Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Monica McCarthy is the ruler of her heart. Monica McCarthy: Lord of Her Heart Read the novel historical Lord of Her Heart

Monica McCarthy

Lord of her heart

© Monica McCarty, 2014

© Translation. O. A. Bolyatko, 2015

© Russian edition AST Publishers, 2016

* * *Highland Guards

Thormond MacLeod, nicknamed the Chief - guard commander and skilled swordsman.

Eric "Hawk" McSorley - sailor and swimmer.

Lachlan Macruairi, nicknamed the Snake - master of camouflage, infiltration behind enemy lines and kidnapping.

Arthur Campbell, nicknamed the Wanderer - intelligence and reconnaissance specialist.

Gregor McGregor, nicknamed the Arrow - a sharp archer.

Magnus Mackay, nicknamed the Saint - survival master and weapon maker.

Kenneth "Ice" Sutherland explosives specialist.

Ian McLean, nicknamed Harpoon - strategist in pirate raids.

Ewan Lamont, nicknamed the Hunter - tracker and hunter of people.

Robert Boyd, nicknamed Raider - the owner of unprecedented physical strength and a master of hand-to-hand combat.

Alexander Seton, nicknamed the Dragon - master of close combat with daggers.

And Helen McKay, nicknamed Angel - healer


Year one thousand three hundred and twelve from the Nativity of Christ.

Since Robert the Bruce first laid claim to the crown six years ago, he had defeated not only the English, but also the powerful Scottish nobles who opposed him.

After a much-needed respite from hostilities for Bruce and his men, in the late summer of 1310 the English headed north to conquer Scotland. This time under the leadership of Edward the Second. But this second Edward was very different from his father, called the Hammer of the Scots, and the campaign turned into a real disaster for the English. Bruce avoided major battles. Instead, with the help of the legendary Highland Guards, he waged a secret war using pirate tactics, which he perfected, wearing out the English with surprise attacks and skirmishes and thereby damaging the morale of the soldiers.

After unsuccessful attempts to track down Bruce, Edward and his army retreated into English territory to winter in Berwick-upon-Tweed before setting off to attack the Scots again. But the English king's second campaign was delayed when, in the summer of 1311, after ten months spent in Scotland and on the border, he was forced to return to London due to unrest among his barons.

Bruce immediately took advantage of Edward's absence and went on the offensive, moving military operations into the interior of England for the first time. Like the Vikings before them, the fierce Scots terrified their enemies. The names of their leaders went down in history. Warriors such as Thomas Randolph, James Douglas the Black, Edward Bruce, and Robert Boyd earned both fame and fortune by launching the brutal campaign that eventually ended the war.

Glorious Robert Boyd, worthy, wise and strong...

Harry Blind. The Adventures of Sir William Wallace

October 1306

Kildrummy Castle, Scottish Highlands

Rosaleen almost choked on a piece of meat.

- Are you okay? asked her brother, leaning down to pat her on the back.

Clearing her throat, she took a sip of sweetened wine and nodded.

- Everything is fine. “Noticing his anxiety, she forced a smile. - Is it true. Sorry to bother you. Did you say something about prisoners?

Her attempt to appear indifferent did not deceive Robert. He frowned. Her brother spoke very quietly to her guardian, Sir Humphrey, who sat on the other side of him, and their conversation was not at all intended for her ears. She batted her eyelashes innocently, but Robert, 1st Baron de Clifford, became one of the most important leaders in the war against the Scottish rebels not because of his title or his handsome face, although he had both. No, King Edward highly valued his intelligence, loyalty and determination. He was also one of the best knights in England. His sister was proud of him, even though he was too perceptive.

- An accident, that's all. Part of the wall collapsed while the prisoners were dismantling it. Two of them are crushed to death by the debris.

Rosaleen's heart rose in her throat and she couldn't help but let out a small cry of despair. Lord, please make it not He! Feeling her brother's searching gaze on her, Rosaleen tried to cover up her overly anxious reaction by modestly noting:

- But this is terrible!

Robert looked at her studyingly for a while, and then patted her hand:

- Don't let this upset you.

But Rosaleen was upset. Deeply upset. She, naturally, could not tell her brother why. If he learns that she is in love with one of the captured rebels, he will send her to London on the first ship, as he threatened to do when she unexpectedly arrived at the castle a week ago with her new guardian, Sir Humphrey de Bohun, Earl of Harford: “Cross Good Lord, Rosaleen! This is the most unsuitable place for a girl in Christendom!”

But the opportunity to see her brother was too tempting for Rosaleen to resist. While she lived in London, and Robert fought with the Scottish rebels in the north, almost two years had passed. She missed him desperately. He, his wife Maude, with whom he had lived for eight years, and their children were the only family she had left, and if she had to go down into the underworld to see them, she would do it. Maud would have arrived with Rosaleen and the count's retinue, but she discovered that she was pregnant again.

– I don’t understand why they are dismantling this wall? – Rosalyn shrugged. “I thought we won the war.”

She managed to distract her brother. Sir Clifford loved nothing more than to talk about the great victory of England. Robert the Bruce's attempt to win the crown failed. The outlawed king was forced to flee Scotland, and the English now occupied most of the important Scottish castles, including this one, the former possession of the Scottish Earls of Maar.

– We really won it. Robert the Bruce's short-lived rebellion is over. Bruce has escaped the noose laid out for him at Dunaverty Castle, but will not be able to hide in the Western Isles for long. Our fleet will find the fugitive. – Clifford shrugged. “And even if he doesn’t find him, he only has a handful of people left.”

“But aren’t they mountaineers?”

The brother laughed and pinched her nose. Although Rosaleen was old enough to have her nose pinched—she was sixteen, almost seventeen—she didn't mind: how lucky she was to have a brother like him, to love her so dearly! Not many fourteen-year-old boys would take care of their four-year-old sister after the death of their parents, but Robert always looked out for her. Even when the king took them under his wing, he always made sure that she was not left alone. And even if he sometimes acted more like a protective father than a brother, Rosaleen didn't mind. For her, he was both father and brother.

“The Scots are not monsters, little one.” And they do not have divine power, as you may have heard at court. They can fight like barbarians, but when they come across the steel of English knights' swords, blood sprays out of them, as red as that of any other person.

Since Rosaleen was not allowed to look at the prisoners, she refrained from asking why, in that case, they were so heavily guarded? The brother turned again to Sir Humphrey.

Rosaleen began to wait for the moment when the day's meal would end and she could rush to her room in the snow tower. Usually she delayed this moment as long as possible. Robert allowed her to stay in Scotland only on the condition that she spend all her time in her tower, with the exception of breakfast, lunch and dinner and going to church - he did not want her sister to run into any of his captives. The room in the tower began to remind her of a prison. When she objected: this is unfair, because such restrictions do not apply to other ladies from Sir Humphrey’s retinue, the brother replied: these ladies are not his sixteen-year-old sisters. And the only thing that was accessible to Rosalyn was the window. It overlooked the courtyard and looked at the shield-shaped load-bearing wall. The same wall that collapsed and crushed two prisoners.

Rosaleen's heart was beating as fast as her legs carried her seven-seven! – flights of stairs to the top floor of the tower. The Scots may have been barbarian rebels, but they certainly knew how to build castles, which was one of the reasons for King Edward to demolish Kildrummy. The Hammer of Scots, as the king was known, wanted to make sure that in the future no rebels would be able to use this imposing fortress as a refuge.

Lord of her heart Monica McCarthy

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Title: Lord of Her Heart

About the book “The Master of Her Heart” by Monica McCarthy

The novel “Lord of Her Heart” is the eighth book in the “Highland Guard” series. Its author, Monica McCarthy, is the creator of stunning historical novels - passionate, atmospheric, action-packed, making your heart flutter until the final lines. Reading this work will be interesting for anyone who wants to immerse themselves in medieval Scotland, witness the long-term confrontation between the Scots and the English and feel the drama of the love story described.

The intrigue revolves around the legendary Scottish Highland warrior Robert Boyd. Finding himself captured by the British, the main character meets young Rosaleen Clifford.

The girl falls madly in love with the courageous Robert and, succumbing to her feelings, frees the prisoner from her brother's castle. After some time, Rosaleen is captured by the Scots. What should you do with the lovely girl who saved you from death? The answer is obvious, but not for Robert. Hating with all his heart the British who were destroying his country and abusing his family, he vowed to fight to the last drop of blood, not sparing any of his enemies.

The stern warrior is tormented by doubts until feelings for the charming Rosaleen creep into his heart. He is overcome by irresistible love, bringing torment and insane sweetness from touching his beloved, the readiness to throw everything at her feet and forget about the cruel war. But the political situation does not allow the lovers to enjoy each other - fate “throws” them from side to side, pelting them with dangers and trials. You will find out if the main characters will survive, whether they will carry their feelings through all the ups and downs of life, if you decide to read this book to the end.

Monica McCarthy stunningly describes the medieval surroundings - majestic castles, stern and brave knights, the virgin beauty of landscapes... The gloomy atmosphere of endless wars with raids, robberies and violence, in which the people lived for several centuries, turned out to be very realistic. The images of the main characters were chosen to match her. Terrible Robert, who did not know compassion and did not want to stain his heart with feelings, timid Rosaleen, who grew up among blood and violence. It turned out that these two people were not just made for each other - they met to discover the other side of themselves, understand the true meaning of life and be imbued with its charms.

The book “The Lord of Her Heart” is a combination of a beautiful romantic fairy tale and the cruel reality of medieval Europe, tormented by wars and political intrigues. Monica McCarthy encourages the reader to listen to her heart, recognizing its every sign. Otherwise, you can make an irreparable mistake, burying your happiness forever.

On our website about books you can download for free without registration or read online the book “The Lord of Her Heart” by Monica McCarthy in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

- But this is terrible!

Robert looked at her studyingly for a while, and then patted her hand:

- Don't let this upset you.

But Rosaleen was upset. Deeply upset. She, naturally, could not tell her brother why. If he learns that she is in love with one of the captured rebels, he will send her to London on the first ship, as he threatened to do when she unexpectedly arrived at the castle a week ago with her new guardian, Sir Humphrey de Bohun, Earl of Harford: “Cross Good Lord, Rosaleen! This is the most unsuitable place for a girl in Christendom!”

But the opportunity to see her brother was too tempting for Rosaleen to resist. While she lived in London, and Robert fought with the Scottish rebels in the north, almost two years had passed. She missed him desperately. He, his wife Maude, with whom he had lived for eight years, and their children were the only family she had left, and if she had to go down into the underworld to see them, she would do it. Maud would have arrived with Rosaleen and the count's retinue, but she discovered that she was pregnant again.

– I don’t understand why they are dismantling this wall? – Rosalyn shrugged. “I thought we won the war.”

She managed to distract her brother. Sir Clifford loved nothing more than to talk about the great victory of England. Robert the Bruce's attempt to win the crown failed. The outlawed king was forced to flee Scotland, and the English now occupied most of the important Scottish castles, including this one, the former possession of the Scottish Earls of Maar.

– We really won it. Robert the Bruce's short-lived rebellion is over. Bruce has escaped the noose laid out for him at Dunaverty Castle, but will not be able to hide in the Western Isles for long. Our fleet will find the fugitive. – Clifford shrugged. “And even if he doesn’t find him, he only has a handful of people left.”

“But aren’t they mountaineers?”

The brother laughed and pinched her nose. Although Rosaleen was old enough to have her nose pinched—she was sixteen, almost seventeen—she didn't mind: how lucky she was to have a brother like him, to love her so dearly! Not many fourteen-year-old boys would take care of their four-year-old sister after the death of their parents, but Robert always looked out for her. Even when the king took them under his wing, he always made sure that she was not left alone. And even if he sometimes acted more like a protective father than a brother, Rosaleen didn't mind. For her, he was both father and brother.

“The Scots are not monsters, little one.” And they do not have divine power, as you may have heard at court. They can fight like barbarians, but when they come across the steel of English knights' swords, blood sprays out of them, as red as that of any other person.

Since Rosaleen was not allowed to look at the prisoners, she refrained from asking why, in that case, they were so heavily guarded? The brother turned again to Sir Humphrey.

Rosaleen began to wait for the moment when the day's meal would end and she could rush to her room in the snow tower. Usually she delayed this moment as long as possible. Robert allowed her to stay in Scotland only on the condition that she spend all her time in her tower, with the exception of breakfast, lunch and dinner and going to church - he did not want her sister to run into any of his captives. The room in the tower began to remind her of a prison. When she objected: this is unfair, because such restrictions do not apply to other ladies from Sir Humphrey’s retinue, the brother replied: these ladies are not his sixteen-year-old sisters. And the only thing that was accessible to Rosalyn was the window. It overlooked the courtyard and looked at the shield-shaped load-bearing wall. The same wall that collapsed and crushed two prisoners.

Rosaleen's heart was beating as fast as her legs carried her seven-seven! – flights of stairs to the top floor of the tower. The Scots may have been barbarian rebels, but they certainly knew how to build castles, which was one of the reasons for King Edward to demolish Kildrummy. The Hammer of Scots, as the king was known, wanted to make sure that in the future no rebels would be able to use this imposing fortress as a refuge.

Bright sunlight flooded the room. Rosaleen opened the heavy door and rushed past the huge wooden bed, half-unpacked chests containing her belongings, and a small table on which stood a jug and washbasin. With a sinking heart, she knelt on the bench that stood under the window and began to look at the courtyard through the window glass.

Monica McCarthy is a famous writer who is the author of numerous historical novels. In childhood and adolescence, the girl loved to read and willingly took up reading not only romance novels, but also books written by Confucius, Horace and Shakespeare.

The work “The Lord of Her Heart” was published in 2014 and in a matter of time gained popularity and prevalence. Thanks to his talent, the author managed to achieve the gratitude of readers and fame among other writers. You can download “The Lord of Her Heart” in fb2, epub, pdf, txt – Monica McCarthy for free on the website

Rosaleen Clifford is a young and modern woman who some time ago managed to help a prisoner from Scotland who was sentenced to death. The girl had already forgotten to think about what she had done so long ago, but now she found herself captive of this very man, who is known all over the world. He is Robert Boyd, a highlander soldier, whose very name inspires fear and horror in all Englishmen.
Robert was born to take revenge; he remembers very well how he was once captured and sentenced to death. He knows that one of the enemies saved him then, but she was small and did not yet understand what she was doing. The man did not even suspect that the beautiful girl in his power was the same little girl who managed to free and save him some time ago.
The girl doesn’t know what to do next, what to do if this man doesn’t remember her and is not going to let her go at all, moreover, he comes to her more and more often, talks and asks about everything, why does he need this? The girl never managed to find out. You can listen to the audiobook in mp3, read online “The Lord of Her Heart” or download it for free in fb2, epub and pdf on KnigoPoisk

With every moment spent alone with the girl, Robert begins to realize that he is becoming attached to her, begins to experience some feelings for her, mainly tenderness and recognition. He understands that he can no longer mock her, he has to make her stay easier and do at least something pleasant for her.
A little affection arises between the young people, they understand that they both feel something more than hatred for each other. The girl has to admit to herself that she loves this warrior, Robert, in turn, also guesses about his feelings.. Read also the summary of the book (abbreviated retelling) and reviews of the book

The work “The Lord of Her Heart” conveys the incredible feelings of a young couple, the experiences of a man, his internal struggle with himself, which does not allow him to confess his love to a young girl. Monica McCarthy tells her readers about how the life of the main characters is shaping up, how they will get used to each other and how they will have to get used to new feelings for them.