Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Children's technology parks: typical structure. Adventures of Electronics How children can benefit from this knowledge

The relevance and necessity of this temporary energy, the need for widespread introduction of environmentally friendly renewable energy sources, as well as the widespread use of individual transport, including small vessels for both legal entities and individuals.

The program was developed jointly with the Skolkovo Business School and the Solar Regatta company. The peculiarity of the program is that, being multidisciplinary, it is aimed at developing practical skills in several areas, including those that are currently relevant for every person: driving an individual vehicle, presenting one’s own project, information support for the project in the media, incl. h. in social networks; entrepreneurial activity. The course, based on real practical activities, gives students the opportunity to feel themselves in the role of a design engineer, designer, watercraft pilot, marketer, and also creates conditions for differentiation and individualization of training.

Project participants will study the basics of shipbuilding, the basics of renewable energy and the principles of creating modern vehicles. Project teams will assemble the vessel's hull, master the basics and gain practice in navigation, and in addition, acquire knowledge in kinematic physics, physics of chemical power sources, materials science, mastering the fundamentals of hydrodynamics, electrical engineering, photonics, and business planning. In addition, participants will gain valuable teamwork skills.

small innovative shipbuilding

Teams master advanced technologies in the field of electronics, mechatronics and programming, and gain practical skills in their application.

Participants will learn how to configure wireless hardware and establish wireless communication between a mobile robot and a computer using industrial programming tools (C++).

Main content: Understanding the principles of operation, capabilities and limitations of technical devices designed for automated search and processing of information; development of leadership qualities and analytical thinking.

Next, students will begin to develop navigation strategies for movement in familiar and unfamiliar environments, study the possibilities of using mobile robots for various tasks, and design modern control systems. The program was developed jointly with Lego education.

mechatronics, application programming

Each object located on Earth has coordinates (latitude, longitude) that allow us to accurately determine at what point in space the object is located. In addition, you can determine the properties of the object: what shape and size it is, what height it is at and in what direction it is moving, its color, temperature, pollution, density and other parameters that allow you to study the object or phenomenon and its changes over time. Technologies for measuring and collecting spatial information using ground, air and space devices, its processing and presentation, are constantly developing and becoming more accessible every day for use in everyday life.

People use complex systems every day, such as GLONASS (navigation), GIS (geographic information systems) and maps (address search, driving directions), without noticing all their complexity behind convenient services (such as Yandex.Maps).

Apart from everyday personal use, geospatial technologies are the basis for the work and development of entire industries and areas in the world: transport and logistics, geological exploration and mining, agriculture, construction and housing and communal services, archaeology, cadastre and land management, urban planning, defense and security, territorial management.

Training is possible according to the following project trajectories (at the student’s choice):
- “My home is the Earth: exploring the World” ;
- "Emergency Duty: Protecting the World" ;
- "GeoPatrol: Changing the World" .

Schoolchildren will receive knowledge that will allow them to understand the fundamentals of the structure of the surrounding world, the laws of development of natural phenomena, and will gain skills in the use of geoinformation tools and large amounts of data. Will be able to implement individual and collective projects in the field of research of the social environment and the surrounding world; start using navigation services and space images in everyday life; collect data about objects on the ground (for example, trees and forests, city houses, fields, mountains, rivers, monuments, etc.); develop projects aimed at improving the quality of life in the region; study individual processes, natural and man-made phenomena. The Geoinformatics (DATA) direction was developed by the Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK) with the technological support of ScanEx, GEOSCAN Group of Companies, NextGis, and Digital Earth.


In this direction, we are launching two project trajectories at once. The first of which is implemented in the format of the Capture the Flag (CTF) competition – a team competition in information security. As part of the competition, teams will have to complete tasks on cryptography, steganography, searching for web application vulnerabilities and other aspects of computer and information security. In addition, the teams will master software reverse engineering on mobile and embedded platforms such as Android, iOS, and also study ARM and AVR architecture. The program was developed by the International Academy of Communications. As part of it, children will master programming and design skills in the field of information security, mastering modern information technologies, practical skills in using modern computer technology, peripheral and mobile devices and other technical means of informatization. And also - managing virtual machines, mastering the principles of local networks, improving information security literacy.

programming and information security

Since ancient times, man has created tools, tools and household items for himself. People sought to make these objects comfortable and beautiful. Nowadays, objects are created not by individuals, but by industry, factories and entire industries. As a result, goods appear on store shelves. We see many objects with similar functions that are similar to each other. In conditions of serious competition, it is not enough to make an item convenient and beautiful; it must also respond to other consumer requests. To do this, the designer must be able to determine the consumer niche of the product, predict consumer needs, fall into the style of the brand, create an innovative product, design a technological product within a given cost, design items that will delight the consumer, anticipate and anticipate the usual needs of users in their areas.

layout and design

From the very moment of its development, the laser was called a device that itself searches for solvable problems. Lasers have found application in a wide variety of areas - from vision correction to vehicle control, from space flight to thermonuclear fusion. The laser became one of the most significant inventions of the 20th century. Scientists have invented thousands of fundamentally different lasers with different wavelengths. However, only lasers with several wavelengths: gas CO 2 (10.6 µm), HeNe (0.63 µm), solid-state (1.06 µm) have widespread commercial industrial application. Thus, the potential for the future use of lasers is enormous. Currently, every second machine in the world is equipped with a laser emitter; laser technologies will find their application in all markets of the National Technology Initiative (NTI), in which Russia plans to be a technological leader by 2035.

laser technologies

Augmented and virtual reality is a special area of ​​quantoriums, closely related to any of the others. For almost every promising position in the Atlas of New Professions, knowledge from the field of computer vision, tracking systems, 3D modeling, etc. will be extremely useful. For example, a foreman-watcher will need image recognition systems to assess the progress of construction and adjust it. The designer of intermodal transport hubs will benefit from the ability to visualize their solutions in stereo. Schoolchildren will receive all these competencies in AR/VR Quantum and will be able to apply them in any industry - from creating games to modeling a closed-cycle station on Mars!

Students will learn what it's like to be the creator of their own worlds, understand the possibilities and learn how to work with equipment from futurological films, create their own prototypes of VR headsets and understand that the future has already arrived.

augmented and virtual reality

Technological progress makes it possible not only to effectively use familiar materials, but also to create new ones with specified properties. Discoveries in the industry make it possible to improve the properties and stability limits of materials, mechanisms and structures. You can take your first steps on this path while still in school and try your hand as a novice researcher. The Nanoquant laboratory is equipped with modern instruments that allow one to synthesize, modify and study materials at the micro- and nano-levels: an SPM Nanoedukator II scanning probe microscope, a ph meter, a spectrophotometer, research-grade optical microscopes and much more. Future nanodesigners will be able to offer their ideas for the technological application of various materials, methods for their production or functional improvement.

nanomaterials research

The relevance and necessity of this additional educational program is dictated by the development of modern biological, medical and engineering technologies in the field of neurobiology, neurosurgery and neurocontrol. The program was developed jointly with the Moscow Institute of Technology. The peculiarity of this general developmental program is that it is simultaneously aimed at necessary theoretical basis in the field of neurotechnology and neurobiology, to form practical skills in neurosurgery and on the formation neurocontrol skills of maximum difficulty level.

In addition, student competitions are an integral part of the educational process. This educational program gives students theoretical knowledge and practical skills in a new dynamically developing field of science, practically untouched in the school educational standard - in neurobiology and neurosurgery. In addition, it includes the practical application of completed projects (creating a cyborg cockroach and programming robots): control using a neural interface.

neurotechnology and neurobiology

The “Microbiology and Biotechnology” trajectory is aimed at developing students’ ideas and practical skills in the field of biotechnology. Biotechnology is an actively developing branch of modern applied biology, therefore this educational program is also aimed at developing students’ professional interest in this area. For a long time, humanity has widely used many processes for its needs, without realizing their microbiological nature. Genetic and cellular engineering are the most important methods (tools) underlying modern biotechnology. Cell engineering methods are aimed at constructing new types of cells. They can be used to recreate a viable cell from individual fragments of different cells, to combine whole cells from different species to form a cell that carries the genetic material of both original cells, and other operations.

microbiology and biotechnology

The relevance of the direction is dictated by the development of astronautics and the increasing share of private astronautics in Russia and throughout the world. The program, developed and implemented jointly with the United Rocket and Space Corporation and the Scanex company, allows students to independently select a current problem area and create a project, the final result of which will be a full-fledged engineering development.

The program combines the physical and mathematical foundations of astronautics, 3D modeling and prototyping, device programming, the basics of electrical and radio engineering, electronics, photonics, as well as spacecraft design, etc.

The circle participants will have to go through the full life cycle of the production of a space satellite: from setting the problem to developing and constructing a model of a microsatellite in the CubeSat format. Project teams will determine the satellite's payload, create a computer model of the vehicle in a virtual environment, and ultimately be able to assemble a working model based on a specially designed construction kit (with the possible use of independently developed complex components).

Successful projects will receive further development: design and launch of real spacecraft, participation in international competitions.

applied astronautics

Project team members will have to design, create, configure and test a fully operational remotely piloted prototype vehicle with any type of power plant, except engines running on petroleum products (gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel). You will need to add a Smart component to your prototype. The created prototypes will take part in competitions on the basis of the testing center NITSIAMT FSUE "NAMI". Team members will become familiar with the theory and practice of design, acquire teamwork skills, become familiar with the full production cycle from designing a 3D model to a working prototype, be able to develop creative engineering thinking, and master the basics of electrical engineering, energy, theoretical mechanics, etc.

promising vehicles

Small unmanned aircraft are one of the rapidly developing technologies that can soon change the face of the world. Supply chains are already undergoing change. The rise of civilian commercial drone production is inevitable! The program was developed jointly with the United Aircraft Corporation. At the end of 2013, large businesses expressed their interest in unmanned technologies in the most unequivocal way. The founder of the largest American online retailer Amazon, Jeff Bezos, said that his company is investing in the creation of miniature automatic aircraft that can be used to deliver goods to customers. And then several more companies whose business is related to logistics (including the UPS postal service) reported that they were already conducting similar developments.

small unmanned aircraft (drones)

In the new technology park, children will be taught how to design buildings, streets and embankments, create new interior items and design parts for industrial equipment, according to the official website of the Moscow Mayor.

The fourth children's technology park on the basis of the Moscow Packaging Center will open on December 6. It will appear in the north-west of the city at the address: Sorge Street, building 9a. It will teach young citizens the basics of artistic design and engineering. Children will be able to design buildings, streets and embankments, create new interior items and design parts of industrial equipment.

“In the new children's technology park, children will learn about innovations in the field of architecture, construction, production and design. Students will have the opportunity to undergo summer internships in architectural bureaus in Italy, the Czech Republic and France,” said Alexey Fursin, head of the Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship.

The technology park of the Moscow Packaging Center offers several areas of training, including not only technical ones. These are “Architecture and Design”, “Layout Design”, “Engineering Solutions”, as well as a number of programs aimed at gaining knowledge and skills in the field of promotion and legal registration of projects. The children will communicate with leading architects and engineers, learn the basics of management skills, understand the intricacies of jurisprudence, create layouts and new generation packaging, and attend excursions to packaging production.

The children's technology park has everything necessary for practical classes: a 3D printer, cutting and writing plotters (devices for creating drawings), modern equipment for packaging production and computers. Students are divided into groups depending on their level of knowledge. A trial lesson at the children's technology park is free.

The first two children's technology parks opened in the capital in 2016: the first - on the basis of the Mosgormash technology park (training is carried out in the areas of "Cosmonautics", "Robotics" and "Geoinformatics"), the second - on the basis of the Moscow technopolis (in the areas of "Aircraft modeling ", "Robotics", "Nanotechnology", "Industrial Design", "Information Technologies"). Since their opening, more than five thousand children have already been trained. In November 2017, the third children's technopark “Baytik”, located in Troitsk, opened in the capital. It teaches children programming and information technology.

By the end of the year, it is planned to open eight more children's technology parks. In Moscow they are planning to create a whole system of children's technology parks. To do this, they combine the capabilities of secondary and higher educational institutions, residents of technology parks, and industrial enterprises. All of them should, first of all, help students decide on their choice of profession, as well as prepare qualified personnel for high-tech enterprises. The most successful students sign a deferred employment contract with an industrial partner company and come to work for this company after receiving the appropriate education.

Today we want to talk about one unusual Perm school, where robotics training has been successfully conducted for several years, and right now a promising project “Educational Technopark” is being implemented. The unusualness of this school lies in its absolute normality - it is a school in a residential area of ​​the city, which at some point began to break stereotypes and the system. The history of the school is also the history of Perm educational robotics. So, the word is from the director of school No. 135 - Alexey Sergeevich Kulyapin.

The development prospects of school No. 135 are related to the introduction of educational robotics as the foundation of career guidance for highly qualified engineering and blue-collar professions.

Currently, educational robotics in schools is becoming increasingly important and relevant. Thanks to the study of robotics, technical creativity aimed at designing and constructing robots, it became possible to further motivate schoolchildren to study physics, mathematics, computer science, choose engineering specialties, and design a career in industrial production

A project is being implemented at school "Educational Technopark". It is aimed at modeling a pedagogical system that would meet the development trends of modern society and at the same time would allow us to begin preparing teachers and schoolchildren for real participation in scientific and technological progress and motivate them to master engineering, technical and military-technical professions.

The school technology park is considered as a system of professional tests and practices for students, makes it possible to create an effective career guidance system for students, to popularize in-demand engineering and technical specialties among schoolchildren and their parents; contributes to the creation of a system for identifying and motivating “tech-stars” of primary, secondary and high schools within the framework of network interaction of educational institutions in Perm.

The design of the school technology park became possible thanks to systematic long-term preparatory work, which has already brought worthy results.

About the school

School No. 135 is the winner of the PNGO “Education” competition. It is part of the University Districts of the Perm Classical University (PGNIU) and the Perm Pedagogical University (PGPU) as a center of innovative experience. He is a member of the network of innovative schools of the Ural branch of the Russian Open Society (Ekaterinburg, 2010), author and developer of the city program “School + Profession”, 2009; competition winner "The best electronic educational resources"(website " Journey into the world of CNC machines", 2010) within the framework of the activities of the University District of PGGPU; organizer of the activities of the association of teachers of technological and specialized training “Navigator of Professionals”; initiator of the city and regional competition of creative works of students and the competition of teaching materials for teachers in the educational field “Technology” 100 roads - one is yours" since 2008.

MAOU "Secondary School No. 135" is part of the network of testing sites of the Ministry of Education of the Perm Territory for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for primary general education, and the Department of Education for testing the municipal model of a basic school.

School No. 135 is a resource center of the Perm Department of Education to support the teaching of the subject “Technology”.

School No. 135 is a multidisciplinary school of technological (engineering) education, working in priority areas: improving the quality of education through designing the content and technologies of pre-profile training and specialized education; advanced training of teachers in the context of specialized training; development of the educational system based on self-government, project activities, professional self-determination. The school organizes specialized education according to individual curricula together with institutions of higher and secondary vocational education. The school implements professional tests for high school students in the process of educational and creative workshops.

The Center for Innovative Experience of Secondary School No. 135 organizes advanced training courses for heads of educational institutions, teachers of pre-professional training and specialized training, and tutors. The school’s teachers have developed and are testing a system of career guidance elective courses “Perm is industrial. Choosing an educational route» within the framework of a network educational project to orient young people towards vocational training and work in mechanical engineering.

Over the past three years, more than 10 innovative projects at the Russian, regional, municipal, and institutional levels have been developed and implemented, most of them have been implemented.

The teaching staff introduces design technologies, tutoring, developmental education systems, and information and communication technologies into the educational process.

About the project "Educational Technopark"

The implementation of the Educational Technology Park project is a further path for the development of the subject and educational field of Technology in school education. The school is a pilot school for the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation to test a new program in the subject “Technology”.

The main goal is to create a system of technological training for schoolchildren, through individual educational trajectories in the “Educational Technopark”, aimed at the industrial sector of the economy of Perm.

To do this, it is necessary to develop in the student the ability to make a better choice of his own individual educational trajectory through the multi-activity principle of organizing the “Educational Technopark”, the task of which is to include students at all levels of education in the real positive social and sociocultural practice of choosing a future profession.

To create a model of a school graduate ready for productive work in the industrial, scientific and technical sectors of the economy.

For this purpose, age zones of the Educational Technopark have been developed:

  • Primary school – “Designing and imagining.”
  • Basic school – “Immersion” in a profession, the basis for choice.
  • High school - “The architect of your own happiness”, building an individual educational program through professional tests and professional practices.

One of the first steps to update technological education was the development of programs for both classroom and extracurricular activities.

The following programs have been developed for elementary school students as part of extracurricular activities: "World of Professions", , "Legoconstruction", "The World Around Us", "Modeling" and other programs "Legoconstruction" And "Project activity" contribute to the development of students' creative abilities through design and design activities. Extracurricular activities program "Young cartoon designer" is focused on developing children's creative abilities through the use of fine arts in the process of working with the digital environment, developing basic user computer skills and mastering information technology tools.

About the teaching staff

School teachers Kulyapin Alexey Sergeevich And Ershov Mikhail Georgievich became winners of two methodological competitions within the framework of the All-Russian festival "Robofest -2013" "Best project for the development of the resource center of the Robotics program" And “The best program for the use of robotics in natural science subjects”.

In 2013 Ershov M.G. became the winner of the All-Russian methodological competition “Innovative activities of teachers and students at school”, with the methodological development of the use of robotics in teaching physics, held as part of the II international conference "Engineering culture: from school to production".

In 2013 and 2014, the school took part in presentations at All-Russian conferences “Methodology for teaching the basics of robotics to schoolchildren in basic and additional education”. The school's teachers have more than 10 publications on the use of robotics in the educational process.

Since 2013, the school, together with PGGPU, has been implementing the project “PGGPU in the system of scientific, methodological, personnel and resource support for the development of educational robotics as a learning technology and a means of professional orientation of schoolchildren for engineering and technical specialties.”

About the methodology of teaching robotics

To implement the introduction of robotics into the educational process, the following projects were developed:

  • “We create a career with robots ourselves!”: the goal of the project is to create a community of pupils, students, teachers of secondary and higher schools who organize professional tests in robotics (competitions, olympiads, programs, training);
  • "With robots into the future": the project is aimed at creating clubs and a robotics club at school.

The implementation of these projects is carried out through the mechanism of individualization of education, inclusion of a tutor in the educational process.

With the participation of the tutor, individual educational routes for students are built, their own individual curriculum is formed from a set of subjects and courses offered by the Educational Technopark. The main thing in the work of a tutor is to identify capable students - “techno-stars”, help in determining individual educational trajectories taking into account the inclinations and interests of schoolchildren, accompanying the student in high school according to an individual educational plan. Professional self-determination is being built in a similar vein, which involves providing technology-oriented children with potential, desire and technical and mathematical thinking with the opportunity to receive additional education in the Technopark. The educational process in the Educational Technology Park is focused on the professional self-determination of the student through practice-oriented courses, pre-profile and specialized training, joint activities of the teacher and the student in educational and creative workshops, in the proposed professional tests and practices.

At the same time, the qualifications of teachers are being improved. During the implementation of the project, on the basis of the school technology park, teachers of the school and city schools, additional education institutions are being retrained in order to master innovations for the implementation of the project and introduce them into the practice of the teaching staff of the school, transferring experience to the pedagogical community of Perm.

Social partners provide significant support. On the basis of agreements with social partners, forces are consolidated within the project in order to attract the necessary additional resources to achieve the goal, coordinate issues of equipping participants in the educational process with modern equipment and software, use the Educational Technology Park as a base platform for holding meetings and on-site classes of social partners.

The activities of schoolchildren in the Educational Technology Park are based on a scientific approach to research educational activities, for which laboratories are created through the variable part of the Curriculum. The results of such extracurricular activities are demonstrated at competitions, contests, Olympiads, and festivals.

About victories

The achievements of students who are passionate about robotics are especially valuable.

In February 2012, in Perm, employees of school No. 135 organized the first city open competition in robotics. Representatives of only three educational institutions took part in it. At the regional Technology Olympiad (2012), only school No. 135 presented project work using robotics.

At the exhibition "Education and Career - 2012" An open regional robotics tournament was held, in which 2 school teams participated. The school's teams took first place in the first regional robotics festival (2012), represented the Perm region in Moscow (2012), where they won the audience award.

The school delegation took part in the All-Russian Robotics Festival "Robofest -2013", representing 3 teams. Team "Diamond" took 2nd place in the category "Freestyle" with the project "Machining center".

In November 2013, the school team won the competition "Young Kulibins of the Perm Territory" with the project "Robot airbrush".

In 2014, 9 teams from the school became prize-winners of the regional festival "Robofest -2014", and in February 2014 at the All-Russian Robotics Festival took 3rd place in the category "Freestyle" and 1st place in the All-Russian conference "Roboboom", which took place as part of the Festival. In 2014, the school’s teams became winners and prize-winners of city and regional competitions "Unique robot in Perm", "WRO - 2014", competition within the exhibition, "Roboleto -2014", a competition held as part of the regional conference "Educational robotics: technointelligence-2014".

In 2013 and 2014, the school became the absolute winner in the team competition of the regional robotics competitions.

Each student studying in the specialized areas of the Technopark undergoes an internship in a modern production facility and receives the opportunity to find employment in their chosen specialty.

As a result, a graduate with a high degree of self-determination and motivation to enter secondary vocational and higher educational institutions of a technical orientation, since he is actually provided with the opportunity to choose a training profile and an individual trajectory for mastering the educational program.

Photo School 135 and Entertaining robotics

Muscovites have a wonderful opportunity to distract children from computer games and show them something more exciting. Two unusual technology parks have opened in the capital, where schoolchildren can learn for free how to design robots, assemble drones or, for example, solar-powered cars.

"Quantoriums" is the name given to children's technology parks that work next to "adults." This was done specifically so that children work in conditions as close as possible to real ones: they have modern workshops, computer equipment, 3D printers and active recreation areas at their disposal. As the RG correspondent was told in the press service of the department of science, industrial policy and entrepreneurship, the first Quantorium operates on the territory of the Mosgormash technology park, the second in the Moscow technopolis.

Once upon a time, schoolchildren dreamed of seeing at least one artificial satellite, but today teenagers have the opportunity to assemble such devices. Children's technology parks have all the conditions for this. "Quantorium" is structured like a modern design institute: there are lecture halls where children are given basic technical knowledge, and workshops where children solve practical problems. Teachers assure: now boys and girls are much more interested in doing something with their own hands than reading a paragraph in a physics textbook once again. And the effect is no less! For example, whole groups of guys appeared in Quantoriums who had not yet passed the Unified State Exam, but had already become famous for their useful inventions. Just look at the cost of quadcopters for pizza delivery, which can save culinary businesses millions of rubles. And for potential consumers, delivery drivers can spend several hours stuck in traffic jams. After all, even a nine score on Yandex is not scary for a drone.

Graduates of children's technology parks can sign deferred employment contracts

The most important thing is that the technology park is not just learning from bell to bell. Practice shows: guys don’t keep track of time when working on their projects. But, of course, not every student can immediately decide on their interests in technology. That is why in technology parks children are first instilled with an engineering culture; during this course, the teenager will decide on his interests. Although it is important to understand that each project involves the participation of guys with different skills and knowledge. Take "Anthill on Mars" for example. This is how Quantorium called a special organism: the synthesis of a bacterium and an ant. It will later be possible to launch it onto the surface of Mars. To work on it, specialists in the field of robotics, biology, mathematics and other disciplines are needed.

Residents of children's technology parks have already taught quadcopters to deliver pizza to any area. Photo: Sergey Mikheev/RG

The most interesting classes are those in which children gain engineering skills. But Quantoriums, as noted in the science department, also conduct on-site school lessons in the technology park. University teachers also come, so there is a chance that a talented student will be noticed at a prestigious educational institution. Residents of “adult” technology parks who develop complex electronics also offer their tasks.

Based on the results of training in children's technology parks, the children defend their own project in front of famous Moscow scientists and managers of existing innovative industries. And this is a direct road to a prestigious and decently paid job. “For graduates of children's technology parks who successfully defend their scientific and applied project, there is the possibility of signing a deferred employment contract with large Moscow enterprises,” noted the department of science. Just recently, innovative corporations signed such agreements with 25 technology park students. They are not formally graduates yet, but they have already made an indelible impression on production workers during joint classes. The agreement guarantees that a graduate of the technology park will receive a certain position in production as soon as he graduates from the university.


What do they teach in children's technology parks?

Technopark "Mosgormash" at the address: Kashirsky proezd, 13, offers schoolchildren to study in the following areas:

  • robotics;
  • geoinformatics;
  • astronautics.

The focus of Quantorium at the Moscow technopolis is even broader:

  • robotics;
  • aviation;
  • industrial design;
  • energy;
  • nanotechnology.

How to identify a child for a technopark

You can sign up for the children's technology park by filling out a form on the website At the same time, there are no restrictions for the children: the child may not have any skills in working with technology at all, the main thing is interest. Children will be taught how to operate cutting-edge equipment and will develop skills in design, development and invention.