Biographies Characteristics Analysis

What actions did Timur commit and his team. Question: Timur and his team, what actions of Timur and his friends can be considered fulfilling a moral duty?

Study questions:

1. The concept of document flow, basic provisions and requirements for the organization of document flow in internal affairs bodies.

2. Receipt and processing of incoming documents in internal affairs bodies.

3. Accounting for prepared documents, sending outgoing documents, duplicating documents.

4. Features of working with legal acts.

5. Monitoring the timely and high-quality execution of documents, subjects and methods of its implementation.

6. Nomenclature of cases.

7. Examination of the value of documents.

8. Archival storage of documents.


1. On approval of the Rules for the preparation of normative legal acts in the central office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia: order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated June 27, 2003 No. 484: [ Electronic resource] – electronic data. - Program information support Russian science and education // legal reference systems Consultant Plus: graduate School. – 2015. – Access mode: http//

2. On approval of instructions for office work in internal affairs bodies Russian Federation: Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated June 20, 2014 No. 615: [Electronic resource] – electronic data. – Information support program for Russian science and education // reference legal systems Consultant Plus: Higher School. – 2015. – Access mode: http//

3. Bondar, A. Registration of documents is the first step to establishing order in document flow / A. Bondar // Personnel Officer. Personnel records management. – 2014. – No. 4. – P. 142-147.

The movement of documents in the internal affairs body from the moment of their preparation or receipt until completion of execution, sending or delivery to the special funds unit is called document flow.

The main rule of document flow is the prompt movement of documents along the shortest path with minimal time and labor.

When considering document flow, it is necessary to name the document flows from which it is formed:

– incoming (received by the body);

– outgoing (sent from the authority);

– internal (not extending beyond the organ).

Control over timely and high-quality execution of documents is one of the management functions. The main types of control are:

– intermediate – carried out, as a rule, after the implementation of particularly significant activities that have intermediate stages of implementation;

– final – carried out upon completion of the assignment as a whole (as it relates) through the collection of information on the implementation of the activities contained in it and verification of their results.

Registration of a document – ​​assigning a registration number to a document and recording it in in the prescribed manner information about the document. Document registration index (document registration number) is a digital or alphanumeric designation assigned to a document upon its registration.

When considering the issue related to working with incoming documents, it is necessary to determine the main types of documents received by the authority, dwell on who receives them and answer the question - what is document registration?

Reception of correspondence received by the internal affairs body in work time, is carried out by the relevant departments of office work and regime. Correspondence received by the internal affairs body in evening time(after 18:00 from Monday to Thursday, after 17:00 on Friday and on holidays), morning time (until 09:00) on working days, on weekends and holidays non-working days is received by the officer on duty at the internal affairs agency, who registers the received packages in the package register and, without opening, transfers them under a signature in this journal to the office work and regime department. The duty officer immediately reports the receipt of urgent packages to the head (chief) of the internal affairs body or the person responsible from the management of the internal affairs body.

Reception of documents includes: checking the correctness of its delivery; checking the safety of packaging (package, envelope); opening envelopes; checking the correctness of investments. Before opening envelopes (packaging), the presence of special marks on them is checked: “Do not open the envelope until... (...hour...minute)”, “Personally”, “Urgent”, “Promptly”, and others, and also no damage. Correspondence received by the internal affairs body, passed primary processing submitted for registration. Envelopes marked “Personally” are registered without opening and handed over to the addressee or an authorized employee against signature.

At its core, document registration is recording the fact of creation or receipt of a document by placing an index on it and then recording it necessary information about the document in the registration forms.

When registering an incoming document, a stamp is placed on the back of its first page indicating the name of the internal affairs body to which the document was received, the registration (incoming) number, the date of registration, the number of sheets of the main document and its annexes. On the back of the first sheets of applications there is a stamp “To input. No. _____" indicating the year of registration.

After registration, correspondence is reported on the day of receipt to the relevant head (chief) of the internal affairs body or transferred to the employee to whom it is addressed.

When considering the issue of working with outgoing documents, you should remember that documents to be sent are processed and sent on the day they are signed or no later than the next business day. Accounting of prepared and sent (outgoing) documents after they are signed by the head of the internal affairs body (or other authorized employee) is carried out in the register of prepared unclassified documents or in the record card of prepared unclassified documents. Incorrectly executed documents are returned by employees of the office management and regime department to the executors for revision.

Documents are sorted according to the method of sending (regular mail, registered items with and without notification, documents to be sent by courier, international mail). Processing of documents for sending by post is carried out by departments of office work and the regime of internal affairs bodies in accordance with the Rules for the provision of postal services communications, courier communications - on the basis of an agreement concluded by the internal affairs body with the State Fiscal Service of Russia.

Documents sent by post (courier) to one address are placed in one envelope. When addressing envelopes, indicate the addressee, his mailing address and index. Regular postal items are sent to Postal office according to invoices recording the number of envelopes sent. Registered postal items with or without notification of delivery to the addressee are transferred to the post office according to registers that reflect information about the addressee, registration numbers of the documents being sent, and the date of dispatch.

The volume of document flow is recorded in order to improve the organization of work with documents and calculate the optimal number of employees involved in office work. The number of documents is recorded using registration data. A copy of a document (original or copy, if this is the only copy of a document) is taken as a unit for recording the number of documents. Copies of a document obtained as a result of copying or reproducing a document are not taken into account in the volume of document flow. When accounting for outgoing documents, the cover letter and the documents attached to it are accepted as one document.

In answering the fourth question, you need to remember that the originals of legal acts issued by the internal affairs agency are registered in a separate journal of unclassified legal acts or using computer technology (automated accounting). Registration of orders for personnel is carried out in a separate journal with a general serial numbering; after the number, “l/s” is affixed together with it. This category of legal acts is filed in separate nomenclature files depending on their storage period.

The originals of legal acts issued by the internal affairs body are stored in separate files by type of document and are handed over to the special funds department. Distribution of originals is prohibited. Registration must begin annually with number one.

Each copy of the received legal act and the annex not bound with it is affixed with a stamp indicating the serial registration number of the document in the register of unclassified legal acts and the date of receipt. An attachment that is not bound with the main document is registered in this journal as a separate line with the same number as the main document. The register of unclassified legal acts, in which received (replicated) legal acts are registered, can be completed only after making notes on the direction or destruction of all documents registered in it (with reference to the serial number of the register (posting book) and the date or number of the act on destruction and date).

Legal acts are replicated and distributed based on business needs. For the distribution of legal acts, a distribution index is compiled, which is certified by the signature of the head (head) of the office work and regime unit and approved by the head (head) of the structural unit that developed the legal act.

Additional production, distribution and issuance of copies of legal acts with a restricted access stamp, including those marked “For official use”, are carried out by the office management and regime department with the permission of the head (chief) of the internal affairs body.

Control over the deadlines for the execution of documents is carried out by the service documentation support management, and in a small body - the responsible person is the secretary.

There are two deadlines for the execution of a document - standard (established by a regulatory legal act) and individual (established by an organizational and administrative document or resolution). It should be noted that according to the deadlines, urgent documents are distinguished, requiring execution within a certain period, and non-urgent, for which the execution deadline is not established .

Documents (instructions) are subject to execution:

1. within a period of no more than a month, if the text of the order does not indicate a specific execution date (until the corresponding date of the next month, and if there is no such date in the next month, then until last day months);

2. within 10 days, if the text of the order contains the note “promptly”;

3. within 3 days, if the text of the order contains the notes “urgent”, “immediately”;

4. within the specified period, if the text of the order specifies a specific date or specific deadline for execution.

By certain species documents (instructions), other deadlines for their execution may be established, determined by the relevant regulatory legal acts. If the last day of the deadline for the execution of a document or order falls on a non-working day, then they are subject to execution on the previous working day.

Control is a set of measures aimed at ensuring timely and high-quality execution decisions taken and instructions recorded in official documents. All official documents that define deadlines for execution or contain instructions for the submission of reports, proposals, conclusions and for the implementation (carrying out) of other specific activities are subject to control.

Monitoring the execution of orders includes the following activities:

Ø Systematization and preparation of information on the content and timing of execution of orders, preparation and sending control and accounting cards to performers.

Ø Periodic collection, synthesis and analysis of information on the progress and status of execution of orders.

Ø Carrying out, at the direction of the relevant managers (supervisors), checking the actual implementation of instructions, as well as preparing materials based on its results (report, certificate, memo) for the report to management.

Ø Preparation of proposals to ensure timely execution of orders, increase executive discipline, improve organization and exercise control.

Control within the limits of their competence is carried out by the following subjects of control: headquarters units (or other units performing the functions of analysis, planning and control), legal units, office work and regime units - in structural divisions internal affairs bodies.

Documents subject to control are stamped “Control” or “Special control” by the office management and regime department, and a control card is filled out in two copies. Then the documents subject to control, together with the second copy of the control card, are sent to the relevant structural units on the day of registration, and urgent ones - immediately.

Documents subject to control are recorded in a control file or database. It is also possible to keep track of the progress of the order by issuing control cards, which are sent to the responsible executor 10 days before the order is completed, as well as notification cards for reminders and proactive control. When filling out a progress control card and a notification card for a document classified as classified, its contents are stated without indicating secret data.

Issuing a control card is the exclusive prerogative of the subject of control. Subjects of control in the units executing the assignment exercise control in the process of direct contact with the executors through the direct and direct channels operating in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia feedback, allowing these issues to be resolved without documentation.

Are being carried out the following types control over the execution of orders:

Intermediate – for the implementation of particularly significant activities that have intermediate stages of implementation.

Final – upon completion of the assignment as a whole (as it relates) by collecting information on the implementation of the activities contained in it and checking the results.

In highlighting the issue regarding the nomenclature of cases, it must be said that the nomenclature of cases is drawn up in order to correct formation files, systematized storage of special importance, top secret, secret and unclassified documents and their prompt search. In other words, after execution, the documents are stored in the authority for a certain time. In order for them to be quickly found and used, it is necessary to systematize the executed documents, i.e. grouping them into cases. State standard defines a case as “a set of documents or a document related to one issue or area of ​​activity, placed in a separate cover.”

The nomenclature of cases is the main registration document of cases current year and the basis for their registration after the end of keeping records of completed cases in the journal. The serial numbers of cases according to the nomenclature of cases are the numbers of cases of the current year. In addition, the nomenclature of cases is a classification directory that is used to build an information retrieval system.

The nomenclature of cases is compiled on the basis of studying the composition, content and number of documents generated in the process of activities of the internal affairs body and its structural unit.

When compiling a list of cases, one should be guided by the regulations on the internal affairs body, regulations on its structural divisions, staffing table, plans and reports on work, lists of documents indicating their storage periods, lists of cases for previous years.

The list of cases for the upcoming calendar year is compiled in the fourth quarter of the current year by the office work and regime unit together with the heads of other structural divisions, signed by the head of the office work and regime unit, agreed upon with the special funds unit, after which it is approved by the head of the internal affairs agency and put into effect on January 1 of the following calendar year.

The nomenclature of cases is divided into sections, which are arranged in accordance with the approved structure (staffing table) of the department of the internal affairs body. The names of the sections of the nomenclature of affairs are the names of its structural divisions or areas of activity. Within each section, cases are arranged sequentially according to the degree of importance, storage period and degree of secrecy of documents.

At large quantities cases, they can be assigned indexes, which consist of the designation of a structural unit (line of activity) and serial number affairs.

Cases provided for in the nomenclature of cases are opened according to the following basic characteristics:

1) subject-question or thematic (documents are grouped into cases depending on the information they contain);

2) types of documents (orders, reports, protocols, etc.);

3) addressees (documents based on correspondence with one or more organizations are combined into the file).

Changes to the nomenclature of cases are made in the prescribed manner with the permission of the head (chief) of the internal affairs body on the proposal of the heads (chiefs) of the structural divisions of the internal affairs body.

Any separate documents with a long period of execution, operational accounting cases and cases of an observational nature are not subject to inclusion in the list of cases.

At the end of the office year, at the end of the nomenclature of cases, a record is made of the number of opened cases and volumes of cases, separately permanent and temporary storage periods and cases transferred to next year, which is certified by the signature of the head (chief) of the office and regime department or the person responsible for maintaining the nomenclature of cases.

The newly created structural unit is obliged to develop a list of cases within a month and approve it in the prescribed manner.

Turning to the issue of examination of value, you need to understand that examination of the value of documents of permanent and temporary storage is carried out annually.

When conducting an examination of the value of documents, cases are selected: permanent and long-term (over 10 years) storage for transfer to special fund units; with temporary storage periods and marked “Until the need passes”, subject to further storage in structural units; allocation to destruction of cases for previous years, whose shelf life has expired.

The selection of documents for permanent storage is carried out on the basis of the nomenclature of cases through a sheet-by-sheet review of cases. In permanent storage cases, duplicate copies of documents, drafts, unformed copies of documents and documents not related to the issue with temporary storage periods are subject to seizure. The final decision based on the results of the examination of the value of documents is made by an expert commission.

Based on the results of the examination of the value of documents, case inventories are compiled separately for cases of permanent, temporary (over 10 years) storage and for personnel, as well as acts on the allocation of cases for destruction. For temporary (up to 10 years) storage cases, inventories are not compiled.

The selection of documents for destruction and the drawing up of the corresponding act are carried out after the compilation of summary inventories of permanent storage cases. These inventories and acts are simultaneously considered at a meeting of the expert commission.

The internal affairs bodies must establish a procedure for the destruction of documentary materials, excluding their familiarization with unauthorized persons, their incomplete or accidental destruction.

Lost items are subject to destruction practical significance and documents, files, publications, technical documents, films and tapes with magnetic recordings and the like that have no historical or other value.

Documentary materials are destroyed based on the decision of the expert commission, approved in the prescribed manner. For documentary materials selected for destruction, appropriate acts on the destruction of documents, files, legal acts and publications are drawn up, which are signed by members of the commission and approved by the head (chief) of the internal affairs body. Acts on the destruction of files, legal acts and publications are stored permanently, and acts on the destruction of other documentary materials are stored for 10 years in the files of the records management and regime department.

Archival storage of documents in internal affairs bodies is carried out by local archives and divisions of special funds. Divisions of special funds accept for archival storage by territoriality from internal affairs bodies in accordance with the list of internal affairs bodies - sources of acquisition:

1) completed cases of general proceedings with a permanent and temporary (more than 10 years) storage period;

2) personal files of employees;

3) pension matters;

4) personal cards for payment monetary allowance And wages employees of internal affairs bodies;

5) discontinued criminal cases investigated by internal affairs bodies located on the territory of this constituent entity of the Russian Federation, with a storage period of more than 5 years;

6) cases for consideration of appeals and requests regarding persons subjected to political repression administratively.

The entire set of documents generated in the activities of the internal affairs body constitutes the documentary fund of this internal affairs body. The internal affairs body, in whose activities a documentary fund is formed, is the fund creator.

The area allocated for document storage is determined based on the available number of archival documents and the need to ensure the acceptance of documents subject to storage for 5 years. Archive storage facilities are separated from neighboring premises by walls and ceilings made of non-combustible materials. The combination of archive storage and work premises for any other purpose, including employee work rooms, is not permitted.

The interior finishing of archival storage facilities is made using non-flammable materials that do not collect dust and are not a source of dust or aggressive chemical substances. These requirements apply to materials used in the manufacture of archival equipment and document storage facilities.

The windows of premises, the location of which allows unauthorized persons to enter them, are equipped with hinged metal bars. The grilles are locked from the inside and sealed with the personal seal of the employee responsible for the premises. The doors of the premises must be metal or covered with metal sheets and have strong locks with high-security locks, as well as devices for sealing the doors.

Archive storage facilities are prohibited from being placed in rooms with gas, water supply, sewer and other main pipelines. Installation of non-main pipes is permitted only if they are isolated in special protective devices that completely exclude the possibility of emissions from them penetrating into the archive storage.

Archive storage premises must be equipped with a security alarm connected to the duty station or the commandant's security unit of the administrative building.

It is recommended that archival storage facilities have windows facing north. Natural lighting is allowed provided that light-diffusing glass, curtains and blinds are used on the windows. Direct lighting of archival storage facilities sunlight prohibited. Documents are permanently stored in the dark in folders, boxes and safes. Protecting documents from exposure to natural and artificial light should be provided not only in archives, but also in all premises for any type of work with documents.

The archive storage premises are equipped with an automatic fire alarm with a connection to the control panel of the duty officer of the internal affairs agency. Archive storage facilities must have at least two exits, one of which is an evacuation exit. In archive storage areas up to 70 sq.m, it is allowed to have one exit.

Sample questions for self-control:

1. Organization of work with documents in the police department.

2. Basic principles of working with documents.

3. Types of document flows.

4. The main stages of document flow and their characteristics.

5. Main groups of documents: incoming, outgoing, internal.

6. Registration and accounting of documents in the Department of Internal Affairs.

7. Organization of work with incoming documents (initial, preliminary review, registration, execution, filing, etc.).

8. Registration forms for incoming documents.

9. Organization of work with outgoing documents.

10. Types and methods of transferring documents

11. Control over timely and high-quality execution of documents.

12. Subjects of control and methods of its implementation.

13. What are the main criteria for evaluating documents.

14. Tasks and functions of expert commissions.

15. Conducting an examination of the value of documents.

16. Procedure and methods for destroying documents.

17. Procedure for filing cases.

Tasks for independent work:

1. Outline the main provisions regarding the reception and registration of documents established by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated June 20, 2014 No. 615.

2. Outline the main provisions concerning the process of forming cases, established by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated June 20, 2014 No. 615.

Sample Topics for abstracts, reports and communications:

1. Algorithm for working with incoming correspondence at the police department.

2. Algorithm for working with internal correspondence in the police department.

3. Registration forms of document flow: journal, card, electronic form.

4. The Institute of Document Registration - a historical excursion of development.

5. Work with written and oral requests from citizens.

1. History of archival work in Russia.

2. The head of the internal affairs body is the main subject of control.

3. Monitoring the execution of documents and orders using control cards.

4. Basic rules for filing cases in internal affairs bodies.


Task No. 1

When conducting seminar class the teacher asked the cadets next questions: what is the nomenclature of cases?; What tasks are set when conducting an examination of the value of documents? When answering the first question, cadet Fortov suggested that the nomenclature of files is a list of documents that can be received by the organization, compiled in alphabetical order for a period of five years, noting that the nomenclature cannot exceed 250 sheets in volume. Cadet Pashkov, when answering the second question, explained that when conducting an examination of the value of documents, the following tasks are resolved: to what extent the document is of historical or practical value, the number of unnecessary documents that waste space in the archive is determined, issues of early write-off of documents not required by employees are resolved, and also noted that the expert commission consists of at least three people.

Analyze these answers. Determine for yourself what is true and what is false in the answers given by the cadets? Prepare your own answers to the questions asked.

Task No. 2

Senior police lieutenant A.V. Krasilnikova was involved in the preparation of an unclassified nomenklatura file at the end of this year. Having started work, she marked “Volume No. 1”, the name and number of the case on the cover of the case, but since she needed to sew four more cases, she assigned this case No. 1. She sewed the case with four punctures and placed it in it 72 documents. Having counted the number of sheets, she found out that the total volume of the file was 270 sheets, including the attachment to document No. 56, bound on 20 sheets. Having numbered the case sheets in pencil with Arabic numerals on the right top corner. She compiled an inventory of the case documents and signed for its preparation. When numbering the sheets of the case, it turned out that on document No. 10 there was no mark on the document being written off in the nomenclature file; she added a mark on the write-off and certified it with her signature. As the end date of the case, she set the day when she completed all the formalities with the case.

Task No. 3

At a meeting of the expert commission of the special fund of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Altai region when considering the issue of destruction of documents between experts, police lieutenant colonel A.V. Metovkin and police major E.M. A dispute arose between the Fortushevs. Among the documents proposed for destruction were personal files of employees - police sergeant K., police captain R., who entered service in the NKVD of the USSR in 1939 and retired in 1965; personal files were completed long ago and transferred to the archive. The essence of the dispute was that E.M. Fortushev proposed to write off these files for destruction, citing the fact that the shelf life of personal files of employees is 75 years, A.V. Metovkin did not agree with him, arguing that according to paragraph 499 of the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it is prohibited to allocate for destruction documents formed before 1946, and Metovkin also drew attention to the fact that these employees are veterans of the Great Patriotic War, but E.M. Fortushev actively defended his case.

Document flow- movement of documents in the internal affairs body from the moment of their preparation or receipt of the document for its execution, sending or submission to the case.

Electronic documents participate in the document flow of internal affairs bodies on a par with paper documents.

The procedure for the passage of documents and the operations carried out with them in the internal affairs bodies are regulated by this Instruction, the Regulations of the internal organization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, approved by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated December 30, 2005 No. 1167, as amended. dated November 29, 2007 No. 1132, status documents of internal affairs bodies, regulations on structural divisions of internal affairs bodies and job descriptions their employees.

Rational document flow is organized on the basis of the following provisions:

The movement of documents must correspond to the processes of preparation or execution of documents based on the distribution functional responsibilities between performers.

Routes for passing documents of the same type must be unified.

Accounting for incoming, prepared (outgoing, internal) documents, depending on the document flow, is carried out in accounting journals (journal accounting), in accounting cards (card accounting) or using computer technology (automated accounting).

Before starting to maintain journals or filing cabinets, they are recorded in the journal and filing cabinet register.

The sheets of the accounting logs must be numbered, stitched and sealed with the seal of the office management unit and the regime. On last sheet in the journal, a note is made on the number of sheets stitched and numbered in it, which is certified by the signature of the employee responsible for registering and storing the journal after it is closed.

The number of cards in the completed card file is indicated in the journal of journals and card files at the end of the year. Final entry indicating total number cards and affixing the date is done on a separate sheet, placed at the beginning or end of the card index. Accounting journals (cards) reflect data on the movement of documents from the moment they are received or prepared until completion of execution and filing, sending to recipients or destruction.

It is prohibited to make erasures in accounting journals (cards), as well as corrections using correction fluid. Corrections made by an employee of the office work unit and regime are specified and certified by his signature and date.

Registration of documents allows you to keep accurate records of correspondence, control the passage of a document in the internal affairs body, and ensures the ability to find a document at any stage of the document flow.

Registered documents are transferred to the head of the internal affairs body, who on the same day must review the received correspondence, appoint an executor for each document, and, if necessary, the deadline and procedure for executing the document. When determining the deadline for the execution of a document, the head of the body is guided by the current regulations regulating the procedure for considering proposals, applications and complaints of citizens, the procedure for executing other documents. Thus, applications and complaints of citizens are resolved within a period of up to one month from the date of receipt by the internal affairs body; documents received from higher internal affairs bodies must be executed within 10 days. However, based on the content of the document, the overall workload of the employee entrusted with its execution, and other circumstances, the head of the authority can set a shorter deadline for the execution of the document.

The head, determining the procedure for executing a document that does not require additional verification, makes a decision on it himself, the execution of which is entrusted to the relevant employee of the internal affairs body. If making a decision requires additional verification actions, the manager entrusts their implementation to a subordinate employee, determining general direction these actions. In this case, the manager’s instructions should not contain final decision according to the document. Otherwise, the objectivity and expediency of subsequent verification actions are lost.

In the resolution, which is written on a text-free space on the first sheet of the document, the head reflects the results of the consideration of the document.

The documents reviewed by the manager are returned to the office. The office employee reflects in the registration journal in which the reviewed document is registered (in a registration card or electronic media), the content of the manager’s resolution and hands the document to the executor against a receipt in this journal.

Execution of a document as a stage of document flow is expressed in the preparation by the executor of a new document (for example, a report, a response letter), in its technical production (printing, reproduction); if necessary, the prepared draft document is endorsed, approved and signed by the head of the body.

The execution of documents may consist of performing verification actions, fulfilling the instructions contained in the document, and performing other actions that go beyond the scope of office work.

The executor, having fulfilled the instructions contained in the document or resolution, in cases where the execution of the document does not require the preparation of new documents, can make a note of execution on the document in the form of a certificate indicating what has been accomplished by the executor under the document. The execution of the document is reported to the manager, who signs the response letter (if one was drawn up), and on the document writes the inscription “to work”, which is evidence of the end of the stage of execution of the document. Completed documents are handed over to the office for dispatch or storage.

Sending correspondence includes the following operations: registering a document in the outgoing correspondence journal; affixing a registration stamp on the document being sent, which indicates the outgoing document number and the date of its sending; writing the address on the envelope; inserting a document into an envelope; compiling a register and submitting correspondence to a communications company. All specified operations for sending correspondence are performed by office staff.

Storage of documents involves their systematization, ensuring safety and the possibility of their subsequent use.

The nomenclature of cases, approved annually by the head of the internal affairs agency, serves to systematize the executed documents. The nomenclature of cases is a systematized list of names of cases of the body and its structural divisions to be opened in the coming year. This list covers the entire volume of documentation to be stored in the internal affairs agency, indicating the periods of its storage.

The wide variety of documents created and received by the internal affairs body that are subject to storage requires their grouping and systematization on a subject-logical basis (for example, work plans of the body and reports on their implementation; orders for personnel; statements, complaints of citizens and materials of their inspections and etc.).The basis for grouping executed documents into thematic complexes (cases) is the nomenclature of cases. When developing the nomenclature, the composition of incoming and outgoing documents, the number of documents in certain areas of activity of the internal affairs body, and the degree of secrecy are taken into account.

In each body, in accordance with the approved nomenclature of files, files are opened in which documents to be stored are systematized.

It's called business a set of documents related to a specific area (direction) of the activity of the internal affairs body, indicating the name, nomenclature number, secrecy classification, date of establishment and completion, number of sheets contained in it and storage period.

Documents within the case are systematized in chronological order. Each file contains 250 sheets of paper. If the number of documents exceeds this volume, then a second volume of the case is opened with the same item number. Completed cases are filed and sealed with a wax seal.

The secretary has operational storage of files whose storage period does not exceed three years. For a longer storage period, they are kept by the secretary for the first year, and then transferred for storage to the archives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Internal Affairs Directorate.

Seizure of documents placed (filed) in files is carried out with the permission of the head of the internal affairs body (secretariat of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Department of Internal Affairs). Instead of a seized document, a substitute card is placed in the file, which indicates what document, on how many sheets, by whom and when it was seized, the storage period, where it was attached or sent.

Cases are subject to destruction upon expiration of the storage period. The expert commission of the internal affairs body selects such cases, draws up an act approved by the head of the body, which sends it to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Internal Affairs Directorate. With the latter's permission, the files are destroyed.

One of the most important conditions The rational organization of document flow in internal affairs bodies is the rapid passage of documents through all stages of document flow. This is served, first of all, by the development of rational schemes for the passage of documents, which would exclude duplication of operations for registration, processing of documents in the structural divisions of the internal affairs body, unnecessary approvals, and endorsements of documents. When determining the procedure for the passage of documents (document flow diagram) in the internal affairs body, one should proceed from the need for the head of the body to review documents received from government bodies, from higher internal affairs bodies, documents relating to fundamental issues of the activities of the internal affairs body as a whole. Other incoming documents may be sent for consideration directly to the deputy heads of the agency (heads of services). Establishing such a procedure will speed up the movement of documents and free the head of the authority from unnecessary information.

A significant acceleration of the process of document movement in internal affairs bodies would be facilitated by resolving the issue of granting executors the right to independently sign certain types of documents (requests for characteristics, responses to certain requests coming from other internal affairs bodies and divisions, etc.). This will not only speed up document flow and reduce employees’ time spent working with documents, but will also increase the responsibility of performers for their quality preparation.

The most important means of ensuring compliance with deadlines for the execution of documents is control, which is carried out by the head of the internal affairs agency, heads of departments and office workers. The latter daily use registration journals (cards) to identify documents that have not been executed by deadline, reporting them to the head of the internal affairs agency. In addition, the execution of some documents is subject to special (special) control. These include documents received from government bodies, higher internal affairs bodies, obliging certain deadlines carry out certain events, requests from deputies, repeated complaints, statements from citizens and some others. The internal affairs bodies develop and approve lists of such documents. The decision to take the execution of a document for special control is made by the head of the authority when considering correspondence. This decision is formalized by placing on the document the stamp “Taken for control” or the index “K” on the left margin of the first sheet of the document. In accordance with this decision, office workers fill out a card for the document, which is placed in the control file. Office workers, reviewing the control file daily, remind executors one or two days before the deadline of the need for timely execution of the document.

Office workers report to the head of the internal affairs agency about unfulfilled documents that are under special control.

The development of the EDMS used in the Ministry of Internal Affairs began in 2010.

2012: Criminal case and start of industrial operation

In March 2012, the Ministry of Internal Affairs reported violations discovered during the procurement for these works and the initiation of a criminal case. It was reported, in particular, that the department purchased significantly more software (500 thousand licenses) than it actually needed at that time.

The system was put into commercial operation in the fall of 2012, according to a document published by the State Center for Culture and Equipment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.


Start of a new EDMS project

In October 2013, the Ministry of Internal Affairs launched a new project to create an EDMS, which should automate the preparation, processing, storage and use of documents in departments central office The Ministry of Internal Affairs and its territorial bodies responsible for office work.

Subsequently, the Ministry of Internal Affairs plans to automate document flow processes in all internal affairs bodies, in connection with which one of the requirements for the EDMS created within the framework of the new project specifies its scalability: the system must be designed in such a way as to ensure the necessary speed with the simultaneous work of at least 1 million users, of which at least 50 thousand are employees of office departments.

System Details

December 23, 2013 Main center Communications and Information Protection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (GTSSIZM Ministry of Internal Affairs) published data on the department's electronic document management system, which in the May report of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications was listed as one of the lagging behind among the federal executive authorities in the use of electronic document management.

The system processes incoming and outgoing documents, citizens’ appeals received, including through the law enforcement portal and government services portal, orders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It also contains a register for sending documents, orders and a posting book. In total, the system implements 20 reporting forms.

The basic element of the EDMS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a software and hardware complex federal level, and its functionality is used in departments of internal affairs bodies in accordance with the “Client-server: thin client” architecture.

The system's database management server uses the Oracle Database 10g DBMS and runs Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server. The latter also powers the application server, index server and specialized software server.

2015: Purchase of office equipment for half a billion rubles

At the end of April 2015, the Ministry of Internal Affairs announced an auction for the supply of office equipment for the electronic document management system. The initial purchase price is more than 523.5 million rubles, and the entire volume of goods stipulated by the contract must be delivered before March 1, 2016.

For the specified amount, the department expects to purchase 10,235 thousand barcode scanners and 5,094 thousand barcode printers, 9,546 thousand small desktop flow scanners and 395 large flow scanners.

From the procurement documentation it follows that the equipment should be supplied to the Central District Directorate of Material and Technical Supply of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, based in Moscow, as well as to similar district departments in Far East, in the Volga, Ural, Siberian, Northwestern and North Caucasian districts. Some of the equipment will also be delivered to the Central Joint Storage Base for the Ministry of Internal Affairs resources in the Balashikha region.

Timur unites a group of peers around him in a dacha village and unselfishly helps old people and children - those who, due to their defenselessness, are usually victims of the mischief of teenagers. First of all, the Timurites take care of the families of the military, the defenders of the Motherland. Like romantic heroes(Ivanhoe, Zoro), the Timurites perform their good deeds secretly. A sign of the secret patronage of the Timurites - five pointed star at the gates of the house, the inhabitants of which fell under their protection. According to Gaidar himself, the star personified selfless love for the Motherland and the readiness to selflessly defend it. The reader discovers Timur through his relationship with his peer, the daughter of a military commander, Zhenya. She accidentally reveals the secret of Timur's men and joins their ranks. The mythologized image goes beyond the fairy-tale scheme. Overcoming conflicts in a plot is not about heroic deeds, and with the hero’s moral and psychological confrontation not only with local teenage hooligans, led by Mishka Kvakin, but also with the world of adults, from whom the true meaning of the actions of Timur’s men is hidden. Main conflict story - a collision of the ideal world of a teenage knight with ordinary world. And the main test is misunderstanding and slander, which become an indispensable condition for knightly feats. In the image of Timur embodied best features a pioneer who grew up in a new, socialist country. “A simple and sweet boy”, “a proud and ardent commissar” brought together a friendly team: Zhenya, Geika, Nyurka, Kolya Kolokolchikov, Sima Simakov and other guys. The game played by Timur and his team is imbued with a high feeling of love for the Motherland. Timur and the boys have a complicated relationship with adults, who do not always understand them and do not believe in everything. Uncle Timur and sister Zhenya are confused by the mystery that surrounds this game. “Our games were simple and understandable to everyone,” says Georgy Timur. The elder sister Zhenya, Timur’s girlfriend, also does not understand, she assumes excessive severity and “maturity”, does not want to accept small but important secrets for Zhenya, is angry at her “always ridiculous jokes”, reluctantly answers naive and unnecessary ones, like herself seems like questions. When one of the conflicts in the story is resolved - between adults and children, an intonation hint in Zhenya's voice is enough for Georgy and Olga to restore the unknown links of the events that led to the emergence of the secret of Timur and Zhenya. And the secret of the game, jealously guarded from the cold, uncomprehending eyes of adults, is revealed to them, who have finally become friends of the children.

The second conflict in the story is more difficult to resolve - between Timur's friends and Kvakin's gang. In the bully-Figure, the author emphasizes bitterness, cruelty, and stupidity. This is emphasized by his speech: “We need to catch the messengers tomorrow,” “Let’s give him one at a time, and he’ll cry.” His friend Kvakin does not like this guy for his senseless cruelty. The figure is ready to beat any person, to offend the weak, it costs him nothing to get into the garden of a girl whose father, a border guard, was killed. (slide 7) Even Kvakina to some extent, the writer gives the ability to joke, a sense of humor, and in the end - the ability to feel respect for Timur. How can you not respect a boy who selflessly does good, knows how to remain silent when someone else would shout, and because he is “proud. He wants to cry, but is silent.”

Timur's men knew how not only to do good, but also to resist evil, fight it, and not pass by meanness, dishonor, rudeness; learned not only to help the younger, old, and weak, but also to protect them. A dreamer and visionary, Timur is confident that he is right: after all, he wants everyone to feel good, to be calm. Before his eyes “glitter and flicker” are the straight, sharp rays of the red stars that he lit on the houses of those who went to the Red Army. Gaidar combined in one hero everything that is most characteristic of a teenager in society and made this image a new literary and life reality. That is why Timur turned out to be the literary predecessor of many subsequent heroes of children's literature.

I recently read with great interest Arkady Gaidar’s book “Timur and His Team.” The writer lived very hard life, he participated in civil war, was a brave man, with feeling self-esteem, a man of honor and word. Therefore, the main characters of his works are brave, fair, always ready to help. The story "Timur and his team", in my opinion, is the most wonderful work Arkady Gaidar, it talks about examples of true kindness, sincere friendship, mutual assistance and selflessness.
The main character of the story is Timur - a “simple boy”, “proud and ardent”, brave, sympathetic, determined in achieving his goals, noble in his motives. I admire this hero and how he managed to organize the boys for good deeds. Their team is a workshop of kindness, where everyone strives to surround loved ones with care, tries to help and protect families in which fathers and brothers have gone to the army. But what I like most is that the guys are modest, they do good deeds secretly, they don’t strive for fame, they don’t want to be praised. And this behavior deserves great respect. But Uncle Timur and sister Zhenya do not like the mystery that surrounds their game. Timur does not agree with them, he is sure that they are doing everything right, the main thing is that everyone has a good time. And I believe that modesty is the true companion of kindness. Someone from famous people said: “The strength of virtue lies in its modesty.” U modest man always on big fire in the shower. How I would like to be a “Timurovite”! Help loved ones, give happiness to others, be there in difficult times.
But there are also negative characters in the work - this is Kvakin’s gang, which stole fruit, offended the weak, erased the stars that Timur’s team painted on the houses where the families of the Red Army soldiers lived. But the one I dislike the most from the gang is a bully named Figure. He is cruel, stupid, heartless. The figure is ready to offend the weak, to beat up the younger. Even his close friend Kvakin doesn’t like him for this. Timur does not respect such people; he tries to destroy “evil.” So at the end of the story, “Timur’s people show all the residents of the village who did the dirty tricks, the hooligans fell into a trap and were punished.
And even today, in the 21st century, we can meet “kvakins” who always strive to offend, insult, hit, commit a disgusting act and rejoice in it, but even such cruel people prefer not to get involved with active good.
I liked the book because it described real friendship, love for others, the guys help everyone unselfishly, regardless of whether they are relatives, friends or strangers. And this book is also beautiful because the main characters in it are simple girls and boys, just like me and my classmates. I really want us to have our own good team!