Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Isaac K. Adizes Managing Change

Isaac Adizes

Managing change. How to effectively manage change in society, business and personal life

Foreword from the publishing partner

You first decide what to do and then implement your decision effectively

If you don't want to make the change, I guarantee there will be someone who will do it for you.

Jack Welch

The Stins Coman group of companies traditionally supports the publication of new books by Professor Yitzhak Calderon Adizes in Russia. The approaches that the author talks about are necessary and in great demand in the Russian business environment. This is evidenced by the fact that Adizes’ books are constantly being republished and new ones appear.

According to Professor Isaac Adizes, to live means to solve problems, and to develop means to acquire skills in solving more complex problems. The book by I. Adizes “Managing Change” is devoted to the processes of making management decisions. The purpose of management, education, governance—in short, any form of organizational leadership—is to solve today's problems and prepare for tomorrow. This is change management.

The problems that arise as a result of the changes taking place are quite predictable. Professor I. Adizes clearly reveals the nature of problems and, in his characteristic thorough manner, explains how to effectively resolve situations related to the creation of an efficient team, be prepared for conflicts of interests, how to increase the number of constructive proposals from employees, how to eradicate disrespect for other people’s opinions and mutual distrust of the participants in the change being carried out.

Isaac Adizes is an unrivaled author of paradoxical management decisions. In one of his books, published four decades ago, he stated that there are no ideal managers and managers. In this book, he says that there is no such thing as a “good solution.” There are “good decisions for the moment,” and we must take into account that their life span is quite short, so decisions should be assessed by their impact on the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization in the short and long term. “The right actions must be done at the right time, in the right order, with the right intensity and in the right sequence.” The manager’s task, according to the author, is to learn to do the right things correctly.

I. Adizes’ recommendations are addressed to those who are ready to work on themselves in order to achieve their goals, while showing a sufficient level of reflection and the ability to move away from stereotypes. First of all, I would advise managers whose career growth has been rapid to read this book. I. Adizes not only breaks down the nuances of management “in theory,” but also explains how to use this knowledge in practice.

The methodology of I. Adizes is a kind of matrix that can be applied in any system - be it an organization, a family or a team of like-minded people. Roles in the system must be distributed so that integration (I), entrepreneurship (E), administration (A), and production of the required result (P) are present. Only when all these roles are fulfilled can the management team make the right decisions and subsequently implement them effectively.

The book is written as a conversation and is easy to read. The methods and approaches are not only explainable, but also well structured. In addition, the main ideas to which the author leads are presented in the form of brief conclusions.

After reading this book, one cannot hope to obtain the only and completely necessary knowledge. But by taking it as a basis and increasing your own experience and knowledge, you can count on success.

Irina Slesareva,

Vice President of Marketing and HR of the Stins Coman group of companies


Dear reader!

The book you are holding in your hands was written by the famous “guru” of management theory, Dr. Isaac Calderon Adizes. About ten years ago, this name in Russia was known only in narrow scientific circles - it was referred to in dissertations and scientific articles. But in most cases these were references to exile, since the books of I. Adizes in the original were practically inaccessible, and Russian translations did not exist. But over the years the situation has changed dramatically: almost all of his books have already been published in Russian; his articles and interviews regularly appear on the pages of domestic newspapers and magazines; as a consultant he works with the largest Russian companies; Dr. Adizes regularly gives lectures in Russia, not only to students and professors, but also to government officials, including governors of all subjects of the Federation. All these positive changes occurred to a large extent thanks to the efforts of the Institute of Business and Business Administration of the RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation, where he is a scientific consultant for the Executive MBA and MBA programs. His applied management theory, known throughout the world as the Adizes methodology, forms the basis of our training programs. And in the Executive MBA program, which is focused on training owners and top managers, this methodology is a mandatory part of the program and has been implemented for many years in collaboration with Adizes Graduate School (Adizes Institute Graduate School).

In all his monographs (and there are already about thirty of them), Dr. Adizes examines the issues of the development of organizations and their behavior within the life cycle, problems of leadership, change management, and management styles. Thanks to Adizes’ unique methodology, all these elements of management theory not only received a new scientific meaning, but also began to be used in practice to solve the most complex management problems.

What is the essence of this methodology? If we try to define it briefly, then two concepts are quite enough for this - analysis and synthesis. Any community, be it a company, a family or a country as a whole, is a living organism that has its own life cycle. They are born, grow, reach their peak, eventually enter a stage of decline and die. This is a classic life cycle curve, in which only the first and last stages are constant. The set of all other stages and their sequence is an individual feature of each organization and its management system. Therefore, the ability to effectively solve problems that periodically arise in an organization comes to the fore. To do this, it is necessary to constantly analyze the situation in which the company finds itself, identifying what is “normal” and what is “abnormal” at this stage of the life cycle. The effectiveness of decisions made entirely depends on how fully the features of managing an organization at various phases of the life cycle are taken into account. The fundamental monograph by Itzhak Adizes “Corporation Life Cycle Management” is devoted to a detailed analysis of all stages of the life cycle.

At the same time, any management process is a relationship between people. Three points need to be made here. First: all people are different.

Second: ideal people (including managers) do not exist - everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. Third: change is a constant factor in any activity. The fundamental part of Adizes' methodology is based on these three conceptual observations.

The book “Managing Change” is devoted to the consideration of management decision-making processes. The problems that arise as a result of the changes taking place are quite predictable. To make quality decisions, you need to create a balanced and efficient complementary team of managers. However, any team is a clash of different interests, styles of thinking and behavior. Therefore, conflict is inevitable, but it is very important that it is constructive so that the parties hear each other and benefit from their differences. And such a situation is only possible when people trust and respect each other. It would seem that these are completely abstract concepts that are difficult to apply in the real decision-making process. But that's not true. The essence of trust is that, although the team diverges in particulars, it is united in its strategic interests. And respect for the opinions of others, even if different from yours, allows you to take into account all the nuances and make a high-quality management decision. Therefore, an effective manager gathers around him people with different styles of behavior, whom he respects and trusts, since they are united by common strategic interests.

I would like to note an important feature of Adizes’ methodology, which is most clearly manifested in this book. The vast majority of modern management theories are based on American business experience and rely on the Anglo-Saxon model of behavior. But the modern world is diverse, and standard methods and techniques are not always applicable and effective in different regions. That is why Adizes’ theory compares favorably with all others, since the author examines the processes of management and decision-making through the prism of national characteristics in a particular country. He always tries to understand the cause-and-effect relationships, specifics and mentality of various national groups through a serious study of the business cultures of various nations.

“It is not the strongest or the most intelligent species that survive, but those that best adapt to change,” said Charles Darwin. Dr. Isaac Adizes continues this thought: “We will stop facing problems only if there is no change at all, and this will happen only when we... die.”

Adizes' methodology is based on the basic principle: any organization, like any living organism, is constantly changing and faces problems. At each stage of organizational development, a company expects a specific set of changes.

“Managing Change” is not a miracle cure that will cure all management problems. This book will teach you how to effectively diagnose an organization's "diseases" and "cure" them. You will learn how, using the internal energy of the company, you can independently produce the four necessary “vitamins” to maintain the health of the company for a long time.

Who is this book for?

For those who want to make change manageable

From the author

I have studied management practices in many countries and observed what happens in different settings. I was like that doctor who, while on a British warship for a long time, could see how people who were deficient in vitamin C developed scurvy. I studied management in countries where some managerial functions were prohibited by law, and observed and analyzed the management “diseases” that developed. In the course of this work, I identified the necessary characteristics - those four "vitamins" I called "decision-making roles" - that ensure the creation of a healthy organization, that is, effective and efficient in the short and long term. When any of these roles cease to be fulfilled, the result is a corresponding typical pattern of mismanagement. I can infer and predict the quality of a solution by knowing which roles were and were absent during the decision process.

I call this approach the Adizes Methodology. Adizes' methodology offers a holistic theory of management, both therapeutic and preventive. For example, one company, thanks to the use of this methodology and other factors, was able to increase its turnover over ten years from $12 million to $750 million without diluting its capital through an additional issue of shares. Another company, also without issuing additional shares, increased its profits from $150 million to $2.5 billion over ten years.

Expand description Collapse description May 27, 2017

Managing change. How to effectively manage change in society, business and personal life Isaac Adizes

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Title: Managing change. How to effectively manage change in society, business and personal life
Author: Isaac Adizes
Year: 1992
Genre: Foreign business literature, Foreign psychology, Corporate culture, Popular business information, Social psychology, Management, personnel selection

About the book “Managing Change. How to effectively manage changes in society, business and personal life" Isaac Adizes

“It is not the strongest or the most intelligent species that survive, but those that best adapt to change,” said Charles Darwin. Isaac Adizes continues this thought: “We will stop facing problems only if there is no change at all, and this will happen only when we... die.”

The book is devoted to the processes of making management decisions in conditions of constant changes occurring both inside and outside the organization. Problems arising as a result of changes, according to Adizes, are not only predictable, but also solvable. The author clearly shows how you can create and maintain the integrity of an organization if you master the art of making and implementing quality management decisions.

From this book you will learn: why conflicts are inevitable and even necessary; how to make conflict constructive; how to communicate with other people whose management styles are different from yours; how to recognize bad management; how to make quality decisions; how to predict whether a solution will be implemented; how to organize teamwork; how to create an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect; CAPI: the key to change management.

The book has been translated into Hebrew, Macedonian, Spanish and other languages.

On our website about books you can download for free without registration or read online the book “Managing Change. How to effectively manage changes in society, business and personal life" by Isaac Adizes in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holders.

Terms that are registered trademarks Adizes Institute


Founder's Trap™


For the interpretation of these terms, see the text of this and other books by I. Adizes.

Foreword by the scientific editor

Dear reader!

The book you are holding in your hands was written by the famous “guru” of management theory, Dr. Isaac Adizes. Just a few years ago, this name in Russia was known only in narrow scientific circles - it was referred to in dissertations and scientific articles. But in most cases these were references to exile, since the books of I. Adizes in the original were practically inaccessible, and Russian translations did not exist. But over the past two years the situation has changed dramatically: several of his books have already been published in Russian; his articles and interviews often appear on the pages of domestic business and scientific periodicals; From time to time Dr. Adizes gives lectures in Russia. These positive changes have largely occurred thanks to the efforts of the Institute of Business and Business Administration of the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation, where he is a scientific consultant, and his applied management theory, known throughout the world as the “Adizes methodology,” is the basis of our educational programs.

In all of his monographs (and there are already more than twenty of them), Dr. Adizes examines the development of organizations and their behavior within the life cycle, problems of leadership, change management, and management styles. Thanks to Adizes’ unique methodology, all these elements of management theory not only received a new scientific meaning, but also began to be used in practice to solve the most complex management problems.

What is the essence of this methodology? If we try to define it briefly, then two concepts are quite enough for this - analysis and synthesis. Any community, be it a company, a family or a country as a whole, is a living organism that has its own life cycle. They are born, grow, reach their peak, eventually enter a stage of decline and die. This is a classic life cycle curve, in which only the first and last stages are constant. The set of all other stages and their sequence is an individual feature of each organization and its management system. Therefore, the ability to effectively solve problems that constantly arise in an organization comes to the fore. To do this, it is necessary to constantly analyze the situation in which the company finds itself, identifying what is “normal” and what is “abnormal” at this stage of the life cycle. The effectiveness of decisions made entirely depends on how fully the features of managing an organization at various phases of the life cycle are taken into account. The fundamental monograph by Itzhak Adizes “Corporation Life Cycle Management” (Peter, 2007) is devoted to a detailed analysis of all stages of the life cycle.

At the same time, any management process is a relationship between people. Three points need to be made here. First: all people are different. Second: ideal people (including managers) do not exist - everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. Third: change is a constant factor in any activity. The fundamental part of Adizes' methodology is based on these three conceptual observations.

The book “Managing Change” is devoted to the consideration of management decision-making processes. The problems that arise as a result of the changes taking place are quite predictable. To make quality decisions, you need to create a balanced and efficient complementary team of managers. However, any team is a clash of different interests, styles of thinking and behavior. Therefore, conflict is inevitable, but it is very important that it is constructive so that the parties hear each other and benefit from their differences. And such a situation is only possible when people trust and respect each other. It would seem that these are completely abstract concepts that are difficult to apply in the real decision-making process. But that's not true. The essence of trust is that, although the team diverges in particulars, it is united in its strategic interests. And respect for the opinions of others, even if different from yours, allows you to take into account all the nuances and make a high-quality management decision. Therefore, an effective manager gathers around him people with different styles of behavior, whom he respects and trusts, since they are united by common strategic interests.

I would like to note an important feature of Adizes’ methodology, which is most clearly manifested in this book. The vast majority of modern management theories are based on American business experience and rely on the Anglo-Saxon model of behavior. But the modern world is diverse, and standard methods and techniques are not always applicable and effective in different regions. This is why Adizes’ theory compares favorably with all others, since the author examines the processes of management and decision-making through the prism of national characteristics in a particular country. He always tries to understand the cause-and-effect relationships, specifics and mentality of various national groups through a serious study of the business cultures of various nations.

It should be noted that this book is written in the form of a dialogue between a “guru” and his imaginary follower. Adizes’s brilliant and aphoristic explanations, based on a thorough knowledge of the subject and a lot of real life examples, allow the reader to better understand the essence of his methodology.

I am sure that this book will be of interest not only to teachers and students, but also, first of all, to practicing businessmen and consultants. In it you will find many valuable recommendations and generalizations, unexpected approaches to well-known problems, as well as instrumental methodology for analyzing current business problems.

Good luck, dear reader!

Ashot Seferyan,

Candidate of Sociological Sciences,

Director of the Executive MBA program

Institute of Business and Business Administration of the Academy of National Economy

under the Government of the Russian Federation

Reviews about the Adizes methodology

When we first heard about Isaac Adizes from the presidents of various companies whom we knew and respected, these people simply said that he was a representative of a new breed of management consultants, a person who really understood how business works and what needs to be done, so that he can perform even better. In fact, Adizes is more than just a consultant. He is a pioneer in the field of management - a serious, insightful and skillful observer of organizational behavior, which he has studied for over 25 years.

Magazine "The Editors of Inc."

Last year, we increased sales by 70%, reduced operating costs, increased profitability and significantly improved the climate in our organization. These results were largely achieved thanks to the use of the Adizes methodology.

Donald Boroyan, President Francorp, Inc..

Mutual respect and enthusiasm have reached previously unseen levels in our company. Adizes gave us the means and the impetus to involve all of its employees in the management of the company. There is no doubt that the changes in the internal climate have been incredible... his method allows you to get from everyone the contribution that he is able to make to the success of the common cause.

Frank Chamberlain, President Porter Paint Company

Corporations, like people, exhibit different qualities at different times in their lives. Dr. Adizes describes these stages in a way that no one has done before; it provides you with opportunities to better understand your corporation, allowing you to become immeasurably wiser.

William Farley, Chairman of the Board Farley Industries

With Isaac Adizes, we examined our management structure to find ways to give it more focus and definition, and as a result, we mapped out our organizational structure... It was a real success! At first we were skeptical, but at the end of the work we were indescribably delighted. We were able to achieve high focus and significantly increase individual and collective responsibility.

Ernest Fleischman, Vice President and CEO

Los Angeles Philharmonic

Adizes' methodology helped us solve many structural and functional problems. I am confident that today it is the most advanced management methodology in the world.

P. N. Gerolimatos, President P. N. Gerilymatos S. A., Greece

Adizes helped us start thinking like a single corporation. Previously, each of us acted only as a representative of his unit.

Fernando Hilsenbeck, Vice President Villares Industries, Brazil

Adizes simplified management theory. His message is clear and concise. As with Peter Drucker's books, the more time you invest in reading Managing Change, the greater the return on your investment.

George Landgrebe, President and Director American Banker/Bond Buyer

Isaac Adizes is a true management guru, and his ideas are applicable both in personal life and in company management. In his book you will become familiar, as I was, with the benefits of a complete, balanced theory that can be successfully applied in everyday life.

and Not Get Eaten"

Adizes is one of the few management consultants who has been able to transform a set of theoretical concepts into extremely effective practical guidelines for managers. What's even more impressive is that he integrated these principles into a comprehensive management system. Moreover, this ambitious undertaking was carried out using a life cycle concept that targets a common source of difficulty that many managers face.

William Newman, professor emeritus Columbia University Graduate

School of Business

Dr. Adizes' methodology not only provides a uniquely powerful means of building a functionally effective organizational structure, his approach allows you to drive functional change while improving the moral climate of your organization.

Lauren Rothschild, President American Protection Industries, Inc.

The management development program developed by Adizes helped me learn new and effective ways of making difficult management decisions.

Lee Ruwitch, publisher, Miami Review

The experience turned out to be extremely positive. People who attend different stages of the program are convinced that the methodology is very useful and that the time spent on mastering it will pay off handsomely. Students of the program become more confident in the future of their companies. In the process of training, we develop inner self-confidence and inner trust. People become calmer and better prepared for the future.

Paulo Villares, President and Director Villares Industries, Brazil

Reading and rereading Adizes stimulates not only my innovative thinking, but also my effective actions. How unusual is his common sense approach to dealing with complex situations!

Kirby Warren, professor Columbia University School of Business

About the author

Dr. Itzhak Calderon Adizes – Founder and Director Adizes Institute in Los Angeles, California, and also the director Adizes Graduate School for the Study of Change and Leadership, operating at this institute. Since 1975, he has been developing a diagnostic and therapeutic methodology for implementing organizational changes, now known throughout the world as the “Adizes methodology”. Isaac Adizes applies his methodology in a variety of organizations with a number of employees from 30 to 150 thousand people. His methods of organizational therapy have helped commercial and non-profit organizations in the USA, Canada, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Finland, France, Germany, Switzerland, Russia, Yugoslavia, Holland, Belgium, Austria, India, China, Israel - just on this list of companies from more than 40 countries - to achieve high results and take leading positions in a variety of industries, from banking to food supply. This methodology is set out in many textbooks and recorded by the author on audio and video tapes. Today, more than 1 thousand companies around the world use the Adizes methodology and more than 200 certified graduates Adizes Institute serving organizations around the world.

Isaac Adizes gives his lectures in four languages: English, Serbo-Croatian, Hebrew and Spanish. An excellent speaker, he has been a keynote speaker at numerous professional conferences and conventions and has addressed corporate executives in more than 35 countries, including Russia. Personally advised the presidents and prime ministers of Ghana, Macedonia, Greece, Sweden, Israel, Mexico, Brazil. Dr. Adizes's articles are published in such well-known publications as Fortune, Business Week, New York Times, London Financial Times, and his speeches are broadcast by many television and radio stations.

Dr. Adizes, whose works have been translated into 30 languages, is the author of more than a dozen books, including Industrial Democracy, How to Solve the Mismanagement Crisis, Corporate Lifecycles, Mastering Change, Pursuit of Prime, and others. as well as many articles in newspapers and magazines. He teaches at Anderson Graduate School of Management at the University of California ( UCLA), and also serves as a visiting professor at Stanford University, Tel Aviv University, Jerusalem Hebrew University. Lives in Santa Barbara, California, and Caesarea, Israel, with his wife Nurit and six children.


The list of people who contributed to this book would be quite long. I have given lectures based on the material offered in the book for twenty-five years. I started with a small, simple model and then gradually developed it as people became familiar with it and made comments. Someone disagreed with her and enriched me with their critical arguments. Someone helped to present my ideas more clearly and offered me their real stories, jokes, anecdotes and even caricatures. Over time, I realized that what I talked about in my lectures on organizations also applies to personal life. When I was invited to speak to heads of state and ministers, the applicability of these ideas to socio-political problems also became obvious.

So who should I thank? Who should I start with? Some people stand apart here. First of all, these are my parents, who, thanks to their Sephardic wisdom, were able to teach me a lot. Besides my parents, I must name Mr. Vukadinovic, my first teacher in Belgrade, who taught me a lesson that I will never forget. At that time I was an eight-year-old child who miraculously survived the fire of the Holocaust, in which half of my family died. I was timid and shy. Another child in our class constantly publicly insulted me with anti-Semitic remarks. Mr. Vukadinovic put us both in front of the class and told us about the brotherhood of people, how we all look the same, but at the same time we can enjoy our uniqueness. He talked about trust and respect. He put us at the same desk for the rest of the year, and my enemy became one of my best friends, with whom I still have excellent relations. Next, I want to thank Yehuda Erel, one of the leaders of the Israeli youth movement Noar La Noar. I came to Israel after the end of World War II, wanting to make a home there, but also afraid of being rejected. He helped me find my roots and a sense of belonging in a new society, teaching me to help those less fortunate than me.

Then came the years of study in the United States. Professor William Newman of Columbia University taught me the theory of management, but more importantly, he did so using his open-minded and practical vision of the management process, which I also try to emulate in my intellectual life.

Finally, for three years I gained valuable knowledge from my friend Amrit Desai (also known as Gurudev), the spiritual leader and founder of Kripalu Center in Lenox, Massachusetts. From him I learned a lot about love, about harmony, about integration with the world around us.

I can't help but mention Rosemary Sostaric, Adrienne Denny, Elspeth McHattie, Charles Mark, Bill Chickering, Michael Leim and Denise Rice. Each of you contributed to the preparation of this book for publication. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

To each of our teachers, colleagues and students, I express my most sincere gratitude and gratitude.

Isaac Kalderon Adizes, Ph. D.

Santa Monica, California

September 1991

First conversation
The meaning of management

One day I got into a conversation with one of my students. He was an intelligent and inquisitive young man. He wanted to find out what special knowledge of management I had that enabled me to teach and lecture around the world. So he asked if I would have time to talk to him about this topic. I liked his curiosity and agreed to answer his questions. As we walked through the park, exchanging questions and answers, the concept of this book gradually formed in my head.

“It is not the strongest or the most intelligent species that survive, but those that best adapt to change,” said Charles Darwin. Dr. Isaac Adizes continues this thought: “We will stop facing problems only if there is no change at all, and this will happen only when we... die.”

Adizes' methodology is based on the basic principle: any organization, like any living organism, is constantly changing and faces problems. At each stage of organizational development, a company expects a specific set of changes.

“Managing Change” is not a miracle cure that will cure all management problems. This book will teach you how to effectively diagnose an organization's "diseases" and "cure" them. You will learn how, using the internal energy of the company, you can independently produce the four necessary “vitamins” to maintain the health of the company for a long time.

Who is this book for?

For those who want to make change manageable

From the author

I have studied management practices in many countries and observed what happens in different settings. I was like that doctor who, while on a British warship for a long time, could see how people who were deficient in vitamin C developed scurvy. I studied management in countries where some managerial functions were prohibited by law, and observed and analyzed the management “diseases” that developed. In the course of this work, I identified the necessary characteristics - those four "vitamins" I called "decision-making roles" - that ensure the creation of a healthy organization, that is, effective and efficient in the short and long term. When any of these roles cease to be fulfilled, the result is a corresponding typical pattern of mismanagement. I can infer and predict the quality of a solution by knowing which roles were and were absent during the decision process.

I call this approach the Adizes Methodology. Adizes' methodology offers a holistic theory of management, both therapeutic and preventive. For example, one company, thanks to the use of this methodology and other factors, was able to increase its turnover over ten years from $12 million to $750 million without diluting its capital through an additional issue of shares. Another company, also without issuing additional shares, increased its profits from $150 million to $2.5 billion over ten years.