Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Volunteer cosmonaut biography. Biographies of astronomers, scientists, cosmonauts

Georgy Timofeevich Dobrovolsky(June 1, 1928, Odessa, Ukrainian SSR, USSR - June 30, 1971) - pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously), lieutenant colonel of the Air Force.


  • 1928 - born on the outskirts of Odessa, Near Mills district. Now this is Herzen Lane, building 5.
  • 1944 - arrested by the occupying Romanian authorities for possession of weapons, sentenced to 25 years of hard labor. On March 19, 1944, it was bought by local residents from a prison guard. Entered the Odessa Special Air Force School.
  • 1948 - entered the Chuguev Military School.
  • 1950 - beginning of service in the USSR Air Force.
  • 1961 - graduated from the Air Force Academy (now named after Yu. A. Gagarin) without interruption from service.
  • 1963 - joined the cosmonaut corps (Air Force Group No. 2), underwent training for the lunar program.
  • From June 6 to June 29, 1971, he carried out a space flight as commander of the Soyuz-11 spacecraft and the Salyut-1 orbital space station, together with flight engineer Vladislav Volkov and research engineer Viktor Patsayev. On board the station, the crew carried out a large range of scientific research. The flight lasted 23 days 18 hours 21 minutes 43 seconds. He died along with other crew members of the Soyuz-11 spacecraft when returning to Earth due to depressurization of the descent module.

Main awards

  • Hero of the Soviet Union (1971, posthumously).
  • Order of Lenin.


  • He was buried in the Kremlin wall.
  • Honorary citizen of the city of Odessa.
  • Monument in the city of Odessa (sculptor - I. D. Brodsky, architect - I. A. Pokrovsky.
  • Enlisted forever in the lists of the military unit.
  • Crater on the Moon.
  • Small Planet (1789) Dobrovolsky.
  • A research vessel of the USSR Academy of Sciences was named in honor of G. T. Dobrovolsky.
  • The following are named after Dobrovolsky: an avenue in the city of Odessa, a street and the Dobrovolsky microdistrict in Donetsk, a street and square in the city of Rostov-on-Don (in this city all the streets of the Northern Residential Area are named after cosmonauts and astronautics), streets in the cities of Vladivostok, Kaluga, Vsevolozhsk, Korosten, Kropyvnytskyi, Cherkassy, ​​Orsk, Komsomolsk, Poltava region.
  • (also in this city there are Patsaeva and Volkova streets - the names appeared in the year of the pilots’ death) and in a number of others.
  • Four planets in the popular computer game Mass Effect 2 (constellation Memory of the Hades Center cluster) are named after Georgy Dobrovolsky, Viktor Patsaev, Vladislav Volkov, and Vladimir Komarov.
  • Monument at the landing site of Soyuz-11, in the steppe, near the village of Shalginsk (Shalginsky, Shalgiya). Currently destroyed by vandals.
  • Immortalized in the sculptural composition “Fallen Astronaut” - the first and so far only art installation on the Moon.


  • Steep roads of space - USSR, Tsentrnauchfilm, 1972.
  • Dobrovolsky, Volkov, Patsaev. Return and Die - Russia, Channel One, Secrets of the Century, 2006.
  • The death of “Soyuz” - Russia, TV company “Ostankino”, TRC “Petersburg - Channel Five”, 2008.

R Born in 1928 in Odessa. Russian. Member of the CPSU since 1954. Hero of the Soviet Union (30.6.1971). Awarded the Order of Lenin and medals.

As a child, life seemed joyful and wonderful to him. Together with his peers, he clearly understood his path in life: school, the Komsomol, and then the sea. How could it be otherwise?

And suddenly war broke out... In the fall of 1941, Odessa was captured by the enemy. But Odessa did not submit to the fascists. Georgiy saw with his own eyes how the struggle against the occupiers grew and expanded. Not wanting to be left out, he got hold of a pistol. However, I did not have time to use it for its intended purpose. One day, not far from his home, he was caught in a raid, was captured by the Nazis, beaten, and thrown into a convict prison for carrying weapons. In the spring of 1944, shortly before the liberation of the city, he managed to escape.

After the war, even before being drafted into the army, Georgy put on a military uniform and entered the Odessa Special Air Force School, which gave him a ticket to the aviation school. At the Chuguev Military Aviation School for Pilots, he studied successfully and with pleasure. Dreams of the sea remained in distant childhood. Now George could not imagine himself without the sky.

Dobrovolsky served in combat air units for about 12 years. During this time, mastering new types of aircraft, he went from pilot to deputy squadron commander for political affairs, graduated from the Air Force Academy without interruption from flying, and in January 1963, together with V. A. Shatalov, A. V. Filipchenko G. S. Shonin was enrolled in the cosmonaut corps.

When preparing for space flights, Dobrovolsky spared no effort and strove to understand the specifics of the work of a cosmonaut down to the smallest detail. He worked intensely and with full dedication for all eight years until the day when the State Commission approved him as the commander of the crew of the Soyuz-11 spacecraft and the orbital manned scientific station Salyut.

The launch vehicle with the Soyuz-11 spacecraft launched on June 6, 1971 at 7:55 am Moscow time.

The next morning, the cosmonauts successfully docked the spacecraft with the Salyut orbital station. From that moment on, the world's first manned scientific station began to operate in orbit around the Earth.

For 23 days, the crew carried out an extensive and complex program of tests, research and experiments on board the orbital station. On June 30, 1971, the cosmonauts, dressed in flight suits, entered the descent module.

During the last leg of the flight, during the descent of the spacecraft, when the instrumentation and utility compartments were automatically shot off on command, a sharp depressurization of the descent vehicle occurred, which led to the death of the cosmonauts.

For heroism, courage and bravery when testing a new space complex, Lieutenant Colonel G. T. Dobrovolsky was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. He is forever included in the lists of the military unit. An asteroid in the constellation Leo, a research ship of the USSR Academy of Sciences, streets in a number of settlements are named after Dobrovolsky, he is an honorary citizen of Odessa. In this city, on the avenue named after him, a sculptural monument was erected. Odessa school No. 10 is named after Dobrovolsky. In Mogilev, on the street there is a memorial plaque named after him. The street and pioneer squad of school No. 54 in Vladivostok bear the name of the hero.

He was buried on Red Square near the Kremlin wall.


Davydov I.V. Breath of immortality. M., 1979. P. 9–164.

A feat in the name of life. Odessa, 1984. pp. 120-122.

For your sake. Earth! M., 1971.

Shatalov V.A., Rebrov M.F. Cosmonauts of the USSR. M., 1980. pp. 106-109.

Forever in service. M., 1985. P. 85-101.

What is the meaning of life?

- In life, guys, in life itself!

90 years ago Georgy Timofeevich Dobrovolsky was born.

What do we know about him? A little.

He did not have the chance to leave a book about himself, like many of the astronauts. The records that he kept in the logbook while on the world's first inhabited space station, Salyut, have reached us only in fragments filtered by someone from the “caring” authorities.

Internet articles about Georgy Timofeevich repeat each other. Born June 1, 1928 in Odessa. In 1944, as a boy, he was caught by the Romanians with weapons and was imprisoned. He ran. He dreamed of becoming a sailor, but became a fighter pilot, graduating from the Chuguev Military Aviation School. In 1962 he graduated from the Air Force Academy. In 1963, as part of the second intake, he was enrolled as a student at the Cosmonaut Training Center. In 1965, he was certified as an Air Force cosmonaut. Since 1966, he was preparing to fly around the Moon on the Soyuz 7K-L1 spacecraft under the UR500K-L1 program, and since 1968 - to work at the Almaz orbital station. In January 1971, he began training as a backup crew commander for the flight to the Salyut-1 station aboard the Soyuz-11 spacecraft.

Two days before the launch, he and his comrades - Vladislav Volkov and Viktor Patsayev - had to become the main crew of the ship. The flight, which began on June 6, went through difficulties and ended tragically on June 30, 1971, showed all the best traits of the commander: reliability, confidence, endurance, ability to control himself and the crew at a critical moment.

A few years later, in 1978, a ship intended to accompany the country’s space programs, the research vessel Cosmonaut Georgy Dobrovolsky, set out on its first voyage. My fellow sailors who served the Cosmos while in the Ocean have not parted with this name - the name of the cosmonaut pilot and the name of the ship - for many years now. Sailors who proudly call themselves: we are "volunteers".

From I. Davydov’s book “The Triumph and Tragedy of Soviet Cosmonautics”:

[Dobrovolsky about how he was captured by the Romanians in 1944] “Everything was much more prosaic and did not look like heroism at all. It’s just that all of us - both boys and adults - hated our enemies and tried to liberate Soviet land to the best of our ability. The war left so many cruel imprints... Yes, we need to remember those times, so that people don’t forget anything and don’t allow that nightmare to happen again.”

[Author about Dobrovolsky] "Composition of the cosmonaut group[who went to Turkmenistan to train in celestial navigation] He was varied in age and military rank, but he was cemented by the senior group of cosmonauts, the super-communicative and cheerful Georgy Dobrovolsky."

From the book "The Courage of Quest" by G. Patsaeva. Cosmonaut E. Khrunov about G. Dobrovolsky:

“Georgy Dobrovolsky came to us in 1962 from the post of deputy commander for political affairs. The position of political officer in the army requires, first of all, spiritual gentleness, precision, delicacy. And at the same time, firmness and integrity. That’s what he is. Georgy always looks straight into eyes, whether the conversation is pleasant or unpleasant for him. It’s this directness that captivates.”

From a recent interview with journalists:

– And in conclusion: what is the meaning of life?
- In life, guys, in life itself!

This is how we will remember him - cheerful and smiling.

The cosmonaut’s daughter, Marina Dobrovolskaya, responded to this publication. I thank Marina Georgievna for clarification of the text and for several additional materials to it.

Dobrovolsky Georgy Timofeevich, whose biography is described in this article, is a cosmonaut pilot, lieutenant colonel. He was the commander of Soyuz 11 and the Salyut orbital station.


Dobrovolsky Georgy Timofeevich (his family lived in Odessa) was born on June 1, 1928. He had a brother, Alexander. Father, Timofey Trofimovich, left the family in 1930. He worked as the head of counterintelligence. He left service in 1957. George’s mother, Maria Alekseevna, raised her children alone. There was not enough money, and she took part-time work at a local store as a cleaner. Then she got a job as a salesman at an artillery school. Brother Alexander was born in 1946. He worked as a mechanic in the trawling fleet.


Georgy Timofeevich's childhood was spent digging trenches and caring for wounded soldiers. He tried to get into some partisan detachment, but they didn’t take him because he was still small. Then, together with their comrades, fellow teenagers, they decided to organize their own. We found some weapons. The guys buried the machine guns in the ground, but kept the pistols and grenades for themselves.

But they were tracked down. The police unexpectedly came to the Dobrovolskys’ house with a search and found weapons. Georgy was arrested and sentenced to 25 years of hard labor. Mainly because even during the torture he did not betray a single comrade. And they thanked him by arranging his escape. And less than a month after this, Odessa was liberated from the Germans by Soviet troops.


Dobrovolsky Georgy Timofeevich graduated from 6 classes of Odessa secondary school. Then, in 1941, the war began, and my studies had to be interrupted for a while. In 1944, Georgy Timofeevich first successfully passed the exams for the 7th and 8th grades and moved to the 9th, then was transferred to a special Air Force school. He graduated from it in 1946. Two years later he entered the Chuguev Military Aviation School. After graduating, in 1950 he received a second degree.

Service began in Dobrovolsky and he combined it with further education. He studied at the University of Marxism-Leninism. He graduated from the university in 1952. Then Grigory Timofeevich entered the Air Force Academy (now the Gagarin Air Force Academy) for correspondence education. After graduating, he received a command and staff specialty.

Military service

Since 1950, Dobrovolsky first served as a simple pilot. Two years later he became a senior. He was enlisted in the 965th Air Regiment of the 123rd Air Defense Fighter Division. In 1952, she joined the 71st Fighter Wing. Since 1955, Georgy Timofeevich was appointed deputy squadron commander for political affairs, and in the fall of the same year - flight commander. In 1960 he received the position of navigator and deputy. squadron commander. A year later he was appointed head of the political department. In 1962, Georgy Timofeevich Dobrovolsky was included in the list of the best aviation commanders.

Training to be an astronaut

In 1962, after graduating from the Air Force Academy, Dobrovolsky underwent a medical examination at the Central Research Aviation Hospital. The medical flight commission allowed Georgy Timofeevich into space. A year later he joined the ranks of astronauts.

In January 1963, he was first enrolled as a student at the Central Communist Party. Then he underwent general special space training for another two years. In mid-January 1965, Georgiy Timofeevich successfully passed the certification of an air force cosmonaut and ten days later became a cosmonaut in the second detachment.

Since the beginning of autumn 1966, Georgy Timofeevich Dobrovolsky was trained in the group. The training was carried out according to the program of the Soyuz 7K-L1 spacecraft flyby of the Moon. From 1967 to 1968 Preparations for the flight into space continued under the Almaz special program. In 1971, he studied for a month under the Salyut flight program. Georgy Timofeevich was also preparing for the position of commander, and to replace him if necessary. In this case, Dobrovolsky would have led the backup crew of Soyuz-11 cosmonauts. This group included V. Patsayev.

The crew of Soyuz-11

The crew of Soyuz-11 was formed gradually. In the late 1960s, only two people flew into space at a time. But the Americans were the first to launch three at once. The Soviet Union decided not to lag behind and began to select a crew of 3 people. The main team included V. Kubasov and P. Kolodin. The backup team includes Dobrovolsky, Patsayev and Volkov.

Dobrovolsky's first and last flight

Dobrovolsky Georgy Timofeevich, whose wife bore him two daughters, continued to serve his homeland. On June 4, 1971, a meeting of the State Commission took place. The main crew of Soyuz-11 was replaced by a backup one. The reason is darkening in V. Kubasov’s lungs. The crew was commanded by Georgy Dobrovolsky. On June 6, 1971, Soyuz-11 with three cosmonauts launched at 7:55 Moscow time.

The next day, the ship successfully docked with the ship. Thus, for the first time in the world, a manned scientific station appeared. Dobrovolsky's crew completed a huge amount of testing work on all station systems and conducted many studies and experiments. They opened up great prospects for geography, meteorology and geology, as well as for the study of the ocean, the Earth's resources and its vegetation.

The flight lasted 23 days. 6 p.m. 21 min. and 43 sec. Then an unforeseen tragic incident occurred that killed all members of the expedition. During the ship's return from the orbital station to Earth, communication with the astronauts was initially lost. When Soyuz 11 landed, lifeless bodies had to be removed from the aircraft.

Doctors immediately determined the cause of death - cardiac arrest. And all three at once. We figured out the reasons later. And then the resuscitation teams immediately tried to bring the astronauts back to life. Moreover, the body temperature was normal. But the hearts never started working.

The cause of death was found later thanks to the decoding of the “black box”. It turned out that depressurization occurred at an altitude of 150 km. The pressure began to drop sharply, and after 40 seconds it became almost zero. At the 43rd second after depressurization, all three cosmonauts' hearts stopped simultaneously.

According to official data, the reason is untimely opening of the ventilation valves. An error was found in the design of the spacecraft. The installers tightened ball valves on it instead of the required force of 90 kg - a total of 60 to 65 kg. As a result, a large reset occurred, forcing the valves to operate. But they could not withstand the load and crumbled. A hole with a diameter of 20 mm appeared in the ship. The astronauts first lost consciousness at the 23rd second. And only then their hearts stopped.

Dobrovolsky Georgy Timofeevich. Personal life: wife and children

Georgy Timofeevich was married to Lyudmila Timofeevna. She worked as a teacher. Georgy and Lyudmila had two daughters. The first, Marina, still works at Moscow State University. She is an English teacher. The second daughter is Natalya.

Titles and awards

Dobrovolsky Georgy Timofeevich received the title of Hero in 1971, but posthumously. He was awarded the Gold Star and For Military Merit medals, as well as the Order of Lenin. During his service, Georgy Timofeevich was awarded seven more anniversary medals. From 1972 to this day, a special Dobrovolsky Cup has been played in trampoline competitions. His ashes are kept in the Kremlin wall.

Georgy Dobrovolsky - biography

Cosmonauts and test pilots |

Born on June 1, 1928 in Odessa in a family of workers. He grew up without a father, who left the family when Georgiy was two years old. During the Great Patriotic War he was in Odessa, which was occupied by Nazi troops. As a fifteen-year-old teenager, he decided to fight the invaders alone. He took out a weapon, but did not have time to use it, since at the beginning of 1944 he was captured by the police. For keeping a revolver “in a usable condition,” he was sentenced by a military court on February 22, 1944 to 25 years of hard labor. Using forged documents, he escaped from prison on March 19, 1944. Soon Odessa was liberated by the Soviet Army and Georgy entered the Odessa Special Air Force School. In 1946 he graduated from a special school and entered the Chuguev Military Pilot School, which he successfully graduated in 1950. He served in units of the USSR Air Force. He flew on various types of aircraft: Yaks, MiGs, La and others. The sky was a home for Georgy Timofeevich. It is not for nothing that a rare phrase for the official lexicon appeared in the official description: “Flies with ecstasy.”
In 1961, without interrupting his flight work, he graduated from the Air Force Academy (now named after Yu.A. Gagarin). Since 1963 at the Cosmonaut Training Center (1963 Air Force Group No. 2). Completed a full training course for space flights on Soyuz-type spacecraft.

He was trained under the Soviet “lunar” program. He was a member of the support crew during the flight of the Soyuz-10 spacecraft (April 1971).
From June 6 to June 29, 1971, he made a space flight as commander of the Soyuz-11 spacecraft and the Salyut-1 orbital space station. The flight lasted 23 days 18 hours 21 minutes 43 seconds. When returning to Earth, the crew of the Soyuz-11 spacecraft died due to a leak in the descent module.

Hero of the Soviet Union. Elected honorary citizen of Odessa (Ukraine). A crater on the Moon and the minor planet 1789 Dobrovolsky are named after Dobrovolsky. Urn with the ashes of G.T. Dobrovolsky is walled up in the Kremlin wall on Red Square in Moscow.

Four planets in the popular computer game Mass Effect 2 (the “Memory” constellation of the “Hades Center” cluster) are named after Vladislav Volkov, Georgy Dobrovolsky, Viktor Patsaev, and Vladimir Komarov.

The purpose of this article is to find out how the death of cosmonaut GEORGIY TIMOFEEVICH DOBROVOLSKY is included in his FULL NAME code.

Watch "Logicology - about the fate of man" in advance.

Let's look at the FULL NAME code tables. \If there is a shift in numbers and letters on your screen, adjust the image scale\

5 20 22 39 54 57 72 84 113 131 142 152 162 166 172 187 204 208 218 228 247 257 270 285 306 312 318 321 331 355
355 350 335 333 316 301 298 283 271 242 224 213 203 193 189 183 168 151 147 137 127 108 98 85 70 49 43 37 34 24

4 10 25 42 46 56 66 85 95 108 123 144 150 156 159 169 193 198 213 215 232 247 250 265 277 306 324 335 345 355
355 351 345 330 313 309 299 289 270 260 247 232 211 205 199 196 186 162 157 142 140 123 108 105 90 78 49 31 20 10


Let's read individual words and sentences:




193 - 162 = 31 = HARM, IN THE SKY.



228 - 127 = 101 = DECEASED.



289 - 66 = 223 = POISON CONCENTRATION.

Thus, we received three numbers, from which we will try to compose a sentence corresponding to the meaning of the FULL NAME code:

355 = 31-Vred + 101-Military + 223-concentration of poison = 132- \ 31 + 101 \-toxic, toxic, dies in vacuum + 223-concentration of poison = 31-voltage + 324- \ 101 + 223 \-- VACUUM ENVIRONMENT-162 X 2, TOXICOSIS-108 X 3.

DEATH DATE code: 06/30/1971. This = 30 + 06 + 19 + 71 = 126 = PERISH INTO VACUUM \e\ = HARMFULNESS = LIFE EXHAUSTED.

355 = 126 + 229-TRAGIC EVENT, \37-POISON + 192-TOXICITY\.



355 = 292 + 63 DEATH = 223 DEATH IN THE STRATOSPHERE + 132 DEATH.

Code for FULL YEARS OF LIFE = 76-FORTY + 46-THREE = 122 = BREATHLESS \body\.


The numbers 174 and 181 are not in the tables, but we will find them now:


Next comes the letter “CH”, the code of which is 24. 24: 2 = 12. 169 + 12 = 181 = TERMINATION OF LIFE.

We add the second half to the word 162-DOBROVOLSKY. 162 + 12 = 174 = INTOXICATION.