Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Interesting facts about the planets of the solar system. The most amazing planets 10 amazing planets

For thousands of years, astronomers could only explore the planets of our solar system. The first planets were discovered due to a strange movement in the night sky, different from other stars. The Greeks first called these “irregular stars” wanderers, using the old Greek word “planan.” The incredibly complex nature of planetary systems was first pointed out by Galileo, who examined Jupiter through a telescope and noticed how celestial bodies orbited the gas giant. In 1994, the first planet outside our solar system was discovered.

Dr. Alexander Wolschan observed unusual changes in the signal from the pulsar Beta Pictoris, proving the existence of several planets in orbit. Since then, at least 1,888 more exoplanets have been discovered, revolutionizing scientists' understanding of the cosmos, the way planets formed, and even the evolution of the universe over 13 billion years. The most unusual planets in the universe sometimes look more like science fiction than actual celestial bodies.

Like many other planets, Gliese 581C orbits its own red dwarf star. This means that the side facing the star is hot, while the dark side is permanently frozen. However, scientists suggest that part of Gliese 581C is habitable. This planet is one of the best candidates for human expansion. Living on such a surface can be like hell, because the red dwarf star constantly bombards the planet with infrared rays, but plants can get used to even such conditions.

HD 106906 b - The Loneliest Planet

This fascinating planet hangs out in the constellation Krax, approximately 300 light years from Earth. Eleven times the size of Jupiter, HD 106906 b has become a real discovery for modern astronomers. Despite its enormous size, the planet orbits its star at a distance 20 times the distance between the Sun and Neptune, which is approximately 60,000,000,000 miles. This makes it one of the loneliest known planets in the universe. Astrophysicists are amazed by this outlier because planets like Jupiter tend to be closer to their star. There is a hypothesis that HD 106906 b is a failed star, challenging the binary star theory.

TrES-2b: black hole planet

Close in size to Jupiter, the planet TrES-2b is located approximately 750 light-years away in the orbit of a sun-shaped star. It absorbs so much light that scientists consider it the darkest planet in the known universe. Despite being a Jupiter-class gas giant, it reflects less than 1 percent of light, as opposed to 33% for Jupiter. As a result, the planet is so dark that it is difficult to detect. However, TrES-2b is a fairly hot planet, emitting a dim reddish glow.

Planet Methuselah

The planet Methuselah is unusual in that it is about a billion years younger than the Universe. Such planets are known as PSR 1620-26 b. They are so old that traditional astrophysical models ignore it. Traditionally, it was believed that the planet could not be 13 billion years old due to the lack of materials in the universe to form it. Yet Methuselah is almost three times older than Earth and was formed just one billion years after the big bang. The planet moves among a spherical cluster of stars locked together by gravity in the constellation Scorpius. In the Methuselah cluster, it orbits a binary star system consisting of a white dwarf star and a pulsar.

Planet Osiris

Next on the list is the planet Osiris, which ignores the lessons of Icarus. This exoplanet is also known as HD 209458b. Osiris is located 150 light years away in the constellation Pegasus. Osiris is approximately 30% larger than Jupiter. Its orbit is one-eighth the distance from Mercury to the Sun, and the temperature of this planet is approximately 1.832 degrees Fahrenheit. The heat and pressure of this gas planet caused significant evaporation of various atmospheric gases, emanating from the planet's gravitational field, like air from an invisible balloon. Osiris has stunned astronomers and astrophysics experts who have discovered how hydrogen, oxygen and carbon are leaking from the planet. All this led to the emergence of a new type of classification - chthonic planets.

Planet CoRoT-7b

CoRoT-7b was the first rocky planet discovered in the orbit of another star. Astronomers believe it was once a giant gas planet similar to Saturn or Neptune, before atmospheric and gas levels were reduced by its close proximity to the star. Because the planet has only one side facing its star at all times, that side's temperature is 4,000 degrees Fahrenheit, while the dark side is frozen at 350F. These conditions contribute to the occurrence of rock rains, when molten rocks rise into the atmosphere under the influence of gases and, when solidified, fall down.

Planet HAT-P-1

HAT-P-1 is larger than Uranus and floats in water. Only because of this can the planet be called unusual. Recently discovered by Harvard's Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, HAT-P-1 is a gas giant half the size of Jupiter. This incredible planet has sparked heated debate in the halls of academic astronomy. Classified as a "hot Jupiter," the planet is nearly 25% larger than any model estimates. Astrophysicists are desperately trying to find the reason why the planet has expanded beyond the established norm. Perhaps in the distant future, humanity will be able to travel 450 light years from Jupiter to find answers to all of its questions.

55 Cancri costs $26.9 nonillions

A super-Earth planet, 55 Cancri is roughly twice the size of Earth and has temperatures reaching 3,900 degrees Fahrenheit. 55 Cancri e was discovered in 2004. After several years of observation, astronomers believe that this large rocky planet is composed mainly of carbon transformed into diamond and graphite. According to the current market value of a diamond, 55 Cancri is worth $26.9 nonillion, which is approximately 384 quintillion times more than the Earth's current combined GDP of $74 trillion. According to Forbes, only 0.182% of 55 Cancri e is needed to pay off the total debt of all governments in the world, equal to $50 trillion. Investors should keep in mind that this potential mining project is only 40 light years away from Earth.

Planet J1407 b and its rings

Discovered in 2012, the planet J1407 b was only recently revealed to the public. It is 400 light-years from Earth and has a system of planetary rings that are 200 times the size of Saturn. The ring system of J1407 b is so large that if Saturn had rings of similar size, they would dominate Earth's sky and be much larger than the full moon. Scientists have observed gaps in ring systems and suggest that these are exomoons orbiting this exoplanet. The ring system is so large that astronomers observed a 56-day eclipse of the star around which J1407 b orbits. You can read about interesting mysteries of the Moon in a separate feed on LifeGlobe.

Gliese 436 b – Burning Ball of Ice

The last unusual planet on this list is classified according to the Gliese catalog and is labeled 436 b. Its size is approximately the size of Neptune. Planet 436 b is about 20 times larger than Earth, but its orbit is only 4.3 million miles from its star, unlike Earth, which orbits 93 million miles from the Sun. The temperature on the Gliese 436 b is 822 degrees Fahrenheit. Hot ice is held on the planet by enormous gravitational forces. These forces prevent water molecules from evaporating and leaving the planet. Continue reading also about the planet Gloria, which some consider to be a twin of the Earth.

Our solar system itself is amazing and beautiful. Each planet is unique in its own way, it seems that we know everything about them. But every year technology is becoming more advanced and astronomers are still making interesting discoveries by providing new facts about the planets. The school curriculum included information about the planets, as well as interesting facts about them. At that time there were still 9 planets, but since 2006 the Astronomical Union has excluded Pluto from this list. This is explained by the fact that this planet was too small and was very far from the sun. Now in its place is the planet Neptune. Oddly enough, the lightest planet is one of the giants - Saturn. There is a theory: if Saturn is placed in water, it will not drown. Of course, this statement cannot be confirmed in any way due to the impossibility of the experiment. There is a very interesting fact about the Earth: the planet’s movement is slowing down every day, because of this, the Moon moves away from the Earth by 4 centimeters every year.

Let's look at each planet separately.

1. If we call the Earth a huge living organism, we will not be mistaken. Our planet can independently regulate temperature, consume energy, renew itself and breathe.
2. The speed of our planet, although imperceptibly, is 107 km per hour.
3. The earth is compared to a metal ball, which is in a stone shell. The moon plays a key role in everything that concerns our planet. It is thanks to her that there are suitable climatic conditions on earth, which allows us all to exist.
4. It is very interesting that gravity in some parts of the planet is lower or higher than in others. This can make you feel heavier or lighter in certain parts of the world. For example, in India the gravity is lower than in the southern part of the ocean. Scientists still cannot explain why this happens. This fact became known when in 2002 NASA launched the GRACE satellite, which measures the gravitational field. It seems that in the future the Earth will open its secret veils even more.
5. Some researchers claim that the earth once had two satellites, that is, two moons.

Closer to the Sun - planet Mercury

1. The planet is very fast compared to others, which is why it got its name in the name of the Roman fleet-footed god Mercury.
2. The size of the planet did not work out, it is no larger than the moon, the equator is only 4879 km.
3. Some scientists believe that Mercury was once a satellite of Venus, but as a result of some cosmic catastrophe it “escaped” and acquired its own orbit.
4. 1 day on the planet is equal to 176 Earth days, and a year is only 88 days.
5. On Mercury you can observe an amazing phenomenon: two sunrises and two sunsets. In a certain place you can watch three sunrises and three sunsets.

Planet Venus – Evening Star

1. A day on this planet is longer than a year. One day lasts 243 days, and a year lasts 225 days.
2. During sunset you can see the shadow of Venus. It can only be seen for a few hours, which is why it received the name Evening Star.
3. It is so cloudy on this planet that you can’t see the sun through them. Rain consists of sulfuric acid.
4. Venus is the hottest planet, the temperature reaches 475 degrees Celsius. For example, lead melts at 327 degrees.
5. Life on this planet is impossible for one main reason - the atmosphere is 96% carbon dioxide.

Red Planet – Mars

1. The planet received its name in honor of the Roman god of war, Mars, just like blood and the planet are the same color.
2. The highest Mount Olympus in the solar system is located on this planet. The height of the mountain reaches 27.4 km.
3. It is impossible to be on Mars without a spacesuit. Very strong pressure can turn blood into gas bubbles.
4. The lethal doses of radiation to which the planet is exposed also make life on Mars impossible. Radiations occur due to the absence of the ozone layer.
5. Mars once had water. Scientists have discovered dry river beds and some minerals that cannot appear without water.

Gas giant Jupiter

1. If the earth is a cherry tomato, then Jupiter is a watermelon. This is how you can compare these two planets. Jupiter could fit 1,300 planets like our Earth.
2. Despite the fact that Jupiter is a giant planet, it is also a fast planet itself. Jupiter rotates around its axis every 20 hours. But it takes 12 years around the sun.
3. Jupiter has the largest number of satellites, there are only 60 of them, maybe more. All satellites rotate in the opposite direction of the planet.
4. There is a huge red spot on the planet, which is nothing more than an anticyclone. It appeared about 400 years ago, maybe more. It was discovered by astronomer J. Cassini in 1665, then its dimensions were determined by tens of thousands of kilometers in length and width. Now the spot has almost halved.
5. Jupiter can “talk.” The planet makes very strange sounds, similar to speech. They are called electromagnetic voices.

Amazing planet - Saturn

1. Telescopes are not needed to see the planet. Just look at the sky on a clear night; the brightest star is Saturn.
2. Saturn is the most beautiful planet in the solar system. The surface of the planet has a blue tint, the rings are bright and truly beautiful.
3. Bad weather is a frequent visitor to Saturn. They are similar to earthly ones, only much stronger. During bad weather, huge craters form on the surface of the planet.
4. The spacecraft that was sent to study Saturn was able to film a rare phenomenon - the northern lights. Before this, the northern lights were observed on earth.
5. No matter how beautiful the planet is, it is not suitable for people. Since hydrogen is first in a liquid state, then it turns into a solid state, which means a terrible death for any person who gets there - to be flattened.

Green planet Uranus

The science

Astronomers have long predicted existence of hidden planets at the edge of the solar system. Some of them were so eager to “make their mark” in space that they made erroneous assumptions.

Does it exist planet Nibiru and will it collide with the Earth? Is there any in the solar system more planets beyond Pluto? What's happened Planet X? Whether there is a Neptune has a twin?

Find out about the most mysterious planets of our system, which caused a lot of controversy in the scientific world.

1) Neighbor of Uranus: the hunt for the invisible planet of the solar system

Prediction: At the beginning of the 19th century, several astronomers independently noticed that the planet Uranus deviates slightly from its route around the Sun. This could be due to the gravitational pull of some other object nearby.

In 1843, a British astronomer John Cooch Adams predicted existence of another planet, which could influence the orbit of neighboring Uranus, attracting it with its gravitational field.

After 2 years, another researcher - Urbain Le Verrier- independently of Adams, made calculations of the characteristics of this missing planet. His descriptions surprisingly coincided with Adams's data. Soon astronomers around the world began to hunt for the invisible planet.

Reality: In 1846, a mysterious planet interfering with Uranus was indeed discovered. Moreover, its location differed only by 1 degree from the place indicated by Le Verrier by 12 degrees- from the location calculated by Adams.

After much discussion, Le Verrier named the planet Neptune. As it turned out, Neptune was spotted even Galileo in 1612, but the astronomer then thought it was a star.

2) Planet X: the mysterious dwarf planet

Prediction: After the discovery of Neptune, astronomers thought again: they suggested that beyond its orbit there must be another planet. At the beginning of the 20th century, an American astronomer Percival Lowell took this issue seriously. He named the unknown object Planet X.

Lowell suggested that the existence of Planet X explained the apparent irregularities in the movements of the gas giants, especially Uranus and Neptune. This invisible ninth planet its gravitational field should prevent them from moving along the correct trajectory. Many astronomers began to hunt for Planet X.

Reality: In 1930, it was finally possible to prove the existence of Planet X, which was named Pluto. Pluto was officially considered 9th planet until 2006, after which it was moved to the category dwarf planets.

In 1978 it turned out that Pluto is too small, in order to influence the movement of gas giants with its gravity, so the idea of ​​​​Planet X arose again. Astronomers have already begun to hunt for 10th planet of the solar system.

The existence of Planet X was never confirmed when spacecraft "Voyager 1" made the necessary calculations. It was proven that the disturbances in the orbits of the gas giants were not due to an invisible planet, but to the fact that Neptune's mass was not initially calculated correctly.

3) Herald of the end of the world Nibiru: a great mystery of space

Prediction: In 1995, a certain Nancy Leader, calling herself a "contacteur", predicted the end of the world, which would happen due to collision of the Earth with a giant invisible planet, which wanders around the solar system without a specific orbit.

The leader also claimed that she receives messages from aliens through a special chip implanted in her brain. The hypothesis of the existence of Nibiru was also expressed by an American writer Zecharia Sitchin. In 1976 he mistranslated ancient Sumerian texts.

According to him, they said that people actually appeared not on Earth at all, but on the distant planet Nibiru and arrived on Earth when this mysterious planet collided with ours in the distant past.

Nowadays, a huge number of people believe that Nibiru will soon reappear from the depths solar system and will definitely collide with the Earth.

Reality: Any sensible astronomer will confirm that Nibiru is a fiction. There is no scientific evidence of the existence of another huge planet in the solar system, in addition to those already known. Spacecraft that travel through our system didn't notice anything suspicious.

Physical laws in space cannot confirm the existence of a planet whose mass would be so enormous and whose orbit would be unstable. Theoretically this is impossible.

4) Planet Tyche interferes with comets

Prediction: In 1999 and again doing the calculations in 2011, two astronomers from Louisiana University in the city of Lafayette attracted public attention. They argued that at the edge of the solar system there is a planet that is 4 times larger than Jupiter. They named her Tyukhe.

John Mathis and Daniel Whitmire suggested that there is a giant planet in the Oort cloud, the region where comets are born. The existence of this planet explains the unusual orbital trajectories of new comets that originate in this distant cloud.

Many supporters of the end of the world theory believe that Tyche and Nibiru are the same object and that one day it will collide with the Earth turning us all into dust.

Reality: The scientific world is skeptical about the idea of ​​Tyche's existence. No one can prove or disprove this theory yet.. Explaining the existence of Tyche only on the basis of deviations in the trajectory of Oort cloud comets is too doubtful. Scientists say that in order to prove the presence of such a huge object, lack of statistical data.

5) Neptune’s twin is the most mysterious planet on the edge of the solar system

Prediction: In March 2012, the astronomer Rodney Gomez from National Observatory of Brazil in Rio de Janeiro presented computer models that allegedly prove the existence of the edge of the solar system planets the size of Neptune.

His models show that the existence of this planet explains mysterious very elongated orbits of some objects in the region beyond the orbit of Neptune, as well as the dwarf planet Sedna.

Reality: Exceptional claims require exceptional evidence. Gomez's assumption is still highly doubtful. Astronomers are confident that before talking about the presence of a giant planet, all other possibilities must first be excluded, which could influence the orbits of objects beyond the orbit of Neptune. Moreover, to know for sure, you need see this planet physically into a telescope.

The total number of exoplanets in the Milky Way galaxy is more than 100 billion. An exoplanet is a planet that is outside our solar system. Currently, scientists have discovered only a small fraction of them. About the 10 most incredible planets in this post.

The darkest exoplanet is the distant, Jupiter-sized gas giant TrES-2b.

Measurements have shown that planet TrES-2b reflects less than one percent of light, making it blacker than coal and naturally darker than any planet in the solar system. The work on this planet was published in the journal of the Royal Astronomical Society Monthly Notices. Planet TrES-2b reflects less light even than black acrylic paint, so it is truly a dark world.


The largest planet found in the Universe is TrES-4. It was discovered in 2006 and is located in the constellation Hercules. The planet, called TrES-4, orbits a star that is about 1,400 light-years away from planet Earth.

Researchers claim that the diameter of the discovered planet is almost 2 times (more precisely 1.7) larger than the diameter of Jupiter (this is the largest planet in the solar system). The temperature of TrES-4 is about 1260 degrees Celsius.


A year on COROT-7b lasts just over 20 hours. It is not surprising that the weather in this world is, to put it mildly, exotic.

Astronomers have suggested that the planet consists of cast and solid rock, and not of frozen gases, which will certainly boil away under such conditions. The temperature, according to scientists, drops from +2000 C on the illuminated surface to -200 C at night.


Astronomers saw a cosmic cataclysm: a star was consuming its own planet, which was in close proximity to it. We are talking about the exoplanet WASP-12b. It was discovered in 2008.

WASP-12b, like most known exoplanets discovered by astronomers, is a large gaseous world. However, unlike most other exoplanets, WASP-12b orbits its star at a very close distance - just over 1.5 million kilometers (75 times closer than Earth to the Sun).

The vast world of WASP-12b has already stared into the face of its death, researchers say. The most important problem of the planet is its size. It has grown to such an extent that it cannot hold its matter against the gravitational forces of its native star. WASP-12b is giving up its matter to the star at a tremendous rate: six billion tons every second. In this case, the planet will be completely destroyed by the star in about ten million years. By cosmic standards, this is quite a bit.


Using a space telescope, astronomers were able to discover the smallest rocky exoplanet, with a diameter of about 1.4 times the diameter of Earth.

The new planet was designated Kepler-10b. The star it orbits is located about 560 light-years from Earth in the constellation Draco and is similar to our Sun. Belonging to the class of “super-Earths,” Kepler-10b is in an orbit quite close to its star, orbiting it in just 0.84 Earth days, while the temperature on it reaches several thousand degrees Celsius. Scientists estimate that with a diameter of 1.4 times the diameter of the Earth, Kepler-10b has a mass of 4.5 times the Earth's.

HD 189733b

HD 189733b is a Jupiter-sized planet orbiting its star 63 light-years away. And although this planet is similar in size to Jupiter, due to its proximity to its star, it is significantly hotter than the dominant gas giant of our solar system. As with other hot Jupiters found, the rotation of this planet is synchronized with its orbital motion - the planet always faces the star with one side. The orbital period is 2.2 Earth days.


Analysis of data on the Kepler-16 system showed that the exoplanet Kepler-16b, discovered in it in June 2011, orbits two stars at once. If an observer could find himself on the surface of the planet, he would see two suns rising and setting, just like on the planet Tatooine from the fantastic Star Wars saga.

In June 2011, scientists announced that the system contained a planet, which they designated Kepler-16b. After conducting a further detailed study, they found that Kepler-16b revolves around a binary star system in an orbit approximately equal to the orbit of Venus, and completes one revolution every 229 days.

Thanks to the joint efforts of amateur astronomers participating in the Planet Hunters project and professional astronomers, a planet was discovered in a four-star system. The planet orbits two stars, which in turn orbit two more stars.

PSR 1257 b and PSR 1257 c

2 planets orbit a dying star.

Kepler-36b and Kepler-36c

Exoplanets Kepler-36b and Kepler-36c - these new planets were discovered by the Kepler telescope. These unusual exoplanets are strikingly close to each other.

Astronomers have discovered a pair of neighboring explanets with different densities orbiting very close to each other. Exoplanets are too close to their star and are not in the so-called "habitable zone" of the star system, that is, the zone where liquid water can exist on the surface, but that is not what makes them interesting. Astronomers were surprised by the very close proximity of these two completely different planets: the orbits of the planets are as close as any other orbits of previously discovered planets.

13:30 05/11/2017

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The universe is full of strange things. Let's take a look at the unusual ones.

For thousands of years, astronomers could only explore the planets of ours. The first planets were discovered thanks to a strange movement in the night sky, different from others. The Greeks first called these “irregular stars” wanderers, using the old Greek word “planan.” The incredibly complex nature of planetary systems was first pointed out by Galileo, who explored through and noticed how celestial bodies revolve around. In 1994, the first planet outside our solar system was discovered.

Dr. Alexander Wolschan observed unusual changes in the signal from the pulsar Beta Pictoris, proving the existence of several planets in . Since then, at least 1,888 more exoplanets have been discovered, revolutionizing scientists' understanding of the cosmos, how planets formed, and even how they evolved over 13 billion years. The most unusual planets in the universe sometimes look more like science fiction than actual celestial bodies.

Gliese 581 c

Like many other planets, Gliese 581C orbits its own red dwarf star. This means that the side facing the star is hot, while the dark side is permanently frozen. However, scientists suggest that part of Gliese 581C is habitable. This planet is one of the best candidates for human expansion. Living on such a surface can be like hell, because the red dwarf star constantly bombards the planet with infrared rays, but plants can get used to even such conditions.

HD 106906 b – The Loneliest Planet

This fascinating planet hangs out at about 300 light years from Earth. Eleven times the size of Jupiter, HD 106906 b has become a real discovery for modern astronomers. Despite its enormous size, the planet orbits its star at a distance of 20 times the space between and, which is approximately 60,000,000,000 miles. This makes it one of the loneliest known planets in the universe. Astrophysicists are amazed by this outlier because planets like Jupiter tend to be closer to their star. There is a hypothesis that HD 106906 b is a failed star, challenging the binary star theory.

TrES-2b: black hole planet

Close in size to Jupiter, the planet TrES-2b is located approximately 750 light-years away in the orbit of a sun-shaped star. It absorbs so much light that scientists consider it the darkest planet in the known universe. Despite being a Jupiter-class gas giant, it reflects less than 1 percent of light, as opposed to 33% for Jupiter. As a result, the planet is so dark that it is difficult to detect. However, TrES-2b is a fairly hot planet, emitting a dim reddish glow.

Planet Methuselah

The planet Methuselah is unusual in that it is about a billion years younger than the Universe. Such planets are known as PSR 1620-26 b. They are so old that traditional astrophysical models ignore it. Traditionally, it was believed that the planet could not be 13 billion years old due to the lack of materials in the universe to form it. Yet Methuselah is almost three times older than Earth and was formed just one billion years after the big bang. The planet moves among a spherical cluster of stars locked together by gravity at . In the Methuselah cluster, it orbits a binary star system consisting of a white dwarf star and .

Planet Osiris

Next on the list is the planet Osiris, which ignores the lessons of Icarus. This exoplanet is also known as HD 209458b. Osiris is located 150 light years away in . Osiris is approximately 30% larger than Jupiter. Its orbit is one-eighth the distance from the Sun, and the temperature of this planet is approximately 1.832 degrees Fahrenheit. The heat and pressure of this gas planet caused significant evaporation of various atmospheric gases, emanating from the planet's gravitational field, like air from an invisible balloon. Osiris has stunned astronomers and astrophysics experts who have discovered how hydrogen, oxygen and carbon are leaking from the planet. All this led to the emergence of a new type of classification - chthonic planets.

Planet CoRoT-7b

CoRoT-7b was the first rocky planet discovered in the orbit of another star. Astronomers believe it was once a giant gas planet similar to Neptune, before gas levels dropped due to its close proximity to the star. Because the planet has only one side facing its star at all times, that side's temperature is 4,000 degrees Fahrenheit, while the dark side is frozen at 350F. These conditions contribute to the occurrence of rock rains, when molten rocks rise into the atmosphere under the influence of gases and, when solidified, fall down.

Planet HAT-P-1

HAT-P-1 is larger than and floats in water. Only because of this can the planet be called unusual. Recently discovered by Harvard's Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, HAT-P-1 is a gas giant half the size of Jupiter. This incredible planet has sparked heated debate in the halls of academic astronomy. Classified as a “hot Jupiter,” the planet is nearly 25% larger than any model estimates. Astrophysicists are desperately trying to find the reason why the planet has expanded beyond the established norm. Perhaps in the distant future, humanity will be able to travel 450 light years from Jupiter to find answers to all of its questions.

55 Cancri costs $26.9 nonillions

A super-Earth planet, 55 Cancri is roughly twice the size of Earth and has temperatures reaching 3,900 degrees Fahrenheit. 55 Cancri e was discovered in 2004. After several years of observation, astronomers believe that this large rocky planet is composed mainly of carbon transformed into diamond and graphite. According to the current market value of a diamond, 55 Cancri is worth $26.9 nonillion, which is approximately 384 quintillion times more than the Earth's current combined GDP of $74 trillion. According to Forbes, only 0.182% of 55 Cancri e is needed to pay off the total debt of all governments in the world, equal to $50 trillion. Investors should keep in mind that this potential mining project is located only 40 light years away.

Planet J1407 b and its rings

Discovered in 2012, the planet J1407 b was only recently revealed to the public. It is 400 light-years from Earth and has a system of planetary rings that are 200 times the size of Saturn. The ring system of J1407 b is so large that if Saturn had rings of similar size, they would dominate Earth's sky and be much larger than the full moon. Scientists have observed discontinuities in ring systems and suggest that these are exomoons orbiting this one. The ring system is so large that astronomers observed a 56-day eclipse of the star around which J1407 b orbits. You can read about interesting riddles in a separate feed on LifeGlobe.

Gliese 436 b – Burning Ball of Ice

The last unusual planet on this list is classified according to the Gliese catalog and is labeled 436 b. Its size is approximately the size of Neptune. Planet 436 b is about 20 times larger than Earth, but its orbit is only 4.3 million miles from its star, unlike Earth, which orbits 93 million miles from the Sun. The temperature on the Gliese 436 b is 822 degrees Fahrenheit. Hot ice is held on the planet by enormous gravitational forces. These forces prevent water molecules from evaporating and leaving the planet.

“Double” of the Earth - planet Gloria

And many more new discoveries await us ahead...