Biographies Characteristics Analysis

The best excuses for not going to work. Taking a break in a relationship: benefit or harm?

Illustration copyright Thinkstock Image caption Time off for personal reasons! They can be joyful, right?

The main character of the popular youth comedy Ferris Bueller's Day Off in the 1980s was willing to make up all sorts of inventions in order to skip boring classes at school. Are you able to come up with a convincing and valid reason for not coming to work?

Pretend to be sick? Take time off for personal reasons? Any other way to cheat to get the coveted day off? For some careless but inventive workers, this became a kind of form of creative self-expression.

We took to the question and answer site Quora to search for the best excuses for absenteeism. But don’t rush to adopt them - your boss may also be reading this.

Name confusion

Caroline Zielonka had managed to cleverly get out of attending her department's "symposium," which was scheduled to begin at 8 a.m. Saturday and continue throughout the day.

“Naturally, I didn’t want to go there, but attendance was mandatory. When Saturday morning came, I completely lost the desire to go, because on Friday I had been partying and drinking late into the night,” she writes. “But then a magical excuse came to me. In the center of San Francisco there are two hotels with similar names - Sir Francis Drake and St Francis. And my boss, being a person who does not bother with details, confused these names several times when talking about the upcoming event.

Zelonka developed her plan of action. “I went back to bed, and on Monday I said (and it sounded very convincing) that I had come to St Francis, I started asking around, but no one there had heard of any room booked for my company. And they bought it. !"

"Medical" excuses

Illustration copyright Thinkstock Image caption It's always good to have a few good reasons in your arsenal.

Savvy Jennifer Miller has several options in her arsenal.

She writes: “I always say that I ate something wrong and got poisoned. After all, usually the poisoning goes away on its own within 24 hours, and no one goes to the doctor for a certificate about this. If your boss is a man, just casually say words like “ovary” or “uterus” and that’s it.”

Robbie Ballard says the best way to pre-arrange a day off in a week or two (and you know you don't officially have one) is to say you have a colonoscopy scheduled that day.

Mother Nature's Intervention

The best excuse, in Julie Hume's experience, sounds exotic and inspires respectful sympathy: "The hurricane blew out all the glass in the windows, and I had to do repairs."

Leave living relatives alone

One user, who wishes to remain anonymous, adds: “Saying that one of your relatives has died is probably not the best idea. You can only resort to such an excuse until all the members of your family are “over”. It is much easier to pretend to be sick than to pretend to be sad about the passing of another relative. In addition, obituaries are now almost always published on the Internet, so if your boss digs around there, he can easily catch you in a lie.”

Tell the truth

Illustration copyright Thinkstock Image caption Your desktop will do without you for one day

Some Quora readers think it's best to tell the truth.

Marie Stein suggests forgetting about excuses: “If you think you should tell a lie, don’t do it. Just say that you need a day off for personal reasons. Even if in fact you need to interview for a new job, or you have just stress from accumulated fatigue."

“As soon as you decide for sure that you will not come to work, tell someone [from management] about it. Something like this: “Something happened to me, it’s a very personal matter, sorry, I really can’t tell you more.” . But tomorrow I’ll come…” And apologize to those who will be most inconvenienced by your absence from work,” she suggests.

What excuses do you resort to?


Physical blocking

“What epithets best describe what I feel in my body at the moment?” The answer to this question will fully reflect your attitude towards the person or situation that provoked the problem.

Emotional blockage

“What does this disease prevent me from doing?” The answer to this question will allow you to determine which desires are blocked.

“What does this disease force me to do?” Start each answer to this question with a negative particle “not”, and you will find out which desires are blocked.

Spiritual blockage

“If I allowed myself to realize these desires, how would my life change?”(This refers to the desires that you identified by answering the previous questions.) The answer to this question determines the deepest need of your being, blocked by some false belief.

Mental block

“If I allowed myself to be... (insert answer to previous question here), what scary or unacceptable thing would happen in my life?” The answer to this question will allow you to identify the belief that is blocking you, your desires and your need for self-realization, thus creating a physical problem.

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Physical blocking

“What epithets best describe what I feel in my body at the moment?” The answer to this question will fully reflect your attitude towards the person or situation that provoked the problem.

Emotional blockage

“What does this disease prevent me from doing?” The answer to this question will allow you to determine which desires are blocked.

“What does this disease force me to do?” Start each answer to this question with a negative particle “not”, and you will find out which desires are blocked.

Spiritual blockage

“If I allowed myself to realize these desires, how would my life change?”(This refers to the desires that you identified by answering the previous questions.) The answer to this question determines the deepest need of your being, blocked by some false belief.

Mental block

“If I allowed myself to be... (insert answer to previous question here), what scary or unacceptable thing would happen in my life?” The answer to this question will allow you to identify the belief that is blocking you, your desires and your need for self-realization, thus creating a physical problem.


Having identified what belief or belief is preventing you from being who you want, you can now change or replace it. To do this, you must first give yourself the right to this belief or conviction, that is, get in touch with your inner child, who formed it long ago as a result of some kind of psychological trauma. Then ask yourself: Do you really still need this belief to feel happy?

If yes, then this belief is still good for you. Since you are free to manage your life, you can continue to maintain it, but know that everything in your life will remain the same, including pain. Don't hope for change.

If you still think this belief is true, but are not convinced that it makes you happy, compare it to how it was for you several years ago. Perhaps today your faith has become much weaker. If so, then you are on the road to recovery.

If you are firmly convinced that you no longer want to maintain this belief, the only way left for you is to do everything necessary to realize your desires and become WHAT YOU WANT TO BE.


In concluding this book, I want to repeat once again that man cannot recover without forgiving himself . This fundamental stage opens up the possibility of transforming not only our love for ourselves, but also the very heart and blood in our physical body.

This new blood, filled with the energy of newfound love, will wash the entire body, like a miraculous balm, and heal all the cells in its path. Even if your common sense does not allow you to believe it, try anyway, because you have nothing to lose.

Here are the stages of true forgiveness that thousands of people have already completed and have been rewarded with miraculous results:

1. Identify your emotions (there are often several of them). Become aware of what you are blaming yourself or another person for and identify how it makes you feel.

2. Take responsibility. Being responsible means recognizing that you always have a choice to respond with love or with fear. What are you afraid of? Now realize that you may be afraid of being accused of the same thing that you blame another person for.

3. Understand the other person and relieve tension. In order to relieve tension and understand another person, put yourself in his place and feel his intentions. Think about the fact that he may also blame himself and you for the same thing that you blame him for. He is afraid, just like you.

4. Forgive yourself. This is the most important stage of forgiveness. In order to forgive yourself, give yourself the right to be afraid, to show weakness, to be mistaken, to have shortcomings, to suffer and to be angry. Accept yourself as you are at the moment, knowing that this is a temporary state.

5. Feel the urge to ask for forgiveness. When preparing for the stage, imagine that you are asking for forgiveness from the person whom you condemned, criticized, or accused of something. If this image gives you a feeling of joy and freedom, you are ready for the next stage.

6. Meet with the person from whom you want to ask forgiveness. Tell him about your experiences and ask for forgiveness for judging, criticizing or hating him. Mention the fact that you yourself have forgiven him only if he talks about it.

There are many reasons for understanding to be worthy, it is necessary to follow the path of Christ. Simple and reliable.

Spiritual knowledge from the Teacher in the form of conversations through contactee Anna Tikhonovna Gorobets. The text of the conversations is printed at her request.
You can find out about her in the first article, which is called “Anna Tikhonovna Gorobets”.

04/11/2004. – 4h.25m. – Christ is Risen! - Truly Risen!
Today is the Holy Resurrection of Christ. A holiday for most earthlings. Congratulate each other on the holiday and live in peace in love and mercy. Try to find evenness. Space is tense not only because of the General Transformation, but also because of the restlessness of human consciousnesses and hearts. The world lives in anxiety. There is no Faith in the hearts of people, and there is no love for each other.

Any religion must affirm Spirituality and Morality, for God is One for all humanity. Both the Commandments and Laws in the Holy Scriptures are given as universal and reasonable. But a person without Faith loses his Reason and begins to use his evil mind, justifying lies, and calling adultery love. Love is the most sacred and purest thing that God has given to man. Spirituality predominates in her, but not physical attraction. The fusion of bodies is given for the continuation of the human race, but it must also be sanctified by Love. And where there is no love, there is simply lust.

Another of the Commandments reads: “You shall not make for yourself an idol on earth.” But a person creates different idols for himself. And the most common idol is the “golden calf”. There are few who are indifferent to this “idol”.

Any violation of the Commandments creates a reason for negativity. But people violate them, trying to find an excuse for themselves. The laws are God's. God will judge.

It was not a festive conversation. But people allow themselves too many violations, forgetting about the Supreme Justice. So he lives in suffering, punishing himself.

9. People get pleasure. Freud believed that a person is forever agonizing and suffering, it is impossible to make him happy - only remove the object of suffering and make life more comfortable. In fact, getting pleasure is everything that can and even needs to be taken from life (the teaching of hedonism is in your hands!).

8. Communication. Ever since a person learned to pronounce articulate sounds, and also learned to think figuratively, he can communicate with his fellow tribesmen. In the course of communication, a person comprehends life. Science - with the help of dopamines, which always haunt and tell the excited brain “more, more and more!” Communication helps in stressful situations.

7. Love. It's corny, but it's true. Most people agree to live on Earth just to experience this feeling again and again. When you love, hormones of happiness are released - endorphins.

6. Creativity, creation. Many are willing to sacrifice almost anything for this. At its core, creativity is about expressing yourself. Every time you finish writing your next work, you admire it... and want to surpass yourself.

5. The opportunity to achieve something more. The modern structure of society allows you to achieve a lot of things - career growth, fame, success, recognition, honors and praise. Anyone who has ever experienced the exultation of glory on Olympus, I think, will understand what it is...

4. Game. During the game, a person learns, a person has fun, relaxes - all this is a game. Dance, singing, music, much created by culture and art - all this is a game. The only thing that cannot be taken away from humans and animals.

3. Virtuous life. Living in the name of virtues is not so bad. When a person saves the life of another person, he feels the gratitude of the other person, even if he did not express it. Leading a righteous life, the opportunity to live differently from others, is an excellent incentive for crowd people. A lone hero not only leads a righteous lifestyle, but also saves states and people. Again, this is role-playing... Alternatively, one could say - living in the name of evil

2. Contemplation, meditation, prayer, conversation with God, self-knowledge. Much more can be added here. As you understand, the superconscious is involved here. From it a person draws the answer to the question: “Why live?”...