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The Book of Enoch is a mysterious source of magical and religious knowledge.


The Book of Enoch is one of the significant apocrypha to which the apostles refer. The oldest text that has miraculously survived to this day.

In the article:

The Book of Enoch and its influence An ancient representative of religious, theological literature dates back to the 1st century BC and talks about the events that happened before the Flood. Scripture reveals a slightly different view of what happened. Despite its cultural significance, the book was not known to most believers until the 18th century, when it was found in Ethiopian Bible

. The publication was part of the canon, but the fate of the text was not easy.

Ethiopian Orthodox Bible on cow leather.

Why did the holy fathers show persistence in not wanting to include Scripture in the canon? Many theories have been developed on this basis. The most popular ones are about conspiracy. A conspiracy in the Vatican, because only at this level can decisions be made about including the text in the canon. The Pope and his cardinals did not want to give official status, so as not to confirm some of the facts described in the work.

What does the text say? About the times and causes of the Flood. How two thousand angels descended to earth and began to take mortal women as wives. They began to have offspring with them. When the Earth was filled with sinners, the Lord God brought down a great catastrophe on it. The two events are directly related.

One of the first angels who descended into the vale of mortals was. It is not mentioned in the text itself. It says that the angels, having descended to earth, became fallen. That is, they rejected the grace of Heaven in order to become like mortals. One version of the Vatican conspiracy theory refers to this circumstance.

David's battle with the Nephilim Goliath

The fact that angels passed on a lot of knowledge to people influenced the state of affairs on Earth. Information that brought only pain and suffering. They taught humanity to make weapons, process them, and initiated them into terrible, magical practices.

Seeing the horror that was happening in the mortal world, the Lord planned to wash away everything with the Great Flood, warning only Noah. But first, God imprisoned everyone in the Darkness, where they would await the Last Judgment, and the giants destroyed each other. This fate became a new beginning for humanity, which had to prove its right to a better life.

The Forbidden Book of Enoch

The forbidden book of Enoch causes the most controversy among believers and practitioners. The reasons for such a ban are quite vague, which gives free rein to theories and speculation. Scripture tells how God accepts Enoch into Heaven. He gets there at the age of 365, which is mentioned in the book of Genesis.

Enoch could explore the kingdom of God, study the structure of the heavenly kingdom. Including the structure of celestial mechanics. Now the book can be found on the Internet, but for a long time its fate remained unenviable. It caused loud disputes among the holy fathers, who still could not come to a common opinion. Many questions arose that could not be resolved.

The book has become a help for people who put forward theories that God and other deities were people from other worlds who visited the Earth in order to populate it with people. Such reasoning goes against the main dogma of the Church - God is one, he is omnipotent. If the Lord is a traveler from another Universe, then there are his compatriots. What kind of omnipotence are we talking about in this case?

Second Book of Enoch - Seven Heavens

The Second Book of Enoch goes into detail. So detailed, as if he was there to describe everything later. What is the structure of the divine monastery? It is divided into seven Heavens, each of which performs a specific function.

First Heaven - weather sky. Angels live and work here and are responsible for weather conditions in the mortal world. Creatures control the movement of all stars and other luminaries. This place stores reserves of clouds, snow, hail and dew. Anything that falls to the ground in the form of precipitation.

Second, Prison Sky. Here the Angels rejected by God languish in captivity. Not fallen angels, for whom there is no way back, but those who did not live up to the expectations of the Almighty. Enoch writes that when he passes near the Second Heaven, he hears their cries and groans. Angels ask you to pray for them.

Third, heavenly sky. Here is the Tree of Life and eternal grace reigns for believers. But in the northern part of this monastery there is a place where people who sinned during life are kept. In this place they wait for a return to divine grace.

The sky of chariots, Fourth. The Solar and Lunar chariots on which angels travel are kept here. Angels live here and serve the chariots. They monitor their serviceability.

Sky of the Awake, Fifth. Those who are awake are a special class of angels. They must mourn forever for the brothers who have broken the commandments of God. Grieve and pray that the outcasts understand the error of their ways. During the journey, Enoch says that it would be more beneficial to end the grief and return to serving the Lord.

Sixth, Governing Sky. Here are the angels who control aspects of the world order. They make sure that the world order works smoothly, cleanly and smoothly. Each nation has its own angel responsible for its protection. Fourteen can be seen in this place.

Seventh, divine sky. Here is the throne of the Lord our God. He is surrounded by a huge army, which consists of seraphim and cherubim. The Almighty calls Enoch directly to his Throne, with the help of. But the light of God's greatness is so strong that the monk immediately falls. Then the Lord tells him to get up. Not personally, but with the help of Mikhail.

The divine voice is so powerful that it can immediately kill the person who hears it. Michael clothes Enoch with the garments of glory. Having finished, Archangel Vereveil appears, who gives the monk writing materials and for 30 days tells him about the laws of the universe. After which the monk is honored with a meeting with the Lord God. Who tells Enoch the story of the creation of the world.

It becomes clear why this text causes controversy and gives rise to so many theories. No other text known to man has penetrated so deeply into the Kingdom of God. And it becomes clear the opinion of people who believe that the Book of Enoch can be used as proof that God is a supreme being who came from another planet.

Everything in his kingdom is rational, there are even workers who monitor the performance of all celestial machinery. This leads to certain thoughts. Why does the Lord need helpers if he is omnipotent? There are many other questions that arise after reading, without a clear answer. All that remains is to re-read the lines of the ancient scripture over and over again, trying to find the truth between them.

Slavic Book of Enoch

Slavic Book of Enoch, or Book of the Secrets of Enoch, parts and fragments of a common book that have been preserved in Old Church Slavonic. Scripture has always enjoyed authority among the Slavic saints and was known in the territory of our homeland and beyond its borders. This can be judged by parts of speeches that retain references, and entire clippings from the book of Enoch. For example, as part of the Meril of the Righteous, and the Message of Archbishop Gennady of Novgorod. It was even noted in one of the chronicle texts of Rus' - in the Tale of Bygone Years.

The Book of the Secrets of Enoch is a translated text, but who exactly translated it and from what language is unknown.
There are several main versions of this event. A. Vayan believed that the translation was made from Greek, in Macedonia or Pannonia. N.A. Meshchersky gave many arguments in favor of the theory that the text was translated into Russian from Hebrew.

The book has reached us in different languages. Fragments that are written in one language are different from those written in another. They do not intersect with each other in the plot. Even the composition and writing style are different. This gives a lot of food for thought, because it seems as if fragments in different languages ​​originally described completely different events and were stored in different places.

Title: "The Book of Enoch"
Publisher: Azbuka
Year of manufacture: 2008

Description: The Book of Enoch was considered in the early Christian world, although not canonical, but extremely authoritative. It is directly quoted by the author of Jude. The Apostle Peter gives indirect hints about it; Clement of Alexandria, Origen and Tertullian alluded to it.

The Book of Enoch has always been recognized by the Church as apocryphal and obviously constitutes a creation of a later period. It is remarkable that each of the three most important religious eras in the history of the Old Testament and New Testament is marked by a miraculous event of relocation to heaven: for example, the Patriarchal Church - in the person of Enoch, the Jewish - in the person of St. Elijah and the Christian - in the miraculous event of the Ascension of the Lord into heaven Jesus Christ.

  • Chapter 1 .
  • Chapter 2
  • Chapter 3
  • Chapter 4
  • Chapter 5
  • Chapters 6 and 7
  • Chapter 8
  • Chapter 9
  • Chapter 10
  • Chapter 11
  • Chapter 12
  • Chapter 13
  • Chapter 14
  • Chapter 15
  • Chapter 16
  • Chapter 17
  • Chapter 18
  • Chapter 19 (Part 1)
  • Chapter 19 (Part 2)
  • Chapter 20


The Book of Enoch is one of the so-called pseudepigrapha. It was written in the 1st century. BC. on behalf of the Old Testament Patriarch Enoch. The following is known from the Bible about Enoch, the seventh descendant of Adam:

Enoch lived sixty-five years and begat Methuselah. And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years and begat sons and daughters. And all the days of Enoch were three hundred and sixty-five years. And Enoch walked with God; and he was no more, because God took him. Gen 5:21-24

This “took” gave rise to comments claiming that Enoch (like the prophet Elijah after him) was taken to heaven alive, either for exceptional righteousness, or for some other reason. Written by an unknown author (or authors), the Book of Enoch tells of Enoch's journey to heaven, where he observed the uprising of the Sons of God, pictures of the coming end of the world, comprehended celestial mechanics and the future of the sons of Israel and many other hidden things. His visions and prophecies make up this book.

The Book of Enoch was considered in the early Christian world, although not canonical, but extremely authoritative. It is directly quoted by the author of the Epistle of Jude, indirect allusions to it are given by the Apostle Peter, it was referred to by Clement of Alexandria, Origen and Tertullian, as well as the author of the non-canonical Epistle of Barnabas (the latter even spoke of it as part of Scripture). After the canon of Scripture was formed, the authority of the Book of Enoch faded and its text was lost.

It was discovered again only in 1773 in the Ethiopian (Amhara) language, in a double translation from Aramaic or Hebrew through Greek, but in its entirety, which is extremely rare. Subsequently, two large fragments of Greek text were found during excavations in Akhmim (Egypt), and a large number of short Aramaic fragments were found in Qumran (Palestine). Their comparison allows us to consider this text, translated from Ethiopian, as authentic. Its division into chapters is arbitrary; researchers (R. Charles) see in it several mixed parts from different times, consisting of combinations of fragments (marked in our text with numbers in square brackets). There is another epigraph of Enoch in Old Church Slavonic - the so-called. Second Book of Enoch.

Book of Enoch

Thank you for downloading the book from the free electronic library http://filosoff.org/ Enjoy reading! Book of Enoch. Preface. The Book of Enoch is one of the so-called pseudepigraphs. It was written in the 1st century. BC. on behalf of the Old Testament patriarch Enoch. About Enoch, the seventh descendant of Adam, the following is known from the Bible: “Enoch lived sixty-five years and gave birth to Methuselah. And Enoch walked before God, after he begat Methuselah, three hundred years and begat sons and daughters. And all the days of Enoch were three hundred and sixty-five years. And Enoch walked before God; and he was no more, because God took him.” (Genesis 5:21-24) This “took” gave rise to comments claiming that Enoch (like the prophet Elijah after him) was taken to heaven alive, either for exceptional righteousness, or for some other reason. Written by an unknown author (or authors), the Book of Enoch tells of Enoch's journey to heaven, where he observed the uprising of the Sons of God, pictures of the coming end of the world, comprehended the celestial mechanics and the future of the sons of Israel and many other hidden things. His visions and prophecies make up this book. The Book of Enoch was considered in the early Christian world, although not canonical, but exclusively authoritative. It is directly quoted by the author of the Epistle of Jude Jude 1:14, indirect hints are given by the Apostle Peter, it was referred to by Clement of Alexandria, Origen and Tertullian, as well as the author of the non-canonical Epistle of Barnabas (the latter even spoke of it as part of Scripture). After the canon of Holy Scripture was formed, the authority of the Book of Enoch faded and its text was lost. It was discovered again only in 1773 in the Ethiopian (Amhara) language, in a double translation from Aramaic or ancient Hebrew through Greek, but in full, which is extremely rare. Subsequently, two large fragments of a Greek text were found during excavations in Akhmim (Egypt), and a large number of short Aramaic fragments were found in Qumran (Palestine). Their comparison allows us to consider this text, translated from Ethiopian, as authentic. Its division into chapters is arbitrary; researchers (R. Charles) see in it several mixed different parts, consisting of combinations of fragments (marked in our text with numbers in square brackets). There is another epigraph of Enoch in Old Slavonic - the so-called. The Second Book of Enoch (probably the author means this one, note by the site author). For ease of reading, we have divided it into five large fragments. 1. The mystical journey of Enoch 2. Three parables of Enoch 3. About the heavenly bodies 4. Two visions of Enoch 5. Instruction for children THE BOOK OF ENOCH The mystical journey of Enoch Enoch 1 1. The words of blessing of Enoch, with which he blessed the elect and the righteous, who will live in the day of trouble, when all the evil and wicked will be rejected. 2. And Enoch, the righteous man whose eyes were opened by God, answered and said that he saw a holy vision in heaven: “The angels showed it to me, and from them I heard everything, and I understood what I saw, but not for this purpose.” generation, but for the distant generations that will appear. 3. I spoke about the elect and talked about them with the Holy and Great One, with the God of the world, who will come out of His dwelling 4. And from there He will come to Mount Sinai and appear with His armies. , and in the power of His might He will appear from heaven. 5. And all will be afraid, and the guards will tremble, and great fear and trembling will surround them to the ends of the earth. 6. The lofty mountains will shake, and the high hills will sink, and melt like honey from the flame. 7. The earth will sink, and everything on earth will perish, and judgment will come upon everything and on all the righteous. 8. But He will prepare peace for the righteous, and He will protect the elect, and mercy will rule over them, and they will all be God’s. It will be good for them, and they will be blessed, and the light of God will shine on them. 9. And behold, He comes with myriads of saints to execute judgment on them, and He will destroy the wicked, and will plead with all flesh concerning everything that is sinners and the ungodly. did and committed against Him. 10. I observed everything that happens in the sky: how the luminaries that are in the sky do not change their paths, how they all rise and set in order, each in its own time, and do not break their laws. 11.Look at the earth and pay attention to the things that are on it, from the first to the last, how each work of God correctly reveals itself! 12. Look at summer and winter, how then (in winter) the whole earth abounds with water, and clouds, dew, and rain spread over it! 13. I observed and saw how in winter all the trees seemed as if they had dried up, and all their leaves had fallen off, except for fourteen trees, which do not become bare, but wait, remaining with old foliage, for the appearance of new ones within two or three years. 14. And again I observed the summer days, how then the sun stands above it (the earth), directly opposite it, and you are looking for cool places and shade from the sun’s heat, and how then even the earth burns from the heat, and you cannot step on anything the ground, nor on a rock (stone) due to their heat. 15. I watched the trees become covered with green leaves and bear fruit; and you will pay attention to everything and know that all this was created for you by the One who lives forever; look how His works exist before Him in every new year and all His works serve Him and do not faint, but as God has decreed, so everything happens! 16.And look how the seas and rivers all do their job together! 17. But you did not endure to the end and did not fulfill the law of the Lord; but they crossed him and with arrogant, blasphemous words they blasphemed His greatness from their wicked lips; You hard-hearted ones will not find any peace! 18. And therefore your days will be cursed, and the years of your life will be cut short; Eternal condemnation will be great, and you will not find any mercy. 19. In those days you will be deprived of the world, to be an eternal curse for all the righteous, and they will always curse you as sinners - you along with all sinners. 20. For the elect there will come light, and joy, and peace, and they will inherit the earth; and for you, the wicked, a curse will come. 21.Then the elect will be given wisdom and they will all live and will not sin again either through negligence or arrogance, but will be humble, not sinning again, since they have wisdom. 22.And they will be punished throughout their lives, and will not die in agony and in angry condemnation, but will end the number of days of their life, but will grow old in peace, and the years of their happiness will be many: they will remain in eternal pleasure and in peace in continuation of your entire life. Enoch 2 1. And it came to pass, after the sons of men were multiplied in those days, that beautiful and lovely daughters were born to them. 2. And the angels, the sons of heaven, saw them, and desired them, and said to each other: “Let us choose wives for ourselves from among the sons of men and bear children for ourselves!” 3. And Semyaza, their leader, said to them: “I am afraid that you will not want to carry out this matter, and then I alone will have to atone for this great sin.” 4. Then they all answered him and said: “We will all swear an oath and pledge ourselves to each other with spells not to abandon this intention, but to carry it out.” 5. Then they all swore together and bound themselves to each other with spells: there were only two hundred of them. 6.And they went down to Ardis, which is the top of Mount Hermon; and they called it Mount Hermon, because they swore on it and uttered curses to each other. 7. And these are the names of their leaders: Semyaza, their leader, Urakibarameel, Akibeel, Tamiel, Ramyel, Danel, Ezekeel, Sarakyyal, Azael, Batraal, Anani, Tsakebe, Samsaveel, Sartael, Tyrel, Iomyyael, Araziyal, These are the rulers of two hundred angels, and the others were all with them. 8. And they took wives for themselves, and each chose one for himself; and they began to enter among them and mingle with them, and taught them magic and spells, and revealed to them the cutting of roots and trees. 9.They conceived and gave birth to great giants, whose height was three thousand cubits. 10. They ate all the people's food, so that the people could no longer feed them. 11.Then the giants turned against the people themselves to devour them. 12.And they began to sin against birds and beasts, and things that move, and fish, and began to devour their flesh one by one and drink their blood. 13.Then the earth mourned over the wicked. 14. And Azazel taught people to make swords, and knives, and shields, and armor, and taught them to see what was behind them, and taught them the arts: wrist-making, and ornaments, and the use of whitewash and rouge, and the decoration of eyebrows, and decoration of the most precious and excellent stones, and all kinds of non-ferrous materials and metals of the earth. 15. And great wickedness and much wantonness appeared, and people sinned, and all their ways were corrupted. 16. Amezarak taught all sorts of spells and cutting off roots, Armaros - breaking spells, Barakal - observing the stars, Kokabel - signs; and Temel taught observation of the stars, and Astradel taught the movement of the Moon. 17.And when the people died, they cried out and their voice pierced to heaven. 18. Then Michael, Gabriel, Suryan and Uryan looked from heaven and saw a lot of blood that flowed on the earth, and all the injustice that was committed on the earth. 19. And they said to each other: “The voice of their (people’s) cry has reached from the desolate earth to the gates of heaven. 20. And now the souls of people turn to you, O saints of heaven, with a prayer, saying: ask us for truth from the Most High.” 21.And they said to their Lord King: “Lord of lords, God of gods, King of kings! 22.The throne of Your glory exists throughout all generations of the world: You are glorified and praised! 23.You have created all things, and the dominion over all belongs to You: all things belong to It was revealed and revealed by You, and You see everything, and nothing could be hidden from You. 24. So look at what Azazel did, how he taught all wickedness on earth and revealed the heavenly secrets of the world. 25. And Semyaza revealed the spells to whom You. gave authority to be the leader of his accomplices. 26. And they (the guards) came with each other to the daughters of men and slept with them, with these wives, and they became defiled, and these sins were revealed to them. 27. And the women gave birth to giants, and through this the whole earth. filled with blood and wickedness. 28. And now the separated souls mourn and cry out to the gates of heaven and their groaning ascends: they cannot escape from the wickedness that is committed on earth 29. And You know everything before it happened, and You know. this is their business, and yet you don’t tell us anything. 30. What should we do with them now for this? 31. Then the Most High, Great and Holy, began to speak, and sent Arsyalalyur to the son of Lemech (Noah) and said to him: “Tell him in My name: “Hide!” 32. and announce the coming end to him! 33. For the whole earth will perish, and the waters of the flood are preparing to come over the whole earth, and what is on it will perish. 34.And now teach him so that he will be saved and his seed will be preserved for all

Book of Enoch

The Book of Enoch is one of the so-called pseudepigraphs.

It was written in the 1st century. BC. on behalf of the Old Testament patriarch Enoch. The following is known from the Bible about Enoch, the seventh descendant of Adam:

“Enoch lived sixty-five years and begat Methuselah. And Enoch walked before God, after he begat Methuselah, three hundred years and begat sons and daughters. And all the days of Enoch were three hundred and sixty-five years. And Enoch walked before God; and he was no more, because God took him.” (Genesis 5:21-24)

This “took” gave rise to comments claiming that Enoch (like the prophet Elijah after him) was taken to heaven alive, either for exceptional righteousness, or for some other reason. Written by an unknown author (or authors), the Book of Enoch tells of Enoch's journey to heaven, where he observed the uprising of the Sons of God, pictures of the coming end of the world, comprehended the celestial mechanics and the future of the sons of Israel and many other hidden things. His visions and prophecies make up this book.

The Book of Enoch was considered in the early Christian world, although not canonical, but exclusively authoritative. It is directly quoted by the author of the Epistle of Jude Jude 1:14, indirect allusions to it are given by the Apostle Peter, it was referred to by Clement of Alexandria, Origen and Tertullian, as well as the author of the non-canonical Epistle of Barnabas (the latter even spoke of it as part of Scripture). After the canon of Holy Scripture was formed, the authority of the Book of Enoch faded and its text was lost.

It was discovered again only in 1773 in the Ethiopian (Amhara) language, in a double translation from Aramaic or ancient Hebrew through Greek, but in full, which is extremely rare. Subsequently, two large fragments of a Greek text were found during excavations in Akhmim (Egypt), and a large number of short Aramaic fragments were found in Qumran (Palestine). Their comparison allows us to consider this text, translated from Ethiopian, as authentic. Its division into chapters is arbitrary; researchers (R. Charles) see in it several mixed different parts, consisting of combinations of fragments (marked in our text with numbers in square brackets). There is another epigraph of Enoch in Old Slavonic - the so-called. The Second Book of Enoch (probably the author means this one, note by the site author).

For ease of reading, we have divided it into five large fragments.

1. The Mystical Journey of Enoch

2. Three parables of Enoch

3. About the heavenly bodies

4. Two Visions of Enoch

5. Instruction for children


The Mystical Journey of Enoch

Enoch 1

1. The words of Enoch's blessing, with which he blessed the elect and the righteous who would live in the day of trouble, when all the wicked and wicked would be rejected.

2. And Enoch, the righteous man whose eyes were opened by God, answered and said that he saw a holy vision in heaven: “The angels showed it to me, and from them I heard everything, and I understood what I saw, but not for this purpose.” generation, but for distant generations that will appear.

3. I spoke about the elect and talked about them with the Holy and Great One, with the God of peace, who will come out of His dwelling.

4. And from there He will come to Mount Sinai, and will appear with His armies, and in the strength of His might will appear from heaven.

5. And everything will be afraid, and the guards will tremble, and great fear and trembling will surround them to the ends of the earth.

6. The lofty mountains will shake, and the high hills will sink, and melt like honey from the flames of a honeycomb.

7. The earth will sink, and everything on earth will perish, and judgment will be carried out on everything and on all the righteous.

8. But He will prepare peace for the righteous, and He will protect the elect, and mercy will rule over them; they will all be God’s, and it will be good for them, and they will be blessed, and the light of God will shine on them.

9. And now He comes with myriads of saints to execute judgment on them, and He will destroy the wicked, and will plead with all flesh regarding everything that sinners and the wicked have done and committed against Him.

10. I observed everything that happens in the sky: how the luminaries that are in the sky do not change their paths, how they all rise and set in order, each in its own time, and do not break their laws.

11. Look at the earth and pay attention to the things that are on it, from the first to the last, how each work of God correctly reveals itself!

12. Look at summer and winter, how then (in winter) the whole earth abounds in water, and clouds, dew, and rain spread over it!

13. I observed and saw how in winter all the trees seemed as if they had dried up, and all their leaves had fallen off, except for fourteen trees, which do not become bare, but wait, remaining with old foliage, for the appearance of new ones within two or three years.

14. And again I observed the summer days, how then the sun stands above it (the earth), directly opposite it, and you are looking for cool places and shade from the sun’s heat, and how then even the earth burns from the heat, and you cannot step on anything the ground, nor on a rock (stone) due to their heat.

15. I watched the trees become covered with green leaves and bear fruit; and you will pay attention to everything and know that all this was created for you by the One who lives forever; look how His works exist before Him in every new year and all His works serve Him and do not faint, but as God has decreed, so everything happens!

16. And look how the seas and rivers all do their job together!

17. But you did not endure to the end and did not fulfill the law of the Lord; but they crossed him and with arrogant, blasphemous words they blasphemed His greatness from their wicked lips; You hard-hearted ones will not find any peace!

18. And therefore your days will be cursed, and the years of your life will be cut short; Eternal condemnation will be great, and you will not find any mercy.

19. In those days you will be deprived of the world, to be an eternal curse for all the righteous, and they will always curse you as sinners - you along with all sinners.

20. For the elect there will come light, and joy, and peace, and they will inherit the earth; and for you, the wicked, a curse will come.

21. Then the elect will be given wisdom and they will all live and will not sin again either through negligence or arrogance, but will be humble, not sinning again, since they have wisdom.

22. And they will be punished throughout their lives, and will not die in pain and in wrathful condemnation, but will complete the number of days of their life, but will grow old in peace, and the years of their happiness will be many: they will remain in eternal pleasure and in peace in continuation of your entire life.

Jude 1:14–15. Enoch, the seventh from Adam, also prophesied about them, saying: “Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousand of His holy angels to execute judgment on all...”

The Book of Enoch, written around 100 BC. e., was not accepted as canonical by either Jews, Catholics, or Protestants, but, obviously, Judas considered it divinely inspired. He was even amazed at its supposed antiquity, since he emphasizes that Enoch is “the seventh from Adam,” that is, from the seventh generation after creation: Adam, Seth, Enosh, Cainan, Mahleleel, Jared and Enoch.

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Chapter 6 SIF AND ENOCH This chapter is based on Genesis 4:25 – 6:2 Adam was given another son to be the heir of the divine promise and spiritual birthright. He was named Seth, which means “appointed” or “reward,” for, his mother said, “God

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Enoch Along with the sacred books, the apocrypha had a great influence on the worldview of the Jews in the Hellenistic era (the Greek word apocrypha means something hidden, hidden in a cache). Apocryphal books were not part of the sacred canon and were often circulated

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Adam and Enoch Adam sees Enoch entering paradise and is tormented by spiritual repentance. The entry of Enoch reproached Adam, who was expelled from paradise. But in what tormented him, he also found healing. Enoch dealt him a blow by entering into paradise, but Enoch also consoled him by entering into what had been lost.

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From the book of Hebrews by Brown R.

2) Enoch walked with God (11:5,6) By faith Enoch was translated so that he did not see death; and he was no more, because God had translated him. For before his migration he received a testimony that he pleased God. And without faith it is impossible to please God; for it is necessary that he who comes to God

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1. Enoch (vv. 14, 15) It is not difficult to determine which Enoch we are talking about, since Jude calls him the seventh from Adam. He appears in Gen. 5:21–24: “Enoch lived sixty-five years and begat Methuselah. And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years and begat sons and daughters.

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17. And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived and gave birth to Enoch. And he built a city; and named the city after his son: Enoch “And Cain knew his wife...” The question involuntarily arises: who was Cain’s wife? Obviously, one of the sisters, St. John Chrysostom and Blessed Theodoret explain

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21. Enoch lived sixty-five (165) years and gave birth to Methuselah “Enoch... begat Methuselah...” Literally translated from Hebrew, this name, according to authoritative Hebraists, means: “man of the arrow, man of weapons.” Since, according to a more probable calculation, Methuselah died in the very year of the flood, then

From the author's book

22. And Enoch walked with God, after he begat Methuselah, three hundred (200) years and begat sons and daughters “And Enoch walked with God...” A similar expression is found in the Bible several times (6:9; Mic. 6:8; Mal. 2:6, etc.) and everywhere it means the highest degree of moral direction in life.

From the author's book

23 And all the days of Enoch were three hundred and sixty-five years. 24. And Enoch walked with God; and he was not found, because God took him “and he was not, because God took him...” “And was not found” (LXX, Slavic) - Enoch, i.e. he was not completely destroyed, but mysteriously disappeared from among people. Already this

From the author's book

Enoch, son of Cain The exiled Cain apparently settled in the land of Nod (regardless of what the name implied). He married and had a son: Gen. 4: 17...I built he a city; and he named the city after the name of his son: Enoch. Perhaps this is a vague indication of an ancient

From the author's book

Enoch, son of Seth The descendants of Adam through Seth are listed, not counting Adam and Seth themselves, for eight generations. They are described in somewhat more detail than about the descendants of Cain. These are the so-called antediluvian patriarchs. The names of Seth's genealogy are suspiciously similar to

From the author's book

Enoch The author of the Epistle of Jude also points to the books of Enoch, which contain a prophecy about the upcoming divine punishment of heretics: Jude 1: 14–15. Enoch, the seventh from Adam, also prophesied about them, saying: “Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousand of His holy angels to execute judgment on