Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Gdz in English test module 4.

(Marks: ___5)

B -ful, -ing, -able or -ic.

e.g. disgust - disgusting



― ........................

― ........................

interest - ........................

It is very important to wash/brush your teeth

They often go/do camping at weekends.

Rock music is not really my thing/programme.

We have to wear a school suit/uniform at mine

What about a pop music/concert ?

I always help my parents around/over the

My uncle grows tomatoes in a greenhouse/


My favorite comedy is on/at TV today.

I help my little brother to get

clothed/dressed every morning.

10 )

D Present simple form.

e.g. Michael studies (study) every afternoon.

Mr Bradley

Jack and Frank

biology at the Community School.

(meet) once a week.


(catch) the no.

Mrs McCarthy .....................................

16 bus every morning.

(work) in a computer factory.


(you/have) lunch?

My sister .....................................

to the cinema on Saturdays?

(not/eat) breakfast every day.


What time ........................................................

.......(your parents/go) out on Friday night?

(he/leave) for school on Mondays?

Jane ...............................

(take) the train

at 8 o’clock every morning.

31 I have my breakfast before/when I brush my teeth.

32 I get up then/when my alarm clock rings.

33 On Saturdays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping.

Everyday English

34 He watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed.

35 They always leave out food for the cat before/and they leave the house.

(Marks: ___ ) 5x2 10

F Match the questions to the responses.

When would you like to meet?

B No, I’m afraid not.

How about going to the cinema? .........

How about next Thursday?

Would you like to come to dinner tonight? .........

Are you free tomorrow? .........

Sure. See you later, then.

Shall we say 8 o’clock at my place? .........

I'm afraid I'm busy tonight.

Marks: ___ ) 5x2 10

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G A ,B or C for each space.

Hi. Thanks for e.g. your email. I hope you are well. I want to tell you about my hobbies and interests. During the week, I do my homework 41) ........ the evenings and after 42) ........ I watch TV. I like watching sitcoms and reality shows but I don’t really like talk shows. Sometimes my friends 43) ........

around and we watch a DVD.

At the weekend, I do some sports. On Saturday morning, I play football with the school team and in the afternoon I go shopping. I always go to the cinema 44) ........ friends on Saturday night. On Sunday, I relax at home and read a book or 45) ........ I go cycling.

e.g. Monday

goes to the cinema


plays basketball

(5x2 10

TEST 4 B (Module 4)

DATE: .....................................................

MARK: –-----–--

(Time: 40 minutes)

A Complete the types of TV programmes.

m _ s _ _ s _ _ _

Marks: ___5)

B Form adjectives from the following words using-ful, -ing, -able or -ic.

e.g. interest - interesting



― ........................

― ........................

fantasy ― ........................

C Underline the correct word.

I think hamburgers are delicious/boring.

Kelly and Susan often go/do camping at

What about a rock concert/music ?

Pop music is not really my program/thing.

Police officers usually wear suits/uniforms.

My favorite thriller is on/at TV tonight.

Some school children sleep in a dungeon/

Sue always helps her parents over/around the


You should always brush/wash your teeth in

The leader teaches us how to build/tie fires.

I help my little sister to put/get dressed every

D Put the verbs in brackets into the correct Present Simple form.

e.g. Bob goes (go) to the cinema on Sundays?


(he/like) watching TV?

How often......................

(you/visit) your

She .....................

(wash) her hair three

Tom and Kim .....................

(like) cycling

He ..........

(not/play) football very

in the countryside.

My little brother often......................

Harriet .....................

(study) a lot at the

.................... (Katherine/sleep) a lot?

What time......................

My dad buys old model airplanes and

home from school?

.................... (fix) them.

(Marks: ___ ) 10x2 20

E Underline the correct word.

e.g. I usually watch TV before /then I go to bed.

I get up then/when my alarm clock rings.

On Sundays we have lunch and after

She gets dressed when/before she has her

that/when we go cycling.

He leaves work and/when he finishes cleaning

I always have a glass of milk before/and I go

10 )

Everyday English

F Choose the correct answer.

Are you free tonight?

Shall we say nine at my place? .........

Would you like to come to the concert

with us tomorrow? .........

How about going to the theater? .........

I'm afraid I can't come tonight.

A Ok, we'll do it some other time.

B Yes, I'd love to.

C Sounds great! What time?

D Fine, and you?

E Sure, see you later.

F I think so, why?

(Marks: ___ ) 5x2 10

G Read the email and choose the best word A , B or C for each space.

Hi. Thanks for e.g. your email. I hope you are well. I want to tell you about my hobbies and interests. During the week, I 41) ........ my homework in the evenings and 42) ........ that I watch TV. I like watching sitcoms and reality shows but I don’t really like talk shows. Sometimes my friends come around and we watch a DVD.

43) ........ the weekend, I do some sports. On Saturday morning, I play football with the school team and in the afternoon I go shopping. I always go 44) ........ the cinema with friends on Saturday night and then on Sunday I relax at home and read a book or 45) ........ I go cycling.

Tell me what you like doing in your next email. Love,

H Listen to Kenneth talking to a new friend about his free-time activities. What does he usually do each day? Match the activities to the days (46-50). There are two extras that you do not need.

e.g. Monday

goes to the cinema


plays basketball

Test 4 A (Module 4)


A Circle the odd word out.

1. plain / striped / sporty / checked 3. slim / thin / thick / overweight

2. velvet / linen / scruffy/ nylon 4. elegant / casual / polka-dot/ smart

Bushy, crooked, fit, overweight, suits, try, protruding, frizzy, slim

5. She’s got a very ________ figure.

6. Ben made a nasty remark about Kate’s ___ eyebrows.

7. Would you like to _______ on that dress?

8. Liz is __________. She must go on a diet.

9. Ted doesn’t like his ________ nose.

10. I’m not happy with my ________ hair! I wish it was straight.

11. Jenny is sitting an exam this morning, so keep your arms/fingers crossed.

12. The fashion show has been put off/out until next Friday.

13. The first terrifying fifteen minutes of the film made mine hair/head stand on end.

14. This ring isn’t made of real gold; it's priceless/ worthless.

15. Tim's shirt fits/ goes really well with his trousers.

16.Mark has grown/increased much taller, and his clothes don’t fit him anymore.

17. It’s a formal party. You really should put out/on a tie.

18. Alex has lost/missed a lot of weight since he started exercising.


D Fill in the gaps. Use too or enough.

19. Kate believes that she isn’t pretty _________ to be a fashion model.

20. Betsy should put on a little weight; she's ________ skinny.

21. “What do you think of this shirt?” – “It doesn’t fit you. The sleeves are _______ long.”

22. “Why didn’t you buy those shoes?” – “They weren’t comfortable _______.”

23. There are many teenagers who are _______ troubled about their body image.

24. John Napier designed the costumes for Cats. 27. They have translated the book into 25 languages.

25. You cannot take pets into the theater. 28. The chef is preparing the food.

26. The company will publish the new Harry Potter book next month.

Test 4 A (Module 4)

Everyday English

29. A: Why don’t you wear your nice cotton trousers? B: __. A They're a bit too big.

30. A: How do I look in this blue dress? B: __. B

31. A: I suggest you wear your purple suit to the party. B: __. C

32. A: What do you think of these jeans? B: __. D

33. A: Do you think this shirt is too big? B: __. E


formal instead?





Test 4 A (Module 4)


39. Checked shirts are not fashionable.

A True B False C Not Stated

40. John thinks that dark colors suit him.

A True B False C Not Stated

41.John wants a new jacket because his old one doesn’t fit him anymore.

A True B False C Not Stated

42. Maria thinks that John’s jeans are far too casual for the occasion.

A True B False C Not Stated

43. John has got good taste in clothes.

A True B False C Not Stated

Test 4 B (Module 4)


A Circle the odd word out.

1. plain / baggy / sporty / scruffy 3. trendy / modern / velvet / fashionable

2. floral / linen / patterned / polka-dot 4. nylon/ silk/ wool / striped

B Fill in the missing word. There are three answers you do not need to use.

crooked, fit, suits, try, protruding, frizzy, slim, overweight, bushy

5. I’m not happy with my ________ hair! I wish it was straight.

6. He doesn’t like his ________ nose.

8. Would you like to _______ on that shirt?

9. Tom made a nasty remark about Julia’s ___ eyebrows.

10. Liza’s got a very ________ figure.

C Underline the correct item.

11. I want to curl my hair. Can you please give me a(n) arm/hand?

12. Diana has lost/missed a lot of weight since she started exercising.

13. Why don’t you wear your red shirt tonight? It really matches/ suits you.

14. Now that spring is here, we can put our heavy winter clothes off/away.

15. When Lucy’s mum saw that her daughter had her tongue pierced, she lost her head/mind.

16. I can't put up with/out that kind of behavior any longer.

17. Could I rent/borrow your newsilver dress for the party tomorrow?

18. This ring is made of real gold; it's priceless/ worthless.


D Fill in the gaps. Use too or enough.

19. There are many teenagers who are _______ troubled about their body image.

20. Ben thinks that jeans aren’t classy _____ to wear to a wedding.

21. “This sweater is nice.” Why don’t you ever wear it?” - “Well, it’s ____ warm!”

22. “Let’s buy this coat for Jenny!” – “No, it’s not warm ______.”

23. Don’t expect Ann to come and talk to you first; she’s ______ shy around new people.

E Rewrite the following sentences into the passive.

24. They will open the opera house next week. 27. Puccini composed many famous operas.

25. You should send this fax right now. 28. They are building a new bridge.

26. They had cooked the meal before the lights went off.

Test 4 B (Module 4)

Everyday English

F Complete the exchanges using the phrases below. There is one extra phrase.

29. A: Why don’t you wear your nice cotton trousers? - B: __ A Yes. You need a smaller size.

30. A: How do I look in this blue dress? - B: __ B I haven’t been worth that for ages, but, why not?

31. A: I suggest you wear your purple suit to the party. - B: __ C They're a bit too big.

32. A: What do you think of these jeans? - B: __ D I can't. They don't fit me anymore.

33. A: Do you think this shirt is too big? - B: __ E Excellent! It really suits you!

F No. Why don’t you wear something less

formal instead?


G Match the headings (A to F) to the paragraphs (34-38). There is one extra heading.





Test 4 B (Module 4)



H Listen to the conversation between John and Maria and mark the statements (39-43) as A (True), B (False) or C (Not Stated).

39. John thinks that dark colors suit him.

A True B False C Not Stated

40. John wants a new jacket because his old one doesn’t fit him anymore.

A True B False C Not Stated

A True B False C Not Stated

A True B False C Not Stated

43. Maria thinks that John’s jeans are far too casual for the occasion.

A True B False C Not Stated



A 1 sporty 3 thick

2 scruffy 4 polka-dot

B 5 slim 8 overweight

6 bushy 9 crooked

7 try 10 frizzy

C 11 fingers 16 grown D 19 enough

12 off 17 on 20 too

13 hair 18 lost 21 too

14 worthless 22 enough

15 goes 23 too

E 24 The costumes for Cats were designed by John Napier.

25 Pets cannot be taken into the theater.

26 The new Harry Potter book will be published by the company next month.

27 The book has been translated into 25 languages.

28 The food is being prepared.

F 29 D G 34 C H 39 C

30 B 35 D 40 B

31 E 36 A 41 A

32 A 37 F 42 A

33 C 38 B 43 C



A 1 plain 3 velvet

2 linen 4 striped

B 5 frizzy 8 try

6 crooked 9 bushy

7 overweight 10 slim

C 11 hands 16 with D 19 too

12 lost 17 borrow 20 enough

13 suits 18priceless 21 too

14 away 22 enough

15 head 23 too

E 24 The opera house will be opened next week.

25 This fax should be sent right now.

26 The meal had been cooked before the lights went off.

27 Many famous operas were composed by Puccini.

28 A new bridge is being built.

F 29 D G 34 A H 39 B

30 E 35 C 40 A

31 B 36 D 41 A

32 C 37 F 42 C

33 A 38 E 43 A

Tape script

Workbook ex.3 (p. 35)

Test 4A

Family: Hobbies:

1. Mary is a baby. She is big/small. 2. My sister has got long/big hair. 3. Paul is naughty and noisy/quiet. 4. Dad is tall with good / fair hair. 5. My teacher has got a kind/small nose. 6. Wendy is short and thin/tall. 7. Patty has got old/black hair. 8. Ann’s room is tall/big. 9. Grandpa is plump with a kind/tall face. 10. Joy is a good student. She is very noisy/clever.

1. That is my sister. Look at…. 2. Are they here? Can you give… this book. 3. That's Jack. It's... guitar. 4. Patty is nice. …eyes are big and blue. 5. Who is that girl? What 6. John and I have got the same room. It' 7. I am here. Look at...!

1. Who is she? 2. How old are they? 3. Where is his house? 4. Whose car is this? 5. Where are they from?

A) It's Jack's. B) My best friend. C) The USA. D) In ​​London. E) They are twelve and fourteen.

1. open the window. (x) 2. be quiet. (v) 3. close the door. (x) 4. take my bags (v) 5. come here. (x)

Test 4 B

1. Listen to the recording and complete it.

Name: Alisa Green Age: 1) … Appearance: tall and thin with long, red hair and 2) ... eyes. Family: one brother and 3) … sister(s). Hobbies: 4) ..., playing the piano and singing. She can: speak 5) … and Russian.

2. Underline the correct word:

1. Bob is short and thin/tall. 2. Mum is tall with fair / tall hair. 3. Sandy plumps with a kind/tall face. 4. Tim is a baby. He is big/small. 5. Ann’s room is tall/big . 6. Mike is a good student. He is very naughty/clever. 7. My sister has got big/long hair. 8. Betty has got old / black hair. 9. My teacher has got a kind/small nose 10. Mary is naughty and noisy/quiet.

3. Complete the sentence with the necessary pronoun.

1. Mike is here. Look at...! 2. Claire is pretty. …eyes are big and green. 3. That is my mum. Look at…. 4. Is Steve here? Can you give… this book? 5. Who is that boy? What 6. Sara and I have got the same room. It' 7. That's Jack. It's...cap.

4. Ask questions and give short answers.

5. Connect the questions with the answers.

1. Whose bicycle is this? 2. Where is her house? 3. Where are they from? 4. Who is she? 5. How old are they?

A) In London. B) They are eleven and sixteen. C) It's Mary's. D) The UK. E) My best friend.

6. Make up sentences in the imperative mood.

1. play the piano. (x) 2. open the door. (v) 3. close the window. (x) 4. come here. (v) 5. look at me. (x)