Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Distance learning English lessons. Distance learning English

Learning has become a truly exciting process for me.

It seems to me that the main thing I received during one course of study here was motivation to learn the language. Before studying at this center, I thought it was difficult and boring.

Gayane showed me that phrasal verbs and idioms are not a punishment and complication of an already complex foreign language, but what makes the English language alive and interesting.

Thanks to Gayana, her help, her individual approach to each of us, the fact that she took into account our difficulties and offered different solutions and ways out of them, I began to understand spoken English and stopped being afraid to speak myself.

From a person who speaks absolutely no English, in 4 months I became someone who can carry on a conversation. And learning the language has become a part of my life.


Everything is fine! the absence of Russian in classes is cool. not expected

The balance of humor and work in the lessons is at an optimal level - classes are both interesting and productive.


I am very pleased with our teacher and recommend her to everyone.

Denis is a very qualified teacher. Always friendly, punctual, attentive to every student in our group.

The classes are interesting and informative. My goal was to remember forgotten knowledge and gain new ones. We are gradually moving towards the goal together with Denis.


My teacher is Cliff and I am very glad that I got into his group!

The fear of live communication has passed, in the group we often communicate on different topics and at the same time expand our vocabulary. The teacher also spends time on grammar; it is not boring and is supported by a huge number of examples.

If something is not clear, I always get a detailed answer to my question. Clif is a very sympathetic person with positive energy, so in the group we have a very warm relationship with each other.

After work, I go to English with great pleasure, because I always get a new portion of words, knowledge and good mood :) Thank you very much!


Clif is a man who inspires.

I remember how worried I was when I first joined the new group. But they rightly say that a good teacher is, first of all, a good psychologist who feels your fears and opens you up, motivates you to work on yourself!

After a hard day at work, English becomes an outlet. In addition to the fact that Clif is a very versatile and interesting person (with whom you can talk about millions of topics), he approaches the work process very responsibly: we have time to take grammar, new words and talk (which is very important for overcoming the language barrier).

Our lessons have a very sincere atmosphere in which you are not afraid to speak in front of the public, to speak (even with mistakes), and it is very important for him that absolutely everyone understands the new topic.

As he says, the most rewarding thing about his job is seeing people grow before his eyes!

p.s. Our Clif group is a group of friends who watch films in English and discuss them, it’s a thousand stories from life, billions of jokes, going to movies in English, and finally, it’s a group with coconut candies during breaks. I just love these guys so much)


I've been learning the language from Emily for ten months now.

Each new lesson with Emily is different from the previous one. It is clear that Emily carefully prepares and approaches each lesson creatively.

Emily conducts some classes in the form of a conversation club, others in the form of an educational game or quiz, others in the form of video listening followed by discussion, in others the focus may be on studying grammar, etc.

Emily tries to organize lessons so that learning English is fun, exciting, intriguing, but not boring. Emily's classes are held in a positive manner; the students in our group do not get tired, but, on the contrary, receive a boost of energy. We come to courses tired after work, we leave really intense classes as if we had rest =)

Emily is certainly talented as a teacher. During class, she pays attention to each student. You can’t just “sit back” - Emily involves everyone in the work, whether you want it or not, you have to work.

We regularly write essays on various topics to supplement homework. At the next lesson we listen to and discuss our essays. I can trace my progress in English, among other things, from these essays: how simple they were at the beginning of my studies and how comprehensive they became in less than a year of study.

Business partners began to notice my progress in both spoken and written English. Which is good news =)

Thanks Emily!


Ace is convenient in terms of time, a high level of training, and an opportunity to communicate with native speakers.

I began to understand spoken language better. My knowledge of grammar has been streamlined. The most difficult topic is “Indirect Speech”. The teacher’s explanations and my own studies helped me.

Most useful:

  1. Writing thematic essays.
  2. Discussion of various topics during classes.
  3. Listen to various fragments on topics.

The teacher is active, knowledgeable, emotional. Classes are held in an active, rich format


Knows his subject impeccably, organizes lessons rationally depending on the level of development and interests of students

A teacher is a calling. Teachers are not born, they are made. And this can fully be attributed to Stanislav. He has an impeccable knowledge of his subject and rationally constructs lessons depending on the level of development and interests of the students.

Applies various teaching methods, visual aids, game forms, draws parallels with music/musicians. He is kind to students, but at the same time demanding. His ability to choose an approach to each person is worthy of praise. He knows how to convey the value of the English language to the student, “ignite” each student, involve him in learning the language headlong, and lead him.

And, of course, motivate and “charge” for results. Has an unconventional approach to presenting information. He often dilutes the lessons and constantly gives information in a different way (diversified), which helps you to love the language even more. Stanislav is a creative person, so in his lessons he strives to develop the creative abilities of his students. A responsible teacher who is very dedicated to his work.


Design engineer

Learning goes far beyond the classroom and continues through communication at the various events that fill every week.

I chose from seven different schools, attended an interview and a trial lesson in each. I chose ACE because... I liked the well-designed format + convenient location. Training takes place in a friendly environment. Every person in the group is interesting to talk to and you are likely to learn something new.


Presentation of material at a high level. the main emphasis was on conversation. for each lesson we received a large supply of spoken English

I came to school with a Beginner level, but I started studying very quickly and easily.

For each lesson we received a large supply of spoken English, which later helped a lot in real life when traveling, watching movies, translating songs, etc. , since it is a “living” language.

The school has a wonderful atmosphere. I always came to class with joy and, in addition to excellent knowledge, received a charge of good mood. The school team is professionals. They will always help if you have questions. I highly recommend this school!!!

“Should I choose an online course and learn English remotely or should I give preference to traditional group lessons with a teacher in the classroom?” - if this is a question that has been bothering you for a long time, then this article will definitely dispel your doubts.

Today we will discuss in detail remote learning of the English language, its distinctive features in comparison with the usual lessons, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of English-language remote courses. Go!

  • Social interaction.

Students who choose distance learning in English instead of regular group classes do not have constant opportunities for social interaction with peers or classmates (with the exception of conversation clubs). This could be useful for speaking practice and meeting new people.

  • Technical problems.

Often, whether an English lesson will take place today or not depends on the speed of the Internet connection or provider. For this reason, sometimes students who study via Skype cannot complete their homework when necessary.

  • Motivation.

Some students need a “magic kick” from the outside to finally get to the classroom where the lesson is being taught. Learning a language in a comfortable home atmosphere can sometimes be discouraging, which leads to frequent absences and general neglect.


  • Large selection of programs and courses.

Let's face it: in addition to the original goal of learning English, an important and sometimes decisive factor is the location of the classes. Sometimes this limits the choice of areas of study. The remote learning process, on the contrary, allows you to no longer worry about your location. By choosing English courses remotely, you focus exclusively on the aspects of the language that interest you and do not waste time.

  • Career growth and hobbies.

Online learning allows you to be flexible: you no longer need to take time off from work or school, worrying about how to arrive on time for class, sacrificing your interests and hobbies in order to spend an hour or two in a remote part of the city.

A distance learning English course is a great opportunity to schedule a lesson with a teacher when it suits you, without having to adjust to other people in the group.

  • Environment.

Distance English courses provide a specific learning environment that best suits your needs, be it your personal room, classroom, coffee shop or local gym.

  • Study at your own pace.

You may be able to complete an online course faster than a traditional curriculum would suggest. This can be especially beneficial for students who are used to staying ahead of schedule on assignments. You will no longer be bored in joint lessons and analyze 100 times what others did not understand.

  • Writing and communication skills.

When studying online, all of your interactions take place in an online environment. In other words, opinions about people are formed primarily by their ability to express their thoughts in writing. Based on this, you will eventually be able to formulate your point of view in a lexically diverse and grammatically correct manner.

Is it possible to start learning English remotely from scratch?

Well, as you may have already noticed, there are many more advantages to learning English online than disadvantages. However, the question of the possibility of learning a language remotely from scratch still remains open. Let's close it?

So the answer is short: “Of course, yes!”

However, you should be aware that at the first stage it is best to study with a teacher, and not on your own. This is necessary primarily for correct pronunciation. Moreover, in the future this will allow the student to freely operate and understand the basic vocabulary and grammar.

In general, we can say that online and offline learning involves 3 common components: the teacher, the student and the textbook. Only the form of presentation of the material changes, while the result remains unchanged.

Options for learning English remotely

There are several ways to learn English remotely. Let's look at each of them:

The first and most common method is paid English courses remotely with a teacher via Skype. Based on the preferences and interests of the online student, the EnglishDom online school selects the ideal teacher for the student, with whom the learning process will be not only fruitful, but also fun.

Here the student can choose either a Russian-speaking teacher (when learning the language from scratch, for example), or a native speaker (if the level is above average). The native’s place of residence or nationality is also taken into account. This is primarily due to the fact that for some students it is important to know what kind of English the teacher speaks: British, American, Australian, etc., as well as the culture and traditions of which countries he can introduce.

Moreover, our school offers a wide range of various courses to suit every taste (more detailed information is available):

  • Conversation course English (from Elementary to Upper-Intermediate, about levels in English), where a strong lexical and grammatical foundation of the language is laid;
  • English for children(from Elementary to Intermediate) - pranks, American and British slang for teenagers from 12 to 18 years old;
  • English in IT(Pre-Intermediate), which explains the intricacies of working in the industry, and also provides visual situational models for practicing communication skills;
  • Business English(Pre-Intermediate), if there is a need to communicate freely with foreign colleagues;
  • English for travel(Pre-Intermediate) - life situations in English, so that staying in other English-speaking countries will be a joy.

And secondly, it is also a free online simulator for learning English without instructions from a teacher. Here you will find useful exercises on English vocabulary, grammatical topics and rules, tasks on the perception of speech of native speakers through video and audio materials, and, finally, situational phrases and expressions with translation for all occasions.


The growing popularity and accessibility of online courses allows people to learn English in any convenient place, while simultaneously going about their business, without being distracted from work or study.

Finding the right course is often a dilemma, but we hope that thanks to this article, you have formed the right opinion about which online programs and methods of learning English are right for you.

Don't waste time searching the Internet, start learning English today and we will help you achieve your goal.

Big and friendly EnglishDom family

Municipal budgetary educational institution

secondary school No. 9

Tatarsk, Novosibirsk region

Lesson development using COR and EER

Nomination "Multimedia teaching aid"

Pugacheva Olga Anatolyevna

MBOU Secondary School No. 9

English teacher

Isq. category




    Representation of the administration of the educational institution for work [Katunina E.E.]

    Brief analysis of the lesson [Katunina E.E., Pugacheva O.A.]

    Relevance of the lesson [Pugacheva O.A.]

    Methodological development of the lesson [Pugacheva O.A. ]

    List of resources used [internet sources, textbooks]

    Lesson appendix[task cards]

    Electronic application [disc with material]


5 Class , III quarter

1 lesson


Target: introduce the student to some of the sights of Great Britain


developing: develop the ability for visual and auditory differentiation, to identify linguistic patterns, develop the ability for voluntary memorization, to guess the meaning of words from a picture and by analogy with the native language, to develop learning skills;

Educational: develop reading skills, develop reading speed, develop reading skills in order to search for specific information and for the purpose of full understanding, develop lexical skills, develop spelling skills and perceptual listening skills;

Educational: to cultivate a respectful attitude towards the culture of the country of the language being studied, to cultivate a culture of speech.

Equipment: reading texts, task cards, visual aids, video material.

Lesson equipment: illustrations with the sights of Britain (textbook), computer, printer, scanner, headphones, speakers, microphone, web camera, digital camera.

During the classes

I. Organization of the beginning of the lesson.

Good morning, Dasha! I'm glad to see you. Howareyou?

(Hello, Dasha. Glad to see you. HowYou?)

I'm fine, thank you. Andyou?

(Thanks, good. How are you?)

I'm fine, too. Are you ready? We have an unusual lesson.

(Okay, thank you. Are you ready? Today we have an unusual lesson)

Look at the picture. What can you see?

(Look at the picture. What do you see?)

(in the picture there is a map of Great Britain, a flag, symbols of Britain)

I can see Great Britain.

(I see the country Great Britain)


You are right!!! Today our lesson is called “Britain-is an attractive land”. Today we are going to speak about the Great Britain; we’ll know new words and We’ll learn about the sights of London. Let'ssbeginourwork!

(You're right. Today the topic of our lesson is Great Britain. Today we will talk about Britain, we will learn a lot of new words, we will get acquainted with the sights of London. So, let's begin our work!)

II .Phonetic exercise. (Appendix No. 1)

SKYPE or email) file (Appendix 1)

I am sending you a file. Repeat after me, please.

(I am sending you a file. Repeat the sounds after me)


[æ] fantastic,family,travel,capital,

famous,favourite,stadium,Great Btitain, Wales


[Λ] London, Londoner, much, lovely, country

[ə]England,Englishman,London, Scotland, Ireland

III. Speech exercises.

In order to travel to another country, you need to be able to answer questions to fill out a form or other documents at the border.

Very good. We are going to visit GB.We have to fill out the questionnaire.Answer the following question, please. (To fill out documents for another country, answer the following questions!)

    What is your name?

    What is your surname?

    How old are you?

    Where are you from?

    What pet have you got?

    What's your address?

    What's your telephone number?

    What is your hobby?

    What is your favorite sport?

    How are you?

    Have you got a family?

IV . The main stage of the lesson.

The teacher sends to the student (using the possibilities SKYPE or email) file (link No. 1)

1. Getting to know the sights of Great Britain and London. Listening .

I’m sending you the link, watch your video and answer my questions

Watch the video. Questions to understand what you heard.

-- Nowanswermyquestions!

(Now, based on the video you saw, answer my questions)

What is the capital of GB?

(CapitalGreat Britain)

What are the main sights in London?

(Tell the main attractions of London)

2. Sights of Great Britain. Reading.

Work in the textbook (dialogue). Page. 87, control. 6

Open your book. Read louder, please! Read the text with the correct intonation.

Who is going to stay in Great Britain? Howlong?

(Open the textbook on p. 87, exercise 6. Read the dialogue.

Who is going to visit the UK, and how long are they going to stay there)

V . Warm up for the eyes. (Appendix No. 2)

The teacher sends to the student (using the possibilities SKYPE or email) file (Appendix 2)

VI .Working with the card. (Appendix No. 3)

The teacher sends to the student (using the possibilities SKYPE or email) file (attachment3)

Make up sentences using the words from the table

(Make sentences using words from the table)

VII .Physical minute

The teacher sends to the student (using the possibilities SKYPE or email) file (link No. 2)

Let's do some more exercises. Stand up, please.I'm sending you the link.

(And now – a physical minute. I’m sending you a link to a video clip, repeat all the exercises)

VIII .Working with the textbook. Make sentences.

Open your book

ex. 5, p.87

Match the words to the descriptions

(Open the textbook on page 87, exercise 5. Connect the words in accordance with their characteristics)

A) a museum is a place where people watch plays

b) a theater is a place where people watch sport events

With) a stadium is a place where people watch films

d) a cinema is a place where you can see collections of different things

IX.Relaxation! Listen to the song.

(A moment of relaxation)

The teacher sends to the student (using the possibilities SKYPE or email) file (link No. 3)

I'm sending you the link.

song "Lovely Language »

X. Reflection

How are you?

( HowYou?)

Is our lesson interesting for you?

( LessoninterestingForyou?)

What do you like most of all?

(What did you like most?)

-- Whatisdifficult?

(Any difficulties?)

XI . Homework.

    For homework

doex. 2, p.4 8 .

*Additional task

2. Sights of Britain

http:// www.2 uk. ru/ interest

Do you understand what you have to do for homework?

(Is the homework clear?)

Thelessonisover. Good Bye!!! See you soon.

(Lesson over. Goodbye. See you!)

Information and computer technologies have made a huge leap in their development, which reflects the requirements and interests of a modern person living in a developed society. And, accordingly, the need for their widespread introduction into the educational process is no longer disputed by anyone.

Teachers, being the conductors of state policy in the field of education and upbringing of the younger generation, see in the process of informatization of education the possibility of optimizing teaching methods, more complete implementation of methodological, didactic, pedagogical and psychological principles.

This makes the learning process more interesting and creative, allows us to take into account the individual pace of work of each student, which, in turn, leads to an increase in the quality of education, ensuring the harmonious development of an individual who navigates the information space and has an information culture, which is determined by the social order of modern society.

And in this case we are not talking about computer science as a separate academic subject, but about any other subject, in particular the English language, taught at a modern and high level.

In addition to the existing traditional forms of teaching (classroom, test), the use of ICT opens up the opportunity for an English teacher to conduct lessons in forms that are new for themselves and for students. It can be:

  • presentation lessons
  • lessons using computer training programs
  • communication between teacher and students via the Internet via e-mail
  • conducting distance lessons.

Speaking about the distinctive features, it is worth pointing out advantages of distance learning which give to all participants in the educational process (teacher and student):

  • the ability to access various sources of information;
  • the ability to obtain information varied in volume and content;
  • the possibility of prompt feedback and transmission of information of any volume and type over any distance;
  • the ability to study and complete tasks individually;
  • the possibility of transition from verbal teaching methods to methods of partial search, research and creative activity of students;
  • the opportunity to significantly increase students’ interest in learning the English subject, influencing memory, emotions, and motivational sphere
  • Opportunity to learn computer skills.

The purpose of distance lessons is to teach not so much ready-made facts and actions, but rather the principles of orientation in educational material, primarily with the help of sources. Working with information arrays, the ability to find the necessary information, analyze it competently and use it for a variety of cognitive purposes - all this is becoming one of the main types of cognitive activity of students in modern and future schools.

The meaning of education is to create conditions for each student to transfer learning to self-study, education in self-education, and development – ​​in creative self-development. Indispensable conditions for self-development are independence and creativity, responsibility, initiative, and the development of one’s own individual style of educational activity. The student must evaluate the significance and difficulty of tasks, the expenditure of time and effort, and predict the possible consequences and results of his educational activities. During distance learning, the student himself becomes the creator of his own education, who plans, organizes and analyzes his own actions. All this meets the main goal of training - teach to learn.


We present to your attention an outline of a series of distance learning English lessons on the topic “What is happening to the Earth?” (8th grade) about environmental problems facing humanity today. This lesson was posted on my personal website

The result of the work showed that, Firstly, the presentation of this topic of the English language course in this form - a form of distance learning based on numerous databases, the textual, statistical and graphic information of which is several orders of magnitude greater than the volume of printed publications, turned out to be pedagogically more expedient and effective. A Secondly, the assimilation by students of educational material through a new form of education for them had a profound impact on the formation of general educational skills, the worldview of students and the general education of students. A basis was created for organizing independent activities of students in finding, analyzing and summarizing the material being studied. Third, students saw the integration of educational subjects not in words, but in deeds, developing their language abilities and, at the same time, gaining skills in working with information that will help children quickly navigate in the modern world, where the key point is information and methods of obtaining, processing and transfers.

  1. This distance lesson can be conducted in 2-3 stages. At one of them, the teacher can set a goal - to check the children’s level of proficiency in the information received. And on the other - to give children the opportunity to develop their creative potential through creating presentations and expressing their own ideas.
  2. This development can be used to its fullest extent only if the teacher and children are provided with the opportunity to work on a computer both at school, where there is a computer lab with the necessary software and Internet access, and at home, where no one is limited in time for completing homework.
  3. It is desirable that students have basic computer skills and Internet skills. Since computer science and ICT are now taught from the 2nd grade, this, I think, will not be a problem. There may be problems with sending letters, but for this, the help of a computer science teacher will be effective.
  4. Completing assignments by students and sending them by e-mail presupposes their prompt processing.

Obtaining grades and viewing work results is also available through the website page

Distance lesson outline

Lesson Objectives

  • Cognitive aspect:
  • introducing children to the environmental problems of the Earth and their real causes;
  • familiarizing students with the attitude of British and American schoolchildren to this problem and ways of participation of children and adults in solving it;

to introduce children to the world’s natural beauties recognized by humanity, as well as to draw children’s attention to the beauty of the nature of their country.

  • Educational aspect:
  • formation of selective reading skills;
  • development of monologue speech (the use of new lexical units in one’s speech statements on a given topic);
  • developing the ability to navigate the flow of information, search, process and transmit the necessary information.

Educational aspect:

  • fostering a caring attitude towards all life on the planet, awareness of the need to actively participate in preserving the beauty of the world around us;
  • give children the opportunity to personally take part in protecting the Earth by expressing their ideas on this issue;
  • development of such personality qualities as patriotism, active life position, independence of judgment.

Developmental aspect:

  • development of creative abilities (creation of projects, presentations on this topic);
  • developing the skill of communicating with a teacher remotely, the skill of independent work and self-control, and communicative competencies;
  • development of orientation skills and searching for necessary information on the Internet;
  • development of mental functions associated with speech activity (thinking, memory, attention, perception, imagination).
Purpose of educational activity The content of the work Teachers' activities Student activities
Introducing a new form of lesson delivery - remote Organizing time

Seating children at computer tables (each student works at his own personal computer)

Preparing students to work on the Internet

Hello, dear pupils! Today we are going to have a very unusual lesson. In front of you there are computers. You will use them to get useful theoretical information through the offered websites.

You should do it in order to take some practical tasks not only in English but in Computer Science as well. So you will improve your English and at the same time you will learn how to navigate the Internet and use the World Wide Web.

Next to you there will be two teachers who will help you to solve any problems with English or working on a PC.

Greetings from teachers

Checking the readiness of the workplace for the lesson

Repetition of rules for working at a computer on the Internet

Getting acquainted with the teacher’s website, where distance lesson materials are located Getting to know the teacher's website

Finding and teacher website opening English at this address (the site address is written on the board)

A computer science teacher repeats with children the rules for finding a website and opening the pages they are looking for.

Writing the site address into the browser

Opening the site

Acquaintance with the materials of the distance lesson posted on the website.

Learn to navigate the site and find the information you need

Working with page 1. Finding information about the topic, tasks and planned results of work in the lesson

So, now you see the theme of the lesson. It is a great problem for all people living on the Earth. And we cannot stay aside just looking and waiting.

Have a look at the steps of our lesson and several practical tasks. Let's read them. Some of them you must do: a test which you will take at the end of the lesson and expressing your own view on the problem. Some of them can be done by yourself if you wish: making your own presentation

on this topic in Power Point.

These works can be done at home and sent me by e-mail. Then you will see the results of your work and marks for the test on a special page. On the left you can see extra materials which you need. There is a vocabulary

where you will find the meanings of some new words and phrases.

Access to page 1 of distance lesson

Reading and understanding mandatory tasks (test, statements) and optional tasks (creating a presentation)

Finding a teacher's email address

Finding information about additional material for students (left side of the page) - a dictionary of new words and expressions (for convenience, can be given in printed form) Learn techniques for working independently with information – searching, selecting, transmitting

Getting to know the pages of a distance lesson on the Internet View pages 2-4.

Introduction to lesson content

Let’s have a look through the pages of the distance lesson. You will have to read the information which you see here about the most pressing environmental issues. Sometimes you will have to find some information from the other Web-sites in the Net.

You may put a list with the questions of the test in front of you and check them getting the information from the lesson. Or you may do it later.
View lesson pages Learn how to work independently

Working on the Internet

Search, selection, processing and transmission of information Let's start here at school. And then you can continue learning this subject at home as much as you need.
Reading the material presented in the lesson, searching, processing and selecting the necessary information

Learn to create your own presentation, express opinions and judgments about the problem

Completing the practical part of the lesson

Students complete each part of practical work either at home or in class if they do not have a computer or Internet access.

When completing class work, the computer science teacher assists with presentation creation, creation, saving, and emailing of work.

Firstly, you have to take a test. You have to choose the correct answers to the questions. Do it carefully. If you forget something, you can go back to the pages you need. You can do it at home. Please send it to me by e-mail.

Secondly, try to express your own opinion about this subject. Sure, you have interesting ideas how to protect our planet. But let’s start with our area next to our school, your houses.

Write about it in Word and send it to me by e-mail. From the lesson and Web-sites you have known about 7 Wonders of the World. But let's think about 7 Wonders of our country.

Try to make a list of them. Put in into the letter to me.

And finally, if you wish you can make your own presentation in Power Point.

Running the test

Expressing your opinion on this issue

Compiling a list of 7 natural wonders of Russia

Creating a presentation about one of the 7 natural wonders of Russia Teach you to see the results of your work, share your opinion, analyze your work

The final stage

The teacher sums up the results of the distance lesson: demonstrates the test results, shows student presentations, reads students’ opinions about the problem, asks students’ opinions about the lesson, gives grades

You were attentive during the lesson and have known a lot about this problem. You had a test, made a presentation and made a list of 7 Wonders of Russia. These works can be seen on a special page of the distance lesson.

You should read your classmates’ opinion about the global problem of our planet and compare your ideas with other ideas.

Now, let's watch your presentations. I think they are nice.

But the list of 7 Wonders of Russia is not completed.

Thank you. Good bye.

Viewing the final page of the distance lesson on the website

tel. Ave. 760922, m.t. +375297603829

In all countries and in every group of society there are children with disabilities who make up a significant part of our society and their number continues to increase. For one reason or another, they cannot attend educational institutions. A child with disabilities should receive education and development on an equal basis with others.

Among children in this category, a form of education such as distance learning has become widespread. Distance learning is the receipt of educational services without attending school using modern information and educational technologies and telecommunication systems, such as e-mail, Skype and the Internet.

The purpose of English lessons using distance technologies is the development of the child through the creation of optimal conditions for his activities, the practical preparation of children for independent life and work, the formation of knowledge and skills that contribute to social adaptation. In English lessons, attention is corrected by performing various types of exercises, correction and development of coherent oral speech by working with text (reading, listening), correction and development of coherent written speech when working on written exercises, correction and development of memory, and various mental operations.

At our school, distance learning in English is conducted through online lessons. With the help of the latest computer programs and technologies, students with disabilities can learn a foreign language, perform creative work, and communicate remotely with teachers and their classmates in real time using Skype. A student at home connects to the lesson via Skype, sees his classmates, and they look at him. The student answers, works in pairs, in a group, the teacher and children listen to him. A child who has not previously interacted with peers feels like a student in this class. For home-schooled students, the distance education program seems especially relevant. To study English at home in our school, only two teaching hours per week are allocated. Agree that this is catastrophically small. Online lessons could give disabled children and children with various types of diseases a full opportunity to complete the curriculum in the future.

The concept of “inability to study due to health reasons” does not currently include the inability to master the general education program. Distance learning has boosted the self-confidence of students with disabilities, motivating them to attend school with other children. The use of distance technologies allows not only to provide a disabled child with a quality education, but also to give him communication with peers (a window to the world), which is so necessary for socialization, rehabilitation and adaptation.

I, as an English teacher, teach a child with disabilities according to the general education program. I consider the main objectives of the distance learning system for foreign languages ​​to be:

· Obtain knowledge, skills and abilities in accordance with the State educational standard of education;

· To form a competitive personality of a student with disabilities and increase the level of motivation to learn foreign languages

I take into account all the characteristics of a disabled child and, with the help of carefully thought-out teaching methods, include in cognitive activity the different mental structures of the student, different levels of his activity.

Outline of a distance English lesson inV class usingSkype on the topic “How we celebrate”

This lesson continues the topic. By completing practical tasks, the student becomes familiar with various ways of receiving, transmitting and storing information. The material is taught via Skype. The lesson material corresponds to the individual and age characteristics of the student.

Item- English language.

Student's name: Bankovich Violetta

Class – 5

Lesson topic: How we celebrate

Lesson type: combined.

Required technical equipment: computer.

Requirements for the level of ICT competence of the student: ability to work on Skype.

The purpose of the lesson: formation of lexical and grammatical speaking skills on the topic “How we celebrate”

Lesson objectives: Deepening the student’s knowledge in the topic “How we celebrate.”

Structure and course of a distance lesson.

Lesson steps

Didactic functions

Student activity

Organizing time.

Organization for the lesson.

Internet access

Introduction to the atmosphere of foreign language communication

Answers to teacher questions

Answers on questions

Goal setting

Communicate the topic and purpose.

Receives teacher information via Skype.

Explanation of new material. Introducing new words.

Studying a new topic.

Writes down new words

Working in pairs

Group work

Lesson summary.

Summing up the lesson.


Homework explanation.

Communication with teacher and students via Skype.

Exit Skype.

The student exits Skype.

Technologies, methods: work with educational material via Skype, on-line consultation.

During the classes

I.Introduction to the atmosphere of foreign language communication. Organizing time.

Good morning, pupils. I'm glad to see you. Sit down, please. I hope you are well and ready to work! Today we are going to have an unusual lesson. We’ll work with your classmate Violetta by Skype/

Good morning, Violetta. We're glad to see you.

Let's start our lesson. The topic of our lesson is “Special days”.

II.Goal setting.

We’re going to learn new words, do some task and at the end of the lesson you’ll tell about your favorite holidays.


I’ll spell a special day or holiday and you must guess it.

I-n-d-e-p-e-n-d-e-n-c-e d-a-y

- independence day

- In Belarus


- Halloween

Do people celebrate it in Britain or in Belarus?

- In Britain

Now you spell some special days for others to guess it.

(students' answers)

Now we’ll play a game “Repeat or keep quiet”

If I say a correct sentence about Belarusian holidays, repeat it. If I say a wrong sentence, keep quiet.

Independence Day is in June/in July.

Independence Day is on the fourth of July/on the third of July.

Victory Day is in March/in May

Victory Day is on the tenth of May/on the ninth of May.

IV. Vocabulary presentation.

1. Listening to the teacher

Now I'll tell you my story about holidays.

Your task is guess the meaning of the new words.


As you know we celebrate different holidays in Belarus. I like holidays and special days very much. I'm at home with my family. We are happy. I always celebrate holidays with my aunts and uncles, my cousins, sisters and brothers together. They are mine relatives. I always telephone them and say: ‘Please come to my birthday party’. I always invite my relatives to my birthday party. I invite friends too. We have a lot of fun together. I like other special days too. New Year's is a great holiday. I decorate a New Year Tree. I put balls on it. We get presents on the New Year. At twelve o'clock the New Year comes. And we go into the street and we watch fireworks. Fireworks are beautiful. You can see red, yellow, green and blue colors high in the sky. At Easter we paint eggs. On the first of April people have fun. For example, we are in the kitchen and we want to have breakfast. Then my son says: ‘Mum, what’s there on your nose?’ I believe him and I look in the mirror, but there’s nothing on my nose. ‘Ha-ha-ha! Laughs my son. 'April Fool's Day. It's a joke. 'He likes to play jokes on me. He likes to play jokes on his sister. On Victory Day, on the ninth of May, there’s a parade in Minsk. A lot of people watch the parade. They watch the parade in Minsk. They watch the parade on TV. Holidays and special days are great!

2. Checking understanding.-How do you understand the word ‘celebrate’, invite, relatives, decorate, get present, watch fireworks, paint eggs, joke, play jokes, watch the parade.

3. Pronunciation.

Now let's practice pronouncing the words. I’ll tell you the word and you must clap the stressed syllables.






Read these words one by one

4. Play “A train game” (explanation games)

(We celebrate a lot of holidays

I invite my friends and relatives to my Birthday party)

Physical education minute

Clap your hands (2р)

If you are happy and you know it

Step your feet (2р)

If you are happy and you know it

Nod your head (2р)

If you are happy and you know it

Turn around (2р)

If you are happy and you know it

Snap your fingers (2p)

If you are happy and you know it do all five.

V. Speaking.

Let’s speak about what you like doing on special days and holidays.

To say what we like to do we use structure


(For example: I like getting presents)

Let's work in pairs.

Please, open your books at page 105, ex.2a

Speak to your classmate. Answer the questions. What do you both like doing?


Let's work in two teams. One team says a sentence about Birthday party, the other team gives a sentence about New Year’s Day.

Ex.3b, p.106

(Pupils' answers)

VI. Reflection.

On your tables there are images of a boat. If you liked the lesson and successfully completed all the tasks, color the flag green. If you had a hard time in class, but were able to come to the correct answer, color the flag yellow. If you had difficulty completing assignments in class and needed help from the teacher, color red color.

VII. Hometask.

Make up a short story about your favorite holiday.