Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Magnetic iron ore (magnetite): chemical formula, properties. Processing and application of unique magnetite

Properties of the mineral

Has magnetic properties. Can change compass readings. You can find it by this sign: the compass needle points to magnetite and its deposits.

Can be abraded into sand, which does not lose its magnetic properties. When you approach a magnet, magnetite sand is attracted to the poles of the magnet.

Distribution in nature

Distributed very widely, forms large clusters and ore deposits. It occurs in the form of octahedral and rhombododecahedral crystals, often forming druses, crystalline intergrowths and brushes. Also dense confluent masses, phenocrysts in shales and other metamorphic rocks, disseminated and banded ores. It is also found in the form of rounded grains in sedimentary rocks and placers.

Magnetic sand is small rounded crystals of magnetite. It has the same properties as magnetite (hardness, density, etc.). Magnetite is much less common in nature. Can form bizarre shapes when applied to a magnet. It can also form adhesions.

Place of Birth

Industrial magnetite deposits are associated with igneous rocks of gabbro (Kopanskoye and Kusinskoye deposits, Urals) and gabbro-pyroxenite-dunite (Kachkanarskoye and Gusevogorskoye deposits, Urals) formations; with syenites (Kirunavara and others, Sweden); with ultrabasic alkaline rocks and carbonatites (Afrikanda, Kovdor, Kola Peninsula; Sukulu, Uganda; Lulekop, South Africa); with contact-metasomatic formations (Magnitogorsk, Vysokogorskoye, Goroblagodatskoye deposits, the Urals; Dashkesanskoye, Azerbaijan CCP; deposits of Khakassia, Turgai province, etc.); with traps (Korshunovskoye, Tagarskoye, Neryundinskoye fields, etc., eastern Siberia); with volcanic-sedimentary rocks (Atasu district, Kazakhstan). The largest deposits of metamorphogenic magnetite are associated with ferruginous quartzites (Krivoy Rog basin of Ukraine; KMA; Olenegorsk deposit, Kola Peninsula; Kostomuksha deposit, Karelia; deposits of Canada, Brazil, Venezuela, Lake Superior region, USA).


  • Important iron ore (72.4% iron). Magnetite ores are the main type of iron ores; Ti and V are also extracted along the way. The main enrichment method is wet magnetic separation in a weak field. Combined enrichment schemes (magnetic-gravitational, roasting-magnetic, magnetic flotation, etc.) are used for complex, incl. titanomagnetite and low-grade ores.
  • Products made from fused magnetite are used as electrodes for some electrochemical processes.

see also

  • Maghemite (gamma - Fe 2 O 3)
  • Hematite (alpha - Fe 2 O 3)


  • Magnetite in the database (English)
  • Magnetite in the database (English)

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    See what “Magnetite” is in other dictionaries: Or magnetic iron ore, mineral, iron oxide Fe3O4. Named, according to Pliny the Elder, after the mythical Greek shepherd Magnes, who first found this mineral. Color black, metallic luster. Hardness 5.5 6, density up to 5.2. Strongly… …

    Collier's Encyclopedia M l gr. Ferrispinels, Fe2+Fe3+2O4. Forms an isomorphic series with magnesioferrite MgFe2O4 and continuous series with other schnellids. Fe2+ ​​is replaced by Mg, Mn2+, Ni, and Fe3+ by V, Cr, Ti, Al. Often contains increased amount of Fe2O3 transition to maghemite. Cube... ...

    Geological encyclopedia - (magnetic iron ore) mineral of the complex oxide subclass, FeFe2O4. Iron black crystals, granular masses. Hardness 5.5 6.0; density 5.2 g/cm³. Ferrimagnetic. Metamorphic in origin (found in quartzites and crystalline... ...

    Big Encyclopedic Dictionary - (Fe3O4), oxide mineral, iron (II) iron (III) oxide. The most magnetic mineral, a valuable iron ore that can be found in Igneous rocks and metamorphic rocks. Represents octagonal and twelve-sided crystals... ...

    Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary MAGNETITE, magnetite, many. no, husband (mineral). Same as magnetic iron ore. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ...

    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary Exist., number of synonyms: 4 magnetic iron ore (1) mineral (5627) ore (76) ...

    Synonym dictionary magnetite - Magn. iron ore, spinel group mineral, comp. from complex oxide FeO Fe2O3; contains 31% FeO, 69% Fe2O3; 72.4% Fe; impurities of MgO, Cr2O3, Al2O3, MnO, ZnO, etc. are often present. The density of metal is 4.8–5.3 g/cm3. Color black, glitter... ...

    - (German magnetit (gr. magnetis magnet) magnetic iron ore mineral, complex oxide of divalent and trivalent iron with impurities of magnesium, less often manganese, chromium, titanium, etc. from the group of spinels (ferri spinel); black, dense, with a semi-metallic luster; … … Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Magnetite- magnetic iron ore, a mineral of the spinel group, consisting of a complex oxide FeO Fe2O3; contains 31% FeO, 69% Fe2O3; 72.4% Fe; impurities of MgO, Cr2O3, Al2O3, MnO, ZnO, etc. are often present. The density of magnetite is 4.8 5.3 g/cm3. Black color … Encyclopedic Dictionary of Metallurgy

    MAGNETITE- – mineral, Fe3O4, ferrospinel. Specific gravity 5.2 g/cm3, ao=0.8396, packing density 0.157. Ferrimagnet, specific saturation magnetization Js=92Am2/kg, Curie point Tc=580°C. The peculiarity of magnetite is the presence of an isotropic point (143°C) and a point... ... Palaeomagnetology, petromagnetology and geology. Dictionary-reference book.


  • Biogenic magnetite and magnetoreception (set of 2 books), . This monographic collection of American authors is the first generalizing work on magnetobiology in world literature. Volume 1 contains comprehensive information on the observed biological effects...

Magnetite, also known as magnetic iron ore or ferroferite, is a mineral from the class of oxides that is widespread in nature. It earned its name for its ability to attract iron due to the octandric shape of the crystals, which in one position have twice as many metal cations as in another. There is also a theory that magnetite was named after Magnes, the shepherd who discovered it.

Description and formula of the mineral

Magnetite formula: FeO (31%) Fe2O3 (69%), may include other chemical elements. This mineral is the most iron-rich oxide. The metal content is in the range of 71%, although purer forms are also found.

Other characteristics:

  • The color of this magnetic ore is iron-black;
  • hardness is 5.5-6;
  • metallic, metallic and matte luster;
  • the mineral is opaque;
  • has magnetic properties;
  • density is 4.9-5.2 g/cm³;
  • does not have perfect cleavage;
  • conchoidal fracture.

Magnetite of a mineral nature is found in the form of individual crystals (rhombic dodecahedrons, octahedra, etc.) with inclusions, loose or granular masses, placers.

Crystals are found grown or ingrown. Cubic system.

Distinctive characteristics: magnetic iron ore can be easily recognized by its appearance, metallic black color and magnetic properties.

Varieties of ferroferite

Magnetite has several variations. They differ from each other in shape and composition:

Origin and formation

Magnetite is common in hypogene conditions. It is found in a wide variety of rock types and in other deposits (hydrothermal, for example). Magnetic iron ore is formed in contact zones of magmas of granitic origin, as well as diorite and syenite composition containing limestone. In such basic (less often - in neutral or acidic) deposits, ferroferite occurs in the form of continuous masses or inclusions in the parent rock.

Often forms layered deposits. The origin of magnetic iron ore is associated with the differentiation of magma. Under the influence of pressure and temperature at great depths, metamorphism of previously surface iron compounds occurs.

In the form of placer, magnetic iron ore is found mainly in surface conditions.

Largest natural sites

Russia has the largest reserves of magnetite: its territory contains more than half of the world's iron ore reserves. Brazil is in second place.

On the eastern slope of the Southern Urals on the left bank of the Ural River there is Magnetic Mountain. Its composition consists almost entirely of ferroferite and has been used for the extraction of raw materials for many years. Up to 1 million tons of iron ore are mined annually.

Within the Kursk, Oryol and Belgorod regions The most powerful reserve of iron ore deposits on the globe is located, which is otherwise called the Kursk magnetic anomaly.

One of the largest iron ore deposits is located in the El Mutun mountains, near Puerto Suarez, Bolivia.

Application in various fields

Some people believe that magnetite has some magical properties. For example, it had the role of a stone endowed with magic, which was used by sorcerers and alchemists. It was used as a protective stone against enemies, carried with them or kept in the house. Magnetite helps to reveal new abilities and creative potential, puts you in a working mood, and is a symbol of innovation.

In modern medicine, the use of magnetite in health procedures in the treatment of the autonomic and vascular systems is widespread and, as the data says, quite successfully.

The mineral magnetite also has an outdated name - magnetic iron ore. This is a fairly common mineral. They have known about it since ancient times and used it as a compass. This mineral interested Plato. The fact is that the philosopher noticed that magnetite is capable of attracting and being attracted by other objects. And when interacting with bodies, it is able to transfer its energy. Of course, the ancient philosopher had magnetic properties in mind, but at that time they had not yet been discovered, and Plato, alas, did not have scientific proof of this phenomenon.

Why was magnetite called that?

  • According to legend, there was a Greek shepherd named Magnes whose shoe nails and part of his staff were made from this mineral. As a result, they were attracted to different objects.
  • According to another version, the name came from the Turkish city of Magnesia, near which there was a mountain famous for the fact that it was often struck by lightning.

Interestingly, in the Urals there is a mountain consisting entirely of the mineral magnetite. Its name is also the Ethiopian Mount Zimir, famous for attracting all the nails and iron things on ships. It is not difficult to guess that for the most part it consists of magnetite.

These features can be explained by the fact that magnetic iron ore contains 70 percent pure iron. And, as you know, iron has magnetic properties.

Because of such properties as magnetization, iron ore in the Middle Ages was called a magnet. Later it was called magnetic iron ore, and later simply magnetite, which did not change its properties in any way.


Consider the chemical formula of magnetite. The mineral is a black crystalline substance. If you look at the photo, there will be no doubt about it.

The formula for magnetite is known as FeO*Fe 2 O 3 or Fe 3 O 4 .

That is, it is a mixture of two oxides - divalent and trivalent iron.

Knowing the composition of magnetite, it is easy to calculate that magnetic iron ore contains 70 percent pure iron. The remaining 30 come from oxygen.

As can be seen in the photo, this mineral has a metallic luster, rarely matte and is not transparent.

Properties of the magnetite mineral

We, of course, understand that legends tend to exaggerate, to the so-called grotesque, but something initially provoked their appearance.

These legends about the mountains and the shepherd are based on the strongly manifested ferromagnetic properties of iron ore. Moreover, magnetite sand, that is, magnetite brought by grinding to the state of sand, also has similar properties. The photo shows what it looks like.

The magnetization of iron ore is so strong that it can change the compass readings, attracting the poles of the device towards itself.

Another feature is its conchoidal fracture. What does it mean? A conchoidal fracture is formed when the object being studied is split, and the fracture itself is similar to the shell of a bivalve mollusk. All this is due to the composition and physical properties inherent in the substance. Hence the name - conchoidal fracture (due to its resemblance to a shell).

The mineral magnetite is fragile, it is a semiconductor, but its electrical conductivity is low.

As mentioned earlier, it is highly magnetic. This property is so pronounced that the mineral can change compass readings. By the way, this is how they find it: if the compass needle behaves strangely, then the mineral is nearby. After all, she “throws” between the familiar pole and the rock that attracts her most.

It is noteworthy that the Curie point is in the range from 550 kelvins to 600. If the temperature is lower, then the metal is ferromagnetic, if higher, then it is paramagnetic.

What is the Curie point (Curie temperature)?

Now it remains to understand these terms. First, let's find out what the Curie point is. This term means the phase transition temperature at which the properties of a substance change. For example, iron becomes malleable and ductile, and magnetite becomes paramagnetic.

What is ferromagnetism?

We have used this term more than once in this article, but we have never mentioned its meaning. We will correct this error immediately.

Oddly enough, ferromagnets have ferromagnetic properties. The latter are so named because they are capable of possessing magnetization without external intervention, for example, a force field.

What is paramagnetism?

Accordingly, let’s figure out what paramagneticity is. To do this, we will give an explanation of the concept of “paramagnets”. These are substances that in a force field, namely in an external magnetic field, are magnetized in the direction of the force field.

It is logical to assume that diamagnets are magnetized under such conditions against the direction of the external magnetic field.

But let's not go deeper into this topic. To fully understand it, you will have to write a separate article, since such information is replete with specific terms, and it is not possible to understand this topic in a couple of sentences.

Impurities in magnetite

Very often, magnetic iron ore contains impurities such as manganese, vanadium, titanium, chromium and others. If the proportion of such impurities in magnetite is large, then varieties of this mineral are distinguished. For example, titanomagnetite, also called ilmenite.

Magnetite deposits

This mineral is quite common and quite common. Most often it is found in iron ores. Most often, this rock is formed as a result of metamorphic or igneous transformations.

In the Chelyabinsk region there are deposits of tatanomagnetite. More precisely, this place is called the Kusinsky deposit. At this location the ores mainly consist of the above magnetite, chlorite and ilmenite.

The Kopan titanomagnetite deposit is also developing. It is located in the Southern Urals.

As we have already said, this breed is very common, so magnetic iron ore is found in Canada, South Africa, New York, etc.

Interestingly, magnetite is not widely used in jewelry. However, anyone can buy jewelry made from this mineral; such jewelry has a relatively low price, and any buyer can afford it. You can buy a bracelet made of magnetite, its approximate price is 600-700 rubles. But this, of course, depends on the country in which you purchase the product.

In addition to jewelry, it is also used in ferrous metallurgy, making steel from it. It is also used to produce vanadium and phosphorus. It is clear that magnetite is the main ore for iron mining. This mineral has also found application in medicine. Due to its magnetic properties, it is used to remove metal objects from the esophagus.

Now we can summarize the information contained in the article. The mineral magnetite or magnetic iron ore is very common. If you take a handful of sand, there is a good chance that you will have a grain of magnetic iron ore in your hands. This mineral is very unusual in its properties, which is why it is actively used in a variety of fields.

Properties of magnetite

Magnetic iron ore or otherwise magnetite is a common mineral, iron oxide Fe 3 O 4 with a hardness of 5.5-6 and a density of 4.9-5.2 g/cm³. The structure of the crystals is the same in shape as that of spinel; sometimes intergrowths of magnetite and spinel are found. Magnetic, can change compass readings - the arrow points to magnetite deposits. If you drag the edge of magnetite across a hard surface, it leaves a black mark. Magnetite is used primarily as iron ore.

Magical and healing properties of magnetite

Historical chronicles often mention magnetite in connection with its use by healers and magicians. In the first century AD, the Greek physician Dioscorides noticed an improvement in the mood of melancholic people with prolonged contact with magnetite. French physician Marcellus in the 4th century. AD cures headaches with a necklace with magnetite. The famous Avicenna in the 11th century used magnetite to heal the spleen, and two centuries later, Albertus Magnus noted the relief of patients from nightmares and madness thanks to magnetite!

The mineral gained particular popularity during the time of Franz Anton Mesmer, who gave the magnet a very special role in the world of medicine. Mesmer's first successful experiment with a magnet was the cure of convulsions in patient Franzel Osterliti. Subsequently, Mesmer successfully used a magnet together with hypnosis to treat people, which gave rise to a number of schools of hypnotism and mesmerism.

The biological effect of magnetite is undeniable, but is not explained by orthodox science. But the properties of magnetite are suitable for the theory of torsion fields by G.I. Shipov, who expressed an opinion about the great strength of such a field in magnetite. Experiments have confirmed the rejuvenating effect of the torsion field of magnetite on mice.

In lithotherapy, magnetic iron ore can be used for convulsions, paralysis, joint pain (it treats not only the symptoms, but also the cause). The magnetic field suppresses bacteria, affects metabolism and accelerates recovery from damage. As a result, the inexpensive mineral magnetite is superior to many gemstones in the field of healing and restoration of the physical body.

In magic, magnetite is used in many rituals: from the consecration of a ritual knife to the drawing of a magic circle.

Albertus Magnus gave the following example of the magic of magnetite: if you pour magnetic powder into braziers and place them in the corners of the house, all the residents who reach the smoke will imagine that the house is collapsing from an earthquake.

And here is a recipe for fulfilling a business or love desire from an ancient magic book:

“Write on a piece of virgin parchment on both sides: “Adam - Eve! Just as the almighty Creator united you in an earthly paradise, in a holy place, inextricably, mutually, so is the heart of the one (or she) to whom I am addressing; may he be favorable to me and not refuse my request +Eli+Eli+Eli.” You need to burn this parchment and, having carefully collected the ash, pour it into a new inkwell filled with newly purchased ink, to which seven drops of milk from a woman nursing her firstborn and a whisper of magnetic powder have been added. Taking a new feather, sharpen it with a new knife. Any person to whom you write with this ink will fulfill your desire.” (Chris. - “Magic”).

Magnetite Astrology

Magnetite is compatible with all signs of the Zodiac, and especially with earth and air.

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Magnetite is a common type of ore that has different names in different countries.

It has different names in different countries of the world:

  • Adamam in Greece;
  • Chu-shi in China;
  • Eagle bone in Egypt;
  • Ayman in France;
  • Magness in Germany.

Magnetite has become widely used and widespread due to its ability to attract other metals.

Chemical formula and properties of the magnetite mineral

The main component of the mineral is ferric oxide (Fe2O3). Its content is 69 percent. The remaining percentage comes from FeO (ferrous oxide). The mineral substance has the full formula FeO×Fe2O3.

Magnetite is a cubic crystal. It has a spinel-like structure. This mineral structure is quite rare. Magnetite is characterized by a black color with a metallic sheen, as evidenced by numerous photographs of the mineral. Magnetite belongs to a number of ferromagnets. Slowly dissolves in hydrochloric acid. Thanks to its magnetic properties, it is able to change compass readings, which makes it easier to find deposits of magnetic iron ore.

Fields and applications

Magnetite is the second mineral after hematite that is mined from ore. Hematite is a product of the transformation of magnetite. It is enough to ignite the mineral, and it will turn into hematite. The stone is actively used in ferrous metallurgy to produce various types of steels. The mineral is involved in the processes of producing phosphorus, as well as vanadium. In jewelry, magnetite is not widely known due to its availability, but beautiful bracelets and beads are sometimes made from it. Magnetite is one of the sources of pure iron. Due to its high metal content, the ore is mined all over the world.

Magnetite is a mineral used in metallurgy

The largest deposits are located in Sweden. Magnetite mining is carried out in South Africa, the USA, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine. The mineral is also mined in Russia in the area of ​​the Kursk magnetic anomaly. The Kursk magnetic anomaly is the largest iron ore deposit. It extends from Smolensk to Rostov-on-Don. The Urals are also a popular place for ore mining. Iron ore deposits were discovered in Krivoy Rog in Ukraine. A fairly large deposit was also discovered in the Kustanai region (Kazakhstan). In Western and Eastern Siberia there are several mining sites for iron ore with magnetic properties.

On the surface the mineral occurs in the form of a placer. It can transform into martite or limonite. This transformation is facilitated by the presence of sulfides, which can enhance the process of decomposition of magnetic iron ore.

Medicinal properties

The mineral is actively used in medicine. Using probes, doctors remove metal objects from the esophagus or respiratory system. Doctors have proven that weak magnetic fields help in the treatment of polio, bronchitis, and Parkinson's disease. The mineral is also used in the treatment of the nervous system, speeds up the healing process for various wounds and fractures. Accelerates the recovery of postpartum women after difficult births.

Magnets are also used in bracelets for biocorrection and healing of the body. You can read about the widespread use of the mineral in various newspapers and medical magazines. In ancient times, there was a so-called magnet treatment, which not only did not help, but also caused harm to patients.

Magical properties of magnetite stone

Due to its ability to attract metals, the mineral has become widespread in magical and occult sciences. This contributed to the stone acquiring the properties of a rather strong protective amulet. Stones stimulate the creation of new projects and protect against enemies. The use of magnetite helps to reveal psychic abilities. During the time of the spread of sorcerers and alchemists, the stone was considered magical.

Magnetite - has the property of improving mood

The magnetic properties of the stone made it possible to relieve bad pain and improve mood during depression. It was previously believed that magnetites could cure madness and protect against nightmares. If you wear a bracelet or beads made of magnetite, you can protect yourself from diseases of the eyes, bones and stomach. The stone can be worn as a talisman by geologists, inventors, travelers - all people associated with discoveries and new experiences.

How to identify a real stone

This stone is not counterfeited, but due to its similar color and structure it is often confused with bloodstone. They are closely related to each other. A distinctive feature of the described stone is its ability to attract metals. So, it can be easily checked by bringing a small metal object.

History of the stone

In early centuries in Europe and Asia, small pieces of magnetite were used to determine the direction of movement. A strip of magnetite served as a compass that captured the influence of the Earth's magnetic field. The arrow was hung on a thread, and it always indicated where south was.

There is also evidence of the use of the mineral by the ancient Olmecs. Tribes living in Central America carved symbols of prosperity and prosperity from blocks of magnetic iron ore - figures of fat boys. These sculptures are over three thousand years old and are located in Guatemala. Many peoples actively used magnetites as a material for mirrors.