Biographies Characteristics Analysis

German gloomy biography. Trench General - German Alekseevich Ugryumov


On May 31, 2001, the head of the counterterrorist operation in Chechnya, deputy director of the FSB of Russia, Vice Admiral German Ugryumov entered his office at the military base in Khankala early in the morning.

Until one o'clock in the afternoon, German Alekseevich answered the phone. I spoke with Chairman of the Chechen Government Stanislav Ilyasov and Deputy Plenipotentiary of the President of Russia in the Southern District Nikolai Britvin.

At 1300, a man in plain clothes entered the vice-admiral's office. German Alekseevich asked not to connect him with anyone. Approximately half an hour later, the man left Ugryumov's office, and 15-20 minutes later a shot rang out outside the door (see the materials of the site

The military doctors who were on duty at the office literally immediately entered Ugryumov and ascertained the death of the admiral from ... a stroke. On the same day, the body was sent to the Mozdok military hospital, and from there by plane to Moscow.

They buried German Ugryumov as a Hero of Russia with all honors. They called the former head of the regional headquarters for the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus a real Chekist, an honest and uncompromising officer.

From the words of those who saw off Ugryumov on his last journey, it followed that German Alekseevich frustrated the terrorists' plans to seize cities, conduct counteroffensives and large-scale sabotage. He was credited with the detention of Salman Raduev and the cleansing of mid-level Chechen field commanders.

It's like that. However, in fairness, it should still be noted that German Ugryumov headed the anti-terrorist department of the FSB with the rank of deputy director since 1999, and all these years sabotage did not stop (suffice it to recall the explosions of Moscow residential buildings. - "!").

Diversions and kidnappings in Chechnya did not stop even after Ugryumov took over the leadership of the North Caucasian counter-terrorist headquarters. And the leaders of the Chechen fighters are still alive and well.

And yet, in spite of everything, Ugryumov was indeed the uncrowned king of Chechnya for a long time. And in January 2001, when the president entrusted the leadership of the counter-terrorist operation to the FSB, removing this honorable duty from the Ministry of Defense, the admiral officially assumed his powers.

A native of the "special forces" (special, or First, departments existed in the Soviet Army for covert control over the military and had a wide agent among the officers, they were liquidated in the early 90s. - "!"), German Ugryumov was sent to Chechnya not as much for the fight against terrorism as for clarifying the business contacts of Russian generals with Chechen fighters. This direction coincided with the decision of the then acting. President Putin on strengthening the role of the FSB in the army and the restoration of special departments.

War is business. And there's nothing to be done here. The Chechen war - in particular.

Oil is constantly pumped through the pipeline. Moonshine mini-processing plants are functioning properly. The entire south of Russia sows, plows and harvests on cheap Chechen diesel fuel. Someone has to control all this?

By January 2001, Ugryumov, apparently, had solved the task assigned to him. From the moment when he headed the North Caucasian anti-terrorist headquarters, not a single penny passed by Ugryumov. He had the last word in financial, economic and political matters. All intelligence work in Chechnya focused on Ugryumov. He had in his hands direct unofficial contacts with Basayev, Khattab and Maskhadov.

For such a person to shoot himself, something extraordinary had to happen in Chechnya.


For the last seven years in Chechnya, everything has been business as usual, without changes. "Cleansings", "point" bombardments, ambushes, sabotage and kidnappings...

Only the names change. First there was a constitutional order, then a counter-terrorist operation. Only two cases can be recognized as extraordinary: the capture of Grozny by militants on August 6, 1996 (the independence day of the self-proclaimed Republic of Ichkeria. - "!") And Basayev's invasion with Khattab into Dagestan on August 7, 1999.

The first case ended with Yeltsin bowing his head to the oligarchs, and Kvashnin becoming chief of the General Staff. The second is the coming to power of Putin and the next increase in the status of military generals in the hierarchy of state power.

After the pre-election aspect of the Caucasian war died down, Chechnya receded into second place, third - in general, into the background.

The authorities hung a thick veil of censorship over the war. From behind the curtain came periodically some news about how the next small fry of the militants was "soaked in the toilet." That's right, "whoever offends us, that day will not live." And nothing.

However, starting from mid-May, events around Chechnya began to somehow be compressed, despite censorship. There don't seem to be any major scandals. Everything goes on as usual, but the “forgotten war” at the same time leaves the information backyard and gradually creeps out to the front pages of newspapers and news agencies.

The impression is that while viewing the military chronicle, the projection apparatus has deteriorated and the frames begin to flicker at an increased speed.

Sudden and long-term leave of the commander of the Joint Group of Forces in Chechnya Valery Baranov.

Five days later, presidential aide Sergei Yastrzhembsky intercepted and voiced a videotape with Basayev's message.

Ten days later, German Ugryumov, head of the regional operational headquarters for the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus, had a "stroke".

Three days later, a scandalous statement by the commander of the North Caucasian Military District, Gennady Troshev, about the need for public executions in Chechnya. And in order to speed up the process of capturing and destroying the militants, Troshev suggested assigning a bonus - $1 million each for the heads of Basayev, Khattab and Maskhadov, and $250,000 each for Gelayev and Barayev.

In 10 days - the death of two Su-25 front-line attack aircraft of the Russian Air Force.

In another 10 days - the destruction of one of the leaders of the Chechen Mujahideen Arbi Baraev.

Two days later - the execution of another group of some militants in some gorge ...

Stop. Bust. All first, slower and more detailed.


On May 20, Assistant to the President of Russia Sergei Yastrzhembsky, on the air of Vladimir Pozner's program "Vremena" on the ORT channel, showed an episode of Shamil Basayev's video message to Ruslan Gelayev.

The presidential aide emphasized that the transcription of the video recording was completed. Experts have already confirmed the authenticity of the film and the fact that it really captures Basayev. Yastrzhembsky assured the audience that this is a very serious document, which contains "a lot of interesting things," and promised to give the press "the full version of this document."

On May 21, the news agencies actually circulated the text of the transcript, and the electronic and print media quoted it in chunks the next day. But "the full version of this document" (meaning the video cassette. - "!") is not in any newspaper or news agency. It is not on ORT either.

From a short excerpt shown in Pozner's program, Basayev is clearly visible in the interiors, which are full in all his interviews for the press. For the first few seconds, Basayev spoke in Chechen with offscreen translation, then Basayev's Chechen text disappeared, leaving only the voice of the alleged translator.

Domestic counterintelligence has not demonstrated such clumsy work for a long time. It is clear that the cassette was "made" in a hurry. Apparently, the Lubyanka was in a hurry to voice the necessary information.

In this sense, it does not matter whose transcript the press diligently voiced: Basayev's appeal to Gelayev or the text of the "off-screen" translator. On the contrary, “the mass of serious things” that Sergei Yastrzhembsky paid attention to becomes even more serious and interesting.

Three points from the text published by news agencies seem to be the most serious.

The first concerns the spring-summer plans of the militants to seize Grozny and the necessary assistance for this from the militants of the Pankisi Gorge.

The second relates to plans to arrange the supply of Strela anti-aircraft missile systems (in various publications, the Strela air defense system was called either the Stinger or the Needle. - "!").

The third is a story about how the federals clamped down on the militants, how they open the caches with weapons, but the militants still buy it back (apparently, it means that the counterintelligence officers open the caches, and the troops sell the weapons. - "!").

Perhaps the best impression of the transcript distributed by Yastrzhembsky was expressed, perhaps, by the Internet site (many believe that the “facets” belong to Boris Berezovsky. - “!”): “We, dear fellow citizens, wanted to finish all this bodya, but reports about our victories turned out to be lies, the generals do not want to leave the developed oil wells, and the country's leadership does not want to quarrel not only with the generals, but even with the colonels, some of whom, on trial, they even “humanly sympathize”. In February, there was still the possibility of negotiations, and many influential field commanders then waited with interest for signals from Moscow, but now no one is waiting for anything, and all that remains is to fight, and there is no need to be surprised if the militants take Grozny again, and the corresponding operational data on this account exists."

Laughter with laughter, but if we compare the events that took place after the transcript in Chechnya, amazing coincidences will be revealed.

Hero of Russia German Ugryumov died at a military post in Khankala in 2001. He was the only admiral in the highest echelons of state security.

For the breadth of his soul, his colleagues gave him the call sign "Ocean", which was combined with the impressive appearance of the admiral - tall, dense figure. But Ugryumov did not match his last name - he was the soul of the company: he sang with a guitar, recited poetry by heart.

He began his military career at the Caspian flotilla. And he returned to Baku again after graduating from the Higher School of the KGB. Two sons of German Alekseevich will be born here. And here he will almost lose his family, when Russians and Armenians will be cut and burned alive on the streets of Azerbaijani cities. The city of Sumgayit will be “famous” with the first pogroms, and then posters will appear in Baku: “Russians, don’t leave! We need slaves and prostitutes!”, “Armenia's war!”. The Russians, who managed to get to the airport in Baku, could not fly to Moscow - civilian planes were loaded with boxes of carnations. The flower trade season has not been canceled.

Then Ugryumov saved hundreds of families by organizing the evacuation by military aircraft and by sea. But a few years before the tragic events, he sent reports to Moscow that nationalist sentiments were maturing in Azerbaijan, Turkish and Iranian intelligence were working. But they answered from the center: they will figure it out themselves in Azerbaijan.

Crime got it

After the collapse of the USSR in 1991, Ugryumov was seconded first to Novorossiysk, and then to Vladivostok, where he had to deal with local criminals. Bandit groups attacked officers in broad daylight. The target is a military weapon. “Father met one on one with representatives of the underworld. And the attacks stopped. All stolen weapons were returned. He had a rare gift of persuasion. And yet he could not allow women, children and the elderly to be offended in his presence. Once in the market of Vladivostok, he saw how a racketeer knocked over a box of greens from an old woman - she did not pay him a bribe. He made the extortionist pick up the greens and said that every day he would check how he was guarding his grandmother, - says admiral's son Alexander. - My father went to serious meetings without guards and weapons. But with a grenade. In Baku, when he was taking women and children out and he had to meet with armed militants from the Popular Front of Azerbaijan, he took a grenade with him for the first time.”

Ugryumov did not part with a grenade in Chechnya either. In the late 90s, German Alekseevich was transferred from Vladivostok to Moscow to the central apparatus of the FSB leadership. After the invasion of Chechen gangs into Dagestan and the beginning of the second Chechen campaign, Ugryumov was appointed head of the Regional Operational Headquarters in the North Caucasus. Under his command were Alpha and Vym-sang. He developed operations, thanks to which, one by one, iconic militant commanders were eliminated. And one of them - Salman Raduev managed to be taken alive. Ugryumov personally delivered Raduev to Moscow.

The militants promised a reward of $16 million for the head of the admiral. FSB Reserve Colonel Alexander Ladanyuk, who worked as an assistant to German Ugryumov for more than 10 years. “Father was saved by the rarest professional intuition,” says Alexander Ugryumov. - Having already set off on the road, he often changed the route. Sometimes then he sent to check the former one. And it always turned out that there was either a landmine or an ambush. When in Khankala he escorted employees of Alfa or Vympel to the next operation, he made sure to sign them with the sign of the cross. And I did not find a place for myself until they return.

"Ocean" bad

Colleagues, recalling German Alekseevich, unanimously repeat that he was a scout from God. In the most difficult situation, he made the only right decision. The way he could turn a seemingly hopeless situation around was admirable. “Whoever fights can lose, whoever doesn’t fight has already lost,” said Ugryumov.

The admiral never directed operations from his Moscow office. Always went to the place. So it was when, in the Northern Fleet, a sailor on duty, having shot his colleagues, barricaded himself in the torpedo compartment of a nuclear submarine. He threatened to blow up the nuclear-powered ship, which would lead to a monstrous catastrophe. When the persuasion of his mother, who was urgently brought from St. Petersburg, did not work, Ugryumov came up with a combination that is still kept secret. Result: the insane sailor was eliminated, despite the fact that he was in a sealed torpedo room.

The liquidation of the criminal was an extreme measure for German Alekseevich. We must try to work with any terrorist - that was his credo. In the first place, the admiral put the lives of civilians and soldiers. Thanks to his agreements with the Chechen elders, the stronghold of the militants, the city of Gudermes, was taken bloodlessly. Ugryumov met with Akhmat Kadyrov, who then went over to the side of the federal troops. Only one fact speaks about the attitude of the admiral towards the Chechen people. “A month before his death, my father visited the house. At a family council, he asked if we would be against the adoption of a Chechen girl, a six-year-old orphan whom he met in Khankala. Of course we agreed. Then they tried to find this girl. Did not work out".

German Alekseevich passed away in his “office” (field trailer) in Khankala on May 31, 2001. The “Ocean” is bad,” they radioed. First aid was instantly provided by a doctor from Alpha. He “started” the admiral’s heart twice within 40 minutes, but it refused to work. After the autopsy, the doctors discovered that the admiral, at the age of 52, had 7 scars on his heart from microinfarctions suffered on his legs. During the farewell to German Ugryumov, President Vladimir Putin asked him widow Tatyana how you can help the family. “We should get a registration,” she said. The admiral did not earn any dachas or apartments. At the same time, even in the most crisis years, he managed to knock out housing for his subordinates. No wonder they called him "Batey" behind his back. Family registration was provided. And the admiral himself, despite his professional closeness, received a residence permit in the history of the Russian state - streets in Astrakhan, Novorossiysk, Grozny and Vladivostok are named after him. And in the sea, which he loved so much, the patrol boat "German Ugryumov" comes out.

Vladimir Putin and Nikolai Patrushev at the funeral of G. A. Ugryumov. Photo:

Born October 10, 1948 in the city of Astrakhan in a working class family. Russian. He grew up and studied at the Bishkil station of the Chebarkul district of the Chelyabinsk region, where his parents worked at the elevator. After school, he left for Astrakhan and entered a ship repair vocational school.
In 1967, on the direction of the military enlistment office, he entered the Caspian Higher Naval School named after S. M. Kirov in the city of Baku. He studied at the Faculty of Chemistry, was a deputy company commander. After graduating from college in 1972, he was sent to serve in the Caspian military flotilla, was appointed senior assistant to the commander of a large fireboat.
Since 1973 he has already commanded this ship. For skillful management and personal courage shown in extinguishing a fire in the Baku oil fields, he was awarded the medal "For Courage in a Fire".

In 1975, he was recruited to work in the naval counterintelligence of the State Security Committee (KGB). After graduating from the Higher School of the KGB of the USSR in Novosibirsk, Lieutenant Commander Ugryumov was sent to the same Caspian flotilla. He began operational work at the Naval School named after S. M. Kirov, at the faculty of foreign students. He was advanced to the rank of captain of the 3rd rank. Since 1979 - head of the special department of the Caspian VVMU.

In 1985 - 1992 he headed the Special Department of the Caspian Military Flotilla. He worked in difficult conditions - the activities of the Popular Front of Azerbaijan, interethnic clashes, the collapse of the USSR, etc. Participated in the rescue of Russian and Armenian families during the pogroms, led the withdrawal of the Caspian flotilla, the naval school in Astrakhan.

Colleagues speak of him as an operational worker from God, a skilled leader and organizer of counterintelligence activities, a strong analyst. He knew the situation in the region like the back of his hand, and predicted the negative development of events almost a year before they began. The counterintelligence officers claim that if the information received had been implemented in time, the Sumgayit pogroms could have been avoided. And when the situation nevertheless got out of control, Ugryumov's subordinates did not give up, but continued to work and, together with other military men who remained in the city, did a lot to protect the authorities, save civilians, Armenians and Russians, military families from reprisals above them.
According to the captain of the 1st rank: "When the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict broke out, it was unusual for everyone, you can get confused! And clear instructions - you must do this, and you do this, and you say the following, and you run there and then call someone - they don't exist. The fact that it was Ugryumov with his team at the right time in the right place is God's Providence. I mentioned the team for a reason: Ugryumov knew how to build relationships within the team, with military, civil, party leaders - any level. And therefore had enormous authority. "

Since 1993, Captain 1st Rank Ugryumov worked as the head of the newly created Special Department of the Novorossiysk naval base of the Black Sea Fleet. In 1994, he was transferred to the Far East as the head of the FGC of Russia department for the Pacific Fleet.

In 1998, Rear Admiral Ugryumov was transferred to Moscow to the post of 1st Deputy Head of the Military Counterintelligence Department of the FSB of the Russian Federation, supervised the counterintelligence agencies of the entire Russian Navy. In 1999, he took the position of 1st Deputy Head of the 2nd Department of the FSB (protection of the constitutional order and the fight against terrorism), in November of the same year he became the head of the Department - Deputy Director of the FSB. He was subordinate to the FSB Special Purpose Center, which included the Alfa and Vympel groups.

With the direct participation of Ugryumov, special measures were developed and carried out as part of the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus region, as a result of which many leaders and active members of gangs were neutralized. This is the bloodless capture of Gudermes in December 1999, and the arrest of Salman Raduev in March 2000, and the release of hostages in the village of Lazorevskoye in November of the same year.

On January 22, 2001, after Putin entrusted Patrushev with leadership of the counter-terrorist operation in Chechnya, Ugryumov was appointed head of the regional operational headquarters of the counter-terrorist operation in Khankala. A month later, reports began to appear in the Moscow media that Ugryumov could be appointed director of the FSB. Then it became known that for the leadership of a number of special operations during the hostilities in Chechnya, he was awarded the title of Hero of Russia.

According to a number of publications in the media, on May 30, 2001, he was awarded the military rank of admiral. The next day, May 31, Admiral Ugryumov died of a heart attack in his office on the territory of the headquarters of the Russian military group in the village of Khankala, Chechen Republic. According to media reports, the autopsy revealed traces of 7 microinfarcts. He was buried in Moscow at the Troekurovsky cemetery.

Hero of the Russian Federation (title awarded by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 20, 2000 for courage and heroism shown in the performance of military duty)
Order of the Badge of Honor
Order of Military Merit,
Medals, including "For courage in a fire",
Badge "Honorary Counterintelligence Officer" (1997),
Breastplate "For service in counterintelligence" III and II degrees.

By order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, the base minesweeper of the Caspian flotilla BT-244 will be named German Ugryumov. According to the FSB of Russia, this decision was taken as a sign of perpetuating the memory of German Ugryumov, deputy director of the FSB, hero of Russia, who died in Chechnya on May 31.

In the homeland of the admiral, in the city of Astrakhan, a street and a square bear his name, and on September 14, 2006, a monument was unveiled. The streets in the cities of Vladivostok, Novorossiysk also bear the name of the Hero, a bas-relief monument is also installed here.


USSR USSR, Russia Russia

Type of army Years of service Rank Battles/wars Awards and prizes

German Alekseevich Ugryumov(October 10, 1948, Astrakhan - May 31, 2001, Khankala, Chechen Republic) - figure in the state security bodies of Russia, admiral (2001), Hero of the Russian Federation.

Young years and service in the Navy

Born in the family of a worker, a participant in the Great Patriotic War. Russian. He grew up and studied at the Bishkil station of the Chebarkulsky district of the Chelyabinsk region. After graduating from high school, he again left for Astrakhan, where he entered a ship repair vocational school.

In the KGB of the USSR


  • Hero of the Russian Federation (title awarded by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 20, 2000 for courage and heroism shown in the performance of military duty)
  • Medals, including "For courage in a fire",
  • Badge "Honorary Counterintelligence Officer" (1997),
  • Breastplate "For service in counterintelligence" III and II degrees.


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. Site "Heroes of the Country".

  • The novel was published in Nos. 3 and 4 of the Our Sovremennik magazine in 2004.

An excerpt characterizing Ugryumov, German Alekseevich

“And one more thing, please, my dear, sharpen my saber; blunt ... (but Petya was afraid to lie) she had never been honed. Can it be done?
- Why, maybe.
Likhachev got up and rummaged through his packs, and Petya soon heard the warlike sound of steel on a bar. He climbed onto the wagon and sat on its edge. The Cossack sharpened his saber under the wagon.
- And what, the good fellows sleep? Petya said.
- Who is sleeping, and who is like this.
- Well, what about the boy?
- Is it spring? He was there, in the hallways, collapsed. Sleeping with fear. It was glad.
For a long time after that Petya was silent, listening to the sounds. Footsteps were heard in the darkness and a black figure appeared.
- What are you sharpening? the man asked, approaching the wagon.
- But the master sharpen his saber.
“It’s a good thing,” said the man, who seemed to be a hussar to Petya. - Do you have a cup left?
“At the wheel.
The hussar took the cup.
“It’s probably light soon,” he said, yawning, and went somewhere.
Petya should have known that he was in the forest, in the party of Denisov, a verst from the road, that he was sitting on a wagon recaptured from the French, near which horses were tied, that the Cossack Likhachev was sitting under him and sharpening his saber, that a large black spot to the right - a guardhouse, and a bright red spot below to the left - a dying fire, that the man who came for a cup was a hussar who wanted to drink; but he knew nothing and did not want to know it. He was in a magical realm, in which there was nothing like reality. A big black spot, maybe it was definitely a guardhouse, or maybe there was a cave that led into the very depths of the earth. The red spot may have been fire, or perhaps the eye of a huge monster. Maybe he’s definitely sitting on a wagon now, but it’s very possible that he’s not sitting on a wagon, but on a terribly high tower, from which if you fall, you would fly to the ground all day, a whole month - all fly and you will never reach . It may be that just the Cossack Likhachev is sitting under the wagon, but it may very well be that this is the kindest, bravest, most wonderful, most excellent person in the world, whom no one knows. Perhaps it was the hussar who was exactly passing for water and went into the hollow, or perhaps he had just disappeared from sight and completely disappeared, and he was not there.
Whatever Petya saw now, nothing would surprise him. He was in a magical realm where anything was possible.
He looked up at the sky. And the sky was as magical as the earth. The sky was clearing, and over the tops of the trees clouds quickly ran, as if revealing the stars. Sometimes it seemed that the sky was clearing and showed a black, clear sky. Sometimes it seemed that these black spots were clouds. Sometimes it seemed that the sky was high, high above the head; sometimes the sky descended completely, so that you could reach it with your hand.
Petya began to close his eyes and sway.
Drops dripped. There was a quiet conversation. The horses neighed and fought. Someone snored.
“Fire, burn, burn, burn…” whistled the saber being sharpened. And suddenly Petya heard a harmonious chorus of music playing some unknown, solemnly sweet hymn. Petya was musical, just like Natasha, and more than Nikolai, but he never studied music, did not think about music, and therefore the motives that suddenly came to his mind were especially new and attractive to him. The music played louder and louder. The tune grew, passed from one instrument to another. There was what is called a fugue, although Petya had no idea what a fugue was. Each instrument, now resembling a violin, now like trumpets - but better and cleaner than violins and trumpets - each instrument played its own and, without finishing the motive, merged with another, which began almost the same, and with the third, and with the fourth , and they all merged into one and again scattered, and again merged first into a solemn church, then into a brightly shining and victorious one.
“Oh, yes, it’s me in a dream,” Petya said to himself, swaying forward. - It's in my ears. Or maybe it's my music. Well, again. Go ahead my music! Well!.."
He closed his eyes. And from different sides, as if from afar, sounds trembled, began to converge, scatter, merge, and again everything united into the same sweet and solemn hymn. “Ah, what a delight it is! As much as I want and how I want,” Petya said to himself. He tried to lead this huge chorus of instruments.
“Well, hush, hush, freeze now. And the sounds obeyed him. - Well, now it's fuller, more fun. More, even happier. - And from an unknown depth rose increasing, solemn sounds. “Well, voices, pester!” Petya ordered. And first, men's voices were heard from afar, then women's. The voices grew, grew in a steady solemn effort. Petya was terrified and joyful to listen to their extraordinary beauty.
A song merged with the solemn victory march, and drops dripped, and burned, burned, burned ... a saber whistled, and again the horses fought and neighed, not breaking the chorus, but entering it.
Petya did not know how long this went on: he enjoyed himself, was constantly surprised at his own pleasure and regretted that there was no one to tell him. Likhachev's gentle voice woke him up.
- Done, your honor, spread the guard in two.
Petya woke up.
- It's getting light, really, it's getting light! he cried.
Previously invisible horses became visible up to their tails, and a watery light was visible through the bare branches. Petya shook himself, jumped up, took out a ruble bill from his pocket and gave it to Likhachev, waved it, tried the saber and put it in its sheath. The Cossacks untie the horses and tighten the girths.
“Here is the commander,” said Likhachev. Denisov came out of the guardroom and, calling to Petya, ordered to get ready.

Quickly in the semi-darkness, they dismantled the horses, tightened the girths and sorted out the commands. Denisov stood at the guardhouse, giving his last orders. The infantry of the party, slapping a hundred feet, advanced along the road and quickly disappeared between the trees in the predawn fog. Esaul ordered something to the Cossacks. Petya kept his horse in line, impatiently waiting for the order to mount. Washed with cold water, his face, especially his eyes, burned with fire, chills ran down his back, and something in his whole body trembled quickly and evenly.
- Well, are you all ready? Denisov said. - Come on horses.
The horses were given. Denisov was angry with the Cossack because the girths were weak, and, having scolded him, sat down. Petya took up the stirrup. The horse, out of habit, wanted to bite his leg, but Petya, not feeling his weight, quickly jumped into the saddle and, looking back at the hussars moving behind in the darkness, rode up to Denisov.

Hero of Russia German Ugryumov died at a military post in Khankala in 2001. He was the only admiral in the highest echelons of state security. For generosity, German Alekseevich received ...

Hero of Russia German Ugryumov died at a military post in Khankala in 2001. He was the only admiral in the highest echelons of state security.

For generosity, German Alekseevich received the nickname "Ocean".

"Ocean" almost lost his family when the massacre began in Azerbaijan. In Sumgayit, notorious throughout the world, there was such a massacre that Genghis Khan would be envious. And then posters hung all over the republic: “Russians, don't leave! We need slaves and prostitutes!”

Those who reached the airport did not manage to fly away - flowers were loaded in boxes for the central cities of Russia. The flower trade has not been cancelled. It cost more than a human life. "Ocean" - German Ugryumov - saved many families by evacuating them on military aircraft and by sea.

Painful thoughts about the fact that he sent reports to the center about nationalist sentiments in Azerbaijan. The intelligence officers of Iran and Turkey are working to rock the situation. Moscow optimistically replied that there were good party cadres in the republic - they would be able to figure it out themselves.

Encounters with crime

He continued to serve in the coastal cities of Russia. There was Novorossiysk, then Vladivostok. Here he had to meet with criminal authorities. Frequent attacks on officers in order to seize weapons forced us to think carefully about the options.

"Ocean" met with criminal leaders. What was discussed is unknown, but the attacks stopped. Knowing the nature of Ugryumov, this could be a direct conversation about the complete destruction of criminal authorities. He quickly figured out the hierarchy of gang power in Vladivostok.

The attacks on the officers ceased, and the weapons were returned. He had a good gift for persuasion, but Ugryumov did not ask, but ordered the bandits. He was a man to the bone. He saw how the extortionist threw the old woman's greens on the ground, demanding that she pay for the services of "security", he forced the bandit to lift the box.

And he told him that he would come with questions to his grandmother - did someone offend her? Serious meetings in those years were part of his work. He went to them with a grenade. Didn't take the gun. Ocean was ready for anything. He also left security at home. The first time he took a grenade with him to a meeting with militants in Baku.

After serving in Vladivostok, he was transferred to the central office of the FSB. But then the Wahhabis invaded Dagestan. A difficult period began in the life of the "Ocean". Now he is the head of Alpha and Vympel.

There is a careful development of operations. They successfully end with the elimination of iconic field commanders. Salman Raduev was captured alive. "Ocean" itself delivered it to Moscow. The bandits offered $16,000,000 for the admiral's head. On the air, the militants were indignant that he had again left them, they couldn’t blow it up, although everything was already ready.

Ugryumov possessed a truly professional intuition. He could suddenly change the route of his car. Then he could arrange a check along the planned route - almost always they found a land mine or a trip wire there. He escorted Alfa and Vympel to all operations personally, overshadowing them with a cross. Measured steps trailer-office until the group returns from the job.

"Ocean" bad

They say he was a scout, kissed on the top of the head by God. A hopeless situation with his help was solved in a completely unpredictable way, but with an amazing result of victory. "Who fights - can lose, who does not fight - has already lost," - said "Ocean".

The admiral rarely visited the Moscow office. His place is in the army. The officers who served with him tell about a unique case in the Northern Fleet. The sailor shot the guys and locked himself in the compartment, threatening to blow up the nuclear submarine.

Nothing helped. The mother of the sailor, taken to the submarine, could not convince him to surrender. Ugryumov's plan of action is not declassified even today, but the sailor was destroyed in a sealed torpedo room. "Ocean" did not like death. I preferred to negotiate.

He put the lives of the civilian population above all else. After all, they are not to blame for the fact that the “tops” could not agree, and the military specially studied to protect people. He took Gudermes without a fight, having agreed with the elders.

Akhmat Kadyrov went over to the side of the federal troops after a meeting with Okean. Well distinguishing the people from the bandits, he decided to adopt

a little orphan girl, a Chechen, left without parents. But he did not have time, and the family did not manage to find the girl after the war.

And suddenly a message passed through all means of communication - “Ocean” is bad! The Hero of Russia - German Ugryumov - left in his working trailer, and soldiers and officers stood nearby, helpless in their grief. The Alpha doctor tried for forty minutes, but could not start the soldier-admiral's heart.