Biographies Characteristics Analysis

How to apply after 9. Where to apply after ninth grade with a certificate


Modern professions for girls and men are not very different from each other in the modern world: it is no longer customary to divide work based on gender. However, prestigious women's professions may have unique requirements for candidates: there are functions that are easier for a woman to perform. Work for girls can be intellectual or applied (for example, hairdresser).

What professions are there for girls?

Many lucrative professions have unique requirements, but they can provide stable career growth and high salaries. The following list of areas and specialties is suitable as an interesting job for women:

  1. Makeup. Working as a makeup artist may only require completion of special courses, but for a successful career, knowledge of foreign languages ​​(to become familiar with new trends) and constant professional development will be useful.
  2. Consulting, accounting. For inexperienced people, the job of a secretary is suitable, which is a classic example of a female profession. Those who have completed higher education can work as economists, lawyers, and tourism managers.
  3. Journalism. This field of activity is suitable for young girls with good communication skills. It is a popular destination in many universities in the country.
  4. Technical specialties. Work may involve heavy physical labor, which is unusual for women in professions, or may require great perseverance, the ability to work with your hands, and concentrate. This may include vacancies for seamstresses and machine operators. A high position will not be offered here, but permanent employment is guaranteed.

Highly paid

Specialties with high pay also have high requirements for applicants. Such work can be associated with a large number of stressful situations and difficult working conditions. For girls include:

  • IT specialist;
  • senior manager of a store, outlet;
  • legal advisor;
  • service quality auditor;
  • specialist doctor;
  • logistics expert;
  • cosmetologist


Open career opportunities are not available at all jobs. Such vacancies are characterized by great competition, high requirements, and have many directions for climbing the career ladder. The following specialties are considered promising:

  • pharmacist;
  • sous chef of the restaurant;
  • photographer;
  • choreographer;
  • machine operator, production line.


Many specialties for girls are often prestigious. There may be a tough selection process for such vacancies, it is difficult to get into them, but the result is worth it. The list of professions for girls looking for a well-paid, interesting, prestigious job is wide:

  • lawyer;
  • economist;
  • medical representative;
  • interior designer;
  • clothes designer;
  • TV or radio presenter;
  • fitness instructor;


Many courses for girls will help you get into the most fashionable professions. Their key feature is low requirements for education, but increased requirements for communication skills with clients. Interesting professions for women and fashion trends may require obtaining a complete higher education. Among them:

  • dancer;
  • singer;
  • HR manager;
  • art consultant;
  • artist;
  • stylist;
  • brand manager.

In demand

There are specializations that are just for women or best suited to their psychology. There is not much competition for these vacancies. have a narrow focus and specific working conditions. For example:

  • nurse;
  • waitress;
  • secretary;
  • conductor;
  • carrier company dispatcher;
  • contact center operator;
  • teacher, educator.


Good jobs for women are often very popular. And girls, when faced with choosing a profession, are guided by whether it is widespread and fashionable. Many popular professions and good jobs for women require the ability to find a common language with a client and attract his attention. The list of current professions will provide a wide choice of areas of activity:

  • actress;
  • journalist;
  • psychologist;
  • fashion designer;
  • advertising manager

Professions of the future for girls

In the future, the list of popular professions for women may change. This means that working as an accountant will become unprofitable, and the position of manager in any field will no longer be in such demand. Changes occur due to the inevitability of technological progress, the loss of relevance of many specialties that will be replaced by computer programs. Based on this, we can make a list of types of employment that will be relevant in the near future:

  • nurse;
  • alternative energy expert;
  • breeder;
  • urbanist;
  • expert in the field of resolving religious contradictions.

The best professions for girls

Due to certain psychological characteristics and predispositions, women and men have different specializations. The best fields of activity for ladies are considered to be all those related to creativity, and some branches of technical specialties that do not involve heavy physical labor. This category includes humanitarian and creative fields of activity, office work with papers, and all types of consulting that require direct communication with clients.


Specializations closely related to creativity are better suited for girls due to their greater predisposition to emotional empathy and the ability to correctly convey their own emotions. Among these professions, there are many promising areas for women who have good taste in the field of modeling and art. The fair sex will not remain indifferent to acting. The following creative specializations can be excellent choices for women:

  • actress;
  • singer;
  • fashion designer;
  • artist;
  • Art Director;
  • interior designer.


The field of activity of many girls is closely related to the production of equipment, work in a factory, setting up equipment responsible for the stable stamping of similar parts. This may include the work of a production operator, a system administrator at a large enterprise, a team leader, or a researcher:

  • tower crane operator;
  • machine operator;
  • research institute employee;
  • assistant driver;
  • architect;
  • IT specialist.


Working with documentation, management, operating with laws, translating texts or direct speech, conducting legal consultations requires appropriate knowledge, higher education in the humanities and takes a lot of effort and time. However, a significant part of professions closely related to legal services are occupied by girls. This work requires concentration and may have a strict work schedule, but in return it offers prospects for career growth up to regional managers, directors of an enterprise, a company, or a corporation. It can be:

  • advocate;
  • notary;
  • legal consultant;
  • simultaneous translation specialist.

Working specialties for women

Women workers are not that uncommon. The list of specializations related to physical labor, but suitable for the fair sex, does not have a large selection. Such areas of employment will offer work immediately after graduating from school or completing specialized courses, graduating from technical schools, or colleges with a shortened program. The standard working day in this area is 12 hours with a 2/2 schedule with rare exceptions. Working girls can be useful in the following areas of activity:

  • cook;
  • seamstress;
  • hairdresser;
  • housemaid;
  • driver on public transport;
  • foreman

Office professions

The office field of activity is considered one of the most suitable for women, as it provides a convenient work schedule, decent wages, great opportunities for career growth, and communication with colleagues who, for the most part, share each other’s interests. This work may not be enjoyable, but it also does not require special skills (for starting positions, learn on the spot). For more serious work you need special education:

  • secretary;
  • accountant;
  • financial director;
  • HR manager;
  • marketing specialist.

The fair sex's predisposition to communicate when working with people and their desire for self-expression make them excellent workers in the fields of marketing, art, consulting, simultaneous translation, and journalism. The following areas of employment are considered the most interesting:

  1. Journalism. Processing and collecting information, providing it to a wide audience, communicating with interesting people - all this makes this specialization ideal for girls who crave communication and strive for self-development.
  2. Psychology. The vast majority of women have obvious empathy, compassion, and sympathy. Such qualities are inherent in a good psychologist, who is able to put himself in the shoes of another person in order to understand his emotions, help him overcome difficulties, and cope with problems that have piled up.
  3. Stylist, cosmetologist, nutritionist. The ability to take care of oneself and feel beauty is developed much better in girls than in men, so you can complete hairdressing courses. Ladies are excellent stylists, beauty salon workers, fashion designers, and interior designers.

What profession should a girl choose?

The choice of specialization depends on many subjective factors inherent in any person. For women, the key features when choosing a direction of activity are:

  1. Age. In this case, the law has a great influence: it is more difficult for minors to find work even with official permission from their parents. Very young girls are reluctantly hired because they have no work experience. Up to a certain age (up to 22-25 years) it is worth considering the position of a waitress, conductor, or secretary.
  2. Character, way of thinking. Not all representatives of the fair sex are bright empaths. This means that working within a large team can be a burden for them. Closed, calm girls are suitable for positions as seamstresses, operator engineers, IT specialists, and work related to computers. More open - professions of actress, singer, TV or radio presenter, stylist, tourism manager.
  3. Work experience, education. It will not be difficult for a person with extensive experience to change one position to another: employers are always ready to hire a person who is well versed in his work. A person without experience is another matter. Right after school, without experience or education, a girl can get a job as a model, maid, waitress, secretary, or nurse.

To succeed in life, it is important to choose your professional path wisely. And this fate-determining problem first faces young people after receiving basic general education. Many decide to go to secondary specialized educational institutions. And here it is important to understand which professions are relevant after 9th grade, and what you should pay attention to when choosing a specialty.

Is it worth leaving school after 9th grade?

The problem of completing school after 9th grade depends on many factors. In many small settlements there are only schools where basic general education is given, that is, children study only up to the 9th grade. It is better to immediately go to college, technical school or college to get a real working specialty.

Another reason to graduate from school after 9th grade is low academic performance, the reluctance of the boy or girl himself to continue studying at school. If young people want to go on an independent voyage, it is worth directing their energy to obtaining a useful specialty that will allow a person to begin an independent life earlier.

What are the advantages of getting a profession after finishing 9th grade:

  1. Adaptation to adulthood at a young age.
  2. Introduction to work and integration into adult society.
  3. The opportunity to gradually obtain a complex and high-tech profession.
  4. Instilling in the child greater independence. This advantage is especially important for guys.
  5. Facilitating the opportunity to enter a university.

How to make a choice

Before you enroll, you need to make a balanced and thoughtful choice. Each person has an individual, unique set of interests, characteristics and qualities. In schoolchildren, many of these qualities are at the stage of formation. In such conditions, it is extremely important when choosing a profession to take into account your characteristics, interests and predispositions. Parents should also pay attention to these points when giving advice to their child.

There are clear criteria on the basis of which you should make a choice of profession after 9th grade:

  1. Wage level.
  2. Kudos.
  3. Perspective.
  4. Interest.

Money plays a big role in life. Schoolchildren, when deciding on their future, must clearly understand this. Therefore, when choosing a business in life, you need to take into account the financial factor and select a profitable and profitable job. To do this, it is worth analyzing specialized research articles that are published in the media. Based on the processing of numerous parameters, they provide ratings that present the best and highest paid activities.

Specialists in the following fields are highly valued:

  1. Information technology, programming, web design. A qualified and competent programmer who has mastered key languages ​​earns from 100–150 thousand rubles. The larger the list of skills, the higher the reward.
  2. SEO and SMM specialists involved in the promotion of goods and services. The salaries of such employees with a wealth of practical skills start from 50–80 thousand rubles and above.
  3. Nutrition. The industry is actively developing, so skilled chefs and pastry chefs are in great demand. Owners of restaurants and food chains are willing to pay real professionals several hundred thousand rubles a month.
  4. Lawyers. They say that we have many lawyers. Yes, there are many people with law degrees, but there are not enough real specialists. A qualified lawyer is a very highly paid profession.
  5. Engineers and designers in industry. Production facilities and factories require modernization and increased productivity, and this requires specialized engineers.

It is worth reviewing analytical materials that provide ratings of scarce professions necessary for the development of the country. In 2018, the professions that are relevant after grade 9 included the following specialties:

  • construction;
  • engineering;
  • qualified mechanics and craftsmen;
  • doctors;
  • drivers;
  • teachers.

The most important factor in choice is prospects. It shows professions that can be chosen from the 9th grade. The criterion helps determine which specialties are better, how they will be in demand and relevant within a certain territory in the coming years.

The government of the country has set the task of building a digital economy. Information services, automation systems and communication technologies will be gradually introduced into all areas of life. This work will require a large number of engineers and programmers.

In the field of sales of goods and services, advertising on the Internet plays a key role. Websites will be created, improved and made more complex, and new solutions will be introduced into social networks. This situation requires a large number of specialists in online promotion and advertising (SMM, SEO, targeting, context). The role of programmers, web designers, analysts, application developers, etc. will increase.

Medicine and education should soon become promising. The country has big problems in these areas, and sooner or later they will require solutions. Upbringing, education and health are areas that are important to the state.

The third factor is prestige. The profession must be valued in society, and its representatives must be respected and understood for their high importance. Today, prestigious and well-paid professions are represented in the military sphere and other law enforcement agencies. They provide special status, significant benefits and normal wages. Professions in information technology and design are becoming increasingly prestigious. Qualified lawyers and economists always hold a high level of assessment in society.

The last parameter that must be taken into account is personal interest in any activity. Predispositions to certain activities are laid down in childhood. The person who correctly understands his passions and finds an interesting activity will be successful and happy.

What are these lists for those who are thinking about choosing a profession after finishing 9th grade? The answer is simple; when choosing a professional field of activity after receiving incomplete secondary education, you need to think comprehensively, weighing the available factors.

When deciding on a list of professions after 9th grade, you need to correlate all four parameters. When choosing technical specialties, you need to understand that these are working professions, i.e. there is always a demand for them. Humanities majors, with the right approach, allow you to build a successful career in the long term.

How parents can help when choosing

Parents must be involved in choosing a profession after their child graduates from 9th grade. We cannot shy away from discussing this issue.

What parents should consider:

  1. Interests and passions of the child.
  2. Accessibility and proximity of educational institutions from home.
  3. Prospects, prestige and popularity of the profession after 9th grade.
  4. Financial opportunities.

The main thing that parents can give is support and their experience. A well-constructed conversation with a child about choosing a professional craft, using memories from life experience, explaining the real picture of adult life, the characteristics of working in a particular profession, will allow you to make a truly useful choice.

What female and male professions are most in demand?

All specialties must be distinguished according to the degree of accessibility, i.e. in which educational institutions they can be mastered. The question is important when choosing a profession that is relevant after 9th grade.

Professional skills of varying degrees can be obtained at a university, institute, college, technical school or college.

There is no need for university after 9th grade. This means that you need to choose from other types of educational institutions. Technical school and college can provide not only a useful profession, but also become an intermediate stage for entering a university. Cooperation between specialized educational institutions allows, after receiving a secondary specialized education, to immediately enroll in the second or third year.

Professions after 9th grade list for men and girls:

  1. Technical specialties. Prestigious and always in demand professions. Possessing such skills forms an excellent foundation for further growth.
  2. Economic specialties.
  3. All professions related to sales.
  4. Design. Professionals who know how to create external design are in great demand today. Such specialists are needed in the field of web development, landscape, clothing, home, everyday life, flowers.
  5. Medical specialties - nurses, paramedics, pharmacists.
  6. Legal.
  7. Pedagogical.
  8. Agrarian.
  9. Accountant.
  10. Sphere of beauty.

When choosing a specialty, you should understand that there are universal, female and male professions. What professions to choose for boys after finishing 9th grade:

  • electric train driver assistant;
  • industrial alpinism;
  • professions related to cars - auto mechanic, auto electrician, auto mechanic;
  • driver, truck driver;
  • dental technician, medical brother;
  • blacksmith;
  • forester;
  • crane operator;
  • locksmith;
  • welder;
  • turner;
  • milling machine operator

Professions after 9th grade for girls:

  1. Nurse.
  2. Manicure/pedicure specialist, hairdresser, stylist, makeup artist.
  3. Cook, pastry chef.
  4. Pharmacist, cosmetologist.
  5. Master of restaurant service.
  6. Designer.
  7. Cutter, seamstress.
  8. Clerk, cashier, accountant.
  9. Nanny, teacher, teacher, librarian.

The list of professions that are available after 9th grade for girls and boys is huge. When choosing a specialty, it is important to really understand what it is and whether it suits your personality. To do this, each area of ​​interest should be discussed with parents and other adults.

The end of the year for 9th grade students is always associated not only with the end of another year of school, but also with the opportunity to end their stay in this educational institution by moving to another. Today in our article we will talk about where you can go to study after finishing 9th grade. There will be few options, but each of them deserves special attention and careful analysis on your part.

4 options where you can go to study after 9th grade

When you finish ninth grade, you have the opportunity to enroll in four ways:

1. Continue studying at school. The most optimal and often the best option is to continue studying at school. This option is for those who have not yet finally found their calling in life. You can, of course, hastily choose a profession “to boom”, but this is your life, so we do not recommend being so careless about your destiny.

9th grade is also good because it does not allow you to relax in your last years, reminding you that very soon an independent life will begin, where you yourself will decide whether to study or work. For many, 9th grade acts as an alarm clock, forcing them to wake up and get down to school, thereby graduating from school with good grades.

It is better for those who have chosen who they will be to stay in school, but this specialty is not available in a technical school or college. In this case, it is better to take up your education in order to graduate from school with a gold medal, since in this case it will be possible to enter a higher educational institution on a budget place.

If you are absolutely not suited to learning, and you have constant conflicts with the teaching staff, then it is better to stay at school and simply “suffer” the last 2 years of study, than to spend another 3-4 years on something that, in your opinion, is absolutely not necessary. Of course, this option is not positive. However, you yourself probably know many people who, with a secondary education, became successful individuals, and just as many with a higher education became nobody. Therefore, it is better to finish your studies at school, and after 2 years you may change your point of view (by entering a university or technical school) or remain the same, but in any case you will lose absolutely nothing.

Mostly in the 11th grade there are excellent students who strive to enter higher educational institutions, as well as students with not very good grades, eager to quickly finish their studies and go to work.

2. Go to technical school. People also go to college for many reasons. Here are some of them:

  • Sometimes it’s better to go there if your parents have prepared a full-time job for you, all that’s left for you to do is get the appropriate education. Yes, this option is not entirely ideal if you have your own dreams and plans for life. However, you should think about such a proposal, since over time, youthful maximalism recedes, and perhaps you will regret if you refuse such a chic place.

  • It is worth going to a technical school only if you have found a specialty there that appeals to you. The advantage of this option is free education, as well as receiving a scholarship that will help you get used to adult life, because not everyone in the 10th-11th grade already receives enough money to feel free.

  • It is also worth going to a technical school to understand whether there is a desire to study further; if so, then after technical school you can enter the university for the 2nd or 3rd year to continue your studies. Thus, check yourself, and admission will be easier. You may lose 1 year, but it will be worth it.

  • The technical college is an excellent place for those who are weak in knowledge, but strive to receive a decent education. The fact is that studying at a technical school is much easier than at any university. If, in the end, you complete your studies, then over time you will be able to complete your studies and receive a diploma of higher education.

  • The option of studying first at a technical school is good for those who want to “switch off from the army,” especially if you live in Ukraine, where conscription lasts only up to 25 years. After which he will be able to go to university, where he will be able to survive for another 4-5 years with a draft deferment.

If you think that technical school is for the stupid, insolvent or weak, then you are very mistaken. A lot of smart and good people go to technical school and then achieve a lot in life. At the technical school, the attitude towards learning is completely different, so it will be easier for you to enter adult life.

3. Go to school. Also a good choice, below we will describe who this option is most suitable for:

  • It will be ideal for those who want to enroll in a specialty that cannot be found in nearby technical schools or institutes. For example, cooks, hairdressers, carpenters, etc. If you feel such a calling within yourself, don’t hesitate – go towards your goal. Now your classmates may consider you less successful, since you did not enter the economics department of the institute, but over time, life will put everyone in their place, which means we will still find out who is successful here!

  • The school is also good for those who do not have enough free time to study and want to quickly get a specialized secondary education, and then go on to free swimming.

  • The school is also convenient for those who do not have their own initiative and desire to work in a certain field. Studying at the school will not be difficult, so you can easily get at least some education different from the average one.

4. Enter the lyceum at the university. Now we have come to the most interesting option, which, according to the authors of the online magazine, the site is one of the best. The fact is that in the 9th grade, despite their early age, many schoolchildren can classify themselves as humanists, mathematicians, physicists or athletes. However, it is difficult for them to name a more detailed specialty, which, in general, is understandable. What to do then?! This is where lyceums come to our aid, namely those institutions that operate at any Higher Educational Institution.

If a student has decided on a direction, he will easily choose a university. And if he enters the lyceum, then they will thoroughly prepare him for exams and the form of education. Let's go through the advantages of studying at the lyceum:
  • You get used to the rhythm of learning. The Lyceum will not have lessons, but pairs, which will last the same amount of time, and their number will not differ in any way from those that students have.

  • Teachers who work at the Lyceum, as a rule, also work at the Institute. Thus, you can establish good relationships with them, find out the right approach and the requirements that they set.

  • After studying for 2 years, you will be able to understand the peculiarities of this university, what awaits you, how it will go, etc. Perhaps in the end, you realize that this university is not to your liking.

  • Naturally, you have the right not to enroll in the same university, so do not be afraid of any obligations.

  • Despite the similarity in the rhythm of learning, a lyceum differs from a university and a school. Because it is less harsh. It’s a pleasure to study there, because here they start to trust you, you decide whether to come to class or not, to study or not.

  • As a rule, in such a lyceum people will study who strive to gain knowledge, but at the same time they will be completely different from the “nerds” with whom it can be boring and not fun at all.

Despite all the advantages of studying at the lyceum, there are also negative aspects, which will be discussed below:
  • The main disadvantage of such training is that not only will you not receive scholarships, but you will also have to pay extra for each month. Which will naturally hit the parents’ wallets. Accordingly, they may refuse this type of training.

  • A new team that will merge together for only 2 years. Here, too, some schoolchildren will have a hard time because they will have to get used to new people, and as soon as you get used to it, two years will fly by. Although, of course, the companies may turn out to be quite good, they will bring a certain amount of discomfort.

We don’t argue, you always have one more option - quit school and start working, but we categorically do not allow you to do this! Without receiving a secondary education, you will not be able to get practically any job, which promises unemployment, lack of money and eternal problems in everyday life.

After 9th grade, the girl will have to choose where to go to study further in order to subsequently become a representative of the most profitable profession on the labor market. The main problem is that the choice is huge. At this age, all doors are still open to a person, but it is completely unclear what is worth learning in order to, on the one hand, have a stable income, and on the other, not to get bored and not waste your life.

Selection rules

Before you start considering the most profitable professions and the best educational institutions where a girl can go to study after 9th grade, she better sit down and think a little.

You should definitely think about it before enrolling

In fact, the amount of possible earnings is secondary. It is much more important to determine the following points for yourself:

  1. Chance of employment. Many specialists, especially highly specialized ones, are faced with the problem of finding a job. A certificate of education as a nuclear physicist does not at all guarantee that a former student will get a job in a research laboratory or at a nuclear power plant. Therefore, it is first worth visiting your local employment center and job sites to find a real list of vacancies.
  2. Time to study. Medical specialties are a prime example of how earnings depend entirely on the time spent studying. A college-educated nurse will work long hours and struggle to pay for her needs. But by adding another 5-7 years and becoming a specialized medical specialist, you can count on good earnings by the age of 30.
  3. Working conditions. The most difficult question has to do with personal preference. Every girl has her own ideal of work. This could be 5 days in the office. There is shift work, when after hard work you can lie on the couch for half a month. The cook has to be near the fire of the stove and oven in any weather. Every profession has an unpleasant side. Therefore, it is advisable to find her representative and communicate closely before making the final choice.

It is also worth looking at the possibility of opening your own business, albeit in the distant future.

This is always one of the most profitable, albeit risky, methods of earning money.

Don’t forget about your own preferences, character traits and abilities.

A girl with a gentle and good-natured character is unlikely to succeed in a profession associated with regular stress and extensive contacts with dissatisfied clients, such as trading.

On the other hand, these are outstanding characteristics for a children's teacher, medical worker or service sector specialist.

Having spent a little time after school, a girl can understand much better about choosing the most profitable profession for herself and decide where to go to study after 9th grade.

And the chance of problems with employment after graduation will be significantly reduced.

Top 5 professions

Among the most popular professions that offer a girl optimal earning opportunities in the future, 5 areas can be distinguished:

  1. Document flow. Secretary, accountant and representatives of similar professions have a fairly high chance of getting a job in many companies, both public and private. But you should prepare for the fact that you will have to sit in your office for days and constantly fill out documents and reports. Also in this area, if you do not advance to the level of a boss and do not obtain a higher education in the future, it is almost impossible to ensure earnings above the average level.
  2. Trade and warehouse. Cashier, marketer, merchandiser, logistician and other professions related to commodity turnover consistently provide opportunities for career growth. But at the same time, there is always a high chance of encountering terrible working conditions and low wages in the early stages if you make a mistake in choosing a workplace. Among starting vacancies, the most reasonable choice is a merchandiser, as it allows you to gain the necessary experience, with a relatively high salary and maintaining freedom of movement.
  3. Food industry. Chefs and technologists never have problems finding employment. But the elite of catering are the pastry chefs. This is a creative profession that allows you to create a good financial base at your main place of work and earn a high income when working for private clients.
  4. Beauty. It is enough to walk along the streets to see numerous advertisements for the search for hairdressers, pedicurists and others. But it is more profitable to go “free swimming”. Private specialists are gaining popularity among the population due to the opportunity to receive the necessary services at home at any convenient time.
  5. Design. This direction is limited not only to the development of fashionable clothing styles. Having artistic talents and imagination, you can specialize in the development of architectural projects, advertising, creative objects, websites and more. Specialists in this area are highly valued, but they may face quite tough competition. Therefore, a disruptive character is also important.

In addition to such general specialties, there are narrower areas. The list of the most profitable professions varies significantly depending on where you live, influencing the final choice of where a girl should go to study after 9th grade.

Educational establishments

When choosing an educational institution, it is important to decide in advance for yourself how long you want to study:

  1. The school offers primary vocational education. On the one hand, the duration of training is six months, allowing you to start working as soon as possible. But in the future, most likely, to advance in your career, you will need to obtain a higher-class diploma.
  2. The technical school allows you to get a certificate of secondary specialized education. The atmosphere, close to school, allows you to study a wide range of specialties. Some technical schools also help in the future to immediately enroll in the 2nd or 3rd year of the relevant university, saving time.
  3. The college is considered the most prestigious institution offering rapid specialized education for ninth-graders. But its value is highest if the girl’s plans are to obtain higher education at a pre-selected university.

Also, do not forget that some professions, such as copywriter, graphic information processing specialist, as well as a number of others, can be learned at home using the Internet.

This is how you can find work online in your free time. But the lack of an education document will significantly limit the possibilities of finding vacancies.

For every 10 9th grade graduates who decided to continue their education outside the school, there are 7 boys. These are the statistics for 2013–2016. This will determine the urgency of the issue of choosing a profession specifically for representatives of the stronger half. Where can a boy go after 9th grade? Let us first decide on the priorities of the selection program itself.

You need to build your search for a profession on 3 main conditions (in the same order of importance).

  • Interests of the child.
  • Looking forward to further education. The standard set of mechanics, painters, and electricians does not leave room for growth. There are other areas that expand perspectives - economics, law, management theory.
  • Current job market requests. New markets, technologies, opportunities appear every day, it is important to keep your finger on the pulse.

Who and what can help you make the right choice of profession?

A 15–16-year-old child is mature enough to make a decision, to soberly assess opportunities and development prospects, but he should not be left alone in front of the list of professions after 9th grade for boys. Parental support (discussion, recommendations, advice, experience) is the first level of help. From other options:

  • numerous master classes for children 12–17 years old: they are conducted by educational institutions themselves (open days), Moscow parks, schools;
  • Consultation with a school psychologist may be helpful;
  • the results of profile tests will determine the direction of the search;
  • The admissions committee of our college is people who are not indifferent to the fate of their applicants: they can reveal the essence of the proposed professions, suggest, advise where to move, and give full consultation;
  • success stories of “people-brands” in Russia and Europe are an excellent example for a young man.

College majors for admission after 9th grade

We are interested in making the right choice for your son, therefore we offer only in-demand (today and for the next 7–15 years) professions after 9th grade for boys. Attention to applicants:

  • Faculty of Business. Graduates are ready-made business consultants, trainers, and competent managers.
  • Department of Economics. Upon completion, you can go to work as an economist, accountant, business manager, or continue your studies on a preferential basis.
  • Faculty of Banking (lending experts, retail banking specialists, cash settlement services).
  • Faculty of Law. Our graduates go to work as investigators, lawyer-consultants, and court secretaries.
  • Faculty of Hotel and Restaurant Management (receptionist, tour operator, hotel, restaurant, cafe administrator).
  • The Faculty of Information Technologies trains AIS administrators, instrument engineers, and IT specialists.
  • The Faculty of Sports Management is the choice of ambitious people (you can get a job supporting Olympic teams, sports clubs as a manager/administrator).
  • The Faculty of Internet will be an excellent launching pad for the captain of a startup team, Internet marketer, and SMM specialist.
  • The Faculty of Design studies the basics of graphics, technical design, and web design - an indispensable platform for a web designer, future layout designer, and information security specialist.

Which majors are best for guys?

What is best for a boy? Psychology insists on the pragmatic mindset of most young men, so close attention should be paid to technical areas - programming (information technology), Internet professions. Male leadership ambitions can be satisfied in hotel management, sports sponsorship, and entrepreneurship (business).

What entrance tests will be required?

A big plus of entering college after 9th grade is the simplified enrollment program. It is enough for an applicant to achieve the established average score in the school certificate; passing the Unified State Exam is not necessary at this stage. In some cases, an additional interview may be required.