words are about love, even through tears. Learn to forgive those who are near - so you will find the way to forgive yourself. Do not fuss, but do not forget where your ship is sailing. Maybe he lost his course?

Through the lips of heroes, Elchin Safarli recalls:

Every morning is an opportunity to see, to learn something new. The beginning and continuation of an incredible adventure. Every new day, despite the difficulties, can be made unforgettable. And this is breathtaking.

And the writer reveals to his readers main secret:

Despair is called the last and main tool of the devil, he uses it against the most persistent, when the previous methods - pride, jealousy, hatred - are powerless.

And, of course, this book is also full of love! Elchin Safarli says:

Love is the only stable feeling in a changing world. When you love, any test is surmountable.

Of course, in order to appreciate the whole talent of Elchin Safarli, to get acquainted with his heroes and experiences, quotes alone are not enough. Therefore, we recommend that you definitely read all of his books!

To always have clear conscience, no need to mess it up. It's not clothes, you can't wash it. It's a pity. – Safarli

Called a taxi. A car drove up yellow color. “This color, indeed, is for separation,” I thought, and I said to her: “I will be back soon, dear.”

Women, as a rule, do not have their own principles. They listen to their inner voice, the voice of the heart and the men you love.

Elchin Safarli: “The presence of a smile on the face is not yet a joy. Its real manifestation lies in an unshakable faith in the best, even when it seems impossible. “Love from the bottom of the Bosphorus”

Only that love that survived separation can be eternal. “Love from the bottom of the Bosphorus”

All our childhood dreams largely determine our adulthood. "I'll be back" - E. Safarli

Crazy people are called people who have not been able to prove their vision of reality. After all, it is difficult for society to accept the possibility of the existence of worlds unknown to it, well, except for the earthly and heavenly.

Only the person who once made us the happiest can make us the most unhappy.

Read the continuation of Elchin Safarli's quotes and aphorisms on the pages:

Love weaned me from looking for answers in books, trying on the stories of other people's heroines, listening to sentimental musical ballads with the thought: God, this is about me! That's all about me! In matters of your own destiny, you should turn to your heart. It, wise, knocks from our first second to the last - like an experienced radio operator sending important encrypted messages on the air. Why do we trust anyone but ourselves? And the heart knows best of all about the irretrievably gone, and about the bright hope. And only after losing contact with him, we stuff bumps and collect scars.

Envy the pigeons. Their freedom and trust. I'm not in a cage. I'm free with clipped wings. I can take off, but not fly away.

I'm waiting for autumn. With such impatience that she is ready to sacrifice all the other seasons to her. And I won't regret what I did at all. I need autumn. Very very. She will unleash those who are driven into the dark corner of survival. She will not force you to repeat cruel, but truthful words: “If we are all alone, then we are all alone in loneliness.” Autumn is called the season of sadness. I don’t agree: real sadness comes with summer, when there is no one to share the generosity of the sun with ...

The best tutorial- life in the most different manifestations. “There without back”

Love makes a woman weak. Wise women are those who pass weakness for loyalty.

There will be a new test ... if you stand, you will receive happiness.

The end of the working day, everyone rushes home. Someone is waiting, someone is waiting, and some hope that they are waiting. The eternal cycle of fate, sometimes unfair.

I'm far away now... but who knows... maybe I'll come with the aroma of tea, maybe I'll become a rain and spill on your city, maybe I'll appear before you like a wind... Just you wait!

If life sends sour lemons, build a lemonade plant and get rich!

Over the years, I realized that with husbands in family life we must be able to talk, be interested in each other's desires. It's not just about sex. Silence slowly leads to collapse...

I look in the mirror, and in the reflection I see not myself, but you. That's the way it should be. Lovers become reflections of each other. I can't live without you and I know you can't live without me. Together forever. Repeat after me… Helps. "No Memories Without You"

I try to catch time, stop it, squeeze it in my arms, but all in vain. It flies, it flies away. He smiles boastfully from above, proud of his superiority. And I understand that time, in fact, is as unstoppable as love. And love, like time, cannot be hidden deep, for a long time - it will break through anyway, it will still declare itself. Reward or burn...

My hope is... mmm... Even if the world disappears, we will still find each other... Even if the nights disappear, we will shine as stars in the daytime... That is my hope. "I'll be back"

Love. A stream of ever-contacting and diverging people with sad eyes. It is insanely hard for me to believe that the strongest of the existing feelings is the most short-lived. Awareness came to me a long time ago, without grief. But every time you step on the path new love, I close my eyes, mentally write and erase two questions, the answer to which no one knows: how long?, how soon?.

Women leave men goodbye magical nights. Women's footprints on men's hearts. On the night before parting, she kissed differently than usual. Her kisses froze on my body like snowflakes on an icy window. Somehow it got cold. Now I understand. Parting kisses lose their warmth. In them, the cooled tenderness of parting ... On the last night, she looked at me differently than usual. In the eyes of alienation. Alienation over love. She understood that it was time for her, but in every possible way she delayed the hour of departure. The struggle of the soul and mind. Reason won. Gone. Now I understand. There is no melancholy in the look before parting. It is a silent protest. Protest against yourself. Feelings lose reason. Most often…

The desire to become a mother should come to a woman at the same time as love for the man with whom she wants to raise them. "You were promised to me"

In love, you don't have to prove anything to anyone. In love, everything is always anew, for two ...

We women are like that. If a man is interested in us as a person, then he attracts us as a partner.

Each time under the cool jets in the shower, I touch my fingers to the marks of his lips. They still burn on my body with invisible brands ...

Stupid prostitutes believe in love. Wise prostitutes believe in love only while watching melodramas.

- Has God abolished taxes by establishing a visa-free regime between heaven and earth? - Not. Everything is much easier. Today, a million babies were born in the world, there are no deaths. Isn't that a reason to rejoice?

No matter how a person lives, he still needs a family - I realize over the years. You can't replace a family with money, a career, or friends. The family is like an element of the puzzle: you find the missing piece, and the picture of life will take shape ...

Loneliness laughs at those who hide from it in illusions. Anyway, we will return to it sooner or later, disappointed to the last drop of blood.

Words are often not from the heart - from the mind. Trust only the eyes that reflect the soul...

The main thing in the life of any person is the opportunity to share love. It might sound trite. But it is. Check...

You can't do anything about the length of your life, but you can do something about its breadth and depth.

The road to happiness is never short. On a long journey, full of vague images and ideas, it is important not to deviate from the goal, to find yourself. This is happiness.

When it becomes indifferent to us how the one we love sees us, it means that we no longer love him.

To hell with obstacles! The main thing is that I am on the way to it. Impulses must develop into actions. Unrealized impulses over the years are harder to forgive yourself ... “There are no memories without you”

It's easy for others to say: Don't take it to heart. How can they know what is the depth of your heart? And where for him - close? "You were promised to me"

Spring rain smells of hope. There is no irreversibility of losses in it, as in the precipitation of other seasons. You don’t want to watch the spring rain from the side, plunging into the atmosphere of home comfort. Under it you want to live, love, hope. Count the drops, losing count, catching them with your tongue, remembering the taste of the freshness of the new season. Spring rain is like a mint cocktail with ice cubes. A cocktail from spring, so reminiscent of summer.

A woman is weakest when she loves, and strongest when she is loved.

I don’t even remember the time when they believe in princes, I left them on the pages of fairy tales. "You were promised to me"

You are my biggest victory over pride. "I'll be back"

Fear is the biggest test in love. Overcoming them, you bring feelings closer to eternity ...

Memory also has immunity - it erases what brings pain.

Ask: what did I love most in this life? Answer: weekdays. Their beginnings and ends, their victories and defeats, their losses and gains. They did not even claim to be unique. Everything is familiar, like many people. But the most important meaning of these everyday life was that we met and saw off the days together ... “There are no memories without you”

I believe that we will finally wrest feelings from circumstances. "I'll be back"

Love with a tied heart. Have you had it? When there is no way back or forward. There is only a place where you stand and cannot move...

Love relationships are like airy cottage cheese, the already familiar taste of which can be modified with the help of various dried fruits. This time raisins, and the next - dried apricots ... "There are no memories without you"

Life goes on as long as there is White color. Like, as long as it flutters on balcony ropes, spins in the washing machine drum, shines in the dark and contrasts with tanned skin, everything will be fine. There is great truth in these words. It is important not only to see all the shades of white in yourself, but also to notice them in the world around you. This is not difficult. White is strong and durable. Doesn't shed, doesn't fade...

Every man sooner or later thinks about the meaning of life. Well, how long can you work, plump, fuck and toil with garbage? My daughters are the meaning that I needed, although you know how afraid I was of starting a family. I can't imagine how people live without children. When you don't trip over toys at night and no one rushes at your Hey, who's home?. Yes, old man, you can call me a sentimental asshole, but it's nonsense that a family for a man is a heavy fetter. I feel good! Of course, I get tired of my wife from time to time, but the love of children compensates for a lot, if not all.

It is impossible to hide from yourself. There is no point in running anywhere. Still, the pain will return. Will return to where the traces of hopelessness begin. Time reconciles with itself. It stands before you as a mirror, healing the scars of the heart in the reflection. You look at yourself and, through the web of despair, you understand that you want to move on. Live, believe, wait again. Smiling at curly clouds, overeating on cherry ice cream, feeling bubbles tickle in your nose from drunk soda, kissing lips shimmering under the moon. No pain can turn a person away from life. Every locked door has a key to unlock it.

We women take a decisive step forward after taking two steps back.

Childhood is something that we lost in time, but kept in ourselves.

Children are able to forgive absolutely everything. Grievances take root as they grow older ... "Love from the bottom of the Bosphorus"

The return always gives happiness, no matter what burden you return with in your soul.

The suffering is endless. Some spent, the next - appear. We have to choose: live fighting them, or live ignoring them. Of course, there will be no absolute deliverance - but it is possible to change the attitude towards sadness

I'm waiting for surprises again, something that will surprise me a lot and walk happy for a long time after that.

Life is always beautiful, just sometimes there is more life in it ...

Life is like fluff from an open pillow - 1000 opportunities to catch, 999 of them are empty ...

Where you meet love, space shrinks to the heart of one person ...

It's good when there is something to remember, and even better when there is nothing to forget.

Memory also has immunity - it erases what brings pain. “There without back”

In Moscow, there is such a lack of human warmth that some compensate for it with car heating.

Fernando's words come to mind: I've been waiting all the time that the one that will become my destiny is about to appear. Like in books. So rarely does anyone get lucky. Personally, I was not lucky ... Brother, do not set the bar high in personal life. Our halves are also the fruit of our efforts. It is possible to mold what you want. Not immediately, of course. With time. We, men, are most often to blame for our loneliness, subconsciously choosing freedom.

In love, a man should give a woman not only flowers, but also the feeling that everything is just beginning for them.

Books give people happiness, become a shelter from reality. Books are most women's best friends, not diamonds. When we lack love, we take on a love story. When we want to forget, we plunge into a fascinating detective story ...

Stop the earth at the bend, I decided to get off ...

A man in the kitchen is not only flattering, but also terribly sexy.

Love is not a situation. Love is the reward.

The most sincere writer of Russia Elchin Safarli touches thin strings in his books female soul, talks about happiness and love, loneliness and place in life. We looked into his books and chose the most poignant quotes that accurately describe our state of mind.

For many years I considered myself somehow... incomplete. I either have too much or too little of something. And from this constant anxiety inside, as if walking on tightrope, which is about to break. Over time, I allowed myself to be imperfect, and I instantly felt better. You need to be able to see uniqueness in your seemingly oddities, to love yourself in yourself.

We came into this world to be happy. Because only happy man spreads light and heat around itself. Angry, gloomy, aggressive - what can give others? Is that what he is filled with! Learning to be happy is a daily work on yourself. To change your attitude to the environment, catching yourself on the wrong projection, is almost the most important thing. It's not easy, but it's possible.

Love... True love, like true despair - silently. It doesn't need words. Despair reads the same. like love, in the eyes. I don't like these, you know, confession letters. I never write declarations of love. I show it with my actions. You know, in love, the most eloquent words are not words, but touches.

We don't love cities, we love ourselves in these cities.

You can become better, but don't try to be different. And your mistakes and your successes are you. There is no one like you anymore. Treat yourself carefully, do no evil, do not expect rewards and allow yourself to miss. It's not interesting without them.

Recently I met a man, we liked each other. For a moment I was afraid that if I fell in love again, I would certainly be disappointed in the end. But after a moment, I realized that it was just fear, an ordinary thought, and drove it away. I'm ready for a new happiness. And each of us is worthy of it - do not hesitate.

Don't listen to those who don't believe in you. Surely there will be those who will offer to "change their minds", they say, do not expect any "one of your own", look at that good guy: over the years you will fall in love, grow together. I warn you: it won't grow! You will not live your life - and what could be worse? The Persian Sufi poet Rumi has words written as early as 1200. "Happiness is singing your song like birds, regardless of who is listening and what they think about it."

You yourself choose: happiness in spite of everything or despair in spite of everything, forgive yourself or curse until the end of your days, trust people or expect a trick from them. If you can’t distract yourself from the painful, remember that you don’t have much time and it’s stupid to spend it on self-torture.

Saying "I'm weak" is always easier than picking up and moving on. Only the one who walks will feel happiness. The universe rewards for work, and not for suffering, accusations and depression behind the drawn curtains. It's time to let the sun in.

Elchin Safarli is one of the most famous and young writers of the East, the press called him “the literary discovery of 2008”. From the age of 12 he published in youth newspapers under a pseudonym, writing small poignant stories right at the school desk. Author of the bestsellers Sweet Salt of the Bosphorus and There Without Back. In his books he talks about the fates ordinary people, Eastern traditions, culture, life and love. Perhaps this is his popularity among lovers of modern literature.

Sometimes I think that it would be better if you didn’t exist, and then I understand that there is no better than you.

People associate too much with sex, while real intimacy goes deeper. She is in a gentle touch, in a calm look and even breathing nearby.

I still don't regret anything - if only because it's pointless.

Loving someone means wanting happiness for him first and then for yourself.

Don't you know that everything is done for the best? Just very slowly. We must move on and not carry suitcases full of the past. Hands are not enough, and you will run out of steam halfway.

Life is like a small blanket: if you pull it up, your feet will freeze, if you pull it down, your head will freeze. The one who curls up knows how to live.

Sometimes you need to not know something or miss something in order to remain happy.

Exhausting search native person everywhere and everywhere, even when you know its specific location - that's what is most irresistible in melancholy.

AT Turkish there is a word "khuzur", it has two meanings - "peace" and "internal connection of a person with the Creator". Are you making a connection? That which comes into contact with the Highest is calm, full of love. The rest is earthly vanity.

AT certain period life we ​​meet with a certain person, necessary in this particular period. Such a strange law of attraction, such a mutually beneficial salvation. We spend some time together, then we will definitely part. Because each of us needs to go further, enter a new, next period of our destiny.

Hearing silence in response is the most painful thing for a woman. better let him say that he fell out of love. It’s better to let him push away with an offensive word and shout: “I’m tired of your love!” Anything but silence. It kills.

I know only one reason for the collapsed relationship, it is not at all connected with the stamp in the passport. Understatement. Everything starts with her. Words, emotions, suspicions, doubts are held back, remain inside, rot. This can go on for several years, then an explosion - and nothing but emptiness.

There was no reason for this separation, life simply happened with their love.

Childhood is something that we lost in time, but kept in ourselves.

Every woman is looking for her reflection in the eyes of a man. And the one who says that she found her destiny in work, children, psychology or knitting is deceiving us or herself. This is how the Creator arranged that a woman is born and continues indefinitely - in the arms of a man.

Don't leave the animals... please, they are the most loyal and love you no matter who you are or how much money you have.

We women big cities have become too masculine. Weaned ourselves from the desire to trust the opposite sex, to show the weakness that is in us by nature, no matter how we argue with it. We are afraid to admit to ourselves how sometimes we want to hug someone and bury our nose on the cheek.

Son, remember, a man should not force a woman to live in uncertainty. Then love will definitely be replaced by hatred, sooner or later. They know how to love even in anticipation. It's us, men, when a woman goes away for a while, we start in our minds or openly look for a replacement for her. If you know you're not coming back, better tell the truth. She will cry, but she will accept. Just don't neglect it. This is exactly what women don't deserve.

Happiness is a property of character. Some have it in their nature to wait all the time, others continuously look for it, and others find it everywhere.

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