Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Delhi is the calling card of India. "business card" of an Indian woman Business card of India

"The Art of India" - the Himalayas, the Ganges, the jungle - the nature of the country is colorful and diverse. Art of India. Architecture, sculpture, painting (presentation). India is located on the Hindustan Peninsula in southern Asia. Introduction. The culture of India has influenced the development of the entire world culture and science. Architecture. Conclusion. The first mention of India dates back to the 3rd millennium BC. e. Religious teaching - Buddhism.

"The World of India" - Almost? people in India are below the official poverty line. Livestock. characteristics of INDIA. India is a secular state and any discrimination based on religion is punishable by law. Content. Hawa - Mahal. The level of urbanization (growth of cities) in India is relatively low (30-40%).

"Culture in India" - Book miniature of India. Stupa in Sanchi. Kandarya Mahadev Temple (interior). Artistic culture of India. Questions and tasks: Renewed religion was called HINDUISM. Bodhgaya, 13th century Sarangi. Brahma formulated the main tasks of the theater: to teach and entertain. Chaitya in Karli. Kandarya Mahadev Temple.

"Indian culture" - Lovers "Maithuna" X-XIII centuries. Inspired by the work of Behzad and other prominent Persian painters, the Mughal court painters created a new school of miniatures. Under the Kushans, the Gandharian style developed in Buddhist sculpture, marked by a noticeable influence of antiquity. The capitals that complete the columns are excellent examples of sculpture.

"Music and Theater of India" - Kathakali Theater - theater of pantomime. Theatre. Music and theatre. Height -16.5m Diameter - 36.5m Spherical dome Palace of the gods Golden spire 3 umbrellas. Chaitya in Karli - cave temple - scheme. Another type of drum is the ghatam. The sanctuary tower collapsed in the 19th century. What are the official languages ​​in India? Indian dance theatre.

The history of the national women's clothing of India has many millennia, almost as long as the Indian civilization itself. The Indian sari has absorbed the traditions and customs of this country and has become an integral part of Indian culture. There are many legends about the sari. One of them tells about a magical weaver who, at work, dreamed of an ideal woman, and embodied his dreams in a beautiful women's attire, which later became known as a sari. Having passed through the centuries, having withstood the test of time, the sari, of course, has undergone some changes: the fabric, colors, pattern have changed, but its femininity and elegant simplicity have remained unchanged and remain, and in this sense this clothing is unique.

The fashion designers of antiquity, who created this versatile clothing, did not expect that it would become a phenomenon in the history of world fashion. Modern designers note in a sari, in addition to such aesthetic qualities as beauty and elegance, also practicality: it is easy to wash and iron, it does not restrict movement, favorably emphasizes the female silhouette, and at the same time hides figure flaws. Watching from the outside, probably not without the curiosity inherent in women, the endless change of world fashion trends, Indian women today remain true to their national dress.

What is a sari? A piece of fabric ranging in size from 4.5 m to 9 m in length and from 1 m to 1.5 m in width, richly decorated with printed colored ornaments or embroidered with silver or gold thread. And today, Indian women prefer saris made from natural fabrics - usually cotton or silk, of the best quality, often handmade.

Since ancient times, weaving has been a family craft, professional secrets have been passed down from generation to generation. Weaving is a heavy and labor-intensive craft, so men are more often engaged in it. The most expensive order is carried out by young men with sensitive fingers, weaving at a certain time of the day so that the eyes can see the natural color of the thread. Threads are spun from silkworm cocoons. Then they are boiled, dyed and wound on bobbins. They are dyed with special dyes, the secret of which every family of weavers keeps secret. Paints are famous for their durability, they do not shed and do not fade in the sun.

Each workshop has its own secrets of drawing on fabric. If a woman orders an expensive sari, she can count on an exclusive. Such a sari is made according to a stencil, which is subsequently destroyed. And the possibility of a face-to-face collision of identically dressed women is completely excluded! In India, saris are worn by both Indian and Muslim women. Even the poorest woman here has several dozen saris.

It is very important to put on a sari correctly and move beautifully in it, and this is also an art. A piece of cloth called a sari is not sewn or joined anywhere. There are dozens of ways to drape the same sari, making it look different every time. There are "sakacha" and "nivi" saris, that is, sari pants and a sari skirt. To drape a sari skirt, you need two elements - a blouse and an underskirt. The blouse ("choli") should be rather narrow and short, with or without sleeves. Usually the color of the blouse is matched to the color of the edging of the sari or to the main color of the fabric. The petticoat should fit snugly around the waist and fasten without the help of an elastic band, as the elastic band can pull back under the weight of the sari. It's best to use tape. The petticoat should match the main color of the sari as closely as possible.

The color of the sari carries information about the occasion for which it was worn. There are saris for joyful and joyless occasions. A red sari is usually worn for a wedding ceremony or for a child's birthday celebration, this color symbolizes energy and fertility. For religious holidays, saris with a rich gold border are preferred. Yellow is associated with religion. White clothes have long belonged to the clergy. It was believed that the dyeing of the fabric defiles it. Now the white color accompanies mourning and expresses grief and sadness for the deceased. Interestingly, in ancient times, the profession of a merchant was associated with green. Peasants, artisans, weavers wore mostly blue clothes. It was shunned by the high castes, as special indigo fermentation techniques were used to produce the blue hues, making the dye "impure". Every self-respecting Indian woman should have a solid color sari in her wardrobe to showcase jewelry, although Indian women always wear jewelry, and in considerable quantities, owning the art of combining them not only with a solid color sari.

The sari is closely related to the traditions and customs of the region in which it is woven. Methods of weaving, colors, pattern, source material - by all these signs, one can clearly determine in which corner of India the fabric was produced. Western India - Rajasthan, Gujarat - is famous for its special weave cotton saris. They are very bright, with a predominance of drawings of animals - elephants and peacocks, symbolizing fertility and prosperity. In the north, silk saris of light, delicate shades are preferred. For saris from the east, from Orissa, a checkered pattern is characteristic. No wedding is complete without elegant silk and brocade saris from Benares. Previously, brocade was woven from the finest gold or silver wire. If such matter is burned in a fire, then a weighty ingot of a noble metal will be obtained. In Bengal, there is a special method of dense silk weaving, while the production of a linen for one sari takes at least 6 months. The border of the wedding sari is three-lane: two wide bands are black, in the middle there is a thin red one. Such a border is a symbol of the bride, on whose parting red paint is applied during a religious ceremony, indicating farewell to girlhood.

In a sari, everything has its sacred meaning, each piece of this beautiful fabric has meaning and carries information not only about itself, but, of course, about the woman who wears it. Just one look at the sari of a woman you meet, and you will be able to determine not only her ethnicity, class, marital status, occupation, but also her mood!

The popularity in the world of traditional Indian women's clothing was promoted not so much by cinema and fashion trends as, apparently, by the awareness of the unusual combination of beauty, sensuality and the ability to carry information about its owner in a sari - manifestations in a piece of fabric of material culture, in an intricate bright pattern - spiritual significance.

Arriving in India, try not to ignore its capital. New Delhi is what it is called today. It was built according to the project of the Englishman Edwin Luchenson, therefore it is a completely European city. But those who are looking for oriental exoticism will definitely find it. To do this, you just need to move to the old part of the city.

Delhi - visiting card of India

Arriving in India, try not to ignore its capital. New Delhi - as it is commonly called today. It was built according to the project of the Englishman Edwin Luchenson, therefore it is a completely European city. But those who are looking for oriental exoticism will definitely find it. To do this, you just need to move to the old part of the city.

At first glance, this bustling, polyphonic city can be disappointing. However, resist the momentary temptation to leave the capital in the very first hours, and it will generously reward you for your devotion with its original museums and ancient monuments. Here you can especially feel the fusion of oriental classics and ultramodernism, because it is not for nothing that Delhi is called the city of contrasts.

Sights of the controversial capital

Do you think there is nothing interesting in this city? No matter how. 3 historical monuments - Red Fort, Qutb Minar and Humayun's tomb - are taken under the protection of UNESCO, and this is an indicator of their value for contemporaries and our descendants.

What to see in Delhi?

  • Red Fort. This is a living evidence of the former power of the ruling dynasties in India. Of particular value are the sofas (the so-called halls in the language of the Hindus). But the complex also includes a huge number of shops. As well as museums: memorial, archaeological, museum of paintings. The fort is still in use today. Every year on Independence Day (August 15), it is here that the Indian Prime Minister delivers a solemn speech.
  • Gateway of India. This is the name of the war memorial that immortalized the memory of the brave soldiers who gave their lives in the Third Anglo-Afghan and World War I. Their walls are engraved with the names of the dead. The Eternal Flame burns here, and pretty lawns attract vacationers day and night.
  • Bangla Sahib. This is the temple of the Sikhs, which the Hindus consider their shrine. It is easily recognizable by the high flagpole located on the golden dome. There is a pond in the center of the complex. The locals treat the water from it with reverence, calling it holy. The temple is a place of pilgrimage for many Hindus and Sikhs. It is especially crowded here on religious holidays.
  • Humayun's tomb. This mausoleum was built by order of the emperor's wife. Later, she was buried there, as well as some prominent Indian representatives. The tomb is surrounded by a large garden. The construction is built of red sandstone, so it has an attractive, unusual color, purple in the sun.
  • Qutub Minar. This architectural marvel is considered the tallest minaret in the world, which was built of brick. It is surrounded by several ruins and another unfinished minaret called Ala-i-Minar. It was supposed to be even higher than the famous Qutub Minar, but the construction was never completed. Unfortunately, access to the tower is closed. But, thanks to the cameras, you can admire the amazing surroundings.

Delhi is a city that will appear before you like an open book, the pages of which you can flip through with interest without stopping.

Crimea is a treasure trove of Russian history

Crimea, which has attracted famous people from time immemorial, is still popular today. This is one of the most attractive tourist destinations. Such universal love is explained very simply: favorable climate, thoughtful depths of the Black Sea, richness and beauty of flora and fauna, many monuments of history and culture. All these factors make Crimea a great place for the upcoming vacation. Going here, you will not regret it. After all, poets and writers improved their health here, high dignitaries and rulers chose the Crimean Riviera as their summer residence, eminent stars constantly come here on tour.

Russia: South

And you don’t even need diamonds - the main thing is to lie on the beach!

No matter how much they say about the attractiveness of the snowy peaks (which is undoubtedly true), it is the beaches that remain the “golden dream” of every tourist and break all records. What could be better than the bright sun, warm gentle sand and soft surf?

However, the beach is different from the beach, which is why we invite you to get acquainted with the TOP 10 most popular, according to tourists, beaches in 2015. These are, one might say, tourist trends that have proven themselves from the best side.

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Cetinje - the heart of the Balkan state

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Paphos on the map of Cyprus

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Business card Area of ​​the country: 3 million 288 thousand km2 Population: 1 billion 10 million people Capital: Delhi Form of government: Republic of ATU: federation India is one of the oldest states in the world. In the past it was a colony of Great Britain, after the Second World War it achieved independence.

Economic and geographical position The Himalayas are separated from China by the mountainous country. Along the foothills of the Himalayas, the great river Ganges flows through the lowlands. It is considered the sacred river of India. With the discovery of sea routes to India by Europeans, the era of the Great Geographical Discoveries began. Through India pass the world's maritime trade routes from the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean, and it is also located halfway between the Middle and Far East.

Population In terms of population, India ranks second in the world, after China. Scientists have here about 1.6 thousand dialects. The official language is Hindi (the language of Hindustanis, the largest Indian nation) and English. Bilingualism is widespread. The distribution of India's population is uneven.

Population The most densely populated are fertile lowlands, plains in valleys and deltas of rivers and the sea coast. The level of urbanization (growth of cities) in India is relatively low (30-40%). Major cities of India: Delhi, Calcutta, Bompei, Chennai. The predominant part of the population lives in villages (there are more than 600,000 of them), large and populous. Nearly ¼ of India's population is below the official poverty line.

Religion Hindus, Muslims 80% of the population are Hindus, Muslims make up the largest religious minority - 11%, Sikhs Buddhists 2.2% - Sikhs, Buddhists only 0.7%, most of whom converted to Buddhism recently. India is a secular state and any discrimination based on religion is punishable by law.

Economy of India Industry During the years of independence, India has made great strides in economic and social development. It is successfully carrying out industrialization, agrarian reforms, and is implementing a space program. India's industry is dominated by metal-intensive production. Ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy is developed. India produces machine tools, diesel locomotives, automobiles; as well as the latest electronic technology, equipment for nuclear power plants and space research.

Industry The production of mineral fertilizers stands out in the chemical industry. The pharmaceutical industry is developing. India is a world exporter of chromium. It occupies a leading place in the reserves of graphite, beryl, thorium, zirconium, and second in the world in titanium mining. Light industry is a traditional branch of the Indian economy, especially cotton and jute. The food industry produces goods both for domestic consumption and for export. India is the world's number one tea exporter.

Agriculture in India The leading branch of agriculture in India is crop production. In India grow up: grain crops: rice, wheat, corn, millet. The main industrial crops are cotton, jute, tea, sugar cane, tobacco, oilseeds (peanuts, rapeseed, etc.). Coconut, bananas, pineapples, mangoes, citrus fruits, spices and spices are also grown.

Animal husbandry Animal husbandry is the second most important branch of agriculture in India, much behind crop production. India ranks first in the world in terms of the number of cattle and one of the last in the consumption of meat products, since the religious beliefs of Hinduism support vegetarianism, forbid eating beef and killing cows (in ancient India they were a symbol of fertility and prosperity). Fishing is of great importance in coastal areas.

Aviation, road, sea and river transport is also developed. Indian car "Tata Nano" An-32. Indian Air Force Indian warship "Tabar"

Interesting facts: The official Sanskrit name for India is Bharat (Bharat). India India got its name due to the Indus River flowing through its territory. The decimal number system was invented by the Indian scientist Aryabhata. He also invented the number "Zero". Chess was also invented in India. Until 1896, India was the only source of diamonds in the entire world. In India, such sciences as algebra and trigonometry appeared. India is the sixth largest country in the world and one of the most ancient civilizations (it is more than a year old.) The highest cricket ground in the world is in India (Himachal Pradesh). It was built in 1893 and is located at an altitude of 2444 meters above sea level. India has the largest number of post offices in the world. The largest employer in the world is the Indian Railways. It has over a million employees! The first university appeared in India 700 BC. Over 60 subjects have been studied there by over 60 students from all over the world. Ayurveda is the earliest school of medicine known to mankind. The use of anesthesia was known in the ancient medicine of India. Detailed knowledge of anatomy, embryology, digestion, metabolism, physiology, etiology and genetics has been found in many ancient Indian texts. Despite the fact that modern India is often shown as one of the poorest countries in the world, in the early 17th century, before the arrival of the British, India was one of the richest countries. Christopher Columbus, when he discovered America, was actually looking for a fast route to India, attracted by its wealth.