Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Summary of the role-playing game in the senior group “Come the larks, bring the red spring!” Activity-entertainment on the theme "Meeting spring. Larks" Children make their own larks

On March 22, Rus' has long celebrated the holiday of Larks - the day of welcoming spring. This day was called “Magpies”. Forty forty. Forty martyrs. Forty saints. There was a belief that forty birds fly to Magpies, that the magpie begins to build a nest for itself and puts forty sticks in it. On Soroka, day equals night, the day of the vernal equinox arrives, and real spring begins.

According to tradition, at the beginning of this holiday, spring birds were baked from the dough: larks, starlings, waders. The birds were distributed to the children, and they ran screaming and loudly laughing to call the larks, and with them spring.

In our group “Sun”, folk holidays occupy a large place in introducing children to folk culture. The group had a thematic lesson “Larks”. The children made larks themselves from salt dough, took them outside and called out to the birds:

Larks, come!

Bring red spring!

We're tired of winter,

She ate all our bread!

The purpose of our lesson : Introduce folk signs and Russian Orthodox customs that are accessible to children of age. To develop in children an emotional response to the spring manifestations of nature; aesthetic feelings, experiences; Creative skills. Continue to introduce works of small oral folklore: chants.

The children retain the joy of the festive event in their souls for a long time and tell their families about their impressions. And for the children's afternoon snack they baked real larks!

We hope that good seeds will grow in children's souls, and our children will grow up to be kind and smart, good citizens of their native country.

Thematic lesson in the senior group “Magpie-larks”.

Goals and objectives:
expand and enrich children’s knowledge about the traditions of the Russian people;
develop interest in Russian folklore through Russian spring calls;
consolidate children's knowledge about migratory birds; create an atmosphere of Russian hospitality at the table and in the group; Educator: Hello, dear guests! I’ve been waiting for you for a long time, I haven’t started the holiday!
- The winter season lasts a long time. Merry holidays have already passed by: Christmas and Maslenitsa, we are already tired of listening to the howls of blizzards and blizzards, everyone dreams that the warmth will drive away the fierce cold. And so, in order to bring the joyful time of spring renewal closer, people came up with another ritual - the invocation of spring. This is what people said about this day:
- When the water spills, when the forest turns green
- When the birds arrive, then spring comes.
Round dance: "Vesnyanka"
Children read poetry:
1. Bless, mother, ring in spring!
2. Spring, spring, wake up from your sleep!
And you, winter, go beyond the seas!
Let winter go to good use!
Let's let spring arrive!
3. We, winter, are tired of you
And she ate all our bread,
She burned all our wood,
The straw was blown off the roofs! Game "Two Frosts", "Burn Clear"
4. Spring, spring, wake up from your sleep!
We're bored with winter
I'm exhausted by the cold!
Educator: In March, housewives baked small balls from leftover wheat flour and threw them one at a time onto the street every day, persuading the frost to taste the treat.
Children: Frost has a red nose, here's bread and oats for you!
Now get out and go north!
Educator: Let's, guys, help winter go away until next year, let's sing a spring call:
Spring, spring, spring day,
Spring day, where does it originate?
In the valleys and ravines it arises,
Spring appears between two mountains!
Educator: Spring! Spring is blessed! Long-awaited spring! They wrote poems about spring, sang songs, organized folk festivals, and called on the red sun to quickly melt the winter snow.
Children read poetry.
1. Sunshine, look out and light up the red!
Come to our holiday and wake up spring!

2. Shine the sun, brighter! Summer will be hotter
And winter is warmer, and spring is nicer.

3. Sunshine, sunshine, red bucket!
Look out from behind the mountain, until spring arrives! (A girl comes out with a sun on her chest)
I am the radiant sun, I bring warmth and light,
I return your smiles and give joy to everyone!
Educator: Thank you, sunshine, for visiting us for the holiday. Be our dear guest. And we are welcoming spring, calling the birds! No wonder people said: “Forty forties are flying, bringing spring.”
- Guys, let's play the folk game "Stream."

Educator: Come on, guess which birds are the harbingers of spring? Listen to the riddles:
1. Black, agile, shouts “krak”, enemy of worms! (Rook)
2. The bird has an awl in front, the bird has a fork in the back
The bird was small, but it was overseas! (Martin)
3. There is a trunk, there is a stake on the trunk.
On the stake is a palace, in the palace is a singer! Who is this? (Starling)
4. When the spring forest solemnly welcomes spring,
The gray witch diligently counts our years... (Cuckoo)
5. He is also gray in appearance, but he is very famous for his singing.
He sang solo among the branches, the singer was called... (Nightingale)
Educator: But most of all, people loved the sonorous singer - the lark, who with his iridescent trills made nature awaken from its winter sleep. On March 22, when the day became equal in length to the night, in every house they baked larks from dough and smeared them with sweet fragrant honey. The kids sculpted birds out of clay and made things out of rags. Festively dressed girls and children walked around the village and sang chants.
- Guys, I also baked larks for you. Keep them.
- Let’s sing spring chants too. Lift your larks up.
1. Larks, come!
Call for red spring.
For the snow to roll,
Water appeared in the river.
2. Bring spring on your tail,
On the plow, on the harrow, on the oat sheaf.
3. Birds are flying!
Make nests
Fly, fly,
Celebrate spring!

Educator: Guys, today we spent winter and frost.
- We greeted the red spring and the clear sun, called the spring birds.
Round dance "The winter is already over."

Municipal preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 6 “Child Development Center”

Summary of an open lesson for the senior group


Prepared and carried out

teacher of the first qualification category

Parfentyeva Lyudmila Ivanovna


Program content:to cultivate a love of folk art, to give children an idea of ​​the national holiday (“Magpies”), to promote the development of interest in folk customs and games through folk chants.

Music used:

  1. "Russian round dance" Spanish. Orchestra of folk musical instruments, conductor V. Krasnoyartsev.
  2. "Lark" music. P.I. Tchaikovsky.
  3. "Red Sundress" music. A. Varlamova
  4. "Vesnyanka" music. T. Potapenko.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the music room. “Russian round dance” sounds.

1 child: On March 22 (March 9, old style), Orthodox Russia celebrates the “magpie” holiday. There is a belief that on this day 40 different birds fly from warm countries. And the first of them is a lark. On this day, housewives baked “larks” from simple dough.

2nd child: The lark is one of God's pure birds. There is a legend about the origin of the lark: God threw a lump of earth high into the air and turned it into a bird gray as the earth - the Lark.

3rd child: As God's bird, the lark was forbidden to be eaten, and killing was considered a great sin. The lark was called the singer of the Mother of God.

4th child: In the sun the dark forest glowed,

In the valley thin steam whitens,

And he sang an early song

In the azure the lark is ringing.

Sings, sparkling in the sun:

Spring has come to us young,

Here I sing the coming of spring... (Vasily Zhukovsky)

5th child: Soared under the sun

And in the bright heights

The invisible lark sings

A cheerful hymn to spring... (Evgeniy Baratynsky)

6th child: According to legend, larks removed thorns from the crown of thorns of the crucified Christ. Not only poets, but also composers dedicated their works to this inconspicuous gray bird. Listen to one of them.

Sounds like “Lark” by P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Leading: The arrival of the lark in all countries was associated with the arrival of spring. On this day, women baked larks from the dough and gave them first to the cows - in gratitude for milk and butter; then to the sheep - for warm boots, mittens and sheepskin coats, and then to the children. And she said:

(the girl is holding a plate of baked larks in her hands)

Oh, you are larks, larks

Fly to the field, bring health

The first is cow,

The second is sheep,

The third is human.

And the children ran into the street and shouted:

6th child: Larks, larks!

Come and visit us

Bring us a warm summer!

Take the cold winter away from us,

We're tired of the cold winter,

My hands and feet were frozen.

Leading: In many places, cookies were baked in the shape of crosses. The cross-shaped cookie was believed to have miraculous powers. Therefore, the crumbs remaining on the table were not thrown away, but collected and stored. In the spring, during sowing, they were thrown into a special sieve (network), from which grain was sown. A special method of fortune telling was also associated with cross-shaped cookies. Seeds, hop flakes, or a coin were placed in individual cookies. A grain means wealth, a flake of hop or a coin means fun.

Often “crosses” were given to children who ran with them from house to house and shouted special chants:

1 child: Crosses, crosses, larks,

2nd child: The cross is served and doused with water,

3rd child: Half of the shit will fall over,

4th child: The tub of milk will roll

Leading: The girls also made their calls, looking to the east:

Boy: Spring, red Spring!

Come spring with joy,

With great mercy,

With tall flax,

With deep roots,

With plenty of bread.

Round dance “It has become clear that the sun is shining.”

Leading: If, after the call of spring, frosts continued, then they performed a special ritual addressed to Frost (they put oatmeal jelly in bowls, on the edge of a field or on the porch) and invited them to taste the food:

Frost-Frost, don't touch my oats.

Come eat some jelly.

Spring comes to the music. Sounds like "Red Sundress".

Spring: I am spring - red!

I wake the earth from sleep.

I fill my kidneys with juice,

There's a grove of flowers in the fields

I drive ice away from the rivers.

I make the sunrise bright.

Everywhere: in the field and in the forest -

I bring joy to people.

7th child: Hello hello,

Beautiful Spring!

Bird house by our window

Soon there will be fun in the house,

The winged residents are having a housewarming party!

Game "Birds", r.n.m.

Leading: It’s spring, and our kids know a lot of proverbs, sayings, and signs about you.


Proverbs, sayings:

Winter scares spring, but it still melts.

Spring is red during the day, and even then not completely.

In spring, the shaft becomes overgrown with grass overnight.


The early arrival of rooks and larks means a friendly spring.

Long icicles - for a long spring.

Friendly spring - expect big water.

I saw a starling - spring is at the porch.

Round dance "Vesnyanka".

Spring distributes treats to children.

In the older group

"The larks have arrived"


Learn to sculpt birds from two parts: body, wings, give a shape similar to the original, highlight the eyes, beak, wings, tail using additional materials.

Continue to develop cognitive interest.

Develop skills in constructing statements and reasoning

Cultivate an interest in folk traditions and a desire to convey one’s impressions.

Material: dough, cereal grains, flour, stacks, boards, napkins, baking dish, illustrations of birds, drawing of a lark.

Preliminary work. Observing birds while walking, playing with wooden folk bird toys, examining and analyzing the toys.

Progress of the lesson

1 Organizational moment

B. Children, listen to the riddle:

The snow is melting,

The meadow came to life

The day is coming -

When does this happen?

Educator. Why did you decide that it was spring?

(The sun began to shine brighter and warmer, the snow was melting, streams were running.)

Educator. What happens only in spring?

(Birds arrive)

Showing illustrations

Look at the pictures and name the birds? Children's answers

(Knock on the window)

Educator. Children, what kind of bird flew to us.

(Children's answers)

Educator. This is a lark.

Main part

Guys! Today is a holiday for all larks. They are expected in every home, so such a long-awaited guest has arrived to us.

How should we greet guests?

(Children's answers)

We must be hospitable and offer the guest the most comfortable place.
There is a sign that when the larks arrive, real spring begins. Since ancient times, on the day of March 22, larks were baked from dough,

They treated everyone, read chants and sang songs.

Today in class we will learn how to sculpt a lark.

First, let's learn the nickname!

Children stand in a round dance and pronounce the words together with the teacher

The larks are coming.

Take away the cold winter,

Bring warm spring!

(choral repetition)

Educator. Oh, and there is also a sign that if there is frost in the morning, it means that 20 frosts will immediately go away until May, wait for the warmth.

To help spring defeat winter, let's play the game "Winter and Spring"

(two children are chosen - winter and spring, hats are put on). The rest stand in a circle and say in unison:

Now the winter is passing,

Snow-white passes,

Snow and cold take you away,

brings red spring.

Spring and winter run from circle to circle. At the last words, the children in the circle crouch. If Spring has not caught winter, they change it.

Educator. Well done Spring, now Winter will definitely not return.

Well, now guys, let's get ready to sculpt a lark. Let's take an even closer look at the bird.

What parts does a lark consist of?

Children's answers; head, beak, eyes, wings, tail, paws.)

B. Divide the dough into two parts. For the body and wings you need to take more dough. How to make eyes, wings and tail?

Q. How can you depict the tail of a bird's feathers? And the eyes?

Children's answers

(partial display).

Well, now you can get to work.

First, dip your hands in flour. Why did we do this?

Children's answers (so that the dough does not stick to your hands)

Independent work.

Well done, guys did a great job!

Q. Now guys, let’s put all the birds in a mold and let them dry.

Lesson summary.

Analysis of children's finished works.

Children's stories about who has the most beautiful bird

(show icons)

What did we sculpt?

What material did we use in our work?

Guys, the lark needs to rush to the Sunshine kindergarten to congratulate the children on the arrival of spring. Let's say goodbye to him!

When the birds are dry, you take them home and congratulate your family on the arrival of spring.

Software tasks:


  • To update children's knowledge about the change of seasons and the signs of spring.
  • Expand children's knowledge about birds.


  • Continue to develop in children: logical thinking, phonetic hearing, attention.
  • Develop the ability to work with plastic materials.


  • Create an emotional mood for children.
  • Foster a caring attitude towards birds and nature in general.
  • Cultivate a sense of mutual assistance and goodwill.


Unbeknownst to children, a recording of birdsong is started.

Children: What is this?

Educator: I don’t know. Someone is singing.

Children: We know that the birds are singing.

Educator: Yes, that’s right, we haven’t heard from them for a long time. I wonder why they didn't sing before?

Children: Because it was winter.

Educator: So what? Why can't they sing like that in winter?

Children: Because they are cold.

Educator: Isn’t it winter now?

Children: No, spring has come!

Educator: How do you know that spring has come?

Children: Flowers bloomed, buds appeared on the trees, it became warm outside, etc.

Educator: Absolutely right. Do you know which birds are the first to fly to their native lands?

Children's answers.

Educator: The rooks arrive first (shows a close-up picture of a rook and a reproduction of A.K. Savrasov’s “The Rooks Have Arrived”). They arrive when there is still snow on the ground and the first thawed patches are just beginning to appear. This was very well depicted by the famous Russian artist A.K. Savrasov’s painting is called “The Rooks Have Arrived.”

They look at the picture.

Educator: After the rooks, starlings arrive second (showing a picture of a starling). People make special houses for them. What are their names?

Children: These are birdhouses.

Educator: Do any of you know which bird is considered a real harbinger of spring; after its return, all the birds fly to their native lands?

Children's answers.

Educator: Let's listen to the singing of this bird.

Listen to an audio recording of a lark singing.

Educator: Did you like the bird’s singing?

Children: Yes, he sings beautifully.

Educator: And this bird’s name is lark (show picture). What bird does it remind you of?

Children: It looks like a sparrow, only a little bigger.

Educator: Absolutely right. The lark lives mainly in the steppe, in clearings, and rarely on the edge of the forest. The nest builds in a small hole in the grass, which it digs itself. It usually sings in flight and feeds by picking up food from the ground and pecking it from low plants where it can be reached with its beak. The food obtained by larks consists almost exclusively of insects, as well as weed seeds and carrion of cultivated plants. By eating weed seeds, it greatly helps crop plants. The lark has always been loved and revered in Rus'; many songs and poems have been written about it:


In the sun the dark forest glowed,

In the valley thin steam whitens,

And he sang an early song

Sings, sparkling in the sun:

Spring has come to us young,

I'm here singing the coming of spring.

It’s so easy for me here, it’s so welcoming,

So limitless, so airy;

I see God's whole world here.

And my song praises God!

Educator: Many folk signs are associated with the lark; folk holidays are dedicated to it. There is an ancient legend according to which the souls of forty Christian martyrs who were executed but did not renounce their Christian faith turned into larks. Since then, it has been believed that if larks fly in on the Day of the Forty Martyrs, which is celebrated in Rus' on March 22, the year will be successful, the harvest will be good, and the flax will be long! People simply call this holiday “Magpies.” It is believed that on this day forty birds fly in, and a lark flies ahead of everyone.

On the eve of this holiday, “larks” were baked in the villages, and in the morning they were distributed to children, and they, with their songs, invited real larks, called for spring: “Larks, fly in, take away the cold winter, bring the warmth of spring, we are tired of winter, we have eaten all our bread.” "

Educator: Do you want to make larks from dough yourself and bake them?

Children's answers.

The teacher shows the children the dough from which they will make larks. Children wash their hands, put aprons and caps (kerchiefs) on their heads and, according to the teacher’s explanation, make larks.

Method for sculpting a lark: (dough, flour).

1. A small piece of dough is kneaded into a rectangle shape.

2. Tie it in a knot so that you get two tails.

3. One ponytail is left rectangular.

4. From the second tail, a lark’s head is sculpted in the shape of a ball and a small beak is pulled out.

5. On the tail, which remains a rectangle, small cuts are made along it.

The larks are taken to the kitchen and baked.

A continuation of this activity can be used on a walk where children call larks.

Sources of information used:

