Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Individual features of human mental activity: breadth, depth, criticality, flexibility and quickness of mind. The main qualities of the mind in psychology

Dispute- Breadth of mind or slavery of illusions?

Breadth of mind or slavery of illusions? What did I hide in myself from myself, Where the main secret is hidden in the depths of my soul Why do I dig where all meaning disappears Searching for myself, suspecting in advance That everything is before us, and I am everything... SLIP. The dispute between mathematics and poetry. The mathematician declares, - You didn’t think, dear, why does it happen that everything that is around you was created by mathematicians, and not by lyricists, physicists, and not by the humanities? How often do mathematicians and physicists like to argue that they are smarter than any lyricist? This is where this article should start. How often have I heard smart people try to justify art, lyrics, poetry, faith and religion. Yes, mathematics and physics, no doubt, create material things, but what did spiritual reasoning create? And I will say this: if we imagine our world as an energy field, where there is a magnitude of charge and a certain carrier of this charge. The charge flows from one carrier to another (information exchange, for those who do not understand), respectively, the value of this charge can also be different (in theory, charge carriers should also be removed, since we are talking about a field, but it’s easier to imagine this picture, it’s easier abstract). That is, this is an explanation for mathematicians, who can easily imagine the whole world as a kind of field. If the value of this charge is too large, then the carrier can be destroyed (i.e., deprived of the initial charge, and hence of its initial information that it carried in itself). To avoid this, the charge follows, shares with other carriers, thus, the movement of particles (carriers) occurs, thus, the perpetual motion machine of the universe (pulsation) is carried out. In a society of people, this manifests itself something like this: let's say a person is overcharged and if he does not find relaxation, then sooner or later this can lead to a nervous breakdown. A nervous breakdown will lead to destructive actions (destruction of matter). The charge in a person accumulates one way or another, this simply happens as a result of fluctuations of the “field” described by me below, that is, the constant movement of the charge almost like from plus to minus, only here we are not talking about the charge itself, but about its magnitude. In human physiology, this charge can be defined as libido, i.e. sex drive. Freud also said that our instinct does not really imply a complete desire for comfort as such (although many biologists think otherwise, instincts, in their opinion, controlling living matter, always seek comfort) it initially also implies self-destruction. That is, the function of constant synthesis of this energy (libido) is inherent in a person, while another part of the instinct makes matter reduce this charge, saving it from destruction - eros. The direct way in animal physiology to reduce this charge is, of course, sexual intercourse and the struggle for survival. The same can be said about a person, but the structure of our psyche is more complex than the psyche of an animal. The complication of the structure implies an increase in the charge, i.e. we no longer have enough sexual intercourse and the simple struggle for animal existence in order to shed this charge. This is where art, religion and science come to the rescue. Simply put, if a poet does not compose poetry, then he either drinks, or beats, or robs, or finds another way to realize his energy potential, which can be called sublimation with a stretch. If a human society isolated from lyricists and lyricism, then as a result we have a strong social weakening of the system, which can lead to the death of society. Although the carrier of energy cannot be destroyed, destruction only means depriving it of its charge of energy. A society devoid of lyricism, of course, cannot die to the end, it's just that there are two options for its further development. The first option is simplification, involution, when the society, having collapsed, will lead to the degradation of the personality, which will have to be simplified, for example, to the animal level and thereby deprive itself of a high charge. That is, there will be a normal return to animal, more primitive life. Option two - society finds a different way to implement the energy charge, for example - war, conflict, religion, etc. Of course, there are many ways and paths, I will not consider them. Lyricism holds civilization, it helps to reset this very energy, just like mathematics or physics. In fact, I reduced all the processes taking place in society and in human life to simple mathematics, i.e. every process in society is a natural regularity, and if we argue about the benefits of lyricism and mathematics, it turns out that we are simply talking about the magnitude of the charge. And this whole argument comes to a dead end of absurdity. Of course, considering the need for lyricists in society, I went too far, but to be honest, this "field" theory, although applicable to the biological laws of nature (it is universal), but I perfectly understand its inferiority and applied it only to mathematicians and not the lyricists thought about it. However, here the question certainly arises, why then should not everyone be physicists and mathematicians, if the essence lies only in the discharge of this very energy? In fact, indeed a mathematician from the point of view of nature can become a lyricist and vice versa. Both those and others are needed in nature to maintain a certain energy balance, since the field is not separate elements, it is single organism, fighting for its universal survival. If for some reason it is necessary in the nature of man, in the nature of his social life, to make it so that there are fewer physicists and more lyricists, then she will certainly do it. Those. there will be a transfusion of energy from more to less, so the metabolism of the field is observed. Do you need evidence here, if you need it, then here's a simple example for you: Let's imagine a tribe, what would not be "Mambo" in distant Africa. All of them from time immemorial lived without grieving, until it happened for some reason, for example, a distortion of the earth's magnetic field, as a result of which the rivers changed their original course. What then does nature do so that this tribe can survive? It makes possible the birth of a person who knows how to search for water underground with the help of two branches. Such a person may be a bad hunter, but thanks to him, the tribe has a chance to survive. Thus, in this person, most of the energy is spent in search of this very water, and a small part is spent, for example, on hunting, for one's own survival. Throughout the tribe, for a long time, the energy that should have been freely realized in relation to the search for water, as a result of its absence, accumulated in them. And now, with the appearance of this person, since he is looking for water for them, their energy should feed him. Those. his relatives must take care of him and thus give the accumulated energy in them to this person who does not have it. This is how energy is exchanged. The picture is very rough and has its own nuances that should be considered. I'm just too lazy to describe them all, but I think the core idea is accessible and understandable. This unusual person It is easy to compare with the lyricist, who appeared in our society only in response to a shortage, for example simple emotions (i.e. elementary energy exchange). The conclusion here is this: lyricism is just an outlet for "extra" energy invented by the very evolution of society so that it could exist and preserve itself. The word "superfluous" is bracketed here because there is nothing superfluous in nature and this concept is relative here. Now again to the question of the dispute between lyricists and mathematicians. Here a certain gentleman declares that mathematics has done everything in this world. But I can say with the same absurdity that the lyrics did everything (although, as I said, both of them are just an energy charge)! I explain: Spiritual and material values ​​are inseparable, one cannot exist without the other. Civilization is based on an empty and useless idea for its time. It is based on faith, and faith is nothing but an empty spiritual inquiry. Today we can say that the first "man-monkey", which instead of a spear threw a well-aimed word at his enemy (referring to Z. Freud) did it right, as he founded a civilization. But judge for yourself, for its time it was nothing more than stupid fun that turned into a tragedy. So, let's look at something else with you: For the ancient "man-ape" it was right: 1) Takes care of food. 2) Takes care of offspring That is, this is a real pattern. And now let's talk about unnecessary things, about empty spiritual research. It was wrong from the point of view of the survival of the individual: 1) Pick up a stick and draw something on the ground. 2) Pick up a stick and start hitting dry wood with it, tapping out the rhythm. The first two correct directives are physics and mathematics. The second wrong directives are lyrics and primitive stupidity. But thanks to this stupidity, civilization appeared. Physics and mathematics took on the role of executive, and thought, faith, lyrics, art took on the role of thought, spirit, i.e. empty and seemingly unnecessary waste of their vitality. So why does nature still invent lyricists, why does it make people think about the empty, when they should survive, and in order to survive, create material things? In the end, say mathematicians and physicists, you are the great materialists of this world, because materialism implies that soap is like a kind of material that can be touched. And if so, the lyricists create and change matter just like willows. I’ll add on my own: I’m only thinking about this topic, and I’m not saying anything, because I myself can explain all the processes in society not only with the help of the “field” theory, i.e. this is not my opinion. When I hear all these disputes, who is still smarter and more necessary for the society of mathematics or lyrics, I have no choice but to smile in response. In nature, everything is needed and everything is there. Searching for myself, suspecting in advance That everything is in front of us, and I am everything... Sincerely, SLIP.

Differences in mental activity people manifest themselves in various qualities of thinking, the most significant of which are breadth and depth, independence and criticality, flexibility and quickness of mind. These qualities of thinking, or qualities of the mind, become peculiar properties of the personality.

breadth of mind expressed, on the one hand, in a broad cognitive activity person covering various areas reality, and on the other hand, it is characterized by a comprehensive and creativity to the studied issues of science and practice, is based on comprehensive and deep knowledge.

depth of mind expressed in the ability to penetrate into the essence the toughest questions life, the ability to see a question, a problem where other people do not have questions; see complexity where others do not see it. A deep mind is characterized by the need to understand the causes of phenomena and events, the ability to foresee them further development, find right ways and ways of knowing the surrounding reality.

Independence of thinking characterized by the ability of a person to put forward new tasks and find the right solutions and answers without resorting to the frequent help of other people. Self-mind people consciously absorb and creatively apply the experience and knowledge of others.

Criticality of the mind It is characterized by a person's ability to objectively evaluate his own and other people's thoughts, carefully prove and comprehensively check all the propositions and conclusions put forward. The critical mind is above all a disciplined mind; , a strict and responsible mind, taking nothing for granted.

Flexibility of mind characterized by ease, freedom of thought when choosing a method for solving new problems, the ability, if necessary, to quickly switch from one method of solving a problem to another. People with inflexible minds lack these qualities. Their thought is inert (immovable), constrained, they hardly switch to new way evidence, a new way of solving a mental problem.

Quickness of mind- is the ability of a person to quickly understand difficult situation think quickly and accept immediately the right decision. Resourceful and smart people are people with quick mind. From quickness of mind should be distinguished : haste of thought. A person with this quality of mind is characterized by a kind of laziness of the mind, the absence of the habit of long and hard work. For a lazy mind, the most blissful and pleasant state is to think less, and if the need to think arises, then. a person with such a mind strives to quickly stop this occupation.

Memory- one of the most popular mental characteristics person. No wonder the ancient Greeks considered the goddess of memory Mnemosyne the mother of nine muses.

The goddess of memory Mnemosyne gave birth to nine daughters from Zeus - muses, goddesses of sciences and arts. Muses become assistants to everyone who strives for knowledge and creativity. But if a person is deprived of the gift of Mnemosyne - memory, then all the wisdom and all the beauty of the world become inaccessible to him, both the past and the future disappear for him.

Memorythe form mental reflection, which consists in memorization, preservation and subsequent reproduction by the individual of his experience.

figurative memory - memory that processes information from analyzers - visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, gustatory).

motor memory- memory for movements and systems for the formation of motor practical skills.

Verbal-logical memory(specifically human memory) - the content is the thoughts of a person, embodied in various linguistic forms .

Emotional memory - memory for feelings and emotions.

2. Depending on the nature and goals of the activity:

A) involuntary- memory in which there is no special purpose - to remember.

Efficiency involuntary memory depends on whether the material of the activity that he performs enters into the goal of a person, on the attitude to activity, on the motives of activity.

B) Arbitrary- Purposeful memory.

Mnemic actions- these are actions that require setting a special goal to remember, save, but at the same time it is necessary to pick up a visual or funny association, translate the memorized material into verses or consonant phrases. ). By way of remembering:

A) mechanical- there is no reliance on understanding;

B) semantic- based on generalized and specialized associations.

4. Depending on the duration of saving information

Quickness of mind- this ability of a person to quickly understand a difficult situation, quickly think it over and make the right decision. The speed of the mind depends on knowledge, the degree of development of mental skills, the habit of thinking, on the mobility of nervous processes.

Criticality of the mind- this is the ability to objectively evaluate one's own and other people's thoughts, carefully and comprehensively check the propositions and conclusions put forward.

Originality of thought characterized by unusual, non-standard solutions found. This is a kind of creative thinking.

Independence- the ability of a person to put forward new ideas, tasks and find the necessary answers and solutions without resorting to the opinion and frequent help of other people.

A person who does not have independent thinking focuses only on other people's knowledge, experience, opinion, and when deciding life questions relies on ready-made formulas, template solutions.

Depth- the ability to penetrate into the essence of the most complex issues, the ability to see the problem where other people have no questions. This is a vivid need to understand the reasons, the ability to foresee the further development of events.

breadth of mind a broad outlook of a person, active cognitive activity, knowledge in various fields of science and practice (history, psychology, mathematics, literature, etc.).

Flexibility mind - the ability to be free from stereotyped techniques and methods of solving problems, the ability to quickly change their actions when the situation changes, quickly switch from one method of solution, behavior to another, and find new solutions faster.

Imagination representations. The concept of imagination and its physiological basis. The meaning of imagination. Types of imagination: voluntary, involuntary, recreative and creative imagination.

Imagination- this is the creation of images of such objects and phenomena that have never been perceived by man before.

A person can imagine what he has never perceived before, what he has never encountered in his life, or what is yet to be created. Such representations are called imaginings.

Them kinds:

1. P. of what exists in reality, but which a person did not perceive before (tundra, Paris, planets);

2. P. of the historical past (boyar, Peter I, peasant life);

3. P. of the future (models of clothes, a house under construction);

4. P. of what never happened in reality (fabulous images).

The representations of the imagination are based on the representations of memory, undergoing a profound change. Imagination is the creation of something that has not yet existed in a person's experience, with which he has not met in the past. Nevertheless, everything new, created in the imagination, is always connected with the really existing one and is built on the basis of past perceptions stored in memory.

So images literary heroes have a real prototype; technical devices are invented on the basis of observations of nature (a bird - an airplane); and fabulous images are always a fantastic combination of real elements (a mermaid, a hut on chicken legs, etc.).

F.O. imagination- the process of formation of new combinations and combinations of already established neural connections in the cerebral cortex.

The meaning of imagination in human life and activity is very great. Without imagination, any human labor would be impossible, since it is impossible to work without imagining the final and intermediate results. Without imagination, progress in science, technology, and art would be impossible. All school items cannot be fully assimilated without the activity of the imagination. And the teacher, projecting the personality of the student, represents, foresees the results of educational influences.

Types of imagination

Involuntary (passive) imagination- these are the images that arise without special intention and effort on our part.

For example, …

dreams. Represent the activity of isolated groups nerve cells crust in conditions where the second signaling system slows down. A sleeping person does not have a critical attitude to emerging images (dreams).

hallucinations. Occur in mentally ill people, under the influence of strong feelings- fear, sadness intrusive thoughts due to alcoholism. Images of fantasy acquire features of reality.

Arbitrary (active) imagination- this is a deliberate construction of images in connection with a consciously set goal.

For example, …

Recreating imagination- this is a representation of objects new to humans in accordance with their verbal description, according to the drawing, diagram, picture.

Students imagine the material expressed in verbal form(seas, lakes, mountains, unfamiliar plants, animals, historical events, literary heroes).

Recreating imagination relies on existing knowledge. If the knowledge is insufficient, then the representations may be distorted. Therefore, it is important for the teacher not only to clearly and accurately tell the material, but also to use visualization.

creative imagination(active)– independent creation of new, original images in the process creative activity(works of art, literature, scientific inventions).

The source of creative activity is social necessity, the need for a new product. The digging hand became the prototype of the shovel; splayed fingers - a rake; hand clenched into a fist - a hammer).

Creative imagination is, of course, much more complex mental activity than recreating. It is much easier to imagine a model from a drawing than to construct it.

Dream- this is a special kind of imagination associated with the creation of images of the desired future.

A dream can support and strengthen a person's energy, provide an opportunity to look into the future, help a person complete tedious work, and deal with difficulties. But a dream can be an empty, fruitless, unreasonable daydreaming, not inciting to activity, but leading away from reality, relaxing a person.

General concept about emotions and feelings, their physiological basis. The meaning of emotions and feelings. Features of emotions and feelings: positive and negative, sthenic and asthenic emotions.

We somehow react to everything that surrounds us, thereby expressing our attitude to reality.

Emotions(from lat. emovere - shake, excite) - a simple, direct experience in this moment; it is an indifferent attitude to the events of life.

Feeling- more complex, permanent emotional attitude person to something or someone.

That. feelings and emotions are the attitudes experienced by a person to the world and to himself.

At the heart of emotions is the satisfaction or not of human needs.

Emotions and feelings are polar: joy - sadness, love - hate, pleasure - suffering, fear - courage, gratitude - ingratitude, etc. For this reason, they are divided into

Individual differences in the mental activity of people are manifested in various qualities of thinking. The most significant of them are autonomy, breadth, depth, flexibility, speed and criticality.

The independence of thinking is manifested in the ability of a person to put forward new ideas, tasks and find the necessary answers and solutions, without resorting to the opinion and frequent help of other people. Independence of thinking has always been considered one of the most important dimensions of personality. So, F.M. Dostoevsky contrasts personality and impersonality primarily in terms of the ability or inability to think independently. Anyone who does not have independent thinking focuses only on other people's knowledge, experience, opinion, and when solving any issues and problems, he relies on ready-made formulas, template solutions. There is no need to talk about any creativity with such thinking.

breadth of mind It manifests itself in the broad outlook of a person, in active cognitive activity, covering the most diverse areas of science and practice.

Closely related to the breadth of thinking is such a quality as depth - the ability to penetrate into the essence of the most complex issues, the ability to see a problem where other people have no questions. People with such a mind show a vivid need to get to the bottom of the causes, sources of phenomena and events, the ability to foresee their further development (this quality of mind is the most valuable characteristic of a teacher). Sometimes broad thinking can be shallow, superficial. There are people who can talk about everything, but it is not interesting to listen to them, since they are unoriginal and banal in their reasoning.

Since thinking is broad, it means that someone may have narrow. This is such thinking, the subject of which is mainly some small (narrow) part of reality. Narrow thinking it can be meaningful and deep (thinking of a “narrow specialist”), or it can be poor, shallow, superficial.

Flexibility of mind is expressed in the ability to be free from the accepted template methods and methods for solving problems of any content and level, in the ability to quickly change one’s actions when the situation changes, quickly switch from one method of solving, behavior to another, diversify attempts to solve a problem or task and thereby find faster new ways to solve them.

An important quality of the mind is the ability to foresee. The development of this particular quality allows a person to productively perform the function of managing activities, especially if many people are involved in this activity. B.M. Teplov wrote: ““To manage means to foresee,” says the old saying. To foresee means, through the twilight of uncertainty and the fluidity of the situation, to discern the main meaning of the events taking place, to catch their main trend and, based on this, to understand where they are going. Foresight is the highest the stage of transformation of the complex into the simple, the ability to single out the essential... Foresight is the result of deep penetration into the situation and comprehension of the main thing in it, the decisive one, that determines the course of events” 1 .

Simplicity and clarity of thought, the ability to turn "complex into simple", synthetic mind power, in-depth analysis of the situation, problems with some certain point vision, in the light of certain ideas, flexibility and freedom of mind, the ability to foresee and decisiveness, the integrity of perception and the strength of the direction of the personality, emotional richness, richness of speech and perseverance - these qualities are possessed smart people.

Dubrovina IV Psychology: Textbook for students. avg. ped. studies, institutions / I. V. Dubrovina, E. E. Danilova, A. M. Parishioners; Ed. I. V. Dubrovina. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2004. - 464 p. pp. 188-189.