Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Summary of 3 fat men for the reader's diary. Why I liked the work

One day in the fall two carriages were traveling along the high road. Two women were sitting in the front carriage. There was one lady, thin and pale. The other is a maid, rosy-cheeked and plump.

With her hands folded in her lap and her eyes closed, the lady rocked weakly on the pillows and coughed. She was wearing a white night cap, a straight parting separated her light brown, extremely flat, pomaded hair, and there was something dry and deathly in the whiteness of this parting. Flaccid, yellowish skin hugged the thin and beautiful contours of the face and reddened the cheeks and cheekbones. The lady's face expressed fatigue, irritation and habitual suffering.

It was stuffy in the carriage. The patient slowly opened her eyes. With shining dark eyes she eagerly followed the maid's movements. The lady put her hands on the seat to sit up higher, but her strength failed her. And her whole face was distorted by an expression of powerless, evil irony. The maid, looking at her, bit her red lip. A heavy sigh rose from the patient’s chest and turned into a cough.

The carriage and carriage entered the village, the sick woman, looking at the village church, began to be baptized. They stopped at the station. The sick woman's husband and the doctor got out of the carriage, approached the carriage and sympathetically inquired:

“How are you feeling?” “If I feel bad, there’s no reason for you not to have breakfast,” the patient said, “Nobody cares about me,” she added to herself as soon as the doctor trotted up the steps of the station. “I said: “Not only will she not get to Italy, she may not get to Moscow,” said the doctor. “What should we do?” - the husband objected. “She’s making plans to live abroad, like she’s healthy.” Telling her everything means killing her. - Yes, she’s already killed, here we need a confessor. - Aksyusha! - the caretaker’s daughter squealed, “let’s go, lady, and see what they’re taking abroad for chest illness.” I have not yet seen what kind of people are in consumption.

“Apparently, she has become scary,” the patient thought. “If only I could go abroad quickly, I’ll soon get better there.”

- Shouldn't we go back? - said the husband, approaching the carriage and chewing a piece. - What about at home?... Die at home? - the patient flared up. But the word “die” frightened her, she looked pleadingly and questioningly at her husband, he silently lowered his eyes. The patient burst into tears. “No, I’ll go.” “She prayed long and fervently, but her chest was just as painful and tight, in the sky, in the fields it was just as gray and cloudy, and the same autumn haze fell on the coachmen, who, talking in strong, cheerful voices, laid down the carriage...

The carriage was laid, but the driver hesitated. He entered the stuffy, dark Yamskaya hut. Several coachmen were in the upper room, the cook was busy at the stove, and a sick man was lying on the stove.

“I want to ask for boots, I beat mine,” the guy said. - Uncle Khvedor? - he asked, approaching the stove. - FAQ? - a weak voice was heard, and a thin red face bent down from the stove. “You don’t need new boots now,” the guy said, shifting. - Give it to me.

Fyodor’s sunken, dull eyes hardly looked up at the guy, something began to shimmer and mutter in his chest; he bent over and began to choke and cough.

“Where is it,” the cook suddenly crackled angrily and loudly, “he hasn’t left the stove for two months.” They won't bury you in new boots. And it’s high time, he occupied the entire corner! “Take your boots, Seryoga,” said the patient, suppressing a cough. “Just listen, buy a stone when I die,” he added, wheezing. “Thank you, uncle, and by all means, I’ll buy a stone.”

Seryoga quickly took off his torn boots and threw them under the bench. Uncle Fyodor's new boots fit just right.

The patient was not heard from the hut until the evening. Before night the cook climbed onto the stove.

“Don’t be angry with me, Nastasya,” the patient told her, “I’ll soon clear out your corner.” “Okay, well, that’s okay,” Nastasya muttered.

At night, the night light shone faintly in the hut, everyone was asleep, only the patient groaned weakly, coughed and tossed and turned. By morning he had calmed down.

“I had a wonderful dream,” the cook said the next morning. “It’s as if Uncle Khvedor got off the stove and went to chop wood.” Well, I say, you were sick. No, he says, I’m healthy, but it’s like swinging an ax. Isn't he already dead? Uncle Khvedor!

The patient had no relatives - he was distant, so they buried him the next day. Nastasya talked for several days about the dream, and about the fact that she was the first to miss Uncle Fyodor.

Spring came, there was joy in heaven, on earth, and in the heart of man. In a large manor house on one of the main streets there was that same patient who was in a hurry to go abroad. At the door of her room stood her husband and an elderly woman. The priest was sitting on the sofa. Her mother was crying bitterly in the corner. The husband, in great excitement and confusion, asked his cousin to persuade the patient to confess. The priest looked at him, raised his eyebrows to the sky and sighed.

“I’ll tell you, in my parish there was a sick person, much worse than Marya Dmitrievna,” said the priest, “and well, a simple tradesman cured her with herbs in a short time.” “No, she can’t live anymore,” said the old woman, and her feelings left her. The sick husband covered his face with his hands and ran out of the room.

In the corridor he met a six-year-old boy running after a girl. When asked by the nanny, he answered that the patient did not want to see the children, that this would upset her. The boy stopped for a minute, looked intently at his father and ran on with a cheerful cry.

And in another room, the cousin, with skillful conversation, tried to prepare the patient for death. The doctor at the window stirred the drink. The patient, covered with pillows, sat on the bed.

“If my husband had listened to me earlier, I would have been in Italy and healthy.” How much I have suffered. I tried to patiently endure my suffering...

The cousin came out and blinked at the priest. Five minutes later he left the sick room, and his cousin and husband came in. The patient cried quietly, looking at the image.

“I feel so good now,” the patient said, and a light smile played on her thin lips. “Isn’t it true that God is merciful and omnipotent?” - And she again looked with greedy prayer at the image with eyes full of tears.

Then she said, as if remembering something:

- How many times have I said that these doctors don’t know anything, there are simple doctors, they cure...

The doctor came up and took her hand - her pulse was beating less and less. The doctor blinked at his husband, the patient noticed and looked around in fear. The cousin turned away and began to cry.

That same evening, the patient lay in a coffin in the hall, in which one sexton sat and read psalms. A bright light fell on the pale forehead of the deceased, on her waxy hands. The sexton, not understanding his words, read steadily, and occasionally children’s voices and stomping could be heard from the far room.

The face of the deceased was stern, calm, majestic and motionless. She was all attention. But did she even understand these great words now?

A month later, a stone chapel was erected over the grave of the deceased. There was still no stone over the driver’s grave...

“You should put up a cross,” Seryoga was reproached. - You wear boots. Take an ax and go to the grove early, and you can carve out a cross.

Early in the morning Seryoga took an ax and went into the grove. Nothing disturbed the silence of the forest. Suddenly a strange sound, alien to nature, rang out at the edge of the forest. One of the tops trembled, then the tree trembled with its whole body, bent and quickly straightened. For a moment everything was quiet, but the tree bent again, a crack was heard in its trunk again, and, breaking branches and dropping branches, it collapsed onto the damp ground.

The first rays of the sun broke through the cloud and ran across the ground. The birds sang and chirped something happy; the leaves whispered joyfully and calmly in the tops, and the branches of living trees moved slowly, majestically above the dead, drooping tree...

Summary of Tolstoy's story “Three Deaths”

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Yuri Karlovich Olesha (1899-1960) is a writer who is considered one of the best stylists in Russian literature of the 20th century.

His virtuoso language is difficult to appreciate when reading an incomplete text of the work, but only its summary. "Three Fat Men" is a fairy tale novel published in 1928. It embodies the spirit of romantic revolutionary struggle against injustice and oppression, and is full of fascinating events and amazing characters.

Part one. Rope walker Tibulus. A hectic day for Dr. Gaspar Arneri. Ten chopping blocks

Summary: “Three Fat Men,” chapters 1-2. Everyone in the city knew about the scholarship of Gaspar Arneri, a doctor of all sciences, from street boys to noble persons. One day he was going for a long walk outside the city, to the palace of the evil and greedy rulers - the Three Fat Men. But no one was allowed out of the city. It turned out that on this day the gunsmith Prospero and the circus gymnast Tibul led the assault on the government palace.

By evening it turned out that the rebel people were defeated, the gunsmith Prospero was captured by the guards and, by order of the Three Fat Men, he was put in a cage in the menagerie of the heir Tutti, and the gymnast Tibulus remained free to find him, the guards burned the workers' quarters.

Star area

Summary: “Three Fat Men,” chapter 3. The rich people rejoiced at Prospero’s captivity, and the working people rejoiced that Tibulus was free and laughed at the performance in the menagerie, where the rulers were portrayed by three fat monkeys. Returning home, Doctor Gaspar came to Star Square. It was called that because above it hung on cables the largest lantern in the world, similar to the planet Saturn. Tibulus appeared above the crowd filling the square. He walked along a cable that held a huge lantern. The guards were also divided into those who supported the people, and those who shouted: “Long live the three fat men!” Having reached the lantern along the wire, Tibul turned off the light and disappeared in the ensuing darkness.

Having reached home, where his housekeeper, Aunt Ganymede, was worried about him, the doctor, like a true historian, set out to record the events of the day. Then a noise was heard behind him, the doctor looked around and saw that Tibul had climbed out of the fireplace.

Part two. Doll of the heir Tutti. The Amazing Adventure of a Balloon Seller

Summary of “Three Fat Men,” chapter 4. At Court Square, the execution of the captured rebels was being prepared. A strong wind lifted a huge bunch of balloons into the air along with a stupid and greedy seller. He flew towards the Palace of Three Fat Men and through the open window of the royal kitchen fell into the middle of a huge birthday cake. To avoid the wrath of the gluttonous rulers, the confectioners covered the seller with cream and candied fruits and served him to the table.

Celebrating the victory over the rebel people, the fat men order Prospero to be brought. The gunsmith says with contempt that the power of the rich will soon come to an end, which frightens the guests of the fat rulers. “We will execute you along with Tibulus when we capture him!” Prospero is taken away, everyone is about to start eating the cake, but they are interrupted by the loud screams of the heir Tutti.

A twelve-year-old boy, the future heir of the Three Fat Men, a spoiled prince, was angry: part of the guards who had gone over to the side of the people chopped up the heir’s favorite doll with sabers. As tall as he was, this doll was Tutti’s only friend, and he demanded that it be repaired.

The festive breakfast was urgently stopped and the execution was postponed, the State Council sent the captain of the palace guard Bonaventure with the broken doll to Doctor Arneri, with the order to repair the doll by the morning.

The balloon seller really wanted to disappear from the palace. The cooks showed him a secret passage that began in one of the giant pots, and for this they asked for a ball. The seller disappeared into the pan, and the balls flew into the sky.

Negro and cabbage head

Y.K. Olesha, “Three Fat Men,” summary, chapter 5. In the morning, going to the doctor, Aunt Ganymede was very surprised when she saw a black man in his office.

The government bribed the artists and a circus performance glorifying the Fat Men was held in one of the squares. The doctor and the black man also went there. The spectators drive away the clown who called for the execution of the rebels, and the black man is mistaken for the same sold-out circus performer. It turned out that it was Tibul. Fleeing from those who wanted to catch him and hand him over to the authorities by throwing cabbage heads at them, the gymnast stumbles upon a balloon seller and discovers a secret passage to the palace kitchen.


Y. K. Olesha, “Three Fat Men,” summary, chapter 6. Doctor Gaspar turned Tibul into a black man with the help of special liquids and was terribly upset when he carelessly revealed himself at the performance and then disappeared.

The captain of the guards came to the scientist with a broken doll and an order to fix it by morning. The doctor is amazed at the skill with which the doll is made and realizes that he has seen her face somewhere. Having disassembled the mechanism, he realizes that he will not have time to fix the doll by the morning and goes to the palace to explain this to the fat men.

Night of the Strange Doll

“Three Fat Men”, summary, chapter 7. On the way, the doctor falls asleep in the stroller, and when he wakes up, he discovers that the doll has disappeared, it even seemed to him that it came to life and left him. He searched for the doll for a long time until he ended up in the booth of Uncle Brizak’s troupe of traveling artists. Here he remembered where he had seen the face of the heir’s doll - a little artist from Uncle Brizak’s troupe, a dancer named Suok, looked like her.

Part three. Suok. Difficult role of a little actress

“Three Fat Men,” summary, chapter 8. When the doctor saw Suok, for a long time he could not believe that she was not a doll. Only Tibul, who appeared in the booth, was able to convince him of this. When the doctor spoke about the extraordinary similarity between the girl and the doll and about his loss, the gymnast outlined his plan: Suok will play the role of the heir's doll, open the cage of the armorer Prospero, and they will leave the palace through the secret passage that Tibulus discovered.

On the way to the palace, they saw the dance teacher Razdvatris, carrying in his hands the found broken doll of the heir.

Doll with a good appetite

Y. Olesha, “Three Fat Men,” summary, chapter 9. Suok played her role well. The doctor announced that he not only dressed the toy in a new dress, but also taught her to sing, write songs and dance. Heir Tutti was completely delighted. The fat rulers were also pleased, but they became terribly angry when the doctor, as a reward, demanded that the execution of the rebel workers be cancelled. Then the doctor said that the doll would break again if his demand was not fulfilled and the heir would be very dissatisfied. The pardon was announced, the doctor went home, Suok remained in the palace.

She really liked the cakes and the doll had an appetite, which made Tutti very happy - he was so bored having breakfast alone. And Suok also heard the iron heart of the heir Tutti beating.


Summary of the story “Three Fat Men,” chapter 10. The fat men wanted to raise Tutti to be cruel, so they deprived him of the company of living children and gave him a menagerie so that he would see only evil wild animals. Suok told him that in the world there is wealth and poverty, cruelty and injustice, that working people will definitely overthrow the power of the fat and rich. She told him a lot about the circus, that she could whistle music. Tutti liked the way she whistled a song on the key that hung on his chest so much that he did not notice how the key remained with Suok.

At night, the girl snuck into the menagerie and began looking for Prospero’s cage. Suddenly a terrible creature similar to a gorilla called her by name. The terrible beast died, having managed to hand Suok a small tablet: “Everything is written there.”

Part four. Armourer Prospero. The death of a candy store. Dance teacher Razdvatris

Yuri Olesha, “Three Fat Men”, summary, chapters 11-12. The fat men received terrible news that the rebels were coming to the palace. All supporters of the government rushed out of the palace, but at the menagerie they stopped in fear: Prospero was moving towards them, holding a huge panther by the collar in one hand, and Suok in the other.

He released the panther, and he, together with Suok, began to make his way into the pastry shop - to look for the saucepan where the secret passage from the palace began. The guards, loyal to the fat men, grabbed the young dancer when she was ready to jump into the underground passage after Prospero. The gunsmith was released, Suok was to be executed.

The dance teacher Razdvatris was supposed to be taken to the Palace by order of the Three Fat Men, but he was stopped by the guards who went over to the side of the people. They also got a broken doll of the heir Tutti.


Yuri Olesha, “Three Fat Men,” summary, chapter 13. While Prospero was fleeing through the underground passage, three people entered Tutti’s bedroom on the orders of the chancellor. They poured sleeping pills into Tutti’s ear, putting him to sleep for three days so that he would not interfere with the reprisal against Suok with his tears.

She sat in the guardhouse, guarded by guards still loyal to the fat men. At that moment, when the terrible chancellor came for her to take her to the trial of the Three Fat Men, three guardsmen who went over to the side of the rebels walked into the guardroom. The chancellor received a terrible blow and fell unconscious, and instead of Suok, a broken doll was brought to trial.

The judges could not get a word out of the doll. The parrot, who was called as a witness, repeated Suok's conversation with Prospero and the creature who died in the cage, whose name was Tub.

Suok was sentenced to death by wild animals. But when she was placed in front of the tigers, they did not react in any way to the torn, dirty doll. A scandal broke out, but then the storming of the palace by the rebel people began.

The victory of the rebels was complete, and the three fat men were put in the cage where Prospero was sitting.


The story of the great scientist Toub was written on the tablet. By order of the Fat Men, brother and sister - Tutti and Suok - were separated. Tutti became the heir, and Suok was given to traveling artists. Toub, by order of the Three Fat Men, made a doll that was to remain with the heir. When he was ordered to replace Tutti's living heart with an iron one, he refused, for which he was thrown into a cage. Tutti means “separated” in the language of the disadvantaged, and Suok means “whole life.”

The book “Three Fat Men” is not only a children’s fairy tale, because the main events are filled with allegories, and the plot tells about adult problems. But this does not mean at all that the child will not like the work. To remind young readers of the essence of the material they read, the Literaguru team has prepared a short retelling for you.

(882 words) The story begins with the reader meeting the doctor and scientist Gaspar Arneri, whose wisdom has no equal in the country. He lives in the city under the leadership of the gluttonous and stupid Three Fat Men. One summer morning, Gaspard decides to take a walk and becomes an involuntary witness to a popular revolt, the leaders of which are Prospero (a gunsmith) and Tibulus (a traveling circus performer). The Doctor watches from the tower while chaos reigns in the square below. The uprising is suppressed by the guards, and one of the leaders (Prospero) is taken into custody. A bomb explodes in the tower where Gaspard is sitting, knocking him unconscious. Only in the evening the doctor comes to his senses and sees the bodies of the dead around, the ruins remaining from the tower. He is in a hurry to return home, but the unrest in the square has not yet subsided - the second leader of the riot, escaping from the guards, demonstrates the skills of a tightrope walker - he quickly walks along a narrow wire in the air and hides from the guards.

When Gaspard finally gets home, his preparation for bed is interrupted by a man falling out of the chimney above the fireplace - Tibul. The doctor “works magic” on the gymnast’s appearance with blackening; the next morning no one in the city recognizes the wanted criminal in the newly-made servant. In the center of the city, 10 scaffolds are being prepared for the rebels, and the greedy balloon seller is completely carried into the sky, and then into the kitchen windows, where the preparation of a birthday cake for the Fat Men is in full swing. The cooks are afraid of the wrath of the rulers and leave the seller with the balls in the cake, masking everything with ribbons. The audience of the rulers is described as their complete reflection, everyone is greedily trying to grab their piece and looking wolfishly at the human figure in the center. But there is another interesting person in the hall - Prospero, he was brought for fun at the behest of the Three Fat Men. Suddenly, the crying heir Tutti bursts into the refectory. He is brought up at the palace, and his uncles pamper him in every possible way. The fat men never had their own children in their lives, so the boy became their successor, the future ruler and owner of all wealth. The boy is not allowed to communicate with other children, his uncles actively instill in Tutti the idea of ​​an iron heart, and all his lessons are organized in the menagerie. Instead of childhood joys, a doll of amazing beauty was made for the heir; she grew up and was raised together with the boy. Tutti loved and protected her, so when the rebels stabbed her to death, it was decided to entrust the repair of the doll only to the best “doctor” - Gaspard. The term for all “cure” is until the morning. The fat people were left in a bad mood, so the cake with all the filling from the balls is taken to the kitchen, where the savvy salesman, for the air toys, is led out by the cooks through a secret passage made in a huge saucepan.

The fat men declare a holiday in the city to mark the victory over the rebels. Circus performances, entertainment programs, games and comic propaganda by the actors were done to distract the people's gaze from the scaffolds being erected in the square. One such performance plays out before the eyes of Doctor Gaspard and his newly minted servant, but Tibulus drives the strongman Lapitula off the stage and then reveals his identity. The hired actors start a fight, and the gymnast is forced to defend himself with cabbages, throwing them at Lapitula, one of which turns out to be the head of the balloon seller. This is how the gymnast learns about the secret passage from the Palace of the Three Fat Men.

During Tibul's fight with a strongman from the circus troupe, envoys from the palace give Gaspar the doll with the order to repair it before morning. But it is impossible to “revive” Tutti’s favorite in such a short time; at least 2 days are needed. Then Arnery decides to confess to the Fat Men, but on the way to the palace he is turned away by guards who do not believe in the doctor’s identity, and the only evidence - a doll - was accidentally lost on the road. On the way back, the saddened and hungry scientist visits Uncle Brisac's booth. Gaspard finds a girl here, whom he initially confuses with the lost doll, and, indeed, their resemblance is striking. Her name is Suok. A plan for Prospero's escape is born in Tibul's head.

The next morning, Gaspard delivers the doll to the palace, now it is even better. The girl shows excellent acting skills, and no one from the Fat Men's entourage has any idea about the cunning plan of the traveling artists. Suok dances like a real doll. Tutti is delighted, and the uncles are ready to give everything to the savior. The doctor asks to spare the lives of 10 prisoners, the scaffolds for which have already been erected in the square. The fat men don't like the request, but they are forced to submit to Gaspard's will, because the doll may break again.

After waiting until everyone falls asleep, Suok goes down to the menagerie where Prospero is being kept. Behind one of the bars she sees something that has almost lost its human form, overgrown with hair and with long nails; he gives her the tablet and dies. His name is Tub - the greatest scientist and creator of the doll, eight years ago the Fat Men asked him to make the heir a heart of iron, but he refused and was thrown here, among the animals, to die. Suok hides the message and helps Prospero free himself, opening the cage with the terrifying panther to gain time and have time to escape. They run to the same pan, inside of which there is a secret exit, but the girl is detained.

The trial of the impostor doll is scheduled for the next day. The heir is put to sleep so that he does not interfere with the process. Suok is silent and shows no interest in what is happening, which greatly angers the Fatties. They decide to set the tigers on her, but they very soon become indifferent to the victim - in front of them lies an ordinary broken doll, which was taken from the dance teacher Razdvatris (he found it and brought it to the guards). Suok was hiding in the closet all this time, successfully switching places with the toy.

Shots and exploding shells are heard, again, under the leadership of Tibulus and Prospero, people rebel against the power of the Three Fat Men. The people overthrow the hated rulers and seize the palace. And Suok remembers a tablet given to her by a half-man in a menagerie, on which the main secret is revealed: Tutti is her brother, they were kidnapped at the age of 4 on the orders of the Fat Men and taken to the palace; the girl was exchanged for a parrot with a long red beard at a traveling circus, and the boy was kept for himself as a foster child.

Interesting? Save it on your wall!

Let's remember one of the most beloved books of Soviet children - the fairy tale novel “Three Fat Men”. Its author is the famous writer, poet and playwright Yuri Olesha. The book was translated into 17 languages, films were made based on it and performances were staged. Today we will get acquainted with its plot.

Yuri Olesha. "Three fat men." Summary

The novel takes place in a state ruled by Three Fat Men - greedy, evil gluttons who in every possible way oppress the common people: artisans, small shopkeepers, poor traders and craftsmen. The people, languishing under the yoke of greedy rulers, rose up in revolt, led by the gunsmith Prospero and the tightrope walker Tibulus. That's the background. The novel begins with the fact that the uprising is defeated, Prospero is arrested, and Tibulus is wanted.

Summary. "Three fat men." Gaspard Arneri

The good doctor Gaspard Arneri, a local celebrity, becomes an unwitting participant in the events after he first finds himself in a war zone and then discovers the fugitive Tibulus at his home. He makes the gymnast unrecognizable by painting him black and thereby turning him into a Negro, but the proud leader of the uprising reveals himself to the crowd at the market, after which he goes on the run again. Meanwhile, 10 scaffolds are being erected on the square for the arrested participants in the uprising.

In parallel with the description of events in the city, there is a story about what is happening in the palace of the three Fat Men. It turns out that a boy named Tutti lives with them, whom they raise as a little prince, indulging his every whim and trying to raise an heir not only to their wealth and power, but also to their inherent vices. The heir does not communicate with other children, and the small company throughout his short life is a doll, which he loves as his only friend. But one day the doll suffered at the hands of a guard who took the side of the uprising and broke. Tutti is inconsolable in her grief, and the Fatties send her to Doctor Gaspard for repairs.

All attempts to fix the breakdown turned out to be useless, because the allotted time is too short, and the doctor goes to the Fat Man's castle with the doll to ask for a delay. On the way, he loses the doll, and then accidentally falls into the van of circus performers, Tibul's comrades. Here he meets the girl Suok, who is like two peas in a pod and looks like the heir’s doll. Soon Tibulus also comes here. Together they decide to pass off the young circus performer as a doll so that she can enter the palace and free Prospero, who is languishing in the basement.

Summary. "Three fat men." Court

The girl coped brilliantly with her role. Everyone mistook her for a doll, and at night she manages to free the prisoner. The gunsmith leaves through a secret underground passage, but Suok does not have time to follow him and is arrested. The next day, a trial is held over the poor girl, but she does not react to what is happening, which angers the Fat Men and their associates. The cruel rulers throw the circus girl to be torn to pieces by the tigers, and then it turns out that she is not a girl, but a broken doll.

Summary. "Three fat men." Denouement

At this moment, the rebels, led by their leaders - the gunsmith Prospero and the circus performer Tibul, break into the palace and capture the Fat Men and their retinue. The people celebrate the victory. But what happened to Tutti’s heir? Despite all the efforts of his guardians, he remains a kind and sympathetic boy, and it also turns out that he is Suok's brother, kidnapped in infancy and placed in the rulers' castle. The boy joins a troupe of traveling performers and finally finds happiness.

This is the summary of the book “Three Fat Men”. But in order to learn about all the adventures of the heroes, described in the romantic figurative language of Yuri Olesha, read the book in the original. You won't be disappointed.

The scientist, Dr. Gaspar Arneri, by order, repairs the doll of the little heir Tutti.

The boy is not allowed to interact with living children so that he will grow up cruel. The doctor repairs the doll, but on the way to the palace, he loses it. He stumbles upon a circus tent and sees a circus girl who looks like this doll.

The doctor comes to an agreement and sends her to the palace instead of the doll. The scientist asks as a reward to release the rebels who are in the prison of fat men.

The girl becomes friends with the prince and at night frees the gunsmith Prospero, who is to be executed.

In the morning, Suok, that was the name of the girl who looked like the doll of the heir to Tutti, was to be executed for this. The fat men throw her to the tigers, but the tigers do not touch the girl, because... It was the guards who replaced Suok with a doll.

At the end of the book there was a rebellion, the power of the fat men comes to an end, and Suok turns out to be the prince’s sister.

They were separated in childhood, the girl was sent to the circus and a similar doll was made in her place.

What I liked about the work.

Yuri Olesha's fairy tale "" is written about an imaginary country ruled by three rulers. They oppressed the people and the artisans rebelled against their power. But the fairy tale is not only about this.

Of course, I liked the brave people: the gunsmith Prospero, the tightrope walker Tibulus, who fought for ordinary people, but I was more impressed by the fate of the Heir and the girl Suok. Brother and sister separated in childhood! The girl was an artist in a traveling circus, and the boy was taken by fat men to raise him to be a cruel ruler. Thanks to the girl's kindness, her conversations, games and actions, the boy became kind and fair.