Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Round dates in years. A galaxy of Russian writers

1 World Civil Defense Day(World Civil Defense Day).

Installed in 1990 on the date of entry into force of the Charter of the ICDO - International Civil Defense Organization.

It has been celebrated in Russia since 1993. – the year of entry of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations into the ICDO.

1 – Day of forensic expert of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, departmental.

03/01/1919 The Office of Forensic Expertise at the Tsentrorozysk of the RSFSR began to function - an expert unit in the internal affairs bodies of Russia. The first forensic institution in the internal affairs bodies of Tsarist Russia can be considered the Medical Council under the Medical Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which was established on December 31, 1803.

1 – Hosting Provider Day, informal.

Conducted since 2011. on the initiative of the leaders of the HostObzor company and the commission of hosting providers at the Russian Association of Electronic Communications (RAEC).

03/01/2001 The project “HostObzor” appeared.

Hosters are engaged in improving systems for storing and transmitting information on the Internet.

1 – Cat Day in Russia, informal.

It developed spontaneously and is celebrated on the first day of the first month of spring.

Days to honor these pets are established in many countries around the world. World Cat Day is celebrated on August 8th.

1 – World Immunity Day.

Celebrated by the medical community on the initiative of the World Health Organization since 2002. on the first day of spring. It is at the beginning of spring that problems associated with the weakening of the functions of the immune system during the winter are especially pronounced.

1 – Zero Discrimination Day.

Celebrated at the initiative of UNAIDS - the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS. Low awareness of people regarding HIV/AIDS often becomes the reason for discrimination against HIV-infected people and AIDS patients.

2 – International Match Day.

Researchers date the history of modern matches to 1805, when the French chemist Chapselle demonstrated the first self-igniting matches. These were wooden sticks with a head made of a mixture of sulfur, berthollet salt with the addition of cinnabar, which served to color the incendiary mass red.

3 – World Wildlife Day.

Established on December 20, 2013. at the 68th session of the UN General Assembly.

On this day in 1973 Based on a resolution of the World Conservation Union (IUCN), the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) was signed in Washington.

The list of species protected by CITES includes about 5 thousand animal species and 28 thousand plant species. Import, export, re-export and introduction from the sea of ​​these representatives of flora and fauna should be carried out only on the basis of special permits and certificates.

3 – World Writer’s Day(World Day of the writer) .

Celebrated by the decision of the 48th Congress of the International PEN Club, held in January 1986.

PEN Club was founded in London in 1921, the name is an abbreviation formed by the first letters of English words Poets- poets, Essayists– essayists, Novelists- novelists. The abbreviation is the same as the word pen– translated from English – pen.

PEN advocates for freedom of the press and against the arbitrary use of censorship in peacetime.

3 – International Ear and Hearing Day(International Day for Ear and Hearing).

Established by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2007. at the First International Conference on the Prevention and Rehabilitation of Hearing Impairment, held in China.

March 3 was chosen as the date for the holiday: the numbers 3.3, which are used to record this date, are shaped like two human ears.

4 – International Day of Children's Television and Radio Broadcasting(International Children's Day of Broadcasting).

Established by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in Cannes in April 1994.

Previously celebrated in December, since 2009. The celebration has been moved to the first Sunday in March.

Every year on this day, the world's leading television and radio companies provide airtime to children and children's programs - “tuning in to the children's wave.”

The first youth radio channel in the USSR was the radio station “Yunost”, which went on air on October 16, 1962.

5 – Theater Cashier Day.

Conducted since 2009. on the initiative of the State Drama Theater "Comedian's Shelter" (St. Petersburg) on ​​the first Monday of the month.

6 – International Dentist Day – Dentist Day(International Dentist Day). Dedicated to the invention in 1790. American dentist John Greenwood used a dental drill - a heavy, foot-driven drill.

It is observed in the country of origin and in many other countries of the world.

6 – European Day of the Righteous Among the Nations.

Established in 2012 European Parliament.

The Righteous Among the Nations are non-Jewish people who saved Jews during the Holocaust, risking their own lives.

03/06/2007 Moshe Beisky, an Israeli judge and chairman of the commission to confer the title of Righteous Among the Nations at the Yadva Shem National Memorial in Jerusalem, has died. Beisky was one of the Jews saved by Oskar Schindler, one of the world's most famous righteous people.

6 – World Glaucoma Day.

Established in 2008 on the initiative of the World Association of Glaucoma Societies and the World Association of Glaucoma Patients to draw attention to the problem and raise awareness about the disease.

It is noted in the professional community of many countries and supported in the media.

Glaucoma is one of the main causes of blindness and vision impairment. It affects 100 million people around the world. In most cases, pathology develops in people after 40 years of age. It is characterized by regular or periodic increases in intraocular pressure. The process causes the development of visual field defects, a decrease in visual acuity, and atrophy of the optic nerve. The likelihood of deviation is three times higher in women.

8 International Women's Day(International Women's Day).

Previously – Day of International Solidarity of Women in the Struggle for Economic, Social and Political Equality.

Established by decision of the Socialist International in 1910. at the 2nd International Conference of Working Women in Copenhagen on the initiative of one of the leaders of the Social Democratic Party of Germany, Clara Zetkin.

According to one version, 03/08/1857. The "March of Empty Pots" was carried out by New York textile workers demanding higher wages, improved working conditions and equal rights for women and men.

It was first celebrated in Russia in 1913. Petersburg scientific readings on women's rights.

It was first held on one day - March 8 - in 1914 by women from Austria, Hungary, Germany, the Netherlands, Russia, the USA, Switzerland and a number of other countries.

03/08/23/1917 In Petrograd, a strike of women textile workers took place, which became part of the events of the February Revolution. In memory of her, at the 2nd Communist Women's Conference (1921), it was decided to declare March 8th International Women's Day.

In Soviet times, it was originally International Women's Day.

By Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 05/08/1965. International Women's Day March 8 was declared a non-working day in the USSR "in commemoration of the outstanding merits of Soviet women in communist construction, in defending the Motherland during the Great Patriotic War, their heroism and dedication at the front and in the rear, as well as noting the great contribution of women to strengthening friendship between peoples and the struggle for peace."

The UN began officially observing International Women's Day on March 8 in 1975, which was declared the International Year of Women.

Nowadays in Russia, International Women's Day has lost its original meaning: on March 8th it is customary to congratulate all representatives of the fair sex, give them flowers and gifts. Particular attention is paid to the closest and most beloved women - mothers, wives, daughters, sisters.

8 – World Kidney Day.

Global initiative established in 2006. International Society of Nephrology and International Federation of Kidney Foundations. This is a unique awareness campaign aimed at raising awareness among the general public about the importance of kidneys to health and kidney disease, which is often caused by poor lifestyle choices.

Held on the second Thursday of the month.

The kidneys not only perform their main function - excretory, but also participate in metabolism, hematopoiesis and other important processes in the body. Chronic kidney failure is one of the most common diseases, but many people are unaware of the seriousness of this problem.

9 World DJ Day(World DJ Day).

Initiated by the World DJ Fund and the charity Nordoff Robbins Music Therapy. Celebrated by the club community and industry since 2002. in the form of charitable events: profits received on this day by DJs, clubs, radio stations are sent to children's funds and institutions.

10 Archives Day in Russia it is an unofficial professional holiday for archive workers.

Established by the decision of the board of the Federal Archive Service of Russia dated 03/05/2003. February 10(28), 1720 Peter I signed the “General Regulations” - the founding charter of the state civil service, which determined the foundations of the organization of public administration and, in particular, introduced the public position of an actuary (archivist), who was supposed to “diligently collect letters, repair registers, mark up sheets...”.

Previously, since 1992, also unofficially, it was celebrated on June 1. 06/01/1918 The Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR adopted a decree “On the reorganization and centralization of archival affairs in the RSFSR.” The same decree created for the first time an all-Russian archival management body - the Main Directorate of Archival Affairs or Glavarkhiv, now the Federal Archival Agency of Russia (Rosarkhiv).

10 – International Day of Cool(International Day of Awesomeness), an unofficial comic holiday.

The idea of ​​the holiday belongs to the American scientist Kevin Lover and his colleagues, and has been held since 2008.

March 10 is the birthday of American actor Chuck Norris, whose coolness many admire: for example, “Chuck Norris is so cool that he makes tea with his eyes!”

The holiday is held under the motto: “Nobody is perfect, but everyone can be cool.”

11 Drug Control Worker's Day.

Established by a special Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin dated February 16, 2008. “About the Day of Drug Control Authorities.”

03/11/2003 President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin signed Decree No. 306 “Issues of improving public administration in the Russian Federation,” according to which the State Committee for Combating Illicit Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation was transformed into the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Control of Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances. From July 28, 2004 – Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control.

04/05/2016 By decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, the Federal Drug Control Service was abolished, and its functions and powers were again transferred to the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation from June 2016. - to the established Main Directorate for Drug Control of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

11 – Day of Geodesy and Cartography Workers.

Established by a special Decree of the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin No. 1867 “On the Day of Geodesy and Cartography Workers” dated November 11, 2000. Celebrated on the second Sunday of the month.

The first printed version of the map of Rus' - a map of Moscow lands, dates back to 01/26/1525.

In 1720 Peter I signed a decree that marked the beginning of cartographic surveys in Russia.

The Unified Geodetic Service of the RSFSR was formed in March 1919, since 1992. – Federal Service of Geodesy and Cartography of Russia, now – Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr).

11 – Day of Private Security Agency Employees, unofficial.

03/11/1992 In Russia, the law “On private detective and security activities” was adopted.

The profession “security guard” was included in the Unified Directory of Professions of the Russian Federation in 2009.

12 – Day of workers of the penal system of the Ministry of Justice of Russia. 03/12/1879 Russian Emperor Alexander II issued a decree on the creation of the Main Prison Department in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

08.10.1997 Russian President B.N. Yeltsin signed the Decree “On reforming the penal system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.” 10/30/1998 The Government of the Russian Federation adopted Resolution No. 1254 “Issues of the penal system of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation,” which became the final stage in the transition of the system of execution of criminal penalties from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to the Ministry of Justice of Russia.

The federal body of the penal system is now the Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN), subordinate to the Ministry of Justice of Russia and created for the execution of sentences and for the detention of suspects, accused and convicted persons.

In the structure of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, each service has a holiday date: the Day of Workers of Pre-trial Detention Centers and Prisons is celebrated on October 31, on May 7, workers of penal inspections celebrate their professional holiday, on November 13, the holiday of employees of the special purpose department of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia is celebrated.

12 – World Day Against Cyber ​​Censorship.

Established at the initiative of the non-governmental organizations Reporters Without Borders and Amnesty International. Celebrated since 2008

Originally – International Day of Freedom of Expression online.

Aimed at fighting for a single Internet that is equally accessible to everyone without restrictions.

12 – Sun-Earth Day.

Celebrated since 2000, it was established by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the European Space Agency (ESA).

Invented with the goal of giving people more information about events occurring in space and related to the Earth and the Sun - eclipses, magnetic storms, space weather, etc.

The holiday does not have a fixed date, but is revised annually to coincide with or be close to the date of some space event or important event conducted by NASA. In 2018 – March 12.

14 – International Rivers Day(Day of Action for Rivers), or Day of Action for Rivers and Water.

Previously – International Day Against Dams, Day of Action to Protect Rivers, Water and Life.

Established at the First International Conference against the construction of large dams in March 1997 in the Brazilian city of Curitiba.
Conducted since 1998. in many countries of the world by environmental organizations.

In Europe, only one large river - the Pechora in Russia - remains unregulated, flowing freely from its source to the sea.

14 – International Pi Day(International π Day).

The number π is a mathematical constant that expresses the ratio of the circumference of a circle to the length of its diameter.

In numerical terms, π begins as 3.1415926... and has an infinite mathematical duration. In everyday calculations, a simplified spelling of the number is used: only two decimal places, - 3.14.

The holiday was invented in 1987. physicist Larry Shaw.

14 – Orthodox Book Day, church

Established by the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church on December 25, 2009. on the initiative of the Belgorod and Staroskol diocese.

March 14 was chosen as the date of the holiday - the day it was published in 1564. the first Russian printed book “Apostle” by Ivan Fedorov. According to the old style it is March 1, according to the new style it is March 10. At the same time, the discrepancy between the dates of the Orthodox and secular calendars is due to the fact that according to church chronology, when converting dates from the old style to the new, 13 days are always added - regardless of the century when the event occurred.

15 World Consumer Rights Day(World Consumer Rights Day).

Celebrated by UN decision since 1983.

On this day in 1961 In his speech to Congress, US President John F. Kennedy formulated four basic consumer rights: the right to basic needs, to security, to choice and the right to be informed (to be heard), which turned out to be universal and applicable to any society. Later, four more were added: the right to redress, the right to consumer education, the right to basic needs and the right to a healthy environment.

Recognized in Russia after adoption on 02/07/1992. The Supreme Council of the RSFSR Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”.

15 Public Holiday Republic of Belarus – Constitution Day.

The current Constitution of the republic was adopted on March 15, 1994.

The first Constitution of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Belarus (SSRB) was adopted at the First Congress of Soviets of Belarus on 02/03/1919. Over the entire history of Belarus, five constitutions have been adopted: four constitutions of the Soviet period (1919, 1927, 1937 and 1978) and in 1994.

Subsequently, the basic law of the Republic of Belarus was updated and supplemented. November 24, 1996 As a result of the referendum, a number of changes were made to the Constitution, a significant part of which concerned the redistribution of powers towards the executive branch (in particular, the president). At the referendum on October 17, 2004. A provision was removed from the Constitution that limited the right of one person to be elected as president for more than two consecutive terms.

15 – International Squirrel Protection Day.

Celebrated in many countries around the world, it was established on the initiative of the International Fund for Animal Welfare - IFAW.

Belki - the pups of the harp seal - have been hunted for many decades, primarily because of their beautiful fur.

Harp seals are found, among other things, in the White and Barents Seas, washing the shores of the Kola Peninsula.

In Russia, at the initiative of public environmental organizations, a ban on hunting squirrels was introduced by the Government of the Russian Federation in 2009.

15 – International Day Against Police Brutality(The International Day Against Police Brutality).

First celebrated in 1997. on the initiative of public organizations - the Canadian “Collective to Counter Police Brutality” and the Swiss group “Black Flag”.

Initially, the date March 15 was chosen by chance, but since 2000. she began to be frequently linked to the incident of beating of two children aged 11 and 12 by Swiss police.

15 – World Contact Day.

First celebrated on March 15, 1953. on the initiative of the International Flying Saucer Bureau.

The purpose of the Day is to jointly establish peaceful contact with extraterrestrial beings. The International Flying Saucer Bureau sent out a newsletter to all its members asking them to take part in an experiment called “World Contact Day.” At a certain date and time, they would attempt to collectively send a telepathic message to aliens from outer space. Attempts on March 15 to contact the inhabitants of other planets do not stop today.

16 Day of formation of economic security units in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, departmental.

03/16/1937 As part of the Main Police Directorate of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs (NKVD) of the USSR, the Department for Combating the Theft of Socialist Property and Speculation (OBKHSS) was created.

The service was repeatedly renamed and changed its status. Nowadays, the Main Directorate of Economic Security and Anti-Corruption (GUEPiPK) is an independent structural unit of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

16 – World Sleep Day(World Sleep Day).

Conducted since 2008. on Friday of the second full week of the month at the initiative of the International Association of Sleep Medicine as part of the World Health Organization (WHO) project on sleep and health.

18 – Day of Workers of Consumer Services and Housing and Communal Services.

It was celebrated in the Soviet Union since 1966, later on the fourth Sunday of July as the Day of Trade, Consumer Services and Housing and Communal Services Workers.

By Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated November 1, 1988. “On Amendments to the Legislation of the USSR on Holidays and Memorial Days” was moved to the third Sunday in March.

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin dated May 7, 2013. N 459 “On Trade Worker's Day” this holiday was again moved to the fourth Saturday of July, and the holiday of household workers and utility workers is still celebrated in March.

18 – Day of reunification of Crimea with Russia.

The return of the territory of the Crimean peninsula with the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol located on it, which was previously part of Ukraine, was fixed by an interstate agreement signed on March 18, 2014 in the Grand Kremlin Palace in Moscow by the heads of Russia and the Republic of Crimea.

Since 1921 – Crimean ASSR as part of the RSFSR, since 1946. – Crimean region within the RSFSR. In 1954 in violation of legal procedure at the direction of N.S. Khrushchev was transferred to the Ukrainian SSR (except for the city of Sevastopol, since 1948 - a city of republican subordination of the RSFSR).

In 1991 in the Crimean region a referendum was held on the restoration of Crimean autonomy in 1992. The Crimean Constitution was adopted, which established the entry of Crimea into Ukraine on a contractual basis, which was officially recognized by the Ukrainian authorities.

03/11/2014 The Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the Sevastopol City Council adopted a declaration of independence of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.

03/16/2014 A nationwide referendum on the status of Crimea was held, based on the results of which (96% of voters were in favor of the republic joining the Russian Federation), the Supreme Council declared Crimea an independent sovereign state - the Republic of Crimea, in which the city of Sevastopol has a special status. Then the Republic of Crimea turned to the Russian Federation with a proposal to accept it into the Russian Federation as a new subject.

On the territory of the Republic of Crimea it is a holiday and a day off.

18 – International Planetarium Day(Day of Planetaria).

First held in Italy in 1990. on the initiative of the Association of Italian Planetariums. Acquired international status in 1994.

It is celebrated, including in Russia, on the Sunday closest to the Vernal Equinox (in 2018 - March 20).

18 – Day of the Paris Commune.

Celebrated in honor of the victory in France of the first proletarian revolution on March 18, 1871. by decision of the General Council of the First International, adopted on February 20, 1873.

In the USSR it was widely celebrated from 1923 to 1990.

19 – Day of the Submariner or Day of creation of the submarine forces of the Russian fleet- professional holiday of military personnel and civilian personnel of the submarine forces of the Russian Navy.

Established by order No. 253 of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, Fleet Admiral F.N. Gromov, dated July 15, 1995.

06.03 (19.03) 1906 Emperor of Russia Nicholas II signed a decree on the inclusion of a new category of ships - submarines - in the classification of naval vessels and the inclusion of 20 submarines in the Russian fleet. This event is evidenced by the order of the Russian Maritime Department No. 52 dated March 24, 1906, signed by the Minister of the Navy Admiral A.A. Birilev. The order, in particular, said: “The Sovereign Emperor (Nicholas II), on the sixth day of March of this year, deigned to give the highest command... to include submarines in the classification of the naval personnel of the fleet.”

19 – International Customer Day.

Celebrated in many countries of Europe and America since 2010. on the initiative of entrepreneurs from Russia and Lithuania.

20 Day of spring equinox - the day of the onset of astronomical spring.

On this day, the Earth, rotating around its imaginary axis passing through the poles, while simultaneously moving around the Sun, is in such a position in relation to the luminary that the sun's rays, carrying thermal energy, fall vertically onto the equator. That is, during this period, day and night are separated by 12 hours, and the Sun illuminates exactly half of the two hemispheres of the globe. The sun moves from the southern hemisphere to the northern, and on these days in all countries the day is almost equal to night.

20 – Earth Day. The date was approved by the UN in 1971; at this time the day of the vernal equinox falls, when the biological rhythm of the planet changes and it moves to a new round of its development.

There are two Earth Days in the international holiday calendar – March 20 and April 22. The first has a peacekeeping and humanistic orientation, the second – environmental.

The idea of ​​celebrating Earth Day on the vernal equinox was first proposed in 1969. at the UNESCO conference in San Francisco. A month later, an alternative date for Earth Day, April 22, was proposed independently of UNESCO. Currently, “April” is considered official, but events are held in both March and April.

As part of Earth Day in March, it is customary in most countries to ring the Peace Bell for one minute, which is a symbol of peaceful life, friendship and solidarity of all peoples, a call to action in the name of preserving culture and the best achievements of humanity. The first peace bell was cast from coins donated by children on all continents in memory of the victims of the atomic bombing of Japan and installed at the UN headquarters in New York in 1954.

20 – French Language Day – International Francophonie Day.

It has been celebrated, like the days of other UN languages, since 2010. French is one of the six working languages ​​of the UN. The introduction of the new holiday was initiated by the UN Department of Public Relations.

The date chosen to honor the French language was March 20, which marks International Francophonie Day. La Francophonie is an international organization for cooperation between French-speaking countries of the world, uniting 56 states. The main criteria for joining the organization is not the level of proficiency of citizens of a particular country in the Gaulish language, but rather cultural ties with France. 03/20/1970 In Niger, an agreement was signed on the creation of an interstate organization of French-speaking countries.

20 – Internationaldayhappiness(International Day of Happiness).

Proclaimed by the UN in 2012. in order to support the idea that the pursuit of happiness is a common feeling for all people on our planet.

The initiative to establish the International Day of Happiness came from the mountainous country of Bhutan. It is believed that the inhabitants of the Kingdom of Bhutan are the happiest people in the world - leaders in the Gross National Happiness coefficient, which measures the national well-being of citizens.

20 – International Astrology Day(International Astrology Day).

Previously, it was celebrated by astrologers and enthusiasts exactly on the Day of the Vernal Equinox - 20, 21 or less often - March 19. This day begins a new astrological year. In the early 2000s, to avoid date confusion, a group of Western astrologers proposed celebrating this day on March 20 every year.

Astrology is a group of descriptive and predictive practices, traditions and beliefs that involve the impact of celestial bodies on the earthly world and man (his temperament, character, actions and fate) and, in particular, the possibility of predicting the future by the movement and location of celestial bodies on the celestial sphere and relative each other. Modern science completely denies the effectiveness of astrological techniques, qualifying astrology as pseudoscience and prejudice.

20 – International Forest Day(International Day of Forests) or World Forest Day.

Celebrated since 1971 on the initiative of the European Confederation of Agriculture with the support of the World Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

The holiday is celebrated on the day of the autumn equinox in the Southern Hemisphere and the spring equinox in the Northern Hemisphere.

20 – International Color Day(International Color Day).

Established by the International Color Association in 2009. on the initiative of the Portuguese Color Association.

Celebrated on the day of the spring equinox, when day is almost equal to night. This symbolizes the balance of light and darkness, which is reflected in many cultures. And color is the perception of light rays by the human eye.

20 – Internationaldaywithoutmeat(International Day Without Meat).

First celebrated in 1985. in the USA under the name of the Farm Animal Rights Movement (FARM).

On this day, many shops and restaurants refuse to sell meat, and activists promote vegetarianism and the ideas of compassion for animals and environmental protection.

20 – World Sparrow Day.

The holiday was proposed to be celebrated by the Indian community Nature Forever Society in collaboration with the Eco-Sys Action Foundation (France). The initiative was supported by other national and international organizations.

20 – World Storytelling Day(World Storytelling Day), a holiday dedicated to the art of oral storytelling.

It was first celebrated in Sweden in the early 1990s as All Storytellers' Day. Dedicated to those who preserve and pass on folklore from mouth to mouth. By 2005 The holiday finally took shape as World Storytelling Day.

Celebrated on the day of the spring equinox in the northern hemisphere, and on the day of the autumn equinox in the southern hemisphere.

21 – Internationaldaystrugglebehindliquidationracialdiscrimination(International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination). Carried out by decision of the UN General Assembly of October 26, 1966.

On this day in 1960 Police opened fire and killed 69 people during a peaceful demonstration in Sharpeville, South Africa, to protest against the apartheid regime's mandatory passport laws for Africans in South Africa.

21 – World Poetry Day(World Poetry Day).

Celebrated in accordance with the resolution of the 30th session of UNESCO, held in Paris in 1999.

In some countries, World Poetry Day is celebrated on October 15, the birthday of the ancient Roman poet Virgil.

21 International Puppeteer Day(International Day of Puppetry) or International Puppet Theater Day.

Celebrated since 2003. by decision of the International Union of Puppet Theater Workers.

21 – International Day of People with Down Syndrome(World Down Syndrome Day). Celebrated since 2006. on the initiative of the participants of the VI international symposium dedicated to this topic. The UN General Assembly established World Down Syndrome Day in December 2011.

The 21st day of the third month was chosen to show that Down syndrome is associated with 3 copies of chromosome 21.

It has been held in Russia since 2011.

21 – International Navruz Day(International Day of Nowruz), religious.

Established by the UN General Assembly on February 23, 2010. on the initiative of the governments of Azerbaijan, Albania, Afghanistan, Macedonia, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Turkey.

Navruz is a New Year holiday among a number of Eurasian peoples; it marks the first day of spring and the renewal of nature. Celebrated according to the astronomical solar calendar.

22 – World Water Day(World Day for Water).

Celebrated since 1993. by decision of the UN Conference on Environment and Development, held in Rio de Janeiro on June 3-14, 1992.

22 – International Taxi Driver Day.

It was on this day in 1907. The first cars equipped with special meters appeared on the streets of London. London cab drivers called the meter "taximeter" - from the French "tax" ("fee"), and the Greek "metron" ("measurement"). Since then, individual urban transport began to be called taxis, and cab drivers - taxi drivers.

22 – Baltic Sea Day(Baltic Sea Day).

The decision to celebrate was made in 1986. at the 17th meeting of the Helsinki Commission (HELCOM).

The date of the Day coincides with the date of signing of the Helsinki Convention of 1974. seven countries of the Baltic region - the USSR, Germany, East Germany, Sweden, Poland, Finland and Denmark.

Since 2000, the main events of Baltic Sea Day have taken place in St. Petersburg.

23 World Meteorological Day(World Meteorological Day) .

Conducted on the initiative of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) under the auspices of the UN since 1961.

03/23/1950 The WMO Convention, which proclaimed the formation of the Organization, came into force.

23 Day of workers of the hydrometeorological service of Russia.

Established by a special Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin No. 812 “On the Day of Hydrometeorological Service Workers” dated May 19, 2008.

In April 1834 According to the “highest permission”, which had the force of law and signed by the Emperor of Russia Nicholas I, the Normal Magnetic Meteorological Observatory was established in St. Petersburg. Since that time, the Russian meteorological network began to conduct regular meteorological and magnetic observations according to a single guide.

24 – Navigator Day of the Russian Air Force, departmental.

Established by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Air Force, Army General A.M. Kornukov dated 08/02/2000.

On this day in 1916 Chief of Staff of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief General Mikhail Alekseev signed an order on the creation of the Central Air Navigation Station (CANS). Navigator Day of the Russian Navy is celebrated on January 25.

In addition, navigators of the Northern Hemisphere have two more unofficial holidays - the days of the spring and autumn equinox. It is at this time that it is possible to accurately determine the cardinal directions without instruments, since the sun at any point in the hemisphere rises strictly in the east and sets, accordingly, in the west. On this day, astronomical calculations are simplified, which makes the work of the navigator easier.

24 – Earth Hour– a global annual international event.

Held by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) on one of the last Saturdays in March (in 2018 - March 24).

On this day, at the appointed time, people in different countries of the world turn off lights and other electrical appliances for one hour. The purpose of the action is to attract the widest possible attention of the world community to the problem of climate change on our planet, to show our support for the idea of ​​the need for united action in solving it.

The idea of ​​turning off the electricity for an hour to demonstrate solidarity in the fight for environmental protection was first implemented by WWF in 2007. on the scale of one city - Sydney (Australia).

24 – World Tuberculosis Day(World Tuberculosis Day).

Celebrated by decision of the World Health Organization (WHO) on the day on which in 1882. German microbiologist Robert Koch announced his discovery of the causative agent of tuberculosis.

In 1993 WHO has declared tuberculosis a global problem, and March 24 is World Tuberculosis Day.

25 – Day of Russian Cultural Worker.

Celebrated on the initiative of the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation A.S. Sokolov in accordance with the special Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin “On the Day of Cultural Workers” dated August 27, 2007.

25 – Reindeer Herder Day.

Held on the fourth Sunday of the month in the northern regions of Russia.

25 – International Day of the Unborn Child(International Day of the Unborn Child). Celebrated on the initiative of Pope John Paul II on the day of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary according to the calendar of the Catholic Church.

The first country to officially celebrate Birthright Day was El Salvador in 1993.

This day is celebrated not only by Catholics, but also by representatives of other faiths and denominations. One of the goals of the Day is the fight against abortion.

25 – Tolkien reading day(Tolkien Reading Day).

Conducted by The Tolkien Society, which brings together fans of J.R.R. Tolkien. First held on March 25, 2003.

The date March 25 was chosen to commemorate the fall of Sauron in Tolkien's famous book The Lord of the Rings. It was suggested by NY Post-Standard columnist Sean Kirst.

25 – International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade(International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade).

Established by a resolution of the UN General Assembly on December 17, 2007.

26 – Purple day(Purple Day) – Epilepsy Day.

Invented in 2008 nine-year-old Canadian girl Cassidy Megan, who suffers from epilepsy, but decides to show other people that she is no different from them. The girl’s initiative was supported first by the Epilepsy Association of Nova Scotia, and then by other organizations around the world.

27 Day of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation.

Established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin dated January 16, 2016 “in order to preserve the continuity of military traditions and increase the prestige of service in the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation.”

Earlier on this day, the Day of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation was celebrated, established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin No. 394 of March 19, 1996, the decree was declared invalid. 03/27/1811 Emperor of Russia Alexander I issued the final decree regarding the formation of the internal guard of Russia.

27 World Theater Day(World Theater Day).

Established by the IX Congress of the International Theater Institute (MIT) at UNESCO in 1961. Celebrated since 1962.

27 – International Whiskey Day.

Established in 2009, it is held on the birthday of Michael James Jackson, the British author of works on whiskey.

29 – Day of Legal Service Specialist in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, professional holiday .

Established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin No. 549 “On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” dated May 31, 2006.

The military law school was founded in Russia in 1719. The founder of the school “for the education of military lawyers” is considered to be Emperor Peter I. By his special Decree, it was ordered to take “twenty good and young people from the gentry (cadets) who can read and write to the Military Collegium to study auditing matters.” Subsequently, by order of Peter I, several children of the gentry were sent abroad to study legal sciences.

30 – Volcanologist Day in Russia, informal.

On March 30, 1956, a powerful eruption of the Bezymianny volcano occurred in Kamchatka, as a result of which clouds of ash rose to a height of over 45 kilometers.

The first eruption on the peninsula, studied in detail by Soviet volcanologists.

31 – International Backup Day – Backup Day(World Backup Day).

It was established on the initiative of users of the social news site Reddit and it was no coincidence that it was set for March 31. In the computer environment, there are known cases of information loss on April 1; there is even a whole group of April Fools' viruses that are activated on this day.

Backup is the creation of a copy of data on a medium (hard drive, flash card, CD-ROM and other media) designed to restore data in case of damage or loss on the main medium.

Prepared by Mikhail Demin.
Information site

In 2018, there will be many anniversaries and significant events that can be celebrated cheerfully both with your family and with friends, work colleagues or like-minded people. Let us remind you that the Year of the Yellow Dog according to the Chinese calendar begins on Monday, is not a leap year, and also does not foreshadow any man-made or natural disasters.

In January 2018 there will be 13 days off, 7 of which will be holidays. The traditional New Year holidays will last from January 1 to January 7, and residents of the country will celebrate Christmas on the 7th. Some non-working days, according to established tradition, can be compensated by working Saturdays, however, all these changes are still being worked out by a special commission. Among the anniversary dates of January 2018, the following should be noted:

  • On January 6, the favorite of many women in Russia, Adriano Celentano, will celebrate his anniversary. The world-famous film actor, singer, cultural figure, who has been leading a reclusive life in his villa in Italy for several years, will turn 80 years old.
  • January 10 marks the 120th anniversary of the birth of the brilliant director Sergei Eisenstein, who created a number of cult films: “Ivan the Terrible”, “Battleship Potemkin”, “Alexander Nevsky”.
  • On January 13, Lyudmila Senchina will celebrate her 70th birthday. According to the singer and Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, her date of birth is 1948, although her passport mistakenly stated 1950.
  • January 23 will mark the 230th anniversary of Lord Byron's birth.
  • The most ambitious cultural event will be the anniversary of Vladimir Vysotsky, who would have turned 80 on January 25, 2018. As you know, of all the people of the 20th century, Vysotsky is in 2nd place in popularity among the residents of our country after Yu. Gagarin. As expected, memorial concerts dedicated to the outstanding artist, singer, bard and poet will be held in all major cities of the country, and to his burial place

Significant numbers of the last month of winter

February 2018, in addition to Defender of the Fatherland Day, is notable for the following anniversary dates:

  • February 8, 2018 would have marked the 90th birthday of the legendary Soviet actor Vyacheslav Tikhonov. His roles in such films as “Burnt by the Sun”, “Seventeen Moments of Spring”, “We'll Live Until Monday”, “The Waiting Room” still evoke admiring responses from critics, directors, and ordinary viewers.
  • February 10 is the birthday of one of the most famous French writers, J. Verne, who would have turned 190 years old.
  • February 14 is not only Valentine's Day. The Russian scientific community will celebrate the anniversary of Sergei Kapitsa, who would have turned 90 years old. The scientist, TV presenter, author of several dozen studies made a huge contribution to the development of physics.

As for the day of February 23, it will be special in 2018, since exactly 100 years will pass since the formation of the Red Army.

What holidays await us in March?

In the first month of spring there will be as many as 10 days off, one of which - International Women's Day (March 8) - is eagerly awaited by millions of the fair sex. Traditionally, March 7, on the eve of the holiday, will be a shortened working day. Also in March 2018 in Russia you can celebrate the following anniversaries:

  • On March 20, Ekaterina Strizhenova will celebrate her 50th birthday. The actress and popular TV presenter manages to combine a professional career with the responsibilities of a loving mother and wife.
  • On March 22, Valery Syutkin will turn 60 years old. The musician, singer, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation has not been actively involved in creative work for several years now, but his name is still remembered by a huge army of the artist’s fans.
  • On March 28, the 150th anniversary of Maxim Gorky, who, for many, is the very symbol of Russian literature, will be widely celebrated.
  • On March 31, Vladimir Vinokur will celebrate his 70th birthday. The theater, film, and pop actor is familiar to many thanks to his humorous performances and comedic roles.

April: what are we celebrating?

There are no national holidays in April, however, among the anniversaries of this month it is worth noting the following:

  • On April 4, Ilya Reznik, the famous songwriter and People's Artist of Russia, will turn 80 years old. His works still remain relevant for both modern listeners and experienced music lovers.
  • On April 13, Mikhail Shufutinsky will celebrate his 70th birthday. This recognized master of the national stage still attracts full houses at his concerts and regularly delights fans with fresh hits.

May: the most festive month

In May we celebrate Labor Day and the great Victory Day. At the same time, the list of 2018 anniversaries this month includes:

  • May 5 marks the 200th anniversary of the birth of Karl Marx, who was a legendary figure and wrote a number of fundamental works, and was also involved in active social and political activities.
  • On May 6, the anniversary of Maxim Fadeev, composer, singer and music producer, will take place. Surely there will be a festive concert in Moscow dedicated to this date, at which many contemporary pop artists will perform their hits.
  • May 25 would have marked the 100th anniversary of the birth of Vera Orlova, the famous actress and People's Artist of the RSFSR. She became famous among domestic audiences thanks to her brilliant roles in the films “Soldier Ivan Brovkin”, “Don’t Part With Your Loved Ones”, “When the Trees Were Big”.

June: the beginning of the main sporting event on the planet

The holidays this month traditionally begin with Russia Day, which we will celebrate on June 12.

Millions of fans are looking forward to June 2018, because the World Cup kicks off in Russia on the 14th. The World Cup will be hosted by 11 cities in the country, where spectacular matches will be held for the title of the best team in the world. Among other events that will be celebrated in the cultural environment, we note the following:

  • On June 13, Sergei Makovetsky, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, will turn 60 years old. The talented actor played in several dozen films, the most famous of which are “The Girl and Death”, “Liquidation”, “About Freaks and People”, “Brother 2”.
  • June 22 will mark the 120th anniversary of the birth of the German writer Erich Maria Remarque, whose works are well known to any educated person.
  • Sergei Bodrov, a director, screenwriter, and cultural figure who has directed such films as “East - West,” “Prisoner of the Caucasus,” and “The Beloved Woman of Mechanic Gavrilov,” will celebrate his 70th anniversary.

July: Closing of the 2018 World Cup

The main event of July 2018 for Russians will definitely be the closing of the world football championship, the final match of which will take place on the 15th in Moscow. Among the anniversary dates in July, the following stand out:

  • On July 8, Andrei Myagkov, People’s Artist of the RSFSR, known to domestic audiences for his roles in the films “The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath,” “The Brothers Karamazov,” and “Office Romance,” will celebrate his 80th birthday.
  • On July 9, Liya Akhedzhakova, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, will celebrate her 80th birthday. The most famous films in which the actress starred were “Office Romance”, “Garage”, “Promised Heaven”.

What's special about August?

The following anniversary dates await us in August 2018:

  • August 5th marks the 120th anniversary of Vasily Lebedev-Kumach, who wrote such imperishable songs as “Wide is my native country”, “Holy War” and the song of all pioneers “Merry Wind”.
  • On August 8, Nina Menshikova, People's Artist of the RSFSR, would celebrate her 90th birthday. She became famous for her roles in films such as “Girls” and “We'll Live Until Monday.”
  • On August 16, the icon of modern pop style Madonna will turn 60. The popular singer, actress, composer will probably organize a tour, which will become a kind of report on the entire period of creativity of this unique artist.

September: a scattering of anniversaries

The following anniversaries can be celebrated in September:

  • On September 1, People's Artist of the Russian Federation Sergei Garmash, known for the films “Anna Karenina”, “Inhabited Island”, “Kamenskaya”, will turn 60 years old.
  • September 9 marks the 190th anniversary of the birth of Count Leo Tolstoy, from whose pen the epic work “War and Peace” and a number of others came out, making him a classic of Russian literature.
  • On September 10, People’s Artist of the Russian Federation Yevgeny Tatarsky (filmography: “Charlotte’s Necklace”, “Deadly Force”, “Jack Vosmerkin - American”) celebrates his 70th birthday.
  • On the 10th, cult British director Guy Ritchie, who directed such films as Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Sherlock Holmes, and Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows, will turn 50 years old.
  • On September 25, famous American actor and hip-hop artist Will Smith turns 50.

Who will celebrate their anniversary in October?

There are not many anniversaries in October 2018. However, the following events can be noted:

  • October 10 is the 50th anniversary of actor Philip Yankovsky (“State Councilor”, “The Three Musketeers”, “The Miracle Worker”).
  • October 16 marks the 50th anniversary of Ilya Lagutenko, the leader and creator of the legendary Russian group Mumiy Troll.

November anniversaries

Anniversary dates for November 2018 include:

  • November 9 marks the 200th anniversary of the birth of Ivan Turgenev. It is planned that for such a significant date a special encyclopedia will be published and mass commemorative events will be held in the so-called Turgenev places.
  • On November 10, the famous Italian composer Ennio Morricone celebrates his 90th birthday.
  • On November 20, People's Artist of the USSR Alexey Batalov, who played in such cult Soviet films as “Star of Captivating Happiness,” “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears,” and “The Cranes Are Flying,” would celebrate his 90th birthday. Unfortunately, in June 2017, Alexey Batalov left us.
  • November 23 will mark the 110th anniversary of the birth of the author of Dunno and other children's works, Nikolai Nosov.
  • On November 24, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Natalya Krachkovskaya would celebrate her 80th birthday.

December: waiting for the New Year

Many residents of the country are looking forward to December 2018 not only because of the New Year holidays. The following anniversaries are expected this month:

  • On December 6, the famous actor Alexander Baluev (films “Muslim”, “Two Winters and Three Summers”) will celebrate his 60th birthday.
  • December 10 will mark the centenary anniversary of Anatoly Tarasov, a coach without whom the legendary Soviet hockey and world victories would not exist.
  • On December 11, the literary community celebrates the 100th anniversary of the Russian writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn (author of the books “The Gulag Archipelago”, “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich”). Recently, UNESCO expressed its intention to include Solzhenitsyn’s work on the list of world cultural heritage.
  • On December 27, French actor Gerard Depardieu (films “The Runaways,” “The Unlucky Ones,” “Papas”) will turn 70 years old.

Thus, there will be a huge number of anniversaries and significant events in 2018, so residents of Russia will not be bored.

The year 2018 of the Yellow Earth Dog is rich in significant dates, anniversaries and dates of memorable events. Some of them can and should be celebrated cheerfully and casually with family or friends, while others are celebrated by the whole country.

Some dates will make you sad, and the sadness will respond in your heart with gratitude to your ancestors. Other dates may mean nothing to one person, but cause a whole storm of emotions to another.

Be that as it may, every year Russia invariably celebrates a number of significant dates associated with some special events in the history of the entire country, as well as people who live, or once lived, on the territory of our Motherland.

Great figures of culture, science, literature and art - most famous people were born in Russia. Our country does not forget about the people and events that radically affected the course of Russian history.

In this article you will find a list of upcoming significant and memorable dates in 2018. Every Russian and true patriot of his state should remember and honor these dates.

Significant anniversaries in 2018

Anniversary dates are considered “round” dates ending in 0. Also considered anniversary dates are “half” dates that end with the number 5.

If we talk about a specific event or a specific person, we count time from the occurrence of the notorious event or from the birth or death of a particular person. Anniversary dates are rightfully considered to be 5, 10, 15, 20, ..., 350, etc. years.


  • January 3 – 115th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet Russian writer A. A. Beka;
  • January 6 – Italian actor Adriano Celentano turns 80 years old;
  • January 22 – 230th anniversary of the birth of the English poet L. J. Gordon Byron;
  • January 22 – 90th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet Russian writer P. L. Proskurina;
  • January 23 – 235th anniversary of the birth of the French prose writer Stendhal;
  • January 25 is the 80th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet Russian musician, poet and actor V. Vysotsky.


  • February 2 – 110th anniversary of the birth of the Italian composer Renzo Rossellini;
  • February 4 – 145th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet Russian prose writer M. M. Prishvina;
  • February 8 is the 190th anniversary of the birth of the French writer and famous traveler Jules Verne;
  • February 8 is the 90th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet Russian actor V. Tikhonova;
  • February 10 is the 80th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet Russian writer and screenwriter G. Weiner;
  • February 14 is the 90th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet Russian physicist and educator of science Sergei Kapitsa.


  • March 1 is the 115th anniversary of the birth of the Russian poet, writer and publicist F. Sologuba;
  • March 4 – 340th anniversary of the birth of the Italian violinist, composer and conductor Antonio Vivaldi;
  • March 5 is the 305th anniversary of the birth of the Russian poet, philologist and translator V. Trediakovsky;
  • March 13 – 105th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet Russian writer, fabulist, poet and publicist S. Mikhalkova;
  • March 16 – 115th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet Russian writer T. Gabbe;
  • March 17 – 110th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet Russian prose writer and journalist B. Polevoy;
  • March 20 – Russian actress and TV presenter E. Strizhenova will celebrate its 50th anniversary;
  • March 22 – Honored Artist of Russia, musician and singer V. Syutkin will celebrate 60 years;
  • March 28 – 150th anniversary of the birth of the Russian writer and playwright M. Gorky;
  • March 31 - Soviet and Russian comedian, TV presenter and singer V. Vinokuru turns 70 years old.


  • April 4 – 110th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet Russian composer Sigismund Katz;
  • April 4 – to Soviet and Russian songwriter I. Reznik turns 80 years old;
  • April 6 – 110th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet Russian composer Vano Muradeli;
  • April 13 – 135th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet Russian poet, writer and publicist D. Bedny;
  • April 13 – Soviet and Russian pop singer, composer and producer M. Shifutinsky celebrates 70 years;
  • April 15 – 175th anniversary of the birth of the American prose writer Henry James;
  • April 16 – 140th anniversary of the birth of the Russian writer A. Hesse;
  • April 22 – 110th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet Russian science fiction writer I. Efremova.


  • May 5 – 200th anniversary of the birth of the German philosopher, writer, economist and journalist Karl Marx;
  • May 14 – 130th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet Russian composer and conductor N. M. Strelnikova;
  • May 25 - 130th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet Russian composer A. Alexandrova;
  • May 25 – 100th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet Russian actress V. Orlova.


  • June 7 – 110th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet Russian composer Yu. Matskevich;
  • June 13 – Soviet and Russian screenwriter, producer and film director S. Bodrov celebrates its 70th anniversary;
  • June 21 – 135th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet Russian writer F. Gladky;
  • June 22 is the 120th anniversary of the birth of the German prose writer. E. M. Remarque;
  • June 25 – 115th anniversary of the birth of the British writer and publicist George Orwell;
  • June 30 – 195th anniversary of the birth of the French painter and poet Maurice Sand.


  • July 3 – 135th anniversary of the birth of the German writer Franz Kafka;
  • July 6 – 120th anniversary of the birth of the German composer Hans Eisler;
  • July 12 – 150th anniversary of the birth of the Russian writer and playwright S. S. Yushkevich;
  • July 12 – 190th anniversary of the birth of the Russian philosopher, writer and thinker N. G. Chernyshevsky;
  • July 14 – 275th anniversary of the birth of the Russian poet G. R. Derzhavina;
  • July 27 – 170th anniversary of the birth of the German poet and writer G. Hoffman;
  • July 27 – 165th anniversary of the birth of the Russian writer and publicist V. G. Korolenka;
  • July 30 – 200th anniversary of the birth of the English writer and poetess Emily Brontë.


  • August 5 – 120th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet Russian poet V. I. Lebedeva-Kumacha;
  • August 13 – 140th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet Russian composer and pianist L. Nikolaeva;
  • August 16 – American singer Madonna will celebrate its 60th anniversary;
  • August 21 – 150th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet Russian playwright V. S. Rozova;
  • August 29 – 80th anniversary of the birth of the Russian poet, prose writer and playwright V. V. Kazakova.


  • September 8 is the 95th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet Russian poet, prose writer and publicist R. G. Gamzatova;
  • September 9 – 190th anniversary of the birth of the Russian writer and thinker L. N. Tolstoy;
  • September 21 – 310th anniversary of the birth of the Russian poet A. D. Kantemira;
  • September 28 – 215th anniversary of the birth of the French writer Prospera Merimee.


  • October 16 – Soviet and Russian rock musician Ilya Lagutenko will celebrate his 50th birthday;
  • October 19 – 130th anniversary of the birth of the Russian writer, essayist and journalist M. Osorgina;
  • October 25 is the 180th anniversary of the birth of the French composer and pianist Georges Bizet;
  • October 25 – 175th anniversary of the birth of the Russian writer G. I. Uspensky.


  • November 5 – 285th anniversary of the birth of the Russian writer, poet and playwright M. M. Kheraskova;
  • November 5 – 140th anniversary of the birth of the Russian writer, publicist and playwright M.P. Artsybasheva;
  • November 9 – 200th anniversary of the birth of the Russian writer, poet and publicist I. S. Turgeneva;
  • November 23 – 110th anniversary of the birth of the children's writer and playwright N. Nosova;
  • November 24 – 80th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet and Russian actress N. L. Krachkovskaya.


  • December 1 – 105th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet Russian writer V. Dragunsky;
  • December 5 – 205th anniversary of the birth of the Russian poet and diplomat F. I. Tyutcheva;
  • December 10 – 100th anniversary of the birth of the Russian tenor A. Tarasova;
  • December 11 – 100th anniversary of the birth of the Russian writer A. I. Solzhenitsyn;
  • December 13 – 145th anniversary of the birth of the Russian prose writer, poet and playwright V. Ya. Bryusova;
  • December 22 – 160th anniversary of the birth of the Italian composer Giacomo Puccini.

1155th anniversarythe emergence of Slavic writing (863 - the Equal-to-the-Apostles brothers Cyril and Methodius created the Slavic alphabet); 470 years since the birth of Giordano Bruno (1548-1600), Italian philosopher and poet (1548-1600); 455th anniversary of the first Russian printing house of Ivan Fedorov and Pyotr Mstislavets in Moscow (1563); 435 years of “ABC” by Ivan Fedorov (1578) The first book for worldly purposes is the Russian primer “ABC”; 905 years of the original version of the chronicle “The Tale of Bygone Years” (compiled around 1113); 315 years of “Arithmetic” by Leonty Magnitsky, who first replaced letters with Arabic numerals (1703);

965 yearsfrom the time of the birth of Vladimir Monomakh (1053-1125), Grand Duke of Kyiv; 905 years of the “Charter” of Vladimir Monomakh (promulgated in 1113);

1030th anniversaryBaptism of Rus' (988);

405th anniversaryRomanov dynasty (1613 - Mikhail Romanov was proclaimed tsar); 405 years of the legendary feat of the Kostroma peasant Ivan Susanin (1613);

200th anniversaryfrom the time of the grand opening of the monument to Minin and Pozharsky (1818);

315th anniversarySt. Petersburg - a city founded according to the plans of the reformer Tsar Peter I at the mouth of the Neva and which became the capital of the Russian Empire for two centuries (1703);

245 yearsuprising led by E. Pugachev (1773);

235 yearssince the establishment of the Russian Academy (1783);

120 yearsState Russian Museum (opened to visitors in 1898);

April 18, 2018year - Day of the victory of Russian soldiers of Prince Alexander Nevsky over the German knights on Lake Peipsi (Battle of the Ice, 1242, actually happened on April 12 according to the new style or April 5 according to the old one);

July 10, 2018-The day of the victory of the Russian army under the command of Peter the Great over the Swedes in the Battle of Poltava (1709, actually happened on July 8 according to the new style or June 27 according to the old style).

February 3, 2018year - Day against profanity;

February 8, 2018year - Day of Russian Science. On this day in 1724, Peter the Great signed a decree establishing the Academy of Sciences in Russia;

February 9, 2018year - 235 years since the birth of V.A. Zhukovsky, Russian poet (1783-1852);

February 9, 2018year - 190 years since the birth of Jules Verne, French writer (1828-1905);

February 13, 2018year - 145 years since the birth of F.I. Chaliapin, Russian singer (1873-1938);

February 13, 2018year - 135 years since the birth of E. B. Vakhtangov, Russian director (1883-1922);

February 17, 2018year - Spontaneous Kindness Day is one of the recent initiatives of international charitable organizations. This holiday has global significance and is celebrated regardless of citizenship, nationality and religious beliefs. In Russia this holiday is still little known. On this day, as the organizers urge, you should try to be kind to everyone. And not just kind, but kind infinitely and unselfishly;

February 20, 2018year - 215 years since the opening of the monument to Minin and Pozharsky on Red Square - the first sculptural monument in Moscow;

February 21, 2018 - World Tour Guide Day;

February 21, 2018years - 400 years ago, Mikhail Romanov (1596-1645) was proclaimed king;

February 21, 2018years - 290 years since the birth of Peter III, Russian Emperor (1728-1762);

February 23, 2018year - 260 years since the birth of V.V. Kapnist, Russian poet (1758-1823);

February 23, 2018year - 140 years since the birth of K.S. Malevich, Russian artist (1878 - 1935);

February 25, 2018year - 145 years since the birth of E. Caruso, the great Italian opera singer (tenor) (1873-1921);

February 26, 2018year - 210 years since the birth of Honore Daumier, French artist, sculptor (1808-1879);

Memorable and significant dates in March 2018

405 years ago, the Zemsky Sobor elected Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov as Russian Tsar (1613);

200 years ago, a monument to Kuzma Minin and Prince Pozharsky was unveiled in Moscow (1818);

March 1, 2018 - 845 years of memory of Euphrosyne of Polotsk, Russian enlightener (c.1110-1173);

March 1, 2018 - 155 years since the birth of Fyodor Sologub (Fyodor Kuzmich Teternikov), Russian poet (1863-1927);

March 1, 2018 - 155 years since the birth of A.Ya. Golovin, Russian artist (1863-1980);

March 4, 2018 - 340 years since the birth of Antonio Vivaldi, Italian composer (1678-1741);

March 7, 2018 - 140 years since the birth of B.M. Kustodiev, Russian painter (1878-1927);

March 12, 2018 - 155 years since the birth of V.I. Vernadsky, Russian naturalist, thinker (1863-1945);

March 19, 2018 - 125 years since the birth of Georges de Latour, French painter (1593-1652);

March 19, 2018 - 120 years ago the State Russian Museum opened;

March 20, 2018 - 405 years of the feat of the Russian peasant Ivan Susanin;

March 20, 2018 - 165 years since the birth of Vincent van Gogh, Dutch painter (1853-1890);

April 6, 2018 - 535 years since the birth of Raphael (Raffaello Santi), Italian painter and architect (1483-1520);

April 17, 2018 - 200 years since the birth of Alexander II, Russian Emperor (1818-1881);

April 18, 2018 - Day of Military Glory of Russia: 776 years since the victory of Russian soldiers of Prince Alexander Nevsky over the German knights on Lake Peipsi (1242);

April 20, 2018 - 440 years since the birth of D.M. Pozharsky, Russian prince, commander (1578-1642);

April 23, 2018 - 100 years since the birth of Maurice Druon, French writer (1918-2009);

April 26, 2018 - 220 years since the birth of Eugene Delacroix, French artist (1798-1863);

Memorable and significant dates in May 2018

905 years ago, Vladimir Monomakh ascended the Kiev Grand Duke's throne (1113);

May 6, 2018 - 160 years since the birth of A.S. Stepanov, Russian painter (1858-1923);

May 15, 2018 - 170 years since the birth of V.M. Vasnetsov (1848-1926), Russian painter;

May 19, 2018 - 115 years since the birth of N.M. Romadin (1903-1987), Russian painter;

May 31, 2018 - 280 years since the birth of M.F. Kazakov (1738-1812), Russian architect;

205 years since the beginning of the Patriotic War of 1812;

105 years ago the State Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. was opened in Moscow. Pushkin (June 13, 1912);

June 7, 2018 - 170 years since the birth of Paul Gauguin (1848-1903), French artist;

490 years ago, Pope Clement VII legitimized the order of Capuchin monks with a special bull (1528);

13 July 2018year - 205 years since the birth of N.L. Benois (1813-1898), Russian architect4

1 August 2018year - 160 years since the birth of I.S. Ostroukhov (1858-1929), Russian artist;

August 13, 2018 is International Left-Handed Day. International Left-Handed People's Day was first celebrated on August 13, 1992, at the initiative of the British Left-Handed People's Club, founded in 1990. On this day, left-handers all over the world strive to draw the attention of product manufacturers to the need to take into account their convenience, organizing various events and competitions.

August 14, 2018 - 260 years since the birth of Carl Vernet (1758-1836), French artist;

August 24, 2018 - 170 years since the birth of E. A. Lanceray (1848-1886), Russian sculptor;

August 30, 2018 - 270 years since the birth of Jacques-Louis David (1748-1825), French artist;

320 years ago, Peter I established a tax on beards in order to instill in his subjects the fashion adopted in other European countries (1698);

190 years ago, in the Zion Cathedral in Tiflis, the marriage of Alexander Griboyedov and 15-year-old Nina Chavchavadze took place (1828);

16 September2018 - Juliet's birthday. On this day, the Italian city of Verona celebrates the birthday of Juliet, the famous Shakespearean heroine;

September 19, 2018 - Smiley’s birthday. On September 19, 1982, Carnegie Mellon University professor Scott Fahlman first proposed using three consecutive characters - a colon, a hyphen and a closing parenthesis - to represent a "smiling face" in text that is typed on a computer;

September 29, 2018 - 500 years since the birth of Jacopo Tintoretto (1518-1594), Italian artist;

8 October 2018year - 195 years since the birth of I.S. Aksakov (1823-1866), Russian publicist, critic, theorist, poet;

October 19, 2018 - All-Russian Lyceum Student Day. Lyceum Day. Held on the day of the founding of the famous Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum (1811);

2 November 2018year - 175 years since the birth of M.M. Antokolsky (1843-1902), Russian sculptor;

November 5, 2018 - 140 years since the birth of K.S. Petrov-Vodkin (1878-1939), Russian painter;

November 7, 2018 - 420 years since the birth of F. Zurbaran (1598-1664), Spanish artist;

November 11, 2018 - 155 years since the birth of Paul Signac (1863-1935), French painter and graphic artist;

November 17, 2018 - 140 years since the birth of P.V. Kuznetsov (1878-1968), Russian artist;

November 26, 2018 - 115 years since the birth of Yu.I. Pimenov (1903-1977), Russian painter and graphic artist;

November 30, 2018 - 510 years since the birth of A. Palladio (1508-1580), Italian architect;

7 December 2018year - 155 years since the birth of Pietro Mascagni (1863-1945), Italian composer;

December 8, 2018 - 165 years since the birth of V.A. Gilyarovsky (1853-1935), Russian writer;

December 10, 2018 - 220 years since the birth of A.P. Bryullov (1798-1877), Russian architect;

December 12, 2018 - 155 years since the birth of Edvard Munch (1863-1944), Norwegian artist;

December 28, 2018 - 190 years since the birth of N.F. Fedorov (1828-1903), Russian philosopher, librarian;

Significant dates of 2018 are a summary of the main events, a wonderful opportunity to touch history and look back. Such dates are a memory of significant events and great people, an occasion to remember their role in the historical destinies of the homeland and the whole world.

What are the significant days?

All significant dates can be divided into:

  • memorable dates. They are installed in honor of the most important historical events in the life of society and the state. These dates include days of military glory, memorable days;
  • Anniversaries are usually celebrated when a significant date approaches. It can be a multiple of 5, 10, and so on. Anniversaries can be celebrated not only by individuals, but also by all kinds of institutions and organizations, and states.

Holidays are often considered significant dates. However, there is one significant difference between them: although both are significant events, not every holiday has an exact calendar date. For example, many Christian and Muslim holidays (Easter, Trinity, Kurban Bayram, etc.) fall on different days every year.

In Russia, the calendar of significant dates is an important pedagogical and educational resource. Memorable dates and anniversaries can become the topics of integrated lessons and lectures, conferences and literary evenings. Such dates “bring closer” history, making it visible and significant for every person.

Calendar of significant dates in 2018

Let's look at the main memorable and anniversary dates of 2018 by month:

January 1st of January Day of the epic hero Ilya Muromets
The 25th of January 80th anniversary of Vladimir Vysotsky, actor, bard, writer

Russian Students Day

January 27 Day of lifting the siege of Leningrad (1944)
February February 2 Day of the defeat of Nazi troops at Stalingrad (1943)
February 8 90th anniversary of Vyacheslav Tikhonov, Soviet, Russian actor
The 14th of February 90th anniversary of Sergei Kapitsa, Soviet physicist, popularizer of science
March March 28 150th anniversary of Maxim Gorky, Soviet writer
April 12th of April Cosmonautics Day
April 18th Victory Day of Russian squads on the ice of Lake Peipsi (1242)
April 22 110th anniversary of Ivan Efremov, Soviet science fiction writer
May 9th May Victory Day
June June 6 Russian Language Day
June 13 60th anniversary of Sergei Makovetsky, Russian actor
22nd of June Day of Remembrance and Sorrow
27th of June Youth Day
June 29 Day of Partisans and Underground Workers
July July 8 80th anniversary of Andrei Myagkov, Soviet, Russian actor
July 9 80th anniversary of Liya Akhedzhakova, Soviet, Russian actress
July 10 Victory Day of Russian weapons near Poltava (1709)
July, 12 190th anniversary of Nikolai Chernyshevsky, Russian writer, author of the novel “What is to be done?”
July 13 90th anniversary of Valentin Pikul, Soviet writer
the 14 th of July 275th anniversary of G.R. Derzhavin, Russian poet and statesman
August August 1 Day of Logistics of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
August 2 Airborne Forces Day
August 6 Railway Troops Day
August 9 Victory Day of the Russian fleet at Cape Gangut (1714)
September September 1 Day of Knowledge
8 September Day of the Battle of Borodino (1812)
9th of September 190th anniversary of Leo Tolstoy, the great Russian writer

100th anniversary of Boris Zakhoder, Soviet children's writer

11 September Victory Day of the Russian fleet at Cape Tendra (1790)
September 21 Victory Day of Russian squads in the Battle of Kulikovo (1380)
October October 1 Older People's Day

Army Day

The 4th of October Space Forces Day
October 24 Special Forces Day
November November 4 National Unity Day
November 7 October Revolution Day 1917

Day of consent and reconciliation

November 9 200th anniversary of Ivan Turgenev, the great Russian writer
November 19 Rocket Forces and Artillery Day
20 November 90th anniversary of Alexei Batalov, Soviet, Russian actor
November 23 110th anniversary of Nikolai Nosov, Soviet children's writer
December December 1 Victory Day of the Russian Fleet at Cape Sinop (1853)
5th of December The day the Red Army began its offensive near Moscow (1941)
9th December Day of Heroes of the Fatherland
December 11th 100th anniversary of Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Soviet, Russian writer, dissident, Nobel Prize laureate
12 December Constitution Day of the Russian Federation

90th anniversary of Chingiz Aitmatov, Soviet, Kyrgyz writer

December 24 Day of the capture of the Izmail fortress (1790)