Biographies Characteristics Analysis

We express our thoughts: what is a statement and how to write it. Sequence of presentation of thoughts Beautiful presentation of thoughts and solutions

Creations Velichkovsky Paisiy

Word 1. Brief summary of thoughts conducive to repentance

Remember, my soul, the terrible and terrible miracle that your Creator became a man for your sake and deigned to suffer for your salvation. His angels tremble, the Cherubim are horrified, the Seraphim are afraid and all the heavenly ones constantly praise, but you, unfortunate soul, remain in laziness; although from now on, arise and do not put off, my dear soul, holy repentance, heartfelt contrition and satisfaction (penance) for your sins. By putting it off year after year, month after month, day after day, you will not at all want to repent from your heart and you will not find anyone who has compassion for yourself; Oh, with what torment you will begin to repent, but without success. Having the opportunity today to do some good, do not put off, my dear soul, until tomorrow your holy repentance, because you do not know what today will give rise to, or what misfortune will happen to you this night; for you don’t know what day or night will bring you: will you have a long life ahead of you, or will you suddenly and unexpectedly receive a disastrous and quick death? Now, my dear soul, is the time of patience; now is the time to endure sorrow; now is the time to keep the commandments and fulfill virtues; Now is the time of crying, sweet and tearful sobbing. If you truly want to be saved, my soul, love sorrow and groaning, as before you loved peace; live as if dying daily; soon your life will pass like an ordinary shadow before the sun and you will remain without a trace; the days of our life seem to flow into the air; do not yield even in the face of the heaviest sorrow. In relation to people, not to mention unreasonable, but also in reasonable grief, do not indulge in sadness, do not be embarrassed, do not run away; but consider yourself as dust under their feet. Without this you cannot be saved and avoid eternal torment. For soon our life ends, as one day passes. If a person does not crush himself piously through virtues, or does not sacrifice his life to fulfill the commandments of God and the traditions of his fathers, he cannot be saved. So, my dear soul, remember all the holy prophets, apostles, martyrs, saints, saints and saints, holy fools and all who have pleased God from the ages. Where did you find saints who would not subjugate the flesh to the spirit, or suffer severe disasters?

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9. “Clear your head completely from your own thoughts and fill it with the word of God! And then proclaim this word, and a miracle will happen!” “Word of Life” adopted from “New Thinking” the idea that the spoken word has enormous creative power, you just need to learn this power

From the book Soul after Death author Seraphim Hieromonk

X. A Brief Summary of the Orthodox Teaching on the Posthumous Fate of the Soul In the first nine books of this book we have attempted to set forth some basic aspects of the Orthodox Christian view of life after death, contrasting them with the widely held

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From the book of Creation author Epiphanius of Cyprus

SUMMARY OF THE GOSPEL The gospel is the revelation of true good by Jesus Christ (son

From the book of Saint Gregory the Wonderworker, Bishop of Neocaesarea. His life, works, theology author Sagarda Nikolai Ivanovich

From the book Anthology of Eastern Christian Theological Thought, Volume II author Author unknown

A brief true word about the faith of the universal and apostolic Church. Ch. 1. Having sorted out in our writings the many different, diverse, divided into many parts, emanating from bad intentions and reckless teachings of opponents, and dividing them according to types and kinds, by the power of God

From the book What is spiritual life and how to tune in to it author Feofan the Recluse

From the book Moral Essays by Greek Maxim

The protostrator's fakrasis is a brief summary of the debate between the Holy Thessalonian cyrus Gregory and Gregoras the philosopher, which took place in the chambers in front of the emperor (fragments). Text and comments (translated by D. A. Pospelova) - (texts and comments) 333–338 (Candal):6. Philosopher

From the book Bhagavad Gita As It Is by the author

31. How to support the incipient desire for a good life. Spiritual reading and reflection. Writing down good thoughts. How to avoid mind wandering when reading and praying. Continuous remembrance of God and death. Self-reproach That's glory to God! You write that you have a strong

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Word 17. An incentive to repentance Fire and a constantly gnawing worm, and incessant weeping, and darkness, and gloom, and a terrible gnashing of teeth awaits us, soul, after leaving here, in the underworld and dark abysses of earth, if we live lawlessly. Let us fear, weep, let us leave behind the evil ones

From the book The Path of Liberation. A practical guide to spiritual enlightenment. author

CHAPTER TWO: Summary of Bhagavad-gita Arjuna accepts Lord Krsna as his spiritual master, and Krsna begins to instruct him by explaining the difference between the temporary material body and the eternal soul. The Lord describes the process of transmigration of the soul, nature

From the book Heavenly Books in the Apocalypse of John the Theologian author Androsova Veronika Alexandrovna

Chapter 17: Answer to those who claim that the Holy Spirit is not numbered with the Father and the Son, but is only numbered by Him, and together a brief statement of faith about the pious number It is not easy to understand what they mean by this number (????????? ??), and what meaning is given to this word. For everyone

From the book The National Idea of ​​Rus' - Living Well. Civilization of the Slavs in actual history author Ershov Vladimir V.

A summary of the teaching. Be quiet. Question every thought. Consider the source of Reality. And keep your eyes open. You don't know when something that seems completely insignificant will shatter your whole world, opening wide towards eternal joy.

From the author's book

5.3.1. Summary of the Narrative of Rev. 11 As mentioned, in Rev. 11:1-2 the Seer is given the following command: “Arise and measure the temple of God and the altar and those who worship in it. But exclude the outer courtyard of the temple and do not measure it, for it was given to the pagans: they will trample

Blaise Pascal
“Let a man know what he is worth. Let him love himself, for he is capable of good,” “let him despise himself, for the capacity for good remains in vain in him”...
“A purely mathematical mind will work correctly only if all the definitions and principles are known to it in advance, otherwise it becomes confused and unbearable.” “The mind that knows directly is not able to patiently search for the primary principles underlying purely speculative, abstract concepts that it does not encounter in everyday life and are “unusual” to it. “It happens that a person who speaks sensibly about phenomena of a certain order speaks nonsense when the question concerns phenomena of a different order.” “Whoever is accustomed to judging and evaluating according to the prompting of the senses does not understand anything about logical conclusions, because he strives to penetrate into the subject of research at first glance and does not want to examine the principles on which it is based. On the contrary, those who are accustomed to studying principles do not understand anything about the arguments of feeling, because they are looking for what they are based on,

And is not able to grasp the subject with a single glance.” “Feeling is as easy to corrupt as the mind.” “The smarter a person is, the more originality he finds in everyone with whom he communicates. For an ordinary person, all people look the same.”
“Eloquence is the art of speaking in such a way that those to whom we address listen not only without difficulty, but also with pleasure.” “We must maintain simplicity and naturalness, not exaggerate the little things, not downplay the significant.” “The form must be elegant,” “correspond to the content and contain everything necessary.” “Otherwise words arranged take on a different meaning, otherwise thoughts arranged make a different impression.”
“The mind should be distracted from the work it has begun only to give it rest, and even then not when it pleases, but when necessary”: “rest at the wrong time tires you out, but fatigue distracts you from work.”
“When you read a work written in a simple, natural style, you involuntarily rejoice.”
“It’s good when someone is called” “just a decent person.”
“We are capable of neither comprehensive knowledge nor complete ignorance.” “The middle given to us is equally distant from both extremes, so does it matter whether a person knows a little more or less?”
“Imagination” is “a human ability that deceives, sows errors and misconceptions.” “Put the wisest philosopher on a wide board over an abyss; no matter how much his mind tells him that he is safe, his imagination will still prevail.” “Imagination controls everything - beauty, justice, happiness, everything that is valued in this world.”
“When a person is healthy, he does not understand how sick people live, but when he is sick,” “he has other passions and desires.” “By our very nature, we are always unhappy and under all circumstances.” “Man is so unhappy that he suffers from melancholy even without any reason, simply due to his special position in the world.” “The human condition: impermanence, melancholy, anxiety.” “The essence of human nature is movement. Complete rest means death.” “Every little thing consoles us, because every little thing makes us despondent.” “We will understand the meaning of all human activities if we understand the essence of entertainment.”
“Of all the positions,” “the position of the monarch is the most enviable.” “He is satisfied in all his desires, but try to deprive him of entertainment, leave him to thoughts and reflections about what he is,” “and this happiness will collapse,” “he will involuntarily plunge into thoughts about the threats of fate, about possible rebellions,” “ about death and inevitable illnesses.” “And it turns out that a monarch deprived of entertainment” is “more unhappy than his most pitiful subject, who indulges in games and other entertainment.” “That’s why people value games and chatting with women so much, and are so eager to get into war or hold a high position. It’s not that they expect to find happiness in this”: “we are looking for” “anxieties that entertain us and take us away from painful thoughts.” “The advantage of a monarch lies in the fact that they vying with each other to entertain him and give him all the pleasures that exist in the world.”
“Entertainment is our only consolation in grief.” “A person from childhood” is “burdened with studies, learning languages, bodily exercises, tirelessly instilling in him that he will not be happy if he” fails to maintain “health, good name, property,” and “the slightest need for something will make him unhappy." “And so many tasks and responsibilities fall upon him that from dawn to dusk he is in bustle and worries.” “Take these worries away from him, and he will be tempted to think about what he is, where he came from, where he is going - that’s why he needs to be plunged headlong into business, turning him away from thoughts.”
“How empty the human heart is and how much uncleanness there is in this desert!”
“People live in such a complete lack of understanding of the vanity of all human life that they are completely bewildered when they are told about the meaninglessness of the pursuit of honors. Well, isn’t this amazing!”
“We are so pitiful that at first we rejoice at luck,” and then “we are tormented when it betrays us.” “Whoever learned to rejoice at success and not grieve over failure would make an amazing discovery, just like inventing a perpetual motion machine.”
“We carelessly rush towards the abyss, shielding our eyes with anything so as not to see where we are running.” But even realizing “all the sorrow of our existence, which brings us troubles,” we “still do not lose a certain instinct that is indestructible and elevates us.”
“It's not good to be too free. It’s not good not to know the need for anything.”
“Man is neither an angel nor an animal,” but his misfortune is “that the more he strives to become like an angel, the more he turns into an animal.” “Man is designed in such a way that he cannot always go forward; he goes and then returns.” “The greatness of a man lies in his ability to think.” “Man is just a reed, the weakest of nature’s creations, but he is a thinking reed.”
“The power of the mind is that it recognizes the existence of many phenomena.” “Nothing is more in agreement with reason than its distrust of itself.” “We must obey reason more unquestioningly than any ruler, for whoever contradicts reason is unhappy, and whoever contradicts the ruler is only stupid.” “The mind always and in everything resorts to the help of memory.” “The soul does not remain at the heights that the mind sometimes reaches in a single impulse: it rises there not as if on a throne, not forever, but only for a short moment.”
“We comprehend the existence and nature of the finite, for we ourselves are finite and extended, like it. We comprehend the existence of the infinite, but do not know its nature, for it is extended, like us, but has no boundaries. But we do not comprehend either the existence or the nature of God, for he has neither extension nor boundaries. Only faith reveals to us his existence, only grace his nature.” “Faith speaks differently than our feelings, but never contradicts their evidence. She is above feelings, but does not oppose them.”
“It is fair to submit to justice, but it is impossible not to submit to force. Justice not supported by force is weak; force not supported by justice is tyrannical. Powerless justice will always be opposed, because bad people are not transferred, unjust power will always be indignant. This means we need to combine power with justice.” However, “the concept of justice is as susceptible to fashion as women’s jewelry.”
“Why do people follow the majority? Is it because it is right? No, because it’s strong.” “Why do they follow ancient laws and views? Because they are healthy? No, because they are generally accepted and do not allow the seeds of discord to sprout.” “Those who know how to invent new things are few in number, and the majority want to follow only the generally accepted.” “Do not boast about your ability to innovate, be content with the knowledge that you have it.”
“Whoever does not love the truth turns away from it under the pretext that it is disputable, that the majority denies it. This means that his delusion is conscious, it stems from dislike for truth and goodness, and there is no forgiveness for this person.”
“People do not get bored of eating and sleeping every day, because the desire to eat and sleep is renewed every day, and without this, without a doubt, they would get bored. Therefore, the one who does not experience hunger is burdened with spiritual food, Hungering for truth: the highest bliss.” “I bother myself for his sake” - this is the essence of respect for another person, and this is “deeply fair.”
“Human weakness is the source of many beautiful things.”
“The greatness of man is so undeniable that it is confirmed even by his insignificance. For we call nothingness in man what is considered nature in animals, thereby confirming that if now his nature is not much different from that of an animal, then once upon a time, while he was awake, it was immaculate.”
“Self-interest and power are the source of all our actions: self-interest is the source of conscious actions, power - unconscious.” “Man is great even in his self-interest, for this quality has taught him to maintain exemplary order in his affairs.”
“The greatness of a person is that he is aware of his insignificance. The tree is not aware of its insignificance.”
“People are mad, and this is such a general rule that not to be mad would also be a kind of madness.”
“The power of flies: they win battles, dull our souls, torment our bodies.”

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Summary of Thoughts

According to the method of conveying the content of the text, three types of presentations are distinguished: detailed (expanded, close to the text), compressed and selective.

Detailed presentation of the text involves a consistent retelling of it while preserving the author’s linguistic features: characteristic visual means, details, phraseology and syntax.

Condensed text summary- this is a brief retelling of its main content, in which it is necessary to preserve only everything that is most important from the point of view of meaning, omitting details. It is necessary to preserve only the most important things: the main idea, artistic details and linguistic features, without which it is impossible to understand the ideological orientation of the text and achieve goals. The ability to retell content briefly is a necessary skill for working on text.

When writing selective presentation In accordance with the assignment, it is necessary to retell not the entire text, but only a selected part, that is, to reproduce some selected topic of the source text: material associated with a specific character, event, phenomenon.

When presenting selectively, you need to highlight individual topics in the text, isolate material related to a particular topic, construct a statement based on the collected material and convey it in detail.

C1 GIA 2012 – condensed presentation

Currently, the control measurement materials of the exam for the basic school course include task C1, which involves writing a concise summary of the content of the text listened to. Examinees listen to an audio recording of the reading of the text (the number of words in the original text is about 130). The volume of condensed presentation is at least 70 words. You will be given 90 minutes to complete this activity, including listening to the original text. Of these, 2.5-3 minutes (in accordance with the duration of the audio recording) are allocated for the first reading and listening to the text, 3-4 minutes for graduates to comprehend the text, 2.5-3 minutes for the second reading and listening to the text. The rest of the time is given to write a concise summary. It is recommended to leave 15-20 minutes of allotted time to rewrite the presentation into a clean copy from a draft. 10 minutes before the end of the work, you are reminded of the need to complete writing the presentation. After 90 minutes, all graduates turn in individual signed forms.

How to write a concise summary

Graduates need to convey the main content of each micro-topic and the entire text as a whole, while maintaining semantic consistency.

Micro theme- the theme of each semantic part of the text, which reflects part of the general theme that is common to the entire text.

The number of microtopics in task C1 GIA in the Russian language is three. It is important to remember that the number of microtopics in the source text must match their number in the condensed presentation. To successfully complete the C1 GIA task in the Russian language, fulfill the following requirements.

How to listen to the text for the first time

During the first reading, listen carefully and intently to the text, highlight the most important things, mentally divide it into semantic parts in order to understand what is said in each of them. Determine the general theme of the text, its main idea, in accordance with which individual parts and the entire text are written in order to understand why it was written.

Pay attention to the key words, pay attention to the features of the author’s narrative: which words are defining, how they reflect the author’s individual style.

It is not recommended to write while listening to the text for the first time.

After the first reading of the text

After reading, you can write down key words on a draft, leaving large spaces between them, so that you can add to your notes later.

Determine the style of the text and the type of speech, pay attention to the structural features of the text, highlight its compositional parts: for a narrative - the beginning of events, the climax, the denouement; for description - the subject of speech and its significant, essential features; for reasoning - thesis, evidence, conclusion.

Make a detailed outline of the text. It is necessary to highlight micro-topics for each part and title them. Write down the names of the plan points, leaving space for writing key words.

How to listen to the text a second time

During the second hearing, specify your first impressions of the text, and, if possible, make written corrections and additions to the compiled text outline. Decide on the number of paragraphs in the future text: it is necessary to correlate individual parts with key words in meaning to create a whole text. Pay attention to the logic of the author’s reasoning and compare it with the compiled outline of the text.

After the second reading of the text

Write a draft of a concise presentation in accordance with the highlighted micro-topics according to the worked out scheme. Check the relationship of microthemes in parts of the text.

Re-read the text, if necessary, think about what can be further shortened. Make final corrections and additions. Check your draft twice.

Rewrite the concise summary into a clean copy. Check at least twice.

A brief algorithm for writing a concise summary looks like this:

1) divide the text into parts;

2) we highlight those sentences that cannot be dispensed with, the absence of which will lead to a distortion of the meaning or misunderstanding;

3) we omit unimportant material that can be dispensed with, the absence of which will not affect the understanding of the meaning of the text;

4) if necessary, we rearrange some sentences: we make one from several sentences (that is, compress them).

There are several ways to compress text:

1) exclusion of details;

2) generalization of specific, individual phenomena;

3) a combination of exclusion and generalization.

The following techniques are commonly used to compress text:

1) exclusion of individual members of the sentence, some homogeneous members of the sentence; reduction of a complex sentence due to a less significant part;

2) omission of sentences containing secondary facts, sentences with descriptions and reasoning;

3) replacing homogeneous members with a generalizing word;

3) replacing direct speech with indirect speech;

4) dividing a complex sentence into abbreviated simple ones;

5) replacing a sentence or part of it with a demonstrative pronoun;

6) formation of a complex sentence by merging semantically similar simple sentences.

So, the main thing that a graduate should learn To successfully write a concise presentation, - briefly, in a generalized form, retell the facts, phenomena or events described in the text, think deeply about the content of the work, isolate the most important material, independently select words and syntactic structures.

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website, when copying material in full or in part, a link to the source is required.

Presentation is the most common form of testing in . We will talk in detail about what a statement is and how to write it in the article.

Before moving on to the practical part, it is necessary to decide what it means to present. Explain - it will be explained b, interpret, both orally and in writing, information that has been read or heard.

What is exposition

Presentation is a retelling of a text read or listened to using an audio recording. The most common form is a written presentation, since it allows you to check not only the degree of memory training, but also the correctness of writing (without grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors).

Presentation is not only the reproduction of the text, but also speech style training, the correctness of the presentation of events, understanding the main idea of ​​the author, which he wanted to convey to the reader.

What types are there?

A summary is a form that provides the most concise retelling, but at the same time preserving the main ideas.

Detailed requires the student to describe everything that he remembers down to the smallest detail. This type helps to develop the beauty of speech and its completeness. Narration - the main role is to describe events in the order that was in the source.

What is the difference between an exposition and an essay?

This type of work is often confused with. Remember: these are two different ways of writing thoughts. The first type is aimed at a competent and complete retelling of the text read or listened to. An essay is your personal thoughts and the child’s thoughts, his vision of this or that problem. It has no restrictions on the number of words, and the form of writing is varied.

Important! A reminder designed specifically to make writing easier will help you learn how to correctly present the content much faster.

If your child is preparing to write such a paper for the first time, before you begin, reassure him that he can cope with all the tasks. As practice shows, schoolchildren receive negative grades for this type of work precisely because of absent-mindedness.

Then start reading or listening to the text and begin compilation.

How to make a plan

After the text is read or listened to by the child, he will need to systematize his memories that relate to the text. A plan will help deal with this. It acts as the main element.

Mentally break what you hear into three parts:

  • introductory;
  • main;
  • final one.

This will help to arrange events correctly and remember the text faster. During repeated reading or listening, determine for yourself the most memorable words (for example, at the border of interaction of the component parts), which can also indicate the characters, their actions and the main idea.

Next steps

After the presentation plan has been drawn up, time will be given for re-reading. Explain to your child that it is necessary to highlight supporting phrases. They will refresh your memories.

Ask the child come up with an association for each part of the plan, and also imagine yourself in the place of the main character, feel a personal attitude towards the situation that is written about in the passage.

Only after these manipulations can you begin writing . To make the task easier, invite the student to break the future work into parts and write the introductory one first, and then all the rest.

It is the separate writing of all components that will help reduce the number of grammatical errors, and most importantly, it will refresh memories and convey the author's main idea.

After all the paragraphs have been written, the student must combine them into a single whole. Re-read them, determine compliance with the plan, and also pay attention to all errors, both punctuation, grammar, and spelling, and correct them. This is necessary not only for the beauty of the recreated passage, but also for high appreciation.

As a rule, the first mark (for retelling the text) is always positive, and for correct writing it often does not exceed a three due to the inattention of school-age children, distracted attention and ignorance of the rules of the Russian language. From what person should the statement be written? It is necessary to write with the first person replaced by the third.

It is also worth remembering that presentation is a reproduction of the author’s thoughts in one’s own words, and not inventing one’s own.

How to write a concise summary

A simple written statement, the rules for writing which we discussed above, differs from a condensed one in that a brief statement does not tolerate a complete description everything that's happening events in a passage of text. To get the highest score for your summary , it is necessary to apply text compression methods.

  1. When you first listen to a passage, pay close attention to the distinctive details of each paragraph. Associate less memorable sentences and thoughts with pictures. Associative thinking will help you remember what you wrote much faster.
  2. Define microthemes of each paragraph, this will make it easier to remember not only what the passage was about, but also the main idea that the author wanted to convey. As a rule, it stands out after the first reading of the text.
  3. Next to certain micro-topics, write supporting words that will guide you and help you express your thoughts correctly. Determine the style and type of work.
  4. The second reading makes it possible to record impressions and correct micro-themes. At this stage, decide on the number of paragraphs.
  5. Start writing your paper.

Important! You should start by writing paragraphs separately, and then join them together. This will make it easier for the student to notice mistakes and correct them before submitting the work to the teacher.

During compression, do not allow the meaning to be distorted. Although the principles of exclusion and substitution apply, logical structure of thoughts the author's code in your work must not be violated.

How to start a retelling depends on the individuality of the text. The main thing is not to lose the main idea and start writing an essay. As linking words you can use: it follows from this, here. It is allowed to use introductory words and all constructions that exist in the Russian language. Your task is express a thought without deviating from the meaning, conveying the main idea of ​​the author, while avoiding mistakes, both when writing words and when placing punctuation marks.

An example of how to write a summary

With every movement a person somehow changes the physical environment. The more powerful or expressive his movements, the greater the changes. By the same logic, a person somehow changes the psychological situation with every thought. The more expressive his thoughts (that is, the more energy he generates with the desire to think), the higher the chance of change. In which direction a person directs his thoughts, changes will take place in that direction. Focusing your mind on something creates change. I have found that putting my thoughts into writing is one of the most powerful ways available to me to focus and make the changes I want.

After all, what does it mean to write? This means giving physical form to what is happening in the inner world. The desire to present something in writing directs attention in the right direction and guides the other components of the inner world. Everything that is revealed, revealed, floats to the surface from the depths of consciousness - all this is removed from there. Having opened the contents, you can begin to change by sending a written order to the inner world. This technique can be very effective - it all depends on the energy invested in it.

Schematically the process can be represented something like this:

Consciousness –> in –> Inner world (instructions regarding certain information)

Information reaches consciousness (not necessarily immediately).

Thanks to consciousness, it acquires a physical form through written presentation and becomes material, tangible.

Thanks to consciousness, information is assimilated (discovery for oneself).

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Thanks to consciousness, a connection is established between the nature of the information and the situation in which the person finds himself.

Thanks to consciousness, the current structure of the inner world is assessed according to its suitability.

Thanks to consciousness, the desire to create new conditions appears.

Thanks to consciousness, a person asks the question: “With the help of what concepts can I act more successfully or create the conditions I need?” Here it is, the highlight and essence of the creative process: to ask a question, and then wait for it to dawn on you or for life to guide you on the path of insight.

Thanks to consciousness, it will become clear when it has found the most suitable solution: you will either understand with your mind or feel with your body that it is correct.

Through consciousness, this insight will be transformed into a command for change.

Through consciousness, these changes will then be presented in writing to the inner world with the instruction to accept them as truth.

To express thoughts in writing means to involuntarily organize them with an eye to the desired object of creativity. And such thoughts change the internal picture.
