Biographies Characteristics Analysis

A competitive game program for primary schoolchildren, dedicated to Cosmonautics Day, “The cosmic distances are calling friends.” Games and competitions for Cosmonautics Day

Target: To acquaint students with the history of the development of astronautics, with those who contributed to the conquest of the Universe, to cultivate a sense of patriotism and pride in their Motherland, which was the first to overcome the force of gravity.


  • broadening the horizons of students;
  • familiarization with literature on this topic;
  • creating conditions for developing teamwork skills.

Decor: book exhibition “Man. Universe. Space"; portraits of astronauts, poster:

“Humanity will not remain forever on Earth; in pursuit of light and space, it will first timidly penetrate beyond the atmosphere, and then conquer the entire circumsolar space.” K.E.Tsiolkovsky

Dear Guys! You already know that on April 12, our country and the whole world celebrate Cosmonautics Day. It seems familiar to you that spaceships take off from the earth. In the dark distances of the sky, spacecraft are docking. People live on space stations for months, astronauts work, and automatic stations fly to other planets. You might say, “What's so special about that?” And the fact that just 40-45 years ago space flights were in the realm of science fiction.

Specialists from different countries took part in the space flights: the Czech Republic, Poland, Germany, Bulgaria, Hungary, Vietnam, Cuba, Mongolia, Romania, India, France, the USA, and Japan.

Now, when people look at distant planets, think about star flights, about meetings with other civilizations, and some can afford space travel - these dreams are no longer fantasy, as they were a thousand, two hundred or fifty years ago.

Ah, this day is the twelfth of April,
How he swept through people's hearts -
It seemed as if the world had involuntarily become kinder,
Shocked by his victory!
What kind of universal music he thundered,
That holiday, in the colorful flames of banners,
When the unknown son of the land of Smolensk
Was adopted by the planetary earth.

We invite you to the cafe
“Starry Distances”
(Annex 1)


  1. Milky Way - 1 sleepwalker
  2. Andromeda's nebula - 1sleepwalker
  3. Tears of Venus – 1sleepwalker

Cold dishes:

  1. An astronaut's dream - 5 sleepwalkers
  2. Ship of Desires – 5 sleepwalkers

Hot dishes:

  1. Star dust - 10 sleepwalkers
  2. Hello from Earth - 10 sleepwalkers
  1. Solar scattering - 4sleepwalker
  2. Two stars - 4sleepwalker
  3. Asteroids – 4sleepwalker
  4. Constellation "Apollo" - 4sleepwalker

Game “Star Distances”

Rules of the game.

The game is similar to the television version of the game “Custom Game”.

A jury is selected who will count the points - the sleepwalkers. The correct answer is “plus” the number of points the question is worth; An incorrect answer “minus” the number of points the question is worth.

Teams take turns choosing questions, and each team member also takes turns choosing a question. The answers are given by the team or participant who selected the question. (This is discussed in advance). Based on the results of the game - the number of lunatics earned - you can place an order at the Starry Dali cafe; space waitresses serve the cafe's visitors. (Menus are handed out at the end of the game.)

Story 10 20 30 40 50
Space 10 20 30 40 50
The world of stars in poetry 10 20 30 40 50
Astronauts 10 20 30 40 50
Spaceships 10 20 30 40 50


10. How long did the first space flight last? (108 minutes.)

20. Name an outstanding rocket designer whose name is associated with our first victories in space exploration? (Academician S.P. Korolev)

30. Which of the scientists in our country is the founder of astronautics? (K.E. Tsiolkovsky.)

40. 2009 was declared the Year of Astronomy, because It is this year that the 400th anniversary of G. Galileo’s discoveries will be celebrated. What device did he invent? (Telescope.)


10. How to distinguish the crescent of a waxing Moon from a waning Moon by its appearance? (In the form of the letter C - old, decreasing.)

20. Which planet is known as the morning or evening star? (Venus.)

30. Is it possible to distinguish a planet from a star with the naked eye? (The stars twinkle and the planets shine with an even light.)

40. Can an aneroid barometer work on the Moon? (No, because the Moon has no atmosphere.)

50. What stars does our Sun belong to? (Yellow dwarf.)

The world of stars in poetry:

10. K. Prutkov.

But now the sun's ray is fading.
The month comes out from behind the clouds
And sanctifies all the stars along the way... (...Milky Way.)

20. M. Tsvetaeva. A shaggy star, rushing to nowhere from a terrible nowhere. (Comet.)

30. M. Tsvetaeva.

August - asters
August - stars
August – grapes
grapes and rowan.
Rusty - August!
The month of August
Showers of stars!

What are these showers? (Meteors are an atmospheric phenomenon, the combustion of cosmic particles in the atmosphere.)

40. “The night is quiet, the desert listens to God, and star speaks to star.”

50. Musical question.

Name romances or songs where the word “star” appears? (My clear star. Shine, burn, my star. Two stars, etc.)


10. Who was in space before man and what were the names of the first messengers? (Dogs: Laika, Belka, Strelka, Bee, Mushka, Zvezdochka, Chernushka, Ugolek, Veterok – 9.)

20. From which cosmodrome, located in our region, do rockets take off? (Mirny, Plesetsk.)

30. Which astronaut was the first to go into outer space? (Alexey Leonov March 18, 1965)

40. The open stay on the Moon lasted 62 minutes 16 seconds. What was the name of the first astronaut to land on the Moon on July 20–21, 1969? (Neil Armstrong.)

50. Which female astronaut was the first to go into space in 1963? (Valentina Tereshkova.)


10. Which country holds the honor of the first soft landing on the surface of Mars? (USSR, “Mars-3” May 28, 1971.)

20. How are food stored in spaceships? (In tubes.)

30. Can an astronaut use dumbbells for physical exercise? (No, because they lose weight.)

40. When an astronaut goes to bed, he ties his sleeping bag and covers his face with a net. Why? (Weightlessness. To avoid inhaling particles that may accidentally end up in the compartment.)

50. What is the name of the clothing that is needed for going into space? (Space suit.)

Questions for viewers:

  1. Name the planets of the solar system. (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.)
  2. What is the Zodiac? (The zodiac is the name given to the 12 constellations through which the Sun passes on its visible annual path.)
  3. Which constellations does the Sun pass through on its annual journey? Are all the signs of the Zodiac named correctly? (Aries, Taurus, Brothers, Cancer, Tiger, Virgo, Libra, Spider, Hunter, Capricorn, Aquarius, Perch.)

2nd Tour.

Meeting with aliens. Explain the following phrases using gestures:

  • "What is your name?"
  • “I loved you at first sight”
  • “What time is it on your planet?”
  • “Will you fly with us to Earth?
  • “Do you have a sea?”
  • "I need a doctor"

While the teams are preparing: questions for the audience:

What would that mean?
Phraseological phrases

  • There are not enough stars from the sky;
  • Rising star;
  • Star of the first magnitude;
  • To be born under a lucky star;
  • Guiding star;
  • Hover between heaven and earth;
  • Like heaven and earth;
  • Finest hour;
  • Raise to heaven;
  • Take a place in the sun;
  • How I fell from the moon;
  • Get your finger in the sky;
  • Get to seventh heaven;
  • The sky is hot;
  • The sky is smoky.


Never forget that everything starts with a dream.

Don't be afraid to dream. Dream! Don't be lazy! And you will achieve everything!

Thank you for participating.
See you again!

Work of the cafe “Zvezdnye Dali”. Orders are accepted for the amount that the team has collected; spectators also have the right to place orders for the amount they have.

When planning an event and scenario for Cosmonautics Day, the main attention should be paid to the variety of its elements - it should be interesting for children. This holiday is held taking into account the characteristics of each age category of schoolchildren.

Junior classes

Young children should not be overloaded with information about space exploration. Events should contain more active and logical games. You can invite children to create decorations for the holiday with their own hands: toys, drawings, crafts dedicated to Cosmonautics Day.

For students in grades 1-4, information should be presented in a playful way. Only in this case will the holiday be remembered for a long time and will evoke many positive emotions.

You can select several children from the class and assign roles for them, let them learn short poems. This will help to involve the kids in the event and increase the degree of their participation in the celebration.

High school

Older students will find it more interesting to perceive information using media presentations and slide shows. Competitions must also be present in the scenario describing Cosmonautics Day. The class hour will be active and interesting.

It is preferable for high school students to present more serious, in-depth information on the topic of the event. You can pay attention to the biographies of legendary cosmonauts, the main events on the path to space exploration, etc.

High school students should also take an active part in holding events for Cosmonautics Day. This could be a form of work such as distributing roles between children or preparing information on a given topic. The main thing is that it is original and dynamic. Don't delay the event too much.

Motivation of children

When planning Cosmonautics Day, the script should begin with the introduction and motivation for holding this event. This can be done independently or with the participation of child leaders.

It is imperative to pay attention to the question of why April 12 is celebrated as a national holiday. It is necessary to talk about the feat of Yuri Gagarin, who opened the way for humanity to the stars, to convey information to children in a form accessible to their age.

You can talk about the events that preceded the first flight into space, after which people began to celebrate Cosmonautics Day. The year 1957 marked the beginning of the era of human exploration of space beyond our planet.

Competitions and games for Cosmonautics Day for primary schoolchildren

There are many competitions that are held on this day. Little children will have a lot of fun imagining themselves as cosmonauts of an ultra-modern interplanetary spacecraft and learning about the life of astronauts. To do this, it is recommended to hold a competition “Cosmonaut Breakfast”. Several apples are tied on a string and children are invited to eat the fruit without touching them with their hands. Almost like being in zero gravity. The winner is the one who eats his “breakfast” the fastest.

The "Real Cosmonaut" competition will allow everyone to take part in the game. To carry it out, a rope or tape is placed on the floor. Before starting their route, each competitor turns around himself 5 times (representing overcoming the overloads when entering orbit), and then tries to walk in a straight line without leaving the path.

It is very good if before the celebration a system of rewards and incentives for participants was thought out.

Thematic creative works

The Space Artists competition will also add variety to the school Cosmonautics Day. Crafts made by children should tell about comets, astronauts, and starships. This will promote the development of creativity and will bring a lot of positivity to the class hour dedicated to Cosmonautics Day.

You can also offer to build a rocket on which the children will all go on an imaginary flight to the stars. Before the event, it will be interesting to invite children to prepare a musical number on a space theme. Such a performance will become a vivid memory for both participants and spectators.

Thematic techniques in high school

When writing a script for Cosmonautics Day for older students, you can pay attention to such forms of active participation of children in the event as quizzes, slide shows and pre-prepared speeches.

When spending Cosmonautics Day at school, you can invite children to divide into 2 groups, choose names for them and take part in the game “Greetings from Space”. Students must write a message from astronauts from the depths of the universe using the letter "P". The letter should be informative and original. Whose message is longer, that team wins.

Everyone present will enjoy a pre-prepared musical performance by one or more participants. The performance is rehearsed by the children in advance, and appropriate costumes can be made.

Games for high school students for Cosmonautics Day

Another interesting competition is called "Meteor Shower". The spaceships came under attack from asteroids. Each team member must show composure and mutual assistance to avoid collisions with destructive objects.
It is necessary to give the correct answer “yes” or “no” to the question posed in order to protect the ship’s crew from an accident.

The presenter asks questions on space topics. For example:

  • Yu. A. Gagarin flew around the Earth in 1 hour 48 minutes? (Yes)
  • Is the sun smaller than the earth? (No)

Each “accurate” answer adds 1 point to the team and helps its spaceship avoid a collision with a meteorite.

More active competitions are allowed. When celebrating Cosmonautics Day, events of this type should be placed next to passive forms of work.

The game "Rocket" will bring great excitement to the classroom. To do this, two couples are invited to take part in the construction of an interplanetary spacecraft. It is advisable if it is a tandem “boy and girl”. The student raises his hands and puts his palms together, representing a rocket. The student begins to wrap a paper towel around him without covering her face (leaving the porthole for the astronaut). The couple that completes the task faster receives a reward and the title of Chief Designer.

Material for the event

Cosmonautics Day at school should be designed accordingly, so it is necessary to prepare theoretical material.

You should bring a portrait of Yu. A. Gagarin, materials for competitions, select appropriate musical accompaniment and slides. You can decorate the room thematically, for example with stars, posters with drawings prepared by students, etc.

If you plan to present a theory, you can use a projector or special slides to present visual material. Interesting facts about the space industry, the space of the Universe and other information will also be interesting for children to listen to.

The biographies of the legendary cosmonauts Yu. A. Gagarin, G. S. Titov, V. V. Tereshkova will become an example for the younger generation. They achieved their goal thanks to strength of character, perseverance, and devotion to the Motherland.

A well-planned Cosmonautics Day at school will be a real event for all participants. This event will be remembered for a long time. Taking into account the age characteristics of children, holding Cosmonautics Day every year will develop in schoolchildren team spirit, a sense of respect, patriotism, as well as creative thinking, imagination, and the ability to express their thoughts. The holiday will bring a lot of bright impressions and positive emotions.

An educational game for children of primary school age dedicated to Cosmonautics Day: "COSMO - STAR".

Barbashina Svetlana Aleksandrovna, teacher of the first qualification category, Regional State Budgetary Institution Rehabilitation and Health Center "Forest Fairy Tale", village. Sukhoborye, Lipetsk region.
DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL: I bring to your attention an educational game dedicated to Cosmonautics Day, which I developed for children in grades 1-4. The material will also be of interest to teachers of senior groups of kindergartens, primary school teachers in extracurricular activities, educators and counselors of school and summer children's camps.
TARGET: promote the development of cognitive interest and knowledge about space in a playful way.
- development of cognitive interest and knowledge about history
- expanding knowledge and ideas about the planets of the solar system;
- development of cognitive abilities;
- fostering a culture of communication in a team, skills
adhere to certain rules;
MATERIALS: a playing field made of fabric, 2 cardboard rocket pieces with Velcro, a cube with dots from 1 to 6; cards of 4 colors, stand decorated for Cosmonautics Day.
Photo: playing field.
Photo: game cube.


TEACHER: Guys, today I offer you an interesting game that is dedicated to space and everything connected with it. In Russia, April 12 is celebrated as Cosmonautics Day. Who knows, guys, what significant happened on this day? Right! For the first time in the world, a man flew into space.

Before this, the inhabitants of spaceships were not people at all, but ordinary dogs. Many such flights of animals into space (there were 29 of them) ended unsuccessfully, and in the end, two small dogs - Belka and Strelka, who took off aboard the Vostok spacecraft, made 17 orbits around the Earth and successfully returned back. You can see them in the photo on the stand.

Somewhat later, a man was sent into space in the Soviet Union. This happened on April 12, 1961. Who can tell me what his name is? Right! It was pilot-cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. On a spaceship called "Vostok 1" It launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome and made the first manned entry into Earth orbit. Its flight lasted 1 hour 48 minutes - the time it took to complete a full revolution around the Earth. Gagarin observed our planet from space through a window from an altitude of 300 km. He then landed in central Russia. His successful return was greatly welcomed throughout the world. Pay attention to his photo on the stand.

Thus, the beginning of active human space exploration was laid. This was followed by other flights into Earth orbit, and later - a flight to the Moon (a satellite of our planet). Currently, space exploration is carried out with the help of satellites, probes, International Space Stations on board of which astronauts live for many months, observe and study planets, stars, comets, etc. More than 400 people in the world have already been in space. Please note, this is what a space satellite looks like.

Now, guys, I suggest you imagine yourself in the role of astronauts and make a “space journey”. Pay attention to the playing field - this is outer space and the planets of the solar system. They revolve around the Sun: 4 smaller planets - MERCURY, VENUS, EARTH, MARS, and 4 more giant planets - JUPITER, SATURN, URANUS, NEPTUNE. Pay attention to where they are located and their sizes. (The teacher shows them on the playing field) These giant planets do not have a solid surface and consist of gases. As a rule, they are surrounded by gas rings.
So, we are starting a space journey, but who will be the best today? Let's divide into 2 teams, each of which will make the journey from the Sun to a distant space station (the teacher shows the path on the playing field)

Today, the strongest and smartest will win: those astronauts who earn the most oxygen cylinders , the value of which is very high, because in space there is no oxygen for breathing.

Rules of the game:

1. The chip moves the number of steps that appears on the die.
2.The color of the arrow where the chip stops determines the group of questions that the team must answer.
- yellow-"Space Mosaic";
- green- "Aircrafts";
- blue- "About everything cosmic";
- blue -"Planets and bodies of the Solar System."
3. The team that answered correctly earns money 1 cylinder.(instead of points - tokens with oxygen cylinders)
4. If the chip lands on the red arrow, then the team misses a move.
5. The team that arrives at the space station first receives extra 3 cylinders.
6. The team that earns money wins more cylinders.

Task cards.

Yellow sector.

Green sector.

Blue sector.

Blue sector.

Additional card. Puzzles
1. I’m even sure that you have been familiar with this planet for a long time:
Lakes, forests and fields. Of course this is...(Earth)
2. And a large candy was named after this planet.
Well, here's a hint for you - a planet called...(Mars)
3. The second planet from the Sun is covered in huge clouds.
Canyons, volcanoes, caves - the planet is called... (Venus)
4. No probe, no ship, no rocket will land on this planet.
A giant is shrouded in fog like a downy sweater... (Jupiter)
5. This planet has a namesake: it lives in an overseas kingdom.
He is the kingdom of the sea sorcerer. Planet called...(Neptune)
6. It’s just hot there, because it’s the planet closest to the Sun!
And there is neither frost nor storm on the hot planet... (Mercury)
7. Far from the scorching Sun, a planet wearing rings.
Soars as if in an openwork dress, they call her... (Saturn)
8. This large planet is away from the Sun and light.
Solid ice mounds covered the surface of... (Uranus)

TEACHER'S FINAL WORDS: So, all teams successfully arrived at the International Space Station. It's time to count the number of cylinders they have earned. Thus, today we flew around all the planets of the solar system and took a closer look at them: we found out what they are made of and what they look like. We remembered how man's exploration of space began and who was the first to conquer it. Guys, you can learn a lot of interesting and incredible things about space, astronauts, planets and everything. Find out more, because your space journey is just beginning! Good luck!

Game show program
for Cosmonautics Day

Goals: increase interest in Russian cosmonautics, encourage students to broaden their horizons, develop intellectual and physical abilities; Foster a spirit of healthy competition and friendly competition.

Progress of the game program

The class is divided into 4 crew teams: “Soyuz”, “Voskhod”, “Vostok”, “Salyut”. Crews are formed from students of 5-6 people.

On April 12, our country celebrates Cosmonautics Day. This is a national holiday. It seems familiar to us that spaceships launch from Earth. In the high celestial distances, spacecraft dockings take place. Cosmonauts live and work in space stations for months, and automatic stations go to other planets. Can you say "what's special here"?

But just recently they talked about space flights as science fiction. And on October 4, 1957, a new era began - the era of space exploration. On April 12, 1961, for the first time in the world, the planet's first cosmonaut flew on the Vostok spacecraft. He was our citizen Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. The inhabitants of the Earth will always remember with gratitude the names of people who discovered a new sphere of human activity.

In this constellation of names, some of the brightest are the name of the first cosmonaut of the planet, Yuri Gagarin, and the name of the chief designer, Academician Sergei Pavlovich Korolev. Now you will witness the space travel of four crews. And even if this is not a real space flight, perhaps our today’s “cosmonauts” in 10-15 years will lead ships to other planets or create these ships. We meet the crews.

Our cosmonauts passed a strict selection process. Throughout the flight, their work will be monitored by the Flight Control Center (jury) and will assess the readiness of the crews to perform various tasks. Report to the crews that they are ready.

Dear crew members, now we are going on an exciting journey. During the game we will find out whose team knows better the history of space exploration and the physics of space flight. A lot will depend on your organization, attention, and speed of reaction to commands from Earth.

Just like real astronauts, surprises await you. Be prepared for them. As our journey progresses, your ships will be collecting astronauts on board. Whoever has the most by the end of the trip wins.

But still, the crews must undergo a final test on Earth.

1 competition " Pre-flight preparation"

Let's check your physical fitness.

a) 2 crew members spin 5 times, looking at the right outstretched arm, then walk along a straight line. All crew members undergo this check.

b) During the flight, you urgently need to move from one compartment to another. (Who can go through the hoop the fastest with the whole crew)

And now the theoretical preparation

Questions are asked to the crews in turn:

1. Who is called the father of Russian cosmonautics? (K.E. Tsiolkovsky).

2. Minor planets (asteroids).

3. What do American astronauts call themselves? (astronauts)

4. How long did Gagarin’s flight last? (108 minutes).

5. Who was the first to go into outer space? (Alexey Leonov).

6. How many planets are there in the solar system? Name them in order. (9 planets).

7. Is it possible to use a compass on the Moon? (No, because there is no magnetic field).

8. A celestial body that burned up in the atmosphere. (Meteor).

9. Will an astronaut in a flying spaceship be able to pour water from one vessel to another? (No, weightlessness).

10. What bright star can you use to navigate the area? (polar)

11. What disappears from bodies during flight? (weight)

12. Name the namesakes of the astronauts you meet at our school. (Titov, Nikolaev)

For quick passage 1-4 points (astronaut) and for each correct answer 1 point

Ready in minutes. 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... RUN(Video of a rocket launching).

Yuri Gagarin's first words from orbit were: “What a beauty! How beautiful our planet is!”

  1. competition “Putting a spacecraft into orbit”

Everything is ready to fly. Crew, please take your seats. All that remains is to launch our ship into orbit.

So, the task: one person is blindfolded and taken to the starting point. Another will give him commands where to turn, how many steps to take to get into “orbit”(1-4 points)

  1. competition "Earth in the porthole"

Assignment to the artists: depict a view of our planet from space.

(Submit the drawings to the MCC).(maximum 4 points)

While admiring our planet through the window, the rest of the crew determine the terrain over which they are flying. Place the names of rivers, lakes, islands, seas, oceans on the map(each crew is given a contour map). (1 point for the correct name)

  1. competition "Into outer space"

What is the name of the astronaut suit? How can our cosmonauts go into outer space?

Making a spacesuit from newspapers using felt-tip pens and tape (1-4 points).

We will check the reliability of the suit by making several circles in orbit.(For the most reliable spacesuit 1 point)

  1. competition "Space recreation"

Finish the phrase (1 point)

1. Any space route is open to those who love (work).

2. Only strong starships can take with them on (flight).

3. We live very friendly. We don’t take boring people into space (we don’t take them).

4. The firebird flies, proud of its tail (comet).

  1. competition "Captains Competition"

Find the names of the planets in the lines of the poem.

No foam, no dust -

Everything is so tidy

In our flat.

Suddenly they walk in hand in hand

Our neighbors' children come to us,

Two twins - Yura and Petya,

And they offer to play as astronauts.

Such a hype arose before the start -

Neighbors came running to hear the call:

“He’s a cheat!”

(Neptune is the first line, Uranus is the second line, Jupiter is the sixth line, Mars is the seventh line, Earth and Saturn are the eighth line, Venus is the ninth line, Pluto is the tenth line.)

Each planet 1 point

  1. competition "Starry Sky"

While the captains are working. We will hold a competition “Starry Sky”

For the correct answer 3 points

Our cosmonauts completed the flight program in full.

Have a safe return!

The flight control center will sum up the results of the flight, name the winners, and present awards.

Galina Bardakova

My organization holds events not only at the institution itself, but also in schools with which we have established cooperation.

I offer a outline of the game, which was developed by me in collaboration with my colleague, social work specialist S. A. Takmashova.

Target: generalization and improvement of students’ knowledge about space and cosmic bodies.

1. educational: expanding the general horizons of children; consolidation of knowledge about facts and terminology about space; formation of knowledge about planets and other cosmic bodies in a playful way;

2. raising: developing teamwork and communication skills; fostering a respectful attitude towards each other and other people’s opinions; developing skills to be able to listen and hear others;

3. developing: development of logical thinking, memory and speech, both oral and written; development of coordination; development of creative abilities and creative thinking.

Planned results:

Subject: know the date of World Cosmonautics Day, terminology about space; know what event World Cosmonautics Day is dedicated to; know the name of the person who flew first into space; know what planets there are in the solar system, what cosmic bodies there are; know how to study space.

Cognitive: be able to navigate your knowledge system, be able to generalize and draw conclusions.

Regulatory: be able to clearly express your assumptions; be able to pronounce the sequence of actions; be able to plan your activities; be able to control your actions and correlate them with the result.

Communicative: be able to listen and hear others, be able to express your thoughts in oral and written speech, be able to follow the rules of communication in a team; be able to negotiate with others.

Personal: develop the ability to think critically; develop the ability to self-assess one’s performance; develop creative thinking.

Technical equipment: encrypted letter; cipher; “Say a word” cards; puzzles based on the plot of the cartoon “Wally”; paper stars; star cards with riddles; poster of the constellation "Ursa Major" and "Ursa Minor"; cards with tasks on the Unknown Planet; space debris (cubes, toys); ribbon; handkerchief; self-test card.

Progress of the lesson

1. Motivation for activity

Guys, tell me, what month is it now? (April)

What will be the next holiday in our country? (children express their opinions)

What do you think our lesson today will be devoted to? Name an approximate topic (Cosmonautics Day)

Today we will take a space journey through unknown planets. Are you ready to play? (Ready)

2. Updating knowledge

For centuries, man has looked at the sky. He walked on earth and was not afraid to swim far into the sea, because his guides were the stars. Man populated the sky with gods, but he himself wanted to get to it. And then legends about flying people, science fiction novels about human flights appeared. And in the 20th century, the first airplanes appeared and rockets flew into space.

It was morning on April 12, 1961. Guys, tell me what happened on this day? (First manned space flight)

How many years will it be this year since the first manned space flight?

So, this year marks the 55th anniversary of the first manned space flight. And we, like Yu. A. Gagarin, also want to be participants in the process of space exploration. So, recently we received an interesting letter from space. It's encrypted.

3. Activity planning stage

What do you think needs to be done to decipher it?

Thus, you and I will go on a journey into space across the planets to look for the keys of the cipher (the cipher is based on the letters of the Russian alphabet).

However, all of us together with you will not fit on one ship. So what do we need to do? (Split into two teams)

Each team needs to come up with its own name and choose a ship captain.

4. Practical activity stage

We have two teams. Each team, completing tasks correctly, will receive stars. The team that receives the most stars will receive part of the cipher.

So, before heading into space, ship captains must undergo appropriate tests at the training base. There will be two of them:

1. Coordination test (walk blindfolded along the tape without losing your balance). The captain who completed the task receives an asterisk.

2. Test of intelligence (collecting space debris without leaving the chair on which the team captain sits). The captain who collects the most “garbage” receives a star.

Well done! Now we see that you are ready, and we are going into outer space.

Guys, what is the name of our galaxy? ("Milky Way")

We are flying along the Milky Way, and the first thing we meet is the constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor.

Now the team captains will pull out a star from the file attached to the poster with the constellations “Ursa Major” and “Ursa Minor” and wish them on their team. For each correct answer, the team receives a star.

Let's summarize.

We leave the Milky Way and encounter a new planet, S490.

The “Say the Word” challenge awaits you:

To equip the eye

And be friends with the stars,

To see the Milky Way

Need a powerful...

Telescope for hundreds of years

Study the life of planets.

He will tell us everything

Smart uncle...

An astronomer is a stargazer,

He knows everything inside out!

Only the stars are visible better

The sky is full...

A bird cannot reach the moon

Fly and land on the moon,

But he can do it

Do it quickly...

The rocket has a driver

Zero gravity lover.

In English: "astronaut"

And in Russian …

An astronaut sits in a rocket

Cursing everything in the world -

In orbit as luck would have it


UFO flies to neighbor

From the constellation Andromeda,

It howls like a wolf out of boredom

Evil green...

The humanoid has lost its course,

Lost in three planets,

If there is no star map,

Speed ​​won't help...

Light flies the fastest

Doesn't count kilometers.

The Sun gives life to the planets,

We are warm, tails are...

The comet flew around,

I looked at everything in the sky.

He sees a hole in space -

This is black...

There is darkness in black holes

She's busy with something dark.

There he ended his flight


For each correct answer, the team receives a star. Let's summarize.

Guys, we received a distress signal from the mysterious planet Robotinia. Where do you think this name comes from? (Robots live on it)

That's right, but these robots are broken and we need to help them. We will give you puzzles that you need to put together into one picture and answer the question from which cartoon these robots are taken. The team that collects the first single picture will receive a star.

Well done! Meanwhile, we are heading further, and arriving on an unknown planet where no human has set foot. Strange creatures live on it. We don’t know them and we don’t know their language either. On this unknown planet you have to pass the last test, namely: the team captains will choose from the cards offered (“Do you want to buy three birds with one stone” or “Do you want to play football”) one with a task and, using only gestures, without saying a word, will try to explain what they want to get to their team. For the correct answer, the team receives a star.

Let's summarize.

5. Stage of independent work with self-test

So, we have received all parts of the cipher. Now it's time to return to Earth, the training base.

We found the code, what can we do now?

Solving the code is your collective work.

One of the children reads out the resulting message: “Take care of the planet - your home! Hurry up to save nature!”

Summing up, awarding medals

6. Reflection

Did you enjoy today's lesson?

Was everything clear?

What remains unclear?

How active were you during the lesson?