Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Motives, intentions, actions - analysis and assessment. Moral action: signs, motives, examples

How often do we hear from women that there are no real men anymore. And women sincerely think and say, “I want to be strong and remain weak,” contradicting even their dreams and goals.

Men are more reserved in these matters, but most likely it simply does not occur to them to talk about these topics. Be that as it may, but in general everyone is unhappy with each other. And those who have a desire to share the joys and difficulties of life with a loved one are faced with the serious problem of finding a suitable candidate. And I am sure that there are very objective reasons for this.

Why do men lie?

1. Many men want to look good in the eyes of an unfamiliar woman, so they immediately begin to hide their shortcomings, thereby achieving a woman’s favor. This is what they achieve in the process of communicating with girls. Moreover, every man has his own inner world, most often they do not let a woman in there in any way. In most cases, this gives rise to lies.

2. Past lies are more typical of women, but men, on the contrary, prefer to hide their “past merits,” but if a woman catches him, her trust in him will be completely lost.

3. When asked by his wife, “Where have you been?” the man will 100% answer that he was at work. Having thus answered his wife’s question, he is automatically freed from all domestic problems.

A woman's story

Why is he with me? You've probably asked yourself this question more than once. What do I have that you don’t? You don’t seem to be ugly and your eyes are beautiful, but he’s not with you. Sorry if I offend you, but he is mine and I also think it’s stupid to share a man, if he really chose, I would leave him without looking back, but they are so interested in him, I’m pleased.

Why is he with me? Because it was I who was always there when he felt bad, it was I who brought him out of depression, it was I who supported him in difficult situations, and didn’t run away like a rat from a ship. It was he and I who collected money for the car, and then for its repair, it was me who froze for hours at various service stations, waiting, and then apartment renovation, buying furniture.

Why doesn’t the man I really like look me in the eyes when talking? After all, I really want to read in his gaze the whole truth about feelings or their absence, finally!

A woman asks this question more than once. I have an intuition, a sixth sense, that this man likes me. But life experience says that girls often tend to wishful thinking. This means that you want concrete confirmation of your feeling. No one wants to be deceived in their own hopes!

  • User's blog - lanochka

The answer of a beloved baby to his silly little girl.

  • User's blog - Sergey Levin

Primitive men and we, charming Deities.

A man's attraction to a woman, and vice versa.

There is a deep belief among women that men have their brains in their pants. There are a million explanations and “evidence” for this, from a woman’s point of view, and there is nothing to discuss here. And everything is so obvious. And we are Deities, subtle, understanding everything, the highest in this world, controlling these stupid men.

God forbid anyone dispute this statement. After all, what a woman wants, God wants. But, endlessly fearing God's punishment, like a kamikaze, I will risk, as a representative of the male class, to blather a few words in male justification.

When a person experiences a surge of strength, a readiness to act, to do whatever it takes to achieve his goal, this is called a motive for behavior. Each person has his own system of motives, which he forms himself, under the influence social environment, as well as education. In the process of realizing one’s motives, activities are performed that are aimed at realizing these motives.

Absolutely any action of the site reader psychological assistance the site is determined by it. It’s one thing when a person understands his motives, so he can change them if he considers them objectionable, or control his behavior if it is better to postpone the implementation of motives. It’s another matter when a person not only does not control his motives, but also does not notice how he performs the actions to which they prompt him. Then he usually acts first, and then laments the wrongness of his behavior.

Absolutely every action has a motive. A person may simply not be aware of it or not recognize it in himself, since not all motives are socially acceptable, but desired by the person himself. Often a person resorts to such a method as motivation - when he justifies his own behavior, which he committed unconsciously.

What is important - the action or the motive for the action? Modern man pays more and more attention to what happens to him in the external world, completely forgetting that there is also an internal one. And some experts in reading gestures and facial expressions say that the same posture can carry different meaning, since a person can cross his arms over his chest not only because he is closing himself off from his interlocutor, but also simply because he is cold. One and the same act can carry different meanings, although outwardly it is interpreted unambiguously.

Responsibility means being responsible for own solutions, actions and results that a person has achieved. This does not mean that he is responsible for the decisions and actions of other people. This is responsibility only for yourself and your life.

A valuable gift you can give to other people is to give them the right to take responsibility for their own actions. Even parents are not responsible for the actions of their children. While the parent is trying to impose his opinion on the child and is responsible for any consequences, the child resists, does everything in defiance and ends up in dangerous situations, played with bad habits etc. But as soon as the parent gives to your own child the right to decide for himself and be responsible for the consequences, the child learns quickly, grows up and treats his parents with gratitude and respect.

Children are responsible for themselves, just as all people are responsible for what they do and what results they get. Let those around you be responsible for everything that happens to them.

In God's court, a person is judged by the motives for which he did something - out of love or out of love. The main thing is not actions, but the motives with which a person did something. Therefore, it is not what you do that matters, but how you do it, with what goals and motives.

What are personal motives?

It is difficult to say exactly what a motive is, since a person is driven by many forces. The motive could be:

  1. Goal or desire - what does a person want to achieve?
  2. Beliefs and attitudes are ready-made stereotypes that make a person ready for a certain action or behavior.
  3. Fears and complexes are when a person tries to run away from something and spares no effort.
  4. Interests and attractions - when a person shows interest in something and wants to try it.
  5. Ideas - when a person does not yet know what this will lead to, but he sees in this some sense of satisfying his desires.
  6. Needs are internal or instinctive desires that will bother a person until they are satisfied.

The motive of the individual is a certain inner strength, which he feels as a surge of energy that encourages him to take a certain action and achieve a specific result. A person does not feel tired or lazy. He is ready to act.

Motives can be controlled. Of course, some motives are basic and fundamental, aimed at preserving human life, so even they cannot be completely eliminated. They can only be delayed. However there is social motives- developed in the process of life. If you realize them, you can easily change or adjust them.

Why your desires don't always give you desired energy to achieve them? The answer here is quite simple: external motives, which are formed by a person consciously and even under the influence of society, are much weaker than the internal motives that are given to a person at the physiological level or in the process of life, and have gone into the subconscious. If a person, trying to achieve a goal, contradicts his internal motives with his external motives, then he will stop achieving his desire, since internal motives will stop him and act stronger than external ones.

Motives of personality behavior

At all times, people have tried to answer the question “Why does a person act in one way or another?” Even modern man always tries to understand the motives of another individual when his behavior is disturbing or inconsistent with personal interests and desires.

Motives underlie any individual behavior. They often occur in combination. Among them there are leading and secondary motives. Leading motives will tell how a person should act, and secondary motives will make adjustments to behavior, modifying it slightly.

To understand the actions of another person and even influence them, you need to understand what motivates the individual and change his motives, making them leading. This is exactly what psychology does.

Motives of individual activity

Personal activity is always dictated by motives. Every action has a motive. A person does not act just like that. First you need to understand what goal a person sees in front of him, since all his actions will be aimed precisely at achieving it in order to satisfy himself.

  • Motives can be functional - aimed at cultural development. Here a person will relax, develop, and improve in a certain way.
  • Biological motives indicate what needs a person has at the body level: hunger, thirst, sex, etc.
  • Material needs are what a person wants to surround himself with in order to feel complete and successful.
  • The need for respect, recognition, love also arises in all people.
  • Spiritual motives are the desire for self-knowledge, self-improvement and development of one’s inner qualities.

Motivation encourages a person to perform certain actions in order to achieve specific goals. It is the motive that drives a person who wants to receive and become the owner of a certain category of values. And knowing what is necessary and valuable for everyone individual person, you can encourage him to commit certain actions or the realization of a specific goal.

It is very good to consider motivation through working examples, since this is where they openly and deeply study this area psychology. Why does a person work? To obtain material assets. It is thanks to money that its owner can fulfill all his needs. And they are physiological needs(food, clothing, home) and safety (physical health, security), the need for love and social recognition, as well as the need for self-realization. By satisfying all his needs, from the most necessary to self-realization, a person can be encouraged to take specific actions related to each of them.

So, what can you do to motivate your employee? Of course, salary increases, promotions, percentages depending on the work performed or results achieved. It is always very important for an employee that his work is not only noticed, but also well appreciated. And only such an employee is ready to work for the benefit of your company, so that you once again highlight his merits.

IN personal life A person's motives can be love, recognition and sex. Of course, you should not explicitly play with these needs, as happens in the work sphere, but unspoken incentives are permissible. For example, in order to make love to you, your man must give you a massage. Thus, he will please you, relax you and prepare you for physical contact.

Managing a person’s motivation is quite easy, if only you know well the psychology of people, be aware of the goals of a particular person and are ready to build certain schemes for inducing an individual to act.

Needs and motives of the individual

A need is a certain need within a person that causes tension that pushes the individual to eliminate it, which is possible only by taking certain actions aimed at satisfying it. Needs, like the motives of an individual, can be:

  • Organic, functional, material, social, spiritual.
  • Individual and group.
  • Psychological and intellectual.
  • Daily and annual.

In one situation, a person may be driven by several needs at once. Depending on the importance of needs, a person first satisfies the most important ones, and then the secondary ones. Sometimes a person gives up some needs in order to satisfy others.

A. Maslow showed the hierarchy of needs in his pyramid:

  1. He put physiological needs first.
  2. Then there are the needs for protection.
  3. In third place are social needs - a person wants to have a relationship with someone and receive certain feelings towards himself.
  4. Then there are aesthetic needs.
  5. In last place are spiritual needs. A person comes to them only when all previous levels are satisfied as the person needs.

A person lives in a circle of other people, so social motives are one of the main ones. A person not only wants to contact other people, but also strives to receive from them certain feelings, attitudes - respect, love, recognition.

However social needs not easy to satisfy because interpersonal relationships Conflicts, quarrels, and problems arise quite often. The desired relationships and feelings are not always obtained, so the person periodically returns to the need to achieve them.

Special attention should be paid to a person's need to have power over other people.

The system of personal motives in the end

Each person is driven simultaneously by several needs, which creates a system of personal motives. In each situation, several motives can be traced at once, some of which are suppressed or excluded in order to satisfy others.

To understand a person, you need to see his system of motives, where there are main and secondary needs.

actions approach to interpretation of content psychological phenomena allows us to build another explanatory model of motivation for a complex, synthesized formation of the human mental world. The starting point in its construction is the understanding of an act as a specific way of action of a person, in which the individual essence of a given person becomes valid, real. The action would crystallize the unique meaning of a person’s “I” and make it accessible to direct observation. This is a form of action when stereotyping and following the stable become impossible, when the content of the action appears in a unique, individualized way of teaching a person this or that act of manifestation of his attitude to the world or its individual elements. The action would reflect what is truly personal in a person. Initiation as a process of performing an act of self-display of a person is preceded by the comprehension of the content of the situation as such, which makes necessary the act of self-expression of the “I.” This act is the result of the development of the situation of action: all elements of the situation are built into a “hierarchy. Ovan model of potentiation” of the act, when external and internal, direct and indirect, existing and hidden conditions of a given situation determine such activity of a person’s “I”, aimed at mastering the situation, at establishing one’s way of acting in it, at ensuring the expected consequences of an action in a given situation.

If we characterize the situation of intrusion from the point of view of the “energy intensity” of its elements, then it is necessary to emphasize that the act itself is potentiated not by the actual content of situational influences, but also by their effective essence, saturation with “emotional energy”, the strength of the individual meanings of these influences for the individual, etc. .d.. Thus, the question arises about the incentive function of the situation, which acquires the status of an “action situation” only if its “action content” is mastered by the individual himself. Consequently, it is necessary to reveal one’s own motivating characteristics of the situation, the actions in which the person is prompted to the act of self-expression of the individual and ideal essence of the “I”, to action.

In each individual situation of action, a person appears as an individual capable of independent, objective, purposeful performance of actions that are appropriate in content and methods of implementation. As an individual, a person is endowed with the ability to directly and indirectly perceive the “information context” of a situation and respond to it based on the “value context” of the situation, which is formed in the process of comprehension by the individual of the content of this situation. From the initial moment of perception of the situation by the individual to the moment of action and responses to the perceived content, unfolding occurs (as a rule, during internally psychological phenomena of the “I”) of the “motivational context” of the situation, namely, the individual’s motivation of the “active context” of the situation and the initiation of actual actions.

Motivation acts as a more or less lengthy process of activation of the motivating forces of behavior and individual action. There is an actualization - a transition to an actual state - of certain needs, drives, desires, desires, expectations of the individual, etc., which correspond to the content of the given situation and individual assessment. HER from the side of a given person (after all, each person reacts in his own way to each of the situations of behavior, behavior, life). A kind of “active state” or “state of activation” of a person is formed, which at the next stage of the development of the situation will entail one or another “effective context” of this situation, causing certain personalities. The specified “state of activation” is a complex set of motivations for the individual’s actions in this situation, that is, the corresponding motivation for the actions.

Thus, motivation acts as a synthesized formation, the basis of which is natural human existence motivations (biological, social, moral, spiritual, etc.). It is necessary to distinguish between the procedural features of the motivation of a person’s behavior or action *; sometimes motivation is the process of motivation itself, when the actualization of certain motives occurs, their meaningful integration of hierarchization and the formation of the motive for the action. However, a more common tradition is to designate with the concept “motivation” the product itself, the result of motivating behavior or action - a complex set of motives, resulting from an individual’s mastery of a leadership situation. Motivation can be conscious or unconscious. Sometimes the motivation of an individual’s actions can be carried out through a synthesis of unconscious drives or desires and conscious motives. As a result, so-called secondary motives are formed, which act as conscious impulses higher than the primary ones in order and reveal a new, “acquired”, assigned content of the individual’s motivation. A motive is an individual’s conscious motivation for his actions and behavior, comprehended through a comparison of the object of the need (or train, aspiration, desire), the emotional or affective content of the experience of this need and the expected result of its satisfaction. The basis for the formation of primary motives is, as a rule, one or another need of the individual, while secondary motives can be based on primary motives and are formed through their synthesis with other motives for the action of a particular individual.

Act like specific form a person’s actions and behavior are always accompanied by a “struggle of motives,” therefore, the process of motivating an action has the following essential features: 1) when motivating an action, an individual actively studies the “opposites” of the motives of his actions in a situation, and has the ability to predict the development of these opposites - to aggravation and explosion contradictions or smoothing, harmonization of elements of possible contradictions, 2) the actualization of opposites of incentive impulses can be carried out by the individual consciously, subconsciously, unconsciously, etc., respectively, in each of these cases the process of actualization and the sequence of unfolding actions of the situation and actions will have specific characteristics, 3) Accordingly, the process of decision-making by the individual and the choice of the “leading motive” (or complex of motives), which will determine the content and nature of his actions at the next stage of the action’s unfolding, are carried out.

The struggle of motives reveals the individual’s orientation in the choice of certain motivating impulses, the level of his readiness to carry out purposeful actions that affirm his own “I”, and a propensity for one or another type of motivation for an action. Thus, we can talk about impulsive or moderate motivation, emotional (affective), rationalized or intuitive motivation for an individual’s actions. Dad's result of confrontation of motives and awareness individual meaning This opposition turns out to be in the individual’s decision-making regarding all elements of the action situation (external and internal, actual and possible, direct and indirect, etc.). It is the moment of decision making and its meaningful expression (the nature and purpose of the next action) that become the actual dynamic impulse further development situation and action.

During the process of ontogenesis, the nature and sequence of motivation for an individual’s actions change significantly. On initial stages it is carried out according to the principle of “clearing the paths”, i.e. Each action situation requires the consistent and gradual development of each individual situation, and the “energy intensity” of the situation is determined first by the signs of the “unknown” and “unmastered” relative to the elements of this situation. At the later stages of ontogenesis, it is the “content” of the psychological situation that comes to the fore, and the way of responding to it is chosen by the individual, taking into account the individual experience of motivation and decision-making.

So, in ontogenesis, the formation of the experience of unfolding the “motivational context” of the action situation occurs. The process of motivating actions, constructing motives and forming a specific motivation for action and behavior acquires characteristics of content, structural, procedural, affective, etc., characteristic of a particular individual. character. Through the consolidation of some characteristics, the rejection of others, subject to the active, creative introduction of new elements into the process of an individual’s implementation of a motivated action, the process of formation of an individual experience of creating motivation (in a narrow plan) and the implementation of actions (in a broad plan) of the individual takes place. Content this experience always specific, inherent in an individual, and therefore has essential features of the unique “I” of a person.

The experience of motivation becomes the basis for the formation of more complex personal formations - the experience of creating values, meanings, meanings of one’s behavior, actions, life. ABOUT psychological content These phenomena are listed below. Now it is essential to consider the main types of motivation for human action in accordance with the main forms of activity that saturate each act of execution. specific content. There are different approaches To classify forms of human activity, we will provide a meaningful analysis of motivation:

1) phenomenological creation of an idea (or asceticism);

2) theoretical reproduction of the world in knowledge;

3) specialized skill;

4) artistic reproduction of the world;

5) research activities

In general, the explanatory model of motivation presented can be classified as “procedural models” that are aimed at identifying the causes, goals and mechanisms of human behavior and actions. Procedural explanatory models of motivation are focused on explaining the patterns of combination of various components of a motivation situation, which leads to making a decision and taking an action appropriate to the situation. This type of models includes the “behavioral model” of J.McGroth, the extended model of motivation “Heckhausen”, and the theory of motivation. Klevina et al.. Unlike procedural models, “content models” of motivation are aimed at resolving the question of the type of needs that motivate an individual’s actions in a given situation, or the question of what goals he acts on, giving preference to one and the other. rejecting others. The combination of these models is possible in the context of a synthesizing, “dynamic approach” to the construction of theories of motivation, in which the behavior and actions of an individual should be considered as a complex, widespread throughout the time of his individual history, the process of acquiring individually unique experience in motivating diverse activities in the world: cognitive, transformative , moral, spiritual this and that.

Every act or action of a person is provoked by some motive. And it doesn’t matter at all whether this happens consciously or at the subconscious level. In order to understand yourself and other people, you need to learn to determine what motive of behavior guides a person at a certain moment. Let's look at some concepts and examples for them.

Motives can be actual or potential

In each specific period of a person’s life, some motives are actual (active) and influence a person’s behavior and actions, while others are potential (can be actualized under the influence of any circumstances). Example: a boss promised a promotion to a subordinate for work completed ahead of schedule. For the employee, the motive of prestige has moved from potential to actual. In this situation, a change in motivation led to an increase in labor productivity.

General typology of motives

Identifying yourself with another person

The essence of this motive is the desire to be like your idol. An idol can be any authoritative person: a relative, a mentor, a pop idol, and so on. This motive is especially relevant for teenagers entering life. The desire to imitate an idol in everything leads to the desire to change and develop. The identification motive helps a young person’s entry into society. But there is also a negative point here. “Don’t make yourself an idol” - taking a specific person as an example, a teenager wants to adopt all his qualities, including negative ones. For example: taking the personality of a rock singer as a model, a young man strives to copy the negativity associated with externally life of a given person - alcohol, drugs (possibly in real life which are only a negative image).


One of the most positive motives in a person’s life. After all, it is precisely thanks to the desire to assert ourselves that we try to become better, to achieve some goals in life. This is, in a way, the engine of development: a person’s desire to improve his formal and informal status leads to acquiring new knowledge, improving existing skills and acquiring new ones. Example: an athlete strives to win competitions with the thought: “I must be the best!” The motive of self-affirmation in this case comes to the fore.


This driving force development of humanity. Since primitive times, people have shown a desire to dominate some group of people: to encourage them to act, to control their actions and thoughts. In the hierarchy of motives of human behavior, the desire for power occupies one of the leading places. On the path to achieving power, a person can overcome many obstacles. If this motive is dominant in human behavior, then social motives fade into the background. Such a leader, having achieved power, can damage the cause and become a brake on development. For example, an ordinary employee of an enterprise, driven by this motive, having received a leadership position, forgets about the goals of the functioning of his organization, he is busy only with retaining the acquired power, as a result, the profitability of the business suffers.


This motive is based on the individual’s interest in the process of activity and its result. The influence of other motivations (self-affirmation, power, etc.) can enhance motivation, but not be decisive, so they are external to the main one. Example: a person goes in for sports, achieves positive results - he enjoys the process and content of his own activity - there is an actualization of the procedural-substantive motive. Other motives (material incentives, self-affirmation) are external, but not decisive. In other words, the meaning of activity is the activity itself.

Mutual influence of external and procedural motives

If motivational factors are outside the scope of activity, then they are external (extensive). These include:

  • - a sense of duty, responsibility to society or specific person;
  • - desire for the approval of other people;
  • - desire for advancement social status;
  • - self-improvement and others.

If in any situation there are no procedural-substantive motives, then external motivation comes into play. For example, a student is studying at an institute, but is not interested in the learning process (lack of substantive motives), but there is a desire to get a diploma and get a prestigious job (external motivation). But it is worth noting if external factors are not supported by interest in the process of activity, then the maximum result will not be achieved. The student will be able to get a diploma and get a job, but he will not be able to take a top position.

Self-development motive

Every person has a desire for self-development to one degree or another. This motive is not always updated; it is often drowned out by other motives. There are many inert people around us who live like plants, satisfying only their life support functions. Often, in order to actualize the desire for self-development and increase motivation for activity, a push is needed. Mentors (coaches, managers, teachers) who are interested in the success of their students need to remember this.

A person is designed in such a way that when moving forward, he has various fears, that is, the instinct of self-preservation is triggered, which tries to protect a person from possible troubles. But without overcoming them there is no movement. "Through thorns - to the stars."

Achievement motive

Achieving your goals is a strong motivating moment in any type of activity. A person may have different levels of achievement motivation in relation to for different purposes. For example, a novice athlete wants to win regional competitions and win the olympic games. The maximum level of achievement motive in in this case will be aimed at winning local competitions, and only intermediate level– to win at a higher level.

Scientists have identified several factors influencing the level of motivation:

  • - significance of the goal;
  • subjective assessment opportunities to achieve the goal;
  • - hope for success.

The example discussed above clearly demonstrates these factors: the athlete realistically assesses his capabilities for success in achieving both goals, chooses the more realistic one and motivates himself to achieve it.

Socially significant motives (prosocial)

A person lives in society, works in a team. When prosocial motives are actualized, he has a particularly developed sense of duty and responsibility to other individuals in society. Of course, not everyone is the same. But to one degree or another, this is inherent in all people. “It’s impossible to live in society and be cut off from it.” Individuals for whom this motive is not at all actualized are called asocial.

For successful work in a team (at work, on a sports team, etc.), it is necessary to focus on prosocial motivation. This will unite the team and give positive results.

A politician who has this type of motivation is strong enough will root for his country, not in words, but in deeds, and will do everything possible for its prosperity. It would be quite a good idea if, before running for office, state power, officials would undergo mandatory testing by a psychologist to determine the degree of prosocial motivation. This type checks would help nip corruption in our country in the bud.

Affiliation motive

Translated from English - accession. That is, the meaning of this motive is communication for the sake of communication. This involves finding joy and satisfaction in relationships with other people. The search for love is a kind of actualization of the motive of affiliation.

Negative motivation

This is an incentive to activity through fear of punishment. The motive is strong, but short-lived: it acts only under the influence of inevitability negative impact. For example, teaching a child at school under pain of punishment for bad grades from parents. Motivation operates as long as a person is confident in the inevitability of punishment. Once control is loosened, the child again becomes a stable loser.

Forms possible impact, which are capable of actualizing negative motivation:

  • - verbal punishment (condemnation, reprimand);
  • — material sanctions (fines, etc.);
  • — social isolation (ignoring, boycott, neglect, etc.);
  • — physical impact;
  • - imprisonment.

Behavioral motives in human life

At different time intervals in a person’s life, different motives influence his behavior. That is, some are actualized, others become potential and vice versa. Example: let's say in elementary school a child learns under the influence of negative motivation (punishment), motivation changes with age - young man It becomes interesting to gain new knowledge, and the motivation for self-development is activated. But still, the basic set of motives, which are laid down in childhood and develop in youth, remains for life. Therefore, it is difficult to overestimate the role of parents, teachers, mentors in the process of formation of the human personality.

Human activity usually depends on several motives. And the more actualized motives, the higher a person’s motivation to achieve results. Example: two physically equally prepared athletes, one goal (winning a prize). The first is motivated by achieving a goal and receiving material benefits (prize fund). The motivation of the second - in addition to the two described motives, there is also responsibility to the team, self-affirmation, the desire to be like the champion idol. In a specific case, this is an almost 100% victory for the second athlete. Conclusion: by using additional motives, you can increase general level motivation.

So, general patterns increasing motivation:

  • — multiplication of the number of motives inducing activity;
  • — creation of actualizing factors for a specific situation;
  • - increasing the motivating power of each motive.

The above patterns take place both in situations where a manager works with subordinates, a coach works with athletes, a teacher works with students, and in situations of self-regulation. A person can independently and consciously increase his motivation to achieve a certain goal. Having learned to manipulate motivational factors, absolutely every person will be able to achieve enormous success in any type of activity.

Motives of behavior. The term "motive" in the translation. from lat. means motivation, but not every motivation is a motive; behavior can be motivated by feelings and attitudes. Some impulses are conscious, others are not. Motive is a conscious impulse to achieve a goal. If the concept of motivation includes all types of motivations of human behavior (including little-conscious and subconscious ones), then a motive is a consciously formed, conceptually formalized motivation.

Human activity is usually motivated by several motives—a hierarchy of motives. In this case, certain motives acquire leading importance. They give the activity, its objects and conditions personal meaning - meaning.

Various motives can strengthen or weaken each other, come into conflict with the objective possibilities of their implementation, with the social regulation of behavior. In such cases, the socialized individual either suppresses the motive or searches for new, socially acceptable goals of activity. A socially unadapted person neglects the need for such motivational restructuring.

Motives should be distinguished from motivation—justifying statements about the action taken. They may not coincide with actual motives and may mask them.

As a person develops, the motives of his behavior are enriched and hierarchized - the main life motives are highlighted, a person’s behavior is subject to the hierarchy of his value orientation.

So, the incentive and goal-forming block in the system of human behavior consists of a complex set of interrelated personal and situational factors - the orientation of the individual, his needs, the modification of which are attitudes, interests, desires, aspirations, passions and drives. With his motives and motivational states, a person is integrated into the context of reality. It is not the objects of reality that are primary, but the needs and motivations of a person.

Human behavior and activity can be determined by several motives, that is, they can be multimotivated, aimed at simultaneously satisfying several needs. The formation of a motive is associated both with an actualized need and with situational opportunities and limitations. IN in some cases the situation forces the choice of motive. The image of an object of actualized need, the most accessible in a given situation, can also have the properties of a motive.

Motive is a meaning-forming component of human behavior. It determines the personal meaning of both a person’s entire activity and his individual actions in the structure of this activity. Motive also acts as an evaluative factor in relation to circumstances that impede or facilitate the achievement of a goal. The qualitative feature of all human activity depends on the motive. The more complete and deeper man realizes the motives of his behavior, the greater the power of a person over this behavior. However, motives can be perceived with varying degrees depth and breadth. They can be replaced by motivation - an artificial rationalization of the desired action without sufficient awareness of a person’s actual motives.