Biographies Characteristics Analysis

How to develop spiritually: the path to self-improvement. Spiritual development of man

Svetlana Rumyantseva

The problem of spiritual development is topical and exciting. With any cultural and civilizational changes, there are those who either intuitively or consciously seek their path and understand that spiritual development for them is a vital process and goal. At the same time, few understand what spiritual development is. They don't know how to achieve it.

And indeed: millions of works have been written and billions of words have been spoken about spiritual development, thousands of schools have been opened preaching their way, but no one has yet given unambiguous and universal instructions. Seekers of the secret of spiritual development say that one should develop through spiritual work. It is logical, but such statements are not able to fully reveal the essence of the problem.

To understand how to achieve a goal, you first need to define the goal. Define the concept of “spiritual development.” There are many interpretations of the concept of spiritual development (spirituality), but despite such diversity, each interpretation contains its fundamental foundations. First of all, spirituality is selfless love, faith, meaningfulness and.

Selfless love

Selfless love is all-encompassing love towards everything that surrounds a person. Such love excludes the desire to receive something in return, it does not set restrictions or conditions, it is devoid of love. But selfless love is an oxymoron. People always love for something. Even a mother loves a child because it is her child.

It is almost impossible to achieve selfless love, but what is important here is not the achievement of the goal, but the path to it. To progress in spiritual development through selfless love, you need to accept the world around you and people as they are. No complaints.

It is important to observe and study people, try to understand the motives of their actions and the causes of anxiety. By understanding what lies at the heart of people’s intentions and actions, you can get rid of bias towards them and gain respect. Selfless love is love not because of something, but in spite of everything.


Faith in this case is not what world religions preach. Faith for spiritual development is not faith in someone, it is the understanding that everything is possible, and that limitations exist only in our heads. To grow through faith, you need to review your own limiting beliefs and eliminate them. At the same time, you need to acquire new useful beliefs, identify existing ones and tirelessly develop them.


Meaningfulness is a state of being in reality, living every moment of life, the ability to focus on the outside world, and not just on one’s own person.

It is extremely important to be able to live in the moment; this allows you to control your behavior and emotional state, and makes it possible to enjoy the process, and not just the result. The ability to live “here and now” will eliminate the past and disappointments from unfulfilled dreams and dreams.

To learn to live meaningfully, in everything you need to follow the principle of the Zen masters, which says: “When I eat, I eat, when I carry water, I carry water.” To understand how it works, try . To do this, take a banana or any other fruit and, instead of quickly swallowing it as usual, chew each piece for a minute. Concentrate on the texture of the pulp, every note of flavor and aroma, and try to make absorption as long as possible. It's important that you squeeze as much pleasure and sensation out of the banana's flavor and aroma as possible. In this way, you will learn to realize the significance of every particle of whole things and phenomena. Learn not to generalize, but to feel and see diversity.

Peace of mind

Peace of mind is clarity of thoughts, a serene state of mind, irritation and anxiety. Inner balance and harmony.

Peace of mind is achieved through feelings. Free yourself from hatred, etc. Achieving complete cleansing is difficult, but even trying to get rid of everything unnecessary brings relief.

There is a secret to finding peace of mind. Nature abhors a vacuum. Therefore, when clearing your consciousness of garbage, you need to fill it with constructive thoughts, useful ideas, pleasant feelings and a good mood. Otherwise, the void may be filled again with impurities.

What is spiritual development?

In general, spiritual growth can be described as a transformation of the overall understanding of the world and oneself in it. Such transformation entails the purification of consciousness from negative beliefs and destructive thoughts, and forms a creative lifestyle.

A highly spiritual personality is peace of mind, acceptance of oneself and the environment without distortion.

Why develop spiritually?

Development is needed to improve life.

His life is like the flow of a pure mountain river. Such a person feels many times better than a frightened, aggressive person, full of hatred and anxiety, trying to hide from reality in a world he has made up.

Spirituality makes it possible to free and fruitfully use energy reserves that were wasted on negative feelings, thoughts and actions. Developing spiritually, a person moves towards harmony and creation.

How to develop spiritually?

Progress in spiritual development depends on the formation of its fundamental foundations: selfless love, faith, meaningfulness and peace of mind. You are now waiting for instructions on how to achieve spirituality and enlightenment. There won't be any. Such a desire is just an example of a limiting belief. Patterns of human thinking have developed in such a way that people necessarily expect conclusions and further instructions. But this is not an axiom. Life does not always give a person answers to the questions posed to him, and instead of waiting for manna from heaven and a guide, a person needs to take an independent step forward.

Start your path to spiritual heights by working on this belief.

In general, development is a natural process. This is a natural physiological mechanism that functions if a person creates the necessary conditions for its manifestation and operation.

Life gives no other rule than the unconditional acceptance of life. Everything we turn away from, ignore and run away from, everything we deny and hate, ultimately turns against us and becomes the cause of our destruction. And what we perceive as offensive and unhealthy or seems disgusting and reckless will become the key to beauty, joy and strength when met with an open mind. Every phenomenon and moment will become gold to those who see them that way.

Physical body

At the same time, it is important to remember that in addition to the subtle body (soul), a person also has a physical body. While developing spiritually, one must not forget about physical development. It is not without reason that they say that in a healthy body there is a healthy mind. Through bodily sensations a person perceives processes occurring both within himself and outside the body itself.

The body is a large, complex, but sophisticated conductor between the outside world and human consciousness and spirit.

For a guide to work well and contribute to spiritual development, it must be treated with love and care. Otherwise, this large mediator, like a damaged telephone, will transmit distorted and untruthful signals from the surrounding world to the consciousness.

Harmony of form and content

Harmony of form and content is another law of human development. Besides exercise and healthy eating, there are several mental principles that affect physical health.

First principle. A person needs . A person without a global goal-mission, without awareness of the reasons for his stay on earth, will not achieve success in life and a high level of development. Neither physical nor spiritual. But, taking this principle into account, remember that for each person the meaning of life is (again) different and it is embodied differently for each person.
Principle two. This principle is about self-improvement. If a person does not move forward, then he will certainly move backward. Following this principle, a person receives daily physical and spiritual growth.
Third principle. The principle of balance and optimism. A person adhering to this principle maintains emotional balance and an optimistic outlook on life.

The path to spiritual development is long and thorny, but those who reach the heights understand that the path could not and should not be any other way. For this the person is grateful.

A parable about the path to spiritual development

The sage went to travel and find out how people live. On his way, he saw a noisy crowd of people dragging heavy stones up the mountain. It was clear from the people that they were tired. People's palms were covered with calluses, and sweat poured down their faces. The sage became curious.
- What are you doing? – he asked one man.

— I’m carrying stones up the mountain.

- What are you doing? – he asked the second one.

— I earn food for the children.

- Well, what are you doing? – he asked the third.

- I am building a temple of God!

Then the sage understood: it doesn’t matter what you do, what matters is your attitude towards it. One thing brings pain and torment to a person, but gives joy to another.

1 April 2014, 17:38

There's no doubt about what's inside of us

contains incredible energy that can achieve

everything you've ever dreamed of.

The very fact that you are interested in this topic sets you apart from most people and shows that you have the determination to become a winner and master of your mind, body and character.

The first thing that served as an impetus for me to know myself was the birth of my beautiful, temperamental son;). I started asking questions: how can I realize myself? be an example for your son? how can I become the best mother, wife, etc.

And you know, after that, Robin Sharma’s book “Who Will Cry When You Die” fell into my hands. This book had a significant impact on me, my thoughts began to change, everything became somehow different.

Where to start your self-development?

I give specific advice on where you can start your self-development:

Read biographies of great people at least once a week, or once a day, as convenient for you. I recommend mirroring someone who has achieved significant success in your area of ​​interest.

By studying the lives of great leaders, businessmen and other miracle workers, you will quickly see that their results of greatness were achieved through clearly defined goals. For example, on our self-development portal you can learn about the secrets of success of famous people and even about the exploits of people with disabilities.

— Sit less in front of the TV, computer, or phones. They take a lot of time. By the way, I would like to point out that television is one of the weapons of politics. I highly recommend everyone to watch the banned documentary “Prosperity”, here is the link to watch it, it says a lot about the political system, the education system, why the world works this way, etc.

— Listen to motivating music while you go to work, clean the house, or go somewhere.

- Daily physical exercise is the most effective means to achieve personal excellence, allocate at least 15 minutes. Go swimming, jogging, cross-country skiing, cycling, just breathing fresh air, etc. Physical perfection precedes spiritual perfection.

- Relaxation of body and mind. It is very important to set aside time every day to relax and calm your mind for at least 10 minutes. This could be stretching, yoga, meditation, qigong, contact with nature, self-massage. Make this practice a habit.

- Think positively. Your level of success is determined by how you think every second of every minute of every day. Your thoughts shape your world. Develop the habit of positive focus.

“A person should not allow himself to be blinded by the clock and calendar and forget that every moment of life is a miracle and a mystery.” H.G. Wells

— Discipline and willpower. Read about the life of Mother Teresa, Helen Keller, Mahatma Gandhi, Bruce Lee, Coco Chanel and you will understand what willpower into action means.

- Be sure to plan your day. Keep a notebook, write down your action plan for the week, month and even for the year.

— Get up early in the morning. Go for a morning jog, start running once a week to begin with, then start alternating every other day. Morning jog, warm-up, yoga, it doesn’t matter what exactly, but it gives such a boost of energy for the whole day! Get yourself a partner with a similar goal to achieve physical perfection.

In order to develop the habit of getting up early, you must first remember that it is the quality of sleep, and not its duration, that plays a primary role.

- Believe in yourself! “Don't be afraid of life. Believe that it is worth living and this faith will help make it a fact.” William James

Use the self-hypnosis method (repeating an idea out loud) throughout the day.

- Find like-minded people. Attend self-development courses, go to meet-up clubs where you can exchange information, motivate yourself in any way!

- Laugh more. Daily laughter lifts our spirits, promotes creativity and energizes us.

— Use various pictures to develop yourself of what you would like to achieve. It could be some kind of sport, a car, a happy family, a house, etc. Stick them around the house and just look at them.

- Use imagination and visualization methods to imagine yourself as you want to become. It is advisable to do it in the morning and before bed for 10 minutes.

- Always be grateful. Thank you when you wake up, thank you when you eat, thank you when someone wants to help you.

How long does it take to develop yourself?

I think from the information received you have found something close and useful for yourself. For further, constant development you need “Kaizen” in Japanese means constant, continuous improvement. As Confucius said, “Good people continually improve themselves.”

Therefore, we can say that the problem, in fact, is not at all to begin to develop yourself intellectually, physically, spiritually or emotionally, but to not lose this craving for constant self-development throughout your life and feel the need for this as early as possible .

Make a decision today that you need to change your lifestyle, program yourself for absolute success and self-confidence. Write down on paper what you need to work on, promise yourself that you will do it!

Spiritual development− this is the study of the structure of REASONABLE LIFE, through knowledge of YOURSELF, your feelings and thoughts, where and how they are born, how they affect us, on a personal and general level.

The real Spiritual path of development (growth of the Soul) is not possible without real knowledge of yourself (your inner world of feelings and thoughts).

Not everyone is able to come to this Path. Someone is busy getting their daily bread, someone needs to arrange their personal life, that is, most people are immersed headlong in “everyday life” and they simply have no time to stop and think about something else. Fear also has its place. After all, even realizing the meaninglessness of the “race” for new acquisitions and growth of one’s social significance, it takes a lot of courage to boldly look into oneself and try to change the usual way of life, and at the same time transform oneself.

Such people can be forced out of their “comfort zone” only by some out-of-the-ordinary event that can shake a person - it could be stress, a sudden insight caused by shock, the death of loved ones, etc. The event should make him understand the illusory nature of such a life, where values ​​come, but human life, by and large, has no meaning.

When understanding comes and the familiar world collapses, a person is faced with a choice - how to live now, what to believe in, what or who to serve? What can stimulate a person to believe in himself and think about eternal and unshakable values? At this moment, a difficult path of change and transformation of his spirit opens up before him, an opportunity opens up to touch his Divine beginning.

Evolution of Spirit and Soul

Spiritual development is the Path of evolution of the spirit and soul, which distinguishes people from animals, and for the sake of which we all incarnated here on Earth. After all, the meaning of life is to cleanse the mirror of your soul from dirt through moral victories over your shortcomings, character traits and habits, strengthen your spirit and continue to improve beyond the boundaries of our reality, in higher worlds and in more subtle matters.

Real Spiritual development is possible only under these conditions, when a person goes beyond the framework of the Destructive Mind, in which there is the creativity of illness, death, doubt...

Our body is the seat of the soul and through the spirit is connected with the Creator (God or Creator). We can also say that every person, animal, insect, plant, mineral or atom collectively constitutes the body of God, or he manifests himself through everything that surrounds us and this all evolves and develops according to cosmic laws and cycles.

Having reached human nature, the soul and body are subjected to severe trials. On their way, obstacles arise in the form of ego, dubious desires, negative emotions, a sense of self-importance, etc. In the fight against these factors, a person sometimes lives many lives until conditions mature and form in which a person can no longer continue to live like this without changing yourself.

The essence of Spiritual improvement

The most important thing on the path of Spiritual development is to find the integrity of your views and aspirations with the desires of your soul, and then it is possible to become like God not only in image, but also in content. Love is the key to unlocking limitless possibilities within yourself. Love is the language of God. Learning to truly love is not easy and many have no idea what it is. Their understanding does not extend beyond carnal friction against each other and a possessive attitude towards their lovers.

We must learn to give love to the entire world around us, without expecting anything in return, because God has already rewarded a person with everything he could have dreamed of even at birth. However, for some this is not enough and they rush from one extreme to another. Hence wars, rivalry, and fornication... This is the path of suffering and dissatisfaction, which destroys the body and destroys the soul.

But how, by what means and methods do you come to an agreement with yourself? Perhaps prayer will be a consolation for someone, but it is not capable of providing an impetus for evolutionary growth. Religion is an unnecessary intermediary between man and God. Nowadays, it increasingly serves as a tool for manipulating people, a means of profit and dirty machinations on the part of the church or higher authorities.

Only evolution matters now. Therefore, by choosing a voluntary, firm and conscious intention to know and change yourself, you can achieve the desired result. As they say, there are many who seek the Creator, but not many find Him. The Creator lives in each of us, but without awakening him, we turn away from ourselves. He does not hear the voice of our desires, requests or laudatory odes - he responds only to manifestations of the spirit expressed in actions.

Doubts in one’s abilities and fear of an unknown future and, most importantly, an unconscious choice of the Spiritual path will very quickly return an immature person to a familiar and comfortable way of life. To remain true to your choice, especially at the initial stage, you need to be vigilant, listen to yourself and pull back whenever the ego begins to dictate its terms - complete control of thoughts and actions.

  • You need to accept yourself, having understood your misconceptions, mistakes, grievances, albeit not immediately, but over time. First of all, you should learn to always remain honest and be yourself under any circumstances. There is no need to blame anyone for the current situation, or even yourself - after all, this is a school where we all undergo training and grow our souls with each class.

Freed from the burden of past mistakes and grievances, a person gains lightness and self-confidence. The surrounding world begins to create favorable conditions for a person, fills space with guiding signs, life becomes joyful and transforms right before our eyes. Having felt inner peace and the desire to live, a person in the future will never be able to repeat the mistakes of the past and will not make new ones.

Reading philosophical literature, spiritual practices, and meditation will help speed up evolution. Religious literature contains too many conjectures and falsehoods, so a person ignorant of such matters can easily accept anything on faith. There are a lot of ancient and modern literary artifacts that can acquaint the traveler with the structure of the universe, with cosmic and spiritual laws, with concepts that reveal the very essence of a human being and much more.

Spiritual development is possible only if a person sincerely wants to know his inner world, really change the structure of his feelings, give himself the opportunity to find out how to really live, breathe, love, without feelings of fear.


E.P. Blavatskaya, D.L. Andreev, the Roerichs, Sri Aurobindo, Osho, ancient Indian epics - “Mahabharata” and “Ramayana”, Bhagavad Gita, Vedas, Philokalia, AllatRa and many other books that are recommended for deep study by those who chose the path of the spirit.

The spiritual development of a person is a process that includes the deliberate evolution of personal qualities, which consists in improving the inner world for the sake of its rational interaction with the external environment. In essence, it becomes an act of intellectual self-improvement. As a result, based on a comparison of one’s experience with great historical achievements in various fields, one comprehends one’s own purpose in this world and the likelihood of taking a worthy place in it. Spiritual improvement is a long and thorny path, full of ups and downs. Ideally it is infinite. Having achieved certain results, a person only approaches the truth, but does not know it completely. Any stop, the confidence that everything has been achieved, leads to degradation. Personal development is possible only in the direction from simple to more complex and constant improvement of what has been achieved.

How to do this? Study! For those who have already reached certain heights in their biography. The development of spirituality, its level, is tested by life. Shifts in the evolution of personality can be considered truly positive only when they are gratefully noted by the person’s environment: his relatives and colleagues. This is the only way to achieve career growth in any existing business. A spiritually developed subject can have a significant influence on people. This will help him solve many previously unsolvable problems. The flip side of this involvement in the environment becomes isolation on oneself. Such a person constantly acquires new knowledge and opportunities, but does not realize them externally. A person could improve the situation of other people around, but does not do so. He only imagines that everything is within his power. There is no benefit to society from its existence. Such spirituality is usually empty, and ultimately only leads to disappointment and thoughts of a wasted life.

What becomes the illusion of spiritual self-improvement

People think about how they can develop themselves spiritually. Popular methods are:

  • reading educational literature;
  • visiting top-rated films, concerts, theater performances;
  • religious or philosophical meditations;
  • hermitage;
  • denial of the material world for the sake of the spiritual.

These methods are correct to some extent and allow you to raise the intellectual bar to impressive heights. It’s just that each of these actions and all of them as a whole have no direct relationship to spirituality. At best, they expand the horizons of knowledge of life.

What do books and more or less similar visual spectacles provide? Indeed, they contain knowledge and sensory experience. But knowledge that is not applied in reality is quickly forgotten. The time spent on their acquisition can be considered pointlessly wasted.

To know does not mean to be able to. Skill, unlike knowledge, is a purely practical category. This is a habit brought to automaticity. It is acquired through the constant use of the information received in a specific case. This is the only way to update knowledge and give it a universally significant, spiritual coloring.

The same applies to sensory experience. Someone else's experience, which does not correlate with one's own feelings, can teach, but only in the abstract. He will not force everyone to act or not to act the same way. This requires personal experiences. Only they stick in memory and help in the future.

How does this happen? The main postulates are formulated in the Bible, in the moral instructions of Moses. He lays out in detail what not to do in order to avoid the condemnation of society. Kant formulates this in a more collected form, suggesting categorically not to commit those actions that you consider unacceptable in relation to yourself.

Meditation also does not lead to spiritual development. It only contributes to the concentration of biological energy to achieve one’s own goal, which does not matter to others. The humanitarian factor, which is one of the defining indicators of spirituality, is absent here.

Prayers and all kinds of mantras make it possible to escape from real problems and transfer their solution to certain mythical sources. They can only be given spiritual meaning by crowded ceremonies that unite their flock around events that are equally valuable to everyone. For example, concerning war and peace, life and death.

Hermitage, as a way of escaping the world, was originally intended to preserve the values ​​pursued by modern society and revered as truly correct. In pre-Petrine Rus' these were the Old Believers, in Ancient China - the monks of mountain monasteries remote from the capital.
The culture of hermits, like that of the wild tribes of South America or Africa, has a touch of even high spirituality, but it is confined within a certain territory and, in essence, inaccessible to others. Its significance is limited for world civilization.

Refusal of material well-being in the name of spiritual self-improvement is one of the extreme concepts. The ascetic worldview is based on the belief that only a person liberated from the constant search for a means of livelihood is able to freely develop himself.

This idea is persistently promoted by numerous pseudo-religious sects. At the same time, their true goal becomes the enrichment of preachers through the complete robbery of their adherents. All doubts about the selflessness of all kinds of spiritual teachers are suppressed by force.

In fact, the material well-being of a person does not at all contradict the development of his spirituality. On the contrary, it only helps this process. The capabilities of a wealthy person allow him to constantly improve his education, as well as travel, adopting the best from other cultures and civilizations and thus increasing his spiritual potential. The problem lies only in achieving harmony between material and spiritual development.

What is meant by spirituality?

There is no comprehensive definition of spirituality that can convince of its practical necessity. Only one thing is clear: a person deprived of spiritual potential will not have a beneficial influence either on the development of society or on the happy determination of his own destiny.

What, then, should we focus on in order to develop qualities in ourselves that are more or less close to the spiritual ideal? A sociological survey conducted among students of several leading universities in the country showed that they made a conscious choice in favor of a number of life attitudes. The main ones include:

  1. comprehensive personality development;
  2. morality that ensures respect in society;
  3. meaningfulness of one's actions;
  4. formation of intellectual and spiritual baggage sufficient for career advancement;
  5. selflessness and devotion in friendship;
  6. soulfulness in love;
  7. equality in marriage, where a man and a woman help and support each other without disturbing peace of mind with unnecessary quarrels.

Young people are inclined to eternal ideals recognized by the majority. Such, for example, as faith in God, cementing the best spiritual traditions of generations. Moreover, the very name of the Lord will be different among people, signifying any of the world religions. But whether it is Orthodoxy, Islam, Judaism or Buddhism, the concept of supreme justice, which each of the gods personifies, remains the same for representatives of different religions.

Patriotism occupies an important place among spiritual values. This sublime feeling concerns not only love for loved ones and the country, but also the readiness to consciously defend all this in difficult times. Family and society should instill it from childhood. Every child, when born, becomes a citizen responsible for his fatherland. He needs to constantly introduce this into his consciousness.

Modern man, according to young people, is obliged to constantly improve.

Only in this way will he be able to act adequately in a world that is changing at an increasing speed. Along with obtaining information useful for professional activities, you should also develop your emotional and sensory sphere, which allows you to humanize, make more humane, the personal relationships of various people.

An indispensable means for harmonizing your inner world is communication with beauty. This is how books train your imagination, fine art expands the range of visual ideas about life, and the right one immerses you in a host of unusual sounds that can create any mood that is comfortable at the moment.

Much of this is perceived unconsciously, at the level of hidden instincts. Not everything is accepted at once. At the first stages, something you read, see or hear may be misunderstood and rejected. Only over time, gaining knowledge and experience, having the opportunity to compare different things, do people realize what is not important to them, but what is necessary, like air.

Why is this necessary?

Spiritual development of the individual always gives a positive effect. No matter how unimportant it may seem at first glance, its fruits are ultimately felt in life.

As a result of constant improvement of the inner world, honing the intellect and the sensory sphere, a person gains the ability not to be afraid of difficulties and achieve his goals, regardless of any obstacles. Each of us has a destiny placed on the scales of our biography. It is possible to arrange life properly only if you are fully armed, clearly imagining the final goal and having the appropriate spiritual potential to achieve it. A truly spiritual person proceeds precisely from these considerations, daring but correct.

The only exceptions here are the so-called “evil geniuses,” people who direct their extraordinary energy to the harm of others. The consequences of their activities in world history and simply in everyday life are terrifying. Good and evil, in the understanding of these individuals, often change places. Violence, fear, godlessness, and savagery are presented as fair. What can be opposed to the activities of villains? There are different views on this matter, including the biblical and Tolstoyan non-resistance to evil through violence. In practice, however, the most effective method of combating evil is often brute force.

A weak, ignorant nature is alien to such contradictions. She is constantly overcome by doubts about her vulnerability. Such people are not even sure of the possibility of achieving any significant goal. She scares them. Failures force us not to look for a new option of action, but only to make excuses, citing harmless circumstances that, out of laziness, are considered insurmountable. The existence of such entities is meaningless. They don't deserve respect. Their destiny is vegetation in life and oblivion in its bitter finale.

The importance of spiritual maturity for each individual and society as a whole is very difficult to overestimate. The result is not only technical, but also social progress. Evidence of this is the positive development of world civilization, capable of overcoming all kinds of difficulties standing in its way and moving through thorns to the stars.

Spirituality- this is a special type of pure energy with which a person is enriched in the process of life, as a result of high morality, performing good deeds, humane deeds and acquiring spiritual knowledge.

Spirituality- this is not at all a higher institute education, this is not a mass of technical knowledge and not constant prayers in church. It is always a combination of many things.

What is included in this concept of “many”?

First of all, and most importantly - spirituality cannot be achieved without high morality, and morality is, first of all, the inner meaning of those actions that will not harm others; knowledge that reaches the point of automatism, that is, a person, without thinking, always turns any situation towards good, toward not causing harm to others.

Spirituality also includes the body of knowledge about life to be able to give useful advice to others, to resolve their life situation or problem.

Spirituality is the ability to accept other people's pain as your own. and, to the best of our ability, try to ease it, soften the blow of fate, direct the one who has gone astray onto the right path of life, and reveal to someone in the darkness his guiding star.

Spirituality means to absorb so much kindness, light, love, to exude them yourself, so that when people come into contact with you, they draw from you like from a spring of clean water, so that in contact with you they cleanse their soul, experience relief and tranquility. But this great power of goodness and love must come from the soul, from the heart, and only then will it acquire healing, healing power.

The saints accumulated this pure energy through prayers and in such quantities that their aura began to glow and golden halos appeared. Sergius of Radonezh, for example, accumulated so much spiritual energy through prayers that he healed with it both during his life and after death: his bones continue to exude energy for several centuries.

And in order to get to this, you need to understand and rethink a lot in life yourself, you need to learn mercy and kindness, love and dedication, you need to be able to sacrifice yourself in the name of another, that is, these are all the foundations and principles of high morality and moral qualities.

But more specifically, spirituality is acquired through a set of actions, deeds, knowledge, thinking, religion. But the most important thing, due to which spirituality acquires a special quality and miraculous power, is goodness or dedication.

The quantitative set of spirituality must necessarily turn into quality due to the transformation of the already accumulated quantitative reserve of energy. The transformation of quantity into quality is carried out through action and only action, but not just any action, but a certain one - leading to good.

If there is no action that brings good to other people or beings, or the Cosmos, then the person will remain closed in on himself, and no transformation of spiritual energy will be carried out in him.

To a certain quantitative level, a person’s energy accumulates without action. This limit is usually 350 conventional units. And for further growth of spiritual energy to occur, deeds, good deeds, and actions are needed. There will be no action, and a person’s energy will not rise above 350 units. (It can be assumed that this limit is also individual for different groups of people).

Mother Teresa, a Spanish nun, was involved in charity work, and as a result her spirituality increased to 600 units.

Breathing exercises, when used as an addition to the above, also help to raise energy levels. But if you use only the last method, this will lead to the revelation of low psychism and all sorts of negative aspects of a person’s character.

Thus, you can gain energy up to a certain value (350 units) by any means, but depending on what method a person chooses next: good deeds, charity, etc. or he will begin to seek glory and pretend to be an omnipotent magician, manipulating energies, it will depend on what this energy will turn into - into spirituality or will serve the development of further egoism and selfishness of the individual.

Technical knowledge does not give any spirituality. And an engineer with a higher education can have 5 units of spiritual energy, if we accept some relative scale from “O” to “100”. Likewise, an academician-technocrat can only have 13 units, because he, apart from his technical sciences, was not interested in anything else in life. And technical sciences always lead away from spirituality. At the same time, another illiterate woman has a spirituality of 70 units, because she does good to others, has compassion in her heart for every unfortunate person and is ready to give everything to ease his lot.

But let’s return again to ways to increase spirituality.

Religion, reading religious literature and books, written by contactees such as Swedenborg, the Roerichs, as well as modern contactees, increases the energy level of the soul because their texts are charged with energy. And the prayers are structured in such a way that each carries a certain energy charge.

When reading prayers or a charged text, part of the charge is transferred to the person, due to which his overall energy level increases. At the same time, individuality is respected: each person assimilates his own specific energy volume. After reading the prayer “Our Father...”, one person’s energy may increase by 10 units, another – by 25. It all depends on the readiness of the soul to accept and absorb this pure spiritual energy.

Breathing exercises also increase the energy charge through redox reactions, as a result of which subtle energy is produced and the subtle body is saturated with it. By the way, prayers are also breathing exercises; prayer creates a breathing rhythm.

As a result of one-day exercises or prayers, a person’s energy can immediately increase by 50 or more units, but after some time it will decrease, since the body is not yet able to retain such a volume. It's underpowered. Energy accumulates in it gradually and bit by bit from day to day. Only systematic exercise over the course of a year can increase a person’s energy charge from 20 units, for example, to 40. (If a person exercises daily for a month and then quits, then, as measurements have shown, after two weeks all the acquired energy subsides and the person remains at the same level as he was)

In addition to these mechanical methods, a person is obliged to expand his consciousness with the appropriate knowledge of the Cosmos, its laws, in order to correctly perceive all the changes that may occur to him.

Enhance spirituality and all forms of art, but at the same time, not any and every work, but only those that have reached the level of classics. This is classical music, classical paintings, literature, any masterpieces of human creation. They form the correct aesthetic taste in a person, develop the correct moral standards and include the harmony on which bright worlds are built.

True, people often attribute unworthy things to classical works, but these are mistakes of society as a whole. People do not understand what classics are and why they are singled out in a special category. Of course, not in order to perpetuate someone’s surname, but in order to educate and direct souls upward. Everything that drags the soul down or contributes to even the slightest degradation should have nothing to do with the classics.

Classic- this is not just a set of outdated norms and canons, traditions, these are certain code energy combinations that convey to a person who has matured in his development to understand it, the energy of the higher worlds, on the basis of which their harmony is created and the highest planes of consciousness are achieved.