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Federal State Standards: what is it, standard requirements. Decoding FGOS - federal state educational standards

Differences between the new generation Federal State Educational Standards and State Educational Standards
Federal state educational standards - this is what the abbreviation FSES stands for - are designed for educational institutions with state accreditation. They represent a set of mandatory requirements necessary for the implementation of general education programs.

Three groups of such requirements can be distinguished:

  • to the learning outcome

  • to the way of constructing educational activities

  • to the conditions for implementing standards

The goal of the first standards was the subject result, the amount of knowledge accumulated in school. The main goal of the new Federal State Educational Standards was to reveal the child’s personality, his talents, the ability for self-learning and teamwork, the formation of responsibility for his actions, and the creation of a friendly environment, including after school hours. The school will give the child the necessary level of knowledge and skills that allow him to follow the path of life, without being afraid to set and solve important professional and life tasks.

Educational outcomes have two levels. Required level of knowledge , which every child should master, will become, as it were, the basis, the foundation for building a building of skills and abilities higher level . Its direction and degree of achievement will depend on the student’s interests, capabilities and desire to learn.

The fact that a school should not only teach, but also educate a person was also characteristic of previous educational standards. The Federal State Educational Standard of the new second generation focuses on the following educational results:

  • student's formation feelings of patriotism

  • education of the personality of a Russian citizen

  • promoting the formation tolerance, responsibility for one's actions

  • ability to communicate with other people

The new Federal State Educational Standards, while paying great attention to the spiritual and moral education of the student, do not ignore his physical health and development. Recent decades, with the increased level of human diseases, have made the task of a healthy lifestyle a priority. The foundations are now laid in primary school. According to the educational standards that have come into force, already from the first grade, a child will learn about the importance of maintaining his health, about the negative factors that worsen it, and about ways to improve health. The student receives guidelines for behavioral norms to develop a healthy lifestyle. School programs are enriched with Health Days, additional hours of physical education, and health-saving events.

Requirements for the method of constructing educational activities
Such learning outcomes are clearly and in detail disclosed in the new generation Federal State Educational Standards. However, each educational institution will have to independently choose the way to structure the educational process, adhering to these recommendations in order to achieve the desired results.

The primary school offers a range of child education and upbringing programs. Teachers and parents have the right to choose which of the proposed paths the child will take to begin his school life.

Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of new generation educational standards

The conditions for the implementation of the new Federal State Educational Standards are determined in such a way as to fully provide participants in educational activities with everything necessary to achieve the agreed results.

For these purposes, in the educational process it is necessary:

  • use of modern technologies;

  • updating the content, methods, and technologies of the educational program;

  • constant and continuous development and training of personnel of educational institutions;

  • informational, methodological, scientific and technical support for teachers;

  • exchange of experience between educational institutions.

Financial support for the implementation of the new generation Federal State Educational Standard is provided by budgetary allocations. Basic general education for citizens is publicly available and free.

Key moments in the manifestation of the new generation of Federal State Educational Standards at school
So, how do new educational standards manifest themselves in school? What innovations have become part of the school life of the new generation? Is there a noticeable difference from previous standards?

To get an idea of ​​the new generation standards and compare them with the previous ones, some key points will help - differences between old and new Federal State Educational Standards :

  • Previously, it was possible to evaluate a child’s success only based on school grades. The new standards require the student mandatory presence of a portfolio, where certificates, diplomas, test results and other works are placed. Thanks to this innovation, the child’s achievements become more visible.

  • The idea of ​​the role of a teacher has changed . Previously, it was reduced only to explaining educational material and testing students’ knowledge. Now the teacher is an active player in the life of the class. The teacher strives to develop the child’s individual abilities, motivates schoolchildren to be independent, and tries to include everyone in the work.

  • The previous Federal State Educational Standards determined a unified curriculum for schools. New generation standards are revealed to teachers and parents variety of school programs. You can choose the one that suits you, based on everyone’s preferences.

  • Educational standards of the past did not address the child’s extracurricular activities. The new Federal State Educational Standards determine The purpose of this innovation is to save children from aimless pastime.

  • Life does not stand still. Computer technology became an integral part of it. In order for a student to be able to easily maneuver in the modern computerized world, already in the 1st grade he becomes familiar with keyboard typing.

  • New educational activities involve practicing theoretical knowledge in practice with the help of individual projects, where each student will be able to express themselves. They replaced the laboratory work of the previous curriculum.

  • One of the important principles of the new educational activity is principle of learning through play. Game moments in the previous Federal State Educational Standards were minimal; the priority in learning was memorizing the rules.

  • A feature of the new generation of Federal State Educational Standards will be profile principle of education. For high school students, 5 profiles of study have been defined: socio-economic, technological, natural science, humanitarian and universal.

  • Students in grades 10-11 are provided with possibility of creating an individual curriculum. It will include general subjects for all curricula and subject areas, additional disciplines, and elective courses. In addition to mathematics, Russian language and literature, a foreign language will also be added to the compulsory subjects of the Unified State Examination.
Summing up some of the above, one can notice the good goals of the federal state educational standards of the new generation. The development of a child as an independent, responsible person who can think, set and solve life and professional problems, and loves his homeland - this is the task outlined in the new standards.

The means to achieve these goals differ from the educational aspects of the previous Federal State Educational Standards. They take into account the dynamics and directions of life, psychological and pedagogical recommendations of our time.

The implementation of the goals and results of such new formations will be positive, subject to the active participation and interest of all parties in the educational process. Only then will the school graduate a physically and spiritually healthy citizen of a great country into adulthood.

Natalia Shesterikova
Distinctive features of Federal State Educational Standards and FGT

Distinctive Features Federal state requirements for preschool education from the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education.

Most recently, we studied and implemented the Federal state requirements for the general educational program of preschool educational institutions, and now we have to study and use the Federal state educational standard for preschool education in our practical activities. And, of course, between these documents there remain general requirements, and new ones appear. Let's consider what is the difference between FGT OOP DO and GEF DO.

Firstly, FGT consists of two parts: requirements for the structure of the main educational program of preschool education and requirements for the conditions for its implementation. Federal State Educational Standard differs from FGT in that that it also presents requirements for the results of mastering basic educational programs.

The FGT identifies a mandatory section of the program of any preschool educational institution “Planned results of children mastering the basic general education program of preschool education.

Secondly, distinctive features of FGT from Federal State Educational Standards are visible in the requirements for the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education. The basis of the content of preschool education in the conditions of its variability according to FGT are 4 directions: cognitive-speech, social-personal, artistic-aesthetic, physical (10 educational areas).IN Federal State Educational Standard The content of the preschool education program should cover the following educational region: communicative and personal development, cognitive, speech development, artistic, aesthetic and physical development.

From the above it follows that Federal State Educational Standard aimed at establishing public relations (communication, and FGT at the public itself (socialization).

The ratio of parts of the program has been changed. The volume of the mandatory part of the FGT Program must be at least 80% of the total volume, and the part formed by participants in the educational process should be no more than 20% of the total volume of the Program. While the scope of the mandatory part of the Program is Federal State Educational Standard – 60%, and the part formed by participants in the educational process is 40%.

FGT, one might say, are moving into the main part of the educational program.

It can be concluded that the Program Federal State Educational Standard is more oriented towards difference from FGT,on the specifics of national, sociocultural, economic, climatic conditions in which the educational process is carried out; support for the interests of the teaching staff of the Organization; on the established traditions of the Organization (groups).

3. The structure of the main educational program in Federal State Educational Standard. It includes three main section:1. target 2. content 3. organizational. Each section reflects the mandatory part and the part formed by the participants in the educational process. An additional section has been introduced “Program Presentation”.By FGT:required Part: Explanatory note, mode of stay for children, content by region, results of mastering the EP, monitoring system. The part formed by the participants in the educational process.

Fourthly, the FGT defines specific characteristics and qualities of a person (integrative qualities desirable for the ideal social portrait of a preschool child. They are the object of monitoring. The results of the main General Education program and the quality of activities are assessed. Current (intermediate) results of mastering the program and final ones.

IN Federal State Educational Standard the expected results are presented in the form of targets (socio-normative age characteristics of the child’s possible achievements at the stage of completing preschool education):



Self Confidence


Physical development



Child's interest.

Targets are not subject to assessment, including in the form of pedagogical diagnostics (monitoring), and are not the basis for their formal comparison with the actual achievements of children. Mastering the program is not accompanied by intermediate and final diagnostics of students. Federal State Educational Standard involves assessing the individual development of children. This assessment is carried out by a teacher within the framework of pedagogical diagnostics.

Pedagogical diagnostics are carried out during observations of children’s activity in spontaneous and specially organized activities. Toolkit for pedagogical diagnostics - observation cards of child development, which allow recording the individual dynamics and development prospects of each child in progress:

Communication with peers and adults

Gaming activities

Cognitive activity

Project activities

Artistic activity

Physical development

The program in accordance with FGT is aimed at the formation of a general culture, the development of physical, intellectual, personal qualities, and the formation of prerequisites for educational activities. Program according to Federal State Educational Standard is aimed at creating conditions for the social situation of the development of preschool children, opening up opportunities for the positive socialization of the child, his comprehensive personal moral and cognitive development, the development of initiative and creative abilities, cooperation with adults and peers in the zone of proximal development.

Over the coming decades, Russia should become a country whose prosperity is ensured not so much by raw materials as by intellectual resources: a “smart” economy that creates unique knowledge, exports of the latest technologies and products of innovation. D.A.Medvedev Federal State Educational Standard

Changes in structural proportions in the Russian economy will significantly affect the development trends of human capital; an attitude towards initiative in acquiring competencies and developing high competence; readiness and ability for technological, organizational, social innovations; high social activity; demanding fulfillment of obligations, orientation towards cooperation and mutual responsibility; ability to quickly adapt to new challenges; competence in carrying out social interactions that facilitate the rapid dissemination of experience and the creation of collective action effects. Federal State Educational Standard

Social challenges to school education: Moral disintegration of society Low level of trust and social solidarity Violation of the continuity of generations, social mechanisms of transmission of national spiritual traditions and cultural experience Lack of civic, patriotic self-awareness and constructive social behavior Growth of nationalism, xenophobia, strengthening of centrifugal social tendencies Decrease in the value of productive labor, science, creativity and education Increased migration processes Insufficient level of population reproduction Decline in the physical, social and mental health of the population Federal state educational standard

The emergence of new challenges of the time forces us to respond to them by modernizing school education. These challenges give rise to new requirements for education and its results and therefore require the development of a new generation of educational standards. Federal State Educational Standard

5 points of the presidential initiative: 1. The opportunity to reveal abilities, prepare for life. Updated education content. New generation of educational standards 2. An extensive system of searching for and supporting talented children to accompany them throughout the entire period of personal development 3. A system of incentives for the best teachers, constant improvement of their qualifications, replenishment with a new generation 4. New principles of operation of schools, the procedure for their design, construction and formation of the material and technical base. Being at school should be comfortable 5. Each student receives an individual approach that minimizes health risks during the learning process Federal State Educational Standard

The Federal Law “On Education” defines the objectives and structure of standards. Educational standards must ensure: the unity of the educational space of the Russian Federation; continuity of the main educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general, primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher professional education. Federal State Educational Standard

Standards as a social contract Standards define a new type of relationship between the individual, family, society and the state, which most fully realizes the rights of man and citizen, is based on the principle of mutual consent of the individual, family, society and the state in the formation and implementation of policy in the field of education, which necessarily implies the parties' acceptance of mutual obligations (agreements). Federal State Educational Standard

FAMILYSOCIETYSTATE Personal success Safe and healthy lifestyle National unity and security Social success Freedom and responsibility Development of human potential Federal state educational standard Standards as a social contract

Interests in general education Parents have the opportunity to directly influence the educational process and are actively involved in school management. School councils, which will include students’ parents, will determine which of the varied contents is preferable for their children to study. The Second Generation Standard: – is a tool for ensuring a balance of goals of the individual, society and the state in education; – an instrument for the formation of social trust, public harmony and civil consolidation. FAMILY FAMILY SOCIETY PUBLIC STATE Professional success Social justice and welfare Competitiveness Federal state educational standard

With the adoption of the standard, not only the state can demand an appropriate educational result from the student. The student and his parents have the right to demand that the school and the state fulfill their obligations. In this context, the standard is a means of ensuring the planned level of quality of education. Federal State Educational Standard

What is the innovative nature of the second generation standard? determining the key goals of education through the system of educational value guidelines; orientation towards the development of variability in education; system-activity approach as a general pedagogical basis for determining the requirements for educational results (the goal of education is the development of the student’s personality based on the development of universal methods of activity). Federal State Educational Standard

What is the innovative nature of the second generation standard? restoration of the role of upbringing in the education system as the most important component and personal result of mastering standards; a new system for organizing the educational process through the development of a new structure of the basic educational plan, the introduction of health-saving technologies, the formation of an open information and educational environment, etc. determination of the scientific content of education based on the identification of its fundamental core. Federal State Educational Standard

Differences between the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education and the State Standard of General Education Parameter for comparison Federal State Educational Standard Definition of the standard Standard as a set of three systems of requirements for the educational results of basic educational programs; to the structure of basic educational programs (to organizational and pedagogical conditions); to the conditions for the implementation of basic educational programs (material base and resources). Standard as a set of mandatory minimum educational content; requirements for the level of training of graduates: the maximum permissible teaching load of students. Federal State Educational Standard

Parameter for comparison Federal State Educational Standards Goals and meaning of education Spiritual and moral development of the student’s personality Formation and development of “competence to renew competencies” National educational ideal Subject-centrism Extracurricular activities +– The results established by the standard are personal; - meta-subject; - subject - students must know; - students must be able to; - students must use in practical activities and everyday life Differences between the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education and the State Standard of General Education Federal State Educational Standard

Parameter for comparison of Federal State Educational Standards Basis of the standard System-activity approach Main directions of modernization of Russian education Ability to learn Formation and development of universal educational activities (for the levels of NEO and LLC, respectively) Formation, improvement and expansion of general educational skills, skills and methods of activity The structure of the corresponding curriculum is a mandatory part ; - the part formed by participants in the educational process - the federal component; - regional (national-regional) component - component of an educational institution Differences between the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education and the State Standard of General Education Federal State Educational Standard

Key features of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education system-activity approach as the methodological basis of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education the allocation in the main educational program (including the curriculum) for each level of general education of two components: the mandatory part and the part formed by the participants in the educational process standard, as a set of requirements (to the structure, conditions of implementation and results of mastering the main educational program) organization of extracurricular activities in areas of personal development (sports and health, spiritual and moral, social, general intellectual, general cultural) increasing the role of parents (legal representatives) of students in the design and implementation of the main educational program Federal State Educational Standard

The value-normative basis for the development and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of general education - the Concept of spiritual and moral development and upbringing of the personality of a citizen of Russia; orientation towards the formation of the personal characteristics of a graduate, recorded in the “portrait of a graduate” of the corresponding level of general education; taking into account the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of adolescence; taking into account the educational needs of children with disabilities The assessment system has changed The idea of ​​educational results has changed Key features of the Federal State Educational Standard of general education Federal State Educational Standard

Activity approach The construction of the Standard as a whole is based on a system-activity approach. His methodology in developing the Standard is implemented in the activity paradigm, according to which the coordinates that determine development in education are the leading activity and the age of students. This means that for each specific period of schooling, the system of tasks and actions performed by students must be adequate to the leading activities of a specific age period and be a condition and driving force for the child’s development. Federal State Educational Standard

Alexey Alekseevich Leontiev, Doctor of Philology, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education Teaching activity means making learning motivated, teaching the child to independently set a goal and find ways, including means, to achieve it (i.e. optimally organize their activities), help to develop the skills of control and self-control, assessment and self-esteem. Federal State Educational Standard

3 years 17 years Age Results of VD: Interpersonal communication with peers Group VD: Role-playing game 7 years VD: Learning Joint (with teacher) Preschool age Primary school age Adolescence 11 years old 15 years Early youth VD: Educational and professional activities Independent Striving for social - significant activity. Arbitrariness of mental phenomena, internal plan of action. Self-control. Reflection Self-esteem, critical attitude towards people, desire for adulthood, independence, submission to collective norms Formation of worldview, professional interests, self-awareness. Dreams and ideals of VD - leading activity Main new formations Age periodization according to D.B. Elkonin

Positioning of the teacher Position of a professional teacher - demonstrates cultural patterns of action - initiates trial actions of children - advises, corrects actions - looks for ways to include everyone in the work Position of the educator - creates conditions for children to gain life experience (communication, choice, responsible behavior, self-regulation ...), independent development of life values ​​- co-participant, arbitrator Position of pedagogical support - provides targeted assistance to the child: not getting rid of a problem situation, but helping to overcome it Federal state educational standard

Distance learning Innovative assessment system "portfolio" Health-saving Information and communication Learning in cooperation (team, group work) Technology of using gaming methods in teaching: role-playing, business and other types of educational games Development of "critical thinking" Developmental learning Problem-based learning Multi-level learning Collective learning system (CSR) Research methods in teaching Project-based teaching methods Technology “Debates” Block-modular Lecture-seminar-credit training system Technology for solving inventive problems (TRIZ)

Today we need a teacher who is able to master technologies that ensure the individualization of education and the achievement of planned results, a teacher who is motivated for continuous professional improvement and innovative behavior. Federal State Educational Standard

The role of participants in the educational process in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard The teacher ensures that the requirements for the results of mastering the educational program are achieved The school administration organizes the educational process, forms the educational environment of the school, distributes resources to achieve the best results Parents, public authorities actively participate in the organization of the educational process Federal State Educational Standard

The standard regulates: requirements for the structure of OOP levels requirements for the conditions for the implementation of OOP requirements for the results of mastery The standard does NOT regulate: content of education curriculum curricula in subjects The new Federal State Educational Standard gives significantly greater independence to the school! Federal State Educational Standard

Decoding the Federal State Educational Standard is the topic of today’s material. What is it? How does this abbreviation stand for? This is a federal state educational standard. This document is the basis for programs of general importance, as well as for developing the content of the educational process in each of the subjects.

New requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

This act is based on the latest education law, which was adopted in 2012. Until the end of the 2000s, such a standard was called GOS. Unlike the old editions regulating the learning process, the Federal State Educational Standard of Russia specifies not only the requirements for the transfer of knowledge, but also the norms according to which education should be carried out.

Thus, we can emphasize the fact that a component has returned to domestic education that was present in the Soviet school, but was minimized during the perestroika years.

This innovation is due to the need to pass on the necessary life attitudes to the younger generation. They, in turn, are needed for the successful existence of a person in modern economic and political conditions.

Types of requirements

The new educational standard establishes the rules for the learning process of three types:

  1. Contents of programs in certain disciplines.
  2. Standards for the conditions for carrying out teaching and learning activities.
  3. Regulation of educational work within the educational process.

Scope of application of the standard

The implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard takes place in all accredited educational institutions. For-profit universities can work on their own programs, guided by the needs of a particular group of the population, and not relying on the recommendations put forward by the standard. However, such universities do not have the right to issue state diplomas to graduates.

The requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard guide the creators of educational literature, compilers of general programs, and members of commissions that ensure control over the activities of educational institutions. It is also the basis for medical workers who regularly examine children and check institutions for compliance with certain standards, and so on.

Taking into account this regulatory document, various methodological recommendations are being drawn up for teachers preparing for classes in the Federal State Educational Standard.

Modern lesson

When conducting the educational process according to the Federal State Educational Standard at school, special attention is paid to the main form today in which the transfer of knowledge is carried out - the lesson. This set of regulations clearly defines the duration of the academic hour for each level, variety, as well as the requirements for the educational process that must be carried out within its framework.

The modern lesson is a key concept in the new federal state educational standard. The main differences between this form and the previously existing ones are that now knowledge should be presented to students not in the form of ready-made sets of theoretical and practical information blocks. Instead, children should be offered certain types of activities, during which the student will learn new topics in the subject.

Also, the modern lesson assumes that training and education will not take place with the goal of transferring to him a certain set of knowledge, skills and abilities in a ready-made form, but to develop the personal qualities present in him, as well as to form others necessary for successful self-realization.

Thus, in the educational process an activity approach is carried out, as well as an individual-personal one.

A lesson conducted according to the Federal State Educational Standard at school should include not only communication between students and the teacher, but also collective forms of activity. Children can master the skills of conducting a conversation, scientific argument and evaluate their activity within the lesson, analyze the answers of classmates. The new educational standard adheres to previously approved provisions that were spelled out in previous documents regulating the pedagogical process. Namely, when planning lessons according to the Federal State Educational Standard, it should be taken into account that in modern conditions it is necessary to educate a child on the principle of interaction with a teacher, in which each of the participants in this process is a full-fledged subject.

Specific result

Decoding the Federal State Educational Standard when drawing up educational programs requires that they contain a description of the specific results that a child who has completed a certain course should achieve. These goals are presented not as a set of abstract phrases, as was previously the case, but as a list of skills to carry out certain actions.

Interdisciplinary tasks

The federal state educational standard specifies not only the skills that a student should receive as part of a program in a particular subject, but also information about the universal information and methods of activity that he can use when studying other disciplines, as well as in his life after leaving school. Thus, the implementation of the competent approach approved in the latest edition of the Law “On Education” is carried out, the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary in the conditions of modern life with its rapidly occurring scientific and technological progress and frequently changing economic realities.

At the moment, it is important not just to provide information on a particular topic, but to teach a person how to educate himself throughout his life.

Relationship between lessons

When implementing the above principle in Russian language lessons according to the Federal State Educational Standard, students are asked to write an essay in the form of a letter, and they are also told about what features this text should have. This can be continued in a history lesson, when children are asked to study the messages of one political figure of a particular era to another, and so on. In a similar way, mutual continuity of different disciplines can be achieved.

Junior level of education

The Federal State Educational Standard for primary school contains, among others, the following important provisions:

  • A lesson in the first year of study should last no more than 35 minutes, and subsequently it reaches the standard 45. Also in the first grade, additional holidays are added - in March.
  • The Federal State Educational Standard for elementary schools also stipulates the requirement for the presence in the curriculum of classes on mastering computer skills. Today's children must begin typing at the same time they learn to write. This provision of the standard caused both numerous indignations from parents and approval. Typically, classes in primary school using computers receive positive feedback from those mothers and fathers who themselves are forced to deal daily with the need to work with electronic technologies in their professional activities.
  • Among other main concepts of the standard, one should highlight such as “educational environment”. This term also includes the technical equipment of educational institutions. According to the requirements present in this document, the school must be equipped with a separate interactive classroom, and each classroom must have one computer. This technology is used not only to administer tests and obtain information electronically, but also to maintain communication between the school and parents. Such interaction is carried out using a resource called It contains information about the progress of each student.

Interaction between parents and teachers

Federal State Educational Standard (the decoding of the abbreviation is presented in this material) contains the idea that education in a modern school is in the nature of a three-way interaction. In addition to the child and the teacher, parents must also be involved in this process.

Therefore, the standard specifies forms of activity that contribute to the creation of the necessary atmosphere of cooperation between school and family. Along with traditional parent-teacher meetings, which can be class or school-wide, moms and dads are invited to individual interviews with teachers, as well as to various events of both an entertaining and informational nature.

Lectures should be held with some regularity for parents who want to increase their level of knowledge about the problems of raising and educating children in modern society. The topics of such classes can be various issues, including “Federal State Educational Standards, deciphering the concept and its content.”

Joint entertaining creative events

Parents have the right to receive the necessary information about educational issues, both general and related to any particular child, in a personal conversation with the teacher. Such meetings are possible both at school and at home.

Teachers need to conduct various games, which should also involve moms and dads. These can be either competitions involving the participation of both sexes, or games where the participants are only girls with their mothers, or boys with their fathers. For example, the “Come on guys!” relay race is widespread, where guys and their dads compete in skills traditional for men, such as hammering nails, strength exercises, and so on.

Experienced teachers recommend doing everything possible to encourage parents’ interest in carrying out improvement work. For example, they may be involved in the construction of various structures for a school stadium and so on.

In addition to information about the education and upbringing of children, parents can receive the necessary information regarding life safety, as well as advice from a lawyer who is able to provide all the necessary information regarding the rights and responsibilities of the child, in accordance with current legislation.

Information resources for teachers

Where can I get acquainted with the Federal State Educational Standard (the definition of the abbreviation is familiar to every teacher in the Russian Federation)? This regulatory document, as well as the latest version of legislation on this topic and other texts can be read on the website of the Ministry of Education. Also, many other pedagogical electronic resources and regularly published magazines for teachers, such as Teacher’s Newspaper, and so on, are devoted to this problem.

Wide space for creativity

In the new state standard, there is a provision that the teacher’s activities must be subordinated to a specific plan, where the parts of the lesson are clearly defined, and a strict time frame is allocated for each of them. However, the teacher is also given the right to change the course of the lesson in accordance with various circumstances and the situation that has arisen. Thus, we can say that nowadays a teacher must not only have extensive knowledge of his subject, as well as a set of interdisciplinary skills, but also be able to improvise. On the other hand, this standard involves instilling in children the ability to independently find what they need to expand their knowledge and choose their own educational route within the subjects they study. This means that schoolchildren also get the opportunity to look at the educational process from a creative position.

This article examined the most important provisions of the state educational standard. This information may be useful to teachers. In addition, some information will undoubtedly be of interest to parents of schoolchildren.

The current generation of schoolchildren studies in educational institutions according to the recently adopted educational standards of the new generation. Since 2009, primary school students - from grades 1 to 4 - have experienced the effects of primary general education. For schoolchildren from grades 5 to 9, the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education has been developed and approved since 2010. High school students will not be forgotten either - the Federal State Educational Standard for secondary (complete) general education is currently under consideration.

First-graders, having immediately plunged into a new school environment, do not have the opportunity to compare the effect of previous and current educational standards. But for teachers and parents, who “cooked” in the school environment of the first standards in the roles of “teachers” and “learners,” changes are obvious.


What is the new generation Federal State Educational Standard?

Federal state educational standards - this is how the abbreviation FSES stands for - are designed for educational institutions of state accreditation. They represent a set of mandatory requirements necessary for the implementation of general education programs.

Three groups of such requirements can be distinguished:

  • to the learning outcome
  • to the way of constructing educational activities
  • to the conditions for implementing standards

Requirements for the learning outcome of the new generation Federal State Educational Standard. Differences from previous Federal State Educational Standards

The goal of the first standards was the subject result, the amount of knowledge accumulated in school. The main goal of the new Federal State Educational Standards was to reveal the child’s personality, his talents, the ability for self-learning and teamwork, the formation of responsibility for his actions, and the creation of a friendly environment, including after school hours. The school will give the child the necessary level of knowledge and skills that allow him to follow the path of life, without being afraid to set and solve important professional and life tasks.

Educational outcomes have two levels. Required level of knowledge, which every child should master, will become, as it were, the basis, the foundation for building a building of skills and abilities higher level. Its direction and degree of achievement will depend on the student’s interests, capabilities and desire to learn.

The fact that a school should not only teach, but also educate a person was also characteristic of previous educational standards. The Federal State Educational Standard of the new second generation focuses on the following educational results:

  • student's formation
  • education of the personality of a Russian citizen
  • promoting the formation of responsibility for one’s actions
  • ability to communicate with other people
The new Federal State Educational Standards, while paying great attention to the spiritual and moral education of the student, do not ignore his physical health and development. Recent decades, with the increased level of human diseases, have made the task of a healthy lifestyle a priority. The foundations are now laid in primary school. According to the educational standards that have come into force, already from the first grade, a child will learn about the importance of maintaining his health, about the negative factors that worsen it, and about ways to improve health. The student receives guidelines for behavioral norms to develop a healthy lifestyle. School programs are enriched with Health Days, additional hours of physical education, and health-saving events.

Requirements for the method of constructing educational activities

Such learning outcomes are clearly and in detail disclosed in the new generation Federal State Educational Standards. However, each educational institution will have to independently choose the way to structure the educational process, adhering to these recommendations in order to achieve the desired results.

The primary school offers a range of child education and upbringing programs. Teachers and parents have the right to choose which of the proposed paths the child will take to begin his school life.

Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of new generation educational standards

The conditions for the implementation of the new Federal State Educational Standards are determined in such a way as to fully provide participants in educational activities with everything necessary to achieve the agreed results.

For these purposes, in the educational process it is necessary:

  • use of modern technologies;
  • updating the content, methods, and technologies of the educational program;
  • constant and continuous development and training of personnel of educational institutions;
  • informational, methodological, scientific and technical support for teachers;
  • exchange of experience between educational institutions.
Financial support for the implementation of the new generation Federal State Educational Standard is provided by budgetary allocations. Basic general education for citizens is publicly available and free.

Key moments in the manifestation of the new generation of Federal State Educational Standards at school

So, how do new educational standards manifest themselves in school? What innovations have become part of the school life of the new generation? Is there a noticeable difference from previous standards?

To get an idea of ​​the new generation standards and compare them with the previous ones, some key points will help - differences between old and new Federal State Educational Standards:

  • Previously, it was possible to evaluate a child’s success only based on school grades. The new standards require the student mandatory presence of a portfolio, where certificates, diplomas, test results and other works are placed. Thanks to this innovation, the child’s achievements become more visible.
  • The idea of. Previously, it was reduced only to explaining educational material and testing students’ knowledge. Now the teacher is an active player in the life of the class. The teacher strives to develop the child’s individual abilities, motivates schoolchildren to be independent, and tries to include everyone in the work.
  • The previous Federal State Educational Standards determined a unified curriculum for schools. New generation standards are revealed to teachers and parents variety of school programs. You can choose the one that suits you, based on everyone’s preferences.
  • Educational standards of the past were not touched upon. The new Federal State Educational Standards determine 10 hours a week to attend clubs, sports sections, excursions, and participate in seminars. The purpose of this innovation is to save children from aimless pastime.
  • Life does not stand still. Computer technology became an integral part of it. In order for a student to be able to easily maneuver in the modern computerized world, already in the 1st grade he becomes familiar with keyboard typing.
  • The new learning activity involves practicing theoretical knowledge in practice with the help of, where each student will be able to express themselves. They replaced the laboratory work of the previous curriculum.
  • One of the important principles of the new educational activity is principle of learning through play. Game moments in the previous Federal State Educational Standards were minimal; the priority in learning was memorizing the rules.
  • A feature of the new generation of Federal State Educational Standards will be profile principle of education. For high school students, 5 profiles of study have been defined: socio-economic, technological, natural science, humanitarian and universal.
  • Students in grades 10-11 are provided with possibility of creating an individual curriculum. It will include general subjects for all curricula and subject areas, additional disciplines, and elective courses. In addition to mathematics, Russian language and literature, a foreign language will also be added to the compulsory subjects of the Unified State Examination.
Summing up some of the above, one can notice the good goals of the federal state educational standards of the new generation. The development of a child as an independent, responsible person who can think, set and solve life and professional problems, and loves his homeland - this is the task outlined in the new standards.

The means to achieve these goals differ from the educational aspects of the previous Federal State Educational Standards. They take into account the dynamics and directions of life, psychological and pedagogical recommendations of our time.

The implementation of the goals and results of such new formations will be positive, subject to the active participation and interest of all parties in the educational process. Only then will the school graduate a physically and spiritually healthy citizen of a great country into adulthood.