Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Who is Fedor Konyukhov presentation. Konyukhov Fedor Filippovich

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New world record During his trip on a single rowing boat (from October 16 to December 1, 2002), he set a new world speed record for crossing the Atlantic Ocean from East to West in the “solo” class, which now stands at 46 days and 4 minutes. In March 2003, Fedor Konyukhov set a record for crossing the Atlantic Ocean for giant catamarans - 9 days 23 hours 33 minutes. He finished on the double-hulled sailboat Scarlet Sails in the port of St. Charles on the island of Barbados. He described his travel experiences in books and paintings. Konyukhov is the author of more than three thousand paintings, participant in Russian and international art exhibitions. Many of his works have been acquired by museums around the world and private collectors.

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Laureate of the Gold Medal of the Russian Academy of Arts In 1983, Fyodor Konyukhov was admitted to the Union of Artists of the USSR, since 1996 he has been a member of the Moscow Union of Artists (USA) section "Graphics", since 2001 he has been a member of the section of the Ministry of Agriculture "Sculpture". Konyukhov is a laureate of the Gold Medal of the Russian Academy of Arts, Honorary Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts. Member of the Writers' Union of the Russian Federation. Author of the books: “And I saw a new sky and a new earth”, “The Diaries of Fyodor Konyukhov about the race of sailing ships “Around Alone”, “Under Scarlet Sails”, “My Spirit on the Deck of the Karaana”, “The Rower in the Ocean”, “All the Birds, all are winged", "Road without a bottom". Since 1998, he has headed the Laboratory of Distance Learning in Extreme Conditions (LDEL) at the Modern Humanitarian Academy.

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Achievements of F.F. Konyukhov Honored Master of Sports. Awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples of the USSR. He is included in the encyclopedia “Chronicle of Humanity”; thousands of articles have been written about him in newspapers and magazines around the world. In 1998, he was awarded the UN Global 500 environmental prize for his contribution to environmental protection. Winner of the UNESCO Fair Play Prize (1999). On December 18, 2002, Konyukhov was awarded a certificate from the Federation Council for courage and maintaining the prestige of Russia. Chairman of the Federation Council Sergei Mironov presented Konyukhov with an agate that he himself found in the Gobi Desert.

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Travel by land 1981 - crossing Chukotka on dogs; 1984 - rafting on the Lena River; Participation in the international regatta for the Baltic Cup-84 as part of the crew of DVIMU (Vladivostok); 1985 - expedition through the Ussuri taiga in the footsteps of V.K. Arsenyev and Dersu Uzala; 1989 (summer-autumn) - joint Soviet-American transcontinental bicycle ride Nakhodka - Moscow - Leningrad; race manager from the Russian side; 1991 (summer-autumn) - organizer of the Russian-Australian off-road rally on the route Nakhodka - Moscow; filming of the documentary film "Through the Red Unknown" by SBS TV channel (Australia); 2002 (spring) - organization of the first camel caravan expedition in the history of Russia “In the footsteps of the Great Silk Road-2002”. The expedition passed through the territory of Kalmykia, Astrakhan, Dagestan, Stavropol Territory and Volgograd Region. 1050 km were covered.

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Sea travel 1977 - research expedition on the yacht DVIMU "Chukotka" (Cetus) along the route of Vitus Bering. Konyukhov is the author of memorial plaques to Vitus Bering and his team, installed on the Commander Islands; 1979 - the second stage of the research expedition on the yacht DVIMU “Chukotka” along the route Vladivostok - Sakhalin - Kamchatka - Commander Islands; climbing the Klyuchevsky volcano; 1980 - participation in the international regatta “Baltic Cup-80” as part of the crew of DVIMU (Vladivostok); 1990 (autumn) - 1991 (spring) - the first solo non-stop circumnavigation in Russian history on the yacht "Karaana" (36 feet/Swanson) along the route Sydney - Cape Horn - Equator - Sydney (Australia) in 224 days; 1992 - 1994 - a round-the-world expedition on the two-masted ketch "Formosa" (56 feet) along the route Taiwan - Taiwan; 1997 - participation in the European regattas Sardinia Cup (Italy), Gotland Race (Sweden), Cowes week (England) as part of the crew of the maxi-yacht Grand Mistral (80 feet); 1998 - 1999 - participation in the American single round-the-world race "Around Alone 1998/99" on the Open 60 yacht "Modern Humanitarian University", the third solo round-the-world voyage;

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Sea travel 2000 - 2001 - the first participation in the history of Russia in the French single non-stop round-the-world sailing race "Vendee Globe" on the yacht "Modern Humanitarian University"; 2002 - crossing the Atlantic Ocean alone on a rowing boat "URALAZ" with a world record of 46 days 4 hours (in the "autonomous" category). Route: Canary Islands (La Gomera Island) - o. Barbados (three thousand miles); 2003 (March) - a joint Russian-British transatlantic record crossing with a crew on the 100-foot maxi-catamaran "Trade Network "Scarlet Sails" on the route Canary Islands (La Gomera) - Barbados. A world record was set for multihulls. on this route - nine days; 2003 (April) - a joint Russian-British transatlantic record crossing with the crew of the 100-foot maxi-catamaran "Shopping Network "Scarlet Sails" on the route Jamaica (Montega Bay) - England (Lands End). The length of the route is 5100 miles. A world record was set for multihull vessels on this route - 16 days;

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Sea voyages 2004 (February) - a single transatlantic record passage from east to west on the 85-foot maxi-yacht "Trade Network "Scarlet Sails" along the route Canary Islands (La Gomera) - Barbados (Port St. Charles). Worldwide established record for crossing the Atlantic Ocean on a maxi-yacht under the control of one person - 14 days and 7 hours; 2004-2005 - solo circumnavigation on the 85-foot maxi-yacht "Trading Network "Scarlet Sails" on the route Falmouth (England) - Hobart ( Tasmania) - Falmouth (England). The first solo round-the-world sailing on a maxi yacht through Cape Horn. The fourth successful round-the-world sailing; 2005 (December) - 2006 (January). Around the Atlantic Ocean." Fyodor Konyukhov and the Russian crew sailed on the yacht Trading Network "Scarlet Sails", along the route England - Canary Islands - Barbados - Antigua - England. In total, over 10,000 nautical miles were covered.

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Ascents Within the framework of the "Seven Summits of the World" program, Fedor Konyukhov made ascents: 1992 (February) - Elbrus (Europe) - solo; 1992 (May) - Everest (Asia), together with Evgeny Vinogradsky (Ekaterinburg); 1996 (January) - Vinson Massif (Antarctica) - single; 1996 (March) - Aconcagua (South America) - single; 1997 (February) - Kilimanjaro (Africa) - single; 1997 (April) - Kosciuszko Peak (Australia) - single; 1997 (May) - McKinley Peak (North America), together with Vladimir Yanochkin (Moscow).

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Polar expeditions 1983 - ski scientific and sports expedition to the Laptev Sea. The first polar expedition as part of Dmitry Shparo’s group; 1986 - ski crossing into the polar night to the Pole of Relative Inaccessibility in the Arctic Ocean as part of the expedition of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper; 1987 - ski expedition on Baffin Island (Canada) as part of a Soviet-Canadian expedition (preparation for a trip to the North Pole); 1988 - trans-Arctic ski crossing of the USSR - North Pole - Canada as part of an international group with the support of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper. Konyukhov sold his paintings to the vice president of the McDonalds restaurant chain to pay for his participation in the trans-Arctic crossing; 1989 (spring) - participant of the first Russian, autonomous expedition "Arctic" to the North Pole; 1990 (spring) - the first solo ski trip to the North Pole in Russian history. Started from Cape Lokot on Sredniy Island. Reached the pole in 72 days;

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“Travelers” - Before the battle, the berserkers gnashed their teeth and bit the edges of their shields. How ancient travelers found their way. Discoveries. Where did the Vikings go? *Vikings raided France, Britain and Ireland. What do underwater robots do? Beneath the sea are minerals such as oil. Born on the island of Corsica.

"Fernand Magellan" - Tierra del Fuego. Maggelan was born in 1480 in Portugal. Western path. Travels of Ferdinand Magellan. Death of Magellan. Magellan left the port of Seville. Magellanic clouds. Magellan gave the name to the Pacific Ocean. The journey was difficult. Spectacle. The great Portuguese traveler. Victoria.

"Researchers" - G.I. Shelekhov - “Russian Columbus”. wonderful Russian polar explorers, participants of the Great Northern Expedition. Florentine traveler, after whom America may be named. 1819 - 1821. English naval sailor, explorer, cartographer and discoverer. country Colombia. Memory. Polar station at Cape Chelyuskin.

"Great Travels" - Marco Polo. Nikolai Nikolaevich Miklouho-Maclay. England. Robert Scott. M.P. Lazarev. Ivan Fedorovich Krusenstern. Fridtjof Nansen. Ferdinand Magellan. Christopher Columbus. Russia. Great journeys. Discoveries of H. Columbus and F. Magellan.

"Columbus" - Sea powers. New story. Navigator. Part of the Atlantic coast. The exit of Western European Christian civilization beyond the borders of Europe. Islands of the Caribbean. Place of Birth. Expedition to China. Contribution to the development of navigation. Pacific Ocean. Countries of the East. Portuguese. Huge distances.

"Kotzebue" - In 1815-18, Kotzebue led a round-the-world research expedition on the brig "Rurik". Otto Evstafievich Kotzebue (1788-1846). A bay in the Chukchi Sea, off the western coast of Alaska, is named after Otto Evstafievich Kotzebue. Frederica von Essen. Otto Kotzebue married twenty-year-old beauty Amalia Zweig.

Fedor Filippovich Konyukhov

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Fyodor Filipovich Koinyukhov is a Russian traveler, writer, artist, free balloon pilot, priest of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. He made 5 voyages around the world, crossed the Atlantic 17 times, and once on a rowing boat.

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The thirst for travel, especially sea travel, lived in Fyodor from early childhood. Standing at the helm of a fishing boat, Fyodor peered into the Azov distance and dreamed of visiting the opposite bank of Azov. At the age of fifteen, he made his first expedition - he crossed the Sea of ​​Azov on a rowing boat alone. I prepared for this for several years - I devoted almost all my free time to rowing, sailing and swimming. He was actively involved in football and athletics, and slept almost all seasons in the hayloft. Fyodor also loved to read and voraciously “swallowed” books by Jules Verne, Stanyukovich, Goncharov and other marine writers and travelers.

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Fedor graduated from the Odessa Naval School and received a specialty as a ship mechanic. Then he studied at the polar school in Leningrad to become a navigator. And then - service in the Baltic Fleet.

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The first serious expedition took place in 1977, when he sailed in the Pacific Ocean and repeated the route of Vitus Bering. Being a patriot, the pathfinder sought to reproduce all the conditions in which our compatriots, more than three hundred years ago, sailed on fragile boats, discovered islands and bays, explored America and founded settlements there.

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When Fyodor Konyukhov was a youth, his grandfather Mikhail, a lieutenant colonel in the tsarist army, said that he served in the same garrison with senior lieutenant Georgy Sedov, the famous Russian polar explorer. And he left Mikhail Konyukhov with a pectoral cross with a request to give it to the strongest and bravest of the children who could reach the Pole... Sedov’s will was fulfilled by Fyodor Konyukhov. In 1990, Konyukhov set off on his journey to his cherished goal on skis. Despite the difficulties, with Sedov’s cross on his neck, Fyodor Konyukhov steadily approached the North Pole and after 72 days reached it, becoming the first person in the world to

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The next goal of Fedor Konyukhov was the South Pole. In 1995, the brave explorer went on a solo expedition to Antarctica, eventually reaching the extreme southern point of the planet on the 59th day of the trip and planting the Russian flag there. Based on the results of the expedition, Fyodor Konyukhov wrote several scientific papers that made an invaluable contribution to the development of polar science. For his research activities and scientific works after this expedition, Konyukhov was accepted as an honorary member of the Russian Geographical Society.

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Sea travel occupies the largest part of Konyukhov’s research activities. Fedor completed more than forty unique sea expeditions, crossed the Atlantic Ocean 17 times alone, and once on a rowing boat in autonomous mode in 46 days, setting an absolute world record. Fedor traveled around the world six times. One of these trips on a yacht took place non-stop, non-stop.

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There were other routes in the biography of Fyodor Konyukhov. He became the first Russian to complete the Grand Slam program, that is, to conquer the North, South Pole and Everest. Previously, in 1992, he climbed Mount Everest alone, in January 1996, Mount Aconcagua, and in 1997, Mount Kilimanjaro.

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In 2002, Fyodor Konyukhov organized the first camel caravan expedition in Russian history following the Great Silk Road in Kalmykia, Dagestan, Astrakhan, Volgograd regions and Stavropol Territory. In 2009, the expedition was continued - the second stage of research along the route Kalmykia - Mongolia.

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In July 2016, Fyodor Konyukhov set a new record by circling the planet in a hot air balloon in 11 days, 4 hours and 20 minutes, or 268 hours and 20 minutes. He beat the previous record holder Steve Fossett by 2 days.

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In 2017, an absolute world record for the duration of a hot-air balloon flight was set – 55 hours and 10 minutes.

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During his travels, Fyodor Konyukhov is engaged in research and creativity. He writes paintings and books. In total, the traveler created almost 3 thousand paintings and published nine books. In his works, Fyodor Konyukhov shares his life experiences and events from his travels. He is an active member of the Union of Journalists, the Union of Artists and Sculptors, and the Union of Writers of Russia.

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On May 22, 2010, Fyodor Konyukhov received the rank of subdeacon of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate. After being ordained, Fedor began to devote less time to travel and expeditions, but did not stop this activity completely. In December 2010, in Zaporozhye, Konyukhov, who by that time had graduated from the St. Petersburg Theological Seminary, was ordained a priest and sent to serve in the Zaporozhye diocese.

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Traveler, artist, writer, cyclist, climber, navigator, free balloon pilot, priest - this is all about Fyodor Filippovich Konyukhov.

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List of sources of illustrations:   ya_rossiyu_ne_promenyayu  http: //  re-vokrug-sveta.html  /fedor_konyukhov_pacific_ocean_2014.html    http://rusk .ru/newsdata.php?idar=45630

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List of reference materials:  BD%D1%8E%D1%85%D0%BE%D0%B2,_%D0% A4%D1%91%D0%B4 %D0%BE%D1%80_%D0%A4%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%BF%D0 %BF%D0%BE%D0%B2% D0%B8%D1%87    biografiya-fedor-konyuhov. html

Russian traveler The famous Russian traveler Fyodor Konyukhov became the first
the man who managed to circumnavigate Antarctica on a sailing yacht. By
According to the latest data, he covered the entire distance and left the last
settlement rate sector. To the finish line in the port of an Australian city
Albany Konyukhov has his last miles left.
Russian traveler - extreme sportsman, artist, journalist,
yacht captain Fedor Filippovich Konyukhov was born on December 12, 1951
years in the fishing village of Chkalovo on the shores of the Azov Sea in a family
a hereditary Pomor fisherman from the Arkhangelsk province.
Graduated from the nautical school, the Belarusian art school and
Modern humanitarian university. Worked as a sailor on ships
rescue fleet in the Baltic, caught fish on trawlers in the Pacific
Fedor showed a desire to travel from childhood and at the age of 15
carried out his first expedition - crossed the Sea of ​​Azov on
fishing rowboat. And by the age of 50 he had completed more than 40
unique expeditions and ascents.

"Grand slam"

Over 20 years as a limit tester
people Konyukhov participated in expeditions to
North and South Poles, climbed to the most
highest mountains of the planet. He made four
circumnavigation of the world, crossed fifteen times
Konyukhov is the first Russian to succeed
complete the Grand Slam program (Northern
Pole, South Pole, Everest) and the first
world traveler who reached the five poles
of our planet: Northern geographical (three times),
Southern geographic, relative pole
inaccessibility in the Arctic Ocean, Everest
(altitude pole), Cape Horn (yachtsmen's pole).

New world record

During his trip on a single rowing boat
(from October 16 to December 1, 2002) he established
new world speed crossing record
Atlantic Ocean from East to West in the classroom
"solo", which is now 46 days and 4 minutes.
In March 2003, Fedor Konyukhov set a record
giant catamarans - 9 days 23 hours 33 minutes. He
finished on the double-hull sailboat "Alye
sails" in the port of St. Charles on the island of Barbados.
He described his travel experiences in books and
paintings. Konyukhov is the author of more than three thousand
paintings, participant of Russian and international
art exhibitions. Many of his works

Laureate of the Gold Medal of the Russian Academy of Arts

In 1983, Fedor Konyukhov was admitted to the Union
artists of the USSR, since 1996 he is a member of the Moscow
Union of Artists (USA) section "Graphics", since 2001
year is a member of the section of the Ministry of Agriculture "Sculpture".
Konyukhov is a laureate of the Gold Medal of the Russian Academy
Arts, Honorary Academician of the Russian Academy
Member of the Writers' Union of the Russian Federation. Author of the books: “And I saw something new
heaven and new earth", "The Diaries of Fyodor Konyukhov about
sailboat race "Around Alone", "Under Scarlet
sails" "My spirit is on the deck of "Karaana", "The rower in
ocean", "All birds, all winged", "Road without a bottom."
Since 1998, he has headed the laboratory of remote
training in extreme conditions (LDEU) in
Modern Humanitarian Academy.

Achievements of F.F. Konyukhov

Honored Master of Sports. Awarded the Order
Friendship of the peoples of the USSR. Listed in the encyclopedia
"Chronicle of Humanity", thousands have been written about him
articles in newspapers and magazines around the world.
In 1998 he was awarded the UN Environmental Prize
"Global-500" - for contribution to environmental protection.
Winner of the UNESCO Fair Play Prize (1999).
On December 18, 2002, Konyukhov was awarded a diploma
Federation Council - for courage and support
prestige of Russia. Chairman of the Federation Council
Sergei Mironov gave Konyukhov an agate, which he
I found it myself in the Gobi Desert.

Travel by land

1981 - crossing Chukotka on dogs;
1984 - rafting on the Lena River; Participation in international
regatta for the Baltic Cup-84 as part of the DVIMU crew
1985 - expedition through the Ussuri taiga in the footsteps of V.K.
Arsenyev and Dersu Uzala;
1989 (summer-autumn) - joint Soviet-American
transcontinental bike ride Nakhodka - Moscow - Leningrad;
race manager from the Russian side;
1991 (summer-autumn) - organizer of the Russian-Australian
off-road rally on the route Nakhodka - Moscow;
filming of the documentary "Through the Red Unknown"
SBS TV channel (Australia);
2002 (spring) - organization of the first caravan in the history of Russia
camel expeditions "In the footsteps of the Great Silk
Paths-2002". The expedition passed through the territory of Kalmykia,
Astrakhan, Dagestan, Stavropol Territory and Volgograd
areas. 1050 km were covered.

Sea travel

1977 - research expedition on the yacht DVIMU “Chukotka”
(Cetus) along the route of Vitus Bering. Konyukhov - author of memorial plaques
Vitus Bering and his team, installed on the Commander Islands;
1979 - second stage of the research expedition on the DVIMU yacht
"Chukotka" on the route Vladivostok - Sakhalin - Kamchatka - Komandorsky
islands; climbing the Klyuchevsky volcano;
1980 - participation in the international regatta “Baltic Cup-80” as part of
crew of DVIMU (Vladivostok);
1990 (autumn) - 1991 (spring) - the first singles in Russian history
non-stop circumnavigation on the yacht "Karaana" (36 feet/Swanson)
route Sydney - Cape Horn - Equator - Sydney (Australia) in 224 days;
1992 - 1994 - around the world expedition on the two-masted ketch "Formosa"
(56 ft) on the Taiwan - Taiwan route;
1997 - participation in European regattas Sardinia Cup (Italy), Gotland Race
(Sweden), Cowes week (England) as part of the crew of the maxi-yacht Grand Mistral
(80 feet);
1998 - 1999 - participation in the American solo round the world race
"Around Alone 1998/99" on the yacht Open 60 "Modern Humanitarian
University", third solo circumnavigation;

Sea travel

2000 - 2001 - participation in the French war for the first time in Russian history
solo non-stop round the world sailing race
"Vendee Globe" on the yacht "Modern Humanitarian"
2002 - solo crossing of the Atlantic Ocean on
rowing boat "URALAZ" with a world record of 46 days 4 hours (in
category "autonomous"). Route: Canary Islands (La La
Homer) - Fr. Barbados (three thousand miles);
2003 (March) - joint Russian-British
transatlantic record crossing with 100 crew
ft maxi-catamaran "Trading chain "Scarlet Sails"
route Canary Islands (La Gomera island) - o. Barbados.
Set a world record for multihulls on this
route - nine days;
2003 (April) - joint Russian-British
transatlantic record crossing with a crew of 100 feet
maxi-catamaran "Retail chain "Scarlet Sails" along the route
Jamaica (Montega Bay) - England (Lands End). Length
route 5100 miles. A world record has been set for
multihull vessels on this route - 16 days;

Sea travel

2004 (February) - single transatlantic record
passage from east to west on the 85-foot maxi-yacht "Torgovaya"
network "Scarlet Sails" along the Canary Islands route (La La
Gomera) - Barbados (Port St. Charles). Worldwide established
record for crossing the Atlantic Ocean on a maxi yacht under
controlled by one person - 14 days and 7 hours;
2004-2005 - solo circumnavigation on 85 feet
maxi-yacht "Trading network "Scarlet Sails" on the Falmouth route
(England) - Hobart (Tasmania) - Falmouth (England). First in
history of world sailing solo around the world
sailing on a maxi yacht through Cape Horn. Fourth
successful solo circumnavigation;
2005 (December) - 2006 (January). Project "Around the Atlantic"
ocean." Fedor Konyukhov with the Russian crew carried out
sailing on the yacht Trading chain “Scarlet Sails”, along the route
England - Canary Islands - o. Barbados - o. Antigua - England. Total
over 10,000 nautical miles traveled.


As part of the "Seven Peaks of the World" program Fedor
Konyukhov made the following ascents:
1992 (February) - Elbrus (Europe) - single;
1992 (May) - Everest (Asia), together with Evgeniy
Vinogradsky (Ekaterinburg);
1996 (January) - Vinson Massif
(Antarctica) - single;
1996 (March) - Aconcagua (Southern
America) - single;
1997 (February) - Kilimanjaro
(Africa) - single;
1997 (April) - Kosciuszko Peak
(Australia) - single;
1997 (May) - McKinley Peak (North America),
together with Vladimir Yanochkin (Moscow).

Polar expeditions

1983 - ski scientific and sports expedition to the Laptev Sea.
The first polar expedition as part of Dmitry Shparo’s group;
1986 - ski crossing into the polar night to the Pole
relative inaccessibility in the Arctic Ocean in
members of the expedition of the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda";
1987 - ski expedition to Baffin Island (Canada) in
composition of the Soviet-Canadian expedition (preparation for the campaign on
North Pole);
1988 - trans-Arctic ski crossing of the USSR - Northern
Pole - Canada as part of an international group with the support
newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda". Konyukhov sold his paintings
vice president of the McDonalds restaurant chain to pay his
participation in the trans-Arctic transition;
1989 (spring) - participant in the first Russian autonomous
expedition "Arctic" to the North Pole;
1990 (spring) - the first solo hike in the history of Russia
skiing to the North Pole. Started from Cape Elbow Island
Average. Reached the pole in 72 days;

Polar expeditions

1995 - 1996 - the first solo trip to Russia in the history of Russia
South Pole followed by ascent to the highest point
Antarctica - Vinson Massif (5140 m). Started from Herkles Bay.
Reached the pole in 64 days, autonomously;
2000 (March) - participation in the longest race in the world
IDITAROD dog sledding route Anchorage - Nome (1800
km). In this race, Konyukhov won the National Bank prize
Alaska - Red Lantern.
2007 (May) Fedor Konyukhov established a
an absolute record for crossing Greenland, covering about 800
kilometers in 15 days 22 hours. The previous record was 19 days.
On January 26, 2008, the launch was given from the Australian port of Albany.
Antarctica Cup Race Track project - Konyukhov on a maxi-yacht
"Scarlet Sails Trading Network" decided to carry out a single
sailing non-stop around Antarctica in the Southern Ocean.
The traveler circumnavigated Antarctica (he had to overcome
Southern Ocean 15 and a half thousand miles) in 96 days 19 hours.
This time on this track became the first world record for
sailing ships.

Fyodor Konyukhov's biography briefly and interesting facts from the life of the Russian traveler - extreme sportsman, artist, journalist, yacht captain, priest - are presented in this article.

Fedor Konyukhov short biography

Fedor Filippovich Konyukhov was born on December 12, 1951 in the village of Chkalovo, which is located on the shores of the Azov Sea. His father was a hereditary fisherman from the Arkhangelsk province.

Konyukhov studied at the Odessa Naval School and the Leningrad Polar School, Bobruisk Art School, specializing in wood carving.

Afterwards, in 1970, he studied at the Leningrad Seminary. He served in the army, staying in El Salvador, Nicaragua and Vietnam. Fedor also served as a sailor on ships of the Baltic rescue fleet and on trawlers, catching fish in the Pacific Ocean.

Ever since childhood, Konyukhov showed a love of travel. For 20 years, as a tester of the limits of human capabilities, he took part in expeditions to the South and North Poles.

Fyodor describes all his vivid impressions from his travels in paintings and books. He is the author of more than 3,000 paintings and a participant in international and Russian art exhibitions. Many of his works are currently in private collections and museums. In 1983, Konyukhov was accepted into the Union of Artists of the USSR, and in 1996 he became a member of the Moscow Union of Artists in the section “Graphics” and “Sculpture” (since 2001). In addition, Fyodor Konyukhov holds the titles of laureate of the Gold Medal of the Russian Academy of Arts and Honorary Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts.

He is the author of 9 books entitled – “The Diaries of Fyodor Konyukhov about the Sailing Ship Race “Around Alone”, “And I Saw a New Heaven and a New Earth”, “My Spirit on the Deck of the Karaana”, “Under Scarlet Sails”, “The Rower in the Ocean” “,” “Road without a bottom,” “All birds, all winged,” “The ocean is my abode.”

In 1998, the traveler headed the laboratory for distance learning in extreme conditions at the Humanitarian Academy. And a year later he was awarded the title of Honored Master of Sports, awarded the UN Global 500 environmental prize, the Order of Friendship of the Peoples of the USSR, and the UNESCO Prize for Fair Play.

In 2010, Fyodor Konyukhov became a subdeacon, and on May 23 of the same year he was ordained a priest in the Zaporozhye St. Nicholas Church.

Today, Father Fedor never tires of traveling, although no longer as a scientist or athlete, but as a missionary.

As for his personal life, he is married for the second time. His first wife was Lyubov, who now lives in the USA. And Konyukhov’s second and last wife was Irina, a professor and doctor of legal sciences. They are raising two children from a previous marriage and one child in common - sons Oscar, Nikolai and daughter Tatyana.

Fedor Konyukhov interesting facts

  • He made his first expedition at the age of 15. Fedor crossed the Sea of ​​Azov in a rowing boat. In total, he carried out more than 50 expeditions, participating in dog sled races and traveling around the world four times.
  • He is the first Russian to complete the Grand Slam program (bypassing the South Pole, North Pole, Everest). And he was the first traveler to reach the 5 poles of the planet - the Southern Geographical, the Northern Geographical, the Pole of Relative Inaccessibility in the Arctic Ocean, the Pole of Heights (Everest) and the Yachtsmen's Pole (Cape Horn).
  • In addition to being a writer, Konyukhov also writes poetry and music for organ performance.
  • He also draws well - his paintings are exhibited at home and abroad.
  • In 1983 he was accepted into the Union of Artists. In this organization, he was the youngest member of this organization.
  • In 2010, Fyodor Konyukhov was ordained a priest in his homeland, and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church awarded him an order for his work for the good.