Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Will we have enough air? Will we have enough oxygen? The oxygen will not run out.

Scientists of the last century expanded their views on the problem associated with oxygen. According to calculations, it turned out that if we do not reduce the rate of pollution of our environment, the oxygen we breathe will run out in about three centuries, and people and animals will simply suffocate. This end of the world may turn out to be true, since this problem is quite well substantiated by both mathematical calculations and logic. Three tons of oxygen are needed to burn just one ton of fuel. There are 6.75 kilograms of air per square inch; in total, Earth's oxygen weighs 1,020,000,000,000 tons. It is enough to burn fuel weighing 340,000,000,000 tons. Humanity burns approximately 600,000,000 tons of coal every year, forests are burned, oil products and other combustible minerals are used and burned. If you add it all up, it comes out to about 1,000,000,000 tons. Even by eye, one can estimate that oxygen at this rate will run out quite soon, in about 340 years. Lord Kelvin, the famous American and scientist, predicted that man would cease to be independent of the air. The time will come when oxygen will be stored for future use by pumping it into large reservoirs, and each family will be allocated an air ration just enough so that only vital functions can be supported by the body. Pearl fishermen - this is how such a society could be characterized. Take a breath of air - and don’t breathe until the cells of your organs have used up every last drop, take another breath of air - and again go under water. In the morgues, during the autopsy, they will conclude in the future society: death occurred from oxygen starvation. If there is no money, then there is no air for you. It's a sad end of the world. But it is worth noting that at the beginning of the last century, the knowledge of scientists was limited; they did not yet know that the Earth itself also had oxygen reserves, so the problem was somewhat exaggerated. Our technology has reached the point where it can start generating oxygen if necessary.
from water using electrolysis. The urgent need for this will not come for a long time, but on one condition, if our algae, plants, and forests produce in abundance the gas we need. An adult, if he is not engaged in heavy physical labor, consumes approximately 300 kilograms of oxygen over the years. Even if we use the old calculations and take as a basis the sum of the weight of the air of those scientists, it turns out that the available oxygen without its generation will be enough to provide life for 3,400,000,000,000 people, while in the present there are approximately 6 billion of us.

It's no secret how beneficial phytoplankton is for the environment. It also plays an important role in the atmosphere. After all, it is to him that we owe the release of oxygen into the air. In addition, it is at the base of the food pyramid, and, in fact, feeds the entire sea.

Scientists have calculated that in 80 years oxygen will completely disappear. University staff in Michigan have calculated that in 2100, phytoplankton, the main source of oxygen, will finally cease to exist. The reason for this is global warming.

As a result of numerous analyzes of 130 species of phytoplankton, it was found that in the waters of the polar region and the seas of temperate zones, phytoplankton reproduces better. Since the temperature there is higher than the annual average, which is typical for its habitat.

Tropical plankton, on the contrary, reproduce well at average annual temperatures or even lower ones. It turns out that it is tropical phytoplankton that will be more sensitive to global warming.

Until now, scientists around the world are not fully aware of how phytoplankton is distributed throughout the world’s waters and how it will behave during global warming.

As a result, in about 80 years, according to experts, tropical phytoplankton, which makes up a significant part of the World Ocean, will be pushed to the poles or die out altogether. In both outcomes, the death of phytoplankton would be a major blow to marine ecosystems. However, there is still hope that phytoplankton will somehow manage to adapt to new conditions.

Scientists find it difficult to say why some species of plankton did not have ways to adapt to the new temperature regime, especially since northern species of phytoplankton should adapt well to harsh conditions. In addition, the researchers do not exclude the possibility that seaweed may have had such an opportunity, but over time it was used up. This still allows us to hope that plankton will still be able to adapt to changing climatic conditions. The task for the near future is precisely to find out at what speed phytoplankton will adapt to changes in nature.

The Earth's atmosphere has no clear limitations. The outer layers extend up to several thousand kilometers. but 90% of its mass is concentrated in the 16-kilometer surface layer.
Although there is no precise geometric boundary between atmosphere and space, it can be defined in physical terms. The physical boundary of the atmosphere is the height at which the air is still quite dense. to register the order of physical phenomena related to the earth and its space.

The physical properties of the atmosphere are heterogeneous - not only vertical; but also horizontal. With increasing altitude, the composition and quantity of its other properties and parameters change. There are several divisions in the atmosphere, such as separation temperature.

As a basis, it is customary to take the average change in air temperature with altitude in ascent (r = - dT 1 dg). According to their different signs (temperature changes with altitude, atmospheric composition and the presence of charged particles) the atmosphere is divided into five main layers called fields. Between each transition there is a thin layer called breaks. Their names are based on their location; how is the troposphere above the tropopause, etc.

The air that forms the earth's atmosphere is a mixture of various gases. Gases that do not react chemically with each other are called a mechanical mixture. The composition of the air at the surface of the earth is established with greater accuracy. In addition to the main gases - nitrogen, oxygen and argon mixtures, there are also mechanical and other gaseous impurities with much lower concentrations. The composition of the air is not the same at different altitudes.

Up to an altitude of about 800 km, the atmosphere is dominated by nitrogen and oxygen. More than 400 km began to increase the content of light gases - helium at the beginning: and then hydrogen. 800 km above the main content of the atmosphere is mainly hydrogen.

A clean plan can be assumed to be up to approximately 200 km of air; surrounding is a thin and uniform coating of their physical characteristics. As the surface density increases, the unevenness of the density decreases, leading to an uneven distribution of atmospheric mass. About half the table is in layers up to 5 km above the Earth's surface; at an altitude of 30 km is about 99 percent contained. Above 35 km the atmospheric mass is less than 1%l. Nevertheless; There are a number of processes and phenomena. which arise as a result of direct exposure to solar radiation. In fact, it is a 1°/l intermediate that is responsive to solar radiation and transmits it to the lower atmosphere.

Just 2.3 billion years ago, the air surrounding the Earth contained absolutely no oxygen. For the primitive forms of life of that time, this circumstance was a real gift.

Single-celled bacteria that lived in the primordial ocean did not require oxygen to maintain their vital functions. Then something happened.

How did oxygen appear on Earth?

Scientists believe that as they developed, some bacteria “learned” to extract hydrogen from water. It is known that water is a compound of hydrogen and oxygen, so a by-product of the hydrogen extraction reaction was the formation of oxygen, its release into water, and then into the atmosphere.

Over time, some organisms have adapted to live in an atmosphere with the new gas. The body has found a way to harness the destructive energy of oxygen and use it for controlled breakdown of nutrients, which releases energy that the body uses to maintain its vital functions.

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This method of using oxygen is called breathing, which we use every day, even today. Breathing is a way to ward off the oxygen threat: it made possible the development on Earth of larger organisms - multicellular, already having a complex structure. After all, it was through the advent of breathing that evolution gave birth to man.

Where did oxygen come from on Earth?

Over the millions of years that have passed, the amount of oxygen on earth has increased from 0.2 percent to the current 21 percent of the atmosphere. But ocean bacteria are not the only ones to blame for the increase in oxygen in the atmosphere. Scientists believe that another source of oxygen was the colliding continents. In their opinion, during the collision, and then during the subsequent divergence of the continents, large amounts of oxygen were released into the atmosphere.

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How? As a result of collisions and divergences of continents, huge sedimentary rocks sank to the seabed, carrying with them large amounts of organic matter. If this did not happen, then more oxygen would be spent on the digestion and oxidation of these organic substances. Since they became inaccessible to oxidation, a kind of economy of oxygen occurred, and its volume in the atmosphere became larger.

Escape from oxygen

Some organisms have managed to adapt and even benefit from the presence of oxygen in the atmosphere. However, most organisms could not withstand the changes in living conditions and died out. Some species of living beings saved themselves by hiding from oxygen in deep crevices and other secluded places. Many today live happily in the roots of legumes, capturing nitrogen gas from the atmosphere and using it to synthesize amino acids (the building blocks of protein) in plants.

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The botulism bacterium is another oxygen fugitive. It is found in meat, fish, and plants. If during their preparation, the botulism bacillus is not destroyed by high temperature during cooking, then it can then multiply intensively in canned food that is prepared from the listed products.

This happens because there is no air access to the cans. If you eat food contaminated with botulism bacilli, you can become dangerously ill.

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However, to call the pace frightening would be an exaggeration.

After studying air bubbles trapped in the glaciers of Granland for hundreds of thousands of years, scientists found that during this time there was less oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere. At the same time, a group of specialists led by Daniel Stolper from Princeton University cannot yet confidently name the reason why over 800 thousand years the atmosphere has lost more oxygen than it acquired.

Researchers emphasize that the concentration of oxygen in the air is decreasing at a very moderate pace - over hundreds of millennia since the Pleistocene, it has decreased by only 0.7 percent. According to experts, they themselves carried out the measurements, primarily out of curiosity, and could not predict in advance whether the oxygen content in the air had changed during this time and, if so, in what direction. The measurement showed not the brightest, but absolutely clear trend towards its decrease, the researchers note.

As experts remind, in the distant past, fluctuations in oxygen levels on our planet were very significant. A couple of billion years ago, it is assumed that this material was not present in the atmosphere at all, but then cyanobacteria began to release it, thereby forever setting the direction of evolution on the planet. Subsequently, oxygen began to be produced by a wide variety of plants, and even later it turned out to be necessary to support the life of complex animals. Oxygen is not only consumed by living beings, but is also “wasted” during the weathering of silicate rocks. Also, according to scientists, approximately every millennium, all O atoms in the atmosphere manage to be in water molecules and become oxygen again.

Scientists assured that, whatever the true causes of the phenomenon they discovered, oxygen on Earth will definitely not run out in the very near future. Nevertheless, experts tend to consider the results obtained as another reason to think about how exactly the planet is affected by human actions - today people consume a thousand times more oxygen than before, thereby accelerating the process of reducing its amount already observed in nature.