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How is the average score on the certificate calculated? How to Calculate GPA

When applying for a job or applying to a foreign university, the grades you received during the entire period of study play an important role. If you have a high average score, then your chances of entering or getting a job will be good. How to calculate the average score of your certificate and diploma yourself? What is GPA?

What is GPA?

GPA is the average score of a diploma or certificate. The abbreviation can be deciphered as grade point average. When applying for a job or graduate school, many employers or universities ask for a GPA. For example, many American universities require that an applicant's GPA be reported to them.

How to calculate GPA

To correctly calculate your GPA, you need to take into account all grades indicated on your certificate or diploma. Grades can be different, for example, final grades: in subjects, for thesis, for coursework, for state exams. There is no need to take into account intermediate grades indicated in the electronic journal or grade book.

"Credits" are taken into account. “Pass” = 5 points, “fail” = 0 points. Average diploma score = arithmetic average of points for all subjects in the insert, including “pass” and “fail”. "Credits" are not taken into account. GPA = arithmetic average of all points received.

If you need to calculate the arithmetic average of school performance or diploma grades, then use the following formula:

GPA = “the sum of all grades received” divided by “the number of subjects.”

How to calculate GPA?

As an example, you can take a grade book or diploma insert (certificate), then all the grades are added up. It is also worth noting that if you take a grade book when calculating, then from it you need to select all the grades that go towards the diploma. When you add up all the marks, you need to divide them by the total number, the resulting indicator that you win is the average score.

For example, you had only 40 items, of which 10 were fives, 20 were fours and 10 were threes. When you multiply 10 by 5, 20 by 4, and 10 by 3, you get a total number of 160. Then divide the resulting number by the total number of subjects: 160/40 = 4 - the average score of your document.

Knowing your average score is usually necessary for university graduates, as they are sometimes asked about it when applying for a job. It is calculated using the method of determining the arithmetic mean of all grades received (we are talking only about those grades that appear on the diploma).

You will need

  • diploma or grade book, calculator


  • Take your diploma, and if you don’t have it yet, then your grade book, and count the number of grades. It is important for those who use the record book to be careful: only those grades that go towards the diploma are taken into account. Therefore, first, find out which of them definitely do not go there and, accordingly, do not take them into account. As a rule, grades for some differentiated tests are not included in the diploma - in cases where the subject has not yet been completed. Remember that your diploma always includes grades from coursework and internships.
  • Count the total points received. Those. just add score to score. It will be easier and faster to count how many fives, how many fours and how many threes you have and multiply each of these estimates by its number.
  • Divide the resulting amount of points by the total number of ratings. The resulting number will be your average score.
  • Example: your diploma contains grades in 45 subjects. Of these, you received 20 A's, 20 B's and 5 C's. Multiply 20 by 5, 20 by 4 and 5 by 3. Add the resulting numbers (100, 80 and 15). Divide this amount (195 points) by 45. The result will be approximately 4.3. Therefore, your GPA is 4.3.

Not everyone has a rosy relationship with school teachers and subjects. And it is not always possible to fix the problem in time. As a result, students in grades 9 and 11 receive a poor certificate. Question: are they accepted into college with a bad certificate or is the only way for an applicant to go to a factory?

Don’t rush to bury yourself...

Don't panic, ladies and gentlemen! If your certificate has few points, this is not yet a reason to give up and prepare a factory uniform.

Today, in the vastness of our Motherland, there are adequate educational institutions where it is quite possible to enter with a bad certificate. Here are some tips from professionals on what to do if you have a bad certificate:

  1. If you are studying at a college or lyceum and finishing the 9th grade with not very good grades, do not rush to leave the secondary education system. Consider transferring to a regular secondary school, where you can significantly improve your grades due to the fact that the requirements in regular schools are often lower than in lyceums and colleges. As a result, it is possible to reach a quite acceptable number of points in the certificate.
  2. If you have bad grades in your certificate after 11th grade, this does not matter at all for universities, since they accept based on the results of the Unified State Exam, and not school certificates (even if there are few points in it) . If you score normal on each exam, you won't need a certificate at all. And the most skillful ones even manage to enter the budget. University management will be interested in your average certificate score (for example, 4.2 points - is it good or bad?) only in the case when several students with the same results for the Unified State Exam are vying for one place.
  3. But what to do if the Unified State Exam scores are not encouraging? In this case, where can you go with a bad school certificate? Try to choose Universities and specialties are not very popular, but where quite a lot of budget places are allocated . And if you don’t want to go astray and have definitely decided on a specialty that is quite popular, get ready to study on a paid basis. As a rule, paid full-time or part-time studies do not pay much attention to the certificate.
  4. You can enter a technical school or college not only after 9th grade, but also after 11th grade. In this case, the training will be much less, and after receiving a college diploma, you will be able to apply for admission to a university. And while studying in college, you will be able to improve your grades. In addition, at the time of graduation, you will already have a professional diploma, which guarantees that you will be awarded at least some specialty and diploma.

Remember that not all of us need a “nosebleed” to obtain a higher education. Most of us will not need diplomas at all in life. And who said that IT specialists earn much more than an experienced and handy electrician, builder, welder, or any other specialist with a narrow focus?

The world has always been and will continue to need electricians, welders, installers and other blue-collar jobs, so it doesn’t always make sense to bother with studies and good grades. If you just need to pass, but you can’t make friends with the subject or the teacher, contact to our authors: they will help you quickly and efficiently solve your problem, without distracting from more important plans for the future!

Sometimes, when applying for a job or admission to graduate school, a GPA is required. This indicator will also be required when entering any foreign educational institution. This indicator will be called GPA, which should be understood as Grade point average.

How to calculate the average score in a diploma

The average diploma score is the arithmetic average of all grades. In order to calculate it, you need to sum up all the estimates and divide by their number. Only the final scores are taken into account.

The average score is not determined by the grade book. To count, you will need the grade insert, which is an appendix to your bachelor's diploma. First you need to find out the total number of disciplines. Count them and remember the number. Then add up all the scores. Divide by the number of items.

When calculating your average score, credits may or may not be taken into account, depending on the rules adopted at your university.

  • pass – 5 points;
  • failure – 0 points.

Such a calculation system can significantly increase the average diploma grade if the student does not have a “Fail” mark.

In order to calculate the GPA faster and at the same time reduce the likelihood of error, during the calculation process, separately count the number of each grade and multiply the indicators. For example, you have seven “Excellent” ratings, i.e. 5. We calculate as 5 × 7 = 35.

Thus, you need to multiply all the ratings, and then add up all the resulting indicators and divide by the total number of ratings.

A similar calculation algorithm is used by online calculators that are designed to calculate the average score.

How to calculate GPA - example

Student of the Faculty of International Law Ivanov I. I. received the following marks:

  1. Foreign language (of the student’s choice) – 4 (Good).
  2. Tax Law – 5 (Excellent).
  3. International private law – 3 (Satisfactory).
  4. Social security law – 3 (Satisfactory).
  5. Law in a foreign language – 5 (Excellent).
  6. Civil and commercial law of foreign countries – 5 (Excellent).
  7. Customs law – 4 (Good).
  8. Legal entities – 5 (Excellent).
  9. Advocacy – Test.
  10. Family law – 5 (Excellent).
  11. Commercial Law – Settlement.
  12. Municipal law – 4 (Good).
  13. State and municipal service - Test.
  14. Housing law – 5 (Excellent).
  15. International commercial arbitration – Settlement.
  16. Transportation contracts – 4 (Good).
  17. Organization and technology of foreign trade transportation - Test.

Total: 17 items.

5 tests and 12 exams.

Taking into account credits, the average score will be:

  • 3 × 2 = 6;
  • 4 × 4 = 16;
  • 5 × 6 = 30;
  • Credit (5) × 5 = 25;
  • (6 + 16 + 30 + 25): 17 = 4,52.

Without credits:

  • 3 × 2 = 6;
  • 4 × 4 = 16;
  • 5 × 6 = 30;
  • (6 + 16 + 30) : 12 = 4,3.


Typically, a recommendation for admission to graduate school is given to students with a GPA of 4.5 or higher. But at the moment there are no generally accepted criteria. In many ways, the minimum acceptable indicator will depend on the requirements of a particular educational institution.

Admission to universities in another country

The principle of calculating Grade point average can be different for each country. If, after graduating from a bachelor's degree, you want to enroll in a university in Europe or America, carefully read the calculation rules adopted in this educational institution. Such information may be contained on the official website of the university.

Credit hour is a unit that represents a student's academic workload for each week. Based on CH, not only the average score is calculated, but also tuition fees are set, and the workload is regulated.

You can calculate your credits by summing up the total number of academic hours for each subject. You will also find this indicator in the diploma appendix. In addition, the number of credits in each subject must be multiplied by the grade in the subject and added up all the indicators. Then you need to divide this number by the amount of academic hours.

For example, let's take 4 subjects from the same grade list given above: foreign language (115), tax law (110), law in a foreign language (85), customs law (110). The number of hours in this subject is indicated in brackets.

The average score of a higher education diploma in Russia may be required only when employing a freshly graduated university graduate in branches of large foreign companies, or less often in domestic giants like Gazprom. In a couple of years, when a young specialist can already indicate experience and length of service in a professional resume, no one will remember about the grades in the insert and no one will check them before hiring. But when entering a master's or graduate school in almost all foreign colleges and universities, GPA - the average score of the diploma - is necessarily taken into account, so it will have to be calculated very carefully.

How to calculate your diploma GPA

The abbreviation GPA (Grade Point Average) denotes the average grade of academic performance derived from the grades received by the student for a certain period. Each university has its own requirements for calculating the average score on a diploma. Some institutions ask to calculate GPA for the 3-4th years of study, others - only in certain subjects, others - taking into account all the marks indicated in the insert: final grades for the studied program disciplines, coursework and thesis, module tests and state exams. Therefore, specific parameters must be found out at the university chosen for further education.

How to calculate the average diploma score for European universities

Technically, calculation methods differ radically depending on the country where the university is located.


First, the average score for the diploma is calculated, then the result is translated into German format - most often according to the Bavarian system using the formula:

The Russian diploma score (N d) is calculated as the usual arithmetic average: the sum of all grades is divided by their number. If the university requires credits to be included in the GPA calculation, then they are evaluated by the highest score accepted at the graduate’s alma mater.

For example: for a standard Russian scale with the highest grade of five and an average diploma score of 4.2, after converting it, it turns out to be 2.2:

Don't rush to despair. The scoring scale in Germany is the opposite of that generally accepted in most universities in Russia: in it, one is excellent, two is good, etc. In medical universities, the passing score is usually set in the range of 1-1.3; for prestigious economic specialties - about 1.7. The lower limit for enrollment in a master's program is 2.5.

Not all German universities use this conversion formula - some develop their own grade transfer schemes.


In the United Kingdom, a verbal descriptive rating scale is used.

How to calculate the average score in a diploma for America

In the USA, a four-point rating scale has been adopted:

Before entering American universities, you must calculate your diploma GPA, taking into account the number of hours of studying the discipline, which are indicated in the application, and after converting Russian grades into the American system.

  • history (100 hours) - excellent;
  • social studies (145 hours) - excellent;
  • philosophy (90 hours) - satisfactory;
  • theory of translation (85 hours) - excellent;
  • foreign literature (70 hours) - good.
  1. Calculate “point hours”: 100 x 4 + 145 x 4 + 90 x 2 + 85 x 4 + 70 x 3 = 1710.
  2. Calculate the total number of hours: 100 + 145 + 90 + 85 + 70 = 490.
  3. Calculate GPA: divide the amount of points by the hours spent to obtain them: 1710: 490 = 3.48 ≈ 3.5.

When indicating your GPA on your application for admission, be sure to specify the highest possible score, as it differs for each country. For example: 8.56 out of 10 (8.56 out of 10).

Online GPA calculators

Service Possibilities
Displays GPA for the USA based on diplomas from almost all countries of the world. Counts credits and study hours. The best and most understandable, you can try the rest for comparison.
GPA calculator on allcalc Calculates the average score of the diploma and certificate, it is possible to print the result. Calculates GPA taking into account course weight (number of credits). Converts letter grades A, B, C, D, F into digital equivalent. Up to 150 courses can be entered at the same time.
Simple and straightforward. Calculates the average score for a diploma without credits.

Offers a version of GPA calculation adapted to the Stanford scale.

When entering master's and postgraduate programs at Russian universities, the average diploma score is taken into account only if the candidates showed the same results in the entrance exams.