Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Human activity and its main forms (work, play, learning). Activity is the active interaction of a person with the environment, the result of which should be its usefulness

A person in modern society is engaged in a variety of activities. However, it is possible to generalize and highlight the main types of activities characteristic of all people. They will correspond to the general needs that can be found in almost all people without exception, or more precisely, to those types of social human activity in which each person inevitably becomes involved in the process of his individual development. These types of activities are play, learning and work.

A game– this type of activity, the result of which is not the production of any material or ideal product. A game is a special process in which typical ways of action and interaction of people have been historically established.

Play is especially significant in the lives of preschool and primary school children. First of all, the game is a kind of reflection of life. In the game, for the first time, the need to influence the world is formed. In an active playful form, the child gains a deeper understanding of the phenomena of life, social relations of people, and labor processes. The inclusion of a child in play activities provides the opportunity to master the social experience accumulated by humanity, as well as the cognitive, personal and moral development of the child.

In the lives of adults, play is of the nature of entertainment and serves the purpose of obtaining relaxation. Sometimes games serve as a means of symbolic release of tensions that have arisen under the influence of the actual needs of a person, which he is not able to weaken in any other way.

There are several types of games:

1. Individual games are a type of activity when one person is engaged in a game.

2. Group – include several individuals.

3. Object games are associated with the inclusion of any objects in a person’s play activity.

4. Story games unfold according to a certain scenario, reproducing it in basic detail.

5. Role-playing games allow human behavior limited to a specific role that he takes on in the game.

6. Games with rules are governed by a certain system of rules of conduct for their participants.

Often in life there are mixed types of games: subject-role-playing, plot-role-playing, plot-based games with rules, etc. The relationships that develop between people in a game, as a rule, are artificial in the sense of the word that they are not accepted by others seriously and are not the basis for drawing conclusions about a person. Gaming behavior and gaming relationships have little effect on real relationships between people, at least among adults.

Educational activities – the process of mastering objective and cognitive actions, which is based on mechanisms for transforming the acquired material, identifying basic relationships between the objective conditions of the situation in order to solve typical problems in changed conditions, generalizing the solution principle, modeling the process of solving a problem and monitoring it [Makarova].

Teaching– this is an activity aimed at acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for broad education and subsequent work activity.

Learning in a person’s life follows play, accompanies him throughout his life and precedes work. The main goal of the study is preparation for future independent work. Teaching can be organized and carried out in special educational institutions. It can be unorganized and occur along the way, in other types of activities as their by-product, additional result. In adults, learning can take on the character of self-education.

Labor activity – the process of actively changing objects of nature, material and spiritual life of society in order to satisfy human needs and create various values.

Thanks to work, man became who he is, built a modern society, created objects of material and spiritual culture, transformed the conditions of his life in such a way that he discovered prospects for further, almost unlimited development. Labor is primarily associated with the creation and improvement of tools. They, in turn, were a factor in increasing labor productivity, the development of science, industrial production, technical and artistic creativity. Labor is the main way of personality formation. In this activity, a person’s abilities develop and character is formed. Labor is aimed at creating a socially useful product. This is his goal.

These types of activities have different significance for human development at different stages of ontogenesis.

In psychology there is a concept about leading activity. Leading activity– this is an activity, the implementation of which determines the emergence and formation of the main psychological new formations of a person at a certain stage of ontogenetic development. That is, this activity has the greatest impact on the mental development of an individual at a certain stage of development .

Leading activity:

· for young children this is a game, although their activities contain elements of learning and work;

· at school the leading role belongs to education;

· with age, work activity takes on leading importance.

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in psychology on the topic: “Types of human activity”


1. Concept of activity

2. Activity theory

4. Activity needs:

5. Structure of activity.

6. Types of human activity

7. Communication as a type of human activity.



The normal state of a person is active. He constantly acts - he works, studies, plays sports, communicates with people, reads, etc. In a word, he shows activity - external (movements, operations, muscle efforts) or internal (mental activity, which is observed even in a motionless person when he thinks, reads, remembers, etc.).

Activity is a person’s activity aimed at achieving consciously set goals related to meeting his needs and interests, and fulfilling the requirements for him from society and the state. Without activity, human life is impossible. In the process of activity, a person learns about the world around him. Activity creates the material conditions of human life, without which he cannot exist - food, clothing, housing. In the process of activity, spiritual products are created: science, literature, music, painting; The world around us changes and transforms. A person’s activities shape and change himself, his will, his character.

Activity is a dynamic system of interaction between a subject and the world. Human activity is formed and develops in connection with the formation and development of his consciousness. It also serves as the basis for the formation and development of consciousness, the source of its content.

Activity is always carried out in a certain system of relationships between a person and other people. It requires the help and participation of other people. Its results have a certain impact on the world around us, on the lives and destinies of other people. In other words, activity expresses a person’s personality and at the same time activity shapes his personality.

1. Concept of activity

Activity is the internal (mental) and external (physical) activity of a person, regulated by a conscious goal.

In philosophical literature, activity is understood as a person’s conscious, purposeful attitude towards the world. Activity can be material and spiritual, cognitive and evaluative, reproductive and creative, constructive and destructive, etc.

In sociology, activity is considered as a conscious action of an individual, focused on the responsive behavior of people.

In psychology, activity is understood as a dynamic system of interactions between a subject and the outside world, during which a person consciously and purposefully influences an object, thereby satisfying his needs.

Of course, in different types of activity - executive, managerial, scientific - the role of consciousness is different. The more complex the activity, the higher the role of the psychological component in it. But in any case, it is activity that acts as the basis for the formation of personality. Personality does not precede activity; it is generated by this activity. Thus, personality in psychology is considered as a subject realized in activity, primarily in work and communication.

2. Activity theory

The activity theory is based on the fundamental principle - the activity approach to the psyche. The psyche is inextricably linked with human activity. And activity is the process of human interaction with the outside world, the process of solving vital problems. In the activity approach, the psyche is understood as a form of the subject’s life activity that ensures the solution of certain problems in the process of his interaction with the world. The psyche is not just a picture of the world, a system of images, but also a system of actions. Although the connection between images and actions is two-way, the leading role belongs to action. The structure of each action can be divided into three stages:

Orientations in the conditions and order of operations by which the action is performed,

Execution (realization of action) and

Control over its result, in which the desired and actual product are compared.

The most significant stage is the indicative one, since a correct assessment of the conditions makes it possible to obtain the desired result.

3. Activity approach in psychology

The activity approach asserts that the personality of each person is reflected in objective activity aimed at creative transformation and knowledge of the surrounding reality, that is, in his attitude to the world.

1. From birth, a person has no activity; it develops throughout the entire period of his upbringing and education.

2. By carrying out any activity, a person contributes to progress.

3. The activity satisfies both natural and cultural needs.

4. She has a productive personality. So, resorting to it, a person creates more and more new ways to help satisfy his needs.

In activity theory, it is generally accepted that activity is determined by consciousness. The main basic principle of this theory states that only in activity both a person’s consciousness and his psyche are born and formed, and it is in activity that they manifest themselves.

4. Activity needs

A person exists, develops and is formed as a person through interaction with the environment, carried out through his activities. An inactive person is unthinkable, because she has needs that must be satisfied.

Need is a mental phenomenon reflecting the need of an organism or personality for the necessary conditions that ensure their life and development.

In modern science, various classifications of needs are used. In the most general form, they can be combined into three groups.

Natural needs. In another way they can be called innate, biological, physiological, organic, natural. These are the needs of people for everything that is necessary for their existence, development and reproduction. Natural ones include, for example, human needs for food, air, water, housing, clothing, sleep, rest, etc.

Social needs. They are determined by a person’s membership in society. Social needs are considered to be human needs for work, creation, creativity, social activity, communication with other people, recognition, achievements, i.e. in everything that is a product of social life.

Ideal needs. They are otherwise called spiritual or cultural. These are people’s needs for everything that is necessary for their spiritual development. The ideal includes, for example, the need for self-expression, the creation and development of cultural values, the need for a person to understand the world around him and his place in it, the meaning of his existence.

The need manifests itself in a certain state of the psyche (in humans - consciousness, called experience). To satisfy needs, it is necessary to expend appropriate forces through activity.

Describing human needs, American psychologist Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) described man as a “desiring being” who rarely achieves a state of complete, complete satisfaction. If one need is satisfied, another one rises to the surface and directs the person's attention and efforts.

Activity is the energy used in carrying out activities in order to satisfy a need.

Consequently, activity is the active interaction of a person with the environment in which he achieves a consciously set goal that arose as a result of the emergence of a certain need in him.

Rice. 1 Maslow's Pyramid of Needs

5. Activity structure

The theory of activity in Russian science was developed by psychologist A. N. Leontyev (1903-1979). He described the structure of human activity, highlighting its goal, means and result.

The subject is the one who carries out the activity, the source of activity, the actor. Since it is, as a rule, a person who exhibits activity, most often it is he who is called the subject. The subject of the activity must be a person, a group of people, an organization, or a government body.

An object - ??? what the activity is aimed at. So, for example, the subject of cognitive activity is all kinds of information, the subject of educational activity is knowledge, skills and abilities, the subject of labor activity is the created material product. The object of activity can be a natural material or object (land in agricultural activities), another person (a student as an object of learning) or the subject himself (in the case of self-education, sports training).

Purpose of activity

The goal of an activity is its product. It can represent a real physical object created by a person, certain knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the course of activity, a creative result (thought, idea, theory, work of art).

The goals that a person sets in his activities can be distant or close. A goal is understood as the expected result of an action by which a person intends to satisfy a particular need. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish between a goal as an objective (objective result) and as a subjective mental (intended) phenomenon.

The emergence of aspiration is itself a process. First there is a need. This is a level of uncertainty when it is already clear to a person that he needs to do something, but what exactly is not sufficiently realized. With such uncertainty, various options arise for satisfying the need. At this level of uncertainty there is still no clear understanding of the means and ways to achieve the goal. Each of the realized possibilities is supported or refuted by different motives.

Rice. 2 Motive and incentive

The motive of an activity is what prompts it, for the sake of which it is carried out. The motive is usually a specific need that is satisfied in the course and with the help of this activity. The motives of human activity can be very different: organic, functional, material, social, spiritual.

Organic motives are aimed at satisfying the natural needs of the body - production of food, housing, clothing, etc.

Functional motives are satisfied through various cultural forms of activity, such as games and sports.

Material motives encourage a person to engage in activities aimed at creating household items, various things and tools, directly in the form of products that serve natural needs.

Social motives give rise to various types of activities aimed at taking a certain place in society, gaining recognition and respect from those around them.

Spiritual motives underlie those activities that are associated with human self-improvement.

In everyday life, the words “motive” and “stimulus” are often not distinguished, but these are different concepts. A motive is any mental phenomenon that has become an incentive to action, deed or activity.

A stimulus is an objective phenomenon that acts on a person and causes a response. The most significant thing is that the motive is a reflection of the stimulus, processed by the individual. The same stimulus in different individuals can be reflected as different motives.

Although activity is the function of a person as a whole: both as an individual and as an organism, its purposefulness and motivation are determined by the individual. Therefore, in animals, in newborns and in the “insane”, mentally ill, there is no activity, but only behavior - as an objectification of their psyche. Activity is the objectification of consciousness.

Methods and means of achieving the goal

A way or method of achieving a goal is an external form of implementation of an activity. And it must be adequate to the purpose. The correspondence of the methods and methods to the obtained result is a qualitative characteristic of the process. Actions can lead to a result, then they form a useful process. Actions at the level of affects, habits, false beliefs, misconceptions regarding the goal are inappropriate and lead to unpredictable results. The means must correspond to the ends in two senses.

First, the means must be proportionate to the ends. In other words, they cannot be insufficient (otherwise the activity will be fruitless) or excessive (otherwise energy and resources will be wasted). For example, you cannot build a house if there are not enough materials for it; It also makes no sense to buy materials several times more than are needed for its construction.

Secondly, the means must be moral: immoral means cannot be justified by the nobility of the end. If goals are immoral, then all activities are immoral

Goal Achievement Process

Action is an element of activity that has a relatively independent and conscious task. An activity consists of individual actions. For example, teaching activities consist of preparing and delivering lectures, conducting seminars, preparing assignments, etc.

Types of actions (classification by German sociologist, philosopher, historian M. Weber (1864--1920) depending on the motives of action):

1) Purposeful action - characterized by a rationally set and thoughtful goal. The individual whose behavior is focused on the goal, means and by-products of his actions acts purposefully.

2) Value-rational action - is characterized by a conscious determination of its direction and a consistently planned orientation towards it. But its meaning is not in achieving any goal, but in the fact that the individual follows his beliefs about duty, dignity, beauty, piety, etc.

3) Affective (from Latin af ectus - emotional excitement) action - is determined by the emotional state of the individual. He acts under the influence of passion if he seeks to immediately satisfy his need for revenge, pleasure, devotion, etc.

4) Traditional action - based on a long-term habit. Often this is an automatic reaction to habitual irritation in the direction of a once learned attitude.

The basis of activity is the actions of the first two types, since only they have a conscious goal and are creative in nature. Affects and traditional actions are only capable of exerting some influence on the course of activity as auxiliary elements.

Result of activity

The result is the final result, the state in which the need is satisfied (in whole or in part). For example, the result of study can be knowledge, skills and abilities, the result of labor - goods, the result of scientific activity - ideas and inventions. The result of an activity can be the person himself, since in the course of the activity he develops and changes.

6. Types of human activity

A person in modern society is engaged in a variety of activities. In order to describe all types of human activity, it is necessary to list the most important needs for a given person, and the number of needs is very large.

The emergence of various types of activities is associated with the socio-historical development of man. The fundamental types of activities in which a person is involved in the process of his individual development are communication, play, study, and work.

* communication - interaction of two or more people in the process of exchanging information of a cognitive or affective-evaluative nature;

* game is a type of activity in conditional situations that imitate real ones, in which social experience is learned;

* learning is the process of systematic acquisition of knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to perform work activities;

* labor is an activity aimed at creating a socially useful product that satisfies the material and spiritual needs of people.

Communication is a type of activity consisting of the exchange of information between people. Depending on the age stage of a person’s development and the specifics of the activity, the nature of communication changes. Each age stage is characterized by a specific type of communication. In infancy, an adult exchanges emotional states with the child and helps them navigate the world around them. At an early age, communication between an adult and a child is carried out in connection with object manipulation, the properties of objects are actively mastered, and the child’s speech is formed. In the preschool period of childhood, role-playing games develop interpersonal communication skills with peers. The younger student is busy with learning activities, and communication is accordingly included in this process. In adolescence, in addition to communication, a lot of time is devoted to preparing for professional activity. The specifics of an adult’s professional activity leave an imprint on the nature of communication, behavior and speech. Communication in professional activity not only organizes, but also enriches it; new connections and relationships arise between people.

A game is a type of activity the result of which is not the production of any material product. She is the leading activity of the preschooler, since through her he accepts the norms of society and learns interpersonal communication with peers. Among the types of games we can distinguish individual and group, subject and plot, role-playing and games with rules. Games are of great importance in people's lives: for children they are mainly of a developmental nature, for adults they are a means of communication and relaxation.

Teaching is a type of activity, its purpose is to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities. In the process of historical development, knowledge was accumulated in various fields of science and practice, therefore, in order to master this knowledge, teaching became a special type of activity. Teaching influences the mental development of an individual. It consists of assimilation of information about the properties of surrounding objects and phenomena (knowledge), the correct choice of techniques and operations in accordance with the goals and conditions of activity (skill).

Labor is historically one of the first types of human activity. The subject of psychological study is not the work itself as a whole, but its psychological components. Typically, work is characterized as a conscious activity that is aimed at achieving a result and is regulated by the will in accordance with its conscious purpose. Labor performs an important formative function in the development of the individual, since it influences the development of his abilities and character.

Attitudes towards work are established in early childhood; knowledge and skills are formed in the process of education, special training, and work experience. To work means to express oneself in activity. Work in a certain field of human activity is associated with a profession.

Thus, each of the types of activity discussed above is most characteristic of certain age stages of personality development. The current type of activity, as it were, prepares the next one, since it develops the corresponding needs, cognitive abilities and behavioral characteristics.

Depending on the characteristics of a person’s relationship to the world around him, activities are divided into practical and spiritual.

Practical activities are aimed at changing the world around us. Since the surrounding world consists of nature and society, it can be productive (changing nature) and socially transformative (changing the structure of society).

Spiritual activity is aimed at changing individual and social consciousness. It is realized in the spheres of art, religion, scientific creativity, in moral actions, organizing collective life and orienting a person to solve problems of the meaning of life, happiness, and well-being.

Spiritual activity includes cognitive activity (gaining knowledge about the world), value activity (determining norms and principles of life), predictive activity (building models of the future), etc.

The division of activity into spiritual and material is arbitrary. In reality, the spiritual and the material cannot be separated from each other. Any activity has a material side, since in one way or another it relates to the outside world, and an ideal side, since it involves goal setting, planning, choice of means, etc.

By spheres of public life - economic, social, political and spiritual.

Traditionally, there are four main spheres of public life:

§ social (peoples, nations, classes, gender and age groups, etc.)

§ economic (productive forces, production relations)

§ political (state, parties, socio-political movements)

§ spiritual (religion, morality, science, art, education).

It is important to understand that people are simultaneously in different relationships with each other, connected with someone, isolated from someone when solving their life issues. Therefore, the spheres of social life are not geometric spaces where different people live, but the relationships of the same people in connection with different aspects of their lives.

The social sphere is the relationships that arise in the production of direct human life and man as a social being. The social sphere includes various social communities and relationships between them. A person, occupying a certain position in society, is included in various communities: he can be a man, a worker, a father of a family, a city resident, etc.

The economic sphere is a set of relationships between people that arise during the creation and movement of material wealth. The economic sphere is the area of ​​production, exchange, distribution, consumption of goods and services. Production relations and productive forces together constitute the economic sphere of society.

The political sphere is the relationship between people associated with power that ensures joint security.

The elements of the political sphere can be represented as follows:

§ political organizations and institutions - social groups, revolutionary movements, parliamentarism, parties, citizenship, presidency, etc.;

§ political norms - political, legal and moral norms, customs and traditions;

§ political communications - relationships, connections and forms of interaction between participants in the political process, as well as between the political system as a whole and society;

§ political culture and ideology - political ideas, ideology, political culture, political psychology.

The spiritual sphere is the sphere of relationships that arise during the production, transmission and development of spiritual values ​​(knowledge, beliefs, norms of behavior, artistic images, etc.).

If a person’s material life is connected with the satisfaction of specific everyday needs (food, clothing, drink, etc.). then the spiritual sphere of a person’s life is aimed at satisfying the needs for the development of consciousness, worldview, and various spiritual qualities.

The inclusion of society is mass, collective, individual.

In connection with social forms of bringing people together for the purpose of carrying out activities, collective, mass, and individual activities are distinguished. Collective, mass, individual forms of activity are determined by the essence of the acting subject (a person, a group of people, a public organization, etc.). Depending on the social forms of association of people for the purpose of carrying out activities, they establish individual (example: management of a region or country), collective (ship management systems, teamwork), mass (an example of mass media is the death of Michael Jackson).

Dependence on social norms - moral, immoral, legal, illegal.

Conditions based on the activity’s compliance with existing general cultural traditions and social norms differentiate legal and illegal, as well as moral and immoral activities. Illegal activity is everything that is prohibited by law or constitution. Take, for example, the manufacture and production of weapons, explosives, drug distribution, all of this is illegal activity. Naturally, many try to adhere to moral activities, that is, to study conscientiously, be polite, value their relatives, help the old and homeless. There is a striking example of moral activity - the whole life of Mother Teresa.

The potential of new things in activity - innovative, inventive, creative, routine.

When human activity affects the historical course of events, with social growth, then progressive or reactionary, as well as creative and destructive activities are distributed. For example: The progressive role of the industrial activity of Peter 1 or the progressive activity of Peter Arkadyevich Stolypin.

Depending on the absence or presence of any goals, the success of the activity and the ways of its implementation, monotonous, monotonous, template activity is revealed, which in turn proceeds strictly according to certain requirements, and new things are most often not given (Manufacture of any product, substance according to the scheme at the plant or factory). But creative, inventive activity, on the contrary, carries with it the character of originality of the new, previously unknown. It is distinguished by its specificity, exclusivity, and uniqueness. And elements of creativity can be used in any of the activities. Examples include dancing, music, painting, there are no rules or instructions here, here is the embodiment of fantasy and its implementation.

Types of human cognitive activity

Teaching or cognitive activity refers to the spiritual spheres of human life and society. There are four types of cognitive activity:

· everyday - consists of sharing experiences and the images that people carry within themselves and share with the outside world;

· scientific - characterized by the study and use of various laws and patterns. The main goal of scientific cognitive activity is to create an ideal system of the material world;

· artistic cognitive activity consists in the attempt of creators and artists to assess the surrounding reality and find shades of beauty and ugliness in it;

· religious. Its subject is the person himself. His actions are assessed from the point of view of pleasing to God. This also includes moral standards and moral aspects of actions. Considering that a person’s whole life consists of actions, spiritual activity plays an important role in their formation.

Types of human spiritual activity

The spiritual life of a person and society corresponds to such types of activities as religious, scientific and creative. Knowing about the essence of scientific and religious activity, it is worth taking a closer look at the types of human creative activity. These include artistic or musical direction, literature and architecture, directing and acting. Every person has the makings of creativity, but to reveal them you need to work long and hard.

Types of human labor activity

In the process of work, a person’s worldview and his life principles develop. Labor activity requires planning and discipline from the individual. Types of work activity are both mental and physical. There is a stereotype in society that physical labor is much more difficult than mental labor. Although the work of the intellect does not appear outwardly, in fact these types of work activities are almost equal. Once again, this fact proves the diversity of professions that exist today.

Types of human professional activity

In a broad sense, the concept of profession means a diverse form of activity performed for the benefit of society. Simply put, the essence of professional activity comes down to the fact that people work for people and for the benefit of the whole society. There are 5 types of professional activities.

1. Man-nature. The essence of this activity is interaction with living beings: plants, animals and microorganisms.

2. Man-man. This type includes professions in one way or another related to interaction with people. The activity here is to educate, guide people, and provide them with information, trade and consumer services.

3. Man-technology. A type of activity characterized by the interaction of humans and technical structures and mechanisms. This includes everything related to automatic and mechanical systems, materials and types of energy.

4. Man - sign systems. Activities of this type involve interacting with numbers, signs, natural and artificial languages.

5. Man is an artistic image. This type includes all creative professions related to music, literature, acting, and visual arts.

Types of economic activities of people

Human economic activity has recently been fiercely contested by conservationists because it is based on natural reserves that will soon run out. Types of human economic activity include the extraction of minerals, such as oil, metals, stones and everything that can benefit humans and cause damage not only to nature, but to the entire planet.

Types of human information activities

An integral part of human interaction with the outside world is information. Types of information activities include receiving, using, distributing and storing information. Information activities often become a threat to life, since there are always people who do not want third parties to know and disclose any facts. Also, this type of activity can be provocative in nature, and also be a means of manipulating the consciousness of society.

Types of human mental activity

Mental activity affects the state of the individual and the productivity of his life. The simplest type of mental activity is a reflex. These are habits and skills established through constant repetition. They are almost invisible compared to the most complex type of mental activity - creativity. It is distinguished by constant diversity and originality, originality and uniqueness. That’s why creative people are so often emotionally unstable, and professions related to creativity are considered the most difficult. That is why creative people are called talents who can transform this world and instill cultural skills in society.

Culture includes all types of transformative human activity. There are only two types of this activity - creation and destruction. The second, unfortunately, is more common. Many years of human transformative activity in nature have led to troubles and disasters.

Only creativity can come to the rescue here, and this means, at a minimum, the restoration of natural resources.

Activity distinguishes us from animals. Some of its types benefit the development and formation of personality, others are destructive. Knowing what qualities are inherent in us, we can avoid the disastrous consequences of our own activities. This will not only benefit the world around us, but will also allow us to do what we love with a clear conscience and consider ourselves people with a capital “H.”

7. Communication as a type of human activity

Communication in the broadest sense can be defined as the interaction of individuals in which information is exchanged on the basis of mutual mental reflection.

Communication is a multifaceted process of developing contacts between people, generated by the needs of joint activities. Communication includes the exchange of information between its participants, which can be characterized as the communicative side of communication. The second side of communication is the interaction of those communicating - the exchange in the process of speech not only of words, but also of actions and deeds. And finally, the third side of communication involves the perception of those communicating with each other.

The need for communication in higher animals and in humans is innate, programmed by nature. Communication in the broad sense of the word can be used not only as an independent activity. The ways in which they perform other types of activities (play, learning and work). To distinguish communication as an independent type of activity, it is necessary that it have its own goals and other components of the structure that are recognized by the subject. The goals in communication as an independent type of activity can be the following: 1) comprehension of the inner world of another person or the discovery of his own inner world; 2) influencing the psyche of another person (or group of people) with the intention of instilling in him (them) certain motives or attitudes (toward oneself, to certain aspects of the surrounding reality.

8. Game as a type of human activity

Play is a necessary activity. This is a meaningful activity, that is, a set of meaningful actions united by the unity of motive.

Play is an activity; this means that the game is an expression of a certain attitude of the individual to the surrounding reality. For a person, “game is the child of labor.” The connection between play is hardly captured in the content of games: they all usually reproduce one or another type of practical non-game activity. Play is about practice, about impact on the world. A person’s game is a product of activity through which a person transforms reality and changes the world. The essence of human play is the ability to reflect and transform reality. Play is a product of labor, arising as if from the imitation of labor processes.

Being associated with labor, play, however, is different from it. Both the commonality of play with difficulty and their differences appear primarily in their motivation,

While working, a person does what practical necessity forces him to do, regardless of the presence of interest. A doctor treats a patient because his professional duties require it; a child, playing doctor, “heals” those around him only because it attracts him.

In the process of a child’s spiritual development, the world opens up to him more and more. He sees the diverse actions of the people around him, he experiences these actions in his own way, they are full of attractiveness for him.

The child vividly feels the attractiveness of what is associated with the role played in life by parents, a doctor, a pilot, and a warrior. From contact with the outside world, a child develops various internal impulses, which stimulate him to action by their immediate attractiveness. A game action is an action that is performed due to direct interest in it, not for the sake of its specifically utilitarian effect.

Motives for gaming activity reflect a more direct attitude of the individual to the environment; the significance of one or another of its aspects. Play is a way to realize the needs and requests of a child within the limits of his capabilities. Personality and its role in life are closely interconnected; and in play, through the roles that the child takes on, his personality, he himself, is formed and developed.

9. Teaching as a type of human activity

Teaching acts as a type of activity, the purpose of which is to acquire by a person the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary ultimately to perform work activities. The peculiarity of educational activity is that it directly serves as a means of psychological development of the individual.

Educational activity is the leading activity of school age, within which the controlled appropriation of the foundations of social experience occurs, primarily in the form of intellectual basic operations and theoretical concepts. The student acquires not only knowledge, but also a way to think independently and acquire knowledge. Well-organized training is educational in nature. During the learning process, the student’s personality is formed: its orientation, strong-willed character traits, abilities, etc.

During school, a child goes through a long developmental path. In the elementary grades, he masters the basics of literacy, natural science and historical knowledge available to him, as well as elementary forms of labor (paper and fabric processing). Primary school prepares students for high school education.

Educational activities in secondary school require the student to be more responsible and conscientious about learning. The student is required not so much to memorize close to the text as to understand and rethink the material being studied. Mathematics, physics, history and other subjects form a system of concepts, knowledge, and lay the foundations of a worldview.

In senior secondary school, worldviews and beliefs are formed, with which the motives for educational and work activities are associated.

In the process of historical development, forms of labor improved and, at the same time, became increasingly more complex. Because of this, it was much more difficult to master the knowledge and skills necessary for work activity in the process itself. Therefore, in order to prepare a person for further work, it was necessary to single out teaching as its special type, educational work on mastering the generalized results of the previous work of other people. Humanity has allocated a special period for this in the life of the younger generations and created special forms of existence in which learning is the main activity.

Learning, which occurs in successive changes in the main types of activity throughout the life of each person, follows play and precedes work, differs significantly from play and is similar to work.

Thus, the main goal of learning is preparation for future independent work, and the main means is mastering the generalized results of what was created by a person’s previous work.

We can talk about learning only when a person’s actions are controlled by a conscious goal - to acquire certain knowledge, skills, and abilities.

Knowledge is information about the significant properties of the world, necessary for the successful organization of certain types of theoretical or practical activities.

Skills are elements of activity that allow you to do something with high quality. Skills represent consciously controlled parts of an activity, at least in the main intermediate points and the final goal.

Skills are components of skills implemented at the level of unconscious control. If by action we understand a part of an activity that has a clearly defined conscious goal, then a skill can also be called an automated component of an action.

Thus, learning acts as a type of activity, the purpose of which is to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities by a person. Teaching can be organized and carried out in special educational institutions. It can be unorganized and occur along the way, in other activities as a by-product, additional result. In adults, learning can take on the character of self-education. The peculiarities of educational activity are that it directly serves as a means of psychological development of the individual.

10. Human labor activity

Labor is an activity aimed at creating a socially useful product that satisfies the material or spiritual needs of people. By participating in the creation of labor products, a person enters into the existing system of production relations, his attitude towards labor activity and labor motives are formed. Thus, labor manifests itself in the social interaction of people. The subject of psychological study is not work as a whole, but the psychological components of work activity.

In work, a person’s abilities, his character, and personality as a whole are revealed and formed.

In the psychological analysis of work, the following characteristics can be identified:

1) anticipation of a socially valuable result should be thought of as valuable for society.;

2) consciousness of the obligation to achieve a given result - the presence of public approval;

3) possession of external and internal means of activity;

4) orientation in interpersonal production relations.

Directed in its basic direction at creating a specific result, work is at the same time the main way of personality formation. In the process of labor, not only is this or that product of the subject’s labor activity born, but it itself is formed in labor. In work activity, a person’s abilities develop and his character is formed.

The uniqueness of the psychological side of labor activity is primarily due to the fact that, in its objective social essence, labor is an activity aimed at creating a socially useful product. Since no person produces all the objects needed to satisfy his needs, the motive of a person’s activity becomes the product not of his activity, but of the activities of other people, the product of social activity.

Normally, work is an essential human need. To work means to express oneself in activity. Thus, labor occupies a special place in the system of human activity. It was thanks to labor that man built a modern society, created objects of material and spiritual culture, and transformed the conditions of his life in such a way that he discovered prospects for further development.

activity psychology activity


So, in conclusion, we can conclude that types of activities: communication, play, learning, work are vital and necessary elements in the development of both the individual and society as a whole. By the complexity of the nature of the activities, one can judge the way of life, rights and skills of a given society.

Each type of activity is most characteristic of certain age stages of development. The current type of activity, as it were, prepares the next one. In this regard, in psychology there is a concept of a leading type of activity. And although all three main types of activity coexist at every age, at different periods the need for them is different and filled with specific content. Leading is the type of activity that, at a given age stage, determines the main, most important changes in mental processes and mental properties of the individual.

We looked at the main types of human activity.

Being a necessary condition for the existence and development of humanity, labor is the basis on which the mental development of the individual occurs.

Studying is a kind of preparatory stage for work. Play is the main activity of preschoolers. In play, the child learns about objects and phenomena of reality, prepares for educational and work activities. In the game, a child’s thinking, memory, imagination, attention, abilities develop, and strong-willed personality traits and character traits begin to form.

Thus, we see that all types of human activity shape him in all directions. A person becomes a unique personality with his own positive qualities and shortcomings. That is why such a section as types of human activity is relevant. This section is covered well enough in the literature to understand how important this topic is in psychology.

List of sources used


1. Krysko V.G. Psychology and pedagogy: Course of lectures / V.G. Krysko.- 4th ed. rev. - M.: Omega-L, 2006.

2. Maklakov A.G. General psychology: Textbook for universities./ A.G. Maklakov. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009.

3. Nemov R.S. Psychology: Textbook for universities - M.: Yurayt, 2009.

4. Psychology: Textbook for universities / Ed. V.N. Druzhinina. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009.


1. Gippenteyter Yu.B. Introduction to general psychology: A course of lectures. - M.: “CheRo”, with the participation of the publishing house “Urayt”, 2002.

2. Enikeev M.I. General and social psychology: Textbook. / M.I. Enikeev. - M.: Norma, 2002.

3. Kolosov D.V. Introduction to general psychology: Textbook / D.V. Kolesov. - M.: Publishing house. Moscow Psychological and Social Institute: Voronezh: MODEK, 2002.

4. Krysko V.G. General psychology. Textbook for universities./ SPb.: PETER, 2003.

5. Maslow A. Motivation and personality. - St. Petersburg, 1999.

6. Mashkov V.N. Introduction to human psychology: Textbook / V.N. Mashkov. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house Mikhailova V.A., 2003.

7. Nemov R.S. General psychology: Textbook / R.S. Nemov. - M.: Vlados, 2003.

8. General psychology: Textbook / Under A.V. Karpova.- M.: Gardariki, 2002.

9. Psychology. Pedagogy. Ethics: Textbook for universities / I.I. Aminov, O.V. Afanasyeva, A.T. Vaskov, A.M. Vorontsov and others; Ed. prof. Yu.V. Naumkina. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: UNITY-DANA, Law and Law, 2002.

10. Psychology of the XXI century: Textbook / Ed. V.N. Druzhinina. - M.: PER SE, 2003.

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Activity- active interaction of a person with the environment, the result of which should be its usefulness, requiring from a person high mobility of nervous processes, fast and accurate movements, increased activity of perception, attention, memory, thinking, emotional stability. The structure of activity is usually presented in a linear form, where each component follows the other in time: Need - Motive - Goal - Means - Action - Result.

Need- this is need, dissatisfaction, a feeling of lack of something necessary for normal existence. In order for a person to begin to act, it is necessary to understand this need and its nature. Motive is a conscious impulse based on need that justifies and justifies activity. A need will become a motive if it is perceived not just as a need, but as a guide to action.

Target- this is a conscious idea of ​​the result of an activity, an anticipation of the future. Any activity involves goal setting, i.e. ability to independently set goals. Animals, unlike humans, cannot set goals themselves: their program of activity is predetermined and expressed in instincts. A person is able to form his own programs, creating something that has never existed in nature. Since there is no goal-setting in the activity of animals, it is not an activity. Moreover, if an animal never imagines the results of its activity in advance, then a person, starting an activity, keeps in his mind the image of the expected object: before creating something in reality, he creates it in his mind.

Facilities- these are the techniques, methods of action, objects, etc. used in the course of activity. For example, to learn social studies, you need lectures, textbooks, and assignments. To be a good specialist, you need to receive a professional education, have work experience, constantly practice in your activities, etc.

Action- an element of activity that has a relatively independent and conscious task. An activity consists of individual actions. For example, teaching activities consist of preparing and delivering lectures, conducting seminars, preparing assignments, etc.

Result- this is the final result, the state in which the need is satisfied (in whole or in part). For example, the result of study can be knowledge, skills and abilities, the result of labor - goods, the result of scientific activity - ideas and inventions. The result of an activity can be the person himself, since in the course of the activity he develops and changes.

Types of activities in which each person is inevitably involved in the process of his individual development: play, communication, learning, work.

A game- this is a special type of activity, the purpose of which is not the production of any material product, but the process itself - entertainment, relaxation.

Communication is an activity in which ideas and emotions are exchanged. It is often expanded to include the exchange of material items. This broader exchange is communication [material or spiritual (information)].

Teaching is a type of activity whose purpose is to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities by a person.

Work- This is a type of activity that is aimed at achieving a practically useful result.

Characteristic features of work: expediency; focus on achieving programmed, expected results; presence of skill, skills, knowledge; practical usefulness; obtaining a result; personal development; transformation of the external human environment.

Human activity, its main forms

Man’s ability to transform the world through his actions is a quality that distinguishes us, humans, from other creatures living on earth. Activity is understood as a person’s purposeful activity aimed at changing the world around him and himself as part of the world. From natural materials, people create new products that have properties and qualities that are beneficial to themselves. The subject of human activity can be any object - things, phenomena, other people. In the social sciences, activity is understood as a form of human activity aimed at transforming the world around him.

In the structure of any activity, it is customary to distinguish an object, a subject, a goal, means of achieving it and a result. The object is what the activity is aimed at; the subject is the one who implements it. Before starting to act, a person determines the goal of the activity, that is, he forms in his mind an ideal image of the result that he strives to achieve. Then, when the goal is determined, the individual decides what means he needs to use to achieve the goal. If the means are chosen correctly, then the result of the activity will be to obtain exactly the result that the subject was striving for.

The main motive that motivates a person to act is his desire to satisfy his needs. These needs can be physiological, social and ideal. Conscious to one degree or another by people, they become the main source of their activity. People’s beliefs about the goals that need to be achieved and the main paths and means leading to them also play a huge role. Sometimes in choosing the latter, people are guided by stereotypes that have developed in society, that is, by some general, simplified ideas about any social process (specifically, about the process of activity). Constant motivation tends to reproduce similar actions of people and, as a result, a similar social reality.

There are practical and spiritual activities. The first is aimed at transforming objects of nature and society that exist in reality. The content of the second is a change in people's consciousness.

Practical activities are divided into:

a) material and production;

b) socially transformative;

Spiritual activities include:

a) cognitive activity;

b) value-prognostic activity;

c) predictive activity.

ABOUT The main types (methods) of activity are teaching (study), play and work. Communication can also be classified in this group. However, it is not possible to strictly separate them from each other. A person studies, gets to know the world and himself in the process of communication, as well as in work and in play.

In childhood, play is an extremely important activity for human development. It is in play that a child imitates situations from life, as if he gets used to the role of an adult. Remember, for example, how you played “mothers and daughters”, “school” and even “war”. A person plays games throughout his life, not only in childhood. Only the place and role of the game, the very nature of the games, changes. For example, while studying at an economics university, students are required to play business games, simulate situations that arise in a company, and look for solutions to problems that arise during the game. Games occupy a significant place in the process of studying at school. For example, many schools hold Self-Government Day (usually it falls on Teacher's Day). On that day, high school students become subject teachers, teach classes in lower grades, and perform the functions of director, head teacher, and deputy director for economic affairs. This is also a game. Adults also play. For example, parents, just like children, can play computer games to improve their skills at work, undergo internships, where they also have to play parts, simulate management decisions, and production situations.

There is also a special type of game – gambling (for money). These are card games, roulette. You've probably all heard about the so-called “one-armed bandits” - slot machines. Many people, especially adults, are so addicted to them that they lose entire fortunes. Gambling addiction is becoming a kind of disease for some people today. Owners of casinos and slot machine parlors take advantage of this, making huge profits. That is why the issue in the Russian parliament is so urgent about the allocation of special territories for gambling, about banning the placement of casinos near schools and other children's institutions.

Activities such as study and work play a special role at school age. In the process of learning (study), people acquire new knowledge about the material world as a whole, about nature as the natural habitat of man, about society, about man. Also, while studying, we master the necessary techniques and skills of cognitive and practical activity, methods and experience of behavior in life situations, and form our own set of value guidelines and ideals.

A specific difference between labor activity is the creation of products useful to humans, both material and spiritual. During the summer holidays, many schoolchildren take temporary jobs, go to youth labor camps, and work weeding and harvesting. In recent years, many schools in our country have been implementing a socially significant children's event “I am a citizen of Russia.” In the process of its implementation, schoolchildren improve city parks, raise funds for the restoration of monuments to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, organize recreation areas in their neighborhoods, and help lonely elderly people. This work activity also has enormous moral and educational significance.

However, it is not possible to strictly separate these types of activities from each other. A person learns about the world and himself in the process of communicating with his own kind, as well as in work. In childhood, play is extremely important for human development. While playing, the child imitates situations from adult life, as if he gets used to the role of adults. Remember, for example, how you played “mothers and daughters”, “family”, and even “war”.

Also in the spheres of public life we ​​can talk about political, economic, social, and cultural activities. A special type of activity, the result of which is the creation of a new, not yet known, having no analogues in nature, is creativity. There are other classifications of human activities.

Any activity is necessarily subject to consciously determined goals that reflect our own interests and needs. We want to live more comfortably, conveniently, and less dependent on natural elements. Scientists divide the goals of human activity into objective ones - determined by socially significant motives that are important for the vast majority of people, and subjective ones - associated only with the personal aspirations, interests, and intentions of specific people. In addition to goals, human activity can include means and methods of its implementation, the process of activity, results, reflection (comprehension and evaluation of results).

Each of us knows that not all people act for the benefit of others; many strive to satisfy only their own “selfish” interests. For example, a gang of robbers and swindlers will line their pockets by stealing from the state or other people. And such activity, of course, will be very targeted. But it is negative, since it contradicts the values ​​and ideals of most people, and even threatens their life, peace, happiness, property. Sometimes, in an effort to avoid difficulties and problems, or simply out of self-indulgence, we set such goals, for example, to cheat on a test, to undeservedly receive a high grade, to forge a mark in a journal, to put a button on a teacher’s chair, or to pour glue on a friend’s chair. What if you think that the same thing could be done against us?

Speaking about negative goals, it is necessary to emphasize that they are much less common in society than positive ones. The vast majority of people put forward positive goals in their activities.

Depending on the results obtained, the activity can be characterized as destructive or creative.
Activity has a huge impact on personality, being the basis on which the latter develops. In the process of activity, the individual self-realizes and asserts himself as a person; it is the process of activity that underlies the socialization of the individual. Having a transformative effect on the world around us, a person not only adapts to the natural and social environment, but rebuilds and improves it. The entire history of human society is the history of human activity.

Communication as a type of activity. Often, in order to achieve a goal and obtain the desired result, one has to resort to interaction with other subjects and communicate with them.
Communication is the process of exchanging information between equal subjects of activity. The subjects of communication can be both individual people and social groups, layers, communities and even all of humanity as a whole. There are several types of communication:

1) communication between real subjects (for example, between two people);

2) communication with a real subject and an illusory partner (for example, a person with an animal, which he endows with some unusual qualities);

3) communication of a real subject with an imaginary partner (this means communication of a person with his inner voice);

4) communication of imaginary partners (for example, literary characters).

The main forms of communication are dialogue, exchange of opinions in the form of a monologue or remarks.

The question of the relationship between activity and communication is debatable. Some scientists believe that these two concepts are identical to each other, because any communication has signs of activity. Others believe that activity and communication are opposite concepts, since communication is only a condition for activity, but not the activity itself. Still others consider communication in its relationship with activity, but consider it an independent phenomenon.
It is necessary to distinguish communication from communication. Communication is the process of interaction between two or more entities for the purpose of transmitting some information. In the process of communication, unlike communication, the transfer of information occurs only in the direction of one of its subjects (the one who receives it) and there is no feedback between the subjects, unlike the communication process.