Biographies Characteristics Analysis

How will a person change in 1000 years? What will a person look like in a thousand years?

If you look back at least to the last century, the world has changed in many ways. So many inventions! According to research, over the past 150 years, people have “grown” by 10 centimeters and began to live longer by as much as 20 years!

Life changes daily, new technologies are developed, and today's result is far from final. Therefore, the question “what will happen in 1000 years” is very relevant. And the robots that will take our jobs are not the only thing that is already known. But don't be scared! So, What waiting for us:

1. The eyes will be... red

Although... And this can be said about today. This is a characteristic feature of a person who works at a computer.

2. Eyes may get bigger

Only because humanity learns to control the human gene can big eyes come into fashion. They are still considered the key to beauty.

3. Skin will be darker

And it will darken due to global warming. People will spend more time outdoors, resulting in a more tanned skin tone.

4. Robots will replace people

Technology is developing too quickly. And robots will begin to displace us even sooner than in 1000 years. Machines will work instead of humans. Apparently, they will succeed quickly and efficiently.

5. Your brain will get bigger

Climate change will affect the human brain. And in 1000 years it will be a little larger.

6. Vision will deteriorate

We do so many things that damage our eyesight: surf the Internet, watch TV for hours. But don't worry. In the future, bionic lenses will help us out.

7. We will have bionic body parts!

Nowadays, this technology is usually associated with robots and machines. But in the future, humanity will equip itself with bionic body parts. This is especially true for those bodies that are failing us today.

8. Nanobots will fight diseases

Nanobots are microscopic self-propelled devices designed to fight disease. The idea is still in development mode. But according to the plan, nanobots will fight cancer.

9. We will be able to interfere with the genes of embryos

Similar work has already been done with animals and plants. Scientists have recently tested gene modification in human embryos. The best thing that technology provides is the elimination of diseases.

10. We will be smarter

This is just a guess. But in the future, people will definitely match technology.

11. The child’s appearance and abilities can be customized

But it's dangerous! And researchers are already talking about this. Parents will be able to choose which sperm and eggs should meet. Of course, the choice will be determined by the desire to make your child perfect. Thus, there will be a split between the “upper class” (the dominant population) and the “lower class” (the oppressed population).

12. We will be taller and thinner

As a rule, people with this body type find it easier to tolerate excess external heat. The new body will allow a person to live in high temperatures on Earth.

13. Sexual life... will move to a new stage

Scientists disagreed. Some say that the size of male genitalia will decrease/increase. Others note that desire will decrease.

14. There will be fewer languages

There are more than 7,000 languages ​​around the world. Every two weeks one language disappears. How many languages ​​will remain in 1000 years?

15. Cars will be driverless

Some cities have already allowed driverless transport. But in the future it will be exclusively him.

Isn’t it a little scary in places? I hope that in 1000 years people will become much smarter and kinder, and they will spend a lot of free time (after all, robots will work) usefully! Leave this publication on your page, because your friends are not yet aware of what awaits us all ahead.

Robot portrait of a man in the year 3000, according to fantastic foresight
British magazine "The Sun". D.R.
Homo sapiens 3000. Man of the future.
(I wouldn't like to meet him! Ed.N.)
In the year 3000, according to the sci-fi prediction of the Sun daily
human evolution will lead to the creation of a larger individual (individual),
with big eyes but a small brain.

The controversial British tabloid The Sun once again proved its free handling of facts (combined with scientific rigor of presentation) by publishing its view of a future man who has experienced 1000 years of evolutionary development. As the portrait created for the occasion by the artist shows, evolution will not be too gentle towards the human race! The person of the future will probably be larger than today, have fewer teeth (due to the consumption of soft foods and nutritional pills), a small brain (used less intensively due to computerization), large eyes (since information exchange will be more visual than oral ), he has a square chin and less hair (since he lives in warm rooms), small testicles (due to decreased reproductive capacity). The intestines will be shorter to avoid obesity due to excessive consumption of sugar and fat. In conclusion, we note that Homo sapiens in the year 3000 will have longer arms and fingers in order to reach increasingly distant objects without moving.
To reach such more than fantastic conclusions, the diary obviously did not rely on reliable scientific research from specialists, but simply turned to a strange group of pseudo-specialists: a dentist, an osteopath and a cosmetic surgeon.

Human evolution continues. In fact, the only thing the magazine can be proud of isThe Sun , this is the thesis that despite all the advances in medicine and technology, despite the habit of living in increasing alienation from the natural environment, human evolution continues today. This was established by Doctor Virpi Lummaa (Virpi Lummaa, University of Sheffield, Britain) based on a study of 6,000 inhabitants of Finland who lived from 1700 to the present day (see.PNAS, Scientific Reports of the American Academy). Of course, according to the researchers, “despite the selectivity of stress, an increase in life expectancy and an increase in the chances of finding a partner for procreation, a person has changed over the foreseeable time.”
Because the factors influencing natural selection can change quite quickly, biologists believe that it is generally impossible to predict the changes that will cause the evolution of the morphology of any species. Extrapolating from modern trends, we can only say that our great-great grandchildren will not have wisdom teeth, but poo. These molars are superfluous in our way of eating. A third of humanity is already born without wisdom teeth, however, this phenomenon significantly depends on the region of residence (not a single indigenous Mexican has wisdom teeth, while all residents of Tasmania have them)
The man of the future will be “less hairy,” but it cannot be said that the differences will appear in such a short period of evolution as a thousand years. On the other hand, the modern trend of increased height is consistent with a response to selective stress, although in fact modern humans are much taller than the australopithecines that inhabited Africa many millions of years ago. The increase in height by several centimeters on average in recent decades is most likely explained by improved nutrition and hygiene.

Reporter for the newspaper Figaro.
Cyrille Vanlerberghe/12/10/2012 à 15:06

series "uncork a bottle of champagne,
or re-read Figaro's newspaper."

Translation into Russian is mine.

Humans continue to evolve, and in a thousand years our bodies will undergo some changes.

Most likely, humanity will be higher. Human height has already changed significantly over the past 130 years. In 1880, the average American male was 173 centimeters tall. Today - 178.

In addition, people can merge with machines. This will enhance your hearing, vision, health and much more. There are now hearing aids that can record sounds and generate white noise. Some of them even have a built-in phone. Another example is a team at the University of Oregon developing a bionic eye that will help the blind see. In the future, such technologies will allow people to see what is currently considered invisible to the human eye, such as infrared and X-rays.

It's not just appearance that will change—genes will also evolve on a microscopic level so that people can survive. For example, Oxford scientists discovered a group of HIV-infected children in South Africa who were healthy and leading a normal lifestyle. It turned out that they are protected from HIV at the genetic level, which prevents the virus from turning into an active form - AIDS. Gene editing tools like CRISPR will eventually help humans control genes and DNA so we can make ourselves immune to disease and even reverse the aging process.

Another way to push human evolution is to move some of us to Mars. The Red Planet receives 66% less sunlight than Earth. Perhaps this will lead to people developing dilated pupils - absorbing more light will allow travelers to see normally. Additionally, since the gravitational forces on Mars are only 38% of those on Earth, people born there may be much taller than those on Earth. Previous studies have shown that in space, the joint fluid located between the vertebrae expands. This is what can lead to lengthening of the spine.

A future with aliens - why not? Some are sure that aliens are already among us. Detecting extraterrestrial intelligent life will most likely be difficult, bordering on the impossible. It will be necessary to develop space technology to a qualitatively different level, to take all possible precautions... But the end of the trademark “loneliness in the universe” is definitely worth it.

A future outside of Earth is sad, but not the worst option. Our planet may be destroyed by natural disasters, or we will simply run out of mineral resources, and then we will have to look for a new home. Mars seems like a good starting point... but the main dreams, of course, are related to the colonization of other star systems.

A future with limitless energy and a clean environment can be achieved through the invention of advanced nanorobots. They would purify water and air, while providing for the needs of humanity by collecting solar energy. Considering the current problems of the Earth, I would like to see such a step as soon as possible.

A future without the problem of overpopulation. The Earth's population is growing by 1−1.5% every year, and at this rate it will double in a hundred years. And if there is enough space on the planet for a hundred times more people, then the issue of world hunger is much more pressing. The solution is not only technology that allows you to create nutritious and cheap food out of thin air, but also the correct distribution of material resources.

The technological future implies not only the development of technology, but also a literal fusion with it. Today we use information and entertainment gadgets more and more; Perhaps the day is not far off when displays will be built directly into the eyes? The merging of man and computer is not as scary as it seems - at least there will be no need to be afraid of the uprising of machines.

The future with intelligent machines is a logical continuation of the previous point. If we are unlucky enough to meet aliens, intelligent robots created by us may become our neighbors. Considering how much artificial intelligence will develop over a thousand years, it will definitely not be boring.

Exploring space from Earth will play a vital role in the future. We will be able not only to understand how the universe works, but also to predict any cosmic dangers that threaten our planet in order to effectively prevent them. In addition, the search for signs of extraterrestrial intelligence and new planets for colonization has not been canceled.

The future we'd like to see in space travel should be as easy as moving around on Earth. Not only are there endless technological aspects to consider, but also the negative impact that long periods in space have on humans. Perhaps this can be solved by modifying human DNA.

Extending human life into the future is one of those tasks that is unlikely to ever cease. A possible solution is medical nanorobots that cleanse and protect the body along with white blood cells, slow down aging and, of course, cure cancer. And this brings us to the next point...

Immortality in the future is the very ideal that, if not all, then the vast majority of people count on. Whether it will be achieved through biotechnology, nanotechnology or the fusion of people with machines is not so important. In 1800, the average life expectancy was 37 years, today it is about 70. Will we reach the limit or will we be able to break through it? Everything depends on ourselves.

Let’s not touch on options like the enslavement of humanity by aliens or robots, a zombie apocalypse or an ordinary world nuclear war - science fiction writers and Hollywood will happily do that for us. Let's try to look at the distant future with a positive attitude - maybe some of us will even be able to live to see it?

Humanity does not stand still, but develops. It has been evolving since the day it appeared on Earth. But it is difficult for us to compare what people were like 10 thousand years ago and 5 thousand years ago. But what we can say with confidence is that over the past 150 years, a person has grown on average by 10 cm. Over the past 65 years, life expectancy has increased by 20 years. Infant mortality has fallen sharply, and many diseases that were incurable in previous centuries do not pose any danger today.

There is progress, but what will people look like in 1000 years? Deafness and blindness will forever become a thing of the past. There are already hearing aids that record various sounds, generate noise, and have telephones built into them. Development of special bionic eyes is underway. These visual devices will connect to the brain, and the blind will become sighted.

There is a possibility of developing such technologies with the help of which it will be possible to see light energy, X-rays and infrared rays. The current primitive prostheses will sink into oblivion. They will be replaced by arms and legs that are no different from real ones. The dentist profession will be completely different from what it is now. Perfect artificial teeth will appear, and current technologies will allow you to live a long time.

People will learn to control the functioning of DNA, that is, it will be possible to influence genes and the proteins they generate. With this it will be possible to influence height, physique, and other external data. But most importantly, it will be possible to prolong youth and delay aging. Is it possible to talk about eternal life after 1000 years? To do this, it will be necessary to periodically change all the organs of the body, leaving only the brain intact.

Nowadays, work is underway to transplant animal heads. Next up is a human head transplant. But will it be possible to “drag” consciousness from one body to another in this way? Most likely, the path to immortality will involve uploading human consciousness into a machine.

A big step in human evolution will come after the colonization of space. Mars comes first here. It receives 66% less sunlight than Earth. Mars' gravity is 38% of Earth's. From all of the above, we can assume that the inhabitants of Mars will be 20-25 cm taller than earthlings and larger.

Lack of sunlight will cause all organs to enlarge so that they can absorb the energy they need in sufficient quantities. More mass is also needed, taking into account low gravity. And the cartilage layers separating the vertebrae will expand. They contain a lot of liquid, and in space it increases in volume. Therefore, the spine will become longer, which will dramatically affect growth.

People have the greatest asset - the brain. It is so good that even the most sophisticated and advanced computer system cannot compare with it. To simulate the activity of the human brain, you need to have 705,023 processor cores, 1.4 million GB of RAM and 40 minutes to process the data that the brain processes in 1 second. Therefore, the brain has cardinal advantages over the machines it has already created. But will the same situation continue in the distant future?

When considering what people will look like in 1000 years, artificial intelligence will be important. He will be able to speak, interact with people, listen, remember, make decisions. But let us hope that this new type of intelligence will not turn against people in its activities.

In the future there will be nanobots - tiny robots. They will float around human bodies and enhance their natural capabilities. Such microscopic robots will be able to assemble into entire buildings and just as easily disassemble. Entire cities and industrial enterprises will consist of them.

The number of languages ​​currently spoken on the planet will decrease markedly. It is possible that one common language will emerge for everyone. And other languages ​​will be the same as Latin or ancient Greek now. The majority of people should become dark-skinned. Such skin can more easily withstand exposure to heat and ultraviolet radiation.

And in conclusion, it should be said that the faster humanity evolves, the greater its chances of survival. Our planet is not eternal, and natural disasters shake it with enviable consistency. Therefore, people must be saved by scientific and technological progress and the colonization of space. In this case, we will not die out, but will continue our race and evolve further.

Vladislav Ivanov