Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Differentiation of sounds is individual. Synopsis of a frontal speech therapy lesson using modern educational technologies “Standing in the Teremok field”

Sections: Primary school

GOAL: to teach to distinguish the sounds [w] - [zh] in isolation, in words, in sentences by ear and correctly designate them in writing.

  • Develop phonemic awareness.
  • Develop skills in language analysis and synthesis:

a) sound-letter analysis and synthesis of words of complex syllabic structure;
b) analysis and synthesis of sentences of 10-15 words.

  • Develop memory, attention, thinking, successive functions.
  • Expand the sensorimotor repertoire.
  • Develop fine motor skills, interhemispheric interactions, oculomotor muscles.

EQUIPMENT: pictures-symbols with the image of a beetle and a ball, a table “Characteristics of sounds”, syllable tables, a ball, sound rulers and cards with letters for each child w And and .


1. Organizational moment and repetition of the material covered.

Game “The fifth one is extra” ( words are written on the board, children insert letters and cross out the extra word; 2 answer options):

(Z) mirror, ob(z)yana, ka(s)eta, ha(z)eta, cor(z)ina.

2. Getting to know new material.

Differentiation of isolated sounds [w] – [zh]

Now listen to the fairy tale and guess what sounds we will compare in class?

In one very ordinary city, on the most ordinary street, there lived a balloon, but not an ordinary one, but a talking one. One early morning Sharik flew out of the house and went for a walk in the nearest park. The sun gently illuminated the treetops, and a warm breeze gently swayed them. Sharik wanted to ride on the top of the tree so much that he couldn’t resist. Having caught on a branch, the ball began to swing stronger and stronger, higher and higher! He had so much fun! But then the wind died down, and Sharik realized that he would not be able to return home because his thread got tangled in the branches of a tree. Sharik got scared and began to call for help: “Sh-Sh-Sh!” But no one heard him. Why? (the sound of the ball is dull, the vocal folds do not work, there is no voice).

At this time, not far from the tree on which Sharik was hanging, an important and kind Beetle was flying about his business. He was in a great mood and sang his favorite song as he flew.

There lived a kind beetle in the world,
Old, good friend.

“ZH – ZHA – ZH (ZH) – ZH – ZH – ZH!”

The beetle rose higher and higher and finally heard Sharik's call and saw that he was in trouble. The beetle helped Sharik free himself, and they became friends. Good Beetle even composed a song for Sharik.

Balloon, I'm an air balloon,
Naughty fidget!
I immediately rushed out of my hands -
Apparently he was poorly tied.
I'm already above the roof.
And I fly higher and higher!


Who guessed what the topic of our lesson is?

Sounds [w) and [zh] and letters w And and .

Let's characterize these sounds (based on the table) and see how they are similar and how they differ.

The sound [sh] is consonant, because. there is a barrier - language. The lips are rounded and slightly extended forward. The tip of the wide tongue is raised up. The tongue takes the shape of a “cup”. The air stream is long, warm, and directed forward. The vocal folds do not work, there is no voice. The sound [w] is hard, dull.

The sound [zh] is consonant, because. there is a barrier - language. The lips are rounded and slightly extended forward. The tip of the wide tongue is raised up. The tongue takes the shape of a “cup”. The air stream is long, warm, and directed forward. The vocal folds vibrate, there is a voice. The sound [zh] is hard, sonorous.

Both of them are consonant and solid.

But the sound [w] is dull, and the sound [zh] is voiced.

We check sonority - deafness in two ways (1 - hand on the throat, 2 - close the ears).

On the left line, a portrait of Sharik was drawn with a blue pen. Don't forget that he has a string in the shape of a letter w ! And on the right side of the line we draw a portrait of the Beetle, in what color? And the beetle’s legs are like those of a letter and ! Below the picture we write the characteristics of the sounds.

The differences are in the red frame. Please note that these sounds are always hard.

Differentiation [w] – [zh] in syllables.

Syllable table on the board

a) Working with syllable tables.

Let's read the syllabic songs of Sharik and Zhuk again. What unusual did you notice?

The syllable SHO, just like ZHO, is written in two variants: SHO – SHO; JO - JO

Write the syllables SHI - ZHI with the letter I.

Write the syllables SHE - ZHE with the letter E.

The sounds [w] and [zh] do not have paired soft sounds.

b) Reading syllables according to the syllable table.

And now we read the syllable of Sharik and immediately the syllable of Zhuk: sha - zha; sho...

And now it’s the other way around: zha – sha...

The second syllable table is posted on the board.

Now we read the syllables in this table from left to right and from right to left.

shash – jash shva - zhva
shosh - zhosh shpo - zhbo
shush – zush shku - burning
shish - zish shty - wait
shesh – zhesh shme - zhme

c) Playing with a ball.

Sharik and Zhuk got naughty and began to change the sound [w] to [zh] or [zh] to [sh] in syllables and words. Let's join them and have some fun too!

Sha - (zha), sho - ..., zhu - ..., sha, zha - (zha, sha), zhi, shi - ..., ball - (heat), live - ..., shawl - ..., gesture - ..., six - ..., fumbles - ..., waves - ..., bait - ...

Differentiation [w] – [zh] in words.

a) Game “Who is attentive?”

Ball and Beetle flew to a magical lawn where various animals were having fun and dancing. If you hear the sound [zh] in the names, make a movement with your hand as if you were ringing a bell, and if you hear the sound [w], then cover your ears with your hands, as if you were putting on headphones.

Jackal, giraffe, woolly wing, foal, chimpanzee, spiny tail...

... hedgehogs, donkey, cat, kozhan, walruses, horse, goitered gazelle, sperm whale, long-eared long-eared bat, jerboa, kinkajou, mole rat, mole rat, muntjac, bear cub, chinchilla, broad eared, Przewalski's horse, large kozhan, Geoffroy's cat, jerboa, yellow mole, bear cub Baluchistan, wire-haired mouse.

Physical education minute

A) Expansion of the sensorimotor repertoire.

Speech with movements.

Stand up, children, stand in a circle,
Stand in a circle, stand in a circle!
There lived a kind beetle in the world,
Old, good friend.
He never grumbled
Didn't scream, didn't squeak,
The wings fluttered loudly,
Strictly forbade quarrels!
Stand up, children, stand in a circle,
Stand in a circle, stand in a circle!
You are my friend and I am your friend
Old faithful friend!
We fell in love with the beetle
Old man, good man, -
The soul is very light
He's funny!

b) Development of fine motor skills.


The palms are straightened, tense, the thumb is moved slightly to the side. The fingers, starting with the index finger, stretch one after another to the base of the palm. The last one to bend is the little finger.

“Wind-up cars”

The players interlock their fingers (only their thumbs are not interlocked) and turn into winding machines. The leader has the key in his hands. He “starts” the car with three turns of the key. Inhale - the cars start moving with the sound “zh-zh-zh”. The thumbs begin to spin around each other, faster and faster, until the wind runs out (as long as there is enough breath). The car whose plant finishes later than everyone else wins.

c) Oculomotor exercises.

Tracking an object slowly moving along an imaginary circle (clockwise and counterclockwise) at arm's length, at elbow distance and near the bridge of the nose.

d) Analysis and synthesis of words.

Working with a sound line. Determining the place of a sound in a word.

Listen to the words and determine where the sound [w] or [zh] is located and place the letter w or w on the corresponding number on the sound line.

Cottontail, Mole Rat, Broad Ear, Juggler, Blackmailer, Wirehair, Antipyretic, Ball Bearing, Heavily Armed.

e) Make up word combinations and write them down in your notebook, inserting the missing letters worandinto words.

All the fun was about Monkey's birthday. She cooked a lot

everything delicious. But since she can’t write, let’s help Monkey create a menu. Match the words in the first and second columns according to their meaning. To make it beautiful, write in three colors.

Differentiation [w] – [zh] in sentences.

Analysis and synthesis of proposals.

But now the time has come to return home. Seeing off Sharik and Bug, Monkey gave them a bundle each, saying:

The pie is good, there is curd inside,
Eat it for dinner, my friend!
So what was in the packages?

The speech therapist, together with the children, pronounces the tongue twister several times, changing the timbre, pitch and strength of the voice. For example, how would this tongue twister be pronounced by the three bears from the fairy tale of the same name?

Then each child repeats it independently in the voice of one of the characters, and writes it down in a notebook from memory.

3. Summary of the lesson.

  1. What sounds did we compare today in class?
  2. How are they similar and how are they different?
  3. What is special about these sounds?


speech therapy session

by differentiation of sounds [SH-Zh]


Sound differentiation[ Sh-Zh] .


Exercise children in distinguishing a familiar sound by ear, in differentiating sounds[SH-F].


Educational:consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds [Ш], [Х]; learn to differentiate them by voicedness-voicelessness at the level of syllables and words; consolidate the ability to identify the first sound in a word; strengthen the skill of reading and writing individual words;

Educational:develop thinking, attention, memory, imagination, develop fine motor skills; train the ability to retain and carry out two-level instructions; develop phonemic awareness and coherent speech;

Educational:cultivate goodwill, initiative, the factor of mutual assistance, mutual assistance, and the desire to help.


subject pictures, toys of the main characters,envelope.

Progress of the lesson:


Activities of a speech therapist

Children's activities

1. Org. moment

We always speak beautifully

Boldly and leisurely

We speak clearly,

Because we're in no hurry.

What is this poem about?

- This is what we learn in our classes.

About the fact that you need to try to speak beautifully and clearly.

2.Articulation gymnastics

Now let's play with the tongue.

U tongue exercise “Scapula”

Utongue exercise “Swing”

Utongue exercise “Horse”

U tongue exercise “Mushroom”

Tongue exercise “Cup”

U tongue exercise “Hide and Seek”

A set of articulation exercises for hissing sounds is performed.


Place the wide tip of your tongue on your lower lip. Hold your tongue in this position for a count of 10.

The upper lip is raised and does not touch the surface of the tongue.

    The mouth is wide open.

The tip of the tongue rises behind the upper teeth onto the tubercles, A then falls down behind the lower teeth. Repeat the exercise 15 - 20 once.

    Sucking the tip

tongue to palate. The tempo of clicking should vary (slow, faster, very fast). The exercise helps stretch the shortened hyoid ligament. Complete the exercise 10 -15 times.

    Open wide

oral cavity. Suck the surface of the tongue to the palate. Without lifting your tongue from the roof of your mouth, firmly pull your lower jaw down. Perform the exercise 5-6 times.

    The mouth is wide open.

Raise the wide tip of the tongue upward. Pull it towards the upper teeth, but do not touch them. The lateral edges of the tongue touch the upper molars. Hold your tongue in this position for a count of up to 10.

    The mouth is wide open.

The teeth are open. The tip of the tongue rests behind the lower teeth. The back of the tongue rises and “peeks out” from behind the lower teeth. Then the back of the tongue goes down and “hides”. The tip of the tongue remains in the same place. Complete the exercise before 10 once.

3. Announcing the topic of the lesson

Nyusha and Hedgehog came to visit us today.

Nyusha and Hedgehog received letters from their friend Zvukovich.

Zvukovichok writes that he has lost two sounds, and he asks Smeshariki to help him find them. Let's help Zvukovich together with Nyusha and Hedgehog? Then let's go on a good journey!

4. Pronouncing isolated sounds

First of all, Nyusha and Hedgehog need to find out what sounds have been lost?

We learned that one of these sounds lives at the beginning of words: hat, fur coat, chocolate. What sound is this? Pronounce it: SH-SH-SH-SH-SH-SH

Indeed, this sound is one of Nyusha’s favorite sounds, because her name contains the sound [Ш]. Therefore, Nyusha decided that she would look for this particular sound.

The second sound lives at the beginning of words: beetle, acorn, vest. What sound is this?

This sound is one of Hedgehog's favorite sounds, because his name has the sound [ZH]. Therefore, the Hedgehog will look for him. Pronounce it: J-J-J-J-J-J.

Sound [Ш].


Sound [F].

- J-J-J-J-J-J.

5. Analysis of sound articulation

Nyusha and Hedgehog decided to remember how these sounds were pronounced and began calling them. Nyusha called: “Sh-sh-sh.” Her lips were rounded in the shape of a window, her tongue rose upward in the shape of a cup.

“I understand,” said Nyusha, “

“This is a hard consonant sound! It is indicated in blue."

The hedgehog also began to call his favorite sound: “Zh-zh-zh.” His lips also became rounder, and his tongue became like a cup. “And I understood!” - exclaimed the Hedgehog, - “My sound is also consonant, and also hard! It, like yours, will be indicated in blue!”

- “Oh, but these sounds are so similar! How can we tell them apart? - said Nyusha.

Guys, let's tell Smeshariki how to distinguish these sounds. Let's pronounce the sound [Ш] and place our palm on our throat. Does our throat tremble when we pronounce [Ш]? Is the sound [Ш] voiced or unvoiced?

Let's say the sound [Zh] together and put our palm on our throat. Does our throat tremble when we pronounce [F]? Is the sound [F] voiced or unvoiced?

Right! Now Hedgehog knows that the sound [Zh] is sonorous, so he took a bell with him. And Nyusha took headphones, because the sound [Ш] is dull.

The neck does not tremble, the sound [Ш] is dull.

The neck is trembling, the sound [F] is ringing.

6. Characteristics of sounds

Prepare the fingers on your right hand. We bend them into a fist and talk about the sound [Ш]:

    Sound (Ш) - consonant or vowel?

    What is the barrier to the sound [Ш]?

    Voiced or voiceless?

    Hard or soft?

    What color do we use?

Prepare the fingers on your left hand. We bend them into a fist and talk about the sound [Zh]:

    Is the sound [Zh] a consonant or a vowel?

    What is the barrier to the sound [Zh]?

    Voiced or voiceless?

    Hard or soft?

    What color do we use?

Find the symbols of the sounds [Ш and Ж] on the board.


    Teeth, tongue;





    Teeth, tongue, throat;




Children show the color designation of the sound [Ш].

7. Relationship between sounds and letters

We can't see the sound

And we can’t take it in our hands.

We can only hear the sound

And also to say it.

These are the houses where our sounds live[SH-F].

Today we are studying the sound [Ш], which is denoted by the lettersSh , w and the sound [Zh], which is indicated by the lettersAND , and.

Look how these letters were depicted by a cheerful artist.

8. Development of phonemic hearing

- Guys, there are two cards in front of you. There is a bell on the first card, and headphones on the second.

- Let's play this game: Nyusha and Hedgehog name the syllables, and if you hear the sound [Ш] in a syllable, then pick up the card with the bell. If you hear the sound [F], then pick up the card with the headphones.

The recording of syllables is turned on, or the speech therapist pronounces himself: sha, zha, sho, zhe, zhi, shi, ash, zhna, shka, kash, zhla, shto, ashka, azhd.

Children pick up the corresponding cards.

9. Differentiation of sounds in syllables

Guys, let’s now sing syllabic songs with our guests, while clearly pronouncing the sounds[SH-F]. Are you ready?

Sha-zha, shi-zhi, she-zhe, sho-zho, shu-zhu.

Sha-zha-sha, shi-zhi-shi, she-zhe-she, sho-zho-sho, shu-zhu-shu.

Zha-sha-zha, zhi-shi-zhi, zhe-she-zhe, zho-sho-zhu, zhu-shu-zhu.

Children sing syllabic songs with a speech therapist.

10. Differentiation of sounds in words

Nyusha and Hedgehog decided to give their friend Krosh a lot of gifts, they got confused. Let's look at what Nyusha gave and what Hedgehog gave.

Nyusha: ball, scarf, hat, pencils.

Hedgehog: magazine, vest, skis, flag.

11. Physical exercise

Squat down and imagine that you are little plants. Anyone I approach and “water from a watering can” begins to rise, grow, and reach for the sun.

12. Differentiation of sounds in sentences

Nyusha and Hedgehog have prepared an unusual task for you guys. You need to accurately pronounce sentences with their favorite sounds. Let's get started?

Zhenya is a good skier. Masha cuts potatoes with a knife. Marriage's brother has a teddy bear. A large beetle is buzzing over a daisy.

Children say sentences.

13. Differentiation of sounds in the text.

Guys, today I want to introduce you and our guests to K. D. Ushinsky’s fairy tale “Know How to Wait”...(reading a fairy tale).

Questions for children:

How the cockerel crowed when it pecked

green currants?

What did the hen say to the rooster?

What else has the Cockerel done?

How did the fairy tale end?

Tell me the words where there is:

Sound [w] Cockerel, you’ll catch a cold, it’s gone, you didn’t listen, you’ll drown, don’t eat

Sound [zh] Ran, wait, lived, applied, lay there

Individual and choral responses of children.

- Don’t eat, Petya! Wait until the currants ripen


Learn a nursery rhyme, learn to distinguish sounds [SH-Zh].

The cat didn't catch the mouse

The mouse ran into the hole

And he’s shaking there with fear.

The cat is guarding the mouse.

15. Lesson summary

What sounds did you make most often today?

What game would you like to play again?

What was difficult for you?

Who were our guests?

Children answer questions.

16. Evaluation of children's work

Our adventures have come to an end. Hedgehog and Nyusha helped their friend Zvukovich find the lost sounds! Zvukovichok sincerely thanks his friends, and Hedgehog and Nyusha thank you guys with all their hearts, because you helped them a lot today, they couldn’t have done it without you!

Children are given sweet prizes

Summary of an integrated subgroup speech therapy lesson in the preparatory group

Prepared by a speech therapist teacher Shlyanina O. P.

MBDOU No. 1 of Kurganinsk, Krasnodar Territory

Subject: Differentiation of sounds [SH - F]

Goals: consolidate the skill of distinguishing sounds [ш–ж] in syllables, words, phrases; consolidate the ability to divide words into syllables; continue to learn how to form words from syllables and letters; continue working on the deformed phrase, leave the sentence outline, highlight the preposition; consolidate the rule of writing zhi – shi; develop phonemic hearing, attention, thinking, fine motor skills; create a positive psycho-emotional mood and facilitate the acquisition of teamwork experience.

Progress of the lesson

Organizational moment. This story took place in a fairy-tale city where children like you lived. They wanted to know everything and studied diligently. But in a neighboring town there lived an evil sorceress, and she did not like the curiosity of these children. She got angry and bewitched them, taking away their names.

But she left the following order: “The one who puts a lot of skill and effort into completing all the tasks will be able to disenchant.” For correct completion, you will receive letters from which you can make up the names of the children. And we'll take the stairs on our way.

  1. Introduction to the topic. To find out who the witch turned the children into, we must find the cut-out pictures and put them together. And we will search with the help of these tips. The speech therapist invites children to focus on the schematically depicted preposition and object. Everyone receives a card - a diagram.
  2. Fold the picture. (children add 2 pictures: toad and cat)

– what is the first sound in the word toad? [AND]

– what is the third sound in the word cat? [SH]

(children receive the letter Z for completing the task)

Working with individual mirrors. In front of the mirrors, the sound is articulated and a characterization is given.

[W] – a wide tongue behind the upper teeth, the lips are rounded, a warm stream of air passes through the middle of the tongue. The sound is consonant, hard, dull.

[F] – a wide tongue behind the upper teeth, the lips are rounded, a warm stream of air passes through the middle of the tongue, the vocal cords work. The sound is consonant, hard, sonorous.

Speech exercise(the speech therapist sets the rhythm by clapping)

lady - lady - lady - lady - we saw a snake

sha - sha - sha - sha - mother washes the baby

zhu - zhu - zhu - zhu - let's hurry to the hedgehog

shu - shu - shu - shu - I’m writing a letter to Zhanna

(for completion, children receive the letter O)

Arrange the items. The evil witch not only bewitched the children, but also mixed all the objects. You have to figure out which word has the sound [Zh], and which one has [SH].

car, toad, clothes, flag, cranes, knives, beetle, ball, wardrobe, cherries, mouse, cuckoo. (for completion you receive the letter O).

Dividing words into syllables.-each child takes a card, determines the number - performs steps in syllables, and draws dots according to the number. syllables.

(receive the letter A)

Make a word from syllables.

ma - shi - na, tush - ka - ka, shah - you - ma, pi - ma - zha, pru - na - zhi, ki - zhu.

(receive the letter M)

Insert the letter into the word. He sat down on the white Roma.

Baba is knitting a warm harp.

In the spring, a bear escaped from the den.

Ma_a saw her in the forest.

Frogs were jumping on the lawn.

There is an ilet hanging in the cafe.

(Inserting a letter, read the sentence. Get the letter A)

Deformed phrase.

Zhenya washes his ears with water.

Mice live in the garden.

Katya is running with a red cat.

Masha hangs the jacket in the closet.

In writing Zhenya school letters.

There is a yellow pear on the table.

- draw up a proposal outline.

There is a yellow pear on the table.

(receive the letter Ш)

Crossword. Let's remember the spelling zhi – shi.

1. Necessary for humans and animals to hear. (ears)

2.Who wears needles? (hedgehog)

3.Small, gray, lives in a mink. (mouse)

4. It jumps up on your forehead when you hit it hard. (cone)

5. It is worn on the head during the cold season. (cap)

6. A spotted animal with a long neck. (giraffe)

(receive the letter A)

Summary of the lesson.(Children make up the names Zhora and Masha from letters, the speech therapist shows pictures of the children). So the journey along the ladder of knowledge has ended, you helped break the witchcraft spell, and saved Zhora and Masha.

The author is pleased, it’s not difficult for you - click “I LIKE”

Svetlana Skipina
Lesson on differentiating sounds [F] - [SH]

Subject: « Differentiation of sounds sh – zh» .

Target: learn to distinguish by ear sounds sh – zh(in syllables, words, text); location determination sound in a word(fixing); development of attention and memory; forming the plural of nouns.

1. Organizational moment.

What time of year is it now? (autumn). What other seasons do you know? (winter, spring, summer). What autumn months do you know? (children's answers).

2. Articulation gymnastics.

Now we will train our lips and tongue.

Exercises “Smile is a donut”, "Fence - little window", "Delicious jam", "Cup".

3. Game "The pictures are mixed up".

I brought you pictures for sounds Ж and Ш, but they got confused. Please help me arrange the pictures correctly.

F – beetle, hedgehog, skis, acorn, toad, flag.

Sh - cat, horse, grandfather, cup, hat, reel, frog.

Tell me how a goose hisses. - Shhhh.

How does a beetle buzz? - W-w-w.

4. Characteristics sounds Ш – Ж.

Say sound Ш. Where is the tongue, how are the lips and teeth located? (Children’s description of articulation sound) . Which sound Ш? (Sound Ш – consonant, always hard, dull, hissing).

Why consonant? (there is an obstacle).

Why hard? (we pronounce it strictly).

Place your hand on your throat and determine whether it is voiced or unvoiced.

What can you say about sound Zh?

-Sound Z – consonant, always hard, sonorous, hissing.

Why consonant? (there is an obstacle).

Why hard? (we pronounce it strictly).

Fine. Now tell me how they are similar sounds Ш and Ж, how they differ. (When we say sounds Ш and Ж, tongue stands "cup" behind the upper teeth, teeth close together, lips rounded; sounds Ш and Ж - consonants, hard, hissing, but sound Z – voiced, sound Ш - dull.

5. Game "Say it the other way around".

Children pronounce syllables clearly.

a) Already - ash

b) ash – shi – already – zhi

ash - she - already - same

ash - sha - already - zha

ash – sho – already – jo

ash - shu - already - zhu

c) shi-shi-shi – zhi-zhi-zhi

she-she-she - same-same-same

sha-sha-sha – zha-zha-zha

sho-sho-sho – jo-jo-jo

shu-shu-shu - zhu-zhu-zhu

d) live - sew

living - sewing

creepy - joke

to sting – to play naughty

lived and sewed

bait - patch

Find out the meanings of unfamiliar words (bait, patch).

6. Game "One is many"

Please note that at the end of the word the sound Zh is pronounced, as Ш, and is written Zh).

Knife - knives

Swift - swifts

Floor - floors

7. Pronouncing words with sounds Ш – Ж.

Where do you hear sound Ш? Is in the word sound Ш? (location determination sound in a word) .

Words: flag, clothes, fluffy, soot, Dasha, sun, belly, greedy, writing.

8. Dynamic pause. Game “How are you living?”

How are you living?

Like this! (shows thumbs)

Are you swimming?

Like this! (imitation of swimming with hands)

How are you running?

Like this! (stomp our feet)

Are you looking into the distance?

Like this! (put fingers to eyes "binoculars").

Are you waiting for lunch?

Like this! (rest your cheek on your fist).

Are you waving after me?

Like this! (wave hands).

Do you sleep in the morning?

Like this! (both hands under cheeks).

Are you naughty?

-… (slap puffy cheeks).

9. Reading a story "Cat and Hedgehog".

The children brought a hedgehog home from the forest. The hedgehog ran around the room. The cat saw him, lay down on the floor and looked. Suddenly the cat jumped and grabbed the hedgehog with its paw. The hedgehog quickly hid his head and exposed his sharp needles to the cat. The cat pricked her paw and went into the corner. The cat sat there for a long time, but did not look at the hedgehog.

Questions to the text:

1).Who did the children bring from the forest?

2).Who saw the hedgehog?

3).What did the cat do?

4).How did the hedgehog defend itself?

Repeated reading and retelling of the text.

What riddles can be matched to the text? Guessing riddles.

Soft paws, and scratches in the paws. (cat).

The needles were lying there, but they ran under the table. (hedgehog).

10. Summary classes.

What did we talk about today, what sounds? (O sounds Ш and Ж) . How are they similar and how are they different? (children's answers). What did we do? (We looked at the pictures on sounds Ш and Ж, played games "Say it the other way around", "One is many", “How are you living?”; determined the place sound in words, guessed riddles and read a story "Cat and Hedgehog".

Methodological development of speech therapy classes

Bydifferentiation of hissing sounds

Topic: Differentiation of sounds Ш – Ж


Correctional – developmental: Strengthen the ability to distinguish the sounds Ш - Ж by ear, in syllables, words, sentences, text. Clarify the characteristics of sounds. Develop the ability to correlate the sounds Ш – Ж with the letters Ж and Ш; sound-letter analysis of words. Enrich your vocabulary. Develop oral praxis, facial muscles, operational and auditory memory, attention, logical thinking, general and fine motor skills.

Correctional and educational: practice selecting words for a given sound in a certain position; consolidate concepts that characterize sounds: deaf – voiced consonant, always hard consonant.

Corrective and developmental: consolidate the ability to distinguish the sounds [Ш] - [Х] by ear, in syllables, words, sentences. Enrich your vocabulary. Develop auditory memory, attention, logical thinking, general and fine motor skills.

Correctional and educational: create a positive psycho-emotional mood, facilitate the acquisition of experience in subgroup work. Develop the ability to plan and control your actions.

Equipment: pictograms, individual mirrors, pictures of a ball, a giraffe; sound profiles Ш and Ж; bells; object pictures whose words contain the sounds Ш and Ж; word schemes; syllable table; visual material for the game “The Fourth Wheel”; cards with the letters Ш and Ж; “Proofreading test” cards, punched cards.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

Hello! Guys, there are guests at our lesson today, say hello. They came to see how you and I are doing. To make our lesson interesting and useful, you and I need to work hard. Sit down.

And of course, so that we are in a good mood. After all, every person has a different mood: wonderful, bad, disgusting, anxious, cloudless, sunny, sad, terrible, etc. Let's look at the pictures and determine the mood of the guys. (Children speak out). You take the picture with the facial expression that best suits your current mood. Look at these pictures (the speech therapist shows the children pictures depicting different emotions). What moods do these faces express? (Strict and angry, upset and sad, without emotions, cheerful and joyful). Performing facial exercises in front of a mirror.

Let's work out in such a good mood, guys.

sha - shu - sho - shu

zha - zhu - zha - zhu

shi - shi - zhi - zhi

shi - shi - zhi - zhi

3.Report the topic of the lesson.

Have you guessed what the topic of our lesson is? Today we will learn to distinguish between sounds and letters Ш - Ж

4 Comparison of sounds by articulation.

We took the mirrors. Let's pronounce the sound /sh/, /zh/.

In what position lips?(open, rounded and extended forward)

How teeth?(closer, gap between them)

Where tip of tongue? (top, cupped tongue)

Let's catch the sound with our palm. Which air jet? (warm, long-lasting, weak)

Why weak? (the air stream passes through the obstacle)

If there is an obstacle, it is sound vowel or consonant?

Are the sounds similar in pronunciation?

Conclusion: these sounds are pronounced using a barrier. So what are these sounds? (consonants)

These sounds are always hard.

Or maybe they are soft (in Russian language - no, only hard ones)

But how are these sounds different? (hand on neck)

Conclusion: w - voiceless, w - voiced (throat trembles, ligaments work)

These sounds are paired in terms of sonority and deafness.

Give a complete description of the sound.

/sh/ - consonant, hard, voiceless. /zh/ - consonant, hard, voiced.

Guys, how does the snake hiss? (Shhhh). What sound do you hear? Sh.

(The profile of the sound Ш is hung on the board, with a bell crossed out next to it)

5. Characteristics of sounds.

What is the sound of Sh? (consonant, voiceless, always hard; in writing it is indicated by the letter Ш). What does the letter Sh look like? (on forks, brush).

What sound is it? (consonant, voiced, always hard, denoted in writing by the letter Z). What does the letter Z look like? (on a beetle).

The sounds Ш – Ж are paired, always hard.

6.Articulation gymnastics.


          Tube (alternating)

        1. Cat lapping milk

          Delicious jam

        2. Reach your nose with your tongue.

7.Phonetic exercise.

How does a bumblebee buzz? [f – f – f...]

How does a snake hiss? [sh – sh – sh...]

8. Development of phonemic hearing. Game "Pick Up the Card"

Guys, listen to the words, raise the letter Ш or Ж if you hear the sound Ш or Ж in the word.

Speech material: toad, beetle, fur coat, acorns, pear, six, checkers, yolk, weapon, hut, cone, giraffe.

9.Correction test(work with cards)

Underline the letter Ж with one line, the letter Ш with two:




10.Work on differentiating the sounds sh andandat the syllable level.

Game "Sound mosaic".- How do we represent sounds graphically? Sh and F? (W -, F -).

Now I will name the syllables, and you will build them from the bells" soundtrack". Depending on what sound you hear.

Shi, jo, ush, walked, wait, shock, zhen, same.

- A Now let's check what kind of drawing you got. (). Pair check. One child reads, and the other rings the bell, if it is a ringing bell.

11. Game "Fourth wheel"

Visual material is posted on the board:

Jug, cat, horse, beetle;

Acorn, cup, beetle, giraffe.

Students are asked to find the extra picture.

12. Differentiation Ш - Ж in words.

Children are given 5 subject pictures.

Guys, choose those pictures whose words contain the sounds Ш – Ж

13. Physical exercise (to the song “If you like it”).

Sha, sha – sha (claps).

If you like it, then do this:

Zha - zha, zha (claps).

If you like it, then do this:

Zhu-zhu, shu-shu (clapping, stomping).

If you like it, then do this:

Sho – sho – sho, jo – jo (jumping, squats).

If you like it, then do this:

Jo – jo, sho – sho – sho (squats, jumping).


(In front of each student there is a strip on which the paths are marked, the beginning of the upper path is indicated in yellow, the bottom - in brown).

Speech therapist: If in the word that I will pronounce you hear the sound [Ш], draw a brown circle, if the sound [Zh] - a yellow circle.

(Words: 1-pencil, 2-snowball, 3-iron, 4-scarf, 5-flag, 6-hat, 7-pants, 8-buddy, 9-collar, 10-berezhok).

15 . Working with riddles. Sound-letter analysis of words.

It flies up like light steam.

His name is airy... (Ball)

He's tall and spotted

With a long, long neck.

And he eats leaves,

Tree leaves. (Giraffe)

(Children are shown pictures depicting answers to riddles - a ball, a giraffe).

What is the first sound in these words? Sh – J.

Children create a corresponding diagram for these words.


16. Working with proposals.

Guys, make up sentences from these clue words: ball, giraffe.

(Mom bought me a big red ball. The giraffe lives in Africa.)

17. Working with text using punched cards.

(Children are given punch cards with text).

Here is the text. Fill in the missing letters Ш or Ж in the words.

18. Game “Listen and name it”

Listen to the text, name words with the sound “sh”, “zh”.

Little Wife is five years old. Grandma bought him a teddy bear. The bear was plush, big, soft. Zhenya had a cart. Zhenya puts the bear in the cart and gives it a ride.

19. Game “replace the sound”

I will name a word with one sound, and in response you will throw me a ball and name a word with a different sound.

Replace the sound “SH” in words with the sound “Zh”.

Ball, fumbles, shawl, Lusha.

Replace the sound “Zh” with the sound “Sh”.

Live, soot, smears.

20.Result of the lesson.

You did a good job today. We completed all the tasks. Well done!

Has your mood changed? What is it like now?