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How to set English on the keyboard. Switching to English on a computer keyboard

Because it is possible to type text on a computer, and this can be done in almost any language, there are several methods of how you can switch from Russian to British and vice versa. In most cases, the problem arises among beginners, but from time to time even confident users fall into a stupor and do not understand how to switch to the British font on the keyboard. There can be a lot of circumstances for this: a failure, reset options, etc.

General information

After the PC has booted, you see the desktop. By default, you can install any keyboard language that is selected during Windows installation. In most cases it is British or Russian. You can find out which one you have in the following way. On a desktop there is a taskbar, it is located in the lower right corner. You can also come across the name “Trey”. Here you can find icons for running programs, a battery status sign (if it’s a laptop), and a language bar.

Depending on what operating system you have installed, you can create the designation “En” or “Ru” - British layout and Russian, respectively. For now, we will look at how to switch to the English keyboard using a more conventional method - “hot buttons”. It's very easy to do, and by now you'll understand why. This method is suitable even for novice users.

Learning to use “hot buttons”

In fact, this method consists of pressing several buttons on your keyboard at the same time, which will automatically change the language, open the Windows task manager, etc. If you are interested in how to switch to the British font on your keyboard, you can do this by pressing Shift+Alt buttons. Remember, they must be pressed immediately, although this is not necessary, because you can first pinch one, and then, without releasing your finger, press on the second. As a result, you will see that the language has changed to British, provided that it was Russian.

If this does not work, which may also be the case, then it makes sense to try another combination of “hot buttons”. To do this, you first need to press Ctrl, then Shift. In any case, one thing should work. If you did everything correctly, then go to the Word document and try to type the text: if it is British, congratulations, you are taking the first steps to master the computer.

How to switch to the British alphabet: method 2

If for any reason the above methods do not suit you, know: there is a workaround that is more common and effective. For this we need a computer mouse and special software. So, there are programs that allow you to automatically change the language as needed. For example, Punto Swither. It works as follows. You start entering a word, the program recognizes that this same sequence of letters is more typical for the British language and itself switches the layout. As you can see, nothing complicated.

There is another option for switching to British. To do this, we need to look at “Options”, then select the “Language” and “Input” tabs. After which you will see the keyboard options, these are exactly what we need. There you can choose a motivated layout that will be switched on when you start the operating system. If you are comfortable with it being English, then you should select the desired item in the corresponding menu. But it is recommended to abandon the Russian layout, because it may come in handy.

What to do if the language bar disappears?

This is a fairly common problem that causes panic in almost all beginners. Such a failure can happen either because you deleted it yourself, or because the options have disappeared. In principle, it doesn’t matter why this happened; the main thing for us is to find a rational solution. So, drag the mouse cursor to the panel where the language icon was always displayed before, right-click there and see a pop-up menu. We will be asked to go to the toolbar, where you will see the language bar. You must check the box next to the inscription, and it will be displayed again.

You can also try to solve the problem in the following way: go to the toolbar (you can through the launcher or my computer), select the “Languages ​​and regional standards” tab (for Win XP). Next, go to the next section entitled “Languages”, open the “More” and “Advanced” menus. There we need to check only one checkbox, which is located at the very top. That's it, the problem is solved.

How to switch to British font on a laptop keyboard

If after a huge amount of effort you still do not get a good result, install a program whose options allow almost everything. For example, you will learn how to switch to English letters with just one button. The best utility is Punto Swither, it has flexible options but is still a decent solution for beginners. In principle, it doesn’t matter what you use – a desktop computer or a laptop. The only thing that matters is what operating system you use. But even in this case, virtually all actions are similar.

In addition, you can try out the compositions of “hot buttons”; here they are exactly the same as on a regular computer. Of course, if you tried everything and nothing worked, then the answer to the question: “How to switch to the British font on the keyboard?” They will give you one at your nearest service center, where it is recommended to take your equipment. From time to time one of the necessary buttons breaks, which is why you have similar tasks.


So we looked at all the methods of how to switch to the British font on the keyboard. You see, it's not that difficult to do. You just need to understand a little about the composition of the “hot buttons” and learn how to use them. You can also install special software or use the options to set a motivated language that will be installed when turned on. Of course, over time you can switch languages ​​automatically, and this will not cause any problems. It is better to install an anti-virus program, because clogging the system with various kinds of worms and Trojans can lead not only to the fact that the language bar disappears, but you cannot switch the language at all. Therefore, always make sure that the operating system is protected, especially if you constantly use the Internet or flash drives.


Automatic switching from one font to another occurs in cases where the corresponding utility is installed on the computer, for example, Punto Switcher. This software controls the input of characters and determines, based on the first characters entered, to which language a particular word can be assigned in accordance with its morphology. Install the utility from disk or download from the Internet, add it to startup, and in most cases when typing you will not be distracted by changing the layout.

If you want to use the keyboard to switch the input language from Russian to English and back, decide which key combination will be more convenient for you. There are two options: using the Ctrl and Sift keys and the Alt and Shift keys. To set up a keyboard shortcut, open Control Panel from the Start menu. In the “Date, Time, Language and Regional Options” category, select the “Language and Regional Options” icon by left-clicking on it - a new dialog box will open.

In the "Regional and Language" window that opens, go to the "Languages" tab and click on the "More details" button in the "Languages ​​and text input services" section - a new window will open. On the Options tab, click the Options button keyboards" located at the bottom of the window. In the “Advanced Settings” window that opens keyboards» in the “Action” section you will see the current settings.

If you decide to change the current settings, click on the “Change keyboard shortcut” button. Mark the fields opposite the names of the keys you need with a marker and click the OK button. Close the additional windows one by one by clicking on the OK button, in the “Regional and Language Options” window, click on the “Apply” button and close the window.

In case you want to use the mouse to change the layout keyboards, move the cursor to the bottom edge of the screen. On the “Taskbar” in the notification area, select the icon with the image of the Russian flag (or the letters RU) and left-click on it. In the drop-down menu, left-click on the line “English (USA)” - the image on the icon will change to the American flag (or the letters EN) - the input language will be switched to English.


English literature is the same as the literature of England. Usually the beginning of English literature is attributed to the beginning of the Anglo-Saxon period.


  • how to switch from
  • I can’t switch languages ​​from Russian to English and disappeared

Arriving in a new country or working with foreign partners requires quickly switching to another language. But even with relatively good knowledge, this is not so easy. There are several ways to solve the problem and switch to another language.

You will need

  • - Internet;
  • - press and literature.


Try to speak a foreign language as much as possible, even if you don't speak it very well yet. Don't be afraid of mistakes, they are inevitable. Even if you understand everything around you very well, you will never move from one language on the other if you remain silent. Add a few additional phrases in any everyday situations - in a store, cafe, bank. This way you will quickly overcome the language barrier and switch to a foreign language faster.

Completely immerse yourself in the environment of a foreign language. If you are in your own country, such an environment can still be created at least partially. Give up Russified menus on all the equipment that surrounds you. Read news only in a foreign language. Popular and, which are released on licensed discs and offered for viewing, are also better without translation. Write plans, notes, keep a diary in a foreign language. Try not to switch until communication with other people requires it.

Try to limit the number of people with whom you speak your native language. If a foreigner studies all your languages, speak it for a while. When you switch completely, you will be able to speak again with your loved ones in . If you have the opportunity to get help from a native speaker, for example, in solving everyday problems related to negotiations, it is better to refuse it. Set yourself challenging tasks, don't be afraid to make mistakes, and the transition to another language will happen quickly and naturally.


Avoid mixing the two languages ​​in everyday speech. The inclusion of foreign words, even if they are shorter and more convenient, causes nothing but irritation among others. In addition, if others do not understand foreign words, they may regard your behavior as disrespectful.

Helpful advice

Learn to think in a foreign language. Talk to yourself about the actions you take. Soon this will become a habit, and unexpectedly you will begin to involuntarily think in a different language.

Almost every PC user at the stage of mastering a computer was worried about the question: how to type in English letters or how to switch the font from Russian to English and back? This is very easy to do; you can use several methods:

Although this problem is rare, it should not be ignored. Some users may have some difficulty changing the language. In this article we will tell you how to overcome these difficulties and switch to English on your keyboard, as well as from English in just a few seconds!

There are 3 simple ways:

1. This method involves automatically switching the keyboard to the desired language. For this to happen, you need to download the Punto Switcher program to your computer. It is freely available on the Internet and is completely free. After installation on your computer, Punto Switcher automatically detects the entered word and selects the desired layout for it. After installation, the program will automatically load along with the operating system, thereby relieving you of the need to constantly run it. Now you don't have to worry about switching layouts - if you need English, the program will automatically change the layout.

Note: If the program changed the language by mistake, you can cancel this action in its settings with one click.

2. Combination keystrokes. This method involves using keyboard shortcuts to change the keyboard layout. The most common combination in the Windows operating system is the combination “Shift” + “Alt”. For Linux - “Shift” + “Ctrl”. However, they can be used on any operating system.

Note: Press the "Shift" key first, as pressing "Alt" will activate the open window's control panel, which may make your actions difficult.

3. Switching through the operating system language interface. You need to find the language icon in the system tray (next to the clock) (displays the current one for the layout), then left-click on this icon and select the language you need. To view more detailed settings, right-click on the icon.

The use of computers in modern life has become ubiquitous. Computers are used by people of all ages to achieve a variety of goals. Most often, those who deal with a computer or other electronic device are well versed in them. However, if a person has only recently begun to “contact” computers, then even a seemingly insignificant problem may become an insurmountable task for him. For example, the question of how to switch the language on a computer can confuse an inexperienced user. Let's look at the answer to this question.

What is computer language?

More precisely, the input language. Each computer has hundreds of languages ​​stored in its database so that it can be used. So, any key is responsible for a specific character in each language. Computers produced specifically for the CIS countries are equipped with keyboards that use keys with symbols in two languages ​​- English and Russian. For ease of use, letters are often painted in different colors.

Why does a computer need more than one language for input? In the CIS countries, most people speak and write Russian, which means it is important that it be on the computer. But why do people need English even for those who don’t speak it?

For example, the Latin alphabet is required when registering on many sites. To create your account, you need to come up with a username and password. At the request of the administration of many services, such as social networks, such data must be entered in English. These are just one of many cases when it is important to know how to switch languages ​​while working on a computer.

How to do it?

In the Windows operating system there is a so-called language bar, with which you can change the input language. It is usually located in the lower right corner of the monitor. You can recognize it by the RU or EN icon, depending on the language selected as the main one at the moment. By clicking on this icon, you will see a small list with keyboard layout options for different languages. To switch to the language you need, you only need to select it from this list.

This option may well suit a novice user who previously simply did not know, for example, how to switch the language to English, or vice versa. But for experienced users who work a lot on the computer and who have to constantly change the keyboard layout, this method may not seem the fastest. There is an option to switch the language faster. To do this, just use the so-called hot keys.

Using the keyboard to switch languages

When a user frequently has to change the input language on the computer, the steps described above can end up taking up a lot of his time. This is actually true, especially if you have to work in this mode all day long. How to switch to Russian using only the keyboard?

For this, two keys are most often used. By default in the Windows 7 operating system these are the Shift and Alt keys. With rare exceptions, this can be a combination of Shift and Ctrl. To switch the language, simply press these two keys at the same time. The fact that the action was performed successfully will be indicated by a change in the language bar icon. Here's how to switch the language on your computer.

How to change hotkeys

For those who find the above keyboard shortcuts inconvenient, it is possible to change them. To do this, right-click on the language bar icon and click the “Options” menu. After this, a small window “Languages ​​and text input services” will appear on the monitor screen. Of the three available tabs in this window, you need to select the last one - “Keyboard switching”. In the window you need to find the line “Switch input language”. Place the cursor on this line and click the “Change keyboard shortcut” button located just below.

After this, a window will appear allowing you to change the input language and keyboard layout.

If the required language is not in the panel

How to switch the computer language if the desired one is simply not in the language bar? You just need to add it there. To do this, right-click on the language bar icon again and select “Options”. The “Add” button will appear in the window that opens. By clicking on it, you will see a long list of languages ​​and keyboard layouts that can be used to enter data on your computer. Having found the desired language in the list, double-click on it and select the layout for your keyboard. After that, click “OK” and “Add”.

So you can put any language you need in the language bar.

Language problems on tablets

How to switch language on a tablet? Tablets are mobile devices that are most often used for communicating on social networks and surfing the Internet. Therefore, sometimes it may be necessary to switch the keyboard layout. Most of these devices run on the Android operating system. The standard keyboard of this OS is equipped with a key to switch the language. It looks like a globe, by clicking on which you can change the language to the desired one.

To become a successful technology user, you need to learn from the basics. By understanding how to switch languages ​​on your computer and learning something new, you will become a confident user who completes your tasks quickly and efficiently!