Biographies Characteristics Analysis

The history of the creation of the story “White Poodle” by A. Kuprin

A. I. Kuprin took the plot of the story “White Poodle” from real life. After all, his own dacha in Crimea was visited more than once by traveling artists, whom he often left for lunch.

Among these guests were Sergei and the organ grinder. The boy told a story about what happened to the dog. She was very interested in the writer and later formed the basis of the story.

A. I. Kuprin, “White Poodle”: contentsIchapters

A small wandering troupe was making its way along the path along the southern one. Artaud, with his poodle haircut, ran ahead. Following him was Sergei, a 12-year-old boy. In one hand he carried a dirty and cramped cage with a goldfinch, which had been taught to get notes with fortunes, and in the other a rolled up rug. The procession was completed by the oldest member of the troupe, Martyn Lodyzhkin. On his back he carried a barrel organ, as ancient as himself, that played only two melodies. Five years ago, Martyn took Sergei from a drinking widower-shoemaker, promising to pay him 2 rubles every month. But soon the drunkard died, and Sergei remained with his grandfather forever. The troupe went performing from one holiday village to another.

A. I. Kuprin, “White Poodle”: summaryIIchapters

It was summer. It was very hot, but the artists kept going. Seryozha was amazed at everything: strange plants, old parks and buildings. Grandfather Martyn assured that he would see something else: ahead and further - Turks and Ethiopians. It was a bad day: they were turned away from almost everywhere or paid very little. And one lady, after watching the whole performance, threw the old man a coin that was no longer in use. Soon they reached the Druzhba dacha.

The artists approached the house along the gravel path. As soon as they prepared to perform, a boy of 8-10 years old in a sailor suit suddenly jumped out onto the terrace, followed by six adults. The child fell to the ground, squealed, fought, and everyone begged him to take the medicine. Martyn and Sergei first watched this scene, and then grandfather gave the command to start. Hearing the sounds of the barrel organ, everyone became silent. Even the boy fell silent. The artists were initially driven away, they packed their things and almost left. But then the boy began to demand that they be called. They returned and began their performance. At the end, Artaud, holding his cap in his teeth, approached the lady who had taken out her wallet. And then the boy began to scream heart-rendingly that he wanted this dog to be left to him forever. The old man refused to sell Artaud. The artists were driven out of the yard. The boy continued to scream. Leaving the park, the artists went down to the sea and stopped there to swim. Soon the old man noticed that a janitor was approaching them.

The lady sent the janitor to buy a poodle after all. Martyn does not agree to sell his friend. The janitor says that the boy’s father, engineer Obolyaninov, builds railways throughout the country. The family is very rich. They have only one child and are not denied anything. The janitor achieved nothing. The troupe left.


The travelers stopped near a mountain stream to have lunch and rest. After eating they fell asleep. Through his drowsiness, it seemed to Martyn that the dog was growling, but he could not get up, but only called the dog. Sergei woke up first and realized that the poodle was gone. Martyn found a piece of sausage and traces of Artaud nearby. It became clear that the dog was taken away by the janitor. The grandfather is afraid to approach the judge, since he lives on someone else’s passport (he lost his), which a Greek once made for him for 25 rubles. It turns out that he is actually Ivan Dudkin, a simple peasant, and not Martyn Lodyzhkin, a tradesman from Samara. On the way to their overnight stay, the artists deliberately passed “Friendship” again, but they never saw Artaud.

Summary: Kuprin, “White Poodle”,VIchapter

In Alupka they stopped for the night in a dirty coffee shop of the Turk Ibrahim. At night, Sergei, wearing only tights, made his way to the ill-fated dacha. Artaud was tied up and locked in the basement. Having recognized Sergei, he began to bark furiously. The janitor went into the basement and began to beat the dog. Sergei screamed. Then the janitor ran out of the basement without closing it to catch the boy. At this time, Artaud broke away and ran out into the street. Sergei wandered around the garden for a long time until, completely exhausted, he realized that the fence was not so high and he could jump over it. Artaud jumped out after him, and they ran away. The janitor did not catch up with them. The fugitives returned to their grandfather, which made him incredibly happy.

The main characters of the story “White Poodle” are street performers who wander around Crimea and give performances for summer residents. Old man Martyn Lodyzhkin plays an ancient organ, boy Seryozha shows various acrobatic tricks, and a white poodle named Artaud performs no worse than a real circus dog. The artists' earnings are small, many summer residents drive them away as soon as they see them, but the artists do not lose heart.

At one rich dacha, they witnessed how a whole family was fussing over a very capricious, spoiled baby, who was either lying on the floor, kicking his legs, or screaming loudly at the adults. At first they wanted to drive the artists away, but the spoiled boy wanted to watch the performance.

To the mournful sounds of a barrel organ, Seryozha demonstrated his skills as a gymnast and juggler, after which grandfather Martyn began to show the owners of the dacha the training of the poodle Artaud. The artists were already counting on a decent reward when the spoiled son of the dacha owners demanded to buy him this wonderful dog.

Martyn Lodyzhkin refused to sell Artaud, even when he was told an absolutely fantastic amount. As a result, the artists left the dacha without receiving anything. But the story didn't end there. Grandfather Martyn and Seryozha decided to swim. A janitor from that dacha found them on the seashore and again began to persuade them to sell the dog. The old organ grinder explained to the janitor that friends are not sold, and the conversation ended there. But when the artists decided to rest in the forest shade and dozed off, the janitor cunningly led the white poodle away from them.

Seryozha urged Grandfather Martyn to contact the police, but he told him that he was living on someone else’s passport, because he had lost his long ago and for this reason could not contact the police to return the dog.

Then Seryozha decided to act independently. At night, he sneaked into the territory of the dacha and managed to find the place where the poodle Artaud was locked. The dog managed to escape from captivity, but the janitor chased after Seryozha and the poodle. Fortunately, they managed to break away from the chase, and soon the happy Artaud joyfully greeted Grandfather Martyn, licking his face.

This is the summary of the story.

The main idea of ​​the story “The White Poodle” is that friends who are in trouble must be helped out. The boy Seryozha, at the risk of being caught, made his way to the dacha where the dog was kept and managed to free it from captivity.

The story “The White Poodle” teaches not to measure happiness in life with money, but to value true friendship and devotion. With the money that was offered to Martyn Lodyzhkin for a white poodle, the old organ grinder could well have acquired his own business and lived comfortably, but he, without a moment’s doubt, refused to sell Artaud, who was considered a full-fledged artist in their small but friendly company.

In the story “White Poodle” I liked the boy Seryozha, who showed determination and the ability to act independently. He did not ask anyone and went alone at night to save his friend. And thanks to his desperation and natural dexterity, the boy achieved success.

What proverbs fit the story “The White Poodle”?

Poor and honest.
Capricious in childhood, ugly in age.
Hold on to each other - don’t be afraid of anything.

Before us is one of such stories as “The White Poodle”, this is not a fictional story, but a plot based on real events. The writer was personally acquainted with this group of artists. There didn’t seem to be anything special, well, the lady wanted a poodle for her son, so what? Whoever can pay for a whim is right. Here Kuprin touched not only on social inequality, but also on the friendship between man and animal, mutual understanding between people and the inability and unwillingness to raise children.

It is impossible not to sympathize with children who come from the lower strata. These are real little workers. They are familiar firsthand with labor, cold and hunger, as well as with loyal friendship. Traveling performers with poodles have a hard time making a living. Unlike the lady’s son, who is endlessly capricious and demands fulfillment of his desires. The poodle is just a toy for him, but for the artists it is a full-fledged member of the troupe who participates in their earnings. All three have a very good relationship. Despite the fact that the boy is actually a complete stranger to grandfather Lodyzhkin, how much warmth and affection shines through in the old man’s gaze and thoughts when he looks at the bathing boy.

The writer very well showed the difference between the boy artist and the son of the lady. The artist Seryozha thinks like an adult, takes care of his grandfather and his dog Artosh. The master's son plagues everyone with demands, hysterics, and complete indifference to the world around him. In the foreground is only his fulfillment of desires, which his mother indulges

A.I. Kuprin showed in the story that loyalty and friendship do not need money at all. It all depends on the state of a person’s soul. The story ends well, but it could have been completely different. The author specifically did this so that the children would form the concept that good is stronger than evil. Children should know that not everything in the world can be bought. These things include love and friendship.

Analysis of the story White Poodle 2

Each work by Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin reveals the author’s affection for animals, disadvantaged people, children and nature. He sincerely rejoices at their success and emphasizes the manifestation of the best human qualities.

From a construction point of view, the story "The White Poodle" is not difficult to understand. The ring composition of the work plays a significant role in this. The author's depiction of the three heroes at the beginning of the story is preserved at the end. Their quantitative composition changes in the central part, which coincides with the climax of the story.

The plot is simple. Good luck visits a friendly company: an old man, a boy and a poodle from time to time. The money earned through acrobatic stunts and musical accompaniment is enough for food and lodging. An incident that occurred in the south of Crimea, at one of the dachas of a wealthy family, became a test of the artists’ strength of relationship. The desire of the master's son to appropriate the dog for entertainment led to its abduction by a janitor. To save his friend, the boy Seryozha commits a risky act.

Thanks to the actions of the heroes of the work, their speech, behavior, A.I. Kuprin reveals the selfless relationships of true comrades who would not trade their dog for anything. They agree to continue their miserable existence, maintaining joint performances in full force.

The author depicts the experience and wisdom of a representative of the older generation. However, despite his age, the orphan surprised the old man with his reasonable reasoning and patience, characteristic of an adult. The story demonstrates priceless feelings of love, loyalty, trust not only in people, but also in animals.

The relationships of the characters, the manifestation of their real feelings and emotions, develop around the poodle Artaud. This is a loyal, intelligent dog for which people risked their lives. Thanks to her, the true qualities of people were revealed in the story.

The image of twelve-year-old Seryozha - brave, hardworking, who knows the value of earned money - is contrasted with the master's son - Trilly, a spoiled, capricious boy. It is through the depiction of different worldviews by the characters that the author raises the topic of social inequality. Having different statuses in society, some preserve and increase spiritual wealth and human qualities in different situations. Others treat others selfishly, not knowing the value of either friendship or money.

All the events of the story are built against the backdrop of the landscape of the Crimean peninsula. Southern nature evokes Serezha’s genuine delight, emphasizing his openness to the world, love of life, and kindness. He rejoices at the warm sea, blooming magnolias, vineyards and roses. The dacha plots where the noble family is located do not attract much attention from the greenhouses and flower beds of the local residents. Indifference to the nature of some heroes is contrasted with the positive emotions of others.

The story attracts with the author's amazing understanding of the soul of a child, his touching attitude towards animals and the elderly, and his desire to show the victories of love and kindness over stinginess and selfishness.

Several interesting essays

Art is rarely connected to the lives of ordinary people. However, there are writers who can create a great work based on the events that happen to us in everyday life. Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin traveled a lot around Russia. He loved to communicate with ordinary people, memorizing their stories, which later became the basis of literary works. This article will outline a brief summary of “The White Poodle” - a very famous work by Kuprin, which tells us how love, courage and devotion can defeat the power of power and money.

Meet the main characters

In search of income, a troupe with an old barrel organ wanders through the streets of Crimea: the boy Seryozha, grandfather Lodyzhkin, a beautiful white poodle. This is how the work begins, which Kuprin called “White Poodle”. The summary of this story, of course, is not able to convey the beauty of the writer’s language, telling about the splendor of this amazing island, the richness of whose nature delighted the boy Seryozha. He admired magnolias, waterfalls, streams, roses. Grandfather, who had already been here, did not react to this beauty.

In search of income

It was a hot summer day. A troupe of traveling performers were driven away or paid with fake money for their performance. True, they were paid twice, but so little that they could barely afford to pay for lodging and dinner, so continues the story, which Kuprin called “The White Poodle.” The summary of this work further tells that a company of artists approached a dacha with the promising name “Friendship”, which forced the grandfather to make the assumption of inevitable luck. They walked along the garden paths and stopped under the balcony.

Next, the summary of “The White Poodle” tells us about a boy of about ten years old who ran out onto the terrace. He made a scandal. Nannies and footmen ran out after the little barchuk, trying their best to console him. The little brawler fell to the floor and began punching and kicking, trying to hit one of the servants.

The artists did not immediately come to their senses, but nevertheless began the performance. Barchuk, his name was Trilly, ordered that the actors be left behind. The summary of the book “The White Poodle” has reached the beginning of its climax.

Caprice Trilly

The boy Seryozha showed all the acrobatic performances that he was capable of. It was the turn of the white poodle. Artaud said hello, turned over, and at the end of the performance, according to tradition, he took his cap and approached Trilly to receive the money.

Barchuk suddenly screamed, the artists were dumbfounded. Artaud hurried back to the boy and grandfather. The summary of “The White Poodle” tells that Trilly wanted to get this dog at any cost. The story goes on to describe the vileness that rich people were able to resort to. Grandfather and Seryozha did not agree to sell Artaud, because this is not only their companion, but also a true friend! The artists did not receive payment for the performance and left Druzhba: they were simply kicked out of there.

Theft of Artaud

Having opened their eyes, the artists simply did not believe what had happened. The summary of “The White Poodle” cannot convey how upset grandfather and Seryozha were. They looked for the dog for a long time, called, but could not find their favorite, Artoshenka, anywhere, because there was simply no other dog like him.


The boy Seryozha decided that he must return Artaud. The next night the boy went to that very dacha “Druzhba”. He was able to get over the gate without any difficulty, because he was a very good acrobat. This episode shows how courageous Seryozha was, who on a dark night tried to find the place where Artaud was kept. Seryozha understood that the dog was not taken into the house; such people are not capable of treating animals kindly. He searched for his friend for a very long time and almost reached despair. Suddenly Seryozha heard Artaud’s quiet howl. He called the dog and his friend, hearing the voice of the little owner, was able to gnaw the rope and break out to meet the boy. They ran for a long time along the garden wall, hearing that they were being chased. Finally, jumping over the fence, the fugitives rushed with all their might, trying to escape as quickly as possible. When it became clear that those who were catching up with them were left far behind, Seryozha and the poodle were able to catch their breath and walk. When they approached the sleeping grandfather, Artaud, of course, licked his face. This ending suggests that justice can prevail if you act fearlessly, but wisely.

The story “White Poodle” is based on a real story that Kuprin heard from traveling artists in Crimea. The author became interested in this case and, having learned all the smallest details, wrote a story.


Some of the characters in this story make us feel with them, while others cause us contempt. Artists love a dog, it is their best friend. The inhabitants of the Friendship villa treat Artaud as a toy that can get boring or boring.

In the story we see two boys. Being almost the same age, they are completely different from each other. The boy Seryozha is hardy, dexterous, strong, he is capable of real masculine actions, and Trilly is a demanding, capricious egoist who can only demand something from others. This makes us realize that financial wealth is not a prerequisite for developing a strong personality. You can have a rich inner world and a pure soul without having money or servants.