Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Igor Nosov - the island of Dunno. Reader's diary on children's literature And Nosov Island Dunno contents

Have you ever tried candied cucumbers? No, no, I didn't wet myself! Exactly candied! Everyone knows about pickles! But I’m sure few people know that cucumbers can also be a dessert. Want to know the recipe? I'll tell you where it is stored! On page five of the book " Dunno Island» Igor Nosov. And here too there is no typo. Precisely Igor, not Nikolai! Although the heroes of this book are the same short guys we know. AND Dunno still the same tireless inventor!

Either he wants to train frogs or ride a bicycle with square wheels. And one day he decided not to go to school and fell ill with watercolor chickenpox. Do you know what kind of disease this is? Doctor Steklyashkin thought that he made the correct diagnosis, but... even the most experienced doctors, who love to treat most often with proven castor oil, it turns out, can be wrong! Especially when the patient is a kid like Dunno. But all this is nothing compared to riding in a pneumatic mushroom pipeline. And it’s also good that short people are very sympathetic people, they don’t abandon their own people in trouble and, no matter how offensive it is, they help each other. Therefore, Dunno did not have to worry about the outcome - everything always ended well. Even when Donut hung on the Ferris Wheel at the most terrible height - just below a sunflower.

And Dunno, as you remember, was a terrible lazy person. But even he decided after all, because he realized how important it is in life! Do you want to know how he learned to read? Then you need the book " Dunno Island» Igor Nosov. And if you want to improve your reading technique and understand why it is necessary, then you not only need to read books more often, but also definitely come to the webinar "Secrets of reading technique." To do this, just follow the link

But returning to our book “ Dunno Island» Igor Nosov, I propose to think about the question of why the author called the book “Island of Dunno” and not something else. After all, the book is full of chapters with different titles. By the way, you could post your answers in your comments under this article. It would be interesting to hear the opinions of many. Especially the opinion of young readers of BiblioGuide.

By the way, about age. I recommend this book for reading to children aged 10 years and older. But, I remind you that the age limits, as always, are very arbitrary. The language of presentation is simple. Each chapter is a separate funny story about Dunno and his friends. The dynamism of events, constant incidents and goodwill between the characters will delight young readers. The pages of the book will make you smile more than once, and even learn. And someone may even recognize themselves and their friends. And a look from the outside has never hurt anyone. So,

Have fun reading!

Igor Nosov

Dunno Island

Talking mushroom

That warm morning, Flower City woke up earlier than usual. The day before it became known that the forest on the other side of the Cucumber River is full of mushrooms: porcini and chanterelles, trumpets and boletus, honey mushrooms and milk mushrooms. It's time to pick mushrooms. Although it was not easy for the short ones to do this. After all, we had to cut the mushrooms into pieces and drag them home piece by piece.

But nothing scared the friendly kids and little ones. They, like ants in an anthill, gathered together and coped with any task. In addition, Znayka and Vintik and Shpuntik were always coming up with some improvements for collecting mushrooms. First, they used cars and cranes that ran on carbonated water, then they also invented automatic saws. And one day they carried out a grandiose project, the fame of which reached Zmeevka and Sunny City. We set up the delivery of mushrooms not on boats made of birch bark, as before, but through a pneumatic (using air pressure) mushroom pipeline. It was made from tubifex, a plant that has a hollow inside its stem. Several of these stems were connected into a long intestine. It was thrown across the river from the edge of the mushroom forest to the outskirts of the Flower City, like a suspension bridge.

- How can you make mushrooms move through the pipe? – asked Vintik.

“We’ll use a balloon,” Znayka answered him.

- Why did we spend two weeks building such a long gut? – Vintik was surprised.

- Eh, Vintik! - said Znayka. - Just think! You can not only fly in a hot air balloon.

“Well, you can still swim,” Shpuntik suggested. – Let’s lower the bubble into the water and tie mushrooms to it.

- No, Shpuntik, I didn’t guess. First, we will inflate the balloon, and then sharply release air into the pipe so that it pushes pieces of mushrooms. And you will get a pneumatic mushroom pipeline.

Znayka's idea was a success.

Mushrooms began to be delivered to Flower City via a mushroom pipeline. It worked properly, without failures. But on the first day of the new season, the unexpected happened.

By lunchtime that day, Dunno was tired of picking mushrooms and decided to sail back to the city. Coming ashore to his boat, he suddenly thought: “I rode in a car and traveled in a hot air balloon. Why not fly along a pneumatic mushroom pipeline?! So there is no one to ask - everyone has left for lunch. And they won't allow it. They will only say that I suffer from idleness and do stupid things. But I’m offended, I’m not out of idleness, but out of curiosity!”

With these thoughts, Dunno rushed to the mushroom pipe, folded the brim of his hat down and dived into the pipe.

And after a couple of minutes, the mushroom pickers stuffed pieces of porcini mushroom directly onto Dunno’s head and connected the hose to the inflated balloon.

- Start! - Avoska shouted, and Neboska opened the valve.

The air hissed out of the ball. Dunno only had time to think: “Oh, scary! Maybe it’s better to get out?” - how he was picked up and carried along the pipe over the Cucumber River. Suddenly he felt that he was no longer flying anywhere:

- Here you go, you flew in, but in the wrong direction! – he muttered in the pitch darkness, spitting from a fresh porcini mushroom. “It seems like I’ve completely arrived.” And maybe forever!..

Soon an alarming message came from the city via radiotelephone: “The mushrooms have not been received. A breakdown in the system above the river. We are sending an emergency team."

Meanwhile, indignation was brewing on the forest shore.

- Wow, inventors! - Grumpy grumbled, of course. – We lived quietly for so many years without innovations, and everything was in perfect order. Now stand in the heat, wait for the “miracle of technology” to be repaired.

Indeed, a whole line of indignant shorties has already lined up at the mushroom pipeline. Everyone held a piece of mushroom, watching a red boat with the inscription “Emergency”. The boat was driven by Vintik and Shpuntik.

Shpuntik tapped the swollen pipe with a hammer: “Boom, boom, boom!”

- Oh no no no! - was heard in the pipe. - Hurt!

- Oh-oh-oh! - Shpuntik was scared. – This is the first time I’ve heard of it – a talking mushroom. And the pipe was so swollen. We'll cut right here.

- Don't nag me! I'm alive here! - Dunno whined and thought: “They’ll cut off my head with their soda-powered saw!”

“Well, miracles are in the sieve, or rather, in the pipe,” Vintik was surprised. – A living talking mushroom.

“Okay,” said Shpuntik. - You, mushroom, don’t be afraid. We'll cut a little to the side.

Dunno calmed down, but again he thought: “Now the rescuers won’t chop off my legs!”

-What kind of mushroom are you? - asked Vintik, turning on the saw. – White, saffron milk cap or maybe milk mushroom?

I'm not a milk mushroom, I'm Dunno...

But because of the noise of the saw, Vintik and Shpuntik could only make out: “I don’t know.”

“How scared I was!.. I even forgot my breed,” Vintik grinned.

Shpuntik told Znayka on the phone:

– There’s a talking mushroom stuck in the pipe. We begin the rescue operation.

Meanwhile, rumors spread throughout the city about an incredible discovery. Short people from all over the city were already crowding by the river, waiting to see a miracle.

Finally, Vintik sawed the pipe.

A shoe fell out of it. He splashed into the Cucumber River and sank.

Glug, glug, glug...

Everyone was very surprised. The audience expected anything, but not some kind of shoe.

And suddenly something similar in shape to a fly agaric cap, only blue, plopped into the water and floated downstream.

There was a gasp from the crowd. First - anxiety, then - disappointment. And Button shouted:

- Look, it’s a hat... Dunno’s hat!

And Dunno himself, as confirmation, plopped upside down into the Cucumber River.

Emerging and grabbing his hat, he shouted to Vintik and Shpuntik:

- Thank you, brothers, for saving me. Otherwise I thought I was stuck forever.

“And he would turn into a blue fly agaric,” Gunka scoffed.

- You yourself are a fly agaric! I'll swim to the shore and make a fly agaric out of you! - Dunno was offended.

But by the time he swam, Gunka got lost among the giggling babies and toddlers.

Since then, some began to call Dunno “Our Fly Agaric.” True, he immediately got into a fight with the words: “You yourself are a fly agaric!”

Automotive syrup

Dunno always wanted to learn what he didn’t know how to do. Only he didn’t like to work and was lazy about everything.

Once upon a time he read very poorly, but could not muster the courage to learn to read well. Each time he was distracted from his studies. Either he suddenly wanted to jump over a rope with the little kids on Daisy Street, or argue with Gunka. For example, which shoe to put on first - left or right. The dispute often turned into a fight.

In a word, he was always doing anything but studying. But one day an incident occurred that made him think about reading seriously.

One evening Vintik and Shpuntik were repairing a carbonated car. They finished the repairs and decided to pour new lubricating syrup into the engine. Recently they have been using cough syrup according to Dr. Pilyulkin’s prescription. The greenish herbal infusion lubricated the moving parts of the car better than others. And Pilyulkin was proud of his recipe and gladly gave the syrup to the mechanics. A bottle of this medicine was always kept in the medicine cabinet.

That evening the masters were very tired. Vintik yawned and said to Shpuntik:

- Enough. It's time for us to rest. And let Dunno run to Pilyulkin, take the syrup and lubricate everything. He loves to ride in a car, so let him pour some syrup into the engine.

“That’s right,” Shpuntik agreed. - Hey, Dunno, go get some fresh syrup!

Dunno did nothing. He just sat on the fence, but answered:

- Okay, so be it. Now I’ll drop everything and help you.

He climbed down from the fence and went to Pilyulkin. And although the doctor was not at home, Dunno himself took a bottle from the closet: after all, in the Flower City everyone lived together, did not lock the doors and easily went into each other’s houses.

It was already getting dark, and Dunno did not see the color of the liquid, and was too lazy to read the inscription on the label.

A minute later, with the words “Syrup is like syrup,” Dunno poured a greenish liquid into the car engine. Then he put the bottle aside and went to bed.

Climbing under the blanket, he yawned and said to himself:

- It is done. Let's go for a ride tomorrow!..

In the morning Dunno woke up from some screams, listened and recognized Vintik’s voice:

You can't trust this donkey with anything! I ruined the car: everything in the engine jammed.

“And it turned green,” agreed Gunka.

– Now my Dunno will turn green! - Shpuntik squealed.

The sleepy Dunno did not understand anything, looked out the window and asked naively:

- How can I turn green?

– Now you’ll find out! - Shpuntik barked. - Why did you pour green stuff into the engine instead of syrup?!

“Zelyonka?..” whispered Dunno and immediately guessed everything. But, seeing that things were taking a bad turn, he hastened to justify himself: “I don’t read well.” Just read it wrong. After all, “syrup” and “green stuff” are read very similarly. Especially in the dark!

NOSOV Igor Petrovich


Talking mushroom

IN That warm morning Flower City woke up earlier than usual. The day before it became known that the forest on the other side of the Cucumber River is full of mushrooms: porcini and chanterelles, trumpets and boletus, honey mushrooms and milk mushrooms. It's time to pick mushrooms. Although it was not easy for the short ones to do this. After all, we had to cut the mushrooms into pieces and drag them home piece by piece.

But nothing scared the friendly kids and little ones. They, like ants in an anthill, gathered together and coped with any task. In addition, Znayka and Vintik and Shpuntik were always coming up with some improvements for collecting mushrooms. First, they used cars and cranes that ran on carbonated water, then they also invented automatic saws. And one day they carried out a grandiose project, the fame of which reached Zmeevka and Sunny City. We set up the delivery of mushrooms not on boats made of birch bark, as before, but through a pneumatic (using air pressure) mushroom pipeline. It was made from tubifex, a plant that has a hollow inside its stem. Several of these stems were connected into a long intestine. It was thrown across the river from the edge of the mushroom forest to the outskirts of the Flower City, like a suspension bridge.

- How can you make mushrooms move through the pipe? – asked Vintik.

“We’ll use a balloon,” Znayka answered him.

- Why did we spend two weeks building such a long gut? – Vintik was surprised.

- Eh, Vintik! - said Znayka. - Just think! You can not only fly in a hot air balloon.

“Well, you can still swim,” Shpuntik suggested. – Let’s lower the bubble into the water and tie mushrooms to it.

- No, Shpuntik, I didn’t guess. First, we will inflate the balloon, and then sharply release air into the pipe so that it pushes pieces of mushrooms. And you will get a pneumatic mushroom pipeline.

Znayka's idea was a success.

Mushrooms began to be delivered to Flower City via a mushroom pipeline. It worked properly, without failures. But on the first day of the new season, the unexpected happened.

By lunchtime that day, Dunno was tired of picking mushrooms and decided to sail back to the city. Coming ashore to his boat, he suddenly thought: “I rode in a car and traveled in a hot air balloon. Why not fly along a pneumatic mushroom pipeline?! So there is no one to ask - everyone has left for lunch. And they won't allow it. They will only say that I suffer from idleness and do stupid things. But I’m offended, I’m not out of idleness, but out of curiosity!”

With these thoughts, Dunno rushed to the mushroom pipe, folded the brim of his hat down and dived into the pipe.

And after a couple of minutes, the mushroom pickers stuffed pieces of porcini mushroom directly onto Dunno’s head and connected the hose to the inflated balloon.

- Start! - Avoska shouted, and Neboska opened the valve.

The air hissed out of the ball. Dunno only had time to think: “Oh, scary! Maybe it’s better to get out?” - how he was picked up and carried along the pipe over the Cucumber River. Suddenly he felt that he was no longer flying anywhere:

- Here you go, you flew in, but in the wrong direction! – he muttered in the pitch darkness, spitting from a fresh porcini mushroom. “It seems like I’ve completely arrived.” And maybe forever!..

Soon an alarming message came from the city via radiotelephone: “The mushrooms have not been received. A breakdown in the system above the river. We are sending an emergency team."

Meanwhile, indignation was brewing on the forest shore.

- Wow, inventors! - Grumpy grumbled, of course. – We lived quietly for so many years without innovations, and everything was in perfect order. Now stand in the heat, wait for the “miracle of technology” to be repaired.

Indeed, a whole line of indignant shorties has already lined up at the mushroom pipeline. Everyone held a piece of mushroom, watching a red boat with the inscription “Emergency”. The boat was driven by Vintik and Shpuntik.

Shpuntik tapped the swollen pipe with a hammer: “Boom, boom, boom!”

- Oh no no no! - was heard in the pipe. - Hurt!

- Oh-oh-oh! - Shpuntik was scared. – This is the first time I’ve heard of it – a talking mushroom. And the pipe was so swollen. We'll cut right here.

- Don't nag me! I'm alive here! - Dunno whined and thought: “They’ll cut off my head with their soda-powered saw!”

“Well, miracles are in the sieve, or rather, in the pipe,” Vintik was surprised. – A living talking mushroom.

“Okay,” said Shpuntik. - You, mushroom, don’t be afraid. We'll cut a little to the side.

Dunno calmed down, but again he thought: “Now the rescuers won’t chop off my legs!”

-What kind of mushroom are you? - asked Vintik, turning on the saw. – White, saffron milk cap or maybe milk mushroom?

I'm not a milk mushroom, I'm Dunno...

But because of the noise of the saw, Vintik and Shpuntik could only make out: “I don’t know.”

“How scared I was!.. I even forgot my breed,” Vintik grinned.

Shpuntik told Znayka on the phone:

– There’s a talking mushroom stuck in the pipe. We begin the rescue operation.

Meanwhile, rumors spread throughout the city about an incredible discovery. Short people from all over the city were already crowding by the river, waiting to see a miracle.

Finally, Vintik sawed the pipe.

A shoe fell out of it. He splashed into the Cucumber River and sank.

Glug, glug, glug...

Everyone was very surprised. The audience expected anything, but not some kind of shoe.

And suddenly something similar in shape to a fly agaric cap, only blue, plopped into the water and floated downstream.

There was a gasp from the crowd. First - anxiety, then - disappointment. And Button shouted:

- Look, it’s a hat... Dunno’s hat!

And Dunno himself, as confirmation, plopped upside down into the Cucumber River.

Emerging and grabbing his hat, he shouted to Vintik and Shpuntik:

- Thank you, brothers, for saving me. Otherwise I thought I was stuck forever.

“And he would turn into a blue fly agaric,” Gunka scoffed.

- You yourself are a fly agaric! I'll swim to the shore and make a fly agaric out of you! - Dunno was offended.

But by the time he swam, Gunka got lost among the giggling babies and toddlers.

Since then, some began to call Dunno “Our Fly Agaric.” True, he immediately got into a fight with the words: “You yourself are a fly agaric!”

Automotive syrup

N Eznayka always wanted to learn what he didn’t know how to do. Only he didn’t like to work and was lazy about everything.

Once upon a time he read very poorly, but could not muster the courage to learn to read well. Each time he was distracted from his studies. Either he suddenly wanted to jump over a rope with the little kids on Daisy Street, or argue with Gunka. For example, which shoe to put on first - left or right. The dispute often turned into a fight.

In a word, he was always doing anything but studying. But one day an incident occurred that made him think about reading seriously.

One evening Vintik and Shpuntik were repairing a carbonated car. They finished the repairs and decided to pour new lubricating syrup into the engine. Recently they have been using cough syrup according to Dr. Pilyulkin’s prescription. The greenish herbal infusion lubricated the moving parts of the car better than others. And Pilyulkin was proud of his recipe and gladly gave the syrup to the mechanics. A bottle of this medicine was always kept in the medicine cabinet.

That evening the masters were very tired. Vintik yawned and said to Shpuntik:

- Enough. It's time for us to rest. And let Dunno run to Pilyulkin, take the syrup and lubricate everything. He loves to ride in a car, so let him pour some syrup into the engine.

“That’s right,” Shpuntik agreed. - Hey, Dunno, go get some fresh syrup!

Dunno did nothing. He just sat on the fence, but answered:

- Okay, so be it. Now I’ll drop everything and help you.

He climbed down from the fence and went to Pilyulkin. And although the doctor was not at home, Dunno himself took a bottle from the closet: after all, in the Flower City everyone lived together, did not lock the doors and easily went into each other’s houses.

It was already getting dark, and Dunno did not see the color of the liquid, and was too lazy to read the inscription on the label.

A minute later, with the words “Syrup is like syrup,” Dunno poured a greenish liquid into the car engine. Then he put the bottle aside and went to bed.

Climbing under the blanket, he yawned and said to himself:

- It is done. Let's go for a ride tomorrow!..

In the morning Dunno woke up from some screams, listened and recognized Vintik’s voice:

You can't trust this donkey with anything! I ruined the car: everything in the engine jammed.

“And it turned green,” agreed Gunka.

– Now my Dunno will turn green! - Shpuntik squealed.

The sleepy Dunno did not understand anything, looked out the window and asked naively:

- How can I turn green?

– Now you’ll find out! - Shpuntik barked. - Why did you pour green stuff into the engine instead of syrup?!

The work tells about the events that happened to the shorties after they visited the Flower City.

And it all starts with the fact that Znayka and two friends were on the moon, and now he alone wanted to fly there. When he was present on this planet, he took with him a small piece of moonstone that glowed in the dark. Once Znayka placed this stone next to magnetic iron ore, as a result of which the room became weightless. His friends gradually got used to this situation, and even managed to cook dinner. But when they found out what the reason for weightlessness was, they believed Znayka’s assumption about the existence of life on the Moon. The short ones began to help in the construction of the rocket for the future flight. However, they did not want to take Dunno and Donut with them. Not at a loss, the short guys sneaked onto the test apparatus at night, secretly from everyone, accidentally gave the launch command and left for the Moon. Arriving and putting on spacesuits, they set off to explore a planet unfamiliar to them.

After walking a few meters, Dunno saw plants. They were completely invisible. Soon he wanted to eat and visited a cafe. However, when he was asked to pay for lunch, he did not understand at all what they wanted from him. Considering him a fraudster, the short man is sent to prison. Here he learns a lot of new things, especially he became interested in what the word money means. The laws in the cell were harsh; they even tried to take away his nice hat. Dunno heard an interesting story that there is a Stupid Island here, where there are lawbreakers who after a while turn into sheep.

Soon the short one is released, and he and his new friend Kozlik are released, where they meet one of the traders, Julio, and begin to create a company of shareholders to sell giant plants. The wealthy Mr. Spruts intervenes in their successful business, after which the profitable business falls apart. Dunno and Kozlik take flight and live in shabby motels. Unable to withstand such tests, Kozlik falls ill, and Dunno begins to look after the dogs of a rich woman. Having learned that her dogs are in terribly dirty premises, the owner fires the short one, and she and Kozlik were forced to spend the night on the street due to lack of money. Mistaken for tramps, they are taken into custody and sent to Stupid Island, where, much to Dunno’s horror, he sees Kozlik turn into a sheep.

Meanwhile, extraordinary adventures happen to Donut. Having lost Dunno and gone to look for him, he sees a sea with a lot of salt on the shore. However, the residents never used it. Then Ponchik decided to correct this situation and began trading salt reserves. He soon went bankrupt due to competition from wealthy sellers.

While our heroes found themselves in different stories, Znayka, having discovered the loss, invents another rocket and goes in search of mischief-makers along with other shorties. However, when the rich people learned that strangers had arrived from another planet, they asked the police to shoot at their ship. But, thanks to Znayka’s intelligence, they manage to dodge bullets using weightlessness, and give all the poor such devices so that they can also protect themselves. The shorties give them the seeds of giant plants and go to the island to get Dunno out of there. Despite the sabotage from Spruts and Julio, the shorties manage to get to the old rocket and return home.

The book teaches us not to lie, not to take other people's things and not to interfere in other people's affairs.

Picture or drawing Dunno on the Moon

Other retellings for the reader's diary