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How does earth's gravity work? What is gravity for dummies: definition and theory in simple words

The word “gravity” comes to us from the Latin language; it literally translates as “heaviness”. Even if you don't know what gravity is, rest assured that you experience it every day, even right now.

Let's try to understand this term.

Meaning of the concept

Gravity, or as it is also called attraction or gravitation, means the complete interaction between all material bodies on earth. This unique phenomenon has been described by many scientists. For example, Isaac Newton paid special attention to this issue. He even created a theory that today is called Newton's theory of gravity.

In it, Newton noted that gravity is associated with the force of gravity. Newton explained the essence of this phenomenon as follows: a force of gravity is applied to a body, the source of which is another body. In his Law of Gravitation, Newton determined that all bodies interact with each other with a force directly proportional to the product of the masses of these bodies and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

Interestingly, no matter what size a body is, it can create a gravitational field. For example, objects in space, such as galaxies, stars and planets, can create quite large gravitational fields.

Gravity affects all objects in the Universe. Thanks to it, such major effects occur as the expansion of the scale of the Universe, the formation and action of black holes and the structure of galaxies.

Other theories

The phenomenon of gravity was described in mathematical form by Aristotle. He believed that the speed at which bodies fall is affected by their mass. The more an object weighs, the faster it falls. It was only many hundreds of years later that Galileo Galilei proved through experiments that this theory was wrong. When there is no air resistance, all bodies accelerate equally.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the now well-known Albert Einstein began to talk about gravity. He created the General Theory of Relativity, which began to more accurately describe the phenomenon of gravity. Einstein explained that the effects of gravity are due to the deformation of spacetime, which is related to the presence of masstime. This theory is currently the most correct, it has been proven experimentally.

Gravitational force is the foundation on which the Universe rests. Thanks to gravity, the Sun does not explode, the atmosphere does not escape into space, people and animals move freely on the surface, and plants bear fruit.

Celestial mechanics and theory of relativity

The law of universal gravitation is studied in grades 8-9 of high school. Diligent students know about the famous apple that fell on the head of the great Isaac Newton and about the discoveries that followed. In fact, giving a clear definition of gravity is much more difficult. Modern scientists continue discussions on how bodies interact in outer space and whether antigravity exists. It is extremely difficult to study this phenomenon in earthly laboratories, so several basic theories of gravity are distinguished:

Newtonian gravity

In 1687, Newton laid the foundations of celestial mechanics, which studies the motion of bodies in empty space. He calculated the force of gravity of the Moon on the Earth. According to the formula, this force directly depends on their mass and the distance between objects.

F = (G m1 m2)/r2
Gravitational constant G=6.67*10-11

The equation is not entirely relevant when analyzing a strong gravitational field or the attraction of more than two objects.

Einstein's theory of gravity

In the course of various experiments, scientists came to the conclusion that there are some errors in Newton's formula. The basis of celestial mechanics is a long-range force that operates instantly regardless of distance, which does not correspond to the theory of relativity.

According to A. Einstein’s theory developed at the beginning of the 20th century, information does not travel faster than the speed of light in a vacuum, therefore gravitational effects arise as a result of the deformation of space-time. The greater the mass of the object, the greater the curvature into which lighter objects roll.

Quantum gravity

A very controversial and not fully formed theory that explains the interaction of bodies as the exchange of special particles - gravitons.

At the beginning of the 21st century, scientists managed to conduct several significant experiments, including using the Hadron Collider, and develop the theory of loop quantum gravity and string theory.

Universe without gravity

Science fiction novels often describe various gravitational distortions, antigravity chambers, and spaceships with an artificial gravitational field. Readers sometimes don’t even think about how unrealistic the plots of books are and what will happen if gravity decreases/increases or completely disappears.

  1. Man is adapted to Earth's gravity, so in other conditions he will have to change radically. Weightlessness leads to muscle atrophy, a reduction in the number of red blood cells and a disruption in the functioning of all vital systems of the body, and with an increase in the gravitational field, people simply will not be able to move.
  2. Air and water, plants and animals, houses and cars will fly into outer space. Even if people manage to stay, they will quickly die without oxygen and food. Low gravity on the Moon is the main reason for the absence of an atmosphere and, accordingly, life.
  3. Our planet will fall apart as the pressure in the very center of the Earth disappears, all existing volcanoes will erupt and tectonic plates will diverge.
  4. Stars will explode due to intense pressure and chaotic collisions of particles in the core.
  5. The universe will become a formless stew of atoms and molecules that are unable to combine to create anything greater.

Fortunately for humanity, the shutdown of gravity and the terrible events that follow will never happen. The dark scenario simply demonstrates how important gravity is. She is much weaker than electromagnetism, strong or weak interactions, but in fact without it our world will cease to exist.

Gravity, also known as attraction or gravitation, is a universal property of matter that all objects and bodies in the Universe possess. The essence of gravity is that all material bodies attract all other bodies around them.

Earth gravity

If gravity is a general concept and quality that all objects in the Universe possess, then gravity is a special case of this comprehensive phenomenon. The earth attracts to itself all material objects located on it. Thanks to this, people and animals can safely move across the earth, rivers, seas and oceans can remain within their shores, and the air can not fly across the vast expanses of space, but form the atmosphere of our planet.

A fair question arises: if all objects have gravity, why does the Earth attract people and animals to itself, and not vice versa? Firstly, we also attract the Earth to us, it’s just that, compared to its force of attraction, our gravity is negligible. Secondly, the force of gravity depends directly on the mass of the body: the smaller the mass of the body, the lower its gravitational forces.

The second indicator on which the force of attraction depends is the distance between objects: the greater the distance, the less the effect of gravity. Thanks also to this, the planets move in their orbits and do not fall on each other.

It is noteworthy that the Earth, Moon, Sun and other planets owe their spherical shape precisely to the force of gravity. It acts in the direction of the center, pulling towards it the substance that makes up the “body” of the planet.

Earth's gravitational field

The Earth's gravitational field is a force energy field that is formed around our planet due to the action of two forces:

  • gravity;
  • centrifugal force, which owes its appearance to the rotation of the Earth around its axis (diurnal rotation).

Since both gravity and centrifugal force act constantly, the gravitational field is a constant phenomenon.

The field is slightly affected by the gravitational forces of the Sun, Moon and some other celestial bodies, as well as the atmospheric masses of the Earth.

The law of universal gravitation and Sir Isaac Newton

The English physicist, Sir Isaac Newton, according to a famous legend, one day while walking in the garden during the day, he saw the Moon in the sky. At the same time, an apple fell from the branch. Newton was then studying the law of motion and knew that an apple falls under the influence of a gravitational field, and the Moon rotates in orbit around the Earth.

And then the brilliant scientist, illuminated by insight, came up with the idea that perhaps the apple falls to the ground, obeying the same force thanks to which the Moon is in its orbit, and not rushing randomly throughout the galaxy. This is how the law of universal gravitation, also known as Newton’s Third Law, was discovered.

In the language of mathematical formulas, this law looks like this:

F=GMm/D 2 ,

Where F- mutual gravitational force between two bodies;

M- mass of the first body;

m- mass of the second body;

D 2- the distance between two bodies;

G- gravitational constant equal to 6.67x10 -11.

You've probably heard that gravity is not a force. And it is true. However, this truth leaves many questions. For example, we usually say that gravity "pulls" objects. In physics class we were told that gravity pulls objects towards the center of the Earth. But how is this possible? How can gravity not be a force, but still attract objects?

The first thing to understand is that the correct term is "acceleration" and not "attraction". In fact, gravity does not attract objects at all, it deforms the space-time system (the system by which we live), objects follow the waves formed as a result of the deformation and can sometimes accelerate.

Thanks to Albert Einstein and his theory of relativity, we know that space-time changes under the influence of energy. And the most important part of this equation is mass. The energy of an object's mass causes spacetime to change. Mass bends spacetime, and the resulting bends channel energy. Thus, it is more accurate to think of gravity not as a force, but as a curvature of space-time. Just as a rubber coating is bent under a bowling ball, space-time is bent by massive objects.

Just as a car travels along a road with various curves and turns, objects move along similar curves and curves in space and time. And just as a car accelerates down a hill, massive objects create extreme curves in space and time. Gravity is capable of accelerating objects when they enter deep gravity wells. This path that objects follow through spacetime is called a "geodesic path."

To better understand how gravity works and how it can accelerate objects, consider the location of the Earth and Moon relative to each other. The Earth is a fairly massive object, at least compared to the Moon, and our planet causes spacetime to bend. The Moon revolves around the Earth due to distortions in space and time caused by the mass of the planet. Thus, the Moon simply travels along the resulting bend in space-time, which we call an orbit. The moon does not feel any force acting on it, it simply follows a certain path that has arisen.

I decided, to the best of my ability, to dwell on lighting in more detail. scientific heritage Academician Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov, because I see that his works today are not yet in demand as they should be in a society of truly free and reasonable people. People are still do not understand the value and importance of his books and articles, because they do not realize the degree of deception in which we have been living for the last couple of centuries; do not understand that information about nature, which we consider familiar and therefore true, is 100% false; and they were deliberately imposed on us in order to hide the truth and prevent us from developing in the right direction...

Law of Gravity

Why do we need to deal with this gravity? Isn't there something else we know about her? Come on! We already know a lot about gravity! For example, Wikipedia kindly tells us that « Gravity (attraction, worldwide, gravity) (from Latin gravitas - “gravity”) - the universal fundamental interaction between all material bodies. In the approximation of low speeds and weak gravitational interaction, it is described by Newton’s theory of gravity, in the general case it is described by Einstein’s general theory of relativity...” Those. Simply put, this Internet chatter says that gravity is the interaction between all material bodies, and even more simply put - mutual attraction material bodies to each other.

We owe the appearance of such an opinion to Comrade. Isaac Newton, who is credited with the discovery in 1687 "The Law of Universal Gravitation", according to which all bodies are supposedly attracted to each other in proportion to their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. The good news is that Comrade. Isaac Newton is described in Pedia as a highly educated scientist, unlike Comrade. , who is credited with the discovery electricity

It is interesting to look at the dimension of the “Force of Attraction” or “Force of Gravity”, which follows from Comrade. Isaac Newton, having the following form: F=m 1 *m 2 /r 2

The numerator is the product of the masses of two bodies. This gives the dimension “kilograms squared” - kg 2. The denominator is “distance” squared, i.e. meters squared - m 2. But strength is not measured in strange kg 2 / m 2, and in no less strange kg*m/s 2! It turns out to be an inconsistency. To remove it, “scientists” came up with a coefficient, the so-called. "gravitational constant" G , equal to approximately 6.67545×10 −11 m³/(kg s²). If we now multiply everything, we get the correct dimension of “Gravity” in kg*m/s 2, and this abracadabra is called in physics "newton", i.e. force in today's physics is measured in "".

I wonder what physical meaning has a coefficient G , for something reducing the result in 600 billions of times? None! “Scientists” called it the “coefficient of proportionality.” And they introduced it for adjustment dimensions and results to suit the most desirable! This is the kind of science we have today... It should be noted that, in order to confuse scientists and hide contradictions, measurement systems in physics were changed several times - the so-called. "systems of units". Here are the names of some of them, which replaced each other as the need arose to create new camouflages: MTS, MKGSS, SGS, SI...

It would be interesting to ask comrade. Isaac: a how did he guess that there is a natural process of attracting bodies to each other? How did he guess, that the “Force of attraction” is proportional precisely to the product of the masses of two bodies, and not to their sum or difference? How did he so successfully comprehend that this Force is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between bodies, and not to the cube, doubling or fractional power? Where at comrade such inexplicable guesses appeared 350 years ago? After all, he did not conduct any experiments in this area! And, if you believe the traditional version of history, in those days even the rulers were not yet completely straight, but here is such an inexplicable, simply fantastic insight! Where?

Yes out of nowhere! Comrade Isaac had no idea about anything like that and didn’t investigate anything like that and didn't open. Why? Because in reality the physical process " attraction tel" to each other does not exist, and, accordingly, there is no Law that would describe this process (this will be convincingly proven below)! In reality, Comrade Newton in our inarticulate, simply attributed the discovery of the law of “Universal Gravity”, simultaneously awarding him the title of “one of the creators of classical physics”; in the same way as at one time they attributed to comrade. Bene Franklin, which had 2 classes education. In “Medieval Europe” this was not the case: there was great tension not only with the sciences, but simply with life...

But, fortunately for us, at the end of the last century, the Russian scientist Nikolai Levashov wrote several books in which he gave the “alphabet and grammar” undistorted knowledge; returned to earthlings the previously destroyed scientific paradigm, with the help of which easily explained almost all “unsolvable” mysteries of earthly nature; explained the basics of the structure of the Universe; showed under what conditions on all planets on which necessary and sufficient conditions appear, Life- living matter. Explained what kind of matter can be considered living, and what physical meaning natural process called life" He further explained when and under what conditions “living matter” acquires Intelligence, i.e. realizes its existence - becomes intelligent. Nikolay Viktorovich Levashov conveyed a lot to people in his books and films undistorted knowledge. Among other things, he explained what "gravity", where it comes from, how it works, what its actual physical meaning is. Most of all this is written in books and. Now let’s look at the “Law of Universal Gravitation”...

The “law of universal gravitation” is a fiction!

Why do I so boldly and confidently criticize physics, the “discovery” of Comrade. Isaac Newton and the “great” “Law of Universal Gravitation” itself? Yes, because this “Law” is a fiction! Deception! Fiction! A scam on a global scale to take earthly science to a dead end! The same scam with the same goals as the notorious “Theory of Relativity” by Comrade. Einstein.

Proof? If you please, here they are: very precise, strict and convincing. They were superbly described by the author O.Kh. Derevensky in his wonderful article. Due to the fact that the article is quite lengthy, I will give here a very brief version of some evidence of the falsity of the “Law of Universal Gravitation”, and citizens interested in the details will read the rest themselves.

1. In our Solar system Only planets and the Moon, a satellite of the Earth, have gravity. The satellites of the other planets, and there are more than six dozen of them, do not have gravity! This information is completely open, but not advertised by the “scientific” people, because it is inexplicable from the point of view of their “science”. Those. b O Most of the objects in our solar system do not have gravity - they do not attract each other! And this completely refutes the “Law of Universal Gravitation”.

2. Henry Cavendish's experience the attraction of massive ingots to each other is considered irrefutable evidence of the presence of attraction between bodies. However, despite its simplicity, this experience has not been openly reproduced anywhere. Apparently, because it does not give the effect that some people once announced. Those. Today, with the possibility of strict verification, experience does not show any attraction between bodies!

3. Launch of an artificial satellite into orbit around an asteroid. Mid February 2000 Americans sent a space probe NEAR close enough to the asteroid Eros, leveled the speed and began to wait for the probe to be captured by the gravity of Eros, i.e. when the satellite is gently attracted by the asteroid's gravity.

But for some reason the first date didn’t go well. The second and subsequent attempts to surrender to Eros had exactly the same effect: Eros did not want to attract the American probe NEAR, and without additional engine support, the probe did not stay near Eros . This cosmic date ended in nothing. Those. no attraction between probe and ground 805 kg and an asteroid weighing more than 6 trillion tons could not be found.

Here we cannot fail to note the inexplicable tenacity of the Americans from NASA, because the Russian scientist Nikolay Levashov, living at that time in the USA, which he then considered a completely normal country, wrote, translated into English and published in 1994 year, his famous book, in which he explained “on the fingers” everything that specialists from NASA needed to know in order for their probe NEAR did not hang around as a useless piece of iron in space, but brought at least some benefit to society. But, apparently, exorbitant conceit played its trick on the “scientists” there.

4. Next try decided to repeat the erotic experiment with an asteroid Japanese. They chose an asteroid called Itokawa, and sent it on May 9 2003 year, a probe called (“Falcon”) was added to it. In September 2005 year, the probe approached the asteroid at a distance of 20 km.

Taking into account the experience of the “dumb Americans,” the smart Japanese equipped their probe with several engines and an autonomous short-range navigation system with laser rangefinders, so that it could approach the asteroid and move around it automatically, without the participation of ground operators. “The first number of this program turned out to be a comedy stunt with the landing of a small research robot on the surface of an asteroid. The probe descended to the calculated height and carefully dropped the robot, which was supposed to slowly and smoothly fall to the surface. But... he didn’t fall. Slow and smooth he was carried away somewhere far from the asteroid. There he disappeared without a trace... The next number of the program turned out to be, again, a comedy trick with a short-term landing of a probe on the surface “to take a soil sample.” It became comedic because, to ensure the best performance of laser rangefinders, a reflective marker ball was dropped onto the surface of the asteroid. There were no engines on this ball either and... in short, the ball was not in the right place... So whether the Japanese "Falcon" landed on Itokawa, and what he did on it if he sat down, is unknown to science..." Conclusion: the Japanese miracle Hayabusa did not was able to discover no attraction between probe ground 510 kg and an asteroid mass 35 000 tons

Separately, I would like to note that a comprehensive explanation of the nature of gravity by the Russian scientist Nikolay Levashov gave in his book, which he first published in 2002 year - almost a year and a half before the launch of the Japanese Falcon. And, despite this, the Japanese “scientists” followed exactly in the footsteps of their American colleagues and carefully repeated all their mistakes, including landing. This is such an interesting continuity of “scientific thinking”...

5. Where do tides come from? A very interesting phenomenon described in the literature, to put it mildly, is not entirely correct. “...There are textbooks on physics, where it is written what they should be - in accordance with the “law of universal gravitation”. There are also tutorials on oceanography, where it is written what they are, the tides, In fact.

If the law of universal gravitation operates here, and ocean water is attracted, among other things, to the Sun and the Moon, then the “physical” and “oceanographic” patterns of tides should coincide. So do they match or not? It turns out that to say that they do not coincide is to say nothing. Because the “physical” and “oceanographic” pictures have no relation to each other at all nothing in common... The actual picture of tidal phenomena differs so greatly from the theoretical one - both qualitatively and quantitatively - that on the basis of such a theory it is impossible to pre-calculate tides impossible. Yes, no one is trying to do this. Not crazy after all. This is how they do it: for each port or other point that is of interest, the dynamics of the ocean level are modeled by the sum of oscillations with amplitudes and phases that are found purely empirically. And then they extrapolate this amount of fluctuations forward - and you get pre-calculations. The captains of the ships are happy - well, okay!..” This all means that our earthly tides are too don't obey"The law of universal gravitation."

What is gravity really?

The real nature of gravity was clearly described for the first time in modern history by academician Nikolai Levashov in a fundamental scientific work. So that the reader can better understand what is written regarding gravity, I will give a small preliminary explanation.

The space around us is not empty. It is completely filled with many different matters, which Academician N.V. Levashov named "prime matters". Previously, scientists called all this riot of matter "ether" and even received convincing evidence of its existence (the famous experiments of Dayton Miller, described in the article by Nikolai Levashov “The Theory of the Universe and Objective Reality”). Modern “scientists” have gone much further and now they "ether" called "dark matter". Colossal progress! Some matters in the “ether” interact with each other to one degree or another, some do not. And some primary matter begins to interact with each other, falling into changed external conditions in certain space curvatures (inhomogeneities).

Space curvatures appear as a result of various explosions, including “supernova explosions.” « When a supernova explodes, fluctuations in the dimensionality of space arise, similar to the waves that appear on the surface of water after throwing a stone. The masses of matter ejected during the explosion fill these inhomogeneities in the dimension of space around the star. From these masses of matter, planets (and) begin to form..."

Those. planets are not formed from space debris, as modern “scientists” for some reason claim, but are synthesized from the matter of stars and other primary matters, which begin to interact with each other in suitable inhomogeneities of space and form the so-called. "hybrid matter". It is from these “hybrid matters” that planets and everything else in our space are formed. our planet, just like the other planets, is not just a “piece of stone”, but a very complex system consisting of several spheres nested one inside the other (see). The densest sphere is called the “physically dense level” - this is what we see, the so-called. physical world. Second in terms of density, a slightly larger sphere is the so-called “ethereal material level” of the planet. Third sphere – “astral material level”. Fourth sphere is the “first mental level” of the planet. Fifth sphere is the “second mental level” of the planet. AND sixth sphere is the “third mental level” of the planet.

Our planet should be considered only as the totality of these six spheres– six material levels of the planet, nested one within the other. Only in this case can you get a complete understanding of the structure and properties of the planet and the processes occurring in nature. The fact that we are not yet able to observe the processes occurring outside the physically dense sphere of our planet does not indicate that “there is nothing there,” but only that at present our senses are not adapted by nature for these purposes. And one more thing: our Universe, our planet Earth and everything else in our Universe is formed from seven various types of primordial matter merged into six hybrid matters. And this is neither a divine nor a unique phenomenon. This is simply the qualitative structure of our Universe, determined by the properties of the heterogeneity in which it was formed.

Let's continue: planets are formed by the merging of the corresponding primary matter in areas of inhomogeneity in space that have properties and qualities suitable for this. But these, as well as all other areas of space, contain a huge number of primordial matter(free forms of matter) of various types that do not interact or interact very weakly with hybrid matter. Finding themselves in an area of ​​heterogeneity, many of these primary matters are affected by this heterogeneity and rush to its center, in accordance with the gradient (difference) of space. And, if a planet has already formed in the center of this heterogeneity, then the primary matter, moving towards the center of the heterogeneity (and the center of the planet), creates directional flow, which creates the so-called. gravitational field. And, accordingly, under gravity You and I need to understand the impact of the directed flow of primary matter on everything in its path. That is, simply put, gravity is pressing material objects to the surface of the planet by the flow of primary matter.

Is not it, reality very different from the fictitious law of “mutual attraction”, which supposedly exists everywhere for a reason that no one understands. Reality is much more interesting, much more complex and much simpler, at the same time. Therefore, the physics of real natural processes is much easier to understand than fictitious ones. And the use of real knowledge leads to real discoveries and the effective use of these discoveries, and not to concocted ones.


As an example of today's scientific profanation we can briefly analyze the explanation by “scientists” of the fact that “rays of light are bent near large masses,” and therefore we can see what is hidden from us by stars and planets.

Indeed, we can observe objects in Space that are hidden from us by other objects, but this phenomenon has nothing to do with the masses of objects, because the phenomenon of the “universal” does not exist, i.e. no stars, no planets NOT attract no rays to themselves and do not bend their trajectory! Why then do they “bend”? There is a very simple and convincing answer to this question: rays are not bent! They're just do not spread in a straight line, as we are accustomed to understand, but in accordance with shape of space. If we consider a ray passing near a large cosmic body, then we must keep in mind that the ray bends around this body because it is forced to follow the curvature of space, like a road of the appropriate shape. And there is simply no other way for the beam. The beam cannot help but bend around this body, because the space in this area has such a curved shape... A small addition to what has been said.

Now, returning to antigravity, it becomes clear why Humanity is unable to catch this nasty “anti-gravity” or achieve at least anything of what the clever functionaries of the dream factory show us on TV. We are deliberately forced For more than a hundred years, internal combustion engines or jet engines have been used almost everywhere, although they are very far from perfect in terms of operating principle, design, and efficiency. We are deliberately forced extract using various generators of cyclopean sizes, and then transmit this energy through wires, where b O most of it dissipates in space! We are deliberately forced to live the life of irrational beings, therefore we have no reason to be surprised that we are not succeeding in anything meaningful either in science, or in technology, or in economics, or in medicine, or in organizing a decent life in society.

I will now give you several examples of the creation and use of antigravity (aka levitation) in our lives. But these methods of achieving antigravity were most likely discovered by chance. And in order to consciously create a truly useful device that implements antigravity, you need to know the real nature of the phenomenon of gravity, study it, analyze and understand its whole essence! Only then can we create something sensible, effective and truly useful to society.

The most common device in our country that uses antigravity is balloon and its many variations. If it is filled with warm air or gas that is lighter than the atmospheric gas mixture, the ball will tend to fly up rather than down. This effect has been known to people for a very long time, but still does not have a comprehensive explanation– one that would no longer raise new questions.

A short search on YouTube led to the discovery of a large number of videos showing very real examples of antigravity. I will list some of them here so that you can see that antigravity ( levitation) really exists, but... has not yet been explained by any of the “scientists”, apparently pride does not allow...