Biographies Characteristics Analysis

How not to get tired after work. How to deal with fatigue at work

Many people experience fatigue, but then, in connection with this, some look quite cheerful, even at the end of the working day, while others, a few hours after waking up, already need rest. Therefore, in our article we will help you understand how to be less tired and always be in good spirits. It’s not just older people who wonder about fatigue. Even young people can experience lethargy and drowsiness. There may be several reasons for this - from a lack of vitamins in the body and weather dependence to chronic diseases. Based on these considerations, the first thing to do if you often feel tired is to undergo a medical examination. It is worth noting that there are two methods to relieve fatigue and prevent its rapid onset. These methods are defined as: physiological and psychological.

How not to get tired at work

If you are completely healthy, healthy and proper nutrition, healthy sleep, giving up bad habits, physical activity, as well as water or general health treatments can help you improve your general condition and well-being, as well as gain vigor and calmness. If you are seriously concerned about your condition and health, then the time has come to reconsider your lifestyle. Thus, the body reminds you of itself, it signals that it can no longer cope with the tasks and loads. You must listen to him and take action.


Of course, there are general recommendations, but you also need to listen to your own feelings. Let’s say your body refuses to work with full dedication if it doesn’t have enough protein, but it can accept legumes or mushrooms with pleasure. But, unfortunately, these products will not be able to influence the increase in performance in any way. For vigor, your body needs meat, or, in extreme cases, seafood. Since meat is not included in the list of invigorating foods, its similar effect on a certain organism can be attributed to a purely psychological factor.

How to never get tired

To avoid getting tired, you first need to eat right. We present to your attention products that can cope with fatigue:

  • The first place in this ranking is occupied by nuts. They are very valuable from this point of view, because they contain magnesium, which can relieve muscle fatigue, and they contain protein, the main function of which is to deliver energy to cells.
  • In addition to nuts, legumes, dried fruits, carrots and spinach can cope with fatigue or drowsiness. In order for carrots to be better digested, they must be grated and seasoned with olive or vegetable oil.
  • As a dessert that has the most beneficial effect on digestion, nutritionists recommend consuming yogurt. But it must be natural and contain live bifidobacteria.
  • Another energy-boosting food is banana. Oatmeal will also help relieve fatigue. You can cook it with fruit, or just use muesli instead.


It is impossible to be cheerful and not tired without healthy and full sleep. You should go to bed as early as possible, and it is better to wake up without an alarm clock. If you cannot wake up without an alarm clock, turn off your phone at night, since sleep interrupted by a phone call will no longer be sound.

Exercise and shower

  • Physical activity aimed at replenishing vigor should not be exhausting. For some, a walk before bed will be enough, but for others, a set of standard morning exercises will be enough.
  • Hardening, contrast shower, start with rubbing with cold water, then you can go to the pool and use aromatherapy using aromas that invigorate, as well as eucalyptus or citrus oils. This will replenish your energy and give you vigor.
  • Lately, laughter therapy has gained great popularity. Following which, you can not only improve your mood and level of vigor, but also cure some diseases.

Psychological method

  • The most important rule for not getting tired at work is not to consider it the main thing in your life. To ensure you always have energy for other things, consider work as an integral part of your life, just like eating or sleeping.
  • Try not to be nervous, as stress is a direct path to fatigue.
  • From time to time, take a short break, have lunch, chat with colleagues.
  • It is important what attitude you have when going to work. If you have any difficulties, or you are simply depressed, this is where fatigue can emerge.
  • A lot also depends on your workplace. Try to domesticate it somehow, place a small plant on it, or frames with photographs that will remind you of peace, home comfort and the warmth of the hearth.

And remember a simple rule: “Work is created for our life, not our life is created for work.”

Working until late in the evening, business meetings on weekends, frequent rush jobs, urgent reports and unplanned business trips have become commonplace for many. From time to time you become so tired from work that you only have enough strength to eat and go to bed.

This is how the body signals that it is working at the limit of its capabilities and needs rest. More often, such negative manifestations disappear after a full night’s sleep or a weekend.

A more serious symptom is constant fatigue after work. It does not go away even after a night's rest. Waking up in the morning, a person feels exhausted, sleepy and unrested. Falls, it is difficult to concentrate and perform usual tasks efficiently.

Irritability, nervousness, causeless anxiety, mood swings and sleep disturbances appear. This is how chronic fatigue syndrome may manifest itself. One of the reasons for this disease is constant overwork. And if you don’t take a break and don’t relieve chronic tension, then not only the nervous system can suffer: negative factors can seriously unbalance the functioning of the immune, endocrine, cardiovascular systems, and gastrointestinal tract organs.

Checking your health status

If constant loss of strength after work and emotional instability are accompanied by disruption of the intestines, a regular increase (or drop) in body temperature, muscle fatigue and headaches are bothering you, then you should go directly to a medical facility for examination.

Similar symptoms can be caused by the following pathologies:

  • endocrine, autoimmune disorders;
  • infections;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • mental illness;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals.

To exclude serious diseases, laboratory tests, ultrasound diagnostics, ECG and other studies are performed.

How to relieve fatigue after work

There is no better way to relieve fatigue after work than relaxing treatments. The ideal way to relieve tension after a hard day is a massage. It’s good if you have the opportunity to use the services of a professional and undergo a full massage course. Self-massage of active points will also provide a relaxing effect. Regular stroking, rubbing, kneading the back, back of the neck or scalp, performed by someone close, has a relaxing effect.

A warm shower, bath with essential oils, sea salt or foam will help relieve chronic tension after work. Warm aromatic water, soft light music and dim lighting will help you calm down, relax and get positive emotions.

Changing the mode

It is not always possible to completely eliminate the influence of stress, anxiety and worry. To prevent these negative factors from overloading the nervous system, neutralize their effects.

This will help you effectively:

  1. Full healthy sleep of at least 7-8 hours. This much time is needed to ensure high productivity of the nervous system and brain.
  2. Regular exercise. Morning exercises or running, fitness classes, yoga, swimming will help you stay energetic all day long. Choose the most suitable type of activity for yourself. During physical exercise, endorphins are released, which cause a feeling of pleasure and joy. During physical activity, blood vessels dilate, blood pressure increases for a short time, and oxygen supply to tissues improves. By training, you will become less susceptible to stress and will cope with its consequences faster.
  3. Walks, outdoor activities. If possible, you should walk to, from work, or during breaks. Even a 20-30 minute walk down the street will allow you to relax after work, get distracted and switch gears. Spend at least one day off every two weeks outdoors. Active rest is a workout for muscles and the central nervous system, saturates the body with oxygen and is a great way to relieve chronic tension.
  4. Complete balanced nutrition. Choose natural and as healthy foods as possible. It must contain the necessary elements and saturate with energy. Proper food containing proteins, slow carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and polyunsaturated fatty acids will allow you to be alert all day.
  5. Optimal drinking regime. One of the reasons why you feel tired after work may be dehydration. For normal cellular processes, drink more clean water, and intake of coffee, alcohol, and sweet drinks should be limited.

Every day we need to manage to do more, fulfill ever-growing plans, build a career, and we also need to devote time to loved ones and household chores. This rhythm requires constant concentration and leads to persistent nervous tension, which affects the general physical condition.

Listen to yourself, rest after work, balance and prevent further deterioration of your well-being.

Being a reasonable and responsible adult is not easy. All these obligations, affairs, household and family issues sometimes become boring, and the body mistakes this boredom for fatigue. The desire to be efficient and productive 24/7 may be admirable, but it often leads to physical and emotional burnout.

Solution: Plan a vacation

At first, you may not be able to relax just like that, so make a list of fun little things: write a humorous letter, call an old friend, play Twister with the children, listen to your favorite music in silence... Such small breaks will make the daily routine less stressful. boring.

2. Problem: lack of sun

If there is not enough natural light outside, the body tries to go into sleep mode. As a result of a study involving more than 600 adults, scientists from the University of Massachusetts found that depression, feelings of loneliness, anger, and unsettledness appear more often in winter.


Solution: more light!

Take at least a 10-minute walk outside during the day or when you feel most tired. Sunlight will help you wake up and perk up. Even if the weather is cloudy, there is still more light outside than in the office. If you can't leave the room, a short stay in a room with natural light will help.

3. Problem: improper breathing

When you breathe unevenly, your lungs don't get enough oxygen, and there's a lot of carbon dioxide in your blood. This also leads to a feeling of fatigue, as well as increased blood pressure and pulse.

Solution: Diaphragm Breathing

A few short sessions a day and you will feel much better. Place your hand on your navel, while inhaling, focus on making your stomach “breathe” too, then you will get more oxygen.

4. Problem: immobility

Sitting in the same position for several hours consumes a lot of energy, the body begins to think that it will soon be possible to go to bed. And if you also look at the screen, you begin to blink more slowly, and your eyes dry out (and tend to close completely).

Solution: Move more

Stretch. Take a walk. Take a shower or wash your hands. Taking frequent breaks will help keep your body from becoming overly relaxed. Every half hour, take a break from the screen and focus on a distant object or object.

5. Problem: makes you sleepy

The body has its own biological clock. And if you get up early on weekdays, and sleep until lunch on weekends, then you give yourself severe jetlag without leaving home. And in the end, you don’t feel too good, even if you seem to have had enough sleep.

Solution: normal schedule

Try to go to bed and get up at the same time every day. If you really want to sleep, it is better to go to bed earlier than to get up later.

6. Problem: dehydration

Many people put themselves under unnecessary stress without noticing it. Thirst symbolizes the loss of 2-3 percent of fluid, and even such slight dehydration can create a feeling of fatigue and drowsiness: blood pressure levels decrease, as a result, blood supply to the brain deteriorates and the heart has to work at increased speed.

Solution: drink more

Keep a water bottle nearby to wash down your meal. If you don't like water, add orange slices or herbal infusion to it. Soups, fresh fruits and vegetables also help increase water levels in the body.

7. Problem: Night lights

They confuse the body, it does not understand when it actually needs to sleep. Bright lights interfere with melatonin production.

Solution: Low Light

Install dimmable switches and lower the light level in the evening. A good option is a table lamp instead of an overhead light.

8. Problem: no breakfast

It can be expanded to malnutrition in principle. If you don't have breakfast, your metabolism slows down to conserve energy and you feel tired. If you just don’t feel like eating breakfast, think about whether you overate in the evening.

Solution: a good breakfast

The combination of proteins and carbohydrates will charge you with energy for a long time. You can literally eat anything, from a sandwich to porridge. Carbohydrates will help you feel more energetic, and proteins will prolong this effect.

Work is a necessity for each of us. And it doesn’t matter what it is connected with: physical or mental labor, or both, in any case we get tired and we need rest. This short article will talk about how not to get tired at work, so I recommend reading the article to the end.>

And so, the rhythm of modern life, unfortunately, does not give us much time to rest: work, housework, children, relatives and a lot of other worries. Sometimes it feels like a big cauldron in which we are boiling. To the question: how not to get tired at work, there is still an answer, believe me. Have you ever noticed that you often think that you won’t have time to do what you planned? Just the thought of work tasks and household chores is very stressful and it’s terrible. Is there any point in constantly tormenting yourself with the thought of what else needs to be done? It turns out that we get tired not from the work itself, but only from the thought of it.

And so, the first thing you need to do is try to write a simple plan for the day and carry out all the points of the plan one by one. At the same time, try not to leave for tomorrow what you can do today. Then everything accumulates and falls like a snowball. Take any completed task as your personal victory; at work it will give you confidence and a sense of self-worth.

The second thing you should not neglect is to take breaks, preferably every hour. You can just walk, drink a cup of tea or coffee, just turn your head and look in the other direction from your workplace.

If you have the opportunity to go outside, you should definitely take a short walk in the fresh air. Your rest should be as opposed to your work as possible. For example, if you have a sedentary job, then you need active rest, you can just walk somewhere.

If your work involves physical labor, then it is better to relax while sitting, read something, look at an interesting magazine, or simply chat with a colleague on various topics, but in no case touch upon work issues. Absolutely any job should remain at work and wait for your return.

The third and, in my opinion, the most important piece of advice is to try to learn how to switch from thoughts about work to others as quickly as possible. If you leave work, then work should not go home with you or somewhere else, it should remain there, at work. We devote so much energy and time to her so that we can carry thoughts about her in our heads like a burden.

Yes, and salary doesn’t play a role here either, and frankly speaking, most of us don’t really indulge in it, especially its size, even though most of us give our best at work, as they say, one hundred percent. You shouldn’t and shouldn’t accumulate fatigue, try to go somewhere: a movie, a walk alone or with friends, museums, concerts, in general, find a way to distract yourself. This will help you relieve accumulated fatigue.


Be sure to find something interesting in your work and tell your family and friends about it, especially about your successes, and not about difficulties and problems. Work should remain work for you, it is just your activity for which you receive a reward in the form of money. Remember that work should not always come first, only in this case you will not get tired of it. I wish you all good luck and try never to get tired at work!