Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Stalin's birthday is December 21st. Stalin's birthday

I congratulate all Soviet people on the birthday of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin (Dzhugashvili), the man who led our country in the years of its greatest upsurge and prosperity!

There were years, fighting years
The Motherland was blazing with fire,
We went on hot trips
For your teacher - the leader!
We were led into battle by Comrade Stalin,
First Marshal - Voroshimov Klim
And we drove the enemies far away
To the border of Stalin's land.

In his country, free and beautiful
We breathe freely, we live happily,
And national love and gratitude
We carry to our native Stalin ...

Our peaceful labor in the fields and factories
We give to the fatherland dear
War-ravaged towns and villages
Our working people have raised up again.

Let the enemies threaten a cold war -
Our people follow the path of friendship
In foreign lands, ordinary people know -
Great Stalin calls everyone to peace.

Soar over the world banners,
After all, with us, comrades,
Whose name is in the hearts of millions
How the best song lives.

Everyone in the world is stronger and freer,
Happy Soviet people.
Your fiery voice today
He serves for Stalin!

If Stalin's dear
I would meet in my life
I would be dear to Stalin,
To our friend he said:

Dear Comrade Stalin,
The leader of the great October,
It was you who gave me happiness
People brought me out!

Never native country
I didn't love so much
Never am I fighting
The service did not go through.

never such songs
I didn't sing while hiking
Never more wonderful
I did not meet the commanders.

Never seen in my life
I am such happy faces
Do not shore such a homeland.
Do not guard such boundaries.

You gave protection to the country,
Strengthened the borders.
Dear Comrade Stalin,
Allow me to report:

If only it comes
Word of the army to say
We have something to fight for
There is someone to protect!

That's what Stalin's dear,
I told our friend
If Stalin's dear
I would meet in my life.

If they meet us at home
A few old friends
All that we remember dearly,
The song sounds more fun.

Well, comrades, let's break out the table
Above the glasses of wine
Let's drink for our free Motherland,
Let's drink and drink again.

Let's drink for Russian daring seething,
For the rich people!
Let's drink to our mighty army,
Let's drink to the valiant fleet!

Let's get up, comrades, let's drink to the guards,
She has no equal in courage.
Our toast to Stalin! Our toast to the Party!
Our toast to the banner of victory!

Union indestructible free republics
United forever Great Rus'.
Long live the one created by the will of the peoples
United, mighty Soviet Union!

Friendship, peoples reliable stronghold!

May it lead from victory to victory!

Through the storms the sun of freedom shone for us,
And the great Lenin lit the way for us.
We were raised by Stalin - for loyalty to the people
He inspired us to work and deeds.

Hail, our free Fatherland,
The happiness of the peoples is a reliable stronghold!
Soviet banner, national banner

We raised our army in battles,
We'll sweep the vile invaders out of the way!
We decide the fate of generations in battles,
We will lead our Fatherland to the glory!

Hail, our free Fatherland,
The glory of the peoples is a reliable stronghold!
Soviet banner, national banner
May it lead from victory to victory!

Long live Stalin
Long live the one
Who leads us from victory to victory!
Guide us by his majestic law,
Lead to our eleven sides!

For all ages great deeds
Stalin glorified our native people.
Lenin's banner flies over the world,
Calls to the path of struggle and exploits.

The sun is open to us,
The fires of victory over the country are burning,
Comrade Stalin lives to our joy -
Our wise leader, dear teacher.

In the fire of labor and in the flame of battles
Stalin tempered the hearts of heroes.
Like a light beam, his mighty genius
He lit the way for us to communism.

We build happiness with an unbending will,
The road to us is indicated by the Leader;
Raising high red banners,
We are going to communism for Stalin.

In the lucky republics of our country
The peoples are full of joy and happiness;
They speak in different languages
But everywhere the same thoughts are burning:

The country is you!
The country is me!
In battle and in work with you, we are friends.
Worthy of the glory of great victories,
I elect you to the Supreme Council!

My Stalin is a beloved teacher and friend,
Millions of hands are outstretched to you
You are the first of the first in labor and struggle,
We bring you all the best feelings!

You are a fearless fighter of the Red Army,
And you always keep lead ready,
You guard my happiness like a brother,
You are the best and devoted my deputy!

If there is war tomorrow, if the enemy attacks,
If the dark force comes,
As one person, the entire Soviet people
Stand up for a free Motherland.

On earth, in heaven and at sea
Our melody is both powerful and severe:
If tomorrow is war
If the hike is tomorrow,
Get ready to go today!

If tomorrow there is a war, the country will stir
From Kronstadt to Vladivostov.
The country will shake, great and strong,
And we will crush the enemy cruelly.

A plane will fly, a machine gun will rumble,
Mighty tanks will rumble
And the battleships will go, and the infantry will go,
And dashing carts will rush.

We do not want war, but we will defend ourselves,
We strengthen the defense not in vain,
And on enemy land we will defeat the enemy
Little blood, mighty blow!

There is nowhere in the whole world such a force,
To crush our country
Stalin is with us, dear, and with an iron hand
Voroshilov is leading us to victory!

Get up people, get ready for a hike!
Drums, drum harder!
Musicians, go! Singers, go ahead!
Resound our victory song!

Sing a ringing song
Sing the song more cheerfully.
For your native side,
About his mighty strength.

Let's crush with a stern hand,
We will defeat the Nazis all in battle.
We are at the call of Stalin, dear
We go to battle for our Motherland.

Where the mountain eagle flies

The people compose a beautiful song.

This song flies faster than a bird
And the world of oppressors viciously trembles
Posts and borders will not hold her
She will not be held by any borders.

She is not afraid of whips or bullets
This song sounds in the fire of the barricades,
Sing this song and rickshaw and coolies,
This song is sung by a Chinese soldier.

And raising a song about him like a banner
The united front marches in ranks;
Burning, a formidable flame flares up,
The peoples rise for the last struggle.

And we sing this song proudly
And we glorify the greatness of the Stalin years,
We sing about life, beautiful, happy,
About the joy of our great victories!

From end to end, over the mountain peaks
Where the planes conduct their conversation,
About Stalin, the wise, dear and beloved
the people sing a beautiful song.

Accept, Great Stalin, our Father,
Love for the homeland of devoted hearts,
Accept the bow of your people
On your happy birthday!

We all sing the praise of your deeds,
Live our Leader, live for our joy!

You have illuminated our age with a clear light,
You are the closest person to all of us,
With you we have traveled a glorious, difficult path,
Fighting for the honor of their native land.

You lead us dear Lenin,
You call us all to new feats,
With you we entered the solar life,
Fighting for peace and building communism!

The armor is strong, and our tanks are fast,
And our people are full of courage:
Soviet tankers are in the ranks -
Sons of their great Motherland.

Thundering with fire, sparkling with the brilliance of steel
Cars will go on a furious march,
When Comrade Stalin sends us into battle
And Voroshilov will lead us into battle!

Factory labor and collective farm labor
We will protect, keeping our country,
The impact force of the gun turrets
And speed, and the onslaught of fire.

Let the enemy remember, hiding in an ambush
We are on the alert, we are watching the enemy.
We do not want an inch of foreign land,
But we will not give up our inch.

And if a seasoned enemy climbs to us,
He will be beaten everywhere and everywhere!
Then the drivers will press the starters
And through the forests, through the hills, through the water.

The love for our native land burns in our hearts,
We are going into mortal combat for the honor of our native country.
Cities are burning, engulfed in smoke.
The stern god of war thunders in the dense forests.

Artillerymen! Stalin gave the order!
Artillerymen, the Motherland is calling us.
Of the many thousands of batteries
For the tears of our mothers
For our Motherland - Fire! Fire!

Find out your own mother, find out your wife is a friend,
Recognize a distant home and all my family,
That our steel blizzard still beats the enemy,
That we carry the will to our native lands!

The hour will strike white, the campaigns will end.
But before leaving for the homes of their relatives,
In honor of our Leader, in honor of our people,
We will give a joyful salute at the midnight hour.

Many stars shine in the sky
And one crystal;
Lots of thoughts in mind
From native Stalin.

Blooms like a spring garden
Our glorious land;
Beloved Stalin spoke
It's about happiness from the Kremlin.

Through the rivers, through the distance,
On a quiet golden evening
Dear Comrade Stalin,
I heard your voice.

Songs flow in streams
The songs have strong words.
The constitution provides
We all have great rights.

We would like to see Stalin
We would like to talk to him
Tell me how in the collective farm
It became fun for us to live.

Oh my gardens, little gardens,
Blooms all around in spring.
Oh, on the collective farm we are happy
and we live prosperously.

Oh my gardens are blooming
Songs are pouring over the village.
Dear Comrade Stalin,
We thank you helmet.

Let the sun shine brighter
Let gardens and fields bloom
To be even more beautiful
Our glorious land.

Wide is my native land,
There are many forests, fields and rivers in it!
I don't know any other country like this
Where a man breathes so freely.

At the table, no one is superfluous,
Everyone is rewarded according to merit,
We write in golden letters
All-People's Stalinist Law.

Morning colors with gentle light
Walls of the ancient Kremlin
Wakes up at dawn
All Soviet land.

The cold runs through the gate
The noise in the streets is louder.
Good morning dear city
Heart of my Motherland!

seething, mighty,
Nobody is invincible
My country, my Moscow,
You are the most beloved!

May sun, brighter
Light up the blue sky.
To the tower of the Mausoleum
To convey our joy.

To shine brighter
Our slogans of victory
For Stalin to raise his hand,
Sending us hello.

We grow, we sing, we play
We live in a happy time
With a friendly song we open
Pioneer is our joyful home.

You, trams, ring quieter,
By the river, on the Boulevard Ring,
For beloved Stalin to hear
Our song in the Kremlin Palace.

On the green oak
Yes, over that space
Two clear falcons
They had conversations.

And these falcons
People all know:
The first falcon is Lenin,
The second falcon is Stalin.
And flew around
Falcon flock...

Oh like the first falcon
Goodbye to the second
He is with a dying word
Addressed to a friend.

You are my gray falcon,
The time has come to part
All labors, worries
They fall on you.

And the other replied:
Forget your worries
We swear to you
Let's not get off the road!

And he kept his vow
Battle oath.
He made happy
All over my own country!

In the vastness of the wonderful homeland,
Tempered in battles and labor,
We composed a joyful song
about the great Friend and Leader.

Sunny and brightest edge
The whole Soviet land became.
Stalin's plentiful harvest.
Collective-farm fields are expanding.

We've been given shining wings
Great courage has been given to us.
Songs of love and abundance
The Soviet Country is famous.

Stalin is our military glory!
Stalin - our youth flight!
With songs, fighting and winning,
Our people are following Stalin!

It is interesting that for the first time Stalin celebrated his birthday on a national scale only in 1929, when he celebrated his 50th birthday. Then all the newspapers for the first time published portraits of Stalin and articles dedicated to him personally. In them, Stalin (also for the first time) is called the leader of the world proletariat, his merits in the defeat of Trotskyism, right-wing opportunism, the deployment of industrialization and collectivization are noted.

Two articles stood out in Pravda: Kliment Voroshilov's "Stalin and the Red Army", where Stalin was credited with a decisive role in the creation of the Red Army and its leadership during the civil period, and Lazar Kaganovich's "Stalin and the Party", where there were such words: "The most remarkable and a characteristic feature of Comrade Stalin is precisely the fact that throughout his entire political party activity he did not deviate from Lenin, did not vacillate either to the right or to the left, but firmly and steadily pursued the Bolshevik sustained policy, starting from the deep underground and ending with the entire period after the conquest of power.

Although they still remembered that the army was created and led by Leon Trotsky, and for very many it was no secret that Stalin had disagreements, and even serious ones, with Lenin. The most enthusiastic article, outlining the main lines along which the cult of Stalin would be created, was written by Karl Radek. He took as a model the campaign to create a cult of Hitler, which began in Germany in 1921.

During the celebration of the 60th anniversary of Stalin in 1939, a real national hysteria was already happening in the USSR. Alexander Solovyov, a faithful Bolshevik and a major government official, wrote in his diary: “Today, the whole of Pravda is dedicated to Stalin. He was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor with the Golden Star and the Order of Lenin. art and literature. The editorial of Pravda notes that the name of Stalin is not closer to us. It has become for the working people of the globe a symbol of freedom and happiness in action. Is it really higher and dearer than Lenin? flattery: the party, the people, history, socialism, communism? No, no one."

True, Stalin became the "greatest leader of all times and peoples" only in 1949 - such a title in honor of the 70th anniversary of the leader was given to him in his report by the director of the Marx-Engels-Lenin-Stalin Institute Pyotr Pospelov.
By this time, Stalin had the following titles. Leader of the world proletariat. Leader of advanced and progressive humanity. Leader of all nations. Father and teacher of nations. Great helmsman. Organizer of all our victories. Faithful disciple, comrade-in-arms of Lenin and continuer of his work. Lenin today. Faithful Marxist. Classic of Marxism. Brilliant Marxist. Honorary Academician. Creator of the Stalinist constitution. Great internationalist. The standard-bearer of communism. The genius of mankind. The greatest genius of all times and peoples. The best friend of Soviet doctors, railway workers, teachers, machine operators, collective farmers, children, athletes, skiers, etc.

Why do people in China and the West talk about former leaders of states as historical figures? Who is interested in distorting Russian history? Why is Lenin boring and complicated? Why is it necessary to re-read Stalin's work "Marxism and the National Question", and how does this material relate to the situation in Ukraine? Can we say that Stalin and Putin are similar? Nikolai Starikov, historian, writer and leader of the Great Fatherland party, spoke about this and many other things in the Point of View program.
- The topic of our conversation is Stalin. According to a recent sociological study, more than a third of Russians recognized Joseph Vissarionovich as the greatest figure of all times and peoples. He became the undisputed leader. One can argue with this, but Stalin is indeed the largest figure in Russian and Soviet history, it is impossible to deny his enormous role. How would you comment on the results of this study?

They talk about Stalin constantly and a lot, our history gives reasons for this: the tragedy of June 22, the Victory of May 9, and so on. Stalin is the most discussed public figure of the past. Why is there so much talk about Stalin, but little about Lenin? Why is there almost no discussion about Khrushchev? Why do some people not even know who Bulganin and Malenkov are?

The thing is that these discussions are initiated with a specific goal: everyone wants to cover up with black paint a person who died a winner. Our current state, unfortunately, after the collapse of 1991, is just a part of the state that was built to a large extent by Stalin.

That state won World War II. It was Stalin who built the state, the fruits of which in all areas, from science and education to the territory of voting in the UN, we use today.

By the way, such discussions are not conducted in any state. Let's take China. Mao Zedong is a controversial figure? Undoubtedly. In China, the civil war has been going on for more than thirty years with few interruptions. Our civil war was very short compared to the Chinese one. Japanese invasion, fight against Chiang Kai-shek. After the victory, there were certain economic excesses, internal political purge.

But China has left all this in the past. The market economy and space flights coexist perfectly there, and Mao Zedong in no way interferes with this. For the Chinese, Mao Zedong is not a jacket and a cap, but a figure in history who brought China together and won the civil war. Although if you compare China in 2017 with China in 1946, it becomes clear that now the country looks prettier than then.

Stalin's rule in 1937-1939 is being compared with what is happening in Russia in 2017. This desire to show that everything was gloomy, scary and so on. There are no such discussions in the West either. Did Cromwell shed a lot of British blood? A lot of. But nothing, the monument stands. We only see these constant historical discussions here. By the way, they sometimes show the direction where the blow will be next, if, God forbid, it is possible to debunk Stalin. Imagine for a second that the de-Stalinizers achieved their goal, inspired everyone with negative emotions towards him. What will happen next?

Then they will say: they filled up with corpses. And it will no longer be about the Great Patriotic War, but about the war by Napoleon. After that, they will remember that Peter the Great built St. Petersburg on the bones, as if everyone else was building Europe without human casualties. Then there were epidemics that mowed down half of Europe.

The foundation of our state is Stalinist rule. Therefore, they beat Stalin. We must end these discussions, Stalin must stand in the pantheon of our statesmen.

The greatness of Stalin is that he won the Great Patriotic War, he created the economy, diplomacy for this, raised the international prestige of the USSR. After some time, Stalin for the Russians will become something like George Washington for the Americans.

The Russian people laid down several million lives on the fronts of the First World War, because the state leader appointed several dozen wrong leaders. These sacrifices have been worthless. Ten to fifteen million more died during the Civil War: destruction, loss of territory, typhus and horror.

Take World War II. Germany then absorbed Austria and other countries. This is almost the same united Europe, and Stalin made it so that we won. And those who planned the invasion of Hitler, represented the scenario of the First World War. And they had Trotsky in their pocket until 1940, because he could still give a revolutionary component to the overthrow of the "bloody Stalinist regime."

And the alignment of military leaders, statesmen, reliable garrisons of the NKVD, world diplomacy ... Stalin personally engaged in diplomacy. He did not direct anyone, but he himself came out on key things, thanks to which we had certain achievements. But even Stalin failed to gnaw out from our allies what they promised us and had to give. Who built the military industry before the war? ... Well, listen, let's tell the truth.

In the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet people won under the leadership of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin. All. Without the Soviet people and their courage, there would have been no victory, this is understandable. But if someone else had led the Soviet people, the outcome of the war could have been different. This is the greatness of the leader Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin. Nobody ascribes anything additional to him. But it is so. This is also evidenced by the example of the First World War, when the same people, the same Russian soldiers gave their lives ... Therefore, attempts to tell that they won despite Stalin are completely stupid. Or that they won by themselves, and he, as it were, did not play a role - or did not play such an outstanding role. This is also very unconvincing.

Did Stalin make mistakes? Certainly. June 22 - Stalin's absolute mistake. The people forgave him. Yezhov is Stalin's absolute mistake. I would also include the deportation of peoples among these mistakes. In my opinion, all the same, in the end, it brought more disadvantages to our state than some moments for the sake of which this action was carried out. You can probably find some more.

I named the main Stalinist mistakes. But these are only three mistakes! Statesmen should be evaluated in this way: for the ratio of their positive, correct and erroneous, harmful decisions. No one ever makes absolutely right decisions, always hitting right on target. People tend to make mistakes, unfortunately. The statesmen are also mistaken.

But when you weigh the number of right and wrong decisions and you see that this statesman has significantly more right decisions than wrong ones, it means that he was a good statesman. Strictly speaking, the respect of our people for our current leader is based on this.

By Stalin's next birthday, today I will not tell quite obvious things about his public rehabilitation and the nature of his wide popularity, all this has already been said more than once. In this regard, I would like to turn to a narrower topic related to both Stalin and the Donbass.

Here the other day, when I was studying materials on the Donetsk-Krivoy Rog Republic, which in terms of historical continuity quite precedes the modern DPR, I came across an interesting interview with the son of the founder of the Donetsk-Krivoy Rog Republic, comrade "Artem". After the tragic death of Artyom, who was friends with Stalin and Kirov, who were then only gaining weight, Stalin adopted his son "Artyom" and raised him in his family. What the adopted son of Stalin himself talks about in his old, but not lost relevance, interview of 2006, which is essentially an excerpt from his book, _rabotal_i_vospityval_detey_I._V._Stalin.html "How Stalin lived, worked and raised children."

Stalin's adopted son

Comrade Artem or Artem Fedorovich Sergeev.

Artem Fedorovich! Now everyone is discussing the film "Stalin's Wife", recently shown on television. Have you watched it?

Artem Fedorovich Sergeev was born in the family of Sergeev Fedor Andreevich (underground nickname - Artem), whose name in our country was named dozens of settlements and streets. After the death of the legendary Bolshevik, his son was brought up in his family by Fyodor Sergeev's friend and colleague Joseph Stalin. Artem was friends with Stalin's son Vasily until his death. Now Major General of Artillery Sergeev lives in the village of Zhukovka on Rublevsky Highway, in a house that his mother, Elizaveta Lvovna, bought back in 1937. Artem Fedorovich is 85 years old. On the advice of his mother, he kept diaries and recorded events of which he himself was an eyewitness.
The doors of the house of Artem Fedorovich, like other inhabitants of this elite village, are far from being open to everyone. Ekaterina Glushik showed me the way to Zhukovka, who recorded with Artem Fedorovich "Conversations about Stalin", published by the publishing house "Krymsky Most-9D". The atmosphere of Sergeev's house miraculously preserved the spirit of pre-war dachas under the pines, with spacious verandas, antique inlaid cabinets, which Sergeev's mother bought for 20 rubles each. Our conversation began with childhood memories of Artem Fedorovich.

Politburo decision

- How did you get into Stalin's family?

My father worked with Stalin from the IV Congress of the RSDLP. They met there in 1906.

In 1907, my father was arrested, Stalin was also arrested. Father spent 3 years in prison, spent 6 years in exile (in China, Japan, Australia, New Zealand.)
Father and Stalin met again at the 6th Party Congress in 1917 and have been in constant contact ever since. They were together in Tsaritsyn, where Nadezhda Sergeevna Alliluyeva had already arrived as Stalin's wife.
Until the Tenth Congress, my father was in the Central Committee of the party and was very friendly with Iosif Vissarionovich. Stalin's son and I were born almost simultaneously in the same maternity hospital. And the father once said to Stalin: "Anything can happen. Look after mine."
On July 24, 1921, my father died. On July 27, a meeting of the Politburo was held, at which all five of its members were present. The 18th item on the agenda was written: "On providing for Comrade Artyom's family."
On July 27, 1921, at a meeting of the Politburo, among other issues, the implementation of the 18th clause "On providing for Artem's family. The executor is Stalin" was considered.
The mother was very sick. And they took me to Stalin's family.

Map of the Donetsk-Krivoy Rog Republic, which was led by a professional revolutionary and Bolshevik Sergeev. By the way, this republic is a kind of historical precedent, and if Ukraine is trying to build its historical genesis from the UNR, then modern Novorossia has grown, among other things, from the ideas of local autonomism based on references to a real-life republic in the Donbass.


- And how did you end up in an orphanage for the children of government members?

In March 1818, the Soviet government moved from Petrograd to Moscow. At first, people were settled in the National and Metropol hotels, then they began to equip the Kremlin. The leaders of the state worked regardless of the time, there was no time left for the family. And it was decided to organize an orphanage for their children. It was created in the 23rd year. Its co-directors were Nadezhda Sergeevna Alliluyeva and my mother.

- Where was he?

On Malaya Nikitskaya, house 6. This is the house where Maxim Gorky later lived. There were 25 children of the leaders of the party and state and 25 homeless children pulled straight out of street boilers. They were placed together on purpose so as not to raise a children's elite. It didn't matter who your parents were. But on Sundays, if you went home, you had to invite a child who had no parents and no home.

In the orphanage, labor education was the main thing. We swept. They brought dishes. The most honorable was to be on duty and carry food. They tried to wash the dishes - they beat me. Everyone grabbed each other's plates, the dishes flew to the floor.
Vasily and I ended up in an orphanage when we were two and a half years old. The first time my mother brought me there by the hand, and the second time with my potty. This meant that I was staying there.
When Mikhail Vasilievich Frunze and his wife died, their children Tanya and Tima were also brought to our orphanage. We lived there from the autumn of 1923 to the spring of 1927. When Lenin died, we went to say goodbye to him with the whole orphanage. It was bitter cold. We froze our cheeks, and then they smeared them with goose fat. Before the construction of the mausoleum, a wooden crypt was built, the entrance to which was from the side of the Spasskaya Tower.
Nadezhda Sergeevna and my mother constantly corresponded. For example, if Nadezhda Sergeevna went south with Stalin, she wrote to my mother: grapes cost so much here, and pears - so much.


- Where did Stalin's family live?

In the Kremlin. For all the time, Stalin had three apartments in the Kremlin. At first, a very small one on Kommunisticheskaya Street, house 2. From the Trinity Gates, this is a two-story house to the right. Stalin lived there with his family until 1931.
The apartment was so small that even Yasha (the son from Stalin's first marriage. - Approx. Aut.) did not have his own room. The place where his sofa had stood was covered with a sheet.

- And what room did Vasily have?

Looking at what apartment. In the Poteshny Palace, where Stalin moved with his family in 1931, he had a very small room, vaulted, with hooks screwed into the ceiling, on which rings and trapezes hung. When we moved to another house, Vasily also had a small room there, a table, a narrow bed, a sofa on which I slept.

- Were you like stepbrothers?

We couldn't live without each other. Until 1931, my mother and I lived in the "National" (then - in a house on the Embankment. - Approx.), And Vasily did not go home from school, but to us. It was duality. Vasily had Stalin's house and my mother's house. I have my mother's house and Stalin's house. After the death of his wife Nadezhda Sergeevna in 1933, Stalin moved to the Senate Corps. The last apartment became his workplace. From the room where there was a sofa and a bed, the door opened directly into the meeting room. He lived in the service. The house was state-owned. He no longer had a family home.
Stalin always worked. If you can get to work, he taught, you'll never say you're tired. The most encouraged is work. Even when he went to Matsesta for treatment in the summer, he worked there day and night. He had severe rheumatism, his joints hurt. In order not to waste time on a trip to the water, Stalin made a pool in his dacha, and the healing water was brought there for him. He was treated without leaving home.

- What was Stalin's wife like in life?

Stalin was a very interesting person at home. He was affectionate. His wife was much stricter. In the house, she loved order, so that the daily routine was observed. And under Stalin there was freedom. When he came, he paid attention to us for at least five minutes, and it was interesting with him. Until now, I consider Stalin's wife the most beautiful, most elegant woman. But she wasn't photogenic. She dressed simply: a white jacket, a dark blue skirt, a blue jacket. Black boat shoes. No decorations. No perfume. There was no large closet in her room. Her room was small. It seems that she had two suits: for the exit and in what she went at home.

- How did the tragedy happen?

Stalin's wife shot herself. I was 11 years old when she passed away. She had wild headaches. On November 7, she brought Vasily and me to the parade. Twenty minutes later she left - she could not stand it. She appears to have had a malalignment of the cranial bones, and suicide is not uncommon in such cases. The tragedy occurred the next day, November 8th. After the parade, Vasya and I wanted to go out of town. Stalin and his wife were visiting Voroshilov. She left the guests early and headed home. She was accompanied by Molotov's wife. They made two circles around the Kremlin, and Nadezhda Sergeevna went to her room. She had a tiny bedroom. She came and went to bed. Stalin came later. Lie down on the sofa. In the morning Nadezhda Sergeevna did not get up for a long time. Went to wake her up and saw her dead. Vasily and I were in Sokolovka when she died. They called us and told us to come to Moscow, but Svetlana stayed at the dacha.
The coffin with the body stood in one of the premises of GUM. Stalin sobbed. Vasily hung on his neck and repeated: "Daddy, don't cry." When the coffin was carried out, Stalin went for the hearse, which headed for the Novodevichy Convent. At the cemetery, we were ordered to pick up the earth and throw it on the coffin. We did just that.

- What was the relationship between Stalin and his wife?

Judging by the stories of my mother, he loved her madly. She is his too. She married him when she was not even 17 years old. It was said that Stalin had raped her on the train. Nonsense! Father and mother lived with them in the same carriage, and she went already as Stalin's wife.

- Did Stalin later communicate with his father-in-law?

Sergei Yakovlevich Alliluev lived in a dacha in Zubalovo since the 1930s. Stalin visited him. The death of Nadezhda Sergeevna brought them even closer. Sergei Yakovlevich and I corresponded. The last letter came from him in the spring of 1945. “When Nadezhda Sergeevna’s brother died, my mother and I were at the funeral, and Sergei Yakovlevich told my mother: “Liza, Pavlusha interfered with someone.”


Stalin's first country residence was on the Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway, 14 kilometers from Moscow. In the past, it was the dacha of the oilman Zubalov.
At the dacha in Zubalovo there was a commandant, attendants. Food was prepared the same for everyone.
Stalin was driven by the driver Nikolai Ivanovich Solovyov. He was Brusilov's regular driver on the Southwestern Front. In the 1920s, Stalin had a driver Udalov, but he grew old and became the head of the garage.
The dacha was a two-story house. Stalin's study and bedroom are on the second floor. On the ground floor, to the right of the entrance - Svetlana's room, then the dining room, another room and a veranda. Vasily did not have a permanent room. There was a piano in one of the rooms. Stalin came here on Sunday morning. Saturday was a work day. At the dacha there were ducks, chickens, guinea fowls, an apiary. Papanin gave Stalin a dog like to Stalin. This dog named Merry was with him on the ice floe.

- Did Stalin himself do physical work?

Yes. I dug, planted, probably to distract myself, not to go crazy from the papers. Played towns, skittles. And so all the time - papers, papers ...

- Did you read a lot?

So many. His library was kept in the Kremlin. He made notes in the books with a pencil. Contrary to popular belief, he greatly appreciated Bulgakov: "This writer boldly showed that the heroes were not only on the side of the Red Army. Heroes are those who love their homeland more than life. And such, unfortunately, fought not only on our side."

- Stalin liked to receive guests?

The companies were businesslike. Have a snack and get to work.

- Why did Stalin always dress like a military man?

This has become a habit since the pre-war period. At home, he wore canvas trousers and a linen jacket. Once I saw a new overcoat at home and flared up: "I would have walked in that one for another year ..."
The tailor Abram Isaevich Legner, a colonel of the NKVD, kept a spare set of clothes for Stalin in his workshop: "The Boss does not have a second set. What if it catches on a nail?"
When he had to be buried, it turned out that there was not even an extra pair of linen. And according to Orthodox customs, it is not supposed to be buried in a darned one. Linen was made for him especially for the funeral.

Kuntsevo and Volynskoe

In the early 1930s, a "near" dacha was built in Kuntsevo. In essence, it was his main working residence - from there Stalin led the state. In 1934, Stalin moved to Volynskoye, to a two-story green brick house. His office was on the second floor. In the kitchen - a tiled stove with a stove bench, on which he liked to relax. The dining room is downstairs, at the same time it served as a meeting room. Zhdanov played the red piano. There were no guards at the gate, and the gate to the forest was not locked. Stalin put records on the gramophone. Once the conversation turned to music, and Stalin asked who was better: Leshchenko or Vertinsky? We said: Leshchenko. Stalin said that there were still people like Leshchenko, but Vertinsky was the only one. When he was in a bad mood, he put on a record with the song "On the Hills of Manchuria" with the old words:

The crosses of distant beautiful heroes turn white,
And the shadows of the past swirl around
They tell us about the sacrifices in vain.

He always had order on his desk, high-quality stationery, well-sharpened pencils. While working, Stalin drank Borjomi, smoked a pipe, breaking Herzegovina Flor cigarettes and, without looking, put tobacco into the pipe. There was a carpet on the floor, but they walked along a narrow linen path that lay on top of the carpet.

- Did you give gifts to Stalin?

He didn't like gifts. And they knew it.

How did Stalin die?

In the country. Doctors were not allowed for a long time, and he was alive, but unconscious. They let them in when it was all over. After death, neither Svetlana nor Vasily could be there.

Chief's Children

- Did Stalin communicate with the first family?

His first wife died when their son was only 7 months old.

- Yakov lived with Stalin?

Not always. At the age of 14 he came to Moscow. Then he studied at the institute in Leningrad, got married. Stalin made him an apartment when his daughter Galya was born. She is a philologist, works. She is 68 years old. She has a son.

- And what was Yakov Dzhugashvili like?

Yasha was a wonderful, gentle person. We were friends and dreamed of serving together. He studied at the academy and wanted to be a division commander, and I was a battery commander in his division. He had no military experience, and before the war I served in the army for three years. The last time we saw each other was June 1st. The day was spent together. On June 18 - three days before the war - we arrived from serious shooting ranges. They told me not to go anywhere. On the morning of June 22, everything became clear ... On June 25, our echelons had already left.

- How do you remember Stalin's daughter Svetlana?

Very modest, hardworking, did not tolerate privileges.

- They said that Vasily had a chic dacha.

He did not have his own dacha - there was a government dacha near the Gorki-2 state farm. Her children didn't get it.

- How was Stalin's family punished?

The biggest punishment is Stalin's discontent.

- Did Stalin's children understand the situation in the country?

We knew that life is a struggle. We were ready for this fight. It is no accident that many leaders of the state had children who became military men and gave their lives for their homeland. Frunze's son died at the age of 18, Mikoyan's son too.

- Did you communicate with Stalin's children during the war years?

With Vasily.

Life after death

- Who was Vasily in the war?

Combat pilot, brave fighter. But Vasily was told: "You still have a surname, which you must also protect."
He was an inspector pilot who determined the level of training of the combat personnel, the commander of the 34th Guards Regiment, in my opinion. He took up this position on January 1, 1943, since the commander of the regiment Ivan Kleshchev died - he was killed because of the actress Zoya Fedorova.

- How?

He was 22 years old. Fell in love with an actress. She wanted to celebrate the New Year with him, and he said about his own: "I can't fly. There's no weather." She teased him: "What kind of hero are you?" (and he was a Hero of the Soviet Union). And he flew. But he couldn't land properly. And Ivan Kleshchev was gone. That's what Vasily told me.

- How did Vasily end up in prison?

He was 32 before his arrest. At that time, he began to drink well. Somehow we sat with him together, and he pours.
- Vasya, that's enough! - I said.
He raised his pistol and replied:
- What's enough? I live as long as my father lives. Father will close his eyes, the next day Beria will tear me to pieces, and Khrushchev and Malenkov will help him. Do you think it's easy to live under an axe? And if I drink - everything is on the side.
He knew a lot about them. And his instinct did not fail him. The father died in March, and in April he was arrested. He was convicted on two counts. 58th - "Anti-Soviet agitation": spoke badly about Beria, Khrushchev. They were also tried under article 193 for abuse of official position, financial violations. What was the abuse? He made an arena and a stable out of unused hangars at the central Moscow airfield. He created an equestrian sports team, which became an allied team. He built the first, and only in the country, Olympic swimming pool. They said it was for his wife. But she was the national champion in swimming! He was sentenced to 8 years and served from bell to bell. After he was released, he was immediately exiled to Kazan. In Kazan, they settled on the 5th floor in a house without an elevator. And his legs were sore. In general, his whole life is a continuous tragedy. Vasily has loved animals since childhood. Once I came to his dacha, he was sitting next to a formidable dog. Vasily strokes him and says: "He won't deceive, he won't change."

-Who are his wives?

On December 15, 1940, he calls: "I will marry Gala Bourdonskaya." With Galya they had two children. Sasha was born on October 14, 1941, now People's Artist of Russia, director of the Theater of the Russian Army. In 1943, a daughter, Nadya, was born.
He broke up with Galina. The second wife, Ekaterina Semyonovna, the daughter of Marshal Timoshenko, was a woman of regal beauty. They had two children, Vasya and Svetlana. Vasya died at the age of 23. Svetlana - at 42.
The last wife was a very strong-willed woman, the champion of the USSR in swimming Kapitolina Georgievna Vasilyeva. She held him back as best she could. Ekaterina Timoshenko treated his children from his first marriage coolly. But Kapitolina Georgievna treated them kindly. He was put in jail when the children were young. The eldest, Sasha, was born in October 1941, and Vasily was imprisoned in April 1953. They saw him only in 1961.

Why didn't Vasily change his last name after his father's death?

Sveta changed her surname after Stalin's death, but Vasily did not approve of it. Although he was forced to do so. In Kazan, he was given a passport with a different surname. He took it as an insult.
They buried him in Kazan. They were reburied in 2004 at the Troekurovsky cemetery in Moscow under the real name of his father - Dzhugashvili.

- And how was your life?

Lieutenant Sergeev before the war.

I was the commander of a partisan detachment, I was taken prisoner by the Germans, miraculously survived. Then he fought at the front, ended the war for Prague. Sciatica reminds me of those years. Once upon a time I lay in cold water for a long time. It was impossible even to move the reeds. I had two wives, three beautiful children from my first marriage. The second wife, Elena Yurievna, died in January last year. For me it was a disaster. With her, the house was bright and comfortable. And I dedicated the book "Conversations about Stalin" to her memory.

But I recommend this book for reading,_rabotal_i_vospityval_detey_I._V._Stalin.html (you can also find these and other photos of Stalin and his family there)

In general, Stalin complied with the request of Artem Sergeev and raised a worthy person and citizen, whose fate was more successful than that of the children of Stalin himself. In this regard, the history of the Stalin family has always struck with its tragedy. Having built the first socialist superpower that shattered the dominance of capital and received almost absolute power after 1937, Stalin's personal life frankly did not work out against this background, being marked by a series of tragedies that naturally could not but leave their imprint on Stalin.

Well, so, today is celebrated both the birthday of Joseph Stalin and the birthday of Konstantin Rokossovsky. All comrades with a holiday!

December 21 is the official date of birth of Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili (Stalin) (1879) and Marshal of the Soviet Union Konstantin Konstantinovich Rokossovsky (1896).

Scan from the newspaper "Drummer of Kuzbass". Congratulations to Comrade Stalin on his sixtieth birthday.

Reference: happy birthday in the soviet press comrade. Stalin was not congratulated annually, but only in 1929, 1939 and 1949. In other years, this day was passed in the newspapers as an ordinary one and there were no congratulations from the leader on his birthday. cult of personality, however.


But in his youth, young Joseph Dzhugashvili wrote poetry ...

The famous Georgian poet and revolutionary democrat Ilya Chavchavadze (1837-1907), who published the Iveria newspaper in Tiflis, in 1895 published five poems he liked by the then unknown 16-year-old Joseph Dzhugashvili. The poems were about the awakening of the beauty of nature and the Motherland; about the poet's hopes for life, despite all its hardships, about a lyrical conversation with the moon; about the sufferings of the people and about the appointment of a singer and poet in Georgia; about the tragedy of a man who brought good to people, and about human ingratitude that ruined this man; and, finally, about how old age comes and how the old man does not want to surrender into the hands of death. These poems struck the classic of Georgian literature Ilya Chavchavadze. So on June 14, 1895, in No. 123 of the Iveria newspaper, the first poem by I. V. Stalin appeared, which later became known as Dila (Morning). It was this poem that in 1912, a prominent person in Georgia, Yakob Gogebashvili, included in the textbook "Native Language" ("Deda Ena") for primary classes:

The wind smells of violets
The grasses glow with dew,
Everything around is waking up
Illuminated with roses.

And a singer from under the cloud
Everything is livelier and sweeter
nightingale endlessly
Sharing joy with the world:

"How glad you are, Motherland,
Beauty with its rainbow,
So every work
Should please the Motherland."

This poem was published in Tbilisi in 1948 in Georgian as a separate well-illustrated book in color with a print run of 10,100 copies at a price of 7 rubles per book.
This was told by Nikolai Dobryukha (translated into Russian the poem "Morning"), the winner of the literary prize of the Moscow Komsomol.
Another translator of Joseph Dzhugashvili's poems, Lev Kotyukov, wrote several years ago in the Moscow newspaper Zavtra:
"In their youth, many dream of becoming poets, but, having lost their fuse in an effort to publish and become famous, they resign themselves to defeat - and in their mature years they remember their home-grown verses with a smile. Iosif Dzhugashvili was not a failed poet, he did not dream of poetic recognition: he was a poet ", was recognized and noted as a poet at the dawn of a foggy youth. He was willingly given his pages by Georgian newspapers and magazines. So why does the proud, ambitious young Dzhugashvili not follow his recognition? Why, having been born a poet and like Arthur Rimbaud, having become famous at the very beginning, goes to revolution and forgets about himself as a poet until the end of his days?Let's try as far as possible to answer this.
The end of the 19th century in Russia was marked by the rapid development of capitalism. The 1880s and 1890s were a truly anti-poetic time. Forgetting about eternity, people turned time into money, despising poetry, doing business. This fact speaks for itself: the brilliant book "Evening Lights" by Athanasius Fet (once he served as an officer in Novogeorgievsk, now flooded by the Kremenchug Reservoir), published by the author at his own expense, was practically not sold out. Let us also recall the then-popular disdainful statement about the poetry of Leo Tolstoy: "Writing poetry is like dancing behind a plow..."
Young, wise beyond his years, Iosif Dzhugashvili knew perfectly well that the poetic path promises not only glory, but also humiliation, and did not want to put up with this, because from childhood he was more than fed up with bitter knowledge. He leaves poetry.
In 1949, on the initiative of L.P. Beria, an attempt was made secretly from Stalin to publish poems in Russian as a gift for his 70th birthday. For this purpose, under the strictest confidence, the best poets-translators were involved, among whom was the future Nobel Prize winner in literature Boris Pasternak, the author of the famous novel "Doctor Zhivago" and Arseniy Tarkovsky (father of the world-famous film director who made the films "Ivan's Childhood", "Andrey Rublev", "Solaris", "Mirror", "Nostalgia" by Andrey Tarkovsky). Having familiarized himself with the nameless interlineators, not suspecting their authorship, one of the masters of poetic translation innocently said: "They are pulling for the Stalin Prize of the first degree ..."
The poetic activity of Joseph Dzhugashvili lasted only four years - from 1893 to 1896. Manuscripts of his poems are irretrievably (?) lost, the search for his lifetime publications is limited for objective reasons. Today we publish several poems by a poet undeservedly forgotten by us and by ourselves.

* *
He went from house to house
He knocked on someone else's door.
Under the old oak panduri
A simple motive sounded.

In his melody and in song,
Like a ray of sunshine, pure
There lived a great truth -
Divine Dream.

Hearts turned to stone
I woke up a lonely chant.
Flame dormant in the dark
Soared above the trees.

But people who forget God
Keeping darkness in the heart
Instead of wine, poison
They poured it into his cup.
They told him: "Damn!
Drink the cup to the bottom! ..
And your song is alien to us,
And your truth is not needed!"

* *
When the moon with its radiance
Suddenly illuminates the valley world,
And her shadow in the distance
Comes blue into the air.

When above the serene grove
The nightingale rises in song,
And salamuri gentle voice
Sounds all night in my soul.

When the oppressive dusk of the abyss
Will scatter in his native land.
And to the heart with a heavenly voice
Give hope to his message.

I know that this hope
forever pure in my soul.
The soul of the poet strives upward
And beauty grows in the heart.

Float majestically in space
Above the hidden abyss of the earth
Dispel with silver radiance
The fog is gloomy, the darkness is thick.

Bow down to the ground, lying in a dream,
Bow down with a gentle smile.
Sing a lullaby to Kazbek,
whose ice, luminous, tend upward.

But know for sure who was once
Humiliated and cast into dust
Even with Mtatsminda will be on a par
And faith will revive in the hearts.

Bet on the dark sky!
Play with rays and kings...
And the land born with a quiet light,
Illuminate with heavenly light.

I will open my whole soul,
I will stretch out my hand to you!
Shine on, the moon is the soul of the universe,
Shine, moon, in my destiny.

To the poet, singer of peasant labor, Prince Rafael Eristavi

Once the oppression of the peasant share
You, the singer, shook you to tears.
But, God, how much evil and pain
Since then I have seen it.

But kept by the homeland all his life,
You haven't forgotten your songs.
With her dream all her life one,
You are young again in love.

Singer of the Fatherland hard work
He will also reward the people.
The seed has already taken root
And the harvest is heavy.

No wonder people like Eristavi,
My beloved land gave birth.
And to you earthly glory! ..
You conquered eternity with a song.

Translated from Georgian by L. Kotyukov.

Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin (Dzhugashvili) was born on December 21, 1879. This is according to the official version. More than half a century has passed since his death, and the hatred towards him of his enemies does not subside. Tens of billions of dollars have been spent to discredit him, primarily in the USSR and Russia, thousands of pseudo-historical films have been shot, mountains of lies have been piled up, thousands of “historians” are brainwashing people all over the world, making Stalin a “horror story” for children. And no wonder, the facts explain a lot.

Stalin saved Russia from destruction three times.

1. In 1927, the Zionist Trotsky was removed from power, who wanted to use the Russian people in the struggle for world domination.
2. In 1939, a well-organized 5th column was defeated, with the goal of overthrowing Stalin, curtailing socialism in the USSR, transferring control over the country to Hitler.
3. In 1945 - victory was won in the war unleashed by world imperialism against the Soviet people. Its goal was the physical destruction, primarily Russian, and with it other peoples of the USSR.

Rest in peace, Joseph Vissarionovich, the last real friend of the people and responsible master of Russia. Forgive us foolish gullibles. Was it by chance that Stalin turned out to be the main target of the propaganda of the enemies of Russia? Let's try to figure out what causes the particular rage of these spiteful critics ...

1. He took the country with a plow, and left it with nuclear weapons.
2. The USSR, under the leadership of Stalin, victoriously ended the Second World War, fought with almost all of Europe and destroyed 75% of the armed forces of Germany and its allies.
3. The Great Patriotic War claimed a third of the country's wealth, but the USSR abolished food cards in 1947 - two years after the war, France - in 1949, and England - in the early 50s.
4. In terms of economic growth, no one has ever outstripped the Stalinist USSR.
1947 - monetary reform. Let's analyze the cost of living of the Soviet people of that time - before and after the post-war monetary reform.

Name of products and goods and prices in rubles 1947 /1953:

Black bread …………………………………...........……........ …. 3 rub. / 1 rub.
Beef……………………………………........……........ .…..… 30 rub. / 12.5 rubles
Milk (1l) …………...........………………………….…….…… 3 rub. / RUB 2.24
Butter ……………...........………………………....… 64 rubles / 27.8 rubles.
Eggs (ten) ………………………...........………………....… 12 rub. / RUB 8.35
Refined sugar ………………………………............….……… 15 rub. / 9.4 rubles
Vegetable oil ………………………...........…….……… 30 rub. / 17 rub.
Vodka …………………………………………….…….............… … 60 rub. / RUB 22.8

Wages in 1953 in rubles per month:

Working - from 800 to 3,000
Miner, metallurgist - up to 8,000
Young specialist engineer - 900 - 1,000
Senior engineer - 1 200-1 300
Secretary of the district committee of the CPSU - 1,500
Minister - 5,000
Professor, academician - often above 10,000.

Khrushchev inherited a rich legacy from Stalin - 2,000 tons of banking gold in bullion, of which already in the early 60s, Khrushch “lowered” as many as 1,200 tons. For comparison, as of March 2011. Russia's gold reserves barely exceeded 811 tons.

5. The number of Russians (Great Russians, Little Russians and Belarusians) during the reign of Stalin increased according to censuses by an average of 1.3-1.5 million per year.

1926 - 113.7 million (146.6 million - the total population of the USSR)
1939 - 133 million (170.6 million)
1959 - 159.3 million (208.8 million)

For comparison: during the reign of Yeltsin, the number of Russians in Russia decreased by 4 million people; during Putin's rule - by 5 million people. And that's just according to official census data. In fact, the percentage of loss of the indigenous population is much higher.

6 . Alcohol consumption was:
-1.9 liters per capita per year - 1952;
- in tsarist Russia - 4.7 liters. - 1914;
- now - 20-25 liters. Russia leads in the scale of child alcoholism.

8. Stalin did the unbelievable, he made the party and state nomenklatura controlled, replaceable and responsible to society for the results of their activities. It is not surprising that even when he is dead, he causes such rage: it is necessary to think of such a thing, to outrage the celestials in such a way.

Friends often ask me why I respect I.V. Stalin? Usually I offer them the following introduction: You have come to power. Your country is deprived of large-scale industrial production. You sent away all the debts of the previous regime.
You have a lot of minerals. Those who made money on them, you also sent.
So there will be war. There are constant provocations at your borders. There are no friends in the world. You don't know how old you are.

According to estimates, the most industrial power on the continent will be against you and several more with it. In the country every 10-15 years there is a drought and a terrible famine. The last time was literally 5-6 years ago. Yeah. There will be another one soon. Army? The army is armed with obsolete weapons. Tanks? Well, rather a circle of skillful hands. Aircraft? You cannot produce a single aircraft engine yet. There are a couple of good artillery systems. Just a couple. In the army, part of the military is dissatisfied with their place and position. Most likely, a conspiracy is brewing. The special service is flooded by no one knows who.

There is no unity in the party and government, each of your, as it were, comrades-in-arms, strives to take your place. Part of your government has foreign relatives in obscure organizations that some call Satanists and others Freemasons. Loans and new technologies will not be the mass of the population is illiterate.

The NEP and speculation are flourishing. The public sector causes a little less laughter than the army and navy. Well, on the little things: there are no roads, the fleet of steam locomotives is old, there are no light bulbs. We started building a couple of power plants, but everything is going well, neither shaky nor rough. On the outskirts, nationalists cut teachers. And soon the war. And oil is being driven at all. However, there are no motors. As well as cars.
But war is coming soon. The defeated opposition is constantly dirty. Oh, and all sorts of nice little things about the constant threat of cholera, drought and other things... Your actions? Yes, it was impossible to be in Berlin with such input! It's just impossible. But there were...
Now we will consider and refute some myths about the "bloody executioner and tyrant."

Myth 1. Stalin was an illiterate and uneducated person.

a) Stalin graduated from Bursa - the most prestigious higher (spiritual) educational institution in Georgia. Contrary to popular belief, he was not expelled from there for poor academic performance and revolutionary activities. Iosif Dzhugashvili successfully graduated from Bursa, but did not receive a diploma for insulting the examination board: he came to the exam on his hands.

b) Stalin read a lot. He read 200-500 pages a day. His personal library consisted of several tens of thousands of volumes, and 90 percent of these books had pencil marks and comments made by his hand. These were books: from philosophy and natural sciences to fiction from different countries and eras.

c) Stalin himself wrote articles and books. His works have been published in different languages ​​in many countries of the world. After the death of Joseph Vissarionovich, 18 volumes of his works were withdrawn from circulation in the USSR. According to the current criteria, Stalin, according to the scientific results achieved, was a doctor of philosophy back in 1920.

Myth 2. Repressions in the USSR.

They took every other person. They were shot without trial or investigation. Testimony was extracted under torture. Innocent people slandered themselves with everything they could: “Yes, I am a spy, yes, I was preparing a coup,” just to stop the beatings. Those who fell into the hands of the NKVD were either shot or sent to the Gulag. Let's refute this nonsense documented.

Number of repressed:

In 1956, Khrushchev voiced the figure of 643,000 people;
- in our time, the newly-minted "historians" give out figures of 20, 40, 60 and 110 million;
- apparently, tomorrow it will be 200,000,000, the entire population of the Stalinist USSR.

And now let's still get acquainted with archival documents and figures, which kind and honest "anti-Stalinists" terribly dislike to do.

At the beginning of 1989, by decision of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences, a commission of the Department of History of the USSR Academy of Sciences was established, headed by Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences Yu.A. Polyakov to determine the loss of the population. The statistical reporting of the OGPU-NKVD-MVD-MGB of the USSR was checked. It was found that for the period 1921-1952. 4,051,903 people were convicted for political reasons, of which 799,257 people were sentenced to capital punishment.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that on the territory of the USSR, in the thirties, there was a real war, a war for control over the country. Followers and henchmen of Trotsky, members of Zionist organizations were in all organs and structures of government of the Soviet Union. Starting from the Central Committee of the party to the all-powerful NKVD. It is not surprising that, using their power and official position, they imprisoned and killed honest communists, creating an atmosphere of general distrust and denunciation in the country. Only after the NKVD was headed by L.P. Beria, the situation was brought under control. The organs were thoroughly cleaned: 7,372 people (22.9%) were fired from the rank and file, and 3,830 people (62%) from the management staff. At the same time, they began to check complaints and review cases. In 1939 alone, 330,000 people were released.

There are more than 2 million 200 thousand people in American prisons. This is now, in peacetime. It's a lot? Not a lot. But this does not mean that most of them are innocent. The population of the United States is 260 million people, the number of prisoners is 2 million 200 thousand. The population of the USSR in 1940 was over 190 million, the number of prisoners was 1 million 850 thousand, that is, there is nothing extraordinary in such a quantity.

Myth 3. Stalin beheaded the army before the war.

From May 1937 to September 1939, 40 thousand people were repressed in the command staff of the Red Army. Which led the Red Army to the defeats of 1941. It was such a round figure that was named, for the first time, by the Ogonyok magazine (No. 26, 1986).
Where did this number come from? The fact is that for 1937-1939. 36898 commanders were fired from the ranks of the Red Army.

The motives were as follows:

1) by age;
2) for health reasons;
3) for disciplinary offenses;
4) for moral instability;
5) dismissed for political reasons - 19,106 (of which, after filing complaints and inspections, 9247 were reinstated in 1938-1939);
6) arrested, that is, repressed, there were 9579 people of the command staff (of which 1457 were restored in 1938-1939).

Thus, the number of officers arrested in 1937-1939. is 8122 people. (only 3% of the total command staff in 1939). Of these, about 70 were sentenced to death, 17 were shot, mostly the highest, for example, two of the five marshals (Tukhachevsky for organizing a Trotskyist military conspiracy, Yegorov for participating in a conspiracy, preparing terrorist attacks and participating in a K.-R. organization).

Another Marshal Blucher was arrested for participating in a fascist military conspiracy that led to unjustified losses and the deliberate failure of the operation on Lake Khasan, but died in prison. Also, for similar especially dangerous crimes, 5 out of 9 army commanders of the 1st rank (Belov, Yakir, Uborevich, Fedko, Frinovsky) and other representatives of the "fifth column" were shot, The vast majority are Zionist Jews.

Myth 4. Stalin is guilty of the 1941 disaster.

I'll go straight to the evidence to the contrary.

Stalin knew that the attack of fascist Germany on the USSR was inevitable, he knew and was preparing for war. He prepared and, as best he could, delayed its beginning. The roads were every year, every month. Factories were built, weapons, ammunition, military equipment were produced. In the east of the country, reserve sites were created for the possible evacuation of industry from the border areas. In 1941, the rearmament of the army began, that's where every day was dear!

The successes of Soviet diplomacy are also impressive. The Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact in 1939 made it possible to move the USSR border hundreds of kilometers to the West and gave much-needed time to increase the country's defense capability.

The balance of power on the eve of the war. The combat and strength of the armed forces of Germany, its allies and the USSR before the start of the Great Patriotic War near the western borders of the USSR:

Personnel (million people): Germany - 5.5; USSR - 2.9 (1.9: 1)
Guns and mortars (thousand units): Germany - 47.2; USSR - 32.9 (1.4: 1)
Tanks (thousand units): Germany - 4.3; USSR - 14.2 (0.3:1)
Combat aircraft (thousand units): Germany - 5.0; USSR - 9.2 (0.5:1)
The total (general) ratio of forces and means of Germany, its allies and the USSR (1.2: 1)
Thus, it cannot be said that Stalin allegedly did not prepare the country for war.

Directive No. 1 of June 21, 1941. I convey the order of the People's Commissariat of Defense for immediate execution:

1. During June 22 - 23, 1941, a sudden attack by the Germans on the fronts of the LVO, PribOVO, ZapOVO, KOVO, OdVO is possible. The attack may start with provocative actions.
2. The task of our troops is not to succumb to any provocative actions that could cause major complications.
At the same time, the troops of the Leningrad, Baltic, Western, Kyiv and Odessa military districts should be in full combat readiness to meet a possible surprise attack by the Germans or their allies.


a) during the night of June 22, 1941, covertly occupy the firing points of fortified areas on the state border;
b) before dawn on June 22, 1941, disperse all aviation, including military aviation, over field airfields, carefully disguise it;
c) put all units on combat readiness. Keep the troops dispersed and camouflaged;
d) put the air defense on alert without an additional rise in assigned staff. Prepare all measures to darken cities and objects;
e) no other activities are to be carried out without special instructions.

The directive was received by all the commanders of the districts and fleets, but the order was brought only to the troops of the Leningrad and Baltic military districts and to the personnel of the Baltic fleet. It was a direct betrayal of the Motherland by a number of military leaders, a betrayal that entailed catastrophic consequences.
On August 8, 1941, Iosif Vissarionovich Stalin was appointed Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the USSR. From that moment on, he took personal control of EVERYTHING that happened at the front. Not a single major operation during the Second World War was planned without his participation.

19th Congress of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks

From October 5 to October 14, 1952, the Congress of the Communist Party was held in Moscow.
According to I.V. Stalin, this party congress was to become a key moment in the reform of party and state building in the USSR, to divide the top party and state leadership in the USSR, to lead to a qualitative change in ideological work, for which purpose to free the party bodies from economic and controlling functions, and to concentrate the management of the national economy of the USSR exclusively in ministries and departments under the control of the Council of Ministers of the USSR.

The results of the congress:

1) The CPSU(b) was renamed the CPSU.
2) Changes were made to the Charter of the Party, the Politburo of the Central Committee (9 people) was abolished, and the Presidium of the Central Committee of 25 people was created.
3) The Directives of the five-year plan for the development of the USSR for 1951-1955 were approved.

In fact, as a result of the planned reform, the party nomenklatura was removed from power. But that did not happen. After the death of IV Stalin, the decisions of the congress were changed, the reform did not take place. The documents of the Congress and the Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU that followed it were hushed up.

Never in its history has Russia known such majestic transformations as in the Stalin era! The whole world was shocked by our progress! That is why the diabolical task is being implemented now: never again to allow people to appear at the power levers of the state, even remotely resembling Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, who devoted his whole life to the people. And for this, all you need to do is slander and slander the activities and life of a great man.

Once Stalin said: "I know that after my death they will put a lot of garbage on my grave, but the wind of history will mercilessly dispel it!" His words became prophetic.

Stalin died on March 5, 1953 from a cerebral hemorrhage, during which he did not receive medical care for a long time. According to the investigation conducted by Yuri Mukhin in the book “The Murder of Stalin and Beria”, Stalin was poisoned by Khrushchev and his entourage, and later they killed Stalin’s closest ally Lavrenty Beria without trial or investigation. This was done in order to prevent the implementation of Stalin's decisions adopted by the 19th Party Congress to transfer all power from the party to the state.

The version of the poisoning was confirmed at the official level by Mikhail Poltoranin, who headed the commission for declassifying the KGB archives. Stalin was killed, but he will forever live in the hearts of the honest people of Russia!