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How to make a confident face. Knowing body language can help you appear confident


Believe in your strength. To look confident, you need to feel confident, so convince yourself that you are firmly on your feet. If this is not the case, try to correct the shortcomings.

Follow the same style. A confident appearance is achieved, among other things, by a wardrobe. It is not at all that you have to wear exclusively business suits. Bright colors, harmoniously looking in the environment around you, will show you exactly how bold and not afraid to experiment.

Observe calmness in movements and facial expressions. Fussy people with chaotic movements will never look confident. On the contrary, measured, smooth movements always accompany those who are not in a hurry, because they are confident in the actions they are taking.

Watch your posture. A straight back, raised up, straightened shoulders - all this indicates a self-confident person. The weight of uncertainty literally physically presses on the body, and others will immediately notice it.

Speak calmly and measuredly, pause. The latter should emphasize the important in the conversation, and not betray yours. Remember that a loud voice and laughter are most often a disguise for insecure people who want to appear confident in their abilities. Speak in a normal tone, do not raise it if you want to attract attention.

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Keep your body in good condition. In order not to hide behind baggy clothes, visit the gym a couple of times a week. Being proud of your body will make you more confident.

Useful advice

Make compliments about appearance, intelligence, victories and other reasons to your colleagues and acquaintances. Only a self-confident person can appreciate the achievements of others.

Lack of self-confidence can interfere with building a personal life and career. But by working on yourself, you can develop an adequate self-esteem.

accept yourself

Uncertainty can be the result of a person not having a good attitude towards himself. Sometimes the reason is a sense of guilt for some missed opportunities or mistakes of the past. In this case, you need to understand yourself. Think about exactly what cases made you think of yourself as a weak, bad, unworthy person. Analyze every such situation that has ever taken place. Be objective and determine if you really could have done more.

Maybe you are being too critical of yourself. Then imagine in your place another person - a relative or friend. If you would not condemn him, it means that you are unnecessarily strict with yourself. Draw appropriate conclusions. Think about the consequences of your past mistakes in the present. If this did not bring any significant deterioration to you, there is no need to reproach yourself. Let go of the past, do not blame yourself, and your self-confidence will increase.

Look for the pros

Stop comparing yourself to other people. Remember that you are a person, an individual. You should not focus on other people's virtues, it is better to look for your own. You can even make a list of your benefits. The longer it gets, the better for you. Don't forget about your major life victories. Surely, looking at this list, you will realize that you can be proud of yourself. Think less about your shortcomings and more about your virtues. It is this position that will give you additional self-confidence.

Develop your talents and abilities. If a person is engaged in self-development, works on himself, learns something new, studies, constantly grows on himself, he simply cannot experience difficulties with self-esteem. On the contrary, such an individual appreciates and respects himself. If you want to become the same person, take care of yourself.

Work on appearance

In modern society, a lot is tied to how they are dressed, combed, in what physical form they are. An excellent appearance, a well-groomed, healthy body helps individuals achieve success. The way you look cannot but affect your self-esteem.

Check for yourself: when you are fashionable, tastefully dressed, well-haired, in good physical shape, you feel comfortable and confident. And vice versa, as soon as you put on worn clothes and do not pay attention to your appearance, let yourself go or get fat, your self-confidence abruptly disappears.

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Self-confidence consists of many important psychological aspects. In order to achieve this state, you need a lot of work on your personality, as well as the ability to analyze yourself, your actions. In the modern world, insecure people often lose their own "I", become faceless in the crowd. This article will allow you to increase your self-confidence and influence on other people.

1. Don't think about the details

Some people are used to focusing on their own behavior, emotions, gestures. As a result, they begin to control all manifestations of their essence, which leads to stiffness in movements. Stop obsessing over it! Allow yourself to act freely.

2. Love yourself

Your personality is undoubtedly unique! Your feelings, your character are great treasures. Accept all your flaws and virtues. When you achieve complete love for yourself, you will become a truly confident person.

3. Be free

Don't worry about what people might think of you. The main thing is your own state. Therefore, do what you like, achieve your desired goals. There are no barriers on your way!

4. Don't withdraw into yourself

Open your ideas to the world. Find new acquaintances, try to constantly keep in touch with friends and relatives. Communication is a very important part of our life. Don't be afraid to meet new people. Just imagine how many wonderful people you can let into your life!

5. Expand your vocabulary

Read books, dictionaries, memoirs. A person with a limited vocabulary is not able to convince and open up completely. In addition, to be successful in life, you need to know a lot of slang and business language systems.

6. Dress comfortably

Your clothes should not bring you self-doubt. Bad clothes make you shy and shy. Find your own style that works for you and stick to it.

7. Believe in yourself

Faith is one of the important components of success. Look for your strengths, try to improve your weaknesses. Go forward, motivating yourself to achieve your desired goal. You will succeed!

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Self-confidence plays a huge role in the process of socialization of the individual. A confident person achieves success at a lower price than a person who doubts his own abilities. Confidence can and should be developed, as it is a chance to win success and achieve your main goals.

1. Believe in yourself

Belief in ourselves helps us survive even the most difficult situations, get back on our feet after failures, and overcome hidden fears and worries in ourselves. Faith keeps our inner stability, helps to normalize our emotions and feelings. Therefore, you need to believe always and under any circumstances.

2. Always analyze negative situations

A person gets into awkward situations for a reason. Always try to find the reason for this. Through the analysis of negative situations, you will be able to understand what aspects of your social life you have to work on.

3. Don't think badly about yourself

You are a unique person who can achieve a lot. Very often people do not recognize this, they begin to doubt their own abilities. Never allow bad thoughts about yourself. Even if you are in a difficult situation, you can always fix it.

4. Focus on your personality

Listen to opinions, but decide for yourself. You already have a certain experience of life behind you, a circle of your unique hobbies. Accordingly, make decisions that will lead you to success. You yourself lead yourself to achieve your goals, remember this.

5. Don't Forget Your Top Priorities

Ignore secondary events and facts. Know what you are striving for and take action to achieve it. Find the main path in your life and follow that path.

Self-improvement is the path to inner harmony and self-confidence. Let's figure out exactly what actions give us this very confidence.

Collect information about yourself

To work on yourself, you need to understand exactly what you are dealing with. The approach in the style of the most charming and attractive, of course, is good, but it still prevents us from seeing shortcomings in ourselves, correcting which, we will become much better. Arm yourself with a pen and a piece of paper and break down your personality into areas of life that are important to you. Maybe you don't know how to listen and because of this you don't develop relationships with people. Maybe you are very impulsive when shopping and therefore cannot get your financial affairs in order. Or maybe you just can’t decide to take life into your own hands and stop living with an eye on the opinions of others, who knows?

There would be a desire

Everything is possible, you just have to want it, including a total struggle with your shortcomings. Of course, the process is difficult and painstaking, requiring a certain amount of willpower, but if you sincerely decide that it's time to change something, no one will force you to turn off the path you have chosen to improve yourself. There will be moments of weakness, of course, but they will not have a significant impact on the final result. If you sincerely want to become better, you will succeed.

Give kindness to the world

Negative emotions in relation to ourselves, people around us and the world can significantly spoil our self-esteem, while a kind attitude raises it to heaven. Be kind to people, do good deeds, even small ones. For example, donating 100 rubles to an animal shelter or paying for an old woman's purchases in a supermarket is not such a big deal, but very, very important.

Make a "list of rules"

Each person should have their own set of principles. This will help you make the right decision in a difficult situation, because such a moral sheet will serve as a road map for your whole life. By putting personal principles and goals ahead of people and circumstances, you will soon gain not only self-confidence, but also respect from others.

Speak slowly

It just so happened that the more calmly you speak, the better the interlocutor perceives the information transmitted to him. Very often, politicians and public figures use this feature of our brain to convey some idea or news to the masses. You can also learn to speak more slowly and calmly, and your communication with others will become much more successful.

Watch your posture

In fact, posture is everything. As soon as you turn your shoulders, straighten your back and lift your chin proudly, your whole look and mood are completely transformed, and you look much more confident and attractive than before. Self-confidence depends primarily not on beauty, but on inner feelings.

Constantly improve your competence

Learn every day, every minute, every second. You can choose any one area or "pick up the tops" from each interesting area, it's not so important. The most important thing is not to stop in your development. The more useful you do for yourself, the more you learn and the better you are, the more confident you are.

Say goodbye to bad habits

If it's too hard for you to stop eating sweets or smoking instantly, start with small steps. For example, get rid of the habit of putting off washing dishes until later. Stop staying up late in front of the TV. Get up every day 5-10 minutes earlier than the day before. These small steps will help you train your willpower and realize that you are, in fact, the only master of your life. This realization gives a great feeling of confidence.

go in for sports

Sport brings up not only strength, but also spirit. Regular exercise will help you get to know yourself and your body, understand "what kind of dough you are made of." Also attending training requires willpower and a certain level of discipline. In addition, they improve the overall appearance, which also increases confidence.

Tip 6: How to at least look confident


Good make-up performs not only a decorative function, but also a psychological one - it seems to hide all your flaws, preventing others from seeing them. It is important not to overdo it with makeup. No need to apply a hundred layers of foundation, it is better to use products for radiance. It is important to emphasize the merits and hide the flaws.

Clothes you like

Learn to express yourself through clothes. Choose clothes in which you are comfortable not only physically, but also mentally. If you're having trouble picking the right set for a special day, choose simple pieces made from quality materials and complement them with interesting accessories and unusual shoes.

The favorite music

A favorite song can cheer up anyone. Being in a depressed state, you do not need to finish yourself off with sad music. Better turn on the incendiary track and start dancing - the mood will even out by itself.

Motivational Quotes

It happens that in difficult moments a person just needs to hear the right words. Save a few inspirational quotes on your phone or memorize them to boost your morale when you need it.

Arina Shostak | March 29, 2015 | 4811

Arina Shostak 29.03.2015 4811

Take note of these ways to increase your credibility in the eyes of others.

It is not necessary to be 100% confident in yourself and your abilities in order to appear as such.

You may be surprised, but many self-confident women (and men too) actually struggle daily with self-doubt and shaky self-esteem. However, for others, they are a model of confidence and determination, and therefore treat them accordingly.

If you want to be listened to and taken seriously, use these simple ways to appear more confident and authoritative.

Control your voice

The first sign of an insecure person - be it a man or a woman - is an overly quiet, ingratiating, doubting voice. If you have a business meeting, before you go out to a client, partner, or boss, relax, take a deep breath, and make up your mind to speak clearly, loudly, and articulately.

This is guaranteed to make a good impression. Even if you are not sure what you want to say, one hundred percent, a confident voice will convince not only others, but also yourself!

Watch your posture

It is well known that non-verbal signs: body position, gestures, facial expressions - tell the interlocutor no less than the words you pronounce.

Straighten your back, pull your shoulders back, lift your chin. Do not take a closed posture (crossed arms and legs). Scientists from the University of San Francisco have proven that the constrained position of the body “steals” strength from a person, and people sitting straight opposite experience a surge of energy.

Don't make nervous gestures

A little more about gestures and crossed arms. Refrain from activities that show that you are nervous. Do not fiddle with a button on your jacket, do not tap your fingers on the table, etc. All this sends a signal to your counterpart that you feel insecure, and, therefore, you can be manipulated.

Don't chatter

Again, speak slowly and articulately. A person who speaks quickly and confusedly does not inspire confidence. During an important conversation, say the words a little slower than you are used to in real life. This will create a favorable impression and help you deal with stress.

Do special exercises

Harvard Business School has made an interesting discovery. One of their studies found that speakers who did these simple exercises before going on stage felt more confident and relaxed.

What are these exercises? These are the so-called "power poses". There are only three of them. Business coaches are advised to find a secluded place before an important report or meeting and take each of these poses in turn (preferably in several sets).

1. Pose of the winner. Raise your chin high and open your arms in a "V" shape. Imagine that you have just received a prestigious award or won a major prize.

2. The pose of a superwoman. Simply put, arms at your sides. After all, you are a superwoman, and you can handle any problem!

3. Pose of the boss. Place your hands on the table, leaning forward slightly, as if you are supervising someone's work.

No self-criticism

Do not replay in your head all the negative comments that have been made to you. And even more so, you should not think out criticism where there was none. Get rid of the tendency to self-flagellation. Criticism is good only when it motivates you to change for the better, and not feel sorry for (or despise) yourself.

Dress appropriately

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If you are naturally shy and can't boost your self-confidence, why not fake it? It seems that many people are overconfident and full of confidence when they are actually insecure and have low self-esteem. The fact is that people do not know what is in your head and they judge by your behavior. Luckily, you'll be able to stop showing your nervousness from now on, because here's a list of easy ways to look confident even when you're not. How to look confident?

1. Speak slowly.

First of all, you must know exactly what you will be talking about. A confident speaker prepares a speech in advance and speaks slowly so that others can better understand them. Some of us speak quickly because we want to finish our speech as soon as possible or we are afraid of being interrupted. Develop the habit of thinking long before you speak. This is a quick way to fake confidence and look more professional.

2. Keep talking.

Never stop talking even if someone interrupts and speaks for you. Speak loudly and confidently to show that you are ignoring them. Don't shout back. They will do the same and make your situation even worse. Respect yourself and don't let anyone interrupt you, but if you do, don't lose control of the situation. You don't want to argue, so don't react to people's provocations.

3. Rest on one leg.

Shift your weight onto one foot to show everyone your confidence. This posture means that you are not preparing to defend yourself. However, this does not show your weakness. This way you look like a person who feels no tension and they don't need any protection at all. “There is no one who can try to hurt me.” is what you say to people when you stand on one leg.

4. Move right.

In order to look confident, you need to pay attention to how you move. Nervous people always perform sharp and fast movements, so try to move slowly but purposefully successfully with fake confidence. Avoid unnecessary gestures. If you don't know where to put your hands, hold them together near your navel like the most professional speaker.

5. Eye contact.

A mistake that nervous people make during a conversation when they look at the interlocutor. There is a big difference between staring and eye contact. Confident people make short eye contact and can easily look around when talking. Eye contact can help you appear confident.

6. Dress confidently.

People tend to use clothes based on their level of self-esteem. If you want to present yourself as a confident person, wear something bright. Insecure and shy people will never wear bright clothes - they prefer to remain invisible in the crowd. So try not to wear dark colors. An interesting slogan on a T-shirt can also help you look more confident.

7. Improve facial impression.

Do you sometimes wonder why people don't talk to you? It may happen that you express suffering or other negative feelings. Once you improve your facial impression, you will immediately notice the difference. Try to calm down and smile, not frown. It can be difficult when you're nervous, but try to focus on positive things and thoughts to appear more friendly and confident.

8. Tell funny stories.

If you find it difficult to talk to people without inner tension, favorite, funny stories can help you cope with this task. Keep a few stories to be ready to tell at the right time. This is a good way to relax and feel more confident when talking to strangers.

No matter how hard we try, many of us fail to build trust. Faking confidence is an effective way to show others that you are a successful person. Pay attention to body language and your speaking skills. If you feel like you need to change something, do it.

Are you confident? Perhaps, some may say “yes”, but the majority, however, like me, will answer in the negative. Becky Blalock, CEO of Advisory Capital LLC, has written a book that can help any of us become more confident. Here are some key tips from this book.

A few words before we start. Leadership and confidence are abilities we are born with. Therefore, self-doubt and modesty are just a condition that we impose on ourselves, and here is how to get rid of it.

Keep your thoughts under control

The average person has about 65,000 thoughts every day, and 85% of them are negative. Most of these thoughts are fears and doubts, and this is normal. Blalock says that this is a relic, inherited from our ancestors. If we stretch our hand over the fire, our brain will give a pain signal so that we do not think of doing it again. A defense mechanism that allows us to survive.

But this defense mechanism sometimes works against us. Try to maintain a balance between positive and negative thoughts. Here's what you need to understand: thoughts are just thoughts, they don't have to reflect reality.

Start from the end

This advice is very relevant for me, as for a person graduating from university. Questions about what I'm going to do next and where I'm going to work lead me to a dead end, but it shouldn't be like that.

Knowing what you want is the key to success. Everything else should lead you to it.

Start your day with gratitude

“Consider that out of the 7 billion people on Earth, many don't have the opportunities that you do,” Blalock says. Therefore, when you wake up in the morning, think about those things for which you can be grateful to life and the people around you. If you start with this, then the whole subsequent day will pass in a positive atmosphere.

Come out daily

An interesting fact about the comfort zone: if we try to take a step out of it every day, it will expand. If not, it dries up, like our life. Being trapped in your comfort zone is not the most pleasant experience, so do everything to get out of it.

We've all had experiences where we've done something that scares and repulses us, but it's actually not all that bad. Here is an example Becky gives in her book:

Once I visited a military base and was on a parachute tower, from which they make training jumps. I decided to try, but when all the uniforms were already buttoned on me, I realized that I could not do this, turned to the military and said that I would not jump, since I had a small child at home. One of the soldiers just took and pushed me off the tower with his foot. As I landed, I realized that I was grateful to him.

There are not always people around who can push us out of our comfort zone, so you need to learn how to do it yourself.

Remember that dogs don't chase parked cars.

No matter what you do, there will always be people who do not understand you, condemn and insult you. Of course, if people close to you say this, then you should listen and think, but do not give up everything just because of other people's conversations and criticism. People don't like change, and if you change, it hurts them.

Get ready for the falls

A man's strength is tested in his actions after defeat. As soon as we rise after a defeat, we understand what caused it, what did not work, and we can try again. The more attempts you make, the more likely you are to succeed.

Find a mentor

Whatever type of activity you are engaged in, there are people who have already achieved success in it and can help you with advice or become an example to follow. Find these people and learn everything you can from them.

Choose your companions wisely

Your mindset, Blalock says, is the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Therefore, be careful in choosing friends. Make sure you spend time with people who inspire and motivate you to climb higher.

Do your homework

In almost any situation, preparation helps to become more confident. Do you have to give a speech in front of a lot of people tomorrow? Say it to yourself several times. Record on a tape recorder and listen. Meeting new people at work? Find them and their organizations online, look at their profiles. If you are prepared, then you are much more confident in yourself. The Internet makes it incredibly easy to do this.

Relax and don't forget about sports

Remember that we are biological organisms and sleep, nutrition and exercise help us to keep ourselves in good health. And therefore, help to be more self-confident. Find a free half an hour three times a week and add sports to your life. It's strange that sports often end up last on the list of priorities.


This tip is the easiest. When you breathe in, oxygen enters your body. The brain is enriched with oxygen, making us more alert. There is also a hidden trick to this advice: by controlling our breathing, we understand that we can control our body, which means we become more confident in our abilities.

Get ready to look confident

You can be terribly worried and afraid of something. But only within yourself. On the outside, you must exude self-confidence. If you understand that you can’t get rid of fear in any way, try not to show it to people around you.

Ask for help

Don't assume that people know what you want. Let them know about your desires and intentions. When you ask someone for help, you'd be surprised how many people really love helping others. Of course, this is because they are flattered that they are asked for advice, but what's the difference?

Even if someone says no, you can always ask someone else. However, in my experience, this happens very rarely.

Do you have ways to overcome self-doubt? Nothing else crosses my mind, except for the advice "Imagine an audience in underwear."

Our body can sometimes tell us more about us than we would like to. Body language is able to give our interlocutor what we think about and what we are afraid of. In many firms, people who hire employees have a basic knowledge of body language. These people are well aware of what this or that posture of the applicant for the position signals.

Often we feel awkward and constrained in situations that are responsible for us. Is it possible to change this state and demonstrate self-confidence to your interlocutor? There are certain gestures and demeanor that can convince most people of your self-confidence and endear them to you. So, what needs to be done to make a good impression on everyone without exception?


If a person smiles, it means that he is not only happy and satisfied, but also self-confident. His smile signals that he is not afraid of the world around him and feels completely comfortable. Such people invariably evoke the sympathy of others.

Straighten your shoulders

A self-confident person usually does not stoop or shamble. It is worth straightening your back and straightening your shoulders in order to radiate strength and make a positive impression on others. It is better to walk wide, and not mince, timidly looking around.

A confident person has nothing to hide. He does not look at the floor, does not hide his eyes and calmly maintains the gaze of the interlocutor. It is very important to make eye contact during conversations. this convinces your opponent that you are sincere and confident in your words.

Get your hands out of your pockets

Do not hide your hands in your pockets or behind your back. This can convince your interlocutor that you are still hiding something. It is best to let your hands be in a calm and relaxed position. If you are sitting, you can, for example, put them on your knees or on a table.

Keep an eye on your appearance

An untidy person with disheveled hair and the smell of unwashed armpits may arouse the sympathy of others, but hardly their sympathy. Yes, and it will hardly add confidence to you. It is worth devoting time to your appearance not only before important events, but also on any other day.

Radiate serenity

Many people who have to carry on a difficult conversation start dangling their legs, jerking their knees, or gesticulating too much. It certainly takes away from the feelings of fear and anxiety that are burning you from the inside. However, such gestures make an unpleasant impression on the interlocutor. First, they clearly show that you are nervous. And secondly, they infect others with the same nervousness. It is better to calm down and radiate calmness.

Don't cross your arms

This gesture is interpreted by most people unambiguously as a gesture of protection. You demonstrate to others that you do not want to communicate, or that the topic of conversation is unpleasant for you. It is unlikely that this will add to you the sympathy of colleagues or acquaintances. This position is one of the most unfortunate in the interview.

Don't flicker

Many of us constantly twirl something in our hands during a conversation, cross our fingers, clench our hand into a fist, or constantly touch our faces and run our hands through our hair. This clearly signals our lack of self-confidence. It is best to try to sit still and not make too many unnecessary movements.

It is impossible to please everyone, but in certain situations we need to make a good impression on others. Whether we're in a job interview or on a date, self-confidence and a positive attitude will always tip the scales in our favor.

Irina Gorbunova