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Historical novels: rating of the best books according to Komsomolskaya Pravda. The best historical novels What historical novels

In this collection we have collected historical books that everyone should read. Without a doubt, there are many more such books, but if you want to be able to maintain small talk or understand something important for yourself from the history of the world, then read these novels first.

Margaret Mitchell. gone With the Wind

For many years, Margaret Mitchell nurtured the idea of ​​her masterpiece. The main character so sincerely loved two men at once, but never learned to understand either of them, and as a result lost both. The events of the work unfold against the backdrop of a bloody civil war, which has not subsided for a long period. Further

An amazing historical novel from the pen of Victor Hugo, who brought incredible images to life with such simple but meaningful words. It was here that the writer raised many important topics, contrasting good and evil, opening the readers' eyes to the fact that not everything in this life may be what it seems to a person at first glance. Further

Nothing happens for nothing, this is especially evident when it comes to such large-scale things as a revolution or the death of an empire. Responsibility for everything that happens in the state lies solely on the shoulders of the emperor, who can carry out the reforms that are so necessary for the people. Or do everything to slow down the development of the country. Further

This novel by Marquez simply cannot be retold in a few words, all because the reader needs to experience it for himself. The events take place in the Buendia dynasty, where each generation does stupid things, gets into bad situations, takes part in revolutions or leads a lazy lifestyle and, of course, manages to truly love. Further

Lev Tolstoy. War and Peace

Tolstoy's largest novel, which has found a positive response among readers around the world. They fell in love with this book not because of its large volume or unusual structure. It simply did not have what the reader was fed up with - the usual love triangle and social conflict. Only global history and personal life hang in the balance of fate. Further

Lev Zhdanov. Tsar Ivan the Terrible

History is that aspect of life with which every person should be familiar to one degree or another in order to be aware of what events took place long before his appearance in this world and to understand what consequences they had for the state. Sometimes life turns out in such a way that a ruler could become the greatest of all, but a series of confusing events turns him into a terrible tormentor. Further

Gustave Flaubert. Madame Bovary

From time immemorial, life has been structured in such a way that a person from time to time begins to be tormented by internal contradictions that run counter to the surrounding reality. It is precisely this discrepancy between the inner spiritual world that can be traced through the example of the life of Emma Bovary, who sincerely dreamed of filling the inner emptiness, but was unable to withstand the harshness of her contemporary world. Further

Ken Follett. Pillars of the Earth

Once upon a time there was a protracted period in the history of England, during which ongoing internecine wars and constant struggle for the throne became nothing more than commonplace. The author decided to show the life stories of royal families, simple artisans, counts and many other significant figures, whose destinies were intertwined into a single ball for half a century. Further

Umberto Eco. Rose name

Events take place at the very beginning of the 14th century, where the body of a monk was discovered in one of the monasteries. The series of deaths does not end there; there are only more murders every day. Wilhelm and his young companion Adson are entrusted with investigating a chain of obscure crimes, who are obliged to figure everything out before the situation gets worse. Further

Marina Fiorato. Venice contract

The book is based on real events that occurred in Venice back in 1576, when the Ottoman Empire suffered a crushing defeat during the naval battle of Lepanto. At night, the ship quietly landed on the shores of Venice, from which a dying man disembarked. He will present the townspeople with an extremely unexpected gift in the form of a plague. Further

Who would have imagined that the fates of all these completely different people with different hobbies, wealth, and social status would intertwine somewhere, but in the vastness of impenetrable Siberia, which would captivate them with its grandeur, beauty and mystery. Exciting adventures await them all soon, but that is yet to come. Further

Solomon Northup. 12 years of slavery. A true story of betrayal, kidnapping and fortitude

Solomon Northup lived and worked quietly in New York until one day he received a more tempting offer to start working in Washington. Then he could not even imagine that from a successful man he would soon become a slave in captivity, where you would not want even your worst enemy to go. Further

Catalina sincerely believed that she was destined to sit on the throne after she reached a certain age. However, the girl did not imagine that becoming the Queen of England would be so difficult. Her path to the throne will be thorny, but she is not ready to give up easily in the face of difficulties, and that is why she will soon become the wife of Henry VIII. Further

Henryk Sienkiewicz. Kamo is coming

Sienkiewicz worked hard so that his novel could appear before readers in a worthy manner. However, the events unfolding in it are very diverse. Thus, the young patrician Marcus Vinicius is sincerely in love with the beautiful barbarian Lygia. In parallel with this, the reign of the ruthless, but at the same time brilliant Emperor Nero unfolds. Further

Mikhail Sholokhov. Quiet Don

For his novel, Mikhail Sholokhov was awarded the Nobel Prize, as for a large-scale and unusually talented work that made a significant contribution to the development of Russian literature. The events of the novel take place in Russia in the first half of the 20th century, at a time when the Revolution and Civil War occurred, changing the ancient way of life of the Don Cossacks. Further

Valentin Pikul. Favorite

The author shows the life of a whole era of Russia in the second half of the 18th century. The main character is Prince Grigory Alexandrovich Potemkin-Tavrichesky, one of the brightest people of his time, the favorite of Catherine II. Hardly anyone would argue that this person went down in history as an unusually talented and intelligent person, despite his complex character and contradictory nature. Further

He was a nobody, a simple boy with no chance for a great future, but fate turned out to be favorable to him, which is why in a short time this country boy managed to become a London dandy. Now he has many things that he could not even dream of, but the whole idyll is spoiled by the fact that from a young age the hero has been in love with Estella, who is indifferent to him. Further

The work describes the fates of three comrades from the front and how they intertwined at different periods of their lives. There is everything here - sincere love, friendship, loyalty and betrayal. Each of the characters had their own dreams, as well as many memories - bad and good, but so fascinating, thanks to which their lives became interesting in their own way. Further

For many years, many were interested in the fate of the greatest ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya, who, at the same time, was not just a talented and attractive woman, but also the wife of the Grand Duke. The woman wrote the memoirs together with her husband, where she wanted to reflect the most vivid and significant memories from her own life. Further

It is difficult to say what exactly makes a commander truly the great person he goes down in history as. Some are inclined to argue that this is, first of all, the ability to quickly and accurately make decisions at a moment when there is simply not enough time and information. This is exactly what he was - the greatest Russian commander Suvorov, who forever entered the history of Russia. Further

That's all for us, but if you remember other historical books that everyone should read and you personally think they deserve attention, share your opinion in the comments. Always Glade. 😉

I came across this collection and found it interesting. I myself love this genre very much, I’ve read a lot from this list and, in principle, I agree with the authors of the TOP for a long time. And in general, I think that reading a novel based on historical events gives you double benefit: pleasure and additional knowledge of history. For example, when we were studying the history of France at school, I was just reading Maurice Druon and it helped me so much, every lesson I added spicy details from palace life to what had already been told by the teacher. By doing this, I not only increased my grades, but also ensured that half of the class ran to the library to borrow these books to read :)

A writer, like a historian, can recreate the events and appearance of the past, although this artistic reconstruction differs from the scientific one. Relying on historical data, the writer at the same time always follows the path of creative fiction, without which art is impossible; it depicts not only what was, but also what could be. I bring to your attention the ten best historical novels.

10. Pillars of the Earth

Ken Follett has long been known as a master of the thriller. All his books immediately became bestsellers in America, England, and Germany. His book “The Pillars of the Earth” is the first historical novel, after the publication of which the writer woke up literally super-famous.

England, XII century. King Henry IV died. A time of falling morals, cruelty, blood, violence. A grandiose panorama of the darkest years of English history. Fatal passions, sublime love, hatred and the struggle of egos. Good and evil change places and sometimes they cannot be distinguished from each other.

9. Fifteen-year-old captain

The novel “The Fifteen-Year-Old Captain” by the famous French writer Jules Verne tells the story of the adventures of the young captain of the whaling schooner “Pilgrim”, Dick Sand.

8. Favorite

The novel “The Favorite” is a multifaceted work in which a huge layer of historical reality is raised and a broad canvas of life in Russia in the second half of the 18th century is given. The author depicts the era through the prism of the actions of the main character - His Serene Highness Prince Grigory Alexandrovich Potemkin-Tavrichesky, the favorite of Catherine II: a complex man, contradictory in many ways, but certainly talented and intelligent, who decisively interfered in state affairs and saw his duty in serving Russia.

7. Kamo is coming

The famous historical novel by Henryk Sienkiewicz tells about great and almost mythical events. First century AD, imperial Rome during the time of the half-mad actor Nero, obsessed with delusions of grandeur. The burning Eternal City, animals tearing the bodies of slaves in the circus arena, unimaginable orgies and mass executions. On this land soaked in blood and tears, the tragic history of the first Christians unfolds; the apostles Peter and Paul accepted martyrdom. The author weaves into the fabric of his truly epic narrative stories about the dramatic fate of Petronius, a sophisticated esthete and skeptic, and about the fiery love of the Roman patrician Marcus Vinicius for the Christian Lygia. all-conquering love, sanctified by true faith, forcing the reader to think about the freedom of choice granted to man.

6. Thais of Athens

The historical novel by Ivan Efremov is a hymn to a woman, her beauty, intelligence, wisdom, and the gift of love. All these best qualities were embodied by the main character of the novel, the Athenian hetaera Thais, who went through the roads of war with the army of the great commander Alexander the Great. Thais’ life is full of amazing adventures and serious trials, from which she emerges even more beautiful.

5. Shogun

The historical novel by an American writer, which is the basis for a popular television series, tells the story of the fate of an English sailor who was the first of his compatriots to end up in Japan.

4. Iron King

And at the beginning of the 14th century, King Philip IV the Fair was the unlimited ruler of France. For this he was nicknamed the Iron King. He tamed the warlike ardor of the powerful barons, conquered the rebellious Flemings, defeated England in Aquitaine, and carried out a successful fight against the papacy, which ended with the captivity of the popes in Avignon.

Only one force dared to resist Philip - the Knights Templar.

The too independent position of the Templars worried the king, and their incalculable wealth excited his greed. He started a lawsuit against them. And there was no such baseness that the judges would not resort to at this trial...

3. Les Miserables

One of the best novels of the classics of world literature. Jean Valjean, Cosette, Gavroche - the names of the heroes of the novel have long become household names, the number of its readers in the century and a half since the publication of the book has not become smaller, the novel has not lost popularity. A kaleidoscope of faces from all strata of French society of the first half of the 19th century, bright, memorable characters, grotesque and romance, sentimentality and realism, an intense, exciting plot - the main reasons for the success of Hugo’s book and they are also the main reasons for the frequent appeal to it by world cinema.

2. Countess de Monsoreau

The action of the novel by the famous French writer Alexandre Dumas takes place during the era of the Huguenot wars, during the reign of Henry III. But the historical events - described vividly and convincingly - are only the backdrop to a complex love affair. The author contrasts the deceit, depravity and hypocrisy of the royal court with the nobility, sincerity and loyalty of the fearless Comte de Bussy and his beloved Diana.

1. Gone with the Wind

The novel by the American writer Margaret Mitchell (1900–1949) “Gone with the Wind” (1936) is a fascinating plot, an acutely social work, the main problem of which is the fate of human values ​​in the world of buying and selling. The book is set during one of the most difficult periods in US history and covers the years of the Civil War (1861–1865) and the subsequent Reconstruction.

In the modern world, unfortunately, free time is very limited. They have to be managed with special vigilance. And of course, no one wants to spend it on the wrong book. The choice is huge, and your eyes run wild in search of the right one. Let's consider, for those who love historical novels, a list of books that are worth reading first.


First of all, let's talk about the list of books in the genre of historical novels in the context of classical literature.

  1. Leo Tolstoy, "War and Peace" - a work from the school curriculum. But due to youthful interests, it is underestimated by schoolchildren.
  2. William Shakespeare, "Romeo and Juliet" - the tragedy of love of young hearts. A sensual story of a war between two noble families, which involved children in love who found themselves on opposite sides of the barricades.
  3. “The Count of Monte Cristo” is a work that has dominated historical novels for almost two centuries. The list of books in any source has this incredibly dynamic, plot-driven and emotional creation.
  4. Archibald Cronin, "Castle Brodie" - a novel about the life of a "hatmaker" who destroys his happiness and family with his own hands.
  5. Honore de Balzac, "Gobsek", "Eugenia Grande", "Père Goriot" - books containing the life stories of three unfortunate people. Everyone grieves in their own way, everyone has their own tragedy. To survive all the trials of fate together with the heroes is what the author offers the reader.

About reviews in general

In this section, it is not very appropriate to talk about reviews, since the above novels are the world heritage of literature. But still, Honore de Balzac’s book stands out among others on the forums. It is interesting that the vast majority of readers, having become acquainted with the novel “Père Goriot,” cannot stop. And in the future, book after book, they sympathize and live in a real “Human Comedy” created for them by the author.

It’s easy to continue the list with other works by these authors, but if you are not familiar with their work, then you should start your journey with these books.

About love

Historical romance novels occupy a separate niche. The list of books on this topic is huge. Let's highlight the best of them.

  1. Christopher Gortner, "The Tudor Conspiracy" is a magnificent novel about Princess Elizabeth, love and court conspiracies, betrayal and loyalty.
  2. Courtney Milan, "Temptation by Love" - ​​a novel about how a respected "sir" fell in love with a courtesan and was ready to do anything to be with her. The woman had her own plans for their union: she intended to destroy his life.
  3. Margaret York, "Downton Manor: The Mistress" - the novel is a continuation of the beloved work "Downton Manor: The Beginning." A story about how an arranged marriage can turn into the most powerful love on Earth.
  4. Mikhail Shchukin, "Black Buran" - the novel is a continuation of the well-known work "Horse Thief". About love and the difficulties of the civil war.
  5. Patricia Potter, "Lightning" is a novel by a young American writer who received the "Best War Novel" award for it.

The winner among the books that received the most positive reviews is Christopher Gortner's The Tudor Conspiracy. Readers recognized the fresh approach to the well-known story, and also appreciated the sensual love story.

About the adventures

Among readers there are many who like not only to immerse themselves in the past with a book, but also to catch the fast-paced plot by the tail. So, let's look at the list of books (adventure and historical novel).

The owner of the most original reviews is Erich Maria Remarque's novel "Arc de Triomphe". The subtle psychological plot, the waterfall of emotions and the nervous fear for the hero received a response from many fans even in the post-war period.


The work of Zakhar Prilepin is currently at the pinnacle of success. The book has collected many awards. Literary critics and ordinary readers call the work the novel of the century.

About the Motherland

We should also talk about books about our country in the past. So, the most famous historical novels about Russia (list of books):

  1. "Ermak" - a book about Ataman Ermak.
  2. Nikolai Kochin, "Prince Svyatoslav" - a novel about the Kiev prince and his exploits. The defeat of the war with Volga Bulgaria is only the very tip of the iceberg of the great victories of the ancient Russian ruler.
  3. Leonid Grossman, “The Velvet Dictator” is a work about the famous Russian statesman General M. T. Loris-Melikov. About life in autocratic St. Petersburg in the 80s of the 19th century.
  4. Olga Forsh, “Dressed in Stone” - a novel about the tragic fate of a prisoner of the Peter and Paul Fortress, revolutionary Mikhail Stepanovich Beideman, imprisoned and forgotten for 20 years. Imprisoned by Alexander II without trial, on the basis of a forged manifesto, he was completely alone among the stone walls.
  5. Maurice Semashko, "Semiramis" - a book about the more than thirty-year reign of Catherine II. About ups and downs, about love and hate, about state secrets and palace intrigues.

The most respectful reviews from both Russian historians and literary critics, and ordinary readers, were received by Maurice Samashko's novel "Semiramis." In an artistic manner and an incredibly easy style, the author conveyed the real story no worse than an experienced professor.


Lovers of book art often wonder how to find a work that not only matches their interests, but also can awaken feelings. There is an answer to this question: a really good book will not leave even the most rational reader indifferent. When looking through magazines or Internet pages, studying annotations and reviews of historical novels, adding new “desirable” books to the list of books, you must remember that no one but you knows what you expect from a book. Read books and be happy.

Victor Hugo, Alexandre Dumas, Walter Scott, etc. - popular writers all over the world who successfully wrote historical novels. It is unlikely that it will be possible to compile a complete list of books devoted to this topic. Works of this genre, according to researchers, arose in the 19th century. Before this, authors who tried to create such novels could not achieve the required level of historical generalization. Walter Scott managed to do this. It was his works that gave impetus to the emergence of what is today called "best historical novels".

Critics note that one of the distinctive features that clearly characterize books in the genre of historical novels is their accessibility. They are read with pleasure by both young people and representatives of the older generation. Touching, fascinating, entertaining historical books, the list of which is endless, do not get old and do not lose their relevance. They will always help to diversify a regular evening at home. One effective way to overcome boredom is to open historical novels. The list of books can be continued endlessly, so readers will always have a choice.