Biographies Characteristics Analysis

The study of personality conflict by testing. Possibilities of tests in determining the conflict of a person

This technique makes it possible to identify the main strategies of behavior in a potential zone of conflict - interpersonal disputes and indirectly determine the level of conflict resistance of an individual.

Instructions for the test

Carefully read and rate each of the ten polarizing judgments listed on the worksheet that are most relevant to your behavior. To do this, first determine which of the two extreme judgments suits you, and then rate it on a 5-point system. Remember that intermediate column 3 means the equal presence of both qualities. The extreme values ​​of 4-5 and 1-2 characterize either avoidance of disputes or unconstrained participation in resolving controversial issues.

5 4 3 2 1
Avoiding an argument I rush into an argument
Treat your competitor with no prejudice suspicious
I have adequate self-esteem I have high self-esteem
I listen to the opinions of others I don't accept other opinions.
I do not succumb to provocation, I do not turn on I turn on easily
I yield in an argument, I compromise I do not yield in a dispute: victory or defeat
If I explode, then I feel guilty If I explode, I think that it is impossible without it.
I maintain the correct tone in the dispute, tact I admit a tone that brooks no objection, faux pas
I think that in a dispute you should not show your emotions. I think that in a dispute you need to show a strong character.
I believe that the dispute is an extreme form of conflict resolution. I believe that the dispute is necessary to resolve the conflict
Processing and interpretation of test data

Analyze the causes of polar behavior strategies in order to make the necessary adjustments.

40-50 points- high level of conflict resistance.

30-40 points- the average level of conflict resistance, indicating the orientation of the individual to a compromise, the desire to avoid conflict.

20-30 points- a low level of conflict resistance, indicating a pronounced conflict.

1-19 points– very low level of conflict resistance. This level is characteristic of conflict people.

  • Determining the level of conflict resistance/ Fetiskin N.P., Kozlov V.V., Manuilov G.M. Socio-psychological diagnostics of personality development and small groups. - M., 2002. C.162-163.

Today in psychology there are not so many methods for studying the internal conflicts of a person. Most often in psychological practice, in particular in psychotherapy, an individual conversation is used. , carried out using various techniques. In complex studies, a block of techniques is used, which, by indirect indicators, can reveal a person's intrapersonal conflict.

To identify intrapersonal conflict, the technique developed by G. Keller is also used. , which allows you to determine the presence of a conflict in three areas: family, partnership communication and production activities. The study was conducted in the families of students. It was revealed that conflict in the partner sphere prevails among men and women. It is often based on the tension of sexual relations, which is associated with a lack of mutual understanding, lack of tenderness, improper distribution of household duties, extramarital affairs of a partner and the absence of common clans for the future. It has been established that in case of conflicts in the partner sphere, the possibilities of labor adaptation worsen.

Assuming that there is a relationship between interpersonal and intrapersonal conflicts, E. Ivanova and A. Svetlichny identified these types of conflicts using the methodology for determining the type of behavior in a conflict situation by K. Thomas . In addition to identifying five types of response in a conflict situation, the following explanations are proposed.

1. Determination of the rejected way of responding , i.e., the one who scored the minimum number of points. By analogy with other methods based on the principle of choice (Lüscher's methods, etc.), the authors suggest that the usually suppressed need is rejected. Comparison of the preferred and rejected ways of responding reveals an intrapersonal conflict.

2. Application of transactional analysis. From this position, the behaviors look like this: In resistance, the position of the Parent is manifested, in cooperation - the Adult, avoidance and adaptation - the Child, in compromise - the Parent and the Child. Compromise is a way of combining divergent positions. This is a more emotionally loaded way of responding to a conflict, leading to an increase in intrapersonal conflict.

3. An analysis of the ways of responding (preferred and rejected) from the standpoint of the relationship between one's interests and the opponent. Such an approach, according to E. Ivanova and A. Svetlichny, leads to the problem of a conflict of intrapersonal interests. For example, the choice of rivalry and the rejection of accommodation testify to an unconscious underestimation of one's interests and the desire to compensate for this by their active assertion. This is experimentally confirmed by the data obtained by the method of T. Leary.

It is not always possible in the course of psychological diagnostics to identify the degree of intrapersonal conflict and the most conflicting sphere in a given period of time. Based on this, one of the authors (A. Shipilov) developed a methodology for determining the level of intrapersonal conflict. The methodology is based on the understanding of intrapersonal conflict and its types. There are six types of intrapersonal conflict:

motivational (between “I want” and “I want”), moral (between “I want” and “must”), role-playing (between “must” and “must”), adaptive (between “must” and “can”), conflict of unrealized desire (between “I want” and “I can”) and inadequate self-esteem (between “I can” and “I can”). The technique allows:

Determine the degree of intrapersonal conflict of a person;

Identify the most experienced types of intrapersonal conflicts;

Determine the main areas of actual intrapersonal conflict of a person (motivational, obligation, self-esteem).

To check the validity of the methodology, various categories of respondents (high school students) were tested according to the questionnaires of G. Eysenck and D. Kettel.

To test the reliability of the methodology, the influence of the development of the personality's volitional qualities on the level of its conflictness was studied. The development of volitional qualities helps a person overcome internal problems at a lower cost (S. Rubinshtein, T. Agafonov, V. Bogoslovsky). With the help of the “Personal Differential” technique, the development of such qualities as determination, confidence, independence, equanimity and independence was determined.

The results obtained allowed us to draw a number of conclusions:

The higher the degree of tension, the higher the level of intrapersonal conflict.

The more developed a person's determination, emotional stability, courage, independence, confidence, the lower the severity of experiencing intrapersonal conflicts.

Such volitional qualities as equanimity and obsession are characteristic of a person with a high level of intrapersonal conflict.

The development of independence and normative behavior does not have a noticeable effect on intrapersonal conflict.

There is a strong positive relationship between the levels of intrapersonal conflict and neuroticism. A negative relationship between the levels of intrapersonal conflict and extraversion was revealed. It has been confirmed that people with a developed intellect are more acutely experiencing intrapersonal conflicts (B.Z. Vulfov). Studies on different samples (age, sex) have shown that conflicts of adequate self-esteem, adaptation and role conflicts are experienced more acutely, motivational and moral conflicts are less acute.

A number of studies (A. Shipilov, Yu. Kanataev, S. Dokholyan) have shown that conflict people have a high index of aggressiveness. Individuals with a high level of conflict have a pronounced attitude and experience in using violent means to achieve their goals. They most often try to get out of conflict clashes with the help of physical or verbal aggression.

Personality Questionnaire G. Eysenka. Allows you to identify the type of personality temperament using two scales: “extraversion-introversion” and “neuroticism-stability”. An increased level of neuroticism contributes to the conflict behavior of the individual. The relationship between extroversion and conflict in a person has not been revealed.

Cattell's 16-factor personality questionnaire. It can also be used to identify conflict personalities. For example, to determine the psychological characteristics of conflict personalities, scores were calculated for each factor of the Cattell questionnaire in conflict and non-conflict individuals, as well as the coefficients of differences in average Student scores (t-test) between the factors.

The analysis shows that relatively more conflict personalities compared to non-conflict ones have the following psychological features: they are secretive, they are distinguished by practicality, cruelty, severity, independence, determination, courage. These are, as a rule, ambitious individuals striving for leadership.

Reactive and Personality Anxiety Scale. Developed by the American C. Spielberger to measure anxiety as an emotional state and as a personality trait. Yu.Khanin proposed an adapted version of the Spielberger questionnaire. Anxiety as an emotional state is determined by the tension, anxiety, nervousness present in a person at the moment. As a property of a personality, it acts as an indicator of a person's manifestation of fear, fear and objectively safe situations, perceived by him as threatening. A positive relationship between increased anxiety and personality conflict has been confirmed in a number of studies (N. Grishina, S. Erina, T. Polozova, A. Tashcheva).

Q-sort technique. It was proposed by H. Zalen and D. Stock and allows you to measure the manifestation in group members of such behavioral tendencies as dependence-independence, sociability-non-sociability, the desire to fight - avoidance of the fight. The conflict nature of the personality is evidenced by a high indicator of tendencies to fight, which is seen as a desire to win a higher status and authority in the system of interpersonal relations.

Questionnaire of K. Thomas. Designed to determine behavior strategies in conflict situations. The questionnaire was adapted by N. Grishina. There are five main strategies of conflict behavior: rivalry, cooperation, compromise, avoidance and adaptation. The optimal behavior in conflict situations is when all strategies are applied. The predominance of one of the strategies indicates that a person focuses mainly on this line of behavior in a conflict. The choice of strategy is determined by personal and social factors. Orientation to one strategy or another depends on the prevailing attitude towards others (E. Zhuravleva), the level of aggressiveness. The choice of a strategy of behavior in a conflict is influenced by a person's age, type of activity, tendency to normative or antisocial behavior.

Appendix 8

Test "Determining the level of conflict."

It is important for a lawyer, economist, manager and businessman to be able to resolve a conflict, but it is even more important to know and take into account the level of their conflict, constantly improve their personal qualities and develop methods of conflict-free personnel management. Therefore, for self-assessment of the level of conflict, you are invited to solve this text.

Getting started with the test, you need to analyze your activities, behavior, communication and interaction with other people.

When answering each question, choose one of the three options and circle the correct letter.

Test questions:

Is it characteristic of you to strive for dominance, that is, to subjugate others to your will?

B. When how.

B. With selfishness.

What is most typical for you?

A. I underestimate my abilities.

B. I evaluate my abilities fairly objectively.

Q. I overestimate my abilities.

What brings you into collision and conflict with people most often?

A. Excessive initiative.

B. Excessive criticality.

B. Excessive straightness.

Processing and analysis of results.

Using the table of conversion of answers into evaluation points, you can calculate what level of conflict you have.

The lower the total number of points you scored, the lower the level of your conflict, and vice versa. If you have a 1-3 level of conflict, you need to worry about your conformism, which reduces the success of personnel management. If you have a 7-8th level of conflict, then you need to radically change your lifestyle. If you have a 4-6th level of conflict, this is a normal state.

Response scores

Total points

Level of conflict

1 - very low

2 - low

3 - below average

4 - slightly below average

5 - medium

6 - slightly above average

7 - above average

8 - high

9 - very high

Methods for diagnosing conflict at different levels of interaction

The study of self-assessment of conflict

Method S.M. Emelyanova


The test contains a scale that you will use to rate 10 pairs of statements. You rate each statement in the left and right columns by circling how many points you have for the property presented in the left column. Evaluation is made on a 7-point scale. 7 points means that the assessed quality always appears, 1 point indicates that this property does not appear at all.

Questionnaire text

1. Rush into an argument Dodging an argument
2. Accompany your conclusions in a tone that brooks no objection Accompany your conclusions with an apologetic tone
3. Think that you will achieve your goal if you zealously object Do you think that if you object, you will not achieve your goal?
4. Do not pay attention to the fact that others do not accept arguments You regret if you see that others do not accept the arguments
5. Discuss controversial issues in the presence of an opponent Discuss controversial issues in the absence of an opponent
6. Do not be embarrassed if you find yourself in a tense environment Feeling uncomfortable in a stressful environment
7. Do you think that in a dispute you need to show your character Do you think that in a dispute you do not need to show your emotions
8. Do not give in to disputes Give in to disputes
9. Think people get out of conflict easily Do you think people find it difficult to get out of conflict?
10. If you explode, then you think that you can’t do without it If you explode, you soon feel guilty

On each line, connect the marks by points (marks in circles) and build your graph. Deviation from the middle (number four) to the left means a tendency to conflict, and a deviation to the right will indicate a tendency to avoid conflict.

Calculate the total number of points you marked. An amount equal to 70 points indicates a very high degree of conflict; 60 points - high; 50 points - for pronounced conflict. A score of 11-15 indicates a tendency to avoid conflict situations.

Find the average value based on the results of the assessment of all members of the group. This value reflects the self-assessment of group conflict.

Personal aggression and conflict

Methodology of E. P. Ilyin and P. A. Kovalev

The technique is designed to identify the subject's propensity for conflict and aggressiveness as personal characteristics.


You are presented with a series of statements. If you agree with the statement in the survey map (given below), put a “+” sign (“yes”) in the appropriate box, if you disagree, put a “-” sign (“no”).

The procedure for processing and interpreting data.

For the convenience of processing answers (opinions on statements), it is advisable that the subjects enter their answers (“yes”, “no”) in the survey card:

Answers to the questions correspond to 8 scales: “irascibility”, “offensiveness”, “touchiness”, “intransigence”, “compromise”, “vindictiveness”, “intolerance to the opinions of others”, “suspiciousness”. For each answer "yes" or "no" in accordance with the key to each scale, 1 point is awarded. On each scale, subjects can score from 0 to 10 points.


Answers "yes" on positions 1, 9, 17, 65 and answers "no" on positions 25, 33, 41, 49, 57, 73 indicate the subject's tendency to irascibility.

Answers “yes” in positions 2, 10, 18.42, 50, 58, 66, 74 and answers “no” in positions 26, 34 indicate a tendency to offensiveness, assertiveness.

Answers “yes” on positions 3,11,19, 27, 35, 59 and answers “no” on positions 43, 51,67, 75 indicate a tendency to touchiness.

“Yes” answers for positions 4,12,20, 28,36, 60, 76 and “no” answers for positions 44, 52,68 indicate a tendency to intransigence.

“Yes” answers for positions 5, 13, 21, 29.37, 45, 53 and “no” answers for positions 61, 69, 77 indicate a tendency to compromise.

“Yes” answers in positions 6, 22, 38.62, 70 and “no” answers in positions 14, 30.46, 54, 78 indicate a tendency to revenge.

Answers “yes” on positions 7,23, 39, 55,63 and answers “no” on positions 15, 31,47, 71, 79 indicate a tendency to intolerance towards the opinions of others.

“Yes” answers for positions 8, 24, 32.48, 56.64, 72 and “no” answers for positions 16.40, 80 indicate a tendency to be suspicious.

The sum of points on the scales "offensiveness (assertiveness)", "stubbornness" gives a total indicator of positive aggressiveness, the subject. The sum of points scored on the scales “intolerance to the opinions of others”, “vindictiveness” gives an indicator of the negative aggressiveness of the subject. The sum of points on the scales "compromise", "temper", "touchiness", "suspicion" gives a generalized indicator of conflict.

Survey map.

No. p / p Yes No No. p / p Yes No No. p / p Yes No No. p / p Yes No

Questionnaire text.

  1. I get irritated easily but calm down quickly.
  2. In disputes, I always try to seize the initiative.
  3. Most of the time I don't get credit for my deeds.
  4. If they don't ask me nicely, I won't give in.
  5. I try to do everything to avoid tension in the relationship.
  6. If they treat me unfairly, then I silently invite all sorts of misfortunes to the offender.
  7. I often get angry when people object to me.
  8. I think people talk bad about me behind my back.
  9. I'm much more irritable than I look.
  10. The opinion that attack is the best defense is correct.
  11. Circumstances are almost always more favorable for others than for me.
  12. If I do not like the established rule, I try not to follow it.
  13. I try to find a solution to a controversial issue that would satisfy everyone.
  14. I believe that kindness is more effective than revenge.
  15. Every person is entitled to their opinion.
  16. I believe in the honesty of the intentions of most people.
  17. I get angry when I am mocked.
  18. In a dispute, I often interrupt the interlocutor, imposing my point of view on him.
  19. I often take offense at the comments of others, even if I understand that they are fair.
  20. If someone "makes" himself an important person, I always act against him.
  21. I offer, as a rule, a middle position.
  22. I believe that the slogan from the cartoon: “Tooth for tooth, tail for tail” is fair.
  23. If I have thought it all out, then I do not need the advice of others.
  24. With people who are kinder to me than I could expect, I am wary.
  25. If someone pisses me off, I don't pay attention to it.
  26. I consider it tactless not to let the other side speak in the dispute.
  27. I am offended by the lack of attention from others.
  28. I do not like to succumb to the game even with children.
  29. In a dispute, I try to find something that suits both sides.
  30. I respect people who do not remember evil.
  31. The statement: “Mind is good, but two is better” is true.
  32. The statement: “If you don’t deceive, you won’t live” is also true.
  33. I never have outbursts of anger.
  34. I can listen attentively and to the end to the arguments of the arguing with me.
  35. I am always offended if I am not among those awarded for the cause in which I participated.
  36. If someone in the queue tries to prove that he is ahead of me, I do not yield to him.
  37. I try to avoid aggravating relationships.
  38. Often I imagine the punishments that might fall on my offenders.
  39. I don't think I'm stupider than others, so their opinion is not my command.
  40. I condemn incredulous people.
  41. I always calmly react to criticism, even if it seems unfair to me.
  42. I always strongly defend my innocence.
  43. I am not offended by the jokes of friends, even if they are evil.
  44. Sometimes I allow others to take responsibility for solving an issue that is important to everyone.
  45. I try to convince the other to come to a compromise.
  46. I believe that evil can be repaid with good, and I act accordingly.
  47. I often turn to colleagues to get their opinion.
  48. If they praise me, it means that these people need something from me.
  49. In a conflict situation, I control myself well.
  50. My relatives are often offended by me for the fact that in a conversation with them I “do not let them open their mouths”.
  51. It does not bother me if my name is not mentioned when praising a common work.
  52. When negotiating with a senior in position, I try not to object to him.
  53. In solving any problem, I prefer the “golden mean”.
  54. I have a negative attitude towards vindictive people.
  55. I do not think that the leader should take into account the opinion of his subordinates, because he is responsible for everything.
  56. I am often afraid of tricks from other people.
  57. I am not outraged when people push me on the street or in transport.
  58. When I'm talking to someone, I'm tempted to express my opinion as soon as possible.
  59. Sometimes I feel like life is treating me unfairly.
  60. I always try to get out of the car before others.
  61. It is hardly possible to find a solution that would satisfy everyone.
  62. No offense should go unpunished.
  63. I don't like it when others come to me with advice.
  64. I suspect that many maintain acquaintance with me out of self-interest.
  65. I don't know how to restrain myself when I'm undeservedly reproached.
  66. When playing chess or table tennis, I like to attack more than defend.
  67. I feel sorry for overly touchy people.
  68. For me, it does not really matter whose point of view in the dispute turns out to be correct - mine or someone else's.
  69. Compromise is not always the best solution to a dispute.
  70. I do not calm down until I take revenge on the offender.
  71. I think it's better to consult with others than to make a decision alone.
  72. I doubt the sincerity of most people's words.
  73. Usually I'm hard to piss off.
  74. If I see shortcomings in others, I do not hesitate to criticize them.
  75. I do not see anything offensive in what they tell me about my shortcomings.
  76. If I were a seller in the bazaar, I would not give up the price for my goods.
  77. To compromise is to show your weakness.
  78. Is it fair to say that if you are slapped on one cheek, then the other should be turned as well?
  79. I do not feel disadvantaged if the opinion of another is more correct.
  80. I never suspect people of dishonesty.

Questionnaire of K. Thomas “Preferred strategies of behavior in conflict”

Adapted version of N.V. Grishina

The technique is designed to measure personal predisposition to a particular trend of behavior in a conflict situation.


You are presented with a series of statements. In each of the 30 pairs of behaviors in a conflict situation, you must choose the statement a or b.

The conflict implies a clash of opposing points of view, the emergence of serious disagreements, if they are not effectively resolved, business and friendly contacts between people are destroyed. Conflicts make it difficult or impossible for them to work together in a coordinated manner. Thus, the psychologists of General Motors experimentally found that in a bad mood, the productivity of thinking sharply decreases. That is why here in the first half of the working day it is forbidden to make comments to designers and spoil their mood. Financial success, according to D. Carnegie, is 15% dependent on the technical knowledge of a specialist and 85% on his ability to work with people.

Undoubtedly, it is important for a public relations specialist to know and take into account the level of their conflict, constantly improve their communication skills in interpersonal communication, methods of conflict-free personnel management, management of a specific team of subordinate employees. When evaluating a conflict, it is important to take into account such factors as the gender factor, the age factor, the factor of psychotrauma and the cultural environment.

gender factor. Women are more likely to conflict if the necessary conditions for ecology and hygiene at the workplace are not met, they have a hard time enduring overwork during periods of intense workload. Women do not retain negative emotions inside themselves, but it is easier to “depart” and calm down.

Men cannot stand the infringement of their rights related to the content and conditions of labor activity: the lack of a status corresponding to their ideas and power opportunities; the presence of a form of necessary subordination unacceptable to them; inconsistency of labor rights and obligations; unreasonable organization of work. Men are easier than women to endure stress, but tend to keep negative emotions in themselves for a long time.

age factor. With increasing age, the number of conflicts associated with errors in relations with colleagues decreases, and the number of conflicts caused by contradictions in the content of work and organizational working conditions increases.

Factor of psychotrauma and cultural environment. For the national culture, a specific feature is the habit of "dumping" one's own dissatisfaction on the people around - on colleagues, family members. Adequate ways to discharge "negative" energy are: a contrast shower, walking the dog, watching a comedy movie or sleeping.

Remember that nothing shows superiority of character like good behavior in a quarrel.

Control questions and tasks for the seventh chapter

1. Perform a diagnosis of the level of personality conflict

Getting started with the test, you should analyze your activities, behavior, communication and interaction with other people. Further, you are required to give a self-assessment of your personal qualities, which manifest themselves in various life situations.

For each question, choose one of the three options provided.

1) Is it typical for you to strive for dominance, that is, to subjugate others to your will?

B) when.

2) Are there people in your team who are afraid of you?

B) find it difficult to answer.

3) Who are you more?

A) a pacifist

B) fundamental.

B) enterprising.

4) How often do you have to make critical judgments?

B) periodically.

5) What would be most typical for you if you headed a new team?

A) would develop a work program for the team for the year ahead and convince the team of its expediency.

B) study who is who and establish contact with the leaders.

C) would consult with people more often.

6) In case of failure, what state is most typical for you?

A) pessimism.

B) bad mood.

C) resentment towards oneself.

7) Is it typical for you to strive to uphold and observe the traditions of your team?

B) most likely yes.

8) Do you consider yourself to be one of those people who are better off telling the bitter truth in their eyes than keeping silent?

B) most likely yes.

9) Of the three personal qualities that you struggle with, most often you try to get rid of in yourself:

A) irritability.

B) resentment.

C) intolerance of criticism of others.

10) Who are you more?

A) independent.

C) idea generator.

11) What kind of person do your friends think you are?

A) extravagant.

B) optimistic.

B) persistent.

12) What do you most often have to deal with?

A) unfair.

B) with bureaucracy.

B) selfishly.

13) What is most typical for you?

A) I underestimate my abilities.

B) I evaluate my abilities fairly objectively.

C) I overestimate my abilities.

14) What brings you into collision and conflict with people most often?

A) excessive initiative.

B) overly critical.

C) excessive straightness.

Evaluation of results

Using the table of conversion of answers into evaluation points, you can calculate what level of conflict you have.

The lower the total number of points you scored, the lower the level of conflict, and vice versa. If you have 1-3rd level of conflict, you need to worry about your conformism, which reduces the success of personnel management. If you have 7-9th level of conflict, then you need to radically change your lifestyle. If you have 4-6th level of conflict - this is the normal state.

Having determined the level of your conflict, you must conclude for yourself: on whom conflict-free communication depends more - on the leader or subordinates.