Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Quiz games for children 10 years old to play. Logical questions for children

Pre-school teachers know: school readiness is one of the most exciting topics. His future largely depends on how a child’s school life turns out. When children enter school, they must undergo an interview and sometimes testing.

These are the questions you can use as often as possible for children:

(6-7 years old) throughout the year and then they will be more comfortable and easier before entering school.

Sample questions and tasks:

What is your name?

When's your birthday?

What is the name of the country where you live?

What city do you live in?

Give your address.

Do you want to go to school? Why?

Read your favorite poem.

What writers and poets do you know?

Do you have a favorite book?

What do you enjoy doing most?

What time of year is it now? Why do you think so?

Finish the sentence: “If you go outside in winter without a warm jacket, then.....”,

“It started snowing, so...”

Name the winter, spring, summer, autumn months.

Name the days of the week. What days are the weekends?

When do you have breakfast? In the evening or in the morning? What comes first - lunch or dinner?

What are your parents' names? What do they do?

What professions do you know?

What does a doctor (teacher, salesman, postman, .....) do?

What is the name of the profession of a person who prepares food?

What pets do you know?

What are the names of baby dogs (cats, cows, pigs, horses...)?

What animals live in the forest?

What animals and birds do you know that live in hot countries?

Name insects that fly. What insects crawl?

What is the difference between birch and spruce?

What vegetables do you know? Fruits? Berries?

Make up a story based on the picture (children's fun)

Do you know the letters? Name them.

Read the words: HOUSE, HORSE, CAT, DISHES. Explain what these words mean.

If the vase is made of glass, what kind is it? If the house is made of brick, what is it like?

Say it correctly: one key is a lot...., one floor is a lot......, one coat is a lot.....

Find a rhyme for the word cone.

Divide the sentence into words. "Masha loves pets." How many words are there in this sentence? What's the first word? What's the third one?

Divide the word into syllables: MILK.

Count from 1 to 10 and back.

Count your fingers. Which hand has more?

Place as many sticks on the table as there are circles in the picture.

Name the numbers on the cards.

Continue counting 1,2,3.....

Count from 2 to 8, from 9 to 4.

Which is greater than 7 or 4, 2 or 5.

Name the neighbors of number 7 and number 8.

Name the shapes: rectangle, circle, triangle, square.

Group the shapes by attribute and name this attribute: shape, color, size.

Which strip is the widest (narrowest), longest (short).

How old were you two years ago? How much will it be in a year?

There are three pears on a platter; how many pears will there be if you add two more?

Divide the cake into two equal parts and the other into 4 parts.

Graphic dictation (take a piece of paper in a box): four cells up, one cell to the right, three cells down, one cell to the right, three cells up, one to the right, three down, one to the right, three up, one to the right, four down, five to the left.

Show me your right hand. Who is sitting to your left?, Which of those objects lies in the middle? What's hanging at the top? What lies below?

Select patches to match the rugs (by color and shape).

The picture was cut into parts, number the parts of the picture in the correct sequence (any picture is a mess).

Draw everything you remember in any order (show geometric shapes: circle, rectangle, rhombus, square, triangle).

Find differences. Please note that not only small details may vary, but also colors. As a rule, such pictures contain 10 differences. If a child finds 9-10, that's good; 6-8 - his attention needs to be developed; less than 6 - you need to work with the child every day.

Name it in one word: dress, jacket, trousers.

Name the extra word: - saw, paper, axe, hammer; - beautiful, big, huge, gigantic.

Tell me how these objects are similar and different: milk and water; wardrobe and refrigerator; cup and plate; snowman and snowdrift.

Which word is longer and which is shorter: snake and worm; pencil and pen; forest and clearing.

Does this happen or not? The dog went into the booth. The girl is not playing with dolls. A boy waters flowers. The tea is not salty. The grass does not grow near the house.

Finish the sentence. It’s light during the day, but at night..... A cow moos, and a chicken.... An airplane flies, and a ship..... They paint with a brush, and with scissors.... A fish has scales, and a bird...

Worth a maple. There are two branches on the maple tree, on each branch there are two cherries. How many cherries grow on a maple tree?

If a goose stands on two legs, it weighs 4 kg. How much will a goose weigh if it stands on one leg?

Two sisters have one brother each. How many children are in the family?

What is heavier - a kilogram of cotton wool or a kilogram of potatoes?

Copy on a piece of paper: He was eating soup.

Quiz for children “Lucky chance”

Scenario of an educational quiz game for primary school children “Lucky Accident”

PRESENTER 1: Good afternoon, dear guys!

PRESENTER 2: We are very pleased to welcome you to our hall!

PRESENTER 1: Today we are playing an entertaining game “Lucky Chance”. The game is played between teams of girls and boys. And today's competition will be judged by our respected jury.

PRESENTER 2: We invite the participants of both teams to come up to the stage.
Now let's move on to the game. Our game consists of 6 competitions. Before each competition, we will introduce its conditions.

1st competition: “Team calling card”– assessed on a 5-point system. And now we will meet the first team, the girls' team.

The “Team Business Card” competition is taking place

2nd competition: “Question and answer”, serves as a warm-up for the teams. You need to answer very quickly, clearly, for each correct answer the team receives one point.

1. A lazy character from a Russian folk tale. (Emelya)
2. A lighting device that can be magical. (Lamp)
3. A learned animal that walks around in a chain. (Cat)
4. What they advise you to check without leaving the cash register. (Money)
5. His eyes are big. (Fear)
6. Weapons that the musketeers liked to cross. (Sword)
7. The place where cancer meets the Greek. (River)
8. What the president signs. (Decree)
9. Bone part of Baba Yaga’s torso. (Leg)
10. For which Andersen heroine was a flower a permanent place of residence? (Thumbelina)

1. What was the name of the girl who was afraid of hot weather more than anything in the world. (Snow Maiden)
2. The first part left of a goat after it was eaten by wolves. (Horns)
3. Bear pacifier. (Paw)
4. Name the cat who always wore black glasses. (Basilio)
5. What was the name of the dog that first flew into space. (Laika)
6. Who loved the thunderstorm in early May. (Tyutchev)
7. Can elephants swim? (Yes)
8. The most unpleasant color for a bull. (Red)
9. Name the most fun circus profession. (Clown)
10. Name the saddest tree. (Weeping willow)

Competition No. 3 “Troubles from a barrel”

The color red is a question from the field of sports.
Green is from the realm of nature.
Blue - from the field of literature
Orange is from the field of music.
Teams take turns pulling problems out of the barrel and answering questions. Each correct answer is worth 1 point.

1. What sports games use a ball? (Football, basketball, volleyball, etc.)
2. What colors are the Olympic rings? (Green, black, white, red, yellow)
3. What types of martial arts exist (karate, wushu, judo, etc.)
4. What sports equipment do track and field athletes use? (grenade, disc, spear, cannonball)
5. What kind of apparatus do athletes perform at rhythmic gymnastics competitions (ribbon, rope, hoop, ball, mace)

1. Which bird barks (Male partridge)
2. What living creatures leading a nocturnal lifestyle can be seen in daylight only after prolonged rain. (Earthworm)
3. Where do butterflies go in winter? (Most die in the cracks)
4. Which animal sleeps upside down all winter. (Bat)
5. We often use the expression “Where the crayfish spend the winter.” And where do they really spend the winter (In the mud, in burrows)

1. What were the names of famous heroes in Russian epics (Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich, etc.
2. What fairy tales did A. Volkov write about a magical land where the Wise Scarecrow rules (The Wizard of the Emerald City, The Yellow Fog, The Fire God of the Marrans)
3. What fairy tales in verse did K. Chukovsky write for children? (Crocodile, Moidodyr, etc.)
4. What fairy tales were composed by P.P. Bozhov (Mistress of the Copper Mountain, Malachite Box, etc.)
5. Which fairy tales are written by A.S. Pushkin (Ruslan and Lyudmila, The Tale of the Dead Princess, The Tale of the Golden Cockerel, etc.)

1. What musical fairy tales were composed by composer G. Gladkov (Musicians of Bremen, Blue Puppy, Hottabych)
2. What musical instrument combines a piano and an accordion. (Accordion)
3. What songs of Dmitry Bilan do you know?
4. What substance is used to rub the hair of the bow to obtain a clear and strong sound (Rosin)
5. Name 3 songs about summer.

4th "Fans" competition. Evaluated by 5 points (comic questions). Fans can give a point to the team they like.

5th competition "Riddles". For each correct answer the team receives 1 point.

1. The little blue fur coat has covered the whole world. (Sky)
2. On one finger the bucket is upside down. (Thimble)
3. From gate to gate lies a cloud of gold. (The lights of a sun)
4. The little round one cannot be lifted by the tail. (Clew)
5. The little animal has a hundred silver coins in its back. (Fish)
6. Neither the sea nor the land, ships do not sail, but you cannot walk. (Swamp)
7. The wind moves the hair of the wrapped girls. (Corn)
8. The yellow chicken is sulking in the garden (Zucchini)
9. What they pour into a frying pan and bend it into four. (Pancakes)
10. A violinist lives in a meadow, wears a tailcoat and gallops. (Grasshopper)
11. A fur coat and a caftan walks across the mountains and valleys. (Sheep)
12. Natket will weave, sit down and wait for prey. (Spider)

6th competition "Erudite". Now your attention will be offered a word from which you will make small words.

TEACHER. For each word 1 point. Time 1 minute.

The JURY sums it up!

PRESENTER 1: Dear guys, we are very glad that today’s game was so interesting, fun and exciting. You played simply wonderful, you showed yourself to be so talented and erudite.

Children ask a lot of questions. Sometimes they are repeated, and we answer them again and again. And sometimes – let’s be honest – we simply ignore the endless “how” and “why”. By the way, researchers estimate that young children ask more than 300 questions every day. You can't answer everything, right?

The trick is that children's curiosity needs to be encouraged, and it turns out there is a good reason for this: when you answer a child's questions, you help develop his intelligence.

Parenting expert Michelle Borba adds that you should set an example of a well-worded question.

Children need to develop their imaginations, and wanting to know more is a wonderful thing. Let's also show curiosity and support the conversation with counter questions.

What to talk about with your child? Catch 50 cool themes!

1. What do you dream about?

2. What makes you happy?

3. What are your friends interested in?

4. What would you like to do right now?

5. What do you think about when you wake up?

6. Have you ever wanted to change the colors of your usual things?

7. Which character makes you laugh the most?

8. If you were to open a store, what would you sell there?

9. What is your Superhero's name and what power does he have?

10. Imagine that you are now on the beach. What will you do first?

If you could grow something in your garden, what would it be?

12. When do you feel brave?

13 . What fills your heart with tenderness?

How do you show you care?

How do you feel when I hug you?

16. If animals could talk, what do you think they would talk about?

17. If you had $100 to give to charity, what would you do?

18. What would your tree house look like?

19. What do you like to do for other people?

20. Did anything amuse you or make you laugh today?

21. If you were to write a book, what would it be about?

If you could draw everything that comes into your head, what kind of drawing would it be?

23. If you were a clothing designer, what would it look like?

Do you like to give gifts and give something to other people? Why?

25. Imagine yourself as a chef and tell me about your restaurant. What food would be on his menu?

26. What will you think about before going to bed today?

27. When do you feel grateful?

What sounds do you like?

29. Where would you like to travel? How will you get there?

If you could build yourself a house or a cave in the forest, what would it look like?

31. If you could ask a wild animal any question, what would you ask it?

32. Imagine that you could spend the whole day outdoors: what would you do?

33. What makes you stronger?

What invigorates you?

35. If you were the hero of a computer game, who would it be?

36. How do animals communicate with each other, in your opinion?

What do you love most about wildlife?

38. Let's say you need to take photos all day. What or who will you be filming?

39. What memory makes you happy?

What irritates you?

Describe your best day. Why is he like this and what are you doing?

42. What animal would be a top-notch driver?

43. What makes your friends so amazing?

What makes you so amazing?

Are you coming up with any inventions?

Do you think learning a foreign language is fun?

47. What three things would you like to do this summer/autumn/winter/spring?

If you had to come up with a new holiday, what would it be?

What makes a person smart?

If you had friends all over the world, how would you communicate with them?

Don't worry if your child is reluctant to answer questions at first and don't rush him into answering or moving on to the next question too quickly. Such a playful but confidential conversation will demonstrate to your child that you are sincerely interested in him and are not asking mechanically. By the way, this is also an excellent training for creative thinking for adults.

Target: development of non-standard thinking.

Description. A pair (group) of children receives a card with five questions presented on it. After the discussion, a representative of the pair (group) comes to the board, voices a question and gives a prepared answer. The teacher invites the children to discuss other possible options.

Card 1

1. Did A. Pushkin like to listen to the radio? (In the time of A. Pushkin there was no radio.)

2. December came, three cornflowers bloomed, and then another one. How many cornflowers have blossomed? (Not at all: there are no cornflowers in December.)

3. What is a “cool thing”? (Fishing.)

4. Who is grasping at straws? (The one who drinks the cocktail.)

5. Who sits with his back to the king? (Coachman.)

Card 2

1. 7 brothers were walking, each brother had one sister. How many people walked? (8 people.)

2. My father's child, but not my brother. Who is this? (Sister.)

3. From under the gate you can see 8 cat paws. How many cats are there in the yard? (Two.)

4. When can you cut your hand on water? (When she is in a state of ice.)

5. What did the merchant use to buy the hat? (For money.)

Card 3

1. On what road do they drive for half a year and walk for half a year? (By water.)

2. The children made a snow woman, after which 14 wet mittens dried on the radiator. How many children have made a snow woman? (Sevens)

3. How many peas can fit into one glass? (Not a single one - everything must be put down).

4. Sasha spends 10 minutes on the way to school. How much time will he spend if he goes with a friend? (10 minutes.)

5. Which is easier: a pound of iron or a pound of hay? (They weigh the same.)

Card 4

1. Which river is the scariest? (Tiger.)

2. How many nuts are there in an empty glass? (Not at all.)

3. Can a whale call itself a fish? (No, because he can't speak.)

4. When a new house is built, what is the first nail driven into? (In a hat.)

5. Which knot cannot be untied? (Railway.)

Card 5

1. Who throws themselves into work? (Diver.)

2. What is not in the river, but is in the lake, sea, ocean? (Letters O.)

3. Which key does not strike and does not unlock? (Note.)

4. How many months of the year have 28 days? (All months.)

5. How to divide 6 pears between six girls so that each gets a pear and one pear remains on the plate? (Give one girl a pear along with the plate.)

Card 6

1. What is thrown away when there is a need, and picked up when this need disappears? (Anchor.)

2. Who is a jack of all trades? (Glover.)

3. Which chain cannot be lifted? (Mountain.)

4. How to write the word “mousetrap” in five letters? ("Cat".)

5. How can you read the word “mother”? (Left to right only.)

Card 7

1. How to divide five potatoes equally among two people? (Cook the puree and divide into portions.)

2. What question cannot be answered with the word “no”? ("You are alive?".)

3. To what point does the hare run into the forest? (To the edge of the forest, then he runs through the forest.)

4. What do fish and chatterboxes have in common? (Both of them open their mouths endlessly.)

5. How to make four out of three sticks without breaking them? (Add the Roman numeral IV.)

Card 8

1. What has two arms, two wings, two tails, three heads, three torsos and eight legs? (Rider holding a chicken.)

2. The name of which river is in your mouth? (Gum.)

3. What has a head but no brain? (Onion garlic.)

4. How to write “dry grass” in four letters? ("Hay".)

5. What stands between the mountain and the valley? (Letter I.)

Card 9

1. What mathematical operation teaches you not to be greedy? (Division.)

2. Can there be summer in autumn? (Yes, Indian summer.)

3. Which day of the week is neither feminine nor masculine? (Sunday.)

4. Who is upside down above us? (Fly.)

5. The loaf was cut into three parts. How many cuts were made? (Two.)

Card 10

1. Who didn’t find work on the land? (To the astronauts.)

2. Who did the proverb deprive of boots? (Shoemaker.)

3. Did Peter I like to watch TV? (In the time of Peter I there were no televisions.)

4. Grandma Masha has a grandson Sasha, a cat Ryzhik, and a dog Pyzhik. How many grandchildren does grandma have? (One grandson.)

5. The name of which river can be found among girls of almost any class? (Lena.)

Children's quiz script, games and competitions, questions and answers for children

1: Birds of our region

1.Why was the bullfinch given a snowy name? (Bullfinches arrive to us with the first snow, and in the spring they fly north to their native lands.)
2. Why do rooks arrive first in spring? (The first thawed patch is enough for the rooks to reach food - larvae - with their beaks.)
3. Which bird's chicks incubate their eggs? (Northern snowy owl. Owls hatch at different times.)
4. Which bird does not have a nest, and the chicks lie right on the bare ground? (At the nightjar.)
5. Why does the crossbill build nests in winter? (In winter there are a lot of spruce seeds for chicks, but not in spring.)
6. Who plants trees with their nose? (Kedrovka - pine nuts, jay - acorns.)
7. Which tree gives water to woodpeckers? (Birch with its sap.)
8. Which bird has the largest family? (The gray partridge has 26 - 28 chicks.)
9. Which migratory flock promises snow? (A flock of migrating geese. Expect snowfall in 2-3 days.)
10. Who has never taken a step? (Sparrow.)
11. Which bird can tease? (Parrot.)
12. Which bird is proud of its multi-colored tail? (Peacock.)
13. What bird flies with “glasses” on its nose? (Owl.)

2: Smart guys and smart girls

The teacher asks the student a question, and within a certain time (1 minute for example) he must give the correct answer. The guys who quickly and correctly answer the questions receive the honorary title of "Clever" or "Clever",...

1. “Whoever goes to visit in the morning acts wisely...”. - Which fairy-tale character owns such a wise saying? (Winnie the Pooh)
2. What was the name of the little wooden man who really didn’t want to study and even sold his “ABC” for a few gold pieces? (Pinocchio)
3. What was the name of the cheerful, fat man with a propeller on his back who loved Jam Days and adventures? (Carlson)
4. Name the musical instrument that Papa Carlo plays. (Hurdy organ)
5. What was the name of the tiny boy from the fairy tale by Charles Perrault? (Boy-Thumb)
6. What is the middle of spring? (April)
7. The old woman received this title from the goldfish after purchasing the hut. (Noblewoman)

3:Forest Dwellers

Students are asked a series of questions that they must answer. The best experts receive a "prize".

1. Who hibernates in winter? (Bear)
2. The fairy tale "... Tsekatukha." (Fly)
3. Small, gray, cat treat. (Mouse)
4. Green, small, inhabitant of the pond. (Toad)
5. Red-haired, cunning and lives in the forest. (Fox)
6. Gray coward. (Hare)
7. Groom chicken. (Rooster) .

4: Country "Guess It"

This quiz is designed to be administered to junior (1-2) grades at the beginning of the academic code.

1. What is the name of the smallest girl in the fairy tale? (Thumbelina)
2. What time of year is it now? (Autumn)
3. What falls from the trees in the fall? (Leaves)
4. Where do the children go to study every morning? (To school)
5. What falls in winter? (Snow)
6. Complete the song: “May there always be sun, may there always be...” (Sky)
7. Which girl has blue hair? (Malvina)
8. Which animal in the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen” broke the egg? (Mouse)
9. What color is the snow? (White)

5: ABC of roads

1. A police unit that monitors traffic rules. (traffic police)
2. The place where the roads intersect. (Crossroads)
3. What is a road trip called? (Drive)
4. The person who drives the car. (Driver)
5. A person who rides in a place with a driver in a vehicle. (Passenger)

6: Journey through fairy tales

1. Who wrote the fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling"? (Hans Christian Andersen)
2. In which fairy tale is the fox not red, but blue? (Painted fox)
3. Which fairy tale heroine could fit in a walnut shell? (Thumbelina)
4. Which fairy tale hero wore red boots? (Puss in Boots)
5. What was Pinocchio made from? (Log).

7: Travel and discovery

This quiz is designed for high school students.


1. Which of the following people is the inventor of scuba gear:
- captain Nemo
- Krusernshtern
- Jacques Cousteau
Answer: Jacques Cousteau

2. In boxing, judges are called:
- referee
- breakers
- ringers
Answer: referee

3. What was the name in Rus' for money in denominations of 15 rubles made of silver?
- pound
- imperial
- incom
Answer: imperial

4. Which of these words did Kai post in the fairy tale “The Snow Queen”?
- snowflake
- eternity
- warmth
Answer: eternity

5. Why did Arab travelers, going to distant countries in a caravan, move through the desert at night?
- to navigate by the stars
- to avoid meeting with robbers
- because it’s cooler at night
Answer: to navigate by the stars

6. Which of these goods were usually transported along the Silk Road?
- wood, cotton, iron
- shoes, socks, slippers
- porcelain, jade, spices
Answer: porcelain, jade, spices

7. Which European was the first to reach Australia?
- Captain Cook
- Dirk Hartoch
- Abel Tasman.
Answer: captain cook

8. What disease can be prevented by eating lemons?
- scabies
- rabies
- scurvy
Answer: scurvy

9. What is the climate on Mars?
- very hot
- very cold
- about the same as on Earth
Answer: very cold

10. What are the names of huge pieces of moving ice?
- hummocks
- ice fields
- wormwood
Answer: ice fields

8:The world around us

The teacher asks the children questions that were previously written, and they must answer them within a minute.
1. What season comes after summer? (Autumn)
2. Which tree has the same color in winter and summer? (Christmas tree)
3. What is the name of the bird house? (Nest)
4. What animal hibernates in winter? (Bear)
5. Who collects pollen from flowers? (Bee)
6. Which animal doesn’t like the sun? (Mole)
7. Which tree is considered slender? (Birch)
8. Which flower has thorns? (Rose)

9: Red summer sang

1. When are the longest school holidays? (In summer)
2. Do they swim in the sea in winter or summer? (In summer)
3. Is it warm or cold in summer? (Warm)
4. At what time of year are the days longer than the nights? (In summer)
5. When do hares change the color of their fur? (In summer)
6. When is the sun warmest? (In summer)

10: Gate of Discovery

1. ... currants. (Bush)
2. Red flower. (Poppy)
3. They wash in it. (pelvis)
4. Disco for princes and princesses. (Ball)
5. What did the swan, crayfish and pike share? (WHO)
6. Scratch. (Cat)
7. Where do the actors work? (Theater)
8. They write on the board. (Chalk)
9. "Aw!" (Call)
10. Tall structure. (Tower)
11. Kings live in it. (Lock)